Dade County news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1888-1889, November 23, 1888, Image 5

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A. 41. S. TIME CAB*. ■ South Bound No 5Lv Chattanooga 9:10 a, m No Ar at Trenton 10:2 a, m Northbound No 6 Ar at Trenton 4:52p, m No ““ “ Chattanooga 5:45 j>, m tows m t'otsn'. 0 SQUIBS GATHERED HERE AND THERE. o Court, next monday. “Big ball in town last niglit”. “Look at that light Tid, and fol low it.” Mr, J. W. Brown announces this week for Coroner/ John Cuzzort is all right—a girl Wednesday night. The roof on the methodist church is finished at last. Mr. J. P. Jaeoway left for Cinci natti Wednesday, Its to be a concert and not a sup per, so saith the committee. Steady work and no wrangling seems to be the Dade Normal motto. On Dec. 21st will be given a con cert for the benefit' of the C. P. church. Notice announcement of Mr. John A. Morelond for Tax Collec tor in this issue. Before many days the wail of the defeated candidate will be heard in the land. Prof, J. M, W atson and wife made a trip to Chattanooga Friday, returning Sunday, Joe Benne:t and John Cureton should not crush Jim Aruff by thei superior weight—of javoirdupoise, Dr’s. Lumpkin & Corput went' out quail huutingjyesterday and succeeded in bagging a field lark. It looked as if the lawyers would have something to do last Monday, hut every thing was settled amica bly Dr. Z. M. Morris is authorized to coilait subscriptions due the paper, and receive new subscriptions to the same,- « Rperesentative Tatum spent last Sunday al home, he being on the Committee to attend the burial of tlie deceased member from Catoosa A man never gets too old about Trenton for the small boy to call him John or Bill as his name may be, By an unpardonable oversight Mr. T. Ila-times name was omited in our two last issues. Mr Hart line is still i n the field for Tax As sessor. Mr. J. T. Whitman has resumed management of the North Geor gia Cit\zen which has been under the control! of Willinghan Bros, for the past few months. A Republican House is concecd ed by the Democrrts, and politics is just as some Democrats wanted it—every branch of Government in the hands of Republicans. It is said that. George Cureton is paying his Renublicon f.iiends 80 cts per bushel for corn since Harrison election. Wonder if it is from pure generosity. An Alabama couple procured li cense and were married in town last Sunday, and the next day another followed suit. It seems to be infective among Ala., folks for when one couple makesabreak, marriage license home rather a spes inodic soul. Recently the town Commission ers addressed a communication to Supt, Griggs requesting the stopp ing of the cannon ball at this place to which he replied that he hoped to accommodate the small stations along the lino at an early day, but that it wws impossible to stop the cannon ball at those places at pres ent, Altogether the letter was a manly and courteous one, and,suc cended in cooling the ire of the Commissioners who were getting wrathy on the subject. A meat market in Trenton,'kept by some enterprising merchant would be remunerative to the mer chant, and appreciated by the citi zens of Trenton, Our family is rapidly increasing, and parties due this paper any thing must come up and settle that everything may move on smoothly. A correspondent of the Messen ' ger “from Eagle Clift’” believes in our wild man story since such a man was actual ! y seen in Walker. We thought we were cor reet after all. Our worthy predecessor, Mr Han cock, is running a paper at Living ston, Tenn, Bro. Hancocks inten eratingdisposjtion will yet led lum " \ to merited success, Henry Grady didn’t get there because the people apprec’ated Col quit ts pure Democratic principles, and returned him to the U. S. Sen ate that ho might continue in his good work. The entertainment for the bene fit of the Methodist church to be given by the Dramatic Club about Dec, the 24th promises to be highly ,entertaining; a new drma will be produced in a manner unexcelled in this part of the country. News has just reached that Mr. Mike Allison was seriously hurt at South Pittsburg Tue sday, by fall ing and breaking his leg and sus taining other injuries.. We hope it is not so bad as reported, and that Mike will soon be back among his many friends. We received yesterday three of the largest turnips of the season, which was sent in by Mr S. B. Aus tin. Surely the Lord will remem ber Mr. Austin for his watchful care of the “poor* and needy.” Some one send us us some pork and we will have a dish. At the meeting Monday, to ar range for the concert, Dr, Corput asked of the chairman to be ap pointed Tre isuer, but the chair in formed him that be (the chairman) had already.,#qjsumed that position himself, nWd would take charge of all the money. * i . Compare the Nkws with our