Newspaper Page Text
THIRD year.
He Favors the Funkhouser
Advertising Scheme.
aN d makesluggkstions
Th at. acted upon, must do Home and
j-lavd county untold Rood. Lets nake
gp and move forward into li if.
Mr. Fuukhouser’fl suggestion for
advertising Rome and Floyd coun
ty i 8 wise and timely, and should
be acted upon,
Au attractive pamphlet of fifty
pagee, containing bright, crisp ar
tides ou our varied industries, re
eourcee and advantages, with some
appropriate illustrations and cuts,
would supply an urgent demand
and serve a useful purpose.
4 4 +
♦ 4- 4-
Rome ha? made a noble, neivy,
and winning fight against the
ravages of the panic. We show a
record that cannot be easily
matched, and our citizens are
plucky and patriotic. But our
public spirit needs to bestirred
a little just now. We have a right
to expect better things for our city
in the near future. We have been
twappingdollars among ourselves
of late ; not many new ent *rj r see
starting up; not much fresh blood
coming in; not much foreign cap
ital and muscle comii g mr way
f + f
4- 4- +
We ought to throw’ out the pick
et line and prepare for an advance.
There is uot a dollar to spend on
foolishness, and no good citizen
desires io make any extravagant
promises or encourage ’he devel
opement of anything like a boom.
But a plain, clear statement of
facts, present'd in concise and
readable shape, would be worth
more to us. Let me elaborate this
icheme just a little, and see if it
don’t commend itself to your fa
vorable consideration. The pur
pose of the book would be,of course
to advertise our city and county,
and not to advertise individuals.
It is to be home-made through
and through, written by home
folks; illustrated by home artists,
and printed by home printers. No
long, heavy articles set in solid
type; but bright, short statements
of fact set in clear, leaded type; to
be read by the busy pract’cal man
out ■ tin.
+ + +
4 + +
Suppose, then Prof. J. C. Har
ris should be asked to write an
article on our sch sol facilities.
One of the first inquiries of the
lome-huuter is, “What about
schools? Will my children have
good educational facilities?’’
Prof Harris could present thia
matter clearly, attractively, truth
fully. His article should tie lib a
- with a cut of Shorter Col-
Furniture and Undertaking, Carpetsand Matting.
lege and the public school building
t ♦ t
Major Ayre or Dr. Hillyer could
present our railroad facilities,
showing the roads passing through
or centering here, together with
the advantages of our river trans
portation. This arcticle could
very appropriatly be illustrated by
a map of Rome, with the railroads
and rivers clearly marked.
♦ ft
▼ T ♦
Col C. M. Harper would, I am
sure, be glad to furnish a paper on
the vast and varied mineral re
sources of the county, a subject to
which he has given much thought
and research. A shaded map, show
ing irou, manganese, marble,
bauxite and other mineral despos
its, would be a suitable illustra
tion for this article.
I Col. Dave Shelton or Capt. Lind
sey Johnson could write a very
interesting paper on agriculture
and the diversified products of our
soil, including dairying, stock
farming, fruit-raising and the
manufacture of domestic wines
This is a most attractive topic
and could be beautifully illustra
ted with cuts of home-raised fruit
and live stock.
+ + +
4* ▼ ▼
Mr. Hughes or Mr. King would
be glad, I know, to write.of our
i>.inks and banking facilities. Cu s
of the two handsome bank build
ings, or of our two enterprising
bank presidents would suitably
illustrate such an article.
t ‘+ +
4* 4* 4
The wholesale and retail trade of
II >me could be fully represented
by Mr. Tedcastle and Mr. Parks,
or by Bob Vandike and Dave
Curry, giving cuts of some of the
handsome stores of the city.
Judge Branham or Col. Alexan
der could furnish an interesting
article on the bar.
Dr. Batty or Dr. Holmes would
write up the health, climate, and
sanitary conditions of ’his delight
ful section, and also the unequal—
-1 d medical advantages afforded in
Rome for the sick or diseased.
There are many reasons why
such a pamphlet could be printed
and distributed with profit.
As Mr. Funkhouser suggests,
there are numerous inquiries and
requests for information that ci.n
not be easily condensed into a
letter, this book would supply the
The Cotton States Exposition in
Atlanta next fall, of which Floyd
will make a grand display and
take first honor, will be a gr at
distributing point for a hand book
of Rome and Floyd county.
Fairs and expositions are an
nually being held in ditierent
points of the country and thou
sands attend them seeking m orm
ation, and prospecting for h >m
The South is now a’tricting at
tention because of her splendid
record during the panic, and the
drift of emigration.
Rome should plant her ban: er
on the outer walls and pr s nt
herself in the most attractive way
I’m ready— hard up as lam to
subscribe to Mr. Funkhouser’s
scheme, and I most earnestly hope
it will meet with popular favor
and liberal subscriptions.
The Tattler.
January. 28. 1894-
llon. W.J.Neel.of Home washers
for a short time Monday p. m.
Mr. W. M. Fleetwood, of Floyd
Springs spent several days with 1
his aunt Mrs. S. J. Whatley last
Mr. J E Reeves, of Hermitage
was here on Tuesday.
Mrs. G. H. Braden is quite ill
this week.
Judge T N Pinson, of this place
spent Tuesday in Rome on busi
ness .
Messrs John Printup and Virge
Stewart, of Rome spent Monday
hunting near here.
Col. John of Rome’s
most popu'ar lawyers was here on
business Wednesday.
