Newspaper Page Text
nice as "tlrst-clAss
secona-class Mail Matter.
PHIL G. BYRD, j “'Xk’F'
daily and Sunday.
IO ceut a week or $5 00 per annum
VFTCE: Corner Broad Street and
frifth Avenue.
Official Organ
Off .the city of Rome, and Foyd, the
“Banner couuty" of Georgia.
Thirty days from this date all advertising
pwtai rni rift to the office of Sheriff of Floyd county
wHI be done in the Hustler of Rome.
Ttest, Al»ril 3, 1894. J- C. MOORE
law4w Sheritfy plod Co., Ga
“The man whose business is to
interpret the Bible is likely to
nak* a sad mins of interpreting a
jf.Avfomi “ —[Atlanta Journal, Ev
ant organ-]
‘"Seveu to one?” who said it.
Does Max know who “muzzled’
B 3?
The jaw bone, is the bone of
Better be a“piimrose statesman”
thau e ' last-rose-of summer” edi
No one can out jump a woman
ü comes to arriving at con
The straw hat tells which way the
blows—and is getting on top
once more.
Really now General, honest in
juu, aiut you ruunin right sharply
tc your war record?
Does the Tribune man really
think that he has answered the
“Primrose statesman?”
Sheriff Moore may soon have an
other “batch of likely young con
victs” —Does the “Jonah” need a
In about seventeen years young Ta
Ra. Ra Cobb will learn that there is
a difference between fame and noto
If any man ever worked a war rec
ord for all it was woitb, that man is
Rev. <?. A. Evans, the Atlanta candi
Col. D. B. Hamilton continues the
rbral of Max Meyerhardt for the lead
ership of th Max AJeyeihardt Evans
Atkinson earned his SI,OOO fee
row the state—but did the Atlanta
sarc that SI,OOO from General
The mtn of “Beaver Slide”
have joined Koxey’s army —and
the “Slide” is all quiet along the
Pot omac.
The “Jonah” lost the Sheriff’s
printing, hence its bitterness to
vs.rd.Jake Moore, the best sheriff
in Georgia.
Heresthe way the Gordon Citizen
sires it up: “One good manufactur
ing plant in Calhoun would be worth
more than two base ball teams,”
The editor of the “Jonah” has
been “muzzled;’’ he had nothing
to «*y this morning in regard to
Jake Moore’s convict plantation.
Cet tire G* neral come down to
brass stacks and name the members of
he Judiciary who are corrupted po
itic J Judges. The people demand
It is thought that Col. Cary
Thornton, of Columbus, has made
up Ills mind to accept the 3rd par
ty s.-ominatiou for Congress if it is
tendered him.
The esteemed Athens Banner
thinks from the fact that the Con
stitution concedes that the fight
in Bibb will be close, that it can
ire safely placed in the Atkinson
column. Os course Bibb is safe for
Atkinson, just as safe as Coweta, —
M&con Telegraph.
The Evans people are too badly
outclassed, for even, their licks
below the belt to knock out the
champion of the Wool hats and
priva e , W Y Atkinson.
C< xey seems to be marching on
toward Washington in great shape.
H“ must be wanting to run for some
office in Georgia and fieeds a war
record—Gordon Citizen.
The Constitution is now running
Gen. Evans in its Sunday issue
mainly. Can’t afford to waste
amunition every day in the week
on a duck that’s dead.—MiLedge
ville Moon.
The “Jonah’ forgot to insinuate
anything against the Board of
County Commissioners. *n this
morning’s edition. The “Jonah”
editor will have to count a quorum
on his absent mind.
Will Editor Cooper inform the
oeople whether or not some of the
Evans leaders have approached him
with an intent to “muzzle” the Trib
une? Such a report has leaked out of
the ranks of the faithful.
Berner, Bartlett, Whitfield and
Cabauiss would make ah interest
ing congressional campaign in this
district, and it is generally believ
ed that they will all be in the
race. —Barnesville Gazette.
