Newspaper Page Text
Mr, George. Woodley, a promui
jent Citizen of Bnoh tann wan in
he city on business yester
Judge J p, Bucbiilion of Chat
tooga countv ’.resin the city ye*
Mr. J. D. Burmtt a prominent
merchant of Cedar Bluff, Alb,w»i
»n the city yestttday.
Judge F. M. Johnson of Etowah
pent the day in the city yester
Editor John Cain of Summer
’ille called in to see us yesterday
Editor Cain is one of the finest
vli this section of the globe.
Currys Soda fount, the Hand
some, the immense, with the big
mirror and the marble face, will
;o in blast tomorrow —for cocoa
■cola and a few other arctic dishes.J
.' 7 ob rent. Two adjoining houses
m Fourth Ave, opposite Dr. Head
den’s Five rooms each. Apply at
■3D4 Fourth Ave.
There is no money saved ai.d
•compounded without danger from
panics and depression, like that of
a life policy in the Penn, Mutal
Life Insurance Company.
R. G. Cross, Agent.
Mrs. J. W. May is now ready for
spring work. Dreeses and chil
iren’s especially Cutting and
fitting for 50 and 75-
504 Broad St.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Stark after a
pleasant visit of several days, to Tal
lapoesa returned to Rome last night.
Mr. Stark did quite a successful bus
iness while away.
Thos., Fahy, the prince Dry
Geods merchant is placing before
the trad* one of the most attrac
tiva spring stocks in North Geor
gia. Read his “ad” on the front
page of thia issue.
In a leaky house or have
a garden without fences while
the Cundell Lumber Co. is selling
the best heart shingles, oak posts
and heart fencing at “hard times
prices. Lumber arriving every day
A petition will be pr. sented f or
the use of a supply of water from
the new reservoir to be used on
Second Street between 4th and sth
Avenues, where a fall of good di
mension can be had—and may be
utilized instead of a Dam of the
Trank Taylor the old knight of
the razor has opend up a new bar
her shop at 224 Broad street. He
invites all his friend? and patrons
to call early and often . I—24tj
Warters “Extra Good”
for sale by aH cigar
The entire stock, fixtures and
'•good-will of the late firm of
will continue business at the old stand
No. 206 Broad Street, where we will be glad
to see the patrons of the old firm as well as
the friends of C, A. TREVITT and GUS JOHN
Mr. Bernie Hale will remain with us in the
Prescription Department.
Trevitt & Johnson,
Dr G, T. Oeotchies will lead the
Men’s Meeting at the Y. M. C. A to
morrow afternoon at 4 o’clock. Rev.
PC. Lletcher will conduct the Boy’s
Meeting at 3 o’clock.
Messers. Blount Hamiltoa and ( v
> .ropfc i e will go up to Chattooga
Jounty next week bird hunting.
Dr. Headden said yesterday:
pleasejsay forme , dont forget the
it tie red envelopes, at the morniag
rernces at the First Baptist Church”
and then he said “as an item of news
out yourself and see what it is
The first Mass Meeting for the
Moore ticket, held between the
rivers, was at the city Hall Friday
night and was a “jtunner. ’’
Judge and Mrs, Turnbntl return
ed to the city Friday night after
weeks visit to South Florida.
The County Commissioners will
meet tomorrow and will pass on the
fifial acceptance of the new Court
The Pumps at the new waterworks
Pumping station were started to
work yesterday afternoon and “got
there “ in flowing shape.
The Seay-men, undertook to
have a mass meeting in Hig n
bothams Hall on Broad Street and
despite their Banner, drum, and
general hubnb it opened with 62
voters and peered out in an hour.
The tide sets Mooreward.
Capt. W. A . Patton, after a se
vere altact of the grippe, is conva
Ed West’s Newfoundland dog
passed in his checks Friday night
aixl was buried on Saturday, Cut
flowers and dogwoodblocsoms.
Miss Annie Curry went down to
Cartersville yesterday. She will
return te’her home in this city
his afternoon.
