Newspaper Page Text
SUrlfi'S Salts For W
nOU<>IA, I, r t house door in
u,!l be-' dl ' ef county, Ga., between
the .'ll V" .\|’e on ’he first Tuesday in
tM W" l < l,,, S; , Uwm £ described property
y02«7, »". '2 , /.oHi fourth section, Floyd coun
fnitrth , 'V tr ’ a . I ‘‘.' I nfn. 600 acres, more or less .
tvOe , i in third district ami in thud
X, land lot 1 J i( ,n. conta. .tail 40 acres,
distrietsmd foul th ‘ • ()|) - virlueo f a justice
■ n Flood county. I- | 1059th d ‘Strict, G. IW.
Surtfifa?V U A I ’ " Ist* • l^r '- and G w
¥' h imM.Mti>eP r ’'l ,erty of the defeßdant ’
»U J;" 1 3,‘,,5,. ,„«« ~t« »IJ h-
Floyd county, t. t. C., iu iavor of State
suedl'yJ;' h "*\iartiu J.Bobo, as the property
Levy made by W- k Ky.e,
.. «»■ —•«, r«S
mar® lllU ’* name’Jane” f))Ur vea rs o ld,
black m are „' “Ila horse colt two years old, one
one cream colored g e(d nanie “Floyd, ’
lay horse wit W" ' arß ol(t nam e “John.”
onebay hortecoUthree yea fl fas issued from
Mvied l> “X.‘ourtinfavorof T R. Jones vs
the FieydCi’y court perty of the defentant.
T,T.banfor<i, asui i i . - C e one undivi
interest in that portion of lot No.
ded one-ha f )“ te t ’| bllbuc too, 1 near Forestville,
4in the ' of "and NO. 208 in the twenty
being a part otl 11 section; bounded on
thirdlll bi! tlm Calhoun road, oA the east by
the north by the cam the gouth by ,
Anderson Miller st d ()U the west by
SO 4 owned by Jen. m, wri ht Levied on
tot 50, 3 » I !°.°fiT a d ß l a ued from the justice court
G MI in favor of w. H. Coker
of 919th Thurman, as the property of
M. Byars, L,
V t eS iis monerty Lot of land being in the
described property gtate of „ and lnore
county Os floy I » a ‘ Jalt ()f i o t .Xo. 85 m the
particularly kno district tovt it: Beginning
corner of OP Neel
the Dalton road running South along the
lot on the Dan > lre() an( f tbr , e and nine
Da h ?mt d stake them e East SI rods to a stake
inchestoastake tne a nd three feet and
thence >orthone nun Wegt rodg t 0
?h« e nbce of beginning, containing two acres of
shf h ,Fn ore or less Also all that tract or parcel
3rd section of floyd . the Dalton
iCI °i 9 A the hne < ’tractfild taTK Boggs, run
r-a mJnce F Ist to line of lot, thence R' rh to
hne of H H Richards, thence West to Dalton
road thence South W> beginning corner the
tract hereby conveyed being all enclosed. Lev
Ea nn hv virtue of a Justice Court ftfa issued
mh district G. M in favor of M L
F x“oa?the same nme and place. In the 4th
district and 4th section of Floyd county, distin-
Sedinthe plan of said district, section and
Sv as lots ot land N“* 56 and 57 contain
ing three hundred and twenty acres more or less
Levied on by virtue of a hta issue from the
Floyd City Court in favor of Henry H«rvej, ad
ministrator etc. of ,1 E Berry vs Ike J Berry as
the nropertyjof the defendant.
