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Tffi MB IIP san.
Enteied at the Rome poet flee a* •‘Lrat-cUss
Becoud-clas» Mau Muter.
daily and si: .n day.
10 cent .* <eek or $5.00 per annum
FFICE: Corner Broad Strset and
«?ifUi Avenue.
Official Organ
Os the city of Rome, and Foyd, the
"Banner county’’ of Georgia.
Rome Ga. Jan 23 1894
Editor Hustler of Rome.
You are hereby nuthoriz'id to
announce this ticket to the voters
of Roma, subject to their action in
the coming municipal election,
Asking their support, we pledge our
best effort, individual and com
bined, to the services o'tie people
and to the upbuilding of our city.
First Ward —A. B. McArver,
Second Ward —W. J Neel.
Third Ward—Henry Stoffragan.
Fourth Ward—Walter Harris,
Fifth Ward —T.J. McCaffrey.
Dipthem L said to be raising havoc
in Nevi Orleans.
The tourist is a skipper when he
Btrikes the town over which his
mother- : n-law rules the roest.
Democratic manufacturers are
like a bull dog in the meat house
want free raw material.
One of the easiest things in this
life is for seme men io love a girl
with ducats
The well-digger’s job is like the
drunkards final home —beneath
The Ann Aycock Jury kontinues
the laughing stock of Floyd county—
and Ann—why he has gone further
Hairy Hill must have squandered
all his wealth; Lis Attorneys have gone
back on him, and abandoned the case.
The Editors revenue from the de
linquent is like a womans postscrip
to a telegram—Short and doiit get
It ‘akes the rotten hearted hyp
ocrit to effect ’he manner of the
just. The honest man studdiesnot
his actions.
Th* Augusta Herald scores Rev.
Warren Chandler as a Demagogue.
What does th'* Rev. Clement A.
Evans think of that?
Bam Hall, Allmna’s Ward Mc-
Allister has had a mortgage of
$(>00 rt corded against him. Now
watch the devil foreclose,
Sam Whitmire has not been heard
from during recent events. Sam's
“write’’ hand is his left hand, and
yet what Im writes is i.< ver left.
Hairy Hill will probably Lo ban
quele l on anival, by the ‘Atlanta
col ny” in Georgia's great social or
ganization, the I’ennitentiary.
Handsome Harry Hill has been
graded low, but if his enemies will
give him half a chance, he will soon
be forging ahead again.
The blacksmith forge is linked to
the Atlanta forger by ties that bind.
It yields the chains which form new
There are some , oming men' 1 in
this state’but none of them compare
with Mr. Maddox of Georgia “Our
John” “gets there.’’
Augusta is to have a car factory.
She will have to move up several car
lengths with her Evans boom to keep
in the wake of the Atkinson avalanch.
Women are not democratic by
nature —they love to lord it over
mankind and are ever looking for
hi “protection.”
L.k the : rii! of a lute, or a whispering flute,
Wafts a music fresh b >rn from ‘he skies,
Ami the havculj note Ir m her angelic throa'
Sooths my «■ ul in this rail, y of sighs.
When I tn* wind whispers low in the eveuin o ’s
And tl.e duw drop is kissing the fl ,w r;
In the mid ru-iimg > v.,< .1 the -kj is o’er
east |
Ami tlie stormsweeps tie ear.bin its power;
In tho cheer of the morn, when the new daj is 1
Through the cares an I the toil of the day;
'Mi ith the sunshine of noon or the sheen <d
the moon—
'Mid inydr.ani-, while the hours slip away
There’s a. voice in utyear.s, co.nin down through
the years,
Tis.her voice 'rom the pure realms above,
And it soo hs away care while it deadens de
Tis the song of her undying love.
Aml the Asphodel face in its heaven tinted
Lighted up by her great, tender eyes -
1) idle in lute notes of glory, she whispers
love’s stcry—
How she's waiting for inc—in the skies
Through the toil and strife of this everv day
She is whisp’ring of bliss there above;
She will watch and will wait by the great pearly
When forev'r we may revel in love.
Aii old maid loves cats, while a
bachelor ia fond of du-cats.
The Waycross Herald says that
“if you don’t believe prize fighting
is demoralizing, just watch aad
listen to your 12-year-old boy. He
will astonish you.
