Newspaper Page Text
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int lie information and indications
*ivedat this office from this sec
ond other parts of the Stateful
nstuuthe following expression
'f tb3 Macon Telegraph in regard to
Cfafe ClMP a ’n D:
! -w. Y. Atkinson has every
rpa son to feel satisfied with the pro
’ sofbisostopsign, He fa every
dav receiving assurances of his sup
from men who have up to this
time been against him or who nave
E ot taken sides in the fight
One of the most significant features
of ibis movement towards Mr. At
kinson is the action of various news
papers within the past few weeks.
The county weeklies are mighty good
; u j., e8 of the feeling in their various
communities, and as a rule they are
conducted by men of good sober
When Gen. Evans campaign open
ed he had no opposition and had
behind him some of the most power
ful political elements in the State
It looked for a while that he was go
ing to sweep every thing before him
Then Mr. Atkinson entered the race
despite the protests of some of the
general’s friends, who seemed to
think that their man had pre-empted
the office. Immediately the reaction
begin-Tae sober, second thought of
the people began to have its effects.
Th y realized that the time had
I come when it we were to realize the
I hope of Henry Grady of a new South
I combining the forces of the old South.
I which we love so well, with the rest-
I less, progressive energy of the West,
I which has accomplh\ied such great
I results for that section, young pro-
I gressive men, who are thoroughly
I abreast of the times, must be entrust-
I ed with the affairs of State.
From that moment the sponta-
I neons Evans boom began to dis
integrate and the chances of the
| brilliant young statesman from
I Coweta to improve, until now there
is little doubt in the minds of any
fair-minded, well-informed man
but that he will be nominated on
August 2nd *
I Amorg no classes of people have
I these influences been so potent as
with the editor of the weekly
newspapers. First the Dawson Ad
p-r.i-. r, which had declared for
I Gen. Evans early in the campaign,
I realizod that the best interests of
|G tC! -'a would be conserved by
|the election of Mr. Atkin son, and
I ' a id so, giving its reasons.
■ Then the Pike Journal and the
parroll County T) mes reached the
| an, conclusion and are now
among Mr. Atkinson’s hearty sup
porters. These have all been sup
porters of Gen. Evans.
11 addition to these, the Lre
v,°)| n ? J E ' Qterpriße ’ the Thomas-
Ln ( x rt ' 9er > *-he Tifton Gazette
l ot m Montezuma Record, all of
lch have up to a few days ago
undecided as to what course
Ito th ' <lj P Ulf,u e, have decided
grows a/ pt'eTd J ° f GeU- Evans
shows that r y woaker - H
ahead to / f . Toors:ia is looking
that be nrl S re morP g’orious.if
has been "and e? t ? aU ber P ,lßt
maintain' k OP 18 to
"kr T Ml ST IDO To
nft t wq q I'
Phili Pian‘ iail r n A qU o ßtion • of the
Bnd this great ° 1 aul and Silaß
Object O s 'lotion was the
Goetebin, &t of R *v. F. T
; hnrch last nigh "I slfßt5 lfBt Baptist
? rc^ndpo; V I h i \ d Wlth ™ch
J hat a ! ar „ B (ld he present it
and aTke^ bGr B ave their
C^ ls '>ans in tk! t th , e P ra yors of
. Th nieeti. ’ r behalf
join se rv j grow in interest
today. Ceto service, f rom dav
The Moore administration is al
ready endearing itself to the masses
as well as to the merchant. The
sprinkler is a grand institution and
since it has“sprung a leak on Broad
way, the dust question has been set
* *
Col Billy Towers cf the Cotton
Seed Oil Mills will have strawberries
this spring, in spite of the inissun
derstanding between winter and
spring. Mr, Towers tells me that
when he learned of the approach of
the cold wave he just covered his
vinev, blooms and all with cotton
seed hulls. The experiment worked
like a charm and now the vines show
great clusters of large, well formed,
well grown berries-
* *
I want to see Bob Taylor lecture
to a full house, when he comes to
Rotne on the 18th. Bob Taylor, in
my opinion is the most unique
character on the lecture stage of
America, today. He is a combined
cage of monkeys and negro m n
strels and the advance agent of
the fool killer. He is a ‘paradite
of fools’’ in and of himself and—
moat of us feel like we were ‘‘kin
to ’im”—when he is talking.