Mr. J. Paul Cooper after sever
al months absence in Boston has
returned to the city,
The Womans Auxiliary of the
Rome Keely League will have
their regular monthly m«)tirg
Wednesday afternoon Man h 7 at
8 o'clock at the residence of Mrs.
M.L. Hine No. 102 4th Ava.
Every member is earnestly re
q i sted to be present.
It is hoped that all ladies inter
ested in this noble work reformir g
the drunkard will come and join
and help to raise money whereby
men who are not able to go may
bejsent and receive the Keely trrat
aieut and thus be cured of the
terrible habit of drinking.
If you want to borrow some mon
y en ycur life imuance policy
correspond with me. Loans made
for any length of time from 1 to
15 years at 5% interest. No collat
oral except your policy necesary
secure the loan. Give amount o
policy date of issue kinds of policy
present age of insured and name of
ccmpany where you write.
Jii i. J. M ickle
ts Rome Ga,
Uf.iay IV-rsoT’S nrebrokes
w frog? crerworP or household cares,
itrown’u Iron Bi tiers Rebuilds ths
lyßieiu, aids digest ion. rcmoros excess << Ml*
•ad curuaiDiiUria. G»t Uie xeuuiwc.
I crawled into George Tram
mell’s “Jump gully“ yesterday
afternoen, and went upto see his
new steamboa* which is warfed off
ths old brick yard just above
“Beaver S i le*’ on the Oostanaula.
The little steamer is a new depart
ure in Rome’s marine. She is de
o ledly modern, aud up to date, n
many of the features of bar con
* ♦
Her name is “Tony” m.d with
one of her barges sht proposes to
make a ’rial trip up the Oosta
naula next w?ek, sailing from her
wharf on Tuesday. She is named
aftor Mr. Trammell’s little son, a
name that she is destined to make
a river word form liar to the farm
ers along the headwaters of the
* *
Capt. L. Lytle had a medium
size meeting at the City Hall last
night and made the voters a ring
ing speech. After he closed Henry
Ober, the North Rome constitua -
tor of the Seay ticket hopped into
the chair and called for order but
all the crowd except 17 negroes
and 32 white men dispersed Mose
Baily the imported negro orator
from /Jhulio tried to speak but
“seemed hacked*' and could,nt. A
drunken negro staggered to the
stand aud chased Mose out onto
thejfloor. The drunken Man wat
snatched down by Mr. Ed Coi
clough and Mr, Nat Harris and
Moses proceeded but his audience
knew him and refused to enthuse.
Jess Holt is, perhaps, the quick
est at repartee of any colored ei ti
zen of Fleyd County.
Jess went to Camp last year
as a colored Seargent in the 3rd
Regiment and made friends with
every officer iu the command, be
cause of bis vocabulary, verbacity
and variety.
It was he, who after sleeping in
the guard house on the floor, cam
to the cadets Mess hall at revilee
and reported that he had been
ketched last night and skp in th*
Jess is a great admirer of the
Moore ticket, and is decidedly loy.
alto it. Oh Friday afttr.ioon,
when Capt John J. Seay spoke to
Jeaa in a down town bar room, and
asked him if he could dance. Jess
responded that he though he
would and that hn ws willin' to
make the effort if Capt Seay
would do the patting.
To the banter, Capt. Seay re
sponded promptly, and an eye
witness says that Jess had his
■‘hands full” to keep up with the
merry “rap down' 4 of Capt Seay,
but that Jess knocksd the “Buz
zard Loap" silly cut the “pigeon
wing“ into tire v-es aid broght
d iwu the h .... un ihw “mule
When it was over Capt. Seay
said “well Jers, that was first rate
you are a good dancer. 11
“Thank you Crpn responded Jeen
“but the truth is us Moore men
can entertain the Seay men a gwin
are a c®mmin,“ which of course
put the Soda water on the Cap
New cottage for rent, on West
First Street next to Mr. George
Chidsey. Can be had at a low figure.
Apply to
1 w. Luke McDonald
You are hereby notified to come
forward and pay your street tax
at once, as you will be summoned
to appear before the mayor and
council, sitting as a board of com
missioners. You are liable to be
fined for non-payment of same.
