Newspaper Page Text
THIRD year.
IB AND ffl
Gentleman Jim Smashes the
Blarsted Hcnglisnman
Silber Mitehell w-8 H Wi h Cer
belt And the Wind 81-wThroagh
th ewhiKke. S »r«»Teni.rN<Hheii.
Jacksonville Fl*.. J» u - 2, ’ th ‘~
Mitchell and Corbett entered the
ring at 1,25 showed
unwell. About 2,500 people form
ed the audience around the battle
field. .
The result of the tight was reach
ed in a surprisingly short time,
but was not unexpected otherwise.
The rounds in detail read:
let, Round: Corbett hits Mitch
ell on tbs chin. Mitchell gets
Corbett in the ribs. They Clinch.
Corbett shakes the Englishman
off and lands on his jiw before
time is called.
2ud round: The Californian is
too quick for Mit hell and lands
heavily on jaw and on neck .Mitch
ell lauds with left on Corbet’s ribs
but gets it hard on jaw.
3rd round: Corbett knocks the
Englishman down and as he rises
[knocks him down again, As Mitch
ell rises the third time Corbett
lands heavily in Mitchell’s eye and
knocks him over the raiin g. 1 bus
tndsthe bru’al show.
' And the Governor ot Florula say s
to the Governor of Ge rgia: By gravy!
But didnt Jimmy do it quick.
And tl e wind blew through Gover
nor Northens whiskers .
Boone, la.. January 24 —The I
building on th' l Boone county poor
farm, in which the incurably in
sane were confined, was burned at
lOo'clock last night and eight of
the nine inmates were burned to
death. Only one woman, Mrs. Hib
bard escaped from the burning
building and gave the alarm to
Stewart Holcomb, who was in the
main building adjacent. It was
then too late to sav- the insane
people and the main building was
saved only by the greatest, effort.
The Stewart say-he b.inle! the
Urea in tho funnier a! o i 9 (‘clock
luddoes i.ot know Io; the fire
originated unless from a defective
Bue. The dead are ; Tommv Tnck
■t,John Annasnigg-, Anna Smlor-
B>urg.Christine Anderson, ’I .i
■*' J * Peterson, Yrs Sent, Tom
■.eascr and Joseph Craig,
■ take notice.
■ sou are hereby notified to come
■orward and pay your street tax
» once, as you will be summoned
■oappear W orH tbe mayor an(J
.■“Oncil, sitting as a board of com
»iSßioners. You are liable t ., be
Bp 1 for non-pa. ;il e,t oi
IB ts '* *'■ B r " wn .
City Marshal.
Furniture and Undertaking, Carpetsand Matting..
I CORNER. 337, BROADS! 1 .
in 111 mn
The “Lord” Beresford of the
State of Tennessee.
Os Atlanta lu the United States “Hntel’
at Columbus, 0, Breakaway, a Wit
ness Confesses to Perjury.
Jackson, Tenn., January 24
Rev. G. F. B. Howard, the noted
foreign claims swindler, is off for
the penitentiary at Columbus, 0.,
in charge of Deputy Marshal E.
D. Collier and J. M. Compton.
About 9 o’clock this morning a
hscK went to the jail to bear tbe
prisoner to the train, but an aflic-r
having gone away with the con
mital p ipers, the prisoner refused
to g' .
It was then agreed by the prison
er that he would leave tonight and
then it was decided that Mrs.
Howard and all members of the
family should bid the prisoner
farewell at 10:30. At 1 :45 the
prisoner was carried to the union
depot and embarked upon the Illi
nois Central.
Brockaway, one of tbe young
men held for perjury, made a writ
ten confession at a late hour last
night, giving the whole snap away
In the confession the prisoner
showed a letter from bis young
wifa begging him to tell the truth
and come home to her and the ba
A later letter said that Mrs.
