Newspaper Page Text
Harbour Being Fortified By
Savannah, March 9.--Activ>
preparations will probably begin
in a tew days to protect this port
from invasion by a foreign fl-et.
Submarine mines are to be sunk
at the entrance to the harbor.
These will be operated from with
in casement behind Fort Pulaski.
A targe number of torpedoes have
just, been received from Washing
ten, and as soon as possible the)
will be placed in position.
Vensuola Again in A Tur
Caracas, March 9—T e upris
ing against the givernment which
broke out a few days ago at Val
encia the capital of the state Car
abobo continue*, but the govern
ment is contiden* that -it will be
able to promptly restore oidsr.
The Jacksonville Metropolis
says. Senator Bacon, of Georg a,
the United States senate last week
expressed himself in the language
of a patriot and a statesman, and
gave evidence of his utter con
tempt for jingoism, of which there
is so much in the Senate and
Honse of repres ntative.
88. F. Montgomery < >
8 ->9 227, BROAD ST. e<- 8
WANTED: —We want wide-awake agents to represent
z--x our companies in the counties of Po'k. Bartow, Floyd, q
Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Whitfield, Cat >osa and q
z~x Dade. Call on or address us at our Rome office, q
Q) B. F. MONTGOMERY Gen'l Agt, Q
8o*»-—*- OOOOQOOOO -*
Rome. Ga
Regular Special
Boarders Rates
Warned- Monthly-
ito■ WajfflSC .-
The place to get a quick, good meal.
McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors.
WJ ,’ JW ■* '>"J Sff;’ kj .’. >;:• ' ■ ? ; - ' ' J fTWry
) \-_-Z \J_Lx X- ✓ / x
vl /^3^4/t' W yHsx
The natural way to stop tobacco
®is to get a distaste for it. Don’t
Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your t.".\'V ‘ ,7
Life Away and go on suffering Ka B >/’
from nervous troubles that make Xvf / /Vf*X XfaX
' Strong men weak, impotent and
unable to do the right thing at f'V '
JUimi the right time, all because the Jffi "uMjl MbWrM
WjKI»W blood is tobacco poisoned. g '/ “ \
Xgjfix No-To-Bac makes it easy to I
Stop this brain-weakening, nerve- U
ruining tobacco disease. You run
no risk for your own druggist f MBRwEI
will sell, under guarantee. * '*“*'* Wb»
; ® NO-TO-BAC SS @
We urge you to test No-To-Bac. Do It to-day’ Over a million boxes
. ni two years and .300.000 cures tell the story of merit No-To-Bac Jflk
v ill not only kill the desire for tobacco, eliminate nicotine and steady AuOßilb
■■■»« the nerves, but because of its great medicinal qualities it, will inakeMuMM
y H ’ P ure a, id tingling with new life and energy Gloomy
•l day r will huKo’** 1 . the sunshine will be brighter, the old man In feeling V
y made young again and happy.
sell No-To-Lac under absoluteguarantec to euro. Our written guar- ■MePula
ante<>. free sample of No-To-Bac, Booklet called "Don’t Tobacco
vr»m!> , v' ! ?J!" r < f l /” Away" mailed free. Address THE STERLING
REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Cam, New York. 63
o vgz \jjgF
1 CUSuunFTS C:u 'dy '■; l ! 1 ’, art 1 ic l ' u 7 ! "onstlpation. Purely vegetable, smooth and
T ( UHUUMIICIU easy, sold by druggists everywhere, guaranteed to cure. Only Wc
The Knight Os The Phythlas
Are Gathering In Fitzgerald.
Fitzgerald , Ga.. March 10.—
Charles It. Warren, <4 Hawkins
viile, grand chancellor of the
Knights of Pythias of Georgia,
will lie placed on tual in this city
tomorrow morning on the char
zes of the tie rlect of <’nty.
The high tribunal of Kights will
assemble and begin the investiga
tion of the complaints against
the grand chancellor and some in
tere.-tiug developments are expec
ted. He will be tried by theofficirs
of the grand lodge.
