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** ** : x t* ' * *l.* *•* ' ** ** ■< ir
Dry Goods, Cai- Clothing and Em-
-oets, <Sr Mattings, ni slung Goods,
Curtains N Shades Shoes and Ila ts
- - '
After two’or three days spent, in sharp shooting and skirmishing be
tween Chas. D. Wood and myself lam happy to announce to the
public that Wood has captulated and lam in charge- I bought the
THAN EVER BEEORE, I feel that I have some reputation for
selling bargains- Aly business motto is. Buy a bargain and keep it
a bargain. It is unneccessary to attempt here to tell about what kind of goods. Wood carries,
and knew the wants of the people. The stocK consists of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks
Satins, Velvets, Satteens, Percales, Calicoes, Ginghams, a large stock of Domestics Hamburg Edg
ings & Insertings, Laces, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Fans, Gents Furnishings, Hats, ihoes
Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lace, Curtains & House Furnishing Goods &c. &c., come to my store
N 0.238 Broad St where 1 shall be very happy to meet & greet you and will see that you are cour
teously and kindly treated and above all see that you get BARGAI NS All are cordially invited to
come. Thankful for past favor, lAm Yours To Serve.
''' *' b'i I '. vj ..'A r< KtU.-fc i ,’q JitA *1 I’’’ A >•.■* fl
Will have additional help to wait on and serve the trade. • I
Mrs. J. L. Camp of Rocky Cre k
Gordon county is in the city the guest
of her daughter Mrs. John P. Davis.
Senator Felix Corput of Give
Spring was in the city a few hours
A. beautiful bouncing baby boy n
now the idle of the home and pet of
the househol at Mr. Con O.hears.
Toe little stranger arrived this
forenoon and will remain permanently
and glow up with the City. He is
the first born and of cours. ’ then'
nei er was such another boy on this
There is mystery surrounding a
large hole burned in the floore oi
George Johnsons store on Main St
in the Fifth Ward on last Sunday
ni"ht. The hole was burned under
a bale of hay which also went up in
smoke. Strange to say the tire had
about gone out when the store was
opened on Monday mornin*. The
building is the property of Judge
Lumpkin. The Insurance company
is having it repaird.
Go to A. B. McArver
& Co., to get your Ox
ford ties arid shoes at
a bargain.
Among the sinners kawt and
kruehed in the “Fall of Ninevah" at
Police Kourt this morning was a
young man, Joe Lanham’ charged
with drunkenness. He paid $5. for
his liberty
Mary T. Raybun, a darktown belle
well known in police circles, was made
to pay a $5. fine in police court’ this
forenoon, Miss May and Mrs Kyle
had a scrape about a poodle and
those who witnessed the mill, say
that the “bark’‘ flew. Tne dog is re
ported well tcday, Mrs. Kyle was
A. B. McArver & Co.
are rushing out their
straw hats at a bar
Your are hereby ordered to as
semble in your armory tonight,
Friday, April full uniform
for drill and business.
By order of
Phil G. Byrd
Capt. commanding
©ward p. Jack, Sec'y.
If you want the best broom for
the least money you can be ac
commodated at Loyd’s Fair. They
have just recjeved 25 dozen which
were bought at lowest wholesa'e
price, and will offer them to their
customers at from 8c up.
Five rooms on Howard Ave.,
East Rome, with splendid gard n
spot, firn* water, stables, etc, at $lO
per month. Apply to Loyd’s Fair,
Broad S’.
Fah f continues to offer the trade
many and great bargains.
A new arrival of beautiful era—
pouettes at Fahy’s.
Fahy's white goods and laces
continue to attract much atten
WANTED—A good route boy.
Apply at this cilice tomorrow
morning at 9 o’clock.
Clothing of all kinds, made to
order. Splendid line of samples
ready for inspection .
W, M. Gammon & Co. ts.
Hats straw hats ac a
bargain A. B. McArver
& Co.
Have you attended the gret
feast of bargains that await youi
the Parks & Co, stock if not doi
let another day pass without
visit to this great sale Bass Bn
& Co, bought the entire stock at a
great sacrifice nothing above eost
trauy articles way below cost can
you afford to miss it: we think
Canididates Made Some Amusing Re
marks in a Kentucky Debate.
