Newspaper Page Text
inOuuiLr.ri or iwjbu
Knteietl at the Rome poatoftlca as “Drat-cltMl
Secoua-elass Halt Matter. j
■«——— 1
PIIILG. BYRD. I“'<> !'
( Manager. ! e
. i ll
daily and Sunday..
u. week or $5.00 per annum ’ e
I t
FFICE: Corner Broad Street and i
6 ‘»fth Avenue. 1 c
Official Organ
Os the city of Rome, and Floyd, the 1
"Banner county” of Georgia.
Trains may collide ill the fog but
no fatalitis are. reported anjorg
pedestrians. Blessed in the growlers'
for his fog horn saves him.
' I
An English pr vine\ ! newspaper,
recently called ntt< ntion to a feeding
bottle (i.e. nursing bottle) advertise i
mcnt, which concluded will the
words: "When baby is done drink- |
ing it must be unscrewed and laid in
a cool place under a tap. If the baby
does not thrive on fresh milk it
should be boiled.’ This is a trifle'
hard on the baby
, . J
Major E A Burke, the defaulting-!
state treasurer ol Louis.ani, is low
reported to be in hard luck at Teg.i
cigu'pa. II >n lurs". His mining ven
tures have collapse 1, leaving him
financially stranded, while an insid
ious nasal cancer is said to be grad
ually eating hi j life away. He is con
stantly troubled with a morbid fear
of being kidnapped and brought
back to New Orleans for trial, lienee
he never leaves Tegncigu’.pa.
.ir ■ " _
Col. J. J. Bull, of Taibi It m, Gu.,
wrote a card to the Atlanta Journal
the other day in which put the public
oi notice that he was opposed ♦<!
Atkinson for Governor. Perhaps if
Mr. Atkinson had not voted with an
cvjrwheluiing majority of the Leg
islature in defeating Col. Bull for tin-
Solicitorship of the Chattahoochee
circuit a year or so ago, Col. Bull
would probably now be enthusiastic
in his support Thera are some men,
however, whose opposition is mire
helpful than their suppert, and »il
indications favor the suggestion that
this is a case in point-—Newnai.
.'■W.. 1 -" 1 . WM JU. JUL I
A correspondent of the Savau
nan News, is responsible for this
spicy story on ex-M inieter Blount:
“Representative Hatch, o f Mis
souri, has just arrived after a !■ n*
spell o f sickness. The bluff Mis
souri in told this good story to ev
Minister Blount, when they m«'
today. Said he: “Thera is an eld
gentleman in my district whom 1
mot a few days age, who wanted t<-
talk about the Hawaiian matter
He asked mi who is this mat
Blount that was sent over tc
Hawaii? I told him 1 knewy’ii
and that you were a good man,
and fr mi G orgpa. S.iid Im; ‘ls he
an old rebel, like me and you, gen
era!? I told him yes, and then h<
went on to say: ’Well, general
you tell him for me that Ip
ou ;ht not to have hauled dowi
that flag. It won’t do. We tried
that hard for four years, end it's a
bad business; it won't wie.’
Representative Hatch says there
is a good deal of’ point in what the
old vet said.
v wrr— y—
The planting of pecan trees is increas
ing in our country. Several have tn
gaged in in, and Mr. John T. Jone.*-
says he has fifty acres set out and ii
a thrifty way of growing. These trees
once they get to bearing, continue
sor fiftv year*, perhaps, and bring a
good income, as the nuts are always
in demand.—Fort Gaines Herald.
Iwo car 1 iads of hogs were ship* 1
ped from near Americus a few days
ago to the packing house of Ariuoui t
A Co.,Chicag >. This begimtolook t
like business. When our farmers get i
to e lipping hogs to ths West, or evei
furnish ths meat used in t! is conn- p
try it will begin to look like they in- h
tend doing something.—M mtezum i b
If the armies of unemployed men c<
on the Northern cities will emigrate tl
to the South and go to clearing land
and farming times would be bettei th
for then'.—B fijay Courier. cl
Mr. Tlionris R. R. Cobb has resign
id the office of president of the Young f (
il l’s Democratic League, ®f Fulton s
Jounty, to which he was recently
* * r
sleeted, to accept the presidency of)
he Evans Campaign Club.
In his letter of resignation he stvs I
I lint he doubts the goe I tasta of re
maining at the Lead of this local ,
erganization, smes he has decided to ’
take a partisan interest in a State r
campaign, between two Democrats.