Perhaps the same “muzzle” fac
tory, whose output has been fitted
onto Max Meyerhardt, has yielded
another production that has silenc
ed Frank Stantons “War-record”
jokes. Ah theirkuzzin FrauK?
Thirteen of the presidents of the
United States were Masons. They
were Washington, Jefferson, Madi
son, Monroe, Jackson, Win. H. Har
rison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Pierce,
Buchanan, Johnson and Garfield.
The Georgia counties seems to
have “minds of their own” on the
political questions of the day,—
Augusta Herald.
You bet they have, and if any
one doubts your statement just re
fer them to the Constitution.
The sensation of the campaign,
to date, is the fact that General
Evans has joined the fighters, or
ganized his clubs and gone to the
front—fighting fur—General Ev
ans. Democracy needs more loyal
♦nd unselfish blades to lead her
Here’s the practical view that
Editor Cain takes of the situation ;
Che News believes Atkinson is
better qualified for the governor
ship than Gen. Evans, because
his opportunities to study ques
tions of state policy have been
Over in Floyd county the woods
are alive with condidates for the
legislature. Several have already
announced, and numbers of others
are feeling the political pulse of
the dear people. Times are going
to be lively in old Floyd,—Chat
tooga News.
If General Evans is nominated bv
the Democrats, and Tom Watson by
the Populist, there will be no longer
a dodging of the question. The Gen.
will have to meet the Populistic lead
er face to face on the stump, or else
give the reason why—Gordon Citi
Let General Evans and the Con
stitutio i name the judges and solici
tors who are ringsters. Do it General
through the Cons itution, and even
little “me tro’ organ in Georgia will
echo it promptly. Besides, the wool
hat boys and old privates want to
know “whc” you mean
There are August individuals who
regard themselves as born leaders
ami who believe their influence
should controll all men and on all
occasions; and yet. they would con- j
eider it an unpardonable sin for any
one to criticise their political action .
If there is a man in Rome that
this shoe tits, he should marvel fur
ther or make up his mind to stand
up and face his oponents. We have
him “on the last.”
Perhaps Max will slip his “muz
zle” again n-xt Sunday and ring
iu another bucket of sluch, about
why memorial day should be drag
ged into this campaign to help
out General Evans, the Atlanta
Ring Candidate who is running
solely on his YVar record.
The New York Herald has made
a canvass of Col. Breckinridge’s
district with a view to ascertain
ing h s chances for being returned
to congress. The published result
indicate that he can not return.
His district is democratic, two to
It has been discovered that the
Milky Way in heaven was the result
of the cow jumping over the moon.—
Augusta News.
Thats a bully way of expressing it,
but did she plannit before she star
ted upward or just steer her course
And now the Constitution has
reached that point ia its desperate
game, where it must quote from
such little 2x4 sheets as the South
ern Argus. The jig is up and ‘he
Evansites know in their hearts
that fighting democracy has elect
ed—the best man —W, Y. Atkin
son for Governor.
Back of the hue and cry raised
by Gen. Evans, the Constitution
and the “me too" fly-up-creeks»
about the Mythical Legislative
ring, the fact remains uncontrov
erted thet General Evans contrib
uted SI,OOO to the big campaign
fund raised among the Atlanta
Ring politicians; and all their
bluster will not draw the fire of
the Wool hats at such cerruptive
The Executive Committee of
the Max Meyerhardt Evans Club,
thoroughly organized and hard at
work proposes to carry Floyd coun
ty. They have committee’s at work
thoroughly canvassing the county
for recruits—“ Spontaneous” is it?
Now watch Floyd go for Atkinson
by a rousing big majority; and
that without an organization too.
There is a law in Pennsylvania that
declares guilty of misdemeanor any
person who wilfully states, delivers
or transmits, by any means whatever
to the manager, editor, publisher or
reporter of any newspaper or periodi
cal, any libelous statement concerning
any person or corporation,and the
penalty is a fine not exceeding SSOO,
or imprisonment not exceeding two
years, or both.
