Newspaper Page Text
- ce as "hrst-cUss
Secona-clas« Mail Matter.
20 cent.* week or $5 00 per a mum
FFICE: Corner Broad St eer and
“■iftn Avenue.
Official Organ
Os the city of Rome, and Foyd, the
"Banner county" of Georgia.
Thirty days from this date all advertising
pertaining to the office of Sheriff of Floyd county
will be done in the Hustler of Rome.
This April 3, 1894. J. C. MOORE
law4w Bheriffy plod Co., Ga
“The man whose business is to
.interpret the Bible is likely to
anake a sad hiu’b of interpreting a
platform “ —[Allanta Journal, Ev
ans organ.]
Dalton, Whitfield Co., on Mon
day,. April 16th.
McDonough. Henry Co., on
Tuesday ,April 17th.
Mcßae, Telfair Co., on Friday
tpril 20th.
Riedsville, Tatnall Co, on Satur
day, April 21.
Any of these dates are subject
to cancellation, should they con
flict with dates selected lor subse
quent j int debate
To the voters of Floyd county,
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of representa
tive of Floyd county in the next
Leg : slature. My candidacy sub
ject to the action of the democratic
primary to be held on May 26’h.
Moses R. Wright.
To the voters of Floyd county, I
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Representa
tive in the next Legislature, my
candidacy subject to the action of
the Floyd county Demociatic pri
nary to be held May 26th,
C, W, Un i) srwood
Hustler of Rome: —Please an
aounce my name as a candidate for
the next Legislature, subject to
the action of the Democratic party
at the primaiy election to be held
cm May 26th. R -pectfully,
K. T. Fouche
Hustler of Rome:—Please an
auiiice my name as a candidate
forth 1 n (l xt L ‘gislature, subject co
act ion of the Democratic party at
the primary election to be held on
May 26th. Respectfully,
John H. Reese.
Mr. F. J. Evans, has been ap
pointed collector and superinten
dent of circulation for the IIusT
II.r i ' Rome.
Ail parties indebted to us are
riquested to pay no money due
ibis paper to any one except our
»utho r ’zed collector.
If vou fail to receive your pa
per, please notify the office and
we will see that you get it.
All subscriptions are payable
weekly, unless otherwise arranged,
you are expected to be ready
when the collector calls on you, as
be can’t call three 01 four times
for a ten cent subscription.
Everybody who gets this paper
js expected to pay for it as we car
ry do deadhead list,
I'hill G. Byrd. (Editor.)
Its four days now since Ohio
kad a lynching bee.
The coal dealer lies in weight
vhde the man —guesses at it.
Is David Bennett Hill or Grover
Cleveland, the Democratic party.
G*d, Evans’ “call’ and election
wiF. never get together in this
■ *
As the day’s grow longer the
growler has more time to devote to
his calling,
Reed and Waite have been vin
die at-d while Beu Tillman has
been cropped into the soup.
Florida's highest mountains are
only 210 feet above the sea level
Florida’s strawberries are higher
than that.
Had the eastern democrats era
ulated the example of the south
ern members —counting quorums
would have bee,, unnecessary.
Mr. Lease of Kansas believes
there is not another woman on
earth like “Col. Moll.” Thank
heaven, Mr. Lease is right.
The Moore administration has
been settling the dust—but could
n't they settle it a little sooner in
the morning? It would suit bet
The bosses of the ‘Executive
Committee’ of the Max Meyerhardt
Evans Club of Rome are plotting
to vote the ‘old private’ for the
The Floyd county primary oc
curs May 27 —Biunswick Times.
Sunday, ah? Perhaps this is an
other one of Rev. Clement Evans’
The United States consumes the
most paper and American mills
produce 10.000 tons of parer a
day.” Verily, verily, America is
the home of the delinquent.
Gen. C. A. Evans will preach
the commencement sermon of the
Girl’s High school in Covington
on Sunday, May 27th. Let Col.
Atkinson be invited to deliver the
address on that occasion—Coving
ton Enterprise.
The executive committee of the
Evans Club have met and decided
how the wool hat boys and pri
vates shall vote. Os course this is
a relief to the minds of the “wool
hats and privates.’’
Editor Eugene Taylor has com
bined the Calhoun Times and the
outlandish yahoo and unher the
name of thj Gordon Citizen is
giving the people of Gordon coun
ty a splendid news paper.
The Evans Club Executive com
mittee, has decided how the wool
hat boys of the rural district shall
vote. Great is the executive com
mittee— for have they not “muz
zled'' Max Meyerhardt, the papa of
the club?