also at the same time and place lot of land ly
ing and being in Block H. of Harbour’s iddition
to Printup City, as follows: Lot No. 15 front-
West on Second avenue .5 feet, beinpr • 4 feet
deep on the South side 62 feet wid ■ in the “ear
atd 130 feet deep >n North side; also lot no 13
frot ting on First avenue. East 55 feet and run
ning back West on South side 168 fee' and on
the North side 180 feet, the same being, 53 feet
fwide in the rear as s’, wn n inap of Block B
of Harbour's addition to rrintup C y, Levied
on by virt 'e of a J slice Court fl fa is ue 1 from
the 19th district. G .M„ in favor ot Donald
Harper,Scab Wright and Moses wright vs. Pat
sy Isbell Tom Isbell and Rosa Isbell as the
property of the defendants
All that lot of land situated in the Oostanaula
division of the City of Rome, Ga., situated on
the northwest corner of Eighth avenue (former
ly Lumpkin street) and fronting 65 feet on West
Seeond street, and 130 feet on eighth Avenue,
more or less ;it being half of the Old Fouche
school house lot. Levied on by virtue of a jus
tice court ti fa issue.i from the 919 district G-
M. in favor of Siegmat & Will, vs J. w- Davis
& Co., as the property of J, W. Davis Levie
made by H Heard, I. C.
Also at the same time and place one house and
lot adjoining the town of East Rome, said lot
fronting 55 feet on Spring Creek road and run
ning back 155 feet of property of Crockett
.ampbell bounded on the East by property of
Eliza Turner and on the west by Sarah Horton,
levied on by virtue of a fifa issued by J j Black
ic.m favor of State and County vs Mahala
McLain as the property of Maha a and Lucy Me
Cam, undivided one-half interest.
Also at the same time and place west half of
lot of land No 52 in the 4th district and 4th, sec
tion of Floyd county, Ga, Levied on by virtues
of afi fa issued from the 1120th district g m. i: b
favor of W’P. McLeod vs J T Riley as tne
pro’ierty of the defendant.
Also at th * same time and place that tract or
parcel of land vituated, ir the 23rd district and
sra section of Fiord county Qa. being one acre
more off of lot no. 124 in the forks of the Dal
tvn and Sum-rervdle roads, that is, that, part of
forks of s’id roads
haif mßesfrom the eorpotion
Jnuts rs the city of Rome. Also two acres of lot
11, in.„: distnct and 3rd section said state and
county and adjoin:::" the the above described
!* e jere off ot lot No. 124 and which two acre
ami m t ' Vee , n ,’> l1 ’ Ualton a,;| l Summerville road
n''Prescribed in a deed by A. C
in tho nn oD ' P Phillips and H.D. Aycock, now
bvvir. 2 s T SI 2 nos tlle 'lefendant. Levied on
tLiia,L£. a ? lstice Court fl fa issued from
if Romo p triot "■ M ' F'oyd county aa. in favor
AS^ r ffid°ant V . 9,J P-P-
totnrmLov ! am V iI J2 eand P ,ace th « follow-
W 1: One five StOrv brick bulld ’
thecorn?!,^^ 6 nns ' :ron S Hotel, situated on
street mthooi?° COI } tl avenue and East First
uXdonbV 1 - 5 : of Ro:nt ‘. F'oyd county Ga.
Flovd < i+r'r " rtu . e of a *i fa issued from the
tons so t L ?J rt 4 n favor of Joseph R. Peeble’s
pemoaiXX^-, aS ,he
Ptope’tv !™u' ne i, li , ie and P'ace the following
c; “ f ,an ' l ln "’’-H' l
»■'said dbtaict 7 *5 a ' Un ” wn in the plan
WoontaSlMJro ; S -\ 08 ’ 2,541 -' ,5 a,,d
of the East «idJ nr i ea,dl 1 a ’ so 136 crea off
‘Kreraht V flotN ' ) -- i;i > s;l id farm land
tIV Hi '.nnh! 5 rh Cre « 111,4 ' or ess and known
of afi f a issued t fr am f^ rm ' Levied on by virtue
couiitvcJ-'"‘V le court of Ordinary of
Tiioiuas b Hi., 1 ?:’ 1 , 11 'avor of Alice Fowler vs
the delendaiit'" lnbot lam as tbe l ,ro P ert y of
Jake C. Moore, Sheriff
Executors, Sale.