The most widely SBperated
points between which a telegram
can be sent are British Columbia
and New Zealand. The telegram
would cross North America, New
Foundland, the Atlantic. Eng
land, Germany, Russia, (European
and Asiatic,) China, Java and Aus
tralia. It would make nearly a
circuit of the globe, and would
traverse over 20,000 miles in doing
The Atlanta Constitution is
wasting a good deal of ink in
showing that the Atlanta politi
cians are not supporting Atkinson.
Everybody knows they are run
ning Gen. Evans. The same Con
stitution tearfully tells it’s readers
that the ring embracing the peo
ple in every county in the State is
supporting Atkinson. So accord
ing to the Constitution it is the
big people’s ring from all over
G orgia that is opposed to the rule
of the At.anta politicians. Anoth
er Daniel confessing judgement.
Meriwether Vindicator.
The Evans leaders are rushing
the counties that they feel eure
for their man to act at once so as
to revive the drooping hopes of
the discouraged followers. These
leaders insisted upon an early
nominating convention. Foiled in
that they are urging early selec
tion of delegates because they hear
so much of changes all over the
State from Evans to Atkinson.
1 hey hope to counteract the ava
lanche to Atkinson by an early se
lection of delegates. This may be
best for Evans but how about its
fairness and tendency to harmo
nize the party?—Meriwether Vin
dicator. _3
I The Macon Telegraph made
about a halt column comment cn
Editor Co iper’s “attempt to an
swer” Hon. W. J. Neel. This morn
ing the Tribune “assaults and at
tempts to c mmit a battery” on
the Telegraph and says the latter
had written a'-column and a half.”
We are of the opinion that Editor
Cooper thought that it was about
five columns before he got through
reading it.
“If Gen ra 1 Evans should be
nominated he will never be Gov
ernor unless he recaives the active
support of the who are now
being called ringsters and trick
sters. Wherever you find an active
enthusiastic, working democrat,’in
nine cases out of ten you find an
Atkinson man. If you take this
county over, town and country, it
will be found that there is nodoubt
a >out the truth of this assertion
in Polk county. These men,just af
ter being called tricksters for sev
eral months might not be disposed
to enter with much enthusiam, the
fight in favor of Gen . Evans.” —
Cedartown Standard.
A special from Reynolds to the
Thomasville Enterprise says:
“After talking with a great many
of our people from different sec
tions of the country. 1 find that
General Evans will carry Taylor
over Mr Atkinson nearly 2 to 1.
The Pjpulists think that if Gen.
Evans is nominated he will be
overwhelmingly elected, but if
Colonel Atkinson should gain the
nomination they think they would
have a fighting chance.” —Macon
Well, well, well! Hall Moore
has certainly got ’em again—else
he would never swallow the above.
Actually letting his political enemy
(ell democrats which leader they
should send out. Why Hal were
you, like “Uncle C em,” asleep all
through the third party war, when
Bill Atkinson led the wool hats
co the tune of 80,000 majority.?
? x
Hon W Y. Atkinson was a mem
ber of the legislatuie from Coweta
county from 1886 to 1894. Hon
C.A. Evans was State senator
from Stewart eounty in 1859—60.
Here are the records the two men
made, by which we impartially
judge their character as statesmen.
Atkinsonrecor evan’s record.
1 Introduced a 1 Voted to allow
ml which was banks to suspend
P aßß ed, to make Bpecik p aymeut
the office of com- w h eu there was
missionerof agri uo panic<
culture elective
2 Introduced the
bill establishing o , r
the Georgia Nor- . °^ e< "„ 0 a^o '
mat and Indus- 18 . a laws
trial school for a ß aiust ‘ usury.
the billl by which V?'"' 1
the state road d ““ “ J or ' ble “
oettermeut quee d Cold bl °° d -
• /, j t*d murderer of a
non was settled ■
with a saving to, “““ who «
the State of $750 8 the
4 Introduced a
bill which was , T , ,
passed, by which , 1 "^ uce d a
(he state is annu . to . al3 °li e h
ally saved sls, tlia Pir-V
--900 for the in
spection of oils.