I’eace reigns around old Waycross
The soldier quits the fray
Stacked are the gleaming muskets
—The troops are wanting pay.
"W1 era's the General?"
A negro preacher m St. Louis
placed a lump of coat in the fire,
and an he did so five bullets issued
from the fireplace and now the
Darktown Faint has gone to that
“bright” home where only the best
of lump brimstone is used
for macadamizing where holes
hnvi been worn in the street! that
wr re “paved with good intentions.’
IlusLl A woman has been vindicat
ed The .v nor of a Southern home
has be n saved from the polluted
grasp of a blackmailer. The purity of
the fireside hat been protected by
the oath of chivalry. The sanctuary
of virtue has been sheilded by the
s olemn decree of the court. The dig
nity of S'uthern manhood has been izoned by the sacred verdict of
a < Jeorgia jury.
Harry Hill h >s b en declared guilty
of forgery.
There was a chrous of hallelujahs
xshen their verdict was communicated
to the angles in heaven. The Savior
of the world, that loving exemplar of
courtly grace smiled in happy reflec
tion over such an heroic exhibition of
worldly honor and earthly justice.
The stars of the firmament kissed
each other in estacy as the blessed
news went forth to scorch the seered
conscience of the slanderer, and blis
ter the cringing heart of the defamer
The good name of a woman has
passed safely through the furnace of
evil repoit. —Atlanta Comercial.
For pure and unadulterated rot,
the above “beats the whole shooting
“Oath 0. chivalry ’— outside of At
lanta the Juries are in the habit cf
tiy ing and vindicating the husband
who calmly takes the life of the scoun
drel who creeps into his family circle
and destroys his honor
The dignity cf Southern man
hood-outside of Atlanta -crushes
the Harry Hills, thereby protecting
the viitue of its women—The Atlanta
relatives of the woman in the recent
case, have illustrated but precious
liitle southern manhood —or any oth
er kind for that matter.
Harry Hill has been declared guilty
of forgery, but for heavens sake ow
does that explain'why Mrs. Porter
loaned him,'without security, all those
thousands of dollars and then went
into the whiskey business with him
without the knowledge of hex’ bus
band aud brother.
As to the next paragraph, theie
are people who dare to call, at loa ß t
a p< rticn es it, sacrilege of the
worst form: Who conveyed that ver
dict to the angels anyhow? and
the stars kissing each other and
shouting “yum! yum!’’ to the planets,
while the moon stood still and winked
at the sun until he got as hot as a
ginger mill—
Great Scott! —but the Commercial
should chase itself out to Peachtree
and take a bath in Pone De Leon.
Rome has several citiz •!;« who
would look lovely cn ice—while
release i widow*, are select
ing for them aa overcoat at th*
The little twin, but not friendly.
|b«nale farce continue in New
'.I-Tiy wilb Republicans in one
building and Democrat.'in anoth
| '*r. But then New Jersy has beci Die
' acliaiated to the musket.’, and can
endure if.
Owing to an overproduction of
coal, ail the, Philadelphia and
Reading Company's collieries,
numb.‘ring twenty-five, have been
clostd down for an indeflluite pe
riod, This will throw 10,000 men
and boys out. of employment.
Our Foreman says he has had the
“monkeys” after him four times, and
hasn’t seen a single water mocasin yet.
Our devil has his reasons for voting
against General Evans, he says , his
ma alius whipped him the hardest
with a Peachtree switch.
A contempory wants to know: if a
young man begins loosing 14 hairs
from his head per day, when he is
18, how long until he is bald headed?
That depends largely upon the age
at which he marries.
Possum Trott Society is save I; it
has boyc i te l ‘ ‘ Porter” house stakes
declaired a quarantine against Peach
tree Street and the Georgia Peniten
tiary’ .
The p*ople of Allanta are God’s
people, and they are too strongly
entrenched to be affected by the
pusillanimom flings of envious
newspaper Pharisees. —Atlanta
The great ge whizz! Allanta
may be heaven to the average At
lantian, but there are yet a few of
the envious who are presumptive
enough to believe that the Nyw
Jersulem lies at least a degree or
too higher than the Kimball house
roof and they know that
Peechtree street dont lead to its
Golden gate. —
Why even Atlautians admit that
Atlanta “society” is composed of
two facts, the ketched and the un
ketched. News ] ajar Phasriees'
in leed I Doei Blackburn bslieve
that th# little Commerical can
bully the Georgia Press into si
lence? If he does he is doomed to
“another” disappointment—Tha’s
The Evans and Atkinaon booms
ought to go off if fuse amount! to
anything.—Albany Herald.