J. C. Brown,
ts. City Marshal.
ISbutsklndeep. There are thou- ;«ofladi«
I who have regular features and v be M
•orded the palm of beauty —ereil not fora poo
■omplexion. To all such we recommend DS
SEBRA’S VIOLA CREAM as possessing ib.*s,
.Utilities that quickly change the most'tsallc*
nd florid complexion to one < f nat oral ben
nd unblemished beauty. It cures Oily Skin
recklcs. Black Heads, h'otehcs, Punhurr.
■ an, Pimples, and all imperfections oi th.
kin. It is not a cosmetic but a cure, yet is oet
er for the toilet table than powder.' Sold r<
or sent post paid upon receipt of Wi
fi c qi’Vmsracc -Amu a
Sheriffs Sales For March
GEORGIA, Hom Covntv.
Will be »<> I <l before the conrt house door in
the city of Rome, Floyd county, Ga , between
tho .ecal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in
' March, 1894, the following described property
! l °F*ve acies of 1 «n<l in the southeast corner of
r the west half of lot of laud Noone hundred ai d
1 fifty two, in th* 4th district and 'th section of
Floyd County Georgia.commencing on tne south
' Hue of said iot 152, opposite the center of said
lot,and measuring wi st on £said line 365 feet,
■ thence north 525 feet,thence east 365 feet, thence
south to the starting j oiut 525 feet, levied on
by virtue of a ti la is-ued from the Floyd city
court io favor of .1 A '*ale, bearer, vs J S John
son, as the projierty of the defendant.
. Also at the sane time and place o’ etw o
-1 horse wagon, Milburn make, one two-horsa
wa :on, "Old Hickory,” one four horse iron axle
* Pray. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fl fa Floyd city court in favor of
George M. Battey, vs A B Penny, as the proper
ty of the defend .nt.
Also at the same time and place, one certain
lot of land no. IO.iO in the third district and
1 fourth section of Floyd county »G eor f la - lev
ied on bv virtue of ti ta issued from the Floyd
’ justice court of the 829th district C-M In favor
of A W Wright, vs Torn Banker Jand Pierson
Sanders as the properly of Tom Banks one of
the defendants. Levy made by J D Baker, L C.
Also at the same time a d t lace, south half of
I lot of laud No. 214, in the 24-h district and 3rd
section of Floyd county Georgia, levied on by
virtue of a fl fa issued from the Floyd Superior
court in favor of Ann A Ellis vs Charlotte Cook
, as the propeity of the defendant.
! Also at the same time and place,one ten horse
power engine on Skids, made by Waterson En
’ gine Company. o»e pony saw mill with varia
, hie feed, made by DeLoach Mill Mfg. co., also
a e4B inch solid tooth circular s w. Levied on
by virtue ot a mortgage ti fa issued from the
<'lox d city court in favor of G e,> - Batty vs
A B Penny Jt Bro., as the property of the de
fendants. Th-above property can he seen on
the farm of C P Morton, in Livingston district,
I 16 miles from Rome.
I Also the same time and place, southeast quar
ter of lot of land No, 48 in the 4th district and
4th section of Floyd county, Georgia, and said
quarterfof In containing 40 acres, more or less’
Levied on by virtue of afl fa issued from the
justice court of the 1120th district* G M., in fa
vor of Sisco & Starr vs W. P, Watson, as th®
) property of the Levy made by K
H. < opelaml. L. C.
Also, at the same time and place, carts of land
lots number 358 and 323 in 23d district and 3rd
section of Floyd county, Georgia, beginning at
• a point in the center of the macadamized road
leading from Rome to Cave Spring, (known
the Cave Spring road, 612 feet southwesterly
from the center of dummy line crossing on said
mad. thence n >rth 55 degrees, 30 min. w< st, 585
feet, thence north 42degrees 20 min. east 265 feet
feet thence north 30 degrees, 20 m n. east 174
feet; thence north .86degrees, 05 min. east 340
feet, thence north 40 degrees 25 min. east 651
feet: thence south 64 degrees 05 min eas' 821
. feet to the center of the macadamize Cave
Spring road thence along the center of said road,
to the beginning point. Sai.i tract of land con
| taining twenty-fl ve acres of land, more or less
together, with all tha improvements thereon.
