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About The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
cluster of BOLL’S EYE SHOTS. When it 10 far T‘ g J , la L ready to pit my frarnd, ’'*“, ey Bass, agin any of thana Chsrl.y h» P' aa ” d f ° U ' ““".L a ’ koru and is now putting •"three hundred acres in kottou \ tbe rate of sixty acres per day. I Jhink he has planted about three thousand pounds of pumpkin seed au d if the potato bugs and boss only be kept out of the natch until the vines get into the Ldidate stage, there’s none of .. u wiH ever overtake the little pumps, until they become “sum pumpkins- and k.» tags kare of ihemsel”’- I Pt» d ' ot that C^ ar_ 10V Base will raise more pumpkins 4n d— mortgages this coming sea gon than Karter had oats. Visitors to his plantation will have to go prepared to walk on vines—for the soil will be out of sight. * * The Hill City Cadets are in re ceipt of an invitation from Hamp ton Guards of Spartanburg, S. C.. requesting their presence at the National Encampment which oc curs at Spartanburg from July 2nd to July 12th. Whether the Cadets will accept remains to be decided upon. * » * Mr. John Cauley, the gallan. driver of No. 2. Hose wagon, who was so seriously injured some weeks ago. has about recovered and tells me that he will resume his duties tomorrow morning as driver Mr. Cauley has just returned from a pleasant visit, of some days, to relatives around Coosa and says that so for as he could learn, the democrats in that section are al most a unit for W Y. Atkinson for Governor. Gentlemen of the “Ex ecutive Committee” here is a field for you to do some Evans “spon . taining.” * * * Mr. John Proctor, of No. 2, leaves to night for a flying fish- ing trip in the upper waters of the undamned, the wild and rapid I flowing Etowah. He Hopes to kap -1 ture a whale and return to the borders of Rome’s coasts by to morrow morning. The idea is to, at one fell swoop, dispose of a few of Rome’s “Jonahs.” Perhaps one of Rome’s old l, Potties” can be induced to go along as the official organ to the expedition, * * * Terrell Speed, says he proposes to Etick to the third party because it promises equal rights to all and spa cial favors to every body. Speaking of the Democrats he says: “Now jes look up ini! why doggone um, here they’s got the pressydent, the senate and kongress and, blast thay picters. thay kaint even kount a decorum” 1 errell ig evidently outraged and r»ady to join Koxeys Army. VALUABLE PRESENTS FREE. e wish to introduce our Sys tem Pills into every home. Me know that we manufacture the very best remedy on earth for the cure of Constipation. Billiousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Torpid Liver, etc; and that when jou have tried these pills you will g'aiLy recommend them to others, ° r take an agency, and in this way shall have a large, well-paying demand created. As a special inducement for ev ery r-ader of this paper to try ese P*l!sand take an agency at once, we win givMo ea h p / rBOU ? fien ds twenty-five cents in Lk ’ ° r f V?i r ty Co nts in stamps for fnli° X S“ VBtem PiUe, one of the L n ij° Presents; A handsome a good silver watch, a lrir ‘ V P tOWn * ot ’ a genuine dia- ‘ f r ' n ?’ a cas ket of silver ware erv / D|l ' lll 'e $5 00 gold piece. Ev- L. "T la ®e r g w tßone of the above Sh. w' 1 i.’ dere are no exceptions N j' Remedy Co, Rutherford 'LATH CLAIMS 111 *-g this year the Metropolis L? I n y its beneficiaries in | 1 "‘ 11 ' or h°od of sixty thou- s death daims. This can be lUn’t I 0° Com P an y In the lilted States. ts . SMI)R (’Will. Mr. Ale? Bobo Wins a Ver dict for 4>1.167,0 ), THE CITY OF ROME SUED FOR $5,000 DAMAGES BY MISS ROBER- SON. JOHNSON, VS, RPRABERRY TRIED THIS MORNING. COURT NEWS, Tn the case of Bobo vs, Perry in the Superior court the argument closed last night, This morning the jury returned a verdict for Bobo, for SI,OOO aud