We regret the step of this bright (
and enthusiastic young Democrat, be '
cause it was unnecessary. There can
be no ground for reasonable criticism
under such circumstances. He could j
have held both positiens with ]
propriety. Should lie have had a qnes
tion about the matter, we say, in ah
solute kindness to our frien ', that he
should not h<vj peimitt d bis ardor
to have caused him to leave the high
er, better and broader path of duty,
to -wit, rendering a service to the cause
;of Dem x-racy, rather than to the in
terests of any individual.
We also regret to observe that he in
j directly charges Mr. Atkinson with re
fleeting on an old soldier, in the for
me! announcement of his candidacy.
' The Commercial is not a slipperier of
Atkinson, but feels that it would neg
lect a plain journalistic duty did it
| permit an unjust charge agains t a
worthy Democrat, to go unchallenged.
Mr, Cobb lias simply misinterpreted
Mr Atkinson’, position That gentle
man has Rot, and would not, reflect
on the sentiment which is so fondly
cherished by Lis people.
We arj convinced that M’-. C >bb is'<
too manly to intentionally mistreat
any gentleman, and we call attention
to the mistake made by him, in orde>
that partisans may not this early st
upon a campaign of thoughtless mi s
rnpresen la. ion, which will surely end
in bitterness and crimination.- At
1 mta Daily Commercial.
Mr Atkinson s services have
brought him in contact with every
branch of the State government, and
has familiarized him with and helped
to fit him to execute the duties which
we hope and believe will devolve up
ioh him.—Columbus Evening Led
Hon \\ Y Atkinson lias ma-’e
public announcement ®f his candida
cy tor the Demecrntic nomination for
Govtiiir. His letter is a well
written document, evidencing
throughout the ability amt intellect
ual strength cf the writer —Bremen
W C Gle»n, cf Atlanta, regards
Atkinson’s address as ‘an anti- ad
ministration declaration.” What
would William have from areal dem
ocrat?—Sparta Ishinaelite
Gen Evan’s campaign is threaten
ed with one black eye at the outset
in that he has incurred the friend
ship of Hon Saab Wright, of Rome,
who, it is said. will stump the state
for him. Whether the the general
will survive this burden is to be seen
—Columbus Enquirer Sun
A though Atlaulu aid hsr pollti
cians are sacking to defeat him. v e
expect, to see Hon W Y Atkinxn
aext governor of the grand old sla'e.
—Mei-iwetlni Vindicator
It qualification and loyalty to flu
Democratic party entitles a man t<
the Governorship of Georgia, then
let us have Atkinson —Hannon v
Grove Echo
Hon. W Y Atkinson has formally
announced bis candidacy for Govern
or ol Georgia an I now some of om
state exchanges are talking of a dark
horse or compromise candidate
Atkinson’s letter to the people hat ’
t>e proper ring io it-Tifton Gazetit
Hon W Y Atkinson is a true dem
ocrat in every sense cf the word, ano
8 fitted is every particular so till the
gubernatorial chair.—Gibson R». r
cord f
The Demosratic ox that kept hi.
neck against the yoke last year is en- T ,
titled to the gubern itorial fodder tl
md he will get it. Mark that. * * d ,
5 Atkinson ha. been in
public life a number of years ano
nas a record of which any man n H n tr
>e proud. Peace with her victone.- 1-
is well Mwar No man in Georgia a
lodtnbuted more to the success oi H
he democratic party last year thm
A T Atkinson, and if there is such c
king in politics as gratitude he i>
icarly entitled to recognition.- (
i naiiu-a ews. '
Some of the anti Evans organs ef
eet to believe that Seab Wright*
n |
lupporting Gen. Evans will hurt his!
race. It will take mere than a nol’y i
foxing freak to qeer th. old man.—
Macon News.
In behalf of “the Tribune of the
people we would like to inform Hai
Moers that Scab Wright chases gen
tlemen sexes as well as “polly” foxes.
The fact is when Seal) goes fox hunt
ing he gets the brush—but when he
goes polificianing he gets brushed-
Why not turn loose John Allen
en Bout.lle, of Maine? He'd pl.t
J a eork in that bottle in le?s than
ten minut's, —Mobile Register.
Th. Demi cratic congressmen
will have to »eet the people at
the poll, this year, and it behooves
them to go right ahead and carry
out the pledges of the platform.—
Cochran Telegram.
