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Kateitfd M Lh« Kniun pMtoflioe -u. “first clu<’
Soetna-ciaAH Mail Matter.
nnn Z’ T» wT4 (Editor, and
j*j 11. G. iln , ( Munager.
JXP/v'nts a week or $5.00 per annum
,r PICE: Corner Broad Street and
wn Avenue.
Official Organ
•Mtheclty of Rome, and Floyd, .’the
“Banner couuty’’ of Georgia.
jarhon Maud first eloped I Mr.,
1 renumbered the times I had Kr.,
1 was hear -i. k and rad
For awhile,—Now I’m glad—*
IFor I’m courting her sweet lit'. Sr.
Xi me may be money but it come
lit ti ck.
Hrr faller was a dandy most handsoTe,
But her pa knew the ways of a mansome,
So he suddenly sought 'am.
Im a huggin, he caught 'uni—
a. nd the dude chased his hair through the
Tbfi Evans so called boom wih
bust “mark that prediction.**
Thspoems in the Journal of Atlanta
'? low on in a sweet ripling cautar,
They are delicate yet wholesom —
Are these poems by Folsom,
>'■lll of music may they never grow seanter.
j'd- . '.’f.
The “War racket,’’ without a demo
cratic record, will not go with demo
Tsaie in Georgia
Tiiete'aa writer in Catoosa named Trox,
He's as swift as the Ugh ■ footed fox,
With his penciland month
JDeth he I,coin the New tooth,
•Aim! subscriptions pour in in round blox.
Only one man has been found in
>3zaje to date, who has called G a
eril Evans the old hero and gran
preacher, a “statesman”
It will be Governor W. Y. Atkin
son young democracy asks the help
and cooperation of the old Veterans,
and the bravo hearts of the old he
roes pion pt them to return pas.
Thera was a young man here in Rome,
IV ho built for Im sweetheart a home,
But he never d <1 getter
For an Athens man matter
And together they fled in the glome.
Did the people of Floyd but ku >w
ili.e “under ground work’’ by which
jthe Evans boom was launched —they
■would smile a broad simile.
•Governor Mitchell ismemberr
John L, SvJlivan, and dont pro
poa® to turn Jim Corbett loose on
■jttjy »f the Mitchells—not in
- *
a poet once sang in a ehoir,
Hat folks thought his voice was doir,
They deserted the church—
Left the preacher in the lurch—
XoW the poet sings alone with his loir.
The Evan people harp on state
ment—not one of them has yet ad
wa raced a democratic reason why he
jisould be nominated over the tried
j;jld true hearted Atkinson.
The poet was out singing forritches,
Tober window he was creeping through the
But tha dsg in the yard
Intercepted the bard—
Now lia needs a new bo-om in his britches.
Now is the lime to elevate Broa.l
aStceet to the proper grade. The
is quartered in th* sub
urb* of the city for the winter
UKHit-lj and it would be ail easy
jnacter to make this fill in, and
vga.cnritrnir.y ft over, and have it
forever settled. Why not?
Once more Seaborn Wright wants to loom,
He comes iroia the third party’s gloom,
As a democrat true
He will open his bazzoo
And as usual- giabs the tail of a boom.
—■■ rav*
Heims' a problem: If General
Evans gives a few volunans of
kooks to « library at Rome and is
Awarded one governorship, what
‘ does th® state owe Dr. Batty who
bias donated it a magnificent li
brary? Try it by th® ‘‘rule of
tiiFfe” and if you get tangled ask
Air. Max Meyerhardt to help you
salve it.
Many an old Veteran, who siice
’lie war has voted regularly f- r a com
72&d of the Compaigns of t. e 60s,
■uweomes with delight an opertunity
ia vote for W. Y. Atkinson. They
want. to see a comrad of the recent
jstaoapaigns elevated to .the Governor
■ are they join the majority od
" ether shore.
You may talk of the tariff, what congress
may do,
Be It plan of protection or but for revenue,
You may claim legislation on Silver wa.
Drop a na.ional bank note from the tune of
your song,
Yi.umay joke, you may croak—'bout the times
being tight,
Bout the days being gloomy—and what makes
the night,
But the merchant will tell you he fell ’neith
the wheel,
In the hi ;h ways and buy wayaof the shabby
Like the Lillies of the valley that spring from
the soil—
Theirs the mission to flourish— recipients ot
They have • wheels in their heads’' but their
heads never spin,
Aud they boasts of the glorious day* th it “has
Aye the toiler may sow and in season max
And the shepherd guard the lamb—clip tin
fleece from the sheep,
But the “times will be hard," while the na
ticu’s made to feel,
Os these high ways an 1 buy way* <rf the shab
by genteel.