gave him, $167 interest, Fouche, & Fouche for plaintiffs, Dean & Dean for defense, The case of Johnson & Shahan • vs, Spraberry, involving a traverse of an answer, was tried this for noon and decided infavor of de fense; Harris & Hoskinson for plantffs, Wright Hamilton <k Wright fordefense. The next case is that of Miss Alice Roberson, vs City of Rome for damages; Miss Roberson is a sister-in-law of Mr. J. S. Wyatt. The evidence shows that Miss Roberson and Mr. Wyatt were thrown violently from their buggy and Miss Roberson painfully in jured, all on account of a danger ous place in the street. Miss Rob erson asks foa SSOO damage. Hal Wright for plaintiff, City Attorney Halstead Smith for the City of Rome. 35 COMPLETE NOVELS [neatly bound,] and a year's SUBSCRIPTION To a large 16-age illustrated monthly magazine for only 30 cents. Phis is a most liberal offer as Household Topics, the maga zine referred to, is a high class pa per, replete with stories of love edveuture, travel, and short inter fstiug aud instructive sketches of aact,and saucy; and in the 35 nov els are such treasures as A Brave Coward, by Robert Louis Steven, son; A Blacksmith’s daughter, by Etta W, Pierce; Niuetta, a most pleasing story by M. T. Caldor; A Gilded Sin and between Two Sius, by the author of Dora Thorne; The Truth of It, by the popular writer, Hugh Conway; aud the Moorehuuse Tragedy, rather sen sational, by Mrs. Jane C. Austin ; A Heroine, a delightful story by Mrs. Rebecca H. Davis; Wall Flowers, by the popular Marion Harland, and the great story Guil ty or Not Guilty, by Amanda M Douglas, Space forbids mention ing the other novels; but they are all the same high grade, popular, qright, romantic, spicy, interest ing stones. • The 35 novels and the current issue of Household Topics will be sent you the day your order is re ceived. This will supply you with a season’s reading for a mere song aud will be appreciated by all the household. Send at once 30 cents to Household Topics Pub. Co., P O. Box 1159, New York City, N. Y. WOMAN-HOOD has its own special medl* ’•kOss cine in Dr. Pierce’s Fa- » vorite Prescription. And every woman who is JWEyfflk A 1 “ run - down ”or over worked, every woman suffers from any WffiS-pS’vC “female complaint” or i J weakness, needs just that TBwn J I remedy. With it, every ' disturbance, irregularity, * , S'. r S and derangement can be permanently cured. It’s an invigorating, re» |Wti jt storative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and the only medicine for women so safe and sure that it can be guaranteed. In periodical pains, displacements, weak back, bearing-down sen sations, and every kindred ailment, if it fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Is anything that isn’t sold in this way likely to be “ just as good ” I Most so-called Catarrh cures only make matters worse. They drive it from the head to the lungs. But, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. Sags'* Catarrh Remedy permanently cures the very worst cases. Mnjq o ;<I C $ ‘-5.,. «c.ii K V- li I V.» esoni j ajw * -, -tilp i ju> on ■i. "a, 1 uvo % ,:l llkusTtl oa J • WBIUOO -w>; )>►£,-),l -> ■ WW -"J MM • 9* 'iH.unn ■»’[;- i >n u.i,bU- u ooiiupuoo - • v I'iu J-nju M<i>aps .sq ;••>«»» X e 1.,.0r ! 1! ! 2 ? : ‘uj-C. iaiin.-.i y4O .undiuj • • [— "2Z 2 «lO|ll«U4 if* ’“S'* 1 -11)0/-<*>» P 1 ” * » wife’ hfiKUSZ I.IVS • •> hMiqu u T , ' ■ mi tu , . Xaupw J • •s.v.iil' um? >'■ ut ' ''l >npn-'H mvoanino j « • -UP>;) • II ‘ ■ riJinwi.) * < 1 vuo-t' r atnzzicf >lf l pojopJ f *lG X ' mi'i nil . - ■ '>TH ‘l'sHTisnonW • ir '' -<pow •■> • • S>« r-.