iTH Flovd' 64n order th® C ou rt of Ordina-
Court honJfn n ?.X* 11 B °' d at auction at tlie
on the first T '" ’ r|a,Ca ' h9un Couu’yof Gordon
le »'ton reo fX y The A f l n 1 neXt ’ Withi “ th6
wlt a" that tract i rhe l followin R property |to
,r(l Section of i f aHd ln tlle 14 Dist rict and
totnty known r gi “ a,ly Cll erokee now Gordon
’ide of n 6 PrlUtUl ’ farnl ’V-Kon the
“"eswestof r . Oo3ta,lail ' a River about (3
h 'V'lreda tldten^ U “ and knowll lots two
Md two h„ n , i Wo ' lun, lred and eleven
M ‘ ree P»rts of and twent y two (222) and
Manamaßi v ,’\' lnKou ,lle ®ast Bide of the
twelve 12121 t no . wn as lots two hundred
<i2l ai ‘ , 'twoh, n! T; a hu “ dred and twenty-one
t<lnß 'nall about d and fort y ei «ht (248) oon
f72o'l acres more or 9 ? 6 ” hundred an d twenty
tal)re rrvroa.l aoM ' v ° Kether with Ferry
Printll P late of n “ the ' ,ro l ,e rty of Henry S.
lit day of March ° f Floyd > dated - This
John C. Printup
Fxector of Estate of
H. 8, Printup Dec’d.
Micati™ for Letters w
a ? nd >’»trator of
Ke w’ n ' lul .v that hl h tO t ’l e court in
n ’ ' 4u Khn» 8 estatp he n a<lminißtered
W kindra/1 rhlß ,s to all
irator 11 anv they e . ' a n [1 creditors, to
Strati. >» n °t be ij, ch '"’J hy said adminis
lt,ea «t lettaL ged f fr ° ,n his admin-
Mon 'iayta M ivlßl 4 ~, f . dismission on
ojW. & ! e " y - 5 1894 ’
■"'ary Floyd County Georgia
Marsh il Silas.
VI ill-be sold before the Court house door in
thec.ity ot Rome on th<. first Tuesday in vpril
1894 between tile legal hours of sale, the follow
Ing described property to-wl :
one brick house and lot the same is now being
used bv tiie Rome E’ectric Light co. on the cor
ner of Bth Avo and I ait Ist street. Levied on as
the propert y of the Rome Street Rail Road co,
bv virtue of a fl fa in favor of the major and
council of the city of Rome vs Rome Street
Fail Road co. for taxes due said city for the
year 18 4!
Also at the same time and place one vacant
lot in the Fifth War I irontimr e lain St 40 ft
more or less bounded on the s-m‘h by the Eto
wah Land Company o“ t,ho Nc G Broad St eei
Bridge and on the e s' 1 y the Etowah river,
Levied on as the prop if Charles m. Harper
by vir-ne ot a tax fl i vor of the mayor and
council of Rome v- !• rley M. Harper for
pavement—Tax duet l ' v tor 'he year 1892
J. C. BR!»V -V, City MhtsJiul.
Citation-L' ave To Sell.
Georgia, floyd County :
To all whom it may concern:—W. A. Rhudy
Administrator of Henry Berryhill deceased
has in due form applied to the undersigned
for leave to sell the lauds and personal Proper
ty belonging to the estate of said deceased, and
application will be heard on the first Monday in
April next. This 7th day of March 1814.
JohnP Davis Ordinary.
Letters of Administration.
Georgia,flovd county:
To all whom it may concern:—Warren V Timms
having in proper form applied to me for perma
nent letters of administration on the estate of
William V. Timms, late of said county. This is
to c*te all and singular the creditors and next
of kin of William y. Timms to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed by law and
show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad
ministration should not be granted to warren
V. T ltnulß or some other fit and proper person
on wil'i j m V. Timms estate. Witness my hand
and official signature this flth day of March
John P. Davis,"
Ordinary Floyd ( ounty.