From the Louisville Courier-Journal
Up at Versailles the other day the
various candidates took the stump
and told why they should be elected
When the time come for the can
didates for county attorney to speak,
Col Thimis Gibson made a good
speech, giving his record as a Dem
oerat. and coquetting with th, ‘
soldier vob, he referred at len th to
his war record. In making reply. Col
W. O. Davis spoke of his, t war record
as follors, which elicited loud anp
prolonged applause from the audience
~I was born on February 16. 1862.
the day Fort Donaldson was surren
dered, and just as the echoes of the
guns were dying out along the
Mississippi. The white flag was, run
up, I saw that my sei vices were
needed and immediately leaped into
arms I joined the infantry and with
the rebel yell on my lips, attacked
the breastworks. I enlisted for thre*
score and ten years, or until the
rebellion was put down. The second
summer of my campaign were trying
days, but I gritted my teeth( whai
few I had) and remarked that I
would fight it out on this line if it took
all the summer. Gen. Grant afterward
heard of this remark and appropriated
it. Though I was pressed hard by the
foe. yet I never surrendered, but
reinfoced by paregoric and vermifuge
I came off victorious and livo to tell
of the battles I fought and victories
won. Col. Gibson appeals to thost
who wore the gray to stand by him
but I make no such paitism appeal
It matters not to me whether you
wore the blue or the gray, but to
every comrade who wore a napkin
I appeal to stand by me.
New style straw bats in great
variety at Gammon’s, ts
Big bargains in Ox
ford ties and shoes,
A. B. McArver &. Co.
Letters of Administration.
GEORGIA,FIoyd County:
To all whom it may concern: Samuel Pyle
having in proper form applied to me for per
"•anen lettersol administration on the estate of
John F.Landrum, late of said county. Thi- is to
cite all and singular the creditors ami next of
kin of John F Landrumto be ami appear at my
office within the time allowed by law ami show
-ause, if at y they can why permanent adminis
tion should not be granted to Samuel Pylp on
John F. Landrum’s estate, witness my hand
and ofiicial signature this 2nd. day of Al' r * l
John P. Davis
Ordinary Flo; d ( ounty.
Letters of Administration.
Georgia,flotd county :
To all whom it may concern:—H. 11. Ware
having in pro, er form applied to me for perma
nent letters of adiuinist ration on the es ate of
A. G. Ware, late of said county. This is to cite
all a d singu ar the creditors ana next of kin of
A. a. ware to be and appear at my office with
in the time allowed b” law and show cause, if
they can, why permanent administration da bo
nis non with wil annexed, should not be grant
ed t• H H Ware on A. G W are’s estate W it
ness my hand and olifeial signatvre this 2nd
day of April Is.>4.
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd( ounty.
Letters of Adm nistration.
To all whom it may concern : —S .D. Camp hav
inj. in proper form applied to me for penuaent
etters of administration on ihecsta e of H. M.
Cam , >ate of said county. This is to cite all
and singular the credito s ai d next of kin of H
N. M. Camp to be an i appear at my office with
in the time allowed by law and slu w cause, if
any they can, why perin incut administration
shoul. not be granted to S, D. ('amp on H. m.
Qamp’s estate, Witness my hand and official
signature this 2nd day of April >X'.'4
John P, Davis
Oruinarv Floy d County
For the finest Teas and Coffees at
a reasonable price none can excel:
those at Lloyd’s Fair. Only give tLem
ne trial Io be convinced.
Try T urnley ’s In
falabie Liniment for
Rheumatism Neural
gia, Sprains, Cuts,
bruises, and Pains in
any part of the body or
limbs, for sale by P. L.
Turnley, druggist.
Lottos of A ministration
Georgia, Floyd County:
To all whom it mty concern: Samuel w. Guy
having iu proper form applied to me for per
manent letters of administration on the estate
of John F Anderson, late of said county
This is to cite all and singular the creditors and
next of km of John F. Anderson to be and ap
pear at my office within the time allowed by
law and show cause, if any they can, why per
manent administration should not be granted
to Samuel W Guy os John F, Anderson's estate
Witness my band and official signature this 2nd
day of March 18M.
