Newspaper Page Text
THIRD year.
. J ill H
ullll Jul'
o„ the IMze Fighters. He
GOVEBNOK nori hen
wil ; Turnip A G.ttlfng ttn. O»
Tke- ShonK They Come To
To Cight Cant Fight In
Florida Either.
£ BB hvill*, Tenn,, January 23.
{Special.)—The Constitution rep
tentative tonight asked Rev.
Sam Jons?, * ho 18 P™ ach,n « at
the gospel tabernacle, what he
thought of the decision of the
court in the injunction case a
gainst the officers who wanted to
prevent the Mitchell, Corl) ■ t fight.
“I know Governor Mitchell, ’
Mr. Jones said, “and I know that
he will prevent the tight. He will
pay no attention to the injunction,
buthe will stop it if it lakes all
the troops in the state. If these
men fight they will go off some
where and fight alone. Iho man.
agers cannot move a body of men
like the crowd that wants to see
that fight without attr cting at
tention. The light will not ccme
eff where that crowd can see it?
“What would Governor Nortben
do if th-\v should go over into
southern Georgia? ’ asked the
“My! ’ said the evangelist, “they
would not uior tinni get there
before he would have a Gatling
gun ready to turn o,n them,'’
■ I ? That is what tie ordi-
CF •£.* .. pills and bowel
pend upon,
f-y ' explains why your
2 y stem is in a worse
V, ■. < ■ .Kuti.'ii afterward
; tut-.", before. And that
jfcj.. r-A j is <«<• reason why Dr.
wiT- 'il 1 ‘se's Pleasant Pel
-1 , , best things
'S'.''world for every
stomach and bowel
» trouble. There’s no
disturbance, no reac
tion afterward, and tAeir L<-Zp lasts. They
absolutely and permanently cure Constipa
tion, Indigejicy, Bilious Attacks, Sick and
Bilious Ecadackj". One tiny, sugar-coated
granule is a gentle laxative or regulator:
three are cathartic.
They’re the smallest, the easiest to take—
end the cheap, st, for they’re guaranteed to
give satisfaction, or your money is returned.
Buy of reliable dealers. With any others,
something else that pavs them better will
probably lie urged as “just as good.” Per
haps it is, for them; but it can’t be, for you.
,F r ? P er l ect an, ' ! permanent cure o f Ca
tarrh, take Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy.
WE nil YOU
Mthingßev, wb.e r . _■ y • iiMv-to
■ ion i .mo ..j m.. ? f-
''''' * be w <>rkiug Clast
Juaraßt«.pv,!2„ ? w A money rapidl:-,.ai«i
withfnlh th» m r '” ws °>«r instruetkont
Kvwv .00. J? ak ? “5 a month.
lurelv » B <l ,wid * tnd works wit ;
»an be rx, A*’? 1 y inco aM- tlwir earnings; the«r ’
are d®iMir*LT'v™ bOUt ’V otlierß ~aw »'• woi*
nu 11 tV btw.- 1 .LJl’ c “" do the sunie
g l >iat vox hurt
You win make
If PupwTtMu! • g,v l Jt trlal <•»«»
wXlf !, in'a ? Uickly - >° l
buti»e H rtwhi.b,, f “ ’ UOBt prosperous
!w ?esum« of mmS” 't? s ’ !r<! I icake 11,14 8:1 v
t>OMn’ Bork ?nj.’ lhe results of only a few
Whether y£ ft** 'l' l al a uwk's s age,
snakes ■« 4ig(. renc ' d “an or woman, i
*•’ *tU mZt w, ‘ ><*. l,nd »'>e
1 n U “ >rv A’eithe
set »r. rtwX'V*’'- ' '“** wS *° w ” rt
fai l' " ,lU> '«<*'«y so
tree I c 4 tLKN & (X> .
tsos >,». Auguetu. Me
Furniture and Undertaking, Carpetsand Matting.
Kt-nto A Tl-> CORNER. 337, BROADST.
Day and night, gome of the
Evans Boomers are hulling for
names for an Evans ’ ! ub —for
three wetks they have been shak
ing the bushes and beating the
brush—for names—names are all
they want and names they must
have to sunport a statesman wh ■
is a statesira’i onlyjby name. “L“t
‘uin rip.”" This is a panick year
and people are not going to elect
any man to office whos tiainmg
has not fitted him for the place.