-wro ..iw'Bpi o»»v« • . , . .. : i ..nwd'HiJMoq w"i I,A n ’ J . •wrp.po: ->■<: . ■ SXVJIU SBili J _•«*«»<*»*» THE HUSTLER Ob ROME, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1894. Clothing of all kinds, male to order. Splendid line of samples ready for inspection. W. M, Gammon & Co. ts. Go to A. B. Me Ar ver & Co., to get your Ox ford ties and shoes at a bargain. Our better halves say they could not keep house without Chamber lain’s Cough remedy. It is used in more than half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leeds, lowa. This shows the esteem itwliieli that remedy is held where has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is nothing so good for colds, croup and whoopiug congh, that it cures these ailments quickly and permanently, and that it is pleas ant and safe for children to takn. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Low ry Bros. Druggist. WANTED; A good, reli able and energetic Agent to represent The Massachusetts Mutal Life lustrance Co,, in this city. Reference required address Horty and Apple Gen eral Agents tor Georgia Sa vannah, Ga. FRESH GOODS AT A REASON- ABLE PRICE. The following goods have just arrived at Lloyd’s Fair were bought in such quanitiea as to al low them to be sold for less than usual prices: Large Fat Mackerel 10c each Eagle Milk, direct, factory, 18c Fancy Teas, all kind, 60c lb Coffees, fresh roasted, 25 to 30/. Fancy soda crackers 10/ lb. Finest cream cheese 17/ ft. Vegetables always ol mtiful. Tbe Rum Curse In Europe, The thirty-fifth report of the Reform atory and Refuge union states that in Great Britain and Ireland 145,000 per sons are every year committed to prison as of whom 112,000 are men and the rest women. An English paper, from statistics taken from the press of the United Kingdom, reports the records of murders of women by inebriate hus bands since Jan. 1, 1889, to Jan. 1, 1891, to be 3,004. In a late debate in the Ger man reichstag it was stated that there are at present 11,000 persons in hospitals and insane asylums who are suffering from delirium tremens. Wine Statistics. Italy’s annual production in round numbers is 0 '■ 1 ■' gallons of wine, while Frav.< in each COB,- 000,000 g: is tin? chief ex porter, g. 0 for tl 200,000.C0- 1 . st abroad. !' t for her •. ■ gets only The - >U,OOv gallons a:.: You'll Kav. i.. A i old Ihe Saloon. | You stand on nn' ..<1 01 youth, boys; Your future lies <> tin t years; You’re learning your parts lor life’s work boys; You're planning your future careers. You’ll have to lid places of trust, boys; Your fathers will pass away soon; And If you’d be trustworthy men, boys. You’ll have to avoid the saloon. If you would be honored iu life, boys. If joy and contentment you’d know; If you would have plenty of cash, boys. And bask in prosperity’s glow; If you would enjoy robust health, boys. That priceless but much abused boon: If God’s benediction you'd have, boys. You’ll have to avoid the saloon. You’ll have to avoid the saloon, boys. Or sorrow and shame you will share. And poverty's crust you will eat, boys. And poverty’s rags you will wear. Your future will end in disgrace, boys; Your life bo cut off at its noon; Both body and soul will be lost, boys, Untesa you avoid the saloon. _ . —Oar Ggmpanioa. wH IdKt W ■ H.IRIIIWILII M.WOOLLEY,M. " W At’w.i>»a.Ga Vlice Whitehall Cats scratch. a So do gritty cleaners, x | . . . But . . . £ Bon | | Ami Modern Cleaner Cleans " L ’ Pa : nt, I & Brass, | Marble, & Windows, L S Mirrors, Silver, | $ Nickel. Without a scratch. O All Grocers. C. O Free Sa npie. K. rq Childs & Childs, C 3 New YorK. (’ Lag—A-aaagaaaggJ: IT POPS. Effervescent, too. Exhilarating, appetizing. Just the thing to build up the constitution. Hires’ Rootbeer Wholesome and strengthening, pure blood, free from boils or carbuncles. General good health —results from drinking HIRES’ Rootbeer the year round. Package makes Eve gallons, 25c. Ask your druggist or grocer for it. Take no other. Send i-cent stamp to the Charles F. Hires Co.. 117 Area Sr., Philadelphia, for beuutl ful picture cards. For Sale Cheap : One Barlock or Caligraph type writing machine in perfect order. Address “Postal” care of Hustler of Rome, 4—l6—6t. Wanted: A second baud eu gine, about 15 ««• 20 horse powe Apply to or address Rounsavill Bros. 4-3-ts. Rome, Ga. Wanted—Two live men for In dustrial insurance good pay and promotion sure to right parties, Address, C. Care Hustler Office. for rent, Two chmfortable tenement bouses live rooms each on 4th Avuub for rent cheap. Can if desired be converted into one very comfortable house. 