In the language of Smith ol
Gwinnett, Cougre.’’ is ‘ gwinc on—
a rising of h—, and a doing ot n<
good a tall. — llaie’s We»ekly.
There is reason to apprehend
that the Hawaiian affair will prove
to bo another public question
which this Democratic congress ii
incompetent to handle. This con
gress is lacking in many impor
taut essentials, chief among which
may be mentioned brains and
statesmanship,— Columbus E:.~
J quirer-Sum
The people want the income tax
They want the tariff reductd
They want the tax on state banks
repealed. It they are not givei
these things and that quick ly, tb<
winds of next winter will whisth
(hrough a whole quorum of dried
congressional scalps. Blessed if
the congressman who has sense
enough to come in out cf the rain
while it is yet called todac —
Americus Penny Press.
No matter how the tariff matter
is settled, if done quickly the busi
iiess world will be better <-ff. Il
congress could then be prevailed
upon to give th° question a twen
ty year’s rest we believe wo wou'd
have an era of prosperity in man
ufacturing.—Greenesboro Hom<
— Williams say>
“the chestnut crop is short.” Miss
Florence evidently does not read
th. editorial columns of the anti-
Cleveland papers.—Dalten Argus
Ivery farmer can raise his owe
provisions oa the farm if he tries,
•nd if hj don’t all the legislation
in the world will not fill his pock
rtbook. It takes hard work to maki
money in every profession, ano
the laggard should not want the
more thrifty tosupport him m bis I
idleness.—Carroll Times.
Gubernatorially speaking, th'* I
b urnal and Constitution are slob
baring all over each other; m fact
hey are petting slimy.— Haler
It is about time Edison was in
vent ing an automatic bank e -I
er who could’t steak —Augusta
Representative Maidox, of lhe
seventh district, has informed ;■ I
Washington correspo dent that be
■expects to make a speech in tlu
- □use on the tariff, and (hat Rep
resentatives Turner and Black, <f
he Georgia delegation, are als< I
•xpected to speak on the subject
Albany Herald.
The Alliance rally at Stater
ooro day before yesterday was a
fizzle.—Augusta Herald.
Red wine stole $103,000 and got (>
rears “Lord’’ Beresford got G veaa>
md only stole SI,OOO. You can 1
lown Beresford. j -
Lillian Lewis is about the best ac
res. who has invaded Rome, in a t
•»st two seasons. Her reputation a.-
star is firmly established ns thi
lill City.
-Jir > or-/; a.'.'Mrfs I
’■ yon srs o’ ‘ ,ri for ‘-"a* 1
»t is genernl det'll:tj Try 1 1
u , w 740 »rxr-x luoy niTTi iif. |
“*U cure jo- cleanse your liver, and tic
* '‘.Epetita. I
|— E^nsirnn . T , rsrK '.'. L -.-U
Hays the Mobile News: “Love
in vjgatabla lifn is when the tur
nip gets mashed on the potatoe.
tjince the arrival of a brand
j new baby bay in the Rome
1 oil!: Phil Byrd wimths -At -
er lhe Biwi ’ alui' gt without ces-
S tion —Dalton Argus.
It’ the Argue will tend to its own
i little ShaVT and let our kid alone
there wont be much time for whist
ling in either office.
The Ashburn Advance does nm
believe that a girl ••can stay fat <m
love unless she has ph nty vs co'd
j victuals handv.”
I Isn't W, Y. Atkinson, the man
| that so bitterly opposed the sol
diers honi' 1 in Atlanta one year
J ago?—Rockmart Register.
C.rt I 1 h t’s whv most of tk»-
• old veterans admire him. The “At
lanta poor sclir-me” did not
oil many of the brave obi guards
. men.
Here is lhe latest internat ionnl
sffusion t rom lhe Km xvi I le, Teun
Journal :
I am dying, Grover, dying!
i Ebl's my great <]ue n-rule to fast,
And tho black J’elean’s ska lows,
father on Kalaua's blast. thine arms. Oh, swe t, enfold me,
Send thy tars and soldiers here,
List to B!o-ait’s great truthful s ory,
i And Dole’s heart from out him tear.
[ —O—
Brunswick had a little Lamb
Who lost the mayor's claim,
Bir when he struck his uncle Sam
He got the-e just the same,
Atlanta Journal,
It is predicted that Maddox win
back to congress easily if h'
wishes to. —Augusta Herald.