« *
I notice my oid triend Lon Har
ris is in the city today with a
couple of cargoes of oats. Lon is
one of the best farmers in Georgia.
'Last year he “thrashed” 787 bush
els of oats and is now delivering an
order of 500 bushels to Mr. R. D.
Van Dyke, the Wholesale and Re
tail Merchant.
* *
Mr. Harris says his oats are the
famous Georgia Rust Proof varie
ty, am | ire much superior to the
Texas Rust Proofs. Floyd county
needs a thousand farmers like the
Harris boys. Dave Shelton and a
score of ether practical sons ofjthe
soil whom we know to be living a s
home and boarding at the same
* *
' There is not a day that passes over
I this devoted citv that some one does
1 not remark to me about the fitness oi
Mozes R' Wright, for the next Leg
islature. Mr. AVright is a most pop
ular, level headed young attorney,
noted alike for his common sense
views his eloquence and his back-,
bone. He will be nominated an 1
elected and when he has been, fie
wiil be heard from m the halls of the
Common wealth.
» *
County Commissioner Glenn was
in the city to-day, and in repiy to a
question from me answered: “As be
tween Atkinson and Evans, I am un
questionably for Mr. Atkinson for
Governor? Mr. Glenn is one of jour
old veterans but he has a practical
democratic head and is a mm of
convictions. He says bis section so
far as he knows is decidedly in favor
of Mr. Atkinson.
* *
A GENT MAKES Five Dollars a Jaj selling
greatest Kitchen Utensil ever invented.
Retails for thirty-five cents. Two to six can be
sold in every house. Millions s< Id in this coun
try alone. Dont miss the greatest opportunity
ever known to make money, easily and quickly.
Sample sent, postage prepaid for five cents.
MeMAKIN & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio.;
Ail unpaid taxes for
1893 are being put in
hands of Sheriff for
Jno. J. BlaCk. T-C.
; this is w
Rainbow’ No. 1 Fire Company
files a petition.
la a bad light. They charge kiia with
conduct which seems high banded
and leave* some sectians at the city
' nitpratected.
A committee from Rainbow Fire
Company has filed th* following
petition with the City Ceuncil:
Rome Ga. Jau’y 22, 1894.
To the Honorable Mayor Couu
oi', Gentlemen: We a committee
from Raiubow Fire Co. No. 1, beg
t<» submit to your honorable body
the following: Last fall, bj’ the
direction of chief Hanke, without
the knowledge or consent of any
of our Officers, took the Hose
: from the Reels in the Fourth
i Ward, and Reel house built by D
Ro >t. Battey at Infermary aid
dispsed of same, leaving these
portionsof the city without prop
er Fire protection and we here
b i request y>.ur honorable body to
furnish ns with rubber hose for
Sid reels.
Your very Respectfully.
W. H. Steele Pres’t Rainbow No. 1
A. M. Word, Vice
G. H. Rawlins, Secretary
Mr. Alf Harpe \ the brihgt,
writer, buatlimz reporter and all
r >und good newspaper man has
s vered his commotion wiih tin
Rome Tribute. Mr, Harper will
I read law.
i Mr, Jamss A. Hall is now con
nod'-d with the Rome T'ribuue.
owing to the condition of his left
I hind foot, h 3 will be unable to d<
much street work.
It’ the above Btsteaaeut is biased on
facts, then it is high tims- for the city
fathers to move in the matter.
First of all let the hose ba replaced
and the property properly protected
1 ind then let the couduci of the
Chief be inquired into.
A card from Chief Hanks would
doubtless make interesting reading
matter and would probably throw
some light on the subject of the
whyness of the thusness of his con
duct. Will the Chief talk out in .
mcetin’ ?
You are hereby notified to come
forward and pay your street tax
at onco, as you will be summoned
io appear before the mayor and I
council, sitting as a board of com
missioners. You are liable to be
fined for non-payment of same.
J C. Brown,
ts. City Marshal.
If you have that pecuharde
smse, just get a bottle of Reese’s
Favorite Prescription!, and in a
few days you will be a well man.
For sale only at Reese & White
head’s 327 Broad Street Rome Ga., |
Dress Goods. White
Silk Wrap Henriettas
All Wool Cashmeres,
Half Wool Cashmeres
AH wool Flannels.