Like the drones in the hivesjof the toiltug
brown bees,
As they buzz round tue come, sipping honey
at their ease;
Like the gentry of Europe, or lords of the
They would frolick and rest, they would idle
and feast,
Work for them wore disgrace—’twere not hon
est to steal
Bo the Juggernaut Credit sweeps on with i ts
But the honest grow aweary and demand a
new deal,
From the high ways and buy ways es the shat _
by genteel.
Thill Glenn B'vbii.
Several days have elapsed since
W C Glenn of Atlanta has been
heard from.
Dr E E Kerr has been expelled by
the Chattanooga Medical Society to?
openly endorsing the Keely Kure.
If the democratic branch of con
gress was made up of such men ae
John Maddox, the people would be
given relief at once. Our John is
camping with the boys.
-’--t". -car--—II IT!
There are thousands of old Vet
erans in Georgia who made as
good soldier as Genera! Evans,
they are ns able as he, as states
men, and a long ahot better dom
ocrats. And the majority of them
tbok to W. Y. Atkinson ca th“ii
next Governor.
Tom Watson wants ten thousand
cash -in - advance subscribers and
says if he can get them he wil !
start a third party daily paper iu At
lanta. Let Tommy get $60,000 of
frozen cash in his grip and about ten
thousand jays will want to knew
where ho is at, shure enough.
It is rumored that Col, Seaborn
Wright, will take the slump for
Evans. Well now that de settle it.
General Evans says he is on the
Chicago Platform, and if we re
member correctly neither Seaborn
Wright “The Tribune of the peo
ple,” or Editor Cooper .of the Tri
bune that the people repudiate,
voted for Judge Maddox, although
he was nominated on the platform
and is on it yet.
Perhaps, oil the state press, there
is not a inora out spoken fearless
saber, than that of Hale, of Hale’i
Weekly of Cenyers.
Hale is a democrat, of course
aud had the honor of representing
his county in the last legislature
He was decidedly popular in that
body of stateanoeu, and among th<-
personals ho has written of hit
associates, we clip the following;
Were we called upon to name
half dozen of the strongest young
men of the House, we could do so
with little hesitation: Warner
Hill, Eugene Battle, Porter King,
Allen, of Upson, Neel, of Floyd
and Bob Hodges.
Neel, of Floyd, by many is con
sidered the peer of any young
man in the state —we hold that he
he has but few superiors, young
or old. He has a strong, well bal
anced brain, a strong character
and a strong, determined leaning
toward all that is boat for his
One of the most never® misfits
in the House tvas the gentleman
from Whitfield. Paul Trammel
is not beautiful but has braius—
hie successor poetesses neither
beauty nor braius. H® is lean, lank
and lazy. Speak to him aud he
stares at you like a jay; shake
hand* with him aud its like shak
ing hands with a string of liz.
zards. ll® ie a misfit—a poor stick
—certainly a seven maatha xid.
Here s a happy New Year to the
Georgia editor®. Consider them:
They toil aud spin yarns frora rrsy
aorn till dewy night and Solomon,
in all his glory wouldn’t have been
caught dead arrayed like unto some
of them. But they,’re’a good set ol
fellows, Heres to them! Long live
the Fourth Estate! —At'ant. Journal
—o — .
Look out for anetber scandal in
R ’ine. Phil Byrd has been caught
with his arm “round the zone’’ of a
girl's waist. For shame! —Halei
\V eekly.
We deny the charge and can ride
the charger.—Vie have not been
‘caught. “
Mr Harrison Former, the present
overseer of the poor farm was award
ed the contract of keeping it anotb- '
er year, last Monday, at the small
salary of $61.50 cents, b ing about
S2O less than last year. This is $2 50
eaoh per month for Mr Fortner and
his wif®.—Dahlonega Signal.
... —... Q
The Atlanta Constitution is strlv
iug to make itself believe that Ev
ans is «ot the administration candi
date for governor.—Jesup Sentinel.
It now looks as if Evans ava’anch
will sweep old Georgia from the
mountains of Rabun to the marshes
of Glynn.
Brother Moore should brush up on
“boom centers"—He will then know
that the Evans avalauch did not
start from the mountains of Rabun.
Further" if he will watch said av i
lanch he will see it met by such a
warm reception by democrats that it
will melt before it gets out of Fulton
county. ’
The attempt of that lovely pair.
The Atlanta Constitution and Joui
nal, to create the opinion that there
was room for no other candidate for
governor than General Evans, was
miserable failure. The people < i
Georgia will show them th t Atlan
ta is not the whole wor'd —Hal ‘s
The Albany Herald evidently has a
gubernatorial candidate of its own in
reserve. It will not support Gen
Evans uuder the impression that .<
has done nothing to deserve the >6l
- and it will not aid Mr. Atkinson
ii his ambition because he had al
ready as much as his “ability as a
ndan aud his services as a politicians”
entitle him to. Editor Mclntosh
should trot out his dark horse.—
Savannah Press.