He also requested me to add to
the list of speakers for that occa
sion, the names of Capt. A. B. S.
Moseley and Col. VV. A. Wright.
I most respectfully suggest that
the occasion could easily be ob
served on its appointed day and
that the ladies and children could
pluck from the flowery language
of the eloquent speakers, garlands
enough to wreath every marble
slab that modestly marks the last
resting place of Dixies fallen he
* *
If you need any article in the
line of furniture, carpets, mattings
and shades, call at the stores of
W. A. Khudy. He now has in
store the largest and best assorted
stock ever in North Georgia and
he will make his prices right ev
ery time.
H<? has just fixed up his large
stock of carpets and mattings so
as to show customers ata glance
the different styles. Call at the
Kincaid corner if you are looking
for furniture.
* *
I took in, or rather with a small
crowd of Romans was ‘-taken in”
by the‘‘Midnight Alarnfl’at Nevin s
Opera House last night. The plot
is a good one and the play well
written, but in the hands of a lot
of stormers it shows up to poor
advantage. It is the first attraction
Rome has had for some weeks.and
I am sorry to say that the Opera
House management and the pat
rons were mutually disappointed
in the results.
* *
Capt. Jim Tom Moore, was in to
see me a few minutes this forenoon.
Captain Moore is deeply interest
ed just now in the success of the
coming decoration of the soldiers
graves. H«, like thousands of oth
ers, laments the destruction of
flowers by the recent cold wave.
He says tnat the Confederate Vet
erans have appointed the regular
decoration day but wil. probably
defer the occasion to about the
middle of May in order to get
plenty of flowers.
* *
Col. Towers in speaking of the
experience became enthusiastic
and said that, that one experiment
demonstrates clearly that the frost
1 ino for the truck farmer can be
removed many degrees Northward.
The cost of cotton seed hulls is so
small that any gardner or planter
can easily afford to keep a ton or
tw-o through the danger season of
his tend r crops, and after that
utilize them without the loss of a
farthing. In the meantime Col •
Towers is preparing to employ’ his
frost bitten neighbors to harvest
his strawberry crop.
Perauaut to a call from Chairman
Halsted Smith, the Executive Com
mittee of Committee of Floyc J Jounty
will assemble at noon tomorrow, in
the City Court room of New Court
House. At the meeting the manner
0 selecting delegates to the guber
natorial and congressional conven
tions will be determined as will be the
m inner of nominating candidates
dor representatives of Floyd County.
Continued from First Pape.
11 10:2h o’clock last night, just one
hour and 40 minutes before the ex
piration of the 10 day limit of the
law, for clerk M. A. Nevin.
State of Georgia, Fi ovd County.
To the Superior court of said
The petition of M, A . Nevin, for
t e use of the city of Rome, Ga
showeth to the court that on April
2nd 1894, petitioner was clerk of
council of the city of Rome, Ga.,
and that on said date the follow
ing parties composed the b >dv
known as the mayor and coin'd’
of the city of Rome, Ga., namely:
Mayor: S. S. King.
Councilman; John C. Printup.
W. J. Satterfield, M. C. Mathis, M.
G. McDonald, W. J. Griffin, J. F
McClure, W. A. Wright, J. K. Wil »
liamson, H. R. Miller and T. L.
That on the second day of April
1894. said mayor and council vio
lated section 51 of the charter of
said city of Rome, Ga., by the
passage of certain bills, and order
ing the issueing of drafts on the
the City Treasurer of Rome, Ga ,
therefor, to the amount of twenty
six-hundred dollars in excess of
the limit as set forth in said sec
tion 51; there being no funds in
the treasury of said city of Rome
Ga.. available for the payment of
said bills, or said sum, and the ab
sence of said funds, for the pay
ment. of said amount, ®f said bills,
was known to said Mayor and
Whereby said Mayor and Council
became ind sbted to the said M. A,
Nevin, for the use of the city of
Rome, Ga., in the sum of twenty
six hundred dollars in accordance
with the terms of said section 51
of the charter o c the city of Rome,
Petitioner biings this, His suit, in
persuance of the terms of said sec
tion 51 of the Charter of the City ot
Ro n r , Ga., witliiu ten days from the
date cn which said overdraft and
passage of said bills, and said appro
priations of said sum of Twenty-six
hundred dollars, was made by said
mayor and council, aforesaid.