The Atkiusan boom has refused
te fuse and will make the dat«s
The only fusing we ksow of is in
the Evans camp where cen-fuse
ion reigns.
Now Floyd county aspires to be
the banner Evaase unty.— Macon
If General E vans carries the
other counties in the stat# like he
does Floyd then Atkinson will beat
him two to one m every mill ita.
district in Geargia. This may
sound harsh to the sweet nerves of
the Evanescent boomers but it is
ti e truth, and the battle of the
ballot will prove it.
There is no trouble that troubles
so badly as borrowed trouble.—
A bany Herald,
The Georgia State Agricultural
Society is composed of a jol iy nice
set of farmers, and the probability
is that they will plant a crop in
Brunswick that will thrive all the
year around.—Brunswick Times,
A bridge two miles long is to be
built across the Mississippi river
ar New Orleans. It will not be
astonishing if people commit eui
cid u before reaching the other side.
—Augusta News
The Madisonian is responsible
for the statement that, there are
121 newspapers supporting Atkin- ;
son for Governor, while 96 are for
Rev. C. A, Evans.
Edit r Howard, of the B’aktlyj
News, is the latest candidate forsym- ,
pithy from the Benedicts, He tells
bi'tale ol wo in this man er:
Love »cori>' gulden < best—
Nor won’t] her key unlock it;
But wl eu love strike' your vest at night,
She clews out:every pocket.
Woiuler if Senator G rden can
quire time from the lecture field to
go to Washington when the Senate
tackles the tariff bill?—Albany Hei
The prospects are that S?i ator
Gordon's private interests will tare
if he does—and he won’t.
If Georgia evi r gets to where it
can ship hogs to Chicago, the Empire
State will have rivers of mi’.k and
honey running through it —Alba
ny Herald.
There certainly will be bully times
when Georgia gits so hoggish.
The Harry Hill trial suggests,in its
relations with M s. Poxtor, that there
should be only one business head in
the same family.—Brunswick Timas
Respectfully refered to the “Chiv
alrous” editors of the Atlanta papers.
Professor Harper, President of the
Chicago University, says Cain did not
Idl Able. Then what has become of
that celebrated brand?—Augusta
Why that question? are we not on
the Eve of an age when no one c ires
The word sophomore once meant
a wise fool, but the definition has
been changed to football lunatic.
—Augusta News.
' The Chicago Inter Ocean has
tackled the Ch cago Gas Trust.
When Greek meets Greek then
comes the tug of war. When gas
meets gas then comes the waging
jaw —Chattanooga News.
The murderer on the gallows at
Jesup, G<>. requested that lie be al
lowed to warm before being hung,
which strange request was granted.
It is safe to predict, however, that he
went to a land where fire is plentifu
and the people do not scramble for
free wool.^Sparta,Tenn. Expositor.
He had bettei’ by a darned
have bought him a block of ice to
take along with him.—Chattanooga
These are terible things for Ten
nessee yahoos to be saying about a
black angel who will tell St. Peter he
is Jesup from Georgia.
Charley Crisp everlastingly flay
ed Tom Reed in his closing speech
in favor of the Wilson bill. Crisp
proved himself more than a match
for the man from Maine.—Thom
asville Times.
In the magnificent victory
achieved for tariff reform, Speaker
Crisp did great work by his able
speech in reply to ex Speaker Reed
and on the vote every Georgia
tuoraber voted for the bill. Geor
gia had « large share in the great
tariff reform victory.—Athens
The henrtaof all Georgian* must
thrill with pri k at the ovation
Speaker Crisp received after the
passage of the Wilson tariff bill
Although an active advocate of
the measure, his demeanor has
I b en so ui iformly courteous and
impartial that it has elicited the
highest encomiums from all parts
of the country. No man in con
gress more ably and truly illus
tra-es the south than Charles F
Harry Illi's sentence has been
re luced to 5 years aud he will b-i
sent to the Gress Lumber Camp
where he will become intimately
associated with “Lord” Beresford.