Grand Chancellor Warren , Dr
Mack, Mr. Manheim and Warren
Grice of Hawkinsville, arrived th •
evening, and the balance of the
officers will arrive late tonight and
and tomorrow morning. The local
lodge Knights of Pythias are meet
ng every train with carriages,and
are taking care of the visiting
A banquet will be he'd at the
;rand Army of the R- public opera
Friday evening at 9 o’clock, and
from present indications will
eclipse the bohemian smoker.
Special prices on Ila patent
medicines. What we do is open
and we ask the patronage of all
liberty loving people.
J. T. Crouch & Co.
Will be sold before the nourt
house dcor in the city of Rome,
Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuerdny
in April 189 S, the following
described properly to wi»:
I A certain let in the city cf Rome
Floyd county Ga. .bounded as fol
o.vs. Beginni ig on the Northeast
corner of the lot h retofore ssld
G. Jeffries on a twenty foot alley,
thene? alo g the same East fifty
eight feet ai <1 eight inches to a
stake in said alley, thence S >uth
sixty-six feet and seven inches to
a stake on lh« Margaret Stephens
line, thence West along the same
fifty two feet and eigl t inches to G.
Jeffries line and with the same
North to the beginning. Levied
on by virtue of a fi a issued from
Floyd Superior court in favor of
Southern Home Building and Loau
Association vs. Carrie ,M . Maple
as the property of the d 4'endaiit.
Also at the same lime and pl ce
that tract ot parcel ol land situa
ted lyingand being tn Flovd Coun
ty and in the City of R >tne. lying
in Jthe eastern side of the O>s
tanaula River, being a portion ol
land lot No. 236, in the 23rd. Dis
tr.ct and 3rd. Secti 'n of said
County, beginning on King Street
at the Northeast toner of the lot
known as the Pinson or Old Brick
Yard lot, and running in a North
erly direction and along the west
side of King Street to the South
east corner ot the lot known as the
McGuire lot thence to the Oosta
naula Riv ron a line at right
angles with King Street this last
mentioned line being N rth of the
two story brick dwelling standing
on the parcel of land hereby con
veyed, tbeneedown said Oostanau
la River to the Northeast corner ol
the said Pinson or O.d Brick Yard
lot, thence along the Northerly
bonudry line of the said litison er
O'd Brick Yard lotjto the.ptace ol
beginning the said parcel of land
is bounded on the Nor h by the
McGuiie lot, <:n the South by tin
Pinson or Old Brick Yard lot, < n
the east by King Street, and on
the west by the Oostsnau'a River,
being the parcel of land as now
enclosed, c-,nt lining two acres
more or lees. Also that tract or
parcel of land situated, lying &
being in the town ol Forestville in
said County of Floyd, & State of
Georgia, <fc known in the plan < t
the said town as iots 1(55 166
.67 207 Levied upon by virtue ol
anjexecution issued from Flovd
City Court in favor ot S F
Magruder, Cashier vs IV. M.
Towers, as the property of the
Also at the same time and place
One hundred and thirty seve
shares of the capital stock <>f the
city Electric Railway Company ot
Rome, Ga. of the par value of One
hundred dollars per share as the
property of the Merchants Nation
al Bank of Rome, Geotgia, and
have served written notice of this
'evy on (he Said City Electri
Rail vay Company of Rome Ga. ,
by serving the same on R. A. Den
ny in | ersen as tne Secretary ot
said Company, And I have als-'
servtu written notice of this levy
on the defendand, by terving the
same personally on E. A . Heard
the Cashier of the defendant.
Levy nniila & notice served March
4th. 1898. Levied upon by virtu®
of an execution issued from Floyd
Superior Court in favor of Ctow
Brothers use of O. H. McWilliams
Survivor vs Th? Merchai ts
National Bank of Rome Georgia.
As ths property of defendant.
Also at the same time and place
the f Bowing part of lot of land
No. 31(5 in the 23rd. District & 3rd.
