Newspaper Page Text
third year.
Tn’J v ’•!» 1 H'lK
| lllnij iiuDUuiiui
Get G^y iu tI)C ° r old
«N ■ ■ _
| And the bane’s went “»»• No Mo ley
was Secured. Were new Hands at
the Bi‘'i»e«s and will be Captured*
New Orleans, January 7.—The
Mississippi Valley passenger train,
which arrived here at 8:(k> o clock
this morning, was held up at the
Vicksburg and Meridian crossing,
fust south of Vicksburg, at 1 :0o
o’clock a. in. The train was stop
hing at the crossing, waiting foj
the Vicksburg and Meridian train
to pass, when it was boarded by
two masked men. A third man was
standing guard on the track. Con
lucter Morris, in an interview
rave the followiny account of whai
happened on the train.
“We were just a few minutes out
ton the Vicksburg station, an 1 had
eached the Alabama ami A- icksbur,
•oad’s cross’ ng in the surburbs of t.h<
ity. The train always stops at this
joint, and the engineer waits fo
ome one to come and flag the train
t was in the second car of the train
is divided into two compartments
he part in front of the partition be in,
passenger compartment asd the rea
nd the baggage room, I was stand
-3" in the front part o. this rear com
larbnent with Mr. Dorsey, the bag
age master, when I heard a mai
ell. “Hold up your hands!” I looked
irough the door and saw two mei
arching down the aisle toward us
bey had us covered with pistob
ad, of course, our hands went up.
ne fellow was a big man, weighing
judge, about 160 pounds. ‘lls kep
B covered while his partner, a sinah
srvous fellow, went through ou
»ckets. The little man was evidendh
lew at the business. Dorsey win
arched first, lie had no gun, ano
jibing was take i from him. Thei
iey turned their attention to me. ?
■> no weapon. He left a ten-dolla
Kim my v. ,-t pocket and other litti
■holes which I had in other pock ts
■ .- hed ub to the e > >
Kain 1 o'du-ed me to open the do j
■dd i .tin tin- door was b>L -I
■iien it in.” said the big mar
■ll kicked. 1 was still kicking o
■ door, when im porter, iiadin
■rse.f for a moment uncovered b
B* men’s gui s, It . ,-d from thetrai
■<• rin-aed tn t!.e rear The two mei
iß tt pedout a moment later and disap
B u ''-d iii the
;is tile . 0 ;V p ue
expre-H rnesi. -nger opened th-
'■ e> j-< <’;ers evid ntb
hen they m
■ porter jump off and run to the
Ah inc time wo were beiim
® ligineer kept blowing
|B --ii. .tie mr som t . c . nt . to come aud
' ; Ala..iL.i aud Vicksburg
-Au fm- porter’s business t
jß^-The engineer said we wen
■ll'deigla a, mtes at the cros
B IVncu th-i. i.,. appeal'd, i
W '‘h l ;r ovc? a circular, and when
■hiuol th P (11 .. j o
iS ; -'•how.-; about the round- ■
noarb., and di-i not hold up
I 1 VV”" 4 ’- l «>
□ dcw :
B thal both l-.m.j, mu9fc
■eve /tu* loei ‘ nt business 1
■«H all tiie time.”
| S "?i.-
■ ... ■ ‘ '*s' K xs ruo ‘ TEKD rnn
■ »(?•'•- inti! -I 184a »ni
■ u-mu. “ u uurt c ;v» ailv;»u Water
Siiohtfr College Chaeple the Scene
i'< -Niour.
• Young Buchanan will delight a
Rome audience tonight under the
magic touch of his violin playing.—
The violin is the King of instruments,
it laughs, mourns, weaps and mocks
y OU .—Mr. Buchanan being only 22
years old aud young as he is. has
gained an enviable reputation ns e
violinist, that would do credit to
i.uny older performers
He has studied under the greatest
teacher in the country and has ac
quired that soulful singing tone
which only comes from the touch of
a true artist. He has a very fine old
Steiner violin which he values very
highly. Buchanan has a remarkable
aefrity of execution and the violin in
lis hands becomes a human soul,
til who are anticipating going, will
nave a raw treat iu store for them.