The Constitution and Journal
are raising cain about ‘ men who
control’ being at ivork for Atkin
son and yet Executive Committees
of Evans clubs are the only organ
izations in the land which are
dictating to the masses who they
shall vote for
The Constitution and the Jour
nal may fight over Cleveland and
either kuss or worship the admin
istration, but when a remark is
made about the “Atlanta ring’’
they raise their polluted hands in
holy horror «>nd swear by their
god—even Atlanta that.there is no
“Atlanta ring.’’
It is stated on good authority
that Hon. R. W . Everett, of Polk,
will be a candidate for Congress
man Maddox’s place. The man who
beats Mr. Maddox will have to rii-e
mighty early and stay up late’ In
fact we do not bleieve there is a
man in the district who can beat
him.—Acworth Post.
The Atlanta papers have caught
Brer. Craig, and now have fifty
eight suckers on their line. Brer.
Craig has been unruly a long time
but at last we behold him a con
quered bronco in Pap Howell’s
lasso. He ha<» been I r inded and,we
suppose, feeding in the Evans pas
ture.—Lawrenceville News.
Eminent Grand Commander
W. P. Baldwin, of Macon is in
the city, the guest of Rome Com
mander No. BK. T. and is pleas
antly quarteied at the Armstrong.
Last night he installed the newly
elected officers of Rome Comman
dery and remains over to confer
the Red Cross degree to-night. He
will return to Macon tomorrow.
The Macon Evening News a near
relative of General Evans is out in a
“making up ’to Curlton of Athens
Does Hal really met.n to swap “Uncle
Glenn” for a dark horse.
The big Atlanta Evans Cam
paign fund has been put in the
bank and the interest it draws
will be sent abroad to conver !
the heathens. Why of course it has
such money would never be uti
iz'd to corrupt voters!
The Oxford University press
has just issued the most diminu
live Bible in existence. It is fine
ly printed on Oxford Indian paper
and its minute dimensions are on
ly three and three-fourth inches
:u length, two and one-eighth inch
es in width and seven-eighths of
an inch in thickness.
These are times when we need
active men ; men who can fight the
enemy, who can organize the forc
es and lead us to victory; and
such a man for Georgia, in the
great political battle of’94 we will
find in the brilliant young states
man from Coweta. —Millen Her
Brignoli, the tenor, was sensi
tive about bis age. A young lady
once said to him, in admiration:
‘‘Sig, Brignoli, I have known you
ever since I was u little girl.” He
turned around in a fury and shout
ed : “Yes, and I have known you
“ver since I was a little boy.” The
Signor is not a blood relative of
General Evans.
General Evans has no real opposi
tion. So far the race has been only a
gainst a pronoun of the first person
singular—Rome Tribune.
"Singular** enough too, that the wool
hat boys and privates should “Pro
n jun“-ee for Atkinson, the “first per
son' ‘in the field in the Third party
war of 92. Perhaps the morning “Jo
nah “ got its information about there
being “no real opposition" from the
‘ executive committee" ot the Max
Meyrehardt Evans Chib.
Hou. R, T. Nesbit, Commission
er of Agriculture, i 8 a model offi
cial. Since he has been in the of
fice he has made the following re
forms in the department. He has
placed alabatory in the State Cap
itol, reduced oil inspectors fees
from $70,00 to $15,00, guano in
spectors fee from $15,00 to SIO,OO,
for long term men as low as $3,50.
for short term men ; saved SIB.OO,
in salery of Asst. Commissioner.
Col. Nesbitt h is put $3,000 in the
treaury each year as a surplus
over all expenses.—Marietta
If Floyd county is “seven to
one” for Evans, or even “two to
one,” why is it the Evans Club
‘Executive committee”is working
day and night, and moving heav
en and earth to keep the county
that way? If it is the will of the
masses to make General Evans’
war record Governor of Georgia,
why do the politicians of that
“Executive Committee” worry
themselves so? The ‘wool hat’ voter
and the old private kuow what’s
what, and will speak for himself
and democracy, against the politi
cians and the Atlanta candidate,
when he goes to the primary polls.
Floyd count}- will elect Atkinson
delegates—‘Mark that predict,on.’