Section of Floyd Co , Ga. , desig
nation hs lot No. 24 in the Cooky
arm and plat of said survey
recorded in Clerks Office in Book
x of det d- page (56, Levied upon by
virtue of two flfas issued from the
’ upiice Cour of the 910 h, Dist.G
M., Floyd Co. Ga. both in favor
»V. H E nis, holder, one against
Snr h Irvin & D. C. Campbell at.d
throthe agairnst D. 0. Campbell
is the property of D. C.C imp bell
the defendant. .
Also at the 8 ime time and place,
one 1 ncandesce'it Dynamo Electric
machine No. 551, one Incandes
cent Dynamo E ectric machine
Nj. 555, one Incandescent Dyna
mo Electric machine N >. 552, one
Incandescent Dimin') El-ctrit
machine No. 554, the above levi’d
or pioperty being now in the
power house of the Rome ‘JjCity
E’ectric Railway Company- Also
on the unexpired term or leas’ of
the defendant, the Rome Electric
Light Company of the Electric
Light t'lant, of the Rome Gas
Light Company now uaed’in I ght
ing the streets of th-, city of Ro mt
which said lease was mi te on the
22nd day of April 1893, by and
between the Rome Gas Light Co.,
by R. T. Coverdale, President and
W. H. Adkins. Sicretary, and the
Rome Electric L ght Company by
J. L. Camp, President, and J
King, Secretary, to continue for
lhe term ot ten years from said
date. The interest of the said de
end mt h ire by levi’d upon being
he u .expired part of sii 1 leas) o'
the Elec’ric Light Plant of the
Rome Gas Light Company, as
above stated which said lease is
recorded in the Clerk's office of
'he Superior Court of Flovd coun
ty Georgia in Book “V V” page
189. Also all the incandescent line
constructions, poles and wires now
in the possession and use of th'-
Rome Lighting Company in the
city of Rom”, Georgia, it being
two miles of poles ai d wires more
or less, property pointed cut by
plaintiff's attorney. Levied on by
virtue ot a fifa issu’d from Floyd
Superior Court in favor of Arnold
Broyles, as receiver of the Rome
(ins Light Company vs. the Rome
HI ectri: Light Company as pnn
c pal anu Jack King and John M.
Vandner as securities or Replevy
Bond, as the property of the
Rome Electiic Light Company,
one of the defendants.
Also at the same time and place,
one lot wth improvements there
on in the Fifth ward of the city of
R une Floyd county Ga., fronting
m Coosa street 76 f eet more or
less and runningback 85 feet more
or less. B und- d on the East by
an alley, on the North by the prop
■r yof Maranda Daniel, on the
West by the property of Mrs, Mary
E Ct mer Levied on by virtue of
hrea cost fifas issued from Floyd
Superior court in favor of W. M.
Mos-, use of officers of Floyd Su
perior court vs. Alice Richardson,
as the property of the defendants,
Also at the same time and place
the following 11 act of land describ
ed as follows • that tract or parcel
ol Ian 4 situated, lying ai.d being
in the 23rd District and 3rd Sec
ti, i. of Fl< yd county Ga., being
one acre more or less, off cf lot
No. 124 m the f rks of the Dalton
and Summerville roads, that is,
thut part of lot No. 121 which lies
in the forks of said roads about
two and one half miles from the
corporate limits of the city ot
Rome, also two acres of lot No.
117 in 23rd District and 3rd Sec
tion said state and county and ad
j iniog the above described one
acre oil ot lot Nq. 121 and \ hich
two acres lies between the DalU n
and Summerville roads and more
t u. I y desciib-d in a d>-ed by A. C.
I’iimt) eto D P. Phill ps and H.
D. AycocK. Levnd on by v : rture
of a fifa issued from the Justice
Court of lhe 919 District G. M,,
Floyd county Ga., in favor of
Rome Giocery < 0., vs. J. M.Jonep
118 the property of the defendant.