Hon. E. P, Price returned home
last week, after spending several
days with friends and relatives
near Cassvill.
Messrs Mat. Bascom, and Lee
Braden left on Monday’ for Sugar
Valley, where they will enter
The young people of this placr
had a very enjoyable sociable at
the residence of Dr. Nixon on Fri
day night. Quite a number :rom
Rome were present among whom
were Misses Jennie and Carrie
Neal, Messrs H . A. Powers, Tom
Tally, H J Stewart, H P Jack and
John Pollock.
Mr. Stringer, of Marietta, who
is representing the Marietta Guano
Co , cf Atlanta was here on busi
ness Saturday.
Mr. Wm E. Poliard ard Miss Mag
gie Young, of the Factory distret,
were united in marriage on Sri 1 y
Afternoon. 9
The ceremony was performed ly
Rev. J. W. Gilliam of North Rome
who pronounced it in a most impres
sive manner
It occured at the residence of Mrs.
H rrison, the brideL mother, nd vas
witnessed by several relatives and in
timate friends of the contracting •> li -
lies, who joined in wishing the happy
couple a long and prosperous career
Dress Goods. White
Silk Wrap Henriettas
All Wool Cashmeres,
Half Wool Cashmeres
AH wool Flannels.
Black Sattens. Col
ored Battens. Check
NainsooKs. Check
Lawns. Plain White
Lawns. India Lawns.
White and Cream
Mulls Hamburg Edg
ing. Indialined Em
broderies. Torchon
Laces. Ribbons- Ta
ble Linens, Table
Damask and Nap-
Men’s Fine Shoes,
Good Shoes
Boys’ Good Shoes,
Beys’ cheap Shoas
Boy’s Rubber Shoes.
A B. Me AR VER & Co.
The Hustler < f Rome is au
hc~i.zed to announce the follow
n ticket for mayor and alder
i)ou of the city of Rome:
;>R MAYoR.
Fir-o ' aid— lltury Harvey.
Secoir Ward—l’. S. Lansdell.
Third Wald —J. A. Gammen.
Fourth Ward—Walter Harns.
Fifth Ward—Henry Hoskinson.
A B McArver & Co Store was
crowded with customers yesterday
b lying goods at Cost.
I • cad A B McA t ver & Co adver
tHement on front page.
kins. Towels. Red
and White Flannels.
Dress Lining. White
Bed Spreads. Jeans.
10-4 Sheeting 5-4
Pillo w Casingbleach
ed Domestics. Drill
ings, Sheetings Shirt
ings Calicos Buttons,
Thread Blanketsand
Scarfs. Half Hose,
Suspenders Collars
and Cuffs Fine Shirts
Flannel shirts cotton
shins. Undershirts
Overshirts. Overalls
Mens’Cheap Shoes
Ladies’ Rubber Shoes.
Ladies’ Shoes-
Ladies’ Fine Shoes
Ladies’ Good Shoes
Libel Fo»- Divorce.
Gkney warren ( Libel for Divorce
vs ’ March Term 18<j4.
JohnWabrex ( of Floyd Superior Court.
To John W*rren defendant: It appeiring io
the court that you reside without, the State ol
Georgia and that it is necessary to perfc.t -er
vice on you by publication iu the ab >ve c s.-
You are commanded to be and a"pc ra: in-
Court House in Rome Ga. at the Mar u I in
1894 of Fl',yd Snjcri." ourt. to <i war ’he
complaint of Gency W.. r.c. or *•
It is further ordered tl ’ set ice ye <
upon the defendant by the public, i n »
order twice a month lor tw > month, tn r ’ ■ '<
tier f Route a news aper of said oou ty in
which the Sheriff advertiseu ante are printed
Th » Nov. 9th. 1893.
W. M. Henry.
Wrights & Harper. J. S. C. R. C-
Petilitiouers Attys.
EG R GIA, Floyd County.
Genev wakkkn ( Libel for D.vorce in
vs. ’ Floyd Superior Court
John War en. ( March erm 18:4.
To the defendant Johu warren, you are hereby
Oreqered and commanded to be and appear a
the next superior court to be held in and for
s id conntv on the 4t’i Mnndiy in March next,
then and thete to file It s defensive allegation in
writing to the plainer.’ s libel {• r diverce. Wit
t,ess the honora le WM. Henry, judge of said
eo. n’v, This9th day of November 1893
Cl rk Superior Court Floyd County, Ga.
and Jackets. Rub
ber Coats Good linffc
of Hats. Good line of
Ladies’ and Misses
Hose. Children's
Hose. Ladies’ Hand
kerchief. Ladies'
Undervests. Ladies
Gloves Shawls scarfs
Cloaks Jackete.Gos
samers, Misses’ Gas
samers. Misses'Cor
sets. Ladies Corsets
Boys’ Shirt Waists,
Spool Silk. Spo©-
.Ladies Cheap Shoes -
Misses’ Shoes rs -
Childrens Shoes
Childrens’ Rubbers
We carry ? large anc
well selected stock o
G ?Id and steel frames
Lenses & etc.
Hammack Lucas & Co
Yon nm hereby notified to corn*
■ r v.ird ami pav your street ta>
.t one-:, ns vo.t will be eummootf
io appear before the mayor au4
council, sitting an a board of com
oissi inei’N Yon are liable to be
nned for non payment of same
J C. Brown,
ts. City Marshal.
Buist’s prize medat
garden seeds, for sale
H >mmack Lucas & Co .