Whether he “wishes to” or not
ha. mighty lilt I- to do withit—
he wool hat. b vs of lhe Seventl
know a good tin ng when they or>
it and will send him buck anyh< w
‘ mark that pridicUon.”
One of the graaiest electric lights
thus far made is to ba placed on Fire
Island. It will be of 240,000,0 0 cun
lies and be visible to mariners at a
listance of 100 miles, by throwing
he light into the sky. The lai»;
will Le set up at. the expense of onlv
$ 0,000 which illustrates lhe wonder
ful achievements of seieuop.
Says the Macon News: The qu £
tion is, was Senator Gordon elected
to make dates with ths lecture Bu
reau or to represent his alleged
Georgia constituents.
pp p j
I 'Ftiy»b-» endorre P. P. p. as a aplendld oom bin atton,
•rd rye< -rib»' U with great Mthfaction for the cure, of all
• -io Secondary and TerUr.rv
’■ • t y
VSEASES. Rhen.'-csm, S. r .f l kin "l.rra '.- .re,
l • Jir .' welhnßf, I. -iuniCsv , Malaria, cld Cbrvmo
t nave nM-Uu all t’?a- neut, Catunh,
H '
' , ' i-’-r.-, --C : m*-. i Ta’c?-*
u r.r.l r’otfon, T»tier, Scald Head, etc., etc.
Ladle, whosa arc r.nd rh blood fa'
an fv inra dr« to ruer tru J Irrsg ila,-!'!.. r
H® n r cures i
*-■* ■■■■ —— r- ■ - >
piuliarly M>.<M by ta woa.lorlul tonic »n.l bkxrt-
Ciejnjlng propwtiaa cf F. P. P., Prickly Zuh, Pcko lU.I
and PotoMuim*
Bo<rk «m J 1 rt’i’r . >ren
, I
” I
IS «
_ W gloss 1
Softens and Preserves Leaths
FOR 1894.
The Best Literature,
The Newest Knowledge.
Fully Illustrated,
Some of ti e features are.
The Edge of the future
The Marvels of Science and
; Aciii- v-’inenf, presented in a pop-
11: ‘a>- aa ’
r mous People
There Life Stoi iis told by word
and pictures: the meterals being
i in nil cHt-t-s obtained from sources
. iiitiinately connected with the
I- Hllj’CtS.
rue Narratives ol’
Alz Daring and
Leopard Hunting in Northern
\iricn Lionl Hunting in Algeria,
liger Hunting in luda. Elephant
Hunting in Africa. Adventnes in
he Upper Himalayas.
i Business Insti
The Longest Railroads in the
world, lhe Hudson Bay Comp
any. The Bank of England. The
Business of the Greatest Merchant
($100,000,000 a year.)
E .T. V. & G. Ry.
ONLY. 2. 1-2,
Lv Rome daily 8-35 a.rn
Ar, Atlanta . 11.10..
Lv. Rome . 1 1.30 a. m
Ar-Atlanta. 2.30 p.m
Lv. Rome .11.10 p.m
Ar. Atlanta . 1 .30 , .
« I
- c SMITH G Pa A Ta.
Armstrong House,
Gen l Pass, and Ticket Agent,
ri. H. COMER, AND H. J. LOWRv.
Receiver s
No 4 bouth bouna Nt
Lvave Chattanooga - - . 4no . )lu
*< J? OI i ne . ' " - -* 13 pin
" Cedartown - - ron , )rn
f.v. Cedartown L.'ulOam
Ar. Griftin - . 855 am
■ - . non am
bavannab . fl 20 pm
Nol Nortlußound *'o
L \- - ■8 45 p lc
Griftin - . .
Ar. Cedartown . £24 pm
TRaiN NO. 3.
Lv. Cedartown fi 20 am
~ Rome . 7 08 am
arrive Chattanooga - 10 25. am
parties wishing to spend the cay in Chatta
nooga. slmnpl take the Central Railroad
at 7 08. am returning at 7 13 pm train to ami
i rom Griftin lays over all night at Cedartown,
W. F, Shellman Trafie Mgt.,
J. C. Haile Gen., Pass., Apt.
C, p .... , Savannah Ga.
b. B. Webb crav., Pass., Agl.. 1
D. fi. Hall City Pass., Tk!., Agl
<• U » . Atlanta Ga
C. S Pniden Gen.. Agent
w E. Huff Ticket Agent.’