John P. Davis,
• ' - ■ Ordinary.
Warters “Extra Good”
for sale by
“Orange Blossom’, is a painless
( cure for all diseases to wen tn. old
-esh by D. W. Curry Druggist
A nice 6 room cottage on East
First street at your own price by
calling on A. B. S. Mosley.
Fine Perfumes, toilet soap comb
hair and tooth brushes, face powde
and toib-t a: t t ies at cut prices a
theassigness sole of Rtece& White
Our big stock of new goods hav
arrived and are on sale and exhi
bition. No larger sti ck ot millinery
has ever been brought to the citi
and we stand ready to compare
hills and to challenge u compel
itors to show their hauu. We are
in position to regulate prices—
come and see us.
The Rome Millinerv Bazaar,
A ANTED. A good, reli
able and energetic Agent to
represent The Massachus tts
Mutal Life Instraive Co., in
this city. Reference required
address Horty and Apple Gen
eral Agents for Georgia Sa
va., nah. Ga.
Executors, Sale.
Agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordina
ry of Floyd county ;will be sold a auction at the
Court nouse door|at Calhoun Ga Cour/y of Gordon
on the first Tuesday in April next, within the
hours of sale: The following property to
AiVit all that tract of land in the 14 District and
3rd Section of originally Cherokee now Gordon
< ounty, known as the Printup farm lying on the
East side of the Oostanaula about (3
miles west of Calhoun and known as lots two
hundred and ten (210) two hundred and eleven
(211) and two hundred and twenty two (222> and
three parts of lots lying on the East side of the
Oostanaula River, known as ots two hundred
and twelve (212) two hundred and twenty-one
(221) and two hundred and forty eight (248) con
tains in all about seven hundred and twentv
(420) acres more or less, together with Ferry
and Ferry road sold as the property of Henrv b
Printup lare of County of Floyd, dated. This
Ist day ( f March 1694
John C. Printup
Exector of Estate of
H.S, Printup Dec’d.
Notice of Dissolution.
We take tins method of announcing that the
law partnership of Dean & Smith has been dis
solved by mutual consent. Fhe business >inw
enfrus ed to the firm will be properly cared for
ami concluded.
Mr, Dean has formed a partnership with his
brother Mr. J. E Dean and they will practice
under the firm name of Dean & Dean.
Mr. Smith has formed a partnership with his
son, Mr. William H. smith, and they wili prac
oe« under the firm name <>r Halstead Smith &
Son. very truly,
L. A Dean.
Halsted Smith.
Those who never read the adffl
tisements in their newspapers ss
more than they presume. Johnatba!
Kenison, of Bolan, Worth Co, Ln I
who has been troubled with rheu
matism in his back, arms and slioi
ders read an item in his paper about
how a prominent German citizenfl
Ft. Madis >n had been cured. He
piocured the same medicine, and to;
use his own words: “It cured me
right up” He also says: “A neighbor
and his wife were both sick in ™
with rheumatism. Their bit ’ fBS
over to m.v house and said they were
so bad he had to do the cooking.l"
told him of Chamberlain's Paia
and how it had cured me, he ($•
a bottle and it cured them up ® *
week.” 50 cent bottles for sale b, r
Lowry Bros. Druggist.
We have just... an in®®®
stock of beautifully assorted. and »■
test styles in fashionable
Goads dow ou exhibition, call* ll
The Rome Millenery Baz** 1 '
Nice line pattern
and bonnets w , 11. ss ‘
at lowest cash ;^ s
Genuine large
onion buttons can
found only
Turn leys & Co Cent
Hotel Block.
Next week for
bargains at the R° I
Millinery Bazarr. I
The Metropolitan Life 111
of New York is now acti v eL Tat J
in this City and Territory s
ordinary & Industrial I D
The Industrial feature e V
whole families from the c 1 ■
year old to the parent <’ 1 • *
The small weekly P ft . vuie “
this feature of life
securing indemnitj « eD
and is easily kept paid on
of the easy weekly
enables whole fainil* 68
urance ' ’ r