Wherefore your petitioner prays
process may issue requiring the said
defendants to the next term of the
Superior Court in and for said coun
ty to answer this, your Petitioners
Rowkll, Underwood & Rowell
Petitioners Attorney’s
The names of the holders of the
accounts, that go to make the $2,60U
have already apperaed in these col
umns. The parties will not loose
their money, not one cent of it, but
tney may be caused some inconven
ience on account of the delay in the
payment of the same.
By filing his suit, Capt Nevin
places himself and his bondsmen in
a position to make the City the de
jendant in any or all suits that can or
may grow out of the delayed pay
meat of these accounts. It was his
only recourse.
It will be an agreeable surprise to
persons subject to attacts of bilious
colic to learn that prompt relief may
be obtained by taking Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy. In many instances the attact may
be prevented by taking a dose as
soon as the first symptoms of the
disease appear. 25 and 50 cent bot
tles for sale by Lowry Bros. Drug
Deliciously Exhilarating, Spark*
ling, Effervescent. Wholesome
as well. Purifies the blood, tick- H
les the palate. Ask your store- rb
keeper for it. Get the Genuine.
Send 2 cent stamp for beautiful picture cards •
and book. yi
Philadelphia. W
One nicely furnished room, pleas
ant and airv. enquire, 233 Broad St.
for rent, Two comfortable tenement
houses five rooms each on 4th Avnue
for rent cheap. Can if desired be
converted into one very comfortable
3-12-ts W. Hoyt.
New cottage for rent, on West
First Street next to Mr. George
Chidsey. Can be had at a low figure.
Apply to
1 w. Luke McDonald
agents make five dollars a day.
Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invtttsd.
Retails 35 cts. 2 to 6 sold in every house : san pit
Postage paid tlve cents. McMAKIN Jt Co.
Mrs. J. W May is new ready for
spring work. Dresses and chil
dren’s especially Cuttin and fit
ting 50 & 75/
504 Broad St
Hoad Citation.
Georgia, Floyd County :
Whereas, T. J.Glenn, et al have petitioned the
Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue
of Floyd County, Georgia for a change in the
Bass Ferry road at blue Pond, so as to run on
the east side of Z. T. Carver’s held, and the
same having been favorably reported on by the
reviewers: This is to notify all persons having
objections thereto or claims for damages arising
therefrom to file the same with said Board of
Commissioners at their regular meeting on the
first onday in May, 1894,
Witness the Hon. John C. Foster, chairman,
This March 7th,1894.
3 7d-30 d Max Meyerhardt, clerk.
Fahy 8 charming spring good
are not hanging fire, but are going
like hot cakes.
Application for Homestead.
Georgia Floyd county:
T. R. Mothershed has applied for Exemption
of personalty, anil setting apart and valuation
of homestead, and I will nass upon the same at
(10 o’clock A. M, Or the 21st lay of April 1894
Instant) at my Offico.
John P Davis,
Ordinary Floyd eounty,
Buy from T- F. Fos
ter if you want your
money’s worth.
Best New Orleans
syrup at T Fall Foster
1 50 per gallon.
M ide of Gluten Graham Flour it
wholesome and nutricious food for
yspeptics, Brain workers, children
contains the phosphates and glu
n of the wheat. For sale at
Jamison Bros
222 Broad St.
Shaving after this
date will be 15c. at
Henry Beards baber
Lewis Barretts,
old stand
Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic
Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia
sprains, bruises, lame back, it
piickly relieves pain
All accounts not settled by the
15th, will be placed in the hands
of an attorney for collection.
Hammack, Sucas & Co.
“Orange Blossom.” the Common
Sense Female Remedy, draws out
pain and soreness. Sold by Ham
mack Lucas & Co.
- ' ♦ ♦ * I■ I ■
All persons, firms corporations,
companies and agents for same,
doing business of >ny character
whatever in the city for which li
cense is required, are hereby noti
fied that license for the fiscal year
is due and required to be paid be
fore or on the first day of April,
1894, and no person is allowed by
laws and ordinance to carry on
business in the city without ob
taining license for same.
Call at once at the Clerks office
in the City Hall and pay your li
cense. By order of the council.
Halsted Smith.
Clerk Council.