Citation—Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Floyd County
To all whom it may concern :—Joha H. Rey
nolds ami John Montgomery, executors of
Thomas Berry deceased has in due form applied
to the undersigned for leave to sell certain
bonds belonging to the estate of said deceased
and said application will be heard on the first
Monday in April next. This sth day of March
1894. John P. Davis,
Letters of Admsnistration.
To all whom it may concern:—Mrs Hattie
Ware Matthias having in proper form applied
to me for permanent letters of administration
with will annexed on the estate of El sabeth
Ware, late of said county . This is to cite all
and singular the creditors and next Rin or
Elizabeth ware to bo and appear at j liy o fti Ce .
WitblU tho tim*’ allowed by law, and show cause
if any they can why permanent administration
with will annexed should not be granted to Mrs-
Hattie Ware Matthias on Elizabeth Ware s es
tate. witness my hand and official signature
this sth day of March 1894.
John P, Davis
Ordinary Floyd County
Application for Letters 01
Georgia—Floyd county:
Whereas, J. S. Berryhill, administrator of
W. Buchanan dec. represents to the court
his petition duly filed, that he has administered
W- N. Buchanan’s estate This is to cite all
persons concerned, kindred, and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said adminis
trator should not be discharged from his ad
ministration and receive letters of dismission
on the first Monday in May 1894. This Febuary
sth 1894, John P. Davis,
2—6-90 d Ordinary,
application foa Letters of Dis-
miss 5 on.
GEORGIA—FIoyd County
Whereas J L Chambers Administraor Agnes
L Chambers represents to the court in his peti
ion duly tiled that he has 'administered Agnes
L Chambers estate. Thsi is to cite all persons
concarnad. kindred and creditors to show
cause, if any they can, why said administrator
ahogld not be discharged from his administra
and receivo letters of dismission on the firs
Monday in April 1894 This Jan 6lh 1894
John P Davis
Ordina-y Floyd Co, Ga
Whereas Samuel Funkhouser, Administrator
of Hattie McKinzie, Dec’d, represents to the
court in his petition duly tiled, that he has ad
ministered Hattie McKinzie estate. This is to
cite all persons concerned, kindred and credi
ers, to show cause, if any they can, why said
administrator should not be discharged from
his administration aud receive letters of dismis
sion on the first Monday in April 1894. This
Jauuary Ist 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd Comity Georgia.
Letters of Administration.
GEORGIA,FIoyd County:
To all it may concern: Parry Lee Garnigan
having iu proper form applied to me to have
an Administrator appointed on the estate of
David Hull, late of said county. This is to cite
ail and singular the creditors and next of kin to
David Hull to be and appear at my office within
the time allowed by law and show cause, if any
they can why permanent administration should
not be granted to C'" nt y A'iministrator on
David Hull’s, estate, -witness my hand and
official signature this sth. day of March 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County.
Application for Letters of
GEORGIA,—FIoyd County:
Whereas Mrs. R. A. P. White Exectrix, of
Nancy Prentice dec’d, represent to the court
in her petition duly filed, that she has adminis
tered Nancy Prentice's estate. This is to cite
all ;.er«ons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they can, why said Execu
trix should not be discharged from her admin
istration ai.d receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in June 1894. This March Sth.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia
Citation--Leave to Sell.
Georgia,Floyd ounty:
To all whom it may concern: John C. Printup
Executor of Henry 3. Printup deceased has in
due form applied to the undersigned for leave
to sell the Bonds and all other property belong
to the estate of said deceased, and said appli
cation will be heard on the first Monday in
April next. This sth. day of March 1894.
John P. Davis, Ordinary.
We wish to introduce our System
Pills into every home. We know
| that we manufacture the very best
remedy on earth for the cure of
Constipation, Bill icusneßs, Sick
Headache, Kidney, Trouble?,
Torpid Liver, etc,; and that when
you have tried these pills you
will gladly recommend them to
others, or take an agency, and in
this way we shall have a largp,
well-paying demand created.