Mu-s Cora Clark, a lovely young la
-1»■ with a sweet soprano voice
.vill sing for Mr* Buchanan.
Miss lone Newman, Elocutionist,
Miss Nellie Dustman Pianoist, M ■.
Thompson, Pianaist aud accompan
■■t, will also assist. AU society will be
it to hear these artist’s. Air, Fred
Jovan and Harry Patten will act as
isbers. Tickets are for sale atYaisers,
Veals, Trevitts, Reoce A White
heads and H. A. Smiths. Tickets wiL
tlso be for sale at the chapel door.
of Nineveh”
There was “only one” case be
fore his Honor, Recorder Fouche,
his afternoon,
A young while man J. C
larvl'g v - a 8 charged with disorder
I • conduct, and was fined $2.50,
He got into a rucus with a meni
er of the ‘‘Wood Exchange” on
ipper Broad St. And had to b>-
aken in charge.
Auditor Junius Hillyer and the
Cotton tie Mill Case.
Tomorrow is the day set b'
\uditor Junius Hillyer, for thf
"urin ■, of the Cotton Tie mil.
I'he hearing will he had in the
Audit >rs office, iu the Masonic
It is to be hoped that these cases
a-: be properly adjusted, prompt
ly, and that, the valuable plan’
sy again be put into
t once.
The littiacity of East Rome
ield an election for mryor and two
aldermen today.
It is thought that of the 31 reg
istered voters, that Mayor McWil
liams and aldermen J. B. Patton
and H. B. Parks will receive an
overwhelming majority.
These calculations,based as they
are on the fact that the ticket has
no opposition, are well founded.
On account-<rf the election, th*-
barrooms of the city ware closed
Jr d received from Thurber's New
York. Lost goods on the Market.
B«st Co'. River Salmon 15c.
lu-poi ted Sardines, with key, 15e
Freech Mustard, A. G. brand, 10c
Fanci Ton ato Ca- >up 10c
Best mixed Pickles 10c
New Sardines in Salad eil 5e
Frerh Teaflake crackers 15
Fresh City Suawflakes 10c
New Dried Currants 5 c lb
California Evp. Peaches 15 •
New Orleaus Syrup 40c gal
Breakfast Bacon and Ha me
Best Matches 10c dez 1 Caps.
All to be found only at Lloyd’s Faik
Indigestion, and Stomach disorders, take
All dealers keep it, 81 per bottle. Genuine hal
tnde awwA nod erpeaed rod Unea o-n wreppw
-— 1 *~" * * "*' 11 - ■ " —— -'
Thu services at the different
churches were well attended yes
terday and each pastor was greet
ed by large appreciative congrega
tions. Especially was this so at
The pastor, Rev. R. B. Headdeu
D. D., having sufficiently recover
ed fr*m the “Grippe,” occupied the
pulpit bulb morning aud evening
delivering eloquent duejurst s from
Phil. 13 and 14., “Bretheren, 1
count not myself to have appre
hended : but this one thing 1 do,
torgetring those things which an
behind, aud reaching forth foi
things which aie. baiore I press
toward the mark for the prize oi
the high calling of God in Christ
The topic of the morning ser
mon was “Forgetting the things
ahich are behind.” In the ev mog
the preacher confined hi# remarkt
to the 14th. verse. Roth sermons
were eloquent and inspiring and
1 were well received by Lis larg«
Rev. G. W. Duvall preached two
soul stirring sermons yesterday to
• ppreciaiive congregations “Ye ar
me salt of the earth” was th*
text ussd at the morning ser
vice. From these voids tn--
miuitter held the close atten
tion of his congregation, aud manj
expressed themselves greatly ben
efited by his remarks.
The text of the evening sermoi
is found in *the Book of Geniaif
1 Chap-ter 3 —B verses inclnsiv< .
From this text the preacher de
livered an eloquent discourse.
Dr. Battle, the scholarly P-esi
dent of Shorter Colledgw, filled the
pulpit at the First Presbyteriai
church in the absence of the pas
tor yesterday morning and deliver- (
ed a deep and logical sermon t :
large and cultured congregation.
There was no service at this
church in the evening.