A correspondent of the Atlanta
Constitution, writing from Rome,
says that at the meeting of Floyd
county executive committee the At
kinson men wanted a delegate con
vention instead of a primary, but
were outvoted. From the official re
port of the proceeding, now before us
we find that the very first motion for
a straight primary was made 1 y
Captain Pepper a strong supporter
of Mr Atkinson, and was carried
without opposition, unofficially but
reliably it is stated that the commit
tee stood ten for A tkinson to six for
Evans, so that the friends of the for
mer could have crrried it their own
way- It seems that the Constitution’s
correspondents are affected with tb e
same signal inability to tell the truth
that the paper itself is showing in
this campaign.— Griffin News.
The following is from the Alba
ny Daily Herald, one of the most
reliable papers in the state, and,
a strictly non-paitiza». h et.
"It is hinted from Atlanta that
the b ss politicians up there are
s riously thinking ot dropping
General Evans and bringing in
another gubernatorial candidate.’
Os course, if Atlanta wants to ,
the General down, why that’s]
Atlanta's business for Atlanta put]
him up—But Atlanta did not pu
Atkinson up and Atlanta can nei
ther take him down or defeat him
Editor Byrd of the Hustler ot Rome
gives notice that he will publish no
snake stories unless the reptile is
eighteen feet long. The reports which
the Hustler publish with reference
to the gubeimotorial campaign indi
cate that Editor Byrd is in dead ear
nest. —Brunswick Times.
The above is a fair specimen of
tle “news'* now published by the
L he Evans boomers, the hustler of
boms “never sed it,*’ and more than
that we would suggest to the Wrench
editor, when he corrects his monkey
business, that he also state that the
hustler oe rome may be in “earnest.*
but is neither “dead*’ or dying or
advocating for Governor a man with
one foot in the grave.
Editor Ham, of the Gainesville
Cracker, and a wild supporter of
Mr. Atkinson, is likely to bring
down on himself the wrath of
s<»me of the weekly press.
In his last issue he charges that
s me of the editors of the wet k y
press have been bought. It is a
pretty serious charge, to make, and
may be some of the gentlemen re
ferred to will call for information.
Atlanta Journal.
Ham runs a weekly and knows
what he is talking about—let the
cur who ‘sold out,’ yelp. Such cat
tle have no influence and the soon
er they how!—the sooner they can
be spotted—What was that big At
laa.ta Evans campaign fund for it
not for corruption?
The ques*ion of when counties
shall hold their conventions to
nominate officers, is a matter for
each county to decide for itself,
and it comes in bad grace for Mr
Atkinson to raise objections No
doubt the counties taken to task,
will resent his interference and his
suggestions.—Atlanta Journal.
To the average man it is pecu
liarly strange and passing all un
derstanding why the Journal does
not shoot this shot at the Consti
tution, for it is the Constitution
that is doing ail the objecting
where counties want to hold late
primaries. The partizau hypocri
cy of the Atlanta dailies is nause
ating to democrats —who live cut
side of Atlanta.
Despite all that has been said
about the newspaper support that
Gen. Evans is icctiw g, it is a fact
that very few of Lis partisans among
the press are active in his interest.
Some of the influential papers
that are reckoned upon very largely
by the General's forces, make the ll '
utterances upon the gubernatorial
campaign, very few and far between.
Lhe Atlanta, Journal is a very
noticeable and stricking illustation
this fact though but very few of the
Evans papers throughout the state
are active >n their work for their ca -
On the other hand, you can find
but few of the Atkinson papers but
which are enthusiastic in his support.
These papers put in work for
their candidate every day, they have
some thing about whieh to write.
The fact that within the last two
weeks seven weeklies which had fa
vored Gen. Evans have decided to
throw’ the weight of their influece to
Mr. Atkinson shows what the news
papers of the state are thinking
about the campaign.
These pipers are the Pike Coun
ty Journal. Carral County Times,
Eastman Advertiser, Lee County En
terprise, Thomasville Advertiser Tif
ton Gazette anl Montezuma Record.
--Columbus Ledger, I
Fahy s <1 »mil g spring goo
are not hanging fire, but are going
like hot cakes
M ide of Gluten Graham Flour it
wholesome and nutricious L'od for
yspeptics, Brain workers, children
contains the phosphates and glu
n of the wheat. For sale at
Jamison Bros
222 Broad St.
Shaving after this
date will be 15c. at
Henry Beards baber
Lewis Barretts,
old stand
Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic
Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia
sprains, bruises, lame back, it
juickly relieves pain
“Orange Blossom.” the Common
Sense Female Remedy, draws out
pain and soreness. Sold by Ham
mack Lucas & Co.