As a special inducement for ev
ery reader of this paper to try these
pi Ils and take an agency at once
we will give to each person who
sends tweutyfive cents in cash, or
thirty cents in stamps, for a box
of System Pills, one of the follow
ing presents:
A Handsome gold watch, a good
S 'e: watch, a valuable town ]• t (
a genuine d a nond ring, a ci s it
of silverware or a genuine $5.00
gold piece. Every purchaser gets
one of the above presents, There
are no exceptions. Shaw Remedy
Co., Rutherford, N. J,
pleasant in the taking, pleas
ant in their action —Lut un
rivaled in their results. That
AvAfffiT fuirly describes Dr. Pierce’s
Pleasant Pellets. In every
1 disorder of the liver, stomach,
I and bowels, they give a Zastinp
I cure.
I For Biliousness, Jaundice,
JL Indigestion. Constipation, Diz
ziness, Sour Stomach, and
or Bilious Headaches,
I they are the natural remedy.
! I They’re tiny, sugar - coated
I granules, scarcely larger than
mustard seeds—a compound of
refined and concentrated vegetable extracts.
Put up in sealed vials, always fresh and re
liable; a convenient vest-pocket remedy.
They’re guaranteed to give satisfaction, in
every case, or your money is returned.
Any experimenting with Catarrh tn the
Head is dangerous. Serious result
from its being driven to the throat and lungs.
Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, by its mild,
soothing, cleansing, and healing properties,
completely and peniiTnently cures the very
worst cases. Its proprietors offer SSOO re
ward for auy incurable case.
Year's Support,
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby
given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart
and assign a year’s support tc H. Eva Strick
land, the widow of B. M. Strickland deceased,
have filed their award, (it being for a 2nd years
Snpport) and unless good and suffiicieut eause
is shown, the same will be made the judgment
of the court at the April term, 1894 of the court
of Ordinary, This March sth 1894.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd county Georgia.
Citation—Leave to Sell
Georgia, FLoy 1 county :
To all whom it may concern:—W, A. Rhudy,
Administrator of Aggie Berryhill deceased has
in due form applied to the undersigned for
leave to sell the lands and personal property be
longing to the estate of said deceased, and said
application wiil be beard on the first Monday in
April next. This 7th day of March 1894.
John P. Davis, Ordinary.
Citation—Leave to Sell,
Georgia—Floyd County
To all whom it may concern :—Cezar Stallins
Administrator of Tempy Stalins deceased has
ih due form applied to the undersigned for
leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of
said deceased, and said application will be
heard on the first Monday iu April next, This
5.h day of March 1894.
John P, Davis,
Application for Charter under
name of Oostanaula S earn
boat and Trading
Gf< rgia, Floyd cotnty—
T> t iperjo. , curt of said county;
G ' , V Tran well, -I L Trammell, Frank
holdbrooks and their associ ates shew they de
sire to be made n 1 created a body corporate.
And that thev be created such body corporate
undc’ffie tame of the t>osta"aula Steamboat
and Trading Company,
That they be created such body corporate for
the term of twenty years and as such and in
said name that they be allowed to sue aud ba
The principal office and place of business of
such corporation to be in the city of Rome
Floyd County, Ga.
The character of the business to be done and
carried on by said corporation is the running of
a steamboat upon the Oostanaula and Coosa
rivers and hauling freights and charging there
for; the buying and selling of lumber, bricks
and all kinds of building material and dealing
in country produce and general merchandise.
’lke object of said corporation being pecunia
ry gain to stockholders therein.
The capital stock of said corporation to ba
two thousand dollars actually, paid either money
or property before beginning business and divi
ded into shares of one hundred dollars ea f
with the privilege of increasing the can
stock to twenty five thousand dollars or
other amount as may lie agreed upon by
stockholders, not in excess of twenty-five thou
sand dollars
That such corporation be allowed to (upon
organization) pass such by laws, as it may deem
to its interest and advantage, that are not in
consistent with the laws of Georgia, or United
Wherefore petitioners pray an order be grant
ed creating them a body corporate under name,
for the term, purposes and object aforesaid and
thereby duly chartered as such body cjrpora'e
Geo. & w alter Harris,
Petitioners Attorneys.