The Times wants to emphasise the
fact that Carroll county will furnish
the next congressmen from the
fourth. Sbe has always been rolling
up big Democratic majorties and
asking no questions, but she now
proposes to assert her claims and
will be heard from latter on, —Car
roll County Times,
An exchange thinks that Mr At
kinson has been well paid for his
services in the last campaigns by be
ing eleeted speaker. There ar® hun
dreds of good democrats in Georgia
who did just as much work and have
not received "nary a cent" for .it, —
Darien Gazette
Mr Atkinson has worked hard for
the party, and most heartily deserves
the office for which he is a candidate.
He is in the race to stay, and if we
are not very much mistaken will
prove to be the best timber in the
State.—Griffin Morning News,
The announcement by H >n, W, Y,
Atkinson of his candidacy for Gover
nor made a very favorable imp ression
and increased his friends in this sec
tion,—Columbus Enquirer Sun,
An exchange thinks that Mr, At
kinson has been well paid for L s
•ervices in the last cair.pinagn by b .
ing elected speaker. There are hun
dreds of good democrats in Georgia
who did just as much work and have
not received "nary ceLi“ for it.
Darien Gazette
The honest men aie not all dead
bet, Cashier Marion Campbell of
the National Bank of South Bond,
Ind 4 Las agreed to make good in six
teen payments the $16,000 stolen fron
the ba«k by robbers, wl o arc un
known sounds rather cur'ous.
Th® Gainesville Eagli ’iu’.coiu
tieuting on the entry of Mr. At
kinson into the gubernatorial are
na says :
“In a letter addresnd to she
p ople of Georgia, Hou.’W. Y. At
kinson announces hi® entrance
into the race for the governorship)
of Georgia. The letter is an earn
est, straightforward yet modest
declaration of his visine on the
questions concerning the adminis
tration ot the office which he seeks
and the policy and course of th*
gr< at political party whose stand
ard b«arer he aspires to be ”
In addition he coni’nends the
eland of Mr. Atkinson in favor of
a practical government and not a
sentimental one and says that
"while Mr. Atkins n will have an
up-hill fight from the beginning
against the boom of Genera
Evans, he has a cool head, is a
tine organizer, aud numbers hie
faiends by the thousand who will
strain <av»ry resource for him.’’—
Athens Banner.
Cast your eagle eye over the sit
nation and see if you don’t think
Hon. John W. Maddest will be
ssnt back to congress next fall by
the yeomanry of the "blooih
seventh.” No man has ever proven
himself more faithful to his con
stituency—Spring Place Jimple
The Dalt®n Argus says the At
kinson boom petered out before it
began to boom. The Argus is a
strong, influential democratic
Journal as is evidenced by th*
election «f that wonderful mipi
Giddens, to the legislature.—Hales-
A St. Louis dispatch tells a queer
story illustraliug the value of wives
in Missouri. A farmer and his wife
were walking oi, a railroad near St
Joseph. A train came upon them
rmexpectedly an/1 fihe woman ivas
died. The bereaved husband wrote
i i pathetic fetter to the R R Co m
which he put a claim for $lO damage
Ju the letter he went on to say: She
was a good wife and 1 er cooking
could n«>t be equaled in the state oi
Missouri. Sb® was worth all of that
to me, and I think you ought to pay.
Unfortunately the dispatch does no
say whethea the $lO was paid c r not
Democrats who are kick: g ainst
every!ning proposed by the adminis
tration, who criticise and oppose the
policies urged by the majority in
congress, aie doing all they can not
only to weaken ths party, but to re
tard the general improvement of the
country—Columbus Enquirer-S i .
Do tell! Congress can, with its
majority do more toward the gener
al improvement than all the kicking
bemecrats. But has, or will con
fess do it? L«t us hope so anyhow
—Albany Herald
Confidence has been warped and
twisted continu mely through 28
years at the hands of merciless shark
and restoration will certainly fad to
come of one days idle gab-—Roberta
tailiml • Cfa,
A branch of the State University
Spring Teraibegins First Monday in
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Best school in the south, for students with
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Altitude 2237 feet.
Board $9 per month and upwards. Moss
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Each •senator and representative ot tlx
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paving matriculation fee, during his term
tor catalog er information, address bee
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The best weekly news paper ever published
in Floyd County.
Have yoif a friend in the far West who would ;'n> re
date a good thing? Send the ROME COURIER,
• ’ •
Have you a relative in the Lluak North you would h
duce to move'into God’s country? Send the ROM]
Have you a friend, loved one or acquaintance in tl
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Costs less than a cent a weeK
Subscribe at once, or "send us the addresst
your friend and let us send him a sample
cop.y. Address,
About a year ago I took a viojen*
attack of la grippe, 1 coughed day
aud night for about six weeks; my
wife then suggested that I try
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. At
first I could see no difference, but
still kept taking it, and soon
found that it was what I needed.