Black Battens. Col
ored Satteiis. Check
NainsooKS. Check
Lawns- Plain White
Lawns. India Lawns.
White and Cream
Mulls Hamburg Edg
ing. Indialined Ern
broderies. Torchon
Laces. Ribbons- Ta
ble Linens, Table
Damask and Nap-
Men’s Fine Shoes, (
Good Shoes!
Boys’ Good Shoes,
Beys’ cheap Shoes
Boy’s Rubber Shoes.
The anctii'ii salo of
h >rsos and mule- 1 , adver’isud ly
Simo'.i it Co., to tflks place this
forenoon, was largely ai tended,
d’spite the down-pour of rain.
K 'hte<n head of h.-reos were
disuosed of before ' i© Aucu'-ueer
rested from hta labors. The pric< s
wer* most moder* t r —n any good
I animals selling very cheap.
Tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock
the Auction will be renewed and 23
i head, more, will go to the highest
Such bargains in horseflesh were
never secured by Romans bafore.
Oilers ».K.-1 >'« .. w-mr-.i-.
,e„ . lu,.tion or Skor-l. n ■ < -<■ " > 1 ;no.ler.,
luw Free u» ' « ***!'’ ' r .‘ ‘ r p ''"J**
kins. Towels. Red
and White Flannels.
Dress Lining. White
10-4 Sheeting 5-4
Pillow Casing bleach
ed Domestics. Drill
ings, Sheetings Shirt
ings Calicos Buttons,
Thread Blankets and
Scarfs. Half Hose,
Suspenders Collars
and Cuffs Fine Shirts
Flannel sh’rL cotton
shirts. Undershirts
Overshirts. Overalls
Mens’Cheap Shoes
Ledies’ Rubter Shoes.
Ladies’ Shoe .
Ladies’.Fine Shoes
Ladies’ Good Shoes
A California Pcgilist Is Knockcd
Out Bi’ A Georgia Aiiate r..
Wayoross, G i . J a 2 > ( >• • )
The oh.niff of the • • , .m 1.3:1 -mu the
Florida liim an 1 Snj cito- (tcuerai
Brantley held a meeting in this city
late last night for t'c purpose of
nrnking arrngements t-> urf-v'-H the
Corbett and Mitchell priz fig-it tak
ing place in this sti ff , I’h-j mee'-
ing was held behind closed doors nnd
noihlog can be learned couceriin;
uqj plans deci e 1 upon
Late last night a y ung sp >1 ting
roan from California who was en route
f >r Jacksonville, and G Archergot
into a difficulty at the union passen
ger depot. Mr Archer k" >cked the
ynuocr p igilisl out in the first round
Th" voinig w-s *■<» en-
orce the soci i' equality m I Mr A.t
cher drew him pron p ly into the
and Jackets. Rub
ber Coats Good Ijrae
of Ha* s. Good line of
~ r runks.
Ladies’ and Misses
Hose. Children's
Hose. Ladies’ Hanxi
kerchief. Ladies'
Under vests. Ladies
Gloves Shawls scarfs
Cloaks Jackete. Gos
samers. Misses’ Gs -
samers. Misses’ Co
sets. Ladies Corsets
Boys’ Shirt
Spool Silk. Spoa
Ladies Cheap Shoes
Misses’ Shoes
Childrens Shoes
Childrens’ Rubbcsas
FN(' 1 I’M EN !’ A 1’ CGAL CREE U.
Fifty Con victs EcCafe —
PlriUing Them.
Knoxville, Tenn.. January 23. —
(Sp 'cm 1) F' f1 y convicts escapes
Toni tb", branch prison at Cc«a.
Creek by crawling through tfcf
bars of the waterway leading
”e gt ’ ide. This occurad aco«-
‘usk ano it was not long aftt’i
that the guards discovered tJiP
The guards gave chase and hxbt.
prumiscu >uslj- although it is
known that any were killed. Sever
al holdups am reported as follow
ing th" escape. It is doubtful if
any will be captured. The Chfcv
Creek disorder of twoyeara- agpr
will le s»eil r< tn membered, Bewr*a
f the conv cts who escaped tonigiT
were liberated by miners on forta
er occasions only to be recapture 1