Tine pulpit of the First Metho
di t church, was oo upied ye >‘ .
day by Rev. J. T. Gibson, the ne
loved pastor of this large aud id-.
fluential congregation. At the
morning hour Dr. Gib’on deliver
ids short but feeling , on
from Matthew 5 chap’t. 21 —-o
versiJ inclusive. Immediately as
ter the sermon the Lords Supps
,vas administered by the pastoi
assisted by the local ordainec
ministers present, At the ev uin;
service Dr, Gibson preached an el
oquent sermon to an attentiv • an
dience from John 12th, chap’t,'3l
—32, “Now is the judgement o
rhis world : Now shall rhe priue*
of this world be ca-it out, And it
Ibe lifted up from the earth I
will draw' all men unto me.
At the concision of pr.Ackers renark
an opportunity was givnu those win
desired on opportunity ' > offer them
to God and the pas w for service
Many came forwarda nJ gave their
Third Methodist Church.
Rev. T. F. Pierce, Tresidcing
Elder of R one 1 is’ric , preacher,
a local sermon to an apprtciativ<
congregation at 3d M, E. c. nrcij
yesterday morning. The pastor
Rev. W. fi. Sttvin# occupied the
pulpit in the evening This young
devine in a very short time a-»
made a deep impreesioo on Lha
coEgregation of the 3d church.
There waa no services at North
Rome Methodist church yesterday
morning. Rev Oscar Millican oc
cupied the pulpit at sight.
Dr. Gibson, the eloquent pastor
of First Methodist church, an
nounced last evening, that o> next
Sunday night ha would commence
a aeries of services to young men
and young women.
The liuhTLiiKs remarks on yester
day in regard to the Tax Digests, has
“ it with much favorable comment.
I s tendency was to show that Tax
v'.iilector Black was not at fault—if
there was trouble.
* *
Another thing, I notice that the
article d d good, for this morning, the
>ld digests’7B, ’Bl, ’B3, ’BG, 'B7, ’BB,
nl two other volume, with backs off
were uneathed from the records o
the Ordinary’s office
These,with volumes on hand, com
pletes fte records, with the exception
>i four volums. The digests were car
r’td to the County Commissioners
chambers and there stored this fore
noon .
I am told that my friend Will Nee’
introduced the bill and had it passed,
"impelling the County Commission
ers to c mpile that list of defaulters.
I ir-ve not talked with Mi:-. Neel aboiU
it but I am going to. uhfl.propose to
know hia reasons fur such conduct.
* *
Beginning tonight, the cause of
Education will enter a new field in
Home. Miss Miy Clark will open the
night ichool at the Public Schoo’.
* *
I like the night school idea anti
• in’tsee why-such a department «wil
>t. Mu‘c<u)ii--It ought to, and yet L
.iu tilltb it in other sections of the
stale the mev* Las met with failure.
* ♦
Be that us it may, I am going to
.intend that Miss Clark will succeei
tnd that this little night school will
•leate power and set influences to
work, the effects of which will be felt
town this generation. The night
.chool must succeed,
Mr. I. P. Gilliard the progressive
, iosa River planter and horticulturist
».;s in the c! ty today, Mr. Gilliard is
t b.iihint conversationalist never fails
<> t niain. ILa l him “si,rung out’’
uti # subject of Pekin Dux today
Lam ready to write a column and e
naif editorial on the subjeD of “fuss
-.nd feathers of the Pekin quack”—
i >ok out for a lay—iu the spring.
FditorFnsiLSM:- Yesterday’s Hrrr.
. s annouii' cd that I had been elect
ed a member of the Hill City Cadets
This surely is a mislakq as I did not
vend in my apj I cution for meaaber
suip of the Cadets. Nor do I iatand
i >. lam out of the Hilitia and ex
pect to stay out. This however is not
intended te reflect on the Cadets, as
1 suppose my election was through
nist ake.
Vtry Respectfully,
J. W . Bale
7e most ch?*rfu’’y publish
r.bove for Mr. Bale. The en j excuse
(or the error ia. th .t wej wrote the
raxie, ‘J. W. Bali” and the , wtelli
genc compositor not knowing Mr.