Ladiei Alair Dressing
Mrs. Sitton, is now ready to wash
hair and, dress the hair for any occa
tion, cut e rrl the bangs, also treat
the face, or in other words main
ladies beautiful in two weeks. Cai
tila 1 Qixk Ave East Rome Ga
knowledging the benefit I have re
ceived from it. Madison Mustard,
Otway, Ohio. 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by—Lowry Bros Druggist.
The persistent cough whinh usually
follows an attack of the grippe can be
permanently cured by taking Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy, W. A. Me
Guire of Me Kay, Ohio, says: "La
Grippe left me with a severe cough,
After using several different medi
cines without relief, I tried Chambei
ain’ Cough Remedy, which effected
a permanent cure, I have also fouml
it to be without an equal for children
when troubled with colds or croup
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Lowry Bros Druggist,
Call oy Ben Wright for good
stenographic work. Office with Judg
Meyerhardt in new court house, u
agents make five dollars a day.
Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invented.
Retails 35 cts. 2to 6 sold m every house: san pie
Postage paid five cents. McMAKLX A Co.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Citation of Guardianship,
Georgia—Floyd County:
A, Keys having in proper foria applied to mb
for letters of guardianship of the persons and
property of Wade 11., Richard. Milton and Duff.
Field of said county. This is to cite all and sin
gular the ereditor* and next kin of said minors
to be and appear at my offioe within the time
allowed by law and show cause if any they cau,
why Letters of Guardianship should zot be
granted to Maggie A. Keys on said wards estate
Witness my hand and official signature this 4th
day of January, 1-94.
John F. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd County.
A GENT MAKES Five Dollars a davselline
r*the greatest Kitchen Utensil ever invented
Retails for thirty-live cents. Two to six can be
sold in every house. Millions s< Id in this coun
try alone. Dont miss the greatest opportunitv
ever known to make money, easily and quickly
sample sent, postage prepaid for five cents.
McAiAKiy & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ingleside Retreat —For Disea-r t
of Women. Sientific treatment and
cures guaranteed. Elegant apart
ments for ladies before and aff< i
confinement. Adress the Resident
Physician 71-72 Baxter Court.
Nashvill®, Tenn.
The best remedy in the world {
diarrhoea and other summer coi
plaints is Reese’s diarrhoea cordi
atisfa-jtion given or money refuu’e
Reese & Whitehead.
Very low rates are offered duri
the Holidays dy the Rome R R tit
ets on Sale De<\ 22 23-21-25-30-:
and Jau Ist good to return until j
3d 1994 Call on C K Ayer G P 0
J A Hume T A
French Tansy Wafers.
Ladies will find the wafers ,
what they need, aud cau be depen
ed upon every time to give relief. Si
and sure. Can be sent by mail seali
securely. Price $2.00 per box. Ena
j son Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and
sale by Reese A Whitehead.
By request of the lioldei sos one fifth ft'U
stock; notice is hereby given that there willtei
called meeting! f the stockholders of theai
Mutual Loan Association at the Company’s !
nee in Rome, Georgia, on the seconed slay
Febuary, 1894, at 9 A, M- to pass upon ana
ments to the By Laws of said Associait.on t«
submitted at said time. January 2d, USM.
Halsted Smith,
DESIGNS nabjeetto approval oil
classes ar i stales nf modern building.
Taught by.
Edw. Buchanan.
507 E. First St.
Care E. C. Ford
Remedy for Rh nimatism is uS
bv physicians everywbe l ’. aud
known as a remarkably efficient prt
aration for the relief aud spte
cure of that disease. Its work is
immediate that benefit is felt - rC
the first dose, and one bottle
cure auy ordinary case. Sold < large bottles, or sent!
express to any address, with spec
directions aud full infor.’autii’U. <
3.• in d< i ( Medicine C
Maiden Lan New York, “lne
p er two larg bottles.’’
Four weeks by our method teaching 1“
keeping is equa to twelve weeks by “
style. Positions Guaranteed under certain 1
ditions. Our “free” 56 and 80-page cam
will explain all. Send for them - lm>
Business College and Scoool of fehorthain
Telegraphy, Nashville, Tenn -
Cneap Board, No vacation. Enter ai; J’ t! .
Address, J. F. DRAUGHTON, Fres’t. X
“During the epidemic of lagii)?
Cbannberlain’s Cough Remedy t'- 1
the lead here and was much bet«
liked thau other cough
H. M. Bangs, druggist, Chatswoftl
IU, The grip is much the same as 1
very severe cold and requires pi e
sely the same treatment. This
dy is prompt and effectual and " u
prevent any tendency of the.
toward pneumonia. For sale h'
Lowry Bro® Druggists.