Levied c-i by virtue of a ti fa iss. ed from the
Floyd superior court in favor of Harvay McGin
nis bv hi-next friend J. M. McGinnis vs the
Rome ST. et R tilroad Company as the property
of the defendant.
Also at the same time ar d place, lots of land
Nos, .539, 541 and 542, in the 3d district and 4:h
section of Floyd county (Jeo-gia. Levied on by
, virtue of a fl fa iss 1 ed from the Floyd city
court in favor of Thomas Philpot vs M. J. Bobo
and William Richardson as tb-property i f the
defe dant, William Richarson.
Also at. the same time nd place, lots of laud
No. 887, situated in the 3rd district and 4tb Beo
tian of Floyd county, Georgi i, containing 40
acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of a fl’
fa iss ed from the Floyd justice court of the
924th district G M . in favor of R B Reeves for
the use of B M Strickland vs J F Russell as the
property of the defendant
Also, at the same time and place, one twenty-
I horse power enjine and boiler and two circular
saws Levied upon bv virtue of a mortgage fl fa
issued form Floyd city court in favor of G, G.
Buchalrer vs. F. a. Brewer & Co , as the prop
, erty of the defendants. The njine can be seen
on the farm f J • Y. Angle. The boiler on the
farm <>t Bettie Lewis. The saws on the farm <>f
J. H. Mice -
Also, at the same time and place, the follow
ing described property, to wit: An undivided
half interest in the following ties ribed lot in
the town of North Rom** (formerly the town of
Forestville), Floyd c-.umv, Georgia to-wit:
Thelot lying between a lot of. H. M. wright on
> the North a lot of Hl M. Wrich on the
Sou h. Said lot so levied upon frontin on Per
kins street 100 feet, u.ore or less, amir unning
bac" 300 feet deep, more or less and the street
nuinlier of the house thereon n-w being 05 and
being the lot whereon Morns Campbell now re
sides. and will he sold by virtue of ati fa issued
from justice court 919 district G. M., Flovd
county, Georgia, in favor of C. I. Cain vs. James
Campbell and Morris Campbell, and levied up
on and wi'l l>e sold as the property of the defen
dant, James Campbell. Levy made by w. M.
1 B< ars, L C., and written notice given,
A Iso, at the same time and place, one hou ? e
and lot in the Etowah division of the city of
Rome, Floyd county Georgia, on the corner of
Six’ll avenue anil fast Se end street, being the
place where the defendant now resides Levied
upon by virtue of a fl fa issued i'r< m the Floyd
county city eourt iu favor of M. A. Reece vs.
Mrs. w. C. Hail , as the property of the defen
Also at the same time and place, lot of land
no. 48 in the 22d district ana third section of
Floyd county, Georgia, and said lot of laxd con
taining 160 acres, more or less; also all that lot
of laud No. 61 in the 22d district and 3rd section
of Floyd county Georgia, except the one acre
heretofore conveyed to the trustees of the Con
gregational Methouist church. Said part of lot
so levied upon containing one hundred and fifty
nine acres, more or less. ar d both of said lots
being the farm upon w hich Harvey Washing
ton now resides, Levied on by virtue of a fi fa is
sued from the Floyd city court in favor of R. T.
Fouche vs. George W shington and Harvey
Washington as the property of the defendant,
Harvey Washington.
Also at the same time and j ] ace) a tract or
parcel of land which is described as follows:
One farm lying in a body codsisting of whole
land No. 291 in 22ddistrict and3d section
of Hoyd County: Georgia, containing 160 acres.
Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from the
Floyd city court in favor of H M. Clay ton vs W
a,, d Mrs. m, a* IVh.te, as the proper
ty of the defendant
Alsoat the same time and place, one log dray,
1 corn sheller, 1 pair platform scales. 1 ground
hog horse power. Levied on bv virtue of afi fa
issued from the Floyd city , ourt in favor of B
*■ , Camp vs \V, D, Jones, as the property of the
defendant. r > j
a Iso at the sau e time and place, one twenty
horse power portable engine and boiler mourned
on skids made by the Erie citv Ton works : also
one No 3 saw mi l, made by G, Wbeeland, and
one circular saw. Le ied on by virtue of a mort
gage fi fa issued from the Flovd city court in fa
vor of George M. Battey for the use of the First
National Bank of Rome Ga, vs W. b. Barnett
as the property of the defendant, I’roperty to
{ri * eeu 011 the far nos Zack Hall in N, C. dis-
Jtl e C. Mooi’p,Sher ,I’.
Central R’y & Banking Go 1
rd. H. COMER, AND R. J. LOW Ry.
Receiver s
No 4 bouth Bound Nc
Lvave Chattanooga - - . 400 pm
“ Rome - - -.713 pm
“ Cedartown - - tOO pm
I.v. Cedartown 5 10 am.
Ar. Gridin - 855 am '
“ Macon - - 11 00 am
' Savannah . 6 20 pm
No 1 North Bound No
Lv, Savannah ■ S if. pm
Macon - - . 425 am
Griffin • . . 925 pm
Ar. Cedartown • 624 pm
Lv. Cedartown 6 20 am
.. Rome . 7 os am
arrive Chattanooga - 10 25. am
Parties wishing to spend the oay in Chatta
nooga. shou|d take the Central Railroad trail
at 7 08 am returning at 7 13 pm train to am
from Griffin lays over all night at Cedartown,
W. F, Shellman Trafic. Mgt.,
J. C. Haile Gen,, Pass., Agt.
Savannah Ga.
S. M. Webb Trav., Pass., Agt.,
I). t». Hall City Pass., Tkt., Agt. ,
Atlanta Ga
C. 8 Prnden Gen., Agent 1
W E. Huff Ticket Agent.’
Rome 5.1 j 1
Clocks and Jewelry
We are forced to meet our obligations, and
will sacrifice our stock to raise money.
Here is an opportunity which has never be
fore been presented tn the people of Rome.
You certainly know what bargains are in
this line.
Everything will be sold at unheard of prices
Purest Drugs! Lowest Prices!
For the Benefit of Creditors
The large stock of Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods,
Trunks, Hags, Valises, in fact the entire stock of the lat e
firm of W. M. GAMMON - & CO., will be closed out for i
the benefit cf creditors.
The money must be realized on v his stock at once and
prices wili be made to force the sales REGARDLESS OF COST
Dunlaps $5 Ha*s at $2.50 E. &W. Collars at $2 per dozi
Clothing and everything in stock at prices to suit purchaser
CASH down will be demanded. Nothing will be sent out, ex
changed or taken back. All persons indebted to said firm |
are hereby notified to settle at once or claims will be put out
for collection.
R. G. CLARK, Assignee.
N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor. I
We Mean Business Cal! snd get our Prices
Before Buying we are Seiling, _
To the Publie and ft Q the City
of Rome:
Inasmuch as Mr Walter Harris
first agreed to make the r ce for coun
cilman with the Seay ticket ami sub
-80 juently became a candidate on the
opposing ticket; the friends and sup
porters of the Seay ticket have
thought it advisable to run only a
straight ticket, and as Mr. H. D. Hill,
at the solicitation of many of the
best citizens and business men of the
city, having consented to become a
candidate for councilman, the com
mittee of citizens appointed to look
after the matter are authorized to
announce the following as the straight
Seay ticket.
For Mayor—John J. Seay.
For Conncilmen—First "Ward
Henry Harvey.
Second Ward—H. S. Lansdell.
third Ward —J, A. Gammon
Fourth Ward —H. D. Hill.
Fifth Ward-J. Henley Hoskinson.
All citizens and voters having the
best interest and welfare of Rome at
heart are earnestly asked to give the
ticket their support.
Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic
Oil for rheumitisn, neuralgia
sprains, bruises, Irme back it
quiCKly relieves paia
If you have sour stomach
feel bilious, and y< ur head ache
take a Japanese Liver Pellet, ’
will relieve you. Scid by J
Curry Grugeist