3-12-ts W. Hoyt. agents make five dollars a day. Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invented. Retails 35 cfs. 2 to 6 sold in every house : satuplii Postage paid five cents. McMAKIN & Co. FOR RENT. One nicely furnished room, pleas ant and airy, enquire, 233 Broad St. ts NOTICE. All persons who are indebted to us will please call at our offiqe at once and pay their accounts or ar range for payments. 2w H. B. Parks & Co. NOTICE. All acconnts not settled by the 15th, will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Hammack, Lucas & Co. WANTED—A good route boy. Apply at this office tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock. hats straw hats at a bargain A. B. McArver &Co, BAPTIST CONVENTION Dallas Texas, May 11th to 15th 1894 One fare for the Round Trip. The Western Atlantic RR, and Nash ville Chattanooga & St Louia Ry • have arranged a delightful trip for tie Baptist en-rout to Dallas to at end the Annual Convention in May, Special train will leave Atlanta 8:20 P. M. May, Bth in charge of Mr. J W. Hicks. The route will be through Middle Tennessee, and the finest por tions of Arkansas and Texas. Side trip has been arranged from Malvern over to Hot Springs at round )rip rates of sl,lO If you desire to go to Texas this will oe your very best opportunity to do so, during this year. The rates are cheaper aud the accommodations will be better than will be offered at any other time. F or further parti rite J W. Hicks, JH Latimer G'P.A. Atlanta Ga. G T. P. A. Or Atlanta, Ga. C E Harman G. P. A. Atlanta Ga. ________ .. wwwwru- - ■- POPULISTS CONVENTION. There will be a convention meeting of the populist ot Lloyd county on Saturday May 12th for the purpose o' selecting delegates to the gubernatorial convention that meets in Atlanta on the 16th, other business of importance will be transacted. Every body is cordially invited to participate iu the meeting. Let us lay aside part} 7 spirit and meet in a common cause rememberiuu that history gives no account of any party or individual when once corrupted that has ever purified itself. Distinguished speakers has been invited to address the meeting. By order of the Executive»Com mittee, G. W. Fleet wood, Chairman, The Oostanaula Steamboat and Trading Company CALLS THE ATTENTION OF MERCHAATS7 That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regula trips to Carters, every week. Ship what you can by us, Give us your orders for all Kinds of Country produce Chickens. Eggs, Corn. Hay. Peas Batter. Bacon. Fruits. Dried, Wheat, and all Products of the Country. Geo W. Trammell, F. B. Holbrook, NEW CENTRAL HOTEL. ~ m »MI6EW FDBSISIIIM N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor. RENOVATED THROUGHOUT ALL MODERN IMPROV I<ALKXM S ELECTRIC BELLS ELECTRIC LIGHTS. COAL O'Neill Manufacturing Company, TELEPHONE. 76. mmsiami. mu DENTISTS. J A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oß 1-2 Broad street over Cantrell and Owens store. MAX MEYERHARDT. Attorney at Law. Office up stairs in new Court House in rear of Superior Court Room, JAMES H NEVIN-Attorney at Iziw Ollie Poverty Hul postoiiicd coraor 3rd Avenue CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD- Attorney at law Masonic Temple. Rome, Ga. REECE & DENNY—Attorneys at law. Office in Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Coun seller at Law—Rome, Ga. WH. ENNIS—.IKO. W. STARLING—Ennis & Starling, Attorneys at Law, Masonic “ Temple, Rome, Ga. feb23. WH. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Officeiu Masonic Temple, Rome, Georgia. ’ feb32tf W~STM HENRY, W. J. NUNNALLY, W J. NEAL-M’Henij. Nunnally & Meal * Attorneys-at-at Law, office over Hah Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, Ga PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DM. RAMSLR— Physician anil Surgoo Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fount * ward. Lp. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon- Offers his i .•ofessional services to the peo ■ pie of Kouie and surrounding country Office at Crouch and Watson's drug store, M Broad street. R. W. D. WOYT-OiHce a‘. C.T. Trevitt drug store, /o. 331 Broad street Telephou 110. residence. N 0.21 DR. C. F. GiaFFIN- Physician and Surge.•• —Office no r Masonic building. Resident* 300 4th as nue. HOWARD E. FELTON— Physician and sui geon—Office No. 6 Thirc Avenue, At office day and night. Telephone 62. Frank a ■ Wynn, Physician and Surgon office at Tre-itt & Johns m drug store I Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave. ■ Prompt attention given all iin.t'»-aicn t c»l’ FETCHING PRICES. | Fancv Mocha and Java cod' 3 ® 32 /lb, Good tea 30/, fancy tea 50/, best 60/. Finest grated pineapple 20/ can Best Rolled oats 15/ a package Price’s Baking Powder 40/ ft. Imported Sardines, key, 12/. Extra fancy lemons 10/ dozen* Soda 5/ ft. Matches 10/ dozen. Best goods only. Lloyd’s Fair JAPANESE CURE A New mid Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Cup' uies of Ointment mid two Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing Cure for Piles of every nature and degree. Il makes auopera’lon with the knife or fnjectfoiis of carbolic acid, waieh are painful and seldom a permanent cure, and often < suiting in death, unnecessary. Why endure th's terrible dise-jso? We suarnntee f? boxes to cure any case. xou Only pay tor ■ 'enetits received, "la box, 6 for to. Sent by mail. Guarantees Issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION >y Japanese I iver Pellets the great LIVER and STOM ACH REGULATOR apd BI OOf> I'L BIfTER. Small, mild and pleasant to take, especially adapted for children's use. W Loses 15 cents. _ . , . GUARANTEES issued only by J. T. Crouch &iCo.” 5 FOR frqfc GTS. 9 y ** -c In Postage, we will acn«l ■ Z A Sample Envelope, of either X 7 WHITE, FEES!# or BBVSETTE J I I "OWEO. 31 You have seen it advertised for many ■ Z years, but have you ever tried it?—lf 7 T| not. —you do not know what an Ideal '• Complexion Powder is. '■ VjaX S IM POZZONI’S M 'lj M—■■— BRrwi • i rwgtMt 13 •vtu\ r-ajMCk’Ht—uaal B f besides being nn acknowledged beautifler, JL A has ninny refreshing uses. I c prevents cbaf- £3 / ing, sun-burn, wind-tan Jessens perspiration, \ etc.: infactitisamostdelicateanddesirable B / protection to the face during hot weather. 7 It Is Sold Everywhere, p For sample, address Z <J.A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Mol MENTION THIS VAPI’R. Is as safe and harmless as a Has seed poultice. It acts like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing al! diseases peculiai i to ladies. i “Orange BlosfSm” is a pas ’ tile, easily used at any time; it !is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herseli with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of si. Dr. J .A. McGill & Co 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, Hl. Sold by D. W. Curry, druggist , OOUQLAt V.. 3 SHOE y: d we...- Whan next In need try t plih £>e«t In 'he world. M00<? 1J2.50 V 52.00 V*JSZOO ~»2.z'5 V ?*< |SI.7S Ao-ri*t •< / Ffm B ' iYs • - ; J—>' * >f you want a fine DRESS SHOE, m?.Ja In rhe st ,, don’t pay $5 to SB, try my $3, 5>3.5‘J, il 0C ' hoe. They ft equal to custom mado and lock t ear auwe!!. If you wish to economiza |n your footer is» by purchasing \V. L. Dougits Shces, J|< mt » i stamped on th* bottom- look for ft when you >uy l V. DOI'GLAb. Brookton. Mae*. Soldr' For sale by Cantrell & Ow*m