Newspaper Page Text
THIRD year.
Til Villi IIP
IM mb 11.
Mre . Donaldson i’JRe. onciled
to her Husband
i(iD HA
t„,». U'" l '" r »•’*«*•»
t„ O.r »( l»« Bloodies
| Perd.Ever Commuted iu Burning
Birmingham, Ala, January 28-
Tbe preliminary trial of Eugene By
erß charged with murdering and
robbing his cousin Eugene Walker,
the United States sergeant who was
his guest at the time, was concluded
today and the defendant remanded
t() jail without bail. Tho chain of
evidence seemed to lack no link
to bind Byers to one of the most
atrocious murders ever committed
here. He stoutly protests his inno
cence and says he wj’l prove it
have kissed and made up
Tonight Mrs Lil i Donaldson, the
little woman from Rome went to the
jail and had an interview with her
truant husband who was arrested
last night charged with deserting
The interview terminated evidently
to the satisfaction of both, as Mrs
Donaldson went immediately to the
office of Judge McDavid and had tOO
case against her husband dismissed.
They went to the Intel together and
will return to Rome tomorrow. It
6 believed that Donaldson being out
>f employment, became despondent
E,nd left Jhis family with his wife’s
ether without saying goodby. being
kbLirned to acknowledge to them his
I Mrs. Donaldson is a very pretty
■ittle woman and is a daught c r of
Bfr. A. Dougherty, one of the
Wealthiest men of Rome.
I Douadlson is a shoe drumme r
■nd a man of excellent character
■o far as we can learn. He is a
■landsome fellow but seems to have
■net the tide of hard tipje, and
■ieen unable to stein it.
I Fine white Bed Spreads woith $2
■or $1.20
A B McArver <fc Co.
I Blankets worth $6.00 35J
“ 5.00 “ 3.00
" 400 “ 2.50
“ 5 ‘ 2.00
' 50 • 1.50
" “ 2 0.) ‘ 1.25
" 1.75 “ 1/0
“ “ 1.25 “ .85
|AB. McArver A Co
I If you want a first
tlass tailor made suit,
cheaper than vou ever
Baw trash sold, visit
gammon’s Cash Cost
urnitureand Undertaking, Carpetsand /Viatting.
Hi Ills III 1 .
A Supprise in More at the
“Supprise Store"
Wil Turner Goes a Glass
Door. Tom Mann, the Overcoat Thiel
is 1 npi oving-
Tom Mann, the Me Intosh thief
is in the county jali, His woundi
are not so serious as they promised
to be c n yesterday
Mann is the coon who hypotheca
ted a coat from the front of Gammons
store on Saturday, and whom officer
Guice ran down on horsebtek and
had to shoot a couple of times before
he quit jumping fences and tearing
up barbed wire.
The wound in the hip is a most
painful one and is causing the light
fingered citizen of Darktown much
Will Turner, a “coonlet” of about
14 had a painful experience at t e
Supprise Store on Saturday night.
Dr Sam Lowry noticed the young
coon was acting very suspiciously
and approached him.
The negro wormed around, and as
Mr Lowry retched for him he made
a dash’for the front door, and not
noticing that one of the doois had
been closed, he dashed into the glas
smashin}. |t, cutting his upper lip
open for about two inches.
He was picked up and carried in
to Lowry Bros drug store where his
wounds were daessed.
When his coat was unbuttoned
a heavy wool shirt which he bad
stolen, dropped out.
He was turned over to an officer
and locked up. This foreuoon Dr
Lowry refused to prosecute. Re
corder Fouche lectured the young
scamp and turned him loose.
Dr Lowry said he knew the boys
grandfather, a one armed, honett
old negro and he has promised o
replace the glass door. The oiu
negro mad* an o'oquent plea for
the little black orphan and he and
his pretty lip were turned out to
play together.
That’s what Sick Headache dot*,
when Dr. Pierce’s Flea.<a>t Pel
let« are taken. These tiny, sng
ar-coated, anti-bilious granules
er cure it completely. They’re the
smallest, the easiest to take, and
the most natural remedy. No
disturbance, no unpleasantness,
no reaction afterward. One little
Pellet at a dose regulates the
f whole system. Constipation, In
s digestion, Bilious Attacks, Dizzi
ness, and all derangements of the
liver, stomach and bowels are
prevented, relieved, and permar
They’re the cheapest pills you
can buy at any price, for they’re
■■ guaranteed to give satisfaction,
or your money U returned. You
pay only for the good you get.
Things that seem to help Catarrh may be
doing harm. Poisonous, irritating snuffs
and strong, caustic solutions onlv drive it
from the head to the lungs. Dr. Sage’s Ca
tarrh Remedy cures Catarrh. It’s mild,
soothing, cleansing, healing. Its proprietors
promise SSOO or a cure.
Was VV here a Canvas Back
Boat Spilled.
Newsy items from Livingston. Gath
ered by our special correspondent,
and served fresh and crisp
Livingston, Ga., Jan, 20.
Mr. Berry Landers ie up and
able to take charge of his store
igain after a severe spell of the
Livingston is not exactly on a
boom, but there is a nice dwellij g
house going up on the hill, oppo
site the McConnell place.
Miss Florence Dean is conduct
ing a flourishing school at. ‘.he
Livingston academy.
Miss Nannie Wilkerson, one of
Floe's charming young ladies is visit
ing relatives in South Georgia
I A laughable adventure befell some
. y° un g people on the river opposite
here last week; and had it not been
for the courage and presence of mind
of the young men it might have end
ed tragically.
Messrs Jim Shaw, Quin McArver,
and Misses Nannie and Lou Flem
ming entered a canvass boat at Coosa
intending to go down the river to
pay a visit to the family of Mr C
On the way the boat caught on an
obstacle in a swift current and cap
sized in an instant.