Fi’ed in office Feb. 19, 1894,
Win E, Beysiegle,
’ Clk.Sup, Ct.
Georgia Floyd County—
The above application for charter of Oosta
naula Steamboat and Trading Company.” is a
true copy as appears of record in my office.
This Feb. 19,1894, . ,
Wm, E, Beysiegle,
Clerk Superior Court,
F. C. O, A.
job rm
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Note Heads,
By Getting Estimates
From the
B’jß-IOTTO ’.xTG
In a leaky house or have
a garden without fences while
the Cundell Lumber Co. is selling
the best heart shingles, oak posts
and heart fencing at “hard times
prices. Lumber arriving every day
Warters “Extra Good”
for sale by all cigar
Inflamed itching, burning, crus
ty and scaly skin and scalps of in
fants, soothed and cured by John
eon’s Oriental Soap. Sold by D-
W Curry Druggist.
Warters “Extra Good”
is his newest brand
and is the best cigar on
the Rome market.
The persihtent cough which usual!
follows an attack of the grippe can li
permanently cured by taking Chain
berlain’s Cough Remedy, W. A. Me
Quire of Me Kay, Ohio, says: “La
Grippe left me with a severe cough,
After using several different medi
cines without relief, I tried Chambei
i s Cough Remedy, which effected
a permanent cure, T have also found
it to be without an equal for children
when troubled with colds or croup.
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Lowry Bros Druggist.
Huylers candy rec’d
fresh every month,
at Hammack Lucas &
Fresh stock of Buist
Garden Seed for sale
cheap. Hammack Lu
cas &. Co’s,
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy givf.
the best satisfaction of any cough
medicine I hanble, and as a sellar
leads all other preparations in this
market. I recommend it because it
is the bpst medicine I ever handled
for coughs, colds and croup, A. W.
Baldridge, Millersville, 111. For
sale by Lowry Bros. Druggist.
A severe rheumatic pain in the
left shoulder had troubled Mr. J. II
Loper, a well known druggist of Des
Moines, lowa, for over six months.
At times the pain was so severe that
he could not lift anything. With al
he ceuld do he could not get rid of it
untill he applied Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm. ‘’l only made three applica
tions of it,” he says, “And have since
been free from all pain” He novi
reccommends it to persons similarly
afflicted. It is for sale by Lowry
Bros. Druggist,
t l . l .‘” i, rTT"‘" lll I'
Many women die in the very prime of life,
Others live to middle age,but are seldom sound
and healthy, why is,this you ask? We answer
SELF NEGLECT, but your life can be lengthen
ed and home made happy if you commence AT
ONCE. Try one package of Parks Viginal Sup
positories and you *IU never .regret it. Will
make a new woman of you and will absolutly
cure all the distressing of female weaknesses.
NO EKI’EI.IMeNT, N° doctors examination
A positive cure. Leucorrhea or whites are
usually entirely cured by one or two applica
ions. Price SI.OO per pekage by mail prepaid.
Particulars (sealed) 2c.
,s so,d
guarantee to cur
tion, Fits, Dizzi
takSwiiur Vh >aL/ ness, Headache an'
Neuralgia and Wake
K. . fulnesr,caused by ex
ffilr Tobacco aud Alec
hoi; Mental Depr<
•BEFORE A-FThH* slon, Softening <■
he Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death
larronese, Impotancy, Lost Power in either sex
.’remature Old Age, Involuntary Lowes, caus“.
oy over-indulgence, over-exertion of the Brain au
irrorsof Youth. It gives to Weak Organs theii
Natural Vigor aud doubles the joys of life; cure
Lucorrhcea and Fema’e Weakness. A month’s treat
"nont, in plain package, by mall, to any address, 8
oer box, 6 boxen tft. With every 25 order we give e
■Written Guarantee to cure or refund the money
Circulars free. Guarantee issued only by our ex
?luaive agent.