neighbor, the Messenger and you will see that the news for the Mess enger is contributed largely by cor respondents, while we must get up our own news, and receive but lit tie help, More editorial matter appears in our paper ini one week than does in the Messenger for one month. COMUNICA 1 ED ST. ELMO. Mr. Editor: —I want to give you a few dots from St. Elmo. In the first place I want you to change the News to No 9 Carter St. so as we can got it delivered next morn ing. Jlist think ( of it we went to the office last night and got three papers, and we had to road them all before going to bed, and then it was we found out how far we were behind with the nsws. Our small City at the foot Lookout mountain is in a flourishing condition, and let me tell you we are just where we can watch the Trentain boys come in and out, but more espec ally out, It may be news to your readers to know that W. P. P. has decided to quit driving cOws and intends coming to our city to drive a street car. Well such a life, but he looks well driving anything, even it is on the ball room floor. Well I am glad you have decided to try and get better roads in Dade, before I get ready to move back (and every one moves back) you will have good roads from county line to county line. Then if some of your old citizens take a more lib eral view of things and not sell lots quite at Chattanooga prices you will build up and Trenton the Cap itol of the State of Dade will hold ujf her head and not be considered a finished town. Yours, JERMAHCLAP TRAP WILDWOOD, CA. Wildwood is booming. Tne A. G. S. R. R company has almost completed the depot, which by the way is a splendid building, the grading of the -switch is almost completed On yesterday thefurneral of Mrs Col. R. M, Paris was preached by Brothsr Houte, quite a nice con gregation attended. By the way I am one that believes in equal rights to the rich and poor. Now' what eonld be more eqnal fer all men of road age than for them to work five days on the road and then tax the property of the county to suppliment the road working. This would be a srpa 1 tax; let all men who are taxed work jt out if they choose. Who are benefited by good roads? It certainly is the land holders, If 1 had a road to my house as good as the road is from’ Chattanooga to the State line I could sell it for one thousand dollars more than I can now. So Bennie lay low, and say no more. Because you know you have always been wrong on the road question. More if necessary. J. E. PATTERSON," Well we never liked an argument with the court, aud especially when the court on our side, and we are to-gether on the road law proposed by Reprosentatve Tatum, which we (iid not understand till this week, We too “believe in equal rights to rich end poor” and for every man to work five days on the public roads, and a tax for the pur pose of doing whatever other work may be necessary to keep up the roads, well we think, equalize the rights between the rich and the poor, By reference to the past is sues of the News our position on the road question will be seen, and in them we have committed our selves to certain views which we feel fully able totmaintain, But no, wo can’t argue with -you on on this question we are together, .Thanks Esquire, for your commu nication, Come again. simonsTetter. Editor News : Last week I gave you a letter somewhat of a political character, but iu this issue I beg to call the attention of your readers to some thing of greater importance, and which should interest one more than the success of the •political party of his choice : We will then turn, our attention from bad gov ernment that is like to come of a Republican administration* at Washington to our bad boys at home. Trenton is noted for bad bovs but some are worse than oth ers and would dnothings less in con formity to the position they shoud occupy in society than others who are called bad boys. I was in your town one day this week and heard a young man remark “that steer has sense enough to eat salt” to which a three foot urchin who stood leaning against a post replied ‘thats more than you have got.” Now Mr. Editor if some one one would inform on that youngster, his dear mother would likely say, “no my darling never said any such thing becausa he said he did not.” Well, the young man has fooled his ma because she will not believe any thing bad of her boy just because some good neighbor tells her, her boy is as mean as the devil. If that boy had been one of the nine I have about raised I should have felt very much like putting him on bread and water for. a week— which is a little less than he would get any way. For a seven year old hov to walk up to an old grey head ed citizen and say “hello Jerome,” shows something bad,in home gov ernment and means that boy m go iug hell-wards as fast as his par ents will let out his line. Little things