Tail, aivl|<nowiug Afr. J. V'. Bale,
• *<■ del that we were off our cazipp
and fixed the name accordingly.
« ■■■■lll- z. -»r. 4«r
!■ it ans-rer and an honest opinion, writ; to
.‘i (INN iV CO,, who hivr had nearly flfty ycarr*
r-Tperler-o in the patent business. Communiea
tionsstrictlyeoDfldentlal. A Handbook < C I-U
t -m-itlo.i cor.oerainK I’ntei-tH and bow to gj
t un tberu sent tree. Also a catalogue of mechan
uhi »rul -'tic books sent free.
Pa’ uts taken through Munn & Co. receive 1
special notice in the Scienlitlc Amcrii-an. and
t jus are brought widely before the public with
out cost to the inventor. Thia splendid paper,
is.-tied weekly, elegantly fllust rated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in tho
world. S 3 a year. Painpie copies sent free.
Building Edition,monthly, 82.50 a year. Single
eopies, -2.5 cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plans, enabling ouilders to show tho
lau-st designs and secure contracts. Address
ML'NM & CO M Nkw Yoi.k, 3«1 BaoADWAT.
Bhort News Item CL thered fgr
The lla'-ty Reader
• I
Sam Harbin, who resided at Ne.-:
’ >n, Pickens county, uas ki ltd,
Christmas day by thu exphiwion ufl
•m iron pipe, which he filled win.
powder and touched oil' with a h a |
viece of iron.
The executive committee of tln-'i
people’s party of the statu has been
called together .to take steps f«-r
iii» holding of a cpuvention at an
qarly day for the purpose of pul
ting out a full ticket.
Jim Glenn, a well known citiz -n
of Nacoochee Valley, had oue of
ii ■ thighs aud an arm broken and
one of hie shoulders d elocated th
ither day near Clarkesville, by hit
team ruuning away with him.
We are informed that Geo. Ba
kor, who i? wf dl known*in Dahlon
"»ga, was killed with a stick nen
Gainesville Christmas day. We
c- tild not learn who did it, and
will have to add it to the list of
Hall ceunties mysterioua murders
Mr. W. F. Keenan, who resides
near the banks of the Chestatee.
tad his slumber disturbed tho oth
»r night by a loud report. He jump
j d up quick a» possible, got h 1
jun and went out into yard t<
iscertain the trouble. Ho saw no
m», aud fired off his weapon ir
order to give any intruders warn
ing that might I>e near aad retir
’d ler the night. Next morning be
nas not long m finding out what
id given him such a scare. It was
inly a hoop hur«ted off his krout
oarrel —Dahlonega Signal.
Judge Daninlly’s small dog,
"Blucher,” —email iu size but largt
in feeling arid notefl bv name—is
;.e mo.-Loouspicuous ar a igemeD
hi town. He is on ham. tu play
ms p»rt ee every occasion. H
r>aves Roberta on ci nrt days in
Knoxville aud goes over to look
ifter the courts. This is about th<
»nly time he acts abaoutee. — Ro
b- rta Correspondent.
An Albany corresj m-nt writes
he Penny Prues that ‘Ci.ief James
of the fire department, was: given
xi unmerciful i'- : i g by Mr. 10.
xilbert, son of the mayor.
The troub <- arose out of a re
•nark made bv JiHues ir. Gi 'i-rt’.-
• ariiig,connecting the latter with
the ruin of a young woman, whose
'haiue is laid at Jarnos’ dour..
From the account it would seem
r.<.t Mr, Gilbert administored t<
.Mr, James’ a scientific, 'horougb
ind alto ether lovely Peking.—
Penny Press.
Mi. James A. Gior-jx hin thh Chy.
The .- er ■a.s at the second Bxotwt
Church conducted yeatei-i. y
by Rev. James A George, an Arme
nian Baptist minister.
Last night, at the sama chuteli.
Dr. George delivered a highly eater
taii ing lecture.
Cn Wednesday night, he will k
t :re at the First Baptist Church and
on the customs, habits au ! pt • :■
ties of tie people of Armenn. B
iwill appiar in Arm: niau ostume cj
better partray his subject to his
Elect ,d at the First Ba> itst Chulcu
Coyrw 1 ncb .