“ Alded t 0 5 Voted to re
crease ho com- , a|| |a „ s
““ tfFmnmT Propping moo.
f om $«» 000 to‘ by the
1 2.50,000 per Sla „ e / uca _
ttoual purposes.
6 Aided to in
crease the Con
federate soldiers
and soldiers wid 6 Voted against
ows pensions allowing Confed
frurn $19,000 an-erate privates to
uually to $460, choose their own
000 annually. (officers,
We have Lighting
white mountain ana
antic ice cream freez
ers prices lower than
eyer Lanham & Sons
236 Broad street.
atioX esußap ..<?5 ainu v
AJi Mjuqep ißjaasjJ sj ‘aiq
JOJ p<X>S X]T»94 ‘JOO tUOM []H SJli in/ if
U3FK ai 1
A sweet-hearted Richmond girl
of great mental and spiritual de
velopment, who has just read ‘‘An
Apocalyspse of life,” is so enthu
siastic over the work that she de
clares it is sublime enough to
“niak haloes about one’s head.”—
Richmond (Va) Star,
The above is one of the many
moat complimentary notices give
Col. Walter S.Cheney s Apocalypse
of Life, and to our minde it is as
pretty a criticism as it is appro
priate. The girl who made that
remark'has undoubtedly read th*
book and underatood the great
beauty of it. Rome may well fe«l
proud of the brilliant writer and
learned scholar who has furnished
th > world a book that will become
as standard as Pilgrims Progress
The Albany Herald, strictly
non partizan, refutes the claim of
the Evanescent boomers, that
West Georgia is solid for Evans
Editor Mclntosh says: “W« don’t
know how it is iu other sections
of the State, but the Herald does
know a thing or two about the
politics of Souhwest Georgia, ai d
we do not hesitate to give it as
our candid opinion tha>t in the
present gubernatorial campaign
the Second Congressional district
or a majority of the counties com
posing it, are very, uncertain as
between Gen. Evans and Col. At
There is an utter lack of enthu
siasm for either of these gentle
men, and the one who does the
most work or the best work be
tween now and July will get the
delegates to the Democratic con
vention. That “spontaneous up
rising” which brought out Gen.
Evans in midwinter never reach
cd this neck of the woods, and the
tall statesman from Coweta comes
into this part of the field on an
equal footing with him.”
To the voters of Floyd county,
[ hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of representa
tive of Floyd county in the next
Leg ; slature. My candidacy sub
ject to the action of the democratic
priirary to be held on May 26th.
Moses R. Wright.
To the voters of Floyd county, I
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Representa
tive in the next Legislature, my
candidacy subject to the action of
the Floyd county Democratic pri
mary to be held May 26th.
C, W, Undsrwood.
Hustler of Rome : —Please an
nounce my name as a candidate for
the next Legislature, subject to
the action of the Democratic party
at the primaiy election to be held
on May 26th. Respectfully,
R. T. Fouche
Hustler of Rome:—Please an
nounce my name as a candidate
tor the next Legislature, subject to
action of the Democratic party at
the primary election to be held on
May 26th. Respectfully,
John H. Reese.
To the voters of Floyd county. I
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for re-election to the office
of representative of the county of
Floyd, subject to the action of the
coming democratic primary.
W. C. Bryan
Ourfreezers are new
and first class goods
2qt. freezers oniy $1
Lanham & sons 236
Broad street.
Fine Parfum is, toilet soap o:n
hair an 1 tootu brashes, face pow
and toil?t ait cles at cut prices
he assig ies s sole of ReeceA White
Storehouse on Broad street re
ca.itly occupied by Bradford Drug
Cimpany. Also a six room dweli
i"g house on Third Avenue.
4 24 ts. Max Meyerhardt.