Rome Ga r
Notice of Registration of Voters ol
City Election.
Offleal notice is hereby given that the books
oi the registration of city voters for the next f
leumciple election are now open a» the clerk of ■
the council » oftice at the city Hall- All citv 1
all dues to the city ulust L t
pa rt before registering the attention of citv
voters is called especially .r the fact that the f
payment of taxes does not register voters in the
city registration, but in addition to pay ing al] f
B oti t c t e entiOnOfallCity V ° terS iS eal " , ‘ to thiß b
Registration clcses Saturday Febv 17 at 7
> clock p.m. Election Tuesday March 8, 1894. „
M. A. Nevin,
rekT p Clerk Council.
Ladies will find the wafers j Es{
what they need, and can be depe L j.
ed upon everjtime to give relief. Safe
and sure. Can be sent by mail jeal e ,’
securely. Price $2.00 per bnx. Erne,
son Drug Go., San Jose. Cui , and" t ’
sale by lleesa A Whitehead
By request of the holdeis of one fifth „fn
Stom- ; notice is hereby given tli.u there will 1?
called meeting f the Mtockliohlers of the ~ 4
t Mutual Loan Association at the < <mi|, n.,
’ nee in Rome, Georgia, on the seconeil ,1* ' *
Febnary, 1894, at 9 A. \1 to pass upon a iL'l'
| mentis to the By Laws of said AsHociaiton m I'
submitted a» said time JMinary 2d, 1894 *
Halstfd’ smith,
; ißltmm i liIIMB
‘ TNI.bIGNS' vwd., subieetto approval O f*i
-sasses a- t stv'es of modern building.
♦ —.
Taught by.
Edw. Buchanan.
507 E. First St.
J Care E. C. Ford
1 Remedy for Rh uinfefism is used
bv physicians everywhere, and is
known as a renitirkably efficient prep.
I nation for the relief and speedy
cure of tl at disease. Its work is s ‘ o
s immediate that benefit is felt from
the first dose, and one bottle will
cure any ordinary case. Sold bv
8 druggists in large bottles, or sent by
t express to any address, with special
directions and lull information, bv
111nn <) t Medicii e C-\, 48-s(j
Maiden J-ai New Yoik. “Piice $5
er two hug bottles.’’
Fou r weeks by our method teaching book
keeping is e<iua to twelve weeks bvtheolil
style. I ositions Guaranteed under certain eon
di. l ions. Our “free" .56 and 80-page catalogn’-
will explain all. Send for them-Draughts
Business College and Scoool of Shorthand and
Telegraphy, .’’ashville, Tenn-
Cneap Heard, No vacation. Enter any time
Address, J. F. DRAUGIITON, Fres’t. Nashville
j “During the epidemic of lagrippe
Charmberlain’s Cough Remedy took
the lead here and was much better
liked than other cough medicine. “
H. M . Bangs, druggist, Chatsworth,
( 111. liie grip is much the same as a
very severe cold and requires preci
sely lhe same treatment. This Reme
dy is pt ompt and effectual and will
prevest any tendency of the disease
toward paeumoni-i. For sale bv—
Lowry Bros Druggists.
Ladiei ffair Dressing
Mrs. Sitton, is now ready to wash
hair and, dress the hair for any occa
tion, cut ** c .rl the bangs, also treat
the face, or in other words make
ladies bea/tiful in two weeks. Call
Ku 1 East Rome Ga
The |safest J , and jmost
desirable [route be
The only line with Pas
senger Depot in the
C ty of Rome.
Lv. Rome (daily) 7:45 A. M.
Ar. Atlanta “ J] :05 A. M.
Lv. Rome (daily) 2:50 P. M.
Ar. Atlanta “ G;25 P. M.
Lv. Atlanta (daily)B.oo A. M.
Ar. Rome “ 11:10 A.M.
Lv, Atlanta(daily) 3:10 P. M.
Ar. Rome “ 6:20 P. M.
For any other information call
oa C. K. Ayer, G P A.
J- A. IlrjiE, Tkt. agt-
W. F. Ayer, T M.
It leaves Cmcinnatti at 6,00 pni.
flatly from Central Station, mak
ing connections with all through
trains from the South and lands
passengers in New York City at
Grand Central Station, avoiding
ferry transfer.
\\ hen you go East take this
D. B. Martin, General Passen
ger and Ticket Agent.
E. 0. McCormick, Passenger
Frafiic Manager.