Each boy seized a girl and swam
to the shore with her. The boys
righted the boat and escorted the |
girls to a neighboring Lou a «
After they were comfortably ovei
their ducking, the girls showed their
confidence in their gallant swains by
re- entering the treacherous little
boat and contimning their journey to
the end.
Z. Y. X.
Mr. Porter Burnett, brother of
Mrs. Free Stiphens who figured so
conspicuously in the Wilkerson
case, was thrown from a buggy at
iiool today and considerably
He waedriving the span of cream
mares, that belongs to the Steph
ens estate and had sir ]] <d in front
of Deputy Sheriff Dallas Turners tv s
dence on Main St. in the’Fiith Ward
to get a newspaper.
The electrict car passed withou
frightning the mures but Mr. Bur
net*- dropping the lines and tossed
(hr lap robe over the dash board
intending to get out and arrang
the harness while Mr.,Turner went
after the paper.
Suddenly the horses dashed
Goes. >
Dress Goods. White
Silk Wrap Henriettas
All Wool Cashmeres,
Half Wool Cashmeres
AH wool Flannels.
Black Satiens. Col
ored Sattens. Check
NainsooKs. Check
Lawns. Plain White
Lawns. India Lawns.
White and Cream
Mulls Hamburg Edg
ing. Indialined Em
broderies. Torchon
Laces. Ribbons. Ta
ble Linens, Table
Da mask and Nap -
Men’s Fine Shoes,
Good Shoes
Boys’ Good Shoes,
Beys’ cheap Shoes
‘ Boy’s Rubber Shoes.
away and by thw timo Mr. Durn°tt
had secured the liu«s, lh» bogeyj
had bePD up se', and Mr Burnett,
i 1
rolled out into the mud.
At the forks <;I the road one of I
the marps dashed iu*o an filecti’Ci
light ud r-maabo I W w». (
The oth<r tore loo» f r ”’ the >
and feppt on t > anj civingstou.'
Mr. Burm .t ;. s picke-l up, tv. d.
w<*nt m o Mr Turner's resi<kn«‘p'
aud got -id of lii n mud on hi* facej
and hands, IL* borrowed a saddb ,'
and, though quite s< re from I ruts'-s
he mounted the broken Dozed
animal and followed the other
kins. Towels. Red
and White Flannels.!
Dress Lining. White
Bed Spread . Jeans.
10-4 Sheeting 5-4
Pi I Io a/ Casing bleach
ed Domestics. Drill
ings, Sheetings Shirt
ings Calicos Buttons.
T hread HI an k et s an d
Scarfs. Half Hose,
Suspenders Collars
and Cuffs Fine Shirts
Flannel shirt; cotton
shirts. Undershirts
Overshirts. Overalls
Mens’Cheap Shoes
Ladies’ Rebber Shoes.
Ladies* Shoes.
Ladies’ Fine Shoes
Ladies’ Good Shoes
Libel Fo’’ Divorce.
Gkney WA.HHKN ( IJIwl for vivorce
VS ! March T. rir. lSy4.
Jour Warren I of FloyJ Su.wrior Court.
To John Warreu defendant: It appearing U>
the eour*. that vou reside wi hoitt the S ate «i
Georgia and that it i« to perfect ser
vice on you by pubhea ion is the above case
You are eomuiauded tobe and a'-pearat the
* <>urtHouse in Rome Ga. ar the. March Te in
I®)4 of H yd Superi »• oiirt, to r.nswor the
< <>-apiaint of Geuev Warrantor totat divorce,
it Ta further ordered tha . service Ik p-r. ct< •'
upon the defendant b lhe -■ < • in
C i wice a month for cw ■ ni' n 'i
tier f Rome a news aper of said ■■■ .1 y <>
which the Sheriff adveriisoe.euls are printed
Th s Xov. 9th. 1893.
W. M. Henry,
rights k Harper. J. S- C. R. C-
Petititioners Attys
E > RGIA, FloyiiCocntv.
GKVKY wauken ( I-ibel for D von e u
VM ' Flojd Superior < oun
John war kn. ( Mar b erm 18 4
To the defendant Johu arren, you are hereby
Oreqered and commanded to be and appear a
the next superior court to lie held in and for
s id eonntv on the 4th Monday in March next,
then and the.e to tile h » defensive allegation tn
writing tothe plaintiff s libel f. r diverce. Wit
lies* the honora ie W M. Henry, judge of said
eo ntv, This9th day of Nover> her 1893
Wm. E Hi- vaiKUKL.
Ckrk Superior Court Floyd County, Ga.
and Jackets. Rub
ber Coat- Good line
of Ha s. Good line of
T runks.
Ladies’ and Misses’
Hose. Children’s
Hose. Ladies’ Hand
kerchief. Ladies'
Undervests. Ladies
Gloves Shawls scarfs
; Cloaks Jackete. Gos-
samers. Misses’ Gas
samers. Misses’ Cor
sets. Ladies Corsets.
Boys’ Shirt Waists,
Spool Silk. Spool
Ladies Cheap Shoes
Misses’ Shoes
Childrens Shoes
I Childrens’ Rubbers
We carry p large and
well selected stock oi
Gold and steel frames
Lenses & etc.
Hammack Lucas & Co
You nro fe >robv notified to come
4 • »'.r !■ ' f ‘i\’ y«ur street tax
t i... • s \ > i trill be summoned
io appear the mayor and
c< uitcil, fitting an a board of com—
miaei Hurt* You are liable to be
fined for non payment of same.
J C. Brown,
If. City Marshal.
Buist’s prize medal
garden seeds, for sale
Hammack Lucas & Co.