Application for Ilornestead.
Georgia Floyd county:
T. R. Mothershed has applied for Exemption
of personalty, and setting apart and valuation
of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at
(10 o’clock A. M, On the 21st day of April 1894
Instant) at my Oflico
John P Davis,
Ordinary Floyd county,
Mrs. Ida Va diver having applied for Guar
dianship of the persons and property of Linton
Mi <hell Vandiver and James Thomas Vandiver,
minoi children of James T. Vandiver late of
said County, deceased, notice is given that said
application will be beard at my office at 10
o’clock am., on first Monday In Moy next.
This April sih. 1894.
John P Davis
Ordinary and ex officio Clerk C O
Mrs. Sallie F. Turner having applied for Guar
dianship of the persons and property of Donald
Fleming Turner and John Water Turner, mi
nor children of J. Walter Turner late of said
County, deceased, notice is given that said ap
plication will be heard a: my office, at 10o’clock
a in., on th a first Monday in May next, This
April (i 11, 1894
John P. Davis
Ordinary and ex officio Clerk C, O.
4-w or 3)-d
Road Citation.
Georgia, Floyd County :
Whereas, T. J.Glenn, et al have petifeioted the
Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue
of Floyd County, Georgia for a change in the
Bass Ferry road at blue Pond, so as to run on
the easi side of Z. T, Carver’s field, and the
same having been favorably reported on by the
reviewers: This is to notify all persons having
objections thereto or cl aims for dam-ges arising
therefrom to file the same with said Board of
Commissioners a’ their regular meeting on the
first onday in May, 1894,
Witness the Hon. John C. Foster, chairman,
This March 7th,1894.
3 7d-30 d Max Meyerhardt, clerk.
Inflamed itching, burning, crus
ty and scaly ekin and scalps of in
fauts, soothed and cured by John
son’s Oriental Soap. Sold ly D-
W Curry Druggist.
It will be an agreeable surprise to
persons subj» ct to attacts of bilious
colic to learn that prompt relief may
be obtained by taking Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dv. In many instances the attack may
be prevented by taking a dose as
soon as the first symptoms of the
disease appear. 25 and 50 cent bot
tles for sale by Lowry Bros. Drug
Fine Virginia Natur
al leaf tobacco 1 5 cts.
per pound, at P. L.
Turnleys & Co Central
Hotel Block.
We have no Soiled
Drummers Samples to
offer our customers,
We only handle Clean,
New Goods, We sell
at lowest rash prices.
Something before never attempt
ed by a Rome merchant. How can it
be done? This is the way: Abel Lloyd,
ever ready to give his customers the
best goods for the least money, has
secured control! of one of the finest
brands of Grated Pineapples, bought
in 25 ease lots, and will furnish it to
his regular customers at only 10c a
can, really worth 20c.
Next week for great
bargains at the Rome
Millinery Bazarr.
Mr. J . A. Duggar successor to
I . 1. Connolly, is now in charge
o; that shoe business, and is offer
ing the public unheard of bargains
in foot wear .He keeps D. T.
Brown, the expert shoe man, with
the business and will certainly
entertain you when vou give him a
call at the old—-Connolly stand
■ R.R. op gs
desirable’ 1 route’’” 8
tween Oute be.
ROME and ATams-
Theonly li re
sender Depot
Clt y °f Rome the
Lv. Rnmft <. q
Ar. Atlanta p/i? A ’ M.
Lv, Chattanooga ••
Ar. AlKiB 8 X„-
bv. Rome (daily) 3 .J,'"., ■’•'I
Ar. Atlanta ~ ” „’.S J-«.
Lv. Kingston "
Ar Cha:tunoo<r a '> , ’.. M
Ar. Chattanooga ‘ a Un
1 A if AYER ’ Gp A
w AY®t.T M E ’ r,Cketa « f *
[neatly bound,] and a
sub Ci ii”n,, N
To a large 16- Hg e i||, Htrj(e ,
month.y niiig azil) e for
cents. This is a most liberal
as Household Topics, the L s
zme referred to, is a high clagf
per, replete with stories of i„ P „
adventure, travel, and short iZ'
estina and jnstrucfive sketches 0
act and fancy; a-d in the3s DO vf
els are such treasures :.s A Bnv
Coward, by Robert Louis gteveni
son ; A Blacksmith’s daughter
Etta W, Pierce; Ninetta, a ffioß t
pleasing storv by M. T.CaldorjA
(Gilded Siu and be. ween Two Sine
by the author of Do a Thow'
The Truth of It. by the popular
writer, Hugh Conway; and tbs
Mo-Tehouse Tragedy, rather sen
satioual, by Mrs. June C. Austin;
A Heroine, a delightful storv by
Mrs. Rebecca H. Davis; Wall
Flowers, by the popular Marion
Harland, and the great story Guil
ty or Not Guilty, by Amanda M
Douglas. Space forbids mention
ing the other novels; but they are
all the same higo grade, popular,
bright, romantic, spicy, interest
mg stories.