M Ikes'BS’
A New anti Complete Treatment, consisting of
SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two
Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing Cure for Piles
»f every nature and degree. It makes an operation
with th(* knife or injections of carbolic acid, which
are painful and seldom a permanent cure, and often
resulting in death, “unnecessary. Why endure
thin terrible disease? We
boxes to cure any case. You only pay for
yenefits received. $1 a box, 6 for <5. Sent by mall.
Guarantees issued by our agents.
CONSTIPATION by Japanese Liver Pellets
BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to
*ake, especially adapted for children’s use. 60 Doses
•5 cents.
GUARANTEES issued only by
Hammack'Lucas & Co.
We Mean Business Call snd get our Prices
Before Buying we are Selling,
The Oostanaula Steamboat and
Trading Company
That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regu'a trips to
Carters, every week.
Ship what you can by us, Give
us your orders for all Kinds of
Country produce
Chickens. Eggs. Corn. Hay. Pens Butter. Bacon. Fruits,
Dr'ed, Wheat, and all Products of the Country.
Geo W. Trammell,
F. B. Holbrook,
N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor.
* kawo i nmrn— mm—
O’Neill Manufacturing Company,
J A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oßl-2 Broad street
over Cantrell and Owens store.
Attorney at Law.
Office up stairs in new Court House
iu rear of Superior Court Room,
J IVIES B NEVlN—Attorney at Law Oflic
Poverty Hall coraor 3rd Avenue
CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD- Attorney at law
Masonic Temple,
Rome, Ga.
REECE & Dl’.?<NY—Attorney.'.... i.....
in Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga.
WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Coun
b sellor at Law—Rome, Ga.
& Starling. Attorneys at Law, Masonic
* Temple, Rome, Ga. fel>23.
WH. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Ofticeln
Masonic Temple, Rome, Georgia.
■ feb32tf
J. NEAL— M’Hentj, Nunnally & Neal-
* Attorneys-at-at Law, office over Halt
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, Ga
hTraMSLA—Physician and Surged'' ■
Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fount
* ward.
Lp. HAMM(,ND—Physician and Surgeon-
Offers his i rofessional services to the peo
* pie of Rome and surrounding country
Office at Crouch and Watson’s drug store, 2Q
Broad street.
R. W. D. JsOYT—Office at C. A. Trevitt
drugstore. ? T o. 331 Broad street Telephon
110. residen ja. No. 21
DR. C. F. GI .FFlN—Physician and Surge—
—Office n< r Masonic building. Hesidencs
300 4th a. aue.
Howard E. FELTON— Physician and sui
geon—Office No 6 Thirc Avenue,
As office day and night. Telephone 62.
Frank A- Wynn, Physician and Surgeon.
Prompt attention given all professional cal
FETCHING prices.
Fancy Mocha and Java coffee
32 / lb,
Good tea 30/, fancy tea 50/,
best 60/•
Finest grated pineapple 20/ can.
Best Rolled oats 15/ a packages
Price’s Baking Powder 40/ lb.
Imported Sardines, key, 12/.
Extra fancy lemons 10/ dozen"
Soda 5/ lb, Matches 10/ dozen.
Best goods onl v.
Lloyd’s Fair
'Hot Malaria, Liver Trou
o3 s,or Indigestion,usv*
.ja In Postage, we will send n
" A Sample Envelope, of either X
3| You have seen it advertised for many ■
/ years, but have you ever tried it?—lf 7
fa not.—you do not know what an ideal ft
7 Complexion Powder is.
Z besides being an acknowledged beautifler, £
tins many refreshing uses. It prevents chaf- ■
/ ing, sun-burn, wind-tan, lessens perspiration, X
gj etc.; in factitisnmostdelicate and desirable ■
7 protection to the face during hot weather. 7
For sample, address 7
MJ. A, POZZCNI CO. St. Louis, MoJ|
mention this paper. Otßw
Is as safe and harmless as a Has
seed poultice. It acts like a poul
tice, drawing out fever and pain,
and curing al! diseases peculiar
to ladies.
“Orange Blossom” is a pas
tile, easily used at any time; it
is applied right to the parts.
Every lady can treat herself
with it.
Mailed to any address upon re
ceipt of si. Dr. J. A. McGill & Co.
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, Hi.
Sold by
D. W.’Curry.