At the first conference of the year ' 1
Lei at the First Baptist church ye?- :
tat day, Cap! A B S Mosley was elec- i
t< .1 clerk ensuing year, and Col Char
ley Harper was chosen Treasure: - (
No bolter selection could have bten <
made or more competent and faith- <
ful officers chosen, .
cures Dyspepsia, In
digestion & Debility.
ri’ 1 i i V i I AT
ll I M
LflliiLLl utlUl.
Lorenzo Poweil Plugs Fefer
A Darktown Fnede Si tiled Snnilayoat
■ ia iho Subaibsof the Clasiiie Til
lage es Timbnctoe.
■ 1 ■ ' n
As a result of a shooting scrap*.-
yesterday one negro now lies at
his home with a bullet in la-w
bowels and another is locked up
in the oonnty jail.
The shooting occured at tlw
home of Lorenzo Powell an'c grewv
out of a m< et ing of Powell
Peter Teague who, boweil’a wife
claims, assaulted her ou last eel
uesday night.
The men are both married
with their wives live near each
other, ou the Calhoun Road in lb®
i suburbs of North Rome and Tim
. buctoo.
Powall was seen by 1 re HesTLEB
oi'R< me reporter yt stfci day i: ftemoorr,
shortly after he was locked up act tire
county Jail.
lie say 8, he has worked as a Jopcfe
band for severs, years for the Rome
railroad, and that his work keeps him
at the depot untill alter 6 o’clock es- •
ery nL lit.
Last Wednesday night when he
arrived at home, he says his wife told
bini that I’eter Teague bail been
there and had insulteik her and had
eveu assaulted her tearing her dree®
, before she drove him off.
Said he did not see Teague untif
, Sunday about noon, when he
to Teague’s bouse aud spoke to hhsa
of his conduct and demanded an ex
plination. He said Teague remarked
(hat he would go up to Powells mJ
come to an understanding about tiie
matter. Said lie told Teague to stay
Said T* ague followed him hom«
and came int< bis, Powells house,
it .is at'u’., about seven minutes
>r long on ugh to get into au argu
ment and io dispute P wcL’ wife
woid. That he then shot Ti jgu
who i. ked out us tu-3 hou. o an-I
f -n.
Powell says be started to towi
ogive in psu i up to the ElioritT
iU nr-t Bailiff Byars and came eu
rath him.
Dr. C. Hamilton aud Dr. Will
Johns on, w >re summoue ! to Tea
gue’s, and found him shot through
tm* abdomwu, Teague is said to lie
fatally wounded, but at 3 o’clock
was al ill alive.
Powell is a good darkey, and is
-.all thought of by every body wh«
knows him. was polite and
deferential in his conduct at (he
j ii], but aaid h® would rather n-rt
talk for awhile yet.
A famous company.of artists Jat
Op’ra at Nevin’s Thursday Jajx,
li hMme Mari® Tavary. A prima
d< o ii Brilliant reign tbrough
u. Europe an a songstress him?
* iic artists. She will be accum-
n.ed with a select cempai.y of
- is, amoim ihetu is Mui" II .’<e©.
\ uu, Denh®ef a priiuadonva (.’atu
do an artists of rare v<-r:i pc..-or
aud rank Ail tier support are
artists of rank, i bey will giv® ats
a of out of the grind Opsra’s
And wi l make this th* inusiua!
>* mt ■ c t ie season.
Bo that no one nee ito spend th®
large sum needed to he>.r ! aiti
Tie same night, in Atlanta Mgi. Nc-via
will give just as satisfactory a uiuni
cal evening at th® Opera hone®. Injfl
b ly cost you SI.OO. Stay at home
engage seats, and fill his house, ae J
encourage home attraction; Cal! rot
for seats.
■ / /
Offers nnr ju.tied it;. t<> ynun< mtn dewrinpf a bi M
■ anon or Siturthaud. Course thurwiMHi and ~ —h*irvi
fcjuxuses Ivw. Free car fare to R. n.« Circulars free.
J. G. HARMISuN. Priwctantt. Rome'