Also at tne same and place
that ir n-.t or parcel of land situat
ed, I■. ing and being in the to>vii of
North Rome [formerly Forestville]
FlO)d county Ga., and known in
the p an of said town as th” South
half of lot No. 190 and all of 10l
No. 191 Levied on bv virtue of a
cost fifa issued from Flovd Supe
riorCourtin favor cf R. D Van
dyke for the use of officers of
Floyd Superior court vs. Fannie
Hays, as the property of the de
er, da nt.
Als > at lhe same time and pl neo,
01 that tract or parcel of land sit
uated, Ivmg and oeing ?n the
■wi, of North Rom *, [former!)
Forestville] Floyd county Ga .and
Known in th • plan ot said town
is lot No IS3. Levied on bv vir
ue of a cost lita issued from Fiovd
Superior court m favor JR. D
Vandyke, for U-e of < ffi eri <>
F'oyd Superior Court, vs. Salim
Heslup, as the prop.-riy of tlw
Also at lhe same time and
place all that tract or parcel ol
land, situated lying ami being
in Floyd county, Ga,, ami being
part of what is known as the
Chambers’ property and accord
ing to Lytle’s map of sub-divts
ioii to Cothransborough, fronts
83 feet and 8 inches on Broad
-ireet, the back line being 18
feet long, the north line being
102 feet long, the south line
along alley being 121 feet and 5
inches long. Levied on by virtue
of two justice court fi fas issued
from the justic court of the
919th dist., G. M., of Floyd Co.
Ga.. i i favor of Glover & High,
holders vs. A. F. Sudduth, as
the property of the defendant.
Also at the same time and
place one dark brown horse mule
named Isom, about 15 years old,
one spring ice wagon, a set har
ness and bridle, 1 pair of hand
scales, and 1 ice hook. Levied
upon by virtue of a tax fi fa is
sued by V. T. Sanford, T. C.,
in favor of the Van Winkle Gin
& Machinery Co., Transferree
vs. Purity Ice Co., as the prop
erty ol the defendant.
Also at the same time and
place, these parts of lots Nos.
121 ami 124 in the Coosa divis
ion of the city of Rome Georgia,
beginning at a point in the line
of the outside edge of the north
east wall of the brick building
known as as the Ramey, now
Wooten livery stable, and fifty
feet from Broad street; thence
southeast along that line and the
extension thereof to East First
street; thence northeast along
East First street twenty feet to
the Armstrong hotel property ;
thence at right angles northeast
along the line of said hotel prop
erty to a point ninety feet from
Broad street; thence southwest
parallel with Broad street eight
feet; thence at right angle* and
parallel with the line of said
hotel property to a point fifty
feet from Broad street to the be
ginning point. Said property
known as the Armstrong hotel
bar room property ; to satisfy
two fi fas issued fr>>m the city
city of Floyd c unity , one in fa
vor of J. A. Gabmey and the
other in favor of Crow Brothers
and both against J. King, as the
property of the defendant.
Also at the same time and
place, one house and lot front
ing on Broad street in the city
of Rome Ga., twelve feet and
running back the same width 50
feet. It being the property that
was occupied on August 7th 1895
when levied on, by Asa Johnson,
bounded on the southwest by
the old Ramey livery stable and
on the northeast by an alley,
levied on as the property of J.
King to satisfy a fi fa issued
from the city court of Floyd
county Ga., in favor of J. A.
Gaboney vs. J. King, and a fi fa
tn favor of Crow Bros. vs. J.
King, issued from the city court
of Floyd county, Ga. ; levied on
as the property of J. King.
J . P. McConnell Sheriff.
Agreeable to an order ol the
court of ordinary of Floyd coun
ty, will be su’d at auction at the
court house door of said county
on the first Tuesday in April
next, within the legal hours of
sale the following property to
wit. All that tract or parcel of
land lying and being in the 24th
district and 3rd section of Floyd
county, Georgia, known and
distinguished in the plan of said
district and section as No. one
hundred and seventy nine (179)
containing one hundred at <1
twenty acres more or less of said
lot and lying all of said lot ex
cept, a small portion sold by J.