betray the stuff of which boj r s are made, for of course, any one can spot a bad boy when he has no redeeming qualities what ever, but its the bad traiis that out grows the goad ones and makes your boy a scamp. Its a great point in any boys favor to see him lift his hat and speak politly to his elders thou’ they may be clothed in tatters. How many real polite boys are there in Trenton. MIGHT IIA VS! BEtf SE"- KIO US- One day last week Messrs. Thos. Cummings and W. C. Morrison went to Chattanooga and took lodgings for the night at the Kene dy house, and upon going to bed blew out the gass and retired for pleasant dreams which did not come for Mr. Cummings , soon awoke, and waking Bud told him there was something in the room that did not smell like otter of roses. Bud said yes someone is trying to chlorform and rob us. Tom soon hadoir his round barrel navy which he always carres about him, and instituted search tor the imaginary robbers which were not found. Tom said .it was not chio .U)form but that the infernal room cleaning up, and he would just step and tell the clerk at ouce, which he did bringing back the clerk with him who at once took in the situ ation and after explaining to them left the room muttering something like “young men from the country’ If any body wants W> fight about this we just refer them to our old friends across the creek. ■•WAY TIUDI.m One day last week a man named Johnson hired a horse in Chat tanooga and rode out to A. J. Per kins in this oanty and traded the horse lo Mr. Perkins foe, a steer at $25,00 .no vs s > come and get 25 gals, of syrup boot. The steer was sold in Rising Fawn for SB,OO and “Mr. Johnstiny” fled to part unkbown. Sheriff Byrd thinks he has his man spotted and is after liim for his crimes. rtHCIiIOKS Will he sold at the late residence of James C, Smith, ae'leased, in Dade county, on Tuesday Dec. 4 h within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: 2 work mules, 9V {one year old mule colts, 2 one year old fillies, and also at same time and place, a fine Jack 14 hands high and a fine breeder, Terms of sale, twelve months with note and approved security. W, C, CURETON, Executor. I L mill ClllflE Gives thorough instruction in Penmanship, Book-keeping. Short hand, Telegraph and Typewriting —other branches taught if de sired. Entire cost including board, lodging and tuition only sl2 per month,, or SSO pays for the wlrele course. Adrress, G. PATRICK. Knoxville, Te%i. THE DADE NORMAL IXSTITtTE Will Open AUGUST .6th, And Close BECEMBEK, slUt, 1888. This institution is reorganized, and will be conducted on a strictly Normal plan by J. M. and H, E. WATSON. > Located at Trenton, Dade county, on the line of the Alabama Great Southern Rail-oad, 18 miles south ef Chattanooga, with every advan tage conducive to good health, in luding good air and three difl'erenty ivinii of, drinking water, iu eas access of the school building. In arrangem ,ts the buildings are unsurpassed by any for the pur poses of a first-class school. — m TUITION: First Grade, per month, - $ 1 00 SecondjGrade “ - 200 Third Grade “ 2 75 Fourth Grade “ - 3'JSO Music, with use of instru’nts 300 Tuitions Due;:and! Payable Monthly Thorough instructions in Prepar - atory. Teachers, scientific and bus iness courses. Board can be had from $7 to $lO per month, in good famtlies. For further information, address J. M. & U. E. WATSON, Trenton, Ga. Mi ° County ° lows FOR 186311 ■ ■ll ■ /If ;|| ’Enlarged and improved. '* ‘ • 4 K/ . ■ CONTAINING MANY SPECIAL FEAT UP EC, AMONG WHICH 17JU DE > jocal Happenings. -J County and itatc News . J Political C-ossip, A Good Serial Story, -. ■ General Miscellancy, Jr.+Talnfage's+faiUousiTabernacleiSernions. IN FACT A PAPER ThAT CONTAINS ALL THE W-W3 i o fo tho PoopSc of Dado and Sup rounding Country: * We Specially --ask of you a liberal support in our efforts to build up a paper that will be a credil to the town and county. In making your purchase, where possible, please give preference to those merchants who utilize the columns of your home paper, thereby giving an en« dorsement to your paper, and assuring the advertiser that you are not indifferent to those that help build up home interests. m A Home Paper is a Necessity > And Should Receive the Warm Support 'it all, Directly and Indirectly. V 0 Advertisers will find that we will do all we can to bring trade to their doors, and for every dollar invested in the columns of the “News” we will re turn two. For terms and rates address BROCK & GRISCOM. - —• —o - SUBSCRIPTION: » One Dollar per Year in Advance. Or. if Not In Advance, $1.25 per Year * 0 • JOB WORK ftF EVERY HESEEIPTIIIN SDLIEITEII. OUR JOB TYPE IS OF THE LATEST DESIGNS IN STYLE AMO FACE. AND NINE YEARS EXPERIENCE ENABLES US TO COMPETE WITH METROPOLITAN WORK, WHICH WE WILL GUARANTEE. IS |||||! t Estimates Furnished on Application*