Thus will the representative of the
“Hill City lie down in peace with
the representative of the “Hairy
Hill City.”
You are hereby notified to com«
forward and pay your street tax
at once, as you will be summoned
to appear before the mayor and
council, sitting as a board of com
missioners. You are liable to be
fined for non-payment of same.
J. C. Brown,
ts. City Marshal.
The Tribune *aye that Mr. Wai
t> r Miieh 11, the young Roman
who di d i;i N*w OrUmiK a day or
two .i/o, “went toN w Orleans sev
eral v-' eks ago.” Mitchell was m
this ci f y ten days ag x and was in
spl-mdid heall!; and high spirits.
* *
Its very very very evident that
Editor Cooper dont understand the
hiibi s of the “egg-buster.” Tho
trouble with the Tribune is that
so no one has “broken an egg” in
its statistical Editor and he has
gone into a “decline,” When edi
tors pretend to be democrats, and
dont vote for the democratic noiui
; noes, the probabilities are that
some ‘North West Georgia Egg
buster” will get iu his work with
telling effect. Mr. Coopers illus
trated case is conclusive evii'ance.
* *
Mr.-. Maly Bainbridge Crist, the
beautiful Kentuckian,and brilliant
writer, arrived iu the city yester
day afternoon and spent the night
at the hotel Armstrong. Mrs. Crist
has been traveling in Alabama in
th * interest of the Confederate War
Journal, aud Kok over 500 sub
scriptions in the ten days she was
absent. She left this morning over
the East. Tennessee for Atlanta,
Vlacon and other points m th i
Empire e'ate of the South
* *
i Dick Treadaway, the peer of
Beb Taylor when it comes to story
telling showed ms a ten dollar
Georgia Treasury certificate of
1864 this m truing. Its a quaint
old “in-dewin-o le wah docky
uiint” ai.d is highly praised by
Mr. Treadaway.
* *
Gammons &Co‘s big sale continues
unabated. Do you wear clothes? If
you do they can “suit” you.
* *
Unless McCarty happens to the
mishap of the ‘ New South“ ha will
arrive in Rome on the 20th. and Nev
ins Opera house will loose its ro if.
“McCarty's mishaps never fail to
“bust bottons.“
* *
Happv Cal. Smith the handsome
ticket agent of the ever rolling Ei,st
Tennessee, has a snap on his Atlanta
schedule. The elegant'observation
coach with its luxuriant chairs, goes
down to the Gat# City every morn-
at 8-30, arriving there at 11 10
and returning at the proper hour
every afternoon—and then there's no
extra charge for this coach.
* *
I was over at JuniusjGeorges mod*
el machine shop and foundry this
morning and must admit that I never
*aw a better concern iu my life—and
I've been to halifax too. Some time
I am going to take a day off and ■
write a few columns about this plant
—in the mean time folks who need [
co d should send him their orders and
get the best aud cleanest.
A letter to his brother Alf from
Donald Harper, says that upon his
arr val Vice Consul General Clyde
B iropshi-r, set uin up to asq iir
meal Served a la bauqu-tt style at
which many European dignitaries j
and asiatic potentates were pre
sent and over which the American
Minister to France presiped. Hou
i- a royal good fellow and at least
o ic of his too jobs will require his
attention tor a while, viz learning
I’ reach. Me sends his love to the
Ann Aycock Jury, but says Anu
has n>t arrived in “Paree“ yet.
* *
Nothing succeeds like the suc
cess, and ameag the most succes 3 -
tul successes in the Hill Citv is
the Rome Cigai Factory. I never
smoke, but 1 do enjoy seeing otlmr
men enjoy a good weed and my
observation leads me to believe
my frrieud Warters is right up to
snuff when it comes to making
“Extra Good“ eigars. Try one .
* ♦
Much interest is being manifested
in ths coming concert, which is to be
given on Friday night, in the College
Chapel of gr&tad old Shorter. A mo°st |
delightful program has been arrang
ed and these who accept the cordial
invitation and attend will certainly
eajoy the evening.