Year's Support,
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : Noto isherebj
Riven, that, the appi-ai- rs ap]ii-. dsetaparl
and assign a year's support te Mary (J. Li|'ta*
rhe widow of A. S. Lipham. ileeeasoohavetild'
their award, and unless good and siilfcie«.
c use is shown, the sam ■ w 11 be made the judli
inent of the Court at tin- M :i > telllL h'Aiihhe
Court of Ordinary. This April 2. IW4.
John !’• Dads.
Ordinary Floyd county ;
Application for Lecters oi
Whereas James H. Vaughn, administrate
George W. Vaughn, represents to tlie i-writ.
his petition duly tiled, that lie I ■ ■ mliimiisMi
George W, Vaughn’s estate ibis ismcteli
persons concerned, kindred nv.iitnts. M
sir w cause, il any they e ui. - u.l aitau*
trator should not be di udiarged I mm lii-ailn»|
istration and receive letrer- ol .li-im-wM*
the first Monday in Vlayisd This Fe ; ■
John 1’ Davis
Ordinary Fl<>yd County
Application for Letters ol
GEORGIA, -Floyd County: »
Whereas Mrs. R. A. P. White
Nancy Prentice dee’d, represent m.w
in her petition duly tiled, she !..*-■ .
tered Nancy Prentice s ..state. This s '®
all ersons concerned, kindred
to show cause, if any they can. vlnsa 1 -
trix should not be discharged freinter
istration ar.d receive letn rs ot
the first Monday in June 1894. Tins Ml"
John P. Da'’ lß ' .
Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia
A plication for L^d ers 01
Georgia—Floyd county: ....mistrator «l
Whereas, J.S. Berryhill, adin .
W.N. Buchanan dec. *’<• ’ t *r«i
his petition duly filed, that lie I 1 ' 19 11 ~l te ill
W N. Buchanan’s estate, fnis >
persons concerned, kindrcil, , ...jiis.
show cause, if any they can. why a
trator should not lie discb.iißeit ’
ministration and receive u'L I’’'’feW>lJ 1 ’’'’feW>IJ
on the first Monday in May pA im
•Wh 1894, ordiM*
2—6-90 d ur
Application for I otters oiD> s
GEOr' IA- Floyd County Trusteerf
Whereas .lames U to the
Mrs, Martha E McGee, repres. ni-'
in his peiitioh duly tilol, u ioCIJJ
tered Martha E McGee’s estate. cre(1 j t ort «
ail persons concarna i. I' ll '' l ''' j sa jd tn.’ 1 !*
show cause, if any « ' lrll .tee ! . h !J
should not lie discharged ironi t(ie iir»l
and receive letters of disim— ■’
Monday in July 1894 This April .nd,
Juhn L l mdiuayF>b.' jCa ’ GS
Election Notice for Stock 01
Fence Lw.
Georgia Floyd Cov nty m el< ,| ' ti ' i: ,'s
Notice i» hereby giv<
be held at the court groim'k tn . >(
District gm said C oll ’ l '-'...sti m "'f-
April ins’ r ’ J4J in wine' rhi 1 •, slil i du
BbOiuitteG io the qual'tu*' l \ ' v I'.'
trict, “for Fence” or :e<la 0 * 1
provided. Pe ition hat .
given as required l>y k*'p , fli j a l si? 1 ”
Giv »n under my baud ni .
This 2nd day of April 1894. ~ pa vis.
Citation-Leave 1” ■ ul
Georgia, Floyd County ' _cb»s. **
To all whofii it may '''"’’fk ' d.-cease' 1 5*f«r
Administrator of John K , in , |er signed
due form applied to tl>‘ rs „ na I
leave to sell the lands .it ,|,.ce»se ,! i ' i ‘” lll ri»
belonging to theestateof ■ a qm
application will be J e “ r ‘* ” f L'.ril I** lina ry
May next. This 2nd ‘^“V'DavisOf 11 ®"