M. Ellis, while in life, said land
joins the corporate limits of
Plainville, Ga. Sold as the prop
erty of James M. Eliis, late of
said county, deceased. Terms
one half cash, the remainder due
first day of November next.
(1898. j jj Er jLlS>
Executor of Jas. M. Ellis de
"Plense don’t stop th-) Spanish
war I’ve got about forty pairs rs
cruches that I want toselsurnb dy
[at cost 1
Frank Wright, Faimaciet, at o’d
Norton comer opposit Mae nic
Tern pl,
1 ic ) Ta ) Hu tler-C jrn n <*ct a
Hume, ; ■
General practice throughout \ , r * rt *.
I amfigentiorSouth.
?v n $ u L en Coal or
Wood Ranges. Also
Insurance Safet”
olino stoves. Call and
see mvstock and eP t.
estimaes on V o UT
nlumbitno- and tin
work- Next door to
o-oera h ?use.
/=■- HANSON ,
To all whom it may concern’
Farris P. N-xon having i H p roper
form app ted to ma for permanent
let'ers of ad minis'ration on
“state of Dr. W, C. Nixon late of
said county deceased . This is to
cite all and singular the creditors
ind next of kin of Dr. W. Q
Nixon to be and appear nt my of.
lice within the time allowed by
law art! show cause if.auv they
they can why permanent adminis.
tratioh uhotild not ho granted t 0
Farris P. Nixon on Dr. W. C. Nix
ons estate. Witness my hand and
official signature this 10th day of
Feb. 1898.
John P. D ivis Ordi- ary,
Whereas T. A. Thrash. Admin
istrator ol Mrs. V F. Thrash, de
ceased, represet ts t j the court in
his petition duly filed that he has
admit.istered Mrs. V. F. Thrash’s
estate. 1 his is to cite all persons
concerned kindr d ni.d creditors
to show cause if any they can why
-aid administrator should not. he
discharged from his administra
tion at d receive letters of dismis
sion on the first Monday in May
1898. This F-b. 7th 1898.
John P. Davis Ordinary
Hurrah! for Sam Jones no
political ring si rung with sugar
teats surrounding him.
Not enuf style in religion for
sum and a litl too much prohibi
tion for others but we’d get a
square deal I think so Mr. Jones
just run on we’r with you ami
gentl reader doirt forget that I
also am a candidate not for gov
ernor but for your loose change.
Frank Wright, Farinacist at old
Norton corner opposit masonic
j? BffiW
W piws.
|W America’s Leading
Manufacturers and Dealers.
No. Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo.
Nashville, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala.
Dallas, Texas. Montgomery, Ala.
Factories: Richmond. Ind.
Write our nearest house. A a-cent stamp mas
Mvc you many dollar*.
. dbWLU. 50 YEARS’
E X p E R I E N C E
Trade Marks
-FTtTT Copyrights &c-
Anvono sending n sketch and description may
quickly ascertain enr opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Commit men
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent#
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. >•» a
year; four months, fl. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 36,Broadwa * New York
Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington. D- C.
t V , r } t ? f !. ,r our interesting books ° Invent- i'
>or s Help and “How yon are swindled.” I
) Sen 1 us a rough sketch or model of your
? invention or improve nient and we will 101 l I
1 you tree our opinic n m to whether it is <
< probab y patentable. We make a specially
( ?!• ’ dions rej< e'ed in oilier bands. <
I Highest reference*’ f irnishcd. (
v l ’! ll .* , M ' ~l!," i'il In incors. Graduates of the (
Folytcrhnio School of luoineering Bachelor, in f
Applied s.'i. a ,«. Laval rniveisliv. limbers f
. nt 7f lw ' s “ 1 ' i- ion. American W ater Works /
N, w England Water Works Assoc '
i. y. purveyors Association Assoc. Member Can.
bocicty of Civil Enmneers. i
< Offices- -* w ashin-gtov, D.C. ?
, • t Montreal, Can. ?