■ Brockaway had attempted suicide
•and was very nearly dead. Depu’y
‘ Marshal Ed. Collier insisted upon
Dr, Howard being shackled and be
[ wore the bracelets gracefully. It is
understood that there will be to
immediate application for action
in the supreme court. The par -
ing scene batween tbe prisoner and
his wife was affecting.
Springs a Sensation in New York
New York. January 24-—There
is a woman in St. Catherine’s hos
pital, Wslliamsl urge, who says she
is the •p oppessor °f fiU Rslftle °f
between nine and ten million dol
lars, and who tell a story of how
she nearly became thevietini of a
conspiracy in which doctors m
whose favor she had made her will
>. j re interested in having her die
i.iittliOj might become heirs to
her fortune.
The woman is Mrs. Minnie Fitz
patric, a widow of Mobile, Ala.,
and says that she is grand niece of
Mother Seton, who founded the
order of Sisters of Charity, in this
city. She also said that the late
Bishop Rosefelt Bayley, of Newark,
was her brother, and that she is a
cousin of Monsignor Robert Seton
of Jersey City, General Ketcbmar,
of tne confederate army, she savs
was her first husband and h*r
second husband was a captain in
Ihe confederate navy. Both are
■F 118
Replies to tbe Petition of the
Rainbow Co. Committee
Far DUpesißg ot the uN Hose and
States Where the Money Went t».
Only Took 150 ft From No, i
Fourth Wind Keel
Chief Dave Hanks of the fire de
partment mak-s the following reply
to a petition from a committee of
No. 1. fiieinen. which had been pre
sented to the City Council an J wuich
appeared ia yesterday's Hustleb Os
Rome Ga. Jan. 25 1894
Ed. Hustler of Rome Please
a low me space in your wideawake
paper to say, for the benefit ot
Rainbow, No. 1. Fire Company
' and for others who may feel inter
: ested ; that last Spring, by the con
sent and under the advice of the
Fire Committee of the City Coun
cil, I sold 500 feet ot old rubber
1 he sale was made to the city ot
Peidmont, Ala. and it was agreed
by all the parties that the money
realized from said sale, was to be
reinvested in hose (cotton hose)
for the department.
Now if I rememb r correctly, I
took only 150 feet of hose from No.
1, every foot they had at the Fourth
Ward reel house.
1 found the hose in tiie corner
of the reel house and the reel its
self clothed in its holiday attire.
As to the reel at Dr. Batter's, 1
have yet to see it appear for duty,
its first time. I have seen it of
course, but it was only on dress
parade occasions.
If No. l,can get hose enough
fr r ber wagon, and will carry
th-m they will not find use for
either the reels or Hie rubber hose
they ask for said reels.
I admit that I did not ask No. 1.
for the 150 ft. of hose I got from
the Fourrh Ward nor do I yet see
ivlicre it was ueccessary to have
done so, acting under the instruc
I took as much nr more cf old
rubber hose from each, No’s 2. and 4.
than I did from No 1. And to date,
no ciy of trespassing has been raised
by either cf these Companies.
lam satisfiied that I acted under
orders from the proper Authority, and
know, that in doing what I did, my
motive was to better the equipment [
of the department and put it c n a I
more effective basis.
The process of the sale have been
turned into the city excheeqer and if
the honorable eommittee wio are sm
careless with petitions will enquire at
the Council chamber of the citv fath
ers they can learn where every dollar
‘a :en out of their hose is "at.”
Hopiag this may satisfy the hon< r
able committee and will “post” all
otl eri who are interested and who
desire to know the details of the trans j
f Dress Goods. White
Silk Wrap Henriettas
All Wool Cashmeres,
Half Wool Cashmeres
AU wool Flannels.
, Black Sa’iens. Col-
i ored Sattens. Check
NainsooKs. Check
Lawns- Plain White
Lawns. India Lawns.
White and Cream
Mulls Hamburg Edg
ing. Indialined Em
broderies Torchon
Laces. Ribbons- Ta
ble Linens, Table
Damask and Nap-j
Men’s Fine Shoes, (
Good Shoes l
Boys’ Good Shoes,
Be ys’ cheap ShoQs I
Boy’sßubber Shoes.
ii' tion I sub-cribe mys-flf.