2 qt Ice Cream Freez
ers tor only $1 at Lan
ham & ->ons236 Broad
Large Cabbage
Hoses, old last years
style, we dont offer
them for sale this sea
son butgive ourcusto
mers the latest and
nicest goods in every
line A. 0. Garrard.
big stock. VjHe »
Always on thp i
out what Dry”c-??! 1 '
have to be bought ° ds
discount they S eo o a ‘ ®
in Flemester stock
Grithn amounting . at
about s3o.oooa&‘°
part of it has k 8e
shipped to the p b a ® e k n
& Co. store in this
and will be put on s'!*
tomorrow. it > 6
without saying B t ° h e a s f
this is another Lrl
opportunity f Or bar
gains seeders to buG
seasonable merchant
■ seat half price T h 2
pTk* ‘he
HarKS btock is worth
your inspection. W
Letters of Administration
GEORGIA,FIoyd County: U ° n -
lo all whom it may concern ■
having in proper form applied*, ® U f‘
■’•anenc letters of administration on t K r Wr -
John F.Landrum, late of said coumv Th ta !‘ 9f
cite all and singular the creditors L’t,l ,sto
kin of John F ; Landrumtobe aim at, * eitn '
office within the time allo wed bv X Par at “J
cause, if any they can why Tern Le. sh "’
tion should not be granted to'
John F. Landrum’s 8 estate wS
1894 ° fflCial signature lhis 2ndf
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County, '
Letters of Administration
Geoboia, floyd county :
To all whom it may concern:—H n»•
having in proper form applied to inr'f, ~ re
nent letters of adminisiratioa O1 ? . rp,raa -
A. O. Ware, late of said county This L of
all a- d singu arthe creditors of
A. G. ware to be and appear at Kln *
in the time allowed bv law and
they can, why permanent
nis non with wlb annexed, should T t ,e'
ed to H H Ware on a G Ware’s estate
ness my hand and official shrnatM> this
day of April. 1894.
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd (. ounty
All persons, firms corporations
companies and agents for
doing business of ®ny character
whatever in the city for which li
cense is required, are hereby noti
fied that license for the fiscal year
is due and required to be paid be
fore or on the first day of April,
1 94, and no person is'allowed by
laws and ordinances to carry on
•business in the city without ob
taining license for same.
Call at once at the Clerks office
in the City Hall and pay your li
cense. By order of the counc/2
Halsted Smith.
Clerk. Council.
Clothing of all kinds, made to
order. Splendid line of samples
ready for inspection.
W, M. Gammon & Co. ts.
Five rooms on Howard Ave.,
East Rome, with splendid garden
spot, fine water, stables, etc, at $lO
per month. Apply to Loyd’s Fair,
Broad St.
Inflamed itching, burning,crus
ty and scaly skin and scalps of in
fants, soothed and cured by John
eon’s Oriental Soap. Sold by D-
W Curry Druggist.
It will be an agreeable surprise to
persons subji ct to attacts of bilious
colic to learn that prompt relief may
be obtained by taking Chamberlains
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy. In many instances the attact may
be prevented by taking a dose as
soon as the first symptoms of the
disease appear. 25 and 50 cent bot
tles for sale by Lowry Bros. Drug
, 4
Fine Virginia Natur
al leaf tobacco 15 cts.
per pound, at P. L
Turnleys & Co Central
Hotel Block.
Made of Gluten Graham Hour i
wholesome and nutritious food or
yspeptics, Brain workers, clmdr® D
contains the phosphates and g ll
n of the wheat. For sale at
Jamison Bros
222 Broad St.
Recommend Johnson’s Magn® l
Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia
sprains, bruises, lame back,
quickly relieves pain
“Orange Blossom.” the Com® 00
Sense Female Remedy, draws out
pain and soreness. Sold by
J. T. Crouch & Co, *
For seeds of any d®'
scription, and of the
best vanties, call p
P. L. Turnley &
Central Hotel Block.
Big bdgrains in Ox
ford ties and shoes
A.B. McArver & Co-
New style clothtn just recti'® 1
W, M Gammon [A Co,