Hammack Lucas & Co’
Georgia, Floyd county.
Notice is hereby given that a Petition signed
by fifteen or more Freeholders of the JBs9th
Waters) District G Mos said county has bee”
tiled in my office asking that the benefits for
the divisions of section 1449 1450 1451 1452 1463
ami 1454 of the code of Georgia of 1884 and tlie
amendments thereto shall apply to said 859th
Distaict G M, of said county.
I further give notice that an Election will be
ordered on the 2nd day of April next (1894) said
Election to occur on the 21st day of April next
('894) to decide the question “fence” or “stock
law’* according to the statutes in such case,
made and provided
Given under my hand and official Signature
this Vth day of March 1894,
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd co. oa.
Is as safe and harmless as & Ju
seed poultice. It acts like a p u*.
tice, drawing out fever and eain,
and curing al? diseases pecuiiat
to ladies.
“Orange Blossom” is a pas
tile, easily used at any time; it
is applied right to the parts.
Every lady can treat herself
with it.
Mailed to any address upon re
ceiptofsi. Dr. J.A. McGill&Co.
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111.
Sold by
D. W. Curry, druggist,
Frank Taylor the old knight of
the razor has opend up a new bar
ber ehop at 224 Broad street. He
invitee all hie friende and patrons /
to call early and often . I—24*j (
Have you tried War
ters “Extra Good”
Rome made cigar? it
is the most fragrant
smoke on the market.
You are hereby notified to come
forward and pay your etreet tax
at onca, as you will be summoned
to appear before the mayor and
council, sitting as a board of com
misaioners. You are liable to be
fined for non-payment of same.
J. C. Brown,
If, City Marshal,
*» - ...
Dissolution of Partnership.
The firm of George & Walter
Harris is by mutnal consent dissolv
ed, the dissolution to take effect on
April the Ist 1894.
George & Walter Harris.
Each member of said firm will con
tinue the practice of Law in this city,
Geo, A. H Harris,
Walter Harris.
March 14th 189
For the very Kst perfumeries
of the famous Larenzo make coll
at the Reese & Whitehead store
and get what you want al assignee’s
Ladies will find the wafers just
what they need, aud can be depend
d upon everytime to give relief. Safe
and sure. Can be sent by mail sealed
securely. Price $2.00 per box. Emer
son Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for
sale by Reese & Whitehead.
Fine Perfumes, toilet soap combs,
hair and tooth brushes, face powder
and toilet articles at cut prices at
the assignes's sole of ReeceA White
3-12 dtf
New cottage for rent, on West
First Street next to Mr. George
.Chidsey. Can be had at a low figure.
Apply to
1 w. Luke McDonald
If you have sour stomach and
feel bilious, and y< ur head aches
take a Japanese Liver Pellet, it
will relieve you. Sc id by D W
Curry Druggist
“Perhaps you would not think so
but a very large proportion of dis
eases in New York comes from care
lessness about catching cold ’ says
Dr Syrus Edson. ‘ ‘lt is such a simple
thing and so common that very few
people, unless it is a case of pneumo
nia, pay any attention to a cold. Nt w
York is one of the healthiest places
on the Atlantic Coast and yet the e
are a great many cases of catarrh and
consumption which have their erigin
n this neglect of the simplest precau
tion of every day life. The most
sensible advice is, when you have one
get rid of it as soon as possible. By all
means do not neglect it ”Dr. Edson
does not tell how t a cold but
we will. Take Chamberlain’s
Remedy. It will relieve the lungs
aid expectoration, open the secretion
and soon effect a permanent cure •
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale bj,
Lowry Bros. Druggist.
Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic *
Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia,
sprains, bruises, lame back, it
quickly relieves pain
“Orange Blossom’, is a painless
cure for all diseases to Sold
fresh by D. W. Curry Druggist.