J D Hanks
Chief H -nk‘B card is manly clear to
the point and should s itisf> the minds
of all that he has oui> done his duty
But when is the city fathers going
to reinvest that h> se money in hr s- J
Thats a question the property owner
is interested in hearini - ■ ered.
Indianapolis. Jan 24. Mil * <•-
phine McDonald, wi !o-.v of S i i.i or
Jose McDonald, filed suit. to- i.v
against Attorneys But tier, Su<>w A
Butler for $15,000. Mrs M< Donald
charges tint this firm which encceed
.<l Butler A .McD: i aid, got the busi
m f-.r SI,BOO whe ,in Li tit was
w.rth $15,000.
kins. Towels. Red
and White Flannels.
Dress Lining. White
Bed Spread’ . Jeans.
10-4 Sheeting 5-4
Pillow Casingbleach
ed Domestics. Drill
ings, Sheetings Shirt
ings Calicos Buttons,
Thread Blankets and
Scarfs. Half Hose,
Suspenders Collars
and Cuffs Fine Shirts
Flannel s’vrt cd*-on
shirts. Undershirts
Overshirts. Overalls
Mens’Cheap Shoes
I Ladies’ Rubber Shoes.
Ladies’ She?f.
i Ladies’ Fine Shoes
Ladies’ Good Shoes
The mysterv surrounding the
Injury received by F ank Clu>r!-
tpn, the Louisvillo & Nashville
' riskemai;, Saturday night ' asb-e i
solved. Charlton recovered suffi
ciently lest n'ght to fe'i ab<.nt h.e
misfortune. Ho w th- r-*ar hrake
n « >. e iashviilf & P cntiir
i>i'r<ii(i transfer, ami was struck
g.-.ilh pausing ui il-f the Broad
Street tunnel. Oh irllou as-ume i a
stooping position u-u ! on uj
proachsug tHe brid'je, but failed
o lower hituae'f sulficeijt!y His
head ceine in contact with the
top of the tunnel, but f<e innately
he was not kii'>< keP !n m th- cars
Chut'liuli is d'-i:ig nic v t <l.,y hikl
will recover. — Nhblivu.h Banner.
and Jackets. Rub
ber Coats Good line
of Hals-Good line of
Ladies’ and Misses’
Hose. Children’s
Hose. Ladies’ Hand
kerchief. Ladies’
Undervests. Ladies
Gloves Shawls scarfs
Cloaks Jackete. Gos
samers. Misses’ Gs -
samers. Misses’ Co
sets- Ladies Corsets,
Boys’ Shirt Waists*
Spooi Silk. Spoo:
.Ladies Cheap Shoes
Misses’ Shoes 1
Childrens Shoes
Childrens’ Rubbers
Beil ii), Jan, 24. —The aida-de
camp of Emperor William, CoL
Von Moltkp, hm called at Fried
richsruhe and has presented
Prince Bit m-nck with a bottle of
very old win*, sent to theex-cbats
cellor by the emperor. The bottle
r.f wil • Wi, '< rj>; -’niod hv aj>
autngr m ** , '.-i tL- em
peror coiigra’nlated Prince Bitt
n.arck upon bis recovery from a
his recent attack of influenza.
The co'ogne Gazette, referring
to he pret-e nt of the bottle of wine,
say» that Pruce Bismarck, reply
ing to Count V<,n Mo'tke, eaid he
wou'd wait upon the emperor in
Berlin at the beginning of next
we> k
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?«di£ig». .vnu. or cUu'.'.ttnr . . -isMKtoDM
• • - up. '•>< u.d
z»WO'A.. , t nV tm’l'UHS.
«;as ■ • '!•' .-,<l, .r>digestion.
• ■■ ■■»■ ’-r . , . r lu-J*