At 4 o'clock this F M. no
rage had received from N ( . w
Orleans throwing light
death of Mr. Walter Mitchell
A dispatch last uight rtate I that
owing to the time lott in jd-mj
tying the body, embalming Wag
impossible aud the remains would
bo entered in N w O deaiu.
Mrs. Mitch 11, left New Orleans
today and will spend t >m»rrow in
M ntgomery and arrive m
3 1 Friday afternoon.
Mrs Turrentine of Gadsden ar.
rived in theci'y last night, expect
ingtomret the remains of her
brother this afternoon
Msj >r W, D. Bass, one of the
senior brothers of th * f im >us Bass
b others ol Georgia is in (he citv
on a business trip and vis t. Major
Bass, IS the only one of the broth
ers who hae never left the old
homestead and big stock ranch at
Dowelltown Tennessee, His stay
i i th# Hill Ci'y of Georgia is
bound to tea pleasant cue.
The C institution, the paper of
rankling discoid and doubtful politi
cal methods, advises Atkinson to
come .down “in the interest of har
mony.” This game of bluff is abso
lutely pueiile and foolish. There will
be harmony enough although itma T
not suit the Constitution. Let the
best man win in the nomin ition; the
Democrats of Georgia will do the
rest. —AValfon Nows.
The Gainsville Eagle thinks it a
hope.'ul sign that but two men were
present at the time set for organizing
an Evens club m Gainesville—not
that there are but two Evam men
theie, for the General has a number
of supporters in that section—but
as who are re
cognized as patriotic men it is not
regarded "as ne cessa' y t-> press the
claims of either by organizing clubs
and spending money. The people
need infernnaticnjlas to the record aud
merit of all the candidates. It then
remaines for them to m ike a choice
J between them. Aft»r that comes the
1 time for clubs and organized work.
a woman must keep her
health. All the “beauti
fiers” in the world won't
ESSSN as much for you u
I’ r - Fierce’s Favorite Pre
scription. With that, you
cal * ,e
e'iiA f l° ne ’ 65 we ii as **■
gg? d \ That regulates all the wo
ffS ’’manly functions,improvs
jFg your digestion, enriches
S b your blood, brings re-
freshing sleep, and build*
up. strengthens, and re
pairs every part of your system.
In every one of the “female complaints” and
weaknesses that make women old and miser
able, the “ Prescription ” will certainly cure.
It’s the only remedy. If il
doesn’t benefit or cure, in the ease of every
weak or suffering woman, she’ll have heir
money back. <
You pay only for the good you get.
There’s the very best evidence that Dr.
Sage s Catarrh Remedy will cure your Ca*
tarrh. It’s this promise, made by the makers
of the medicine: “If your Catarrh can*
be cured, no matter what your case is, well
pay you $.500. ”
.Many women die in the very prime ofW*.
O hers live to middle age, but are felth m sound j
au I healthy, why is.this you ask? W<* answer
SELF NEGLECT, but your life can be lengthen
ed and home made hsppy if you commerce AT
ONCE. Try one package of Parts Viginal Sup
posito.i sand vtu will never regret it- Will
make a new woman of you and will absoutly
cure all the distressing of female weaknesses
NO EXPERIMENT. No doctors examination,
A positive cure. Leucorrhea or whites are
usually entirely cured by one or two appli ,a ‘
tions. Price SI.OO per pekage by mail prepaid-
P . tit ulars (sealed) 2e.
gW' P './ ' !, <lj
, j
W; L. Douglas
. W. L. DOUGT.AS Shoes are sfH •*. * ’ ■ B j,
ting, and give better satisfaction at '• t an( j
vertised than any other make. T’7 ( .i a §’
be convinced. The stamping cf G. L- “ , ccS
naine and price on the bottom, which £ unr ' , a j|y
their value, saves thousands of dollars ?- n “. ‘“Ag
to tho-'-e who wear them. Defiers who p u - 1
sale of W.E Don*Jas fhocs Tuns
which he!; ; s t■» i.ic-ca. c the t ;.les on their it
of *rooj They c m ntihrd to fell r"t a h j
nn 1 v. e li-h’r'vc -’-j s.ive rronev 1
yt - r s .bn t c.’Hr a-.b.mise-l! ‘'
C f ’ r ’' Muy .