Newspaper Page Text
Dry Goods, Car- Clothing and Fur-
nets, & Mattings, nisliing Goods,
! Curtains & Shades Shoes and Hats
A f ter two or three day ss pent, in sharp shooting and skirmishing be
tween Chas. D. wood and mysel fT am happy to announce to the
public that AVbod has capful ated and lain in charge- I bought ihe
THAN EWER BEFORE, I feel that I have some reputation fop
selling bargains- ATy business motto is, Buy a bartrain and keep if
a bargain. It is unneccessary to attempt here to tell about what kind of goods, Wood carries,
and knew the wants of the people. The stocK consists of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks
Satins, Velvets, Satteens, Percales, Calicoes, Ginghams, a large stock of Domestics Hamburg Edg
ings & Insertings, Laces, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Fans, Gents Furnishings, Hats, Shoes
Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lace, Curtains & House Furnishing Goods &c. &c,, come to my store
N 0.238 Broad St. where 1 shall be very happy to meet & greet you and will see that you are cour
teously and kindly treated and above all see that y o u get BARGAINS. All are cordially invited to
come. Thankful for past favor, lAm Yours To Serve.
Will have addition help to wait on and serve the trade.
Dr. Jae. E. Ivey returned this
morning from Birmingham and
Meridian, Mies, where he ha«
been on professional bußinese.
also taking in the N. C. V. at
Joe Simons, of Cedartown, failed
to make bond and is still bolding
forth at Deputy Sheriff McCon
nell's county hotel:
Spring lambs: the first in the
market; tender and juicy at .1. H
Coopers market. Nos. 500 and 502
Broad Street.
Sheriff Jake C. Moore and ‘‘the
most popular young lady in Rome”
hie daughter. Mish Laura went out
to Pleasant Valley church today to
attend the Baptist Sunday-school
Mr. and Mrs. R. B McArver, ol
Coosa, were visiting relatives and
friends in this place, and attend
ing the mee’ings of Presbytery
last Saturday and Sunday. —vbat-
tooga News.
Miss Anna Cook, of Nattingham
Ala., came up to Rome{ yesterday
with Mrs. John D. Moore. Miss
Cook is a most charmining young
lady. She is now visiting Mrs.
Dan Barnett at Silver Creek.
The many friends of Mrs. H. E.
Kelly’s family will be delighted to
hear that she is now considered
out of danger, This they could
hardly hope for a few days ago
when she lay at deaths door and
the gentle spirit was fluttering on
the brink of time prepairing foi
its long flight into the great un
Mrs., Ethel Hilly er Hanis' Romes
gifted daughters, and her cousin Mrs
Ca&jine of Atlanta, leaves tomorrow
for the Gate City, where Mrs, Har
ris will visit relatives and attend the
International League Press Club
Col. E, A. Jackson, of La Fiyett,
w is in the city today. Mr. Jackson is
at the Central.
Judge. J. M. Ballab, of Summer
ville, cnme in the city today and put
np at the Central
Mr. G. L. Swanson, of Atlanta,
spent the day in the cic y.
Dallas Turner says, that the pros
pect for a big possum crop, was cut
off by toe frost killing the persim
Judge John P. Davis says that the
certainty of the blackberry crop for
North Roma is not yet assured.
I would be glad to accommodate
f> few boarders at my resisence
302 East Ist, street, at special
rates. Large, pleasant rooms and
Home convenient to business. Ap
ply at residence or to undersigned.
4-2“-3t. Jhp. A. Smith.
Yi ar's Support.
To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby
-iven. that, the appraisers appointed to set
apart and assign a year’s support, to Mrs. E. K
Payne the w’i. <>w ot' Samuel F. Payne, deceits
e“. have filed their award, and unless good and
sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made
he judgment ot this Court at the May term
of the Court of Ordinary. This April 2nd
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd co. oa.
Letters of Administration.
Georgia, floyd County :
To all whom it may concern :—S. D. Camp hav
ing in proper form applied to me for permaeiit
'etters of administration on the esta e of H. M
Canin. late of said county. This is to cite all
and singular the creditors and next of kin of H
\ . M. Camp to be and appear at my office with
in the time allowed by law and show cause if
any they can, why permanent administration
should not be granted to S, D. Camp on H. m.
Camp’s estate, Witness my hand and official
Signature this 2nd dav of tprfl ixiq
John P, Davis
Ordinary Floyd County
Goad Citation.
Letters of Administration.
Tp all whom it may concern :—F. G, Morgan
having in proper form applied to me for pei
manent letters of administration on the esta e
of P. N, Morgan, late of said county This is
ocite all and singular the creditors and next
f kin of P. N. Morgan to be and appear at my
nice within the time allowod by law and show
ause, if any they can, why nermauent admin
stratum should not be grafted to F. G. Morgar
ffit’.N. Morgan s estate Witness mv baud
and official signature this 3r.l day of April 18U4
John P. Davis,
hie urn
Are Holding a big Sunday
School Convention at
All the Schools ot Floyd County
Represented. The Convention Con
tinues Tomorrow and Sunday,
First Baptist Revival,
Today is a big day with Floyd
County Baptist Sunday Schools and
Sunday School workers.
At 11 o’clock this morning the
representatives of the School were on
hand and the organization perfected.
The Convention, is being held at
Pleasant Valley Church, five miles
North of the city, and is largely at
tended, in fact a regular Sunday
school rally is the proper term to
use. Among the prominent Romans
in attendance are Capt. A. B. S.
Mosley, Rev. Gilbert, Mr Abe Glover,
and Rev. \\ . M Bridges.
Ihe convention will continue
through tomorrow and on next
Sunday whan scores of Romans
are expected.
At the First Baptist Church, the
big meetings are progressing most
favorably and untold good is be
ing accomplished. Rev. Dr. Head
den says that the meetings will
probab y close on Sunuuy night.
Until then, every body cordially
invited to attend.
Lowrys Cherry Phosphate and
Pine apple gem. take the kake.
Have you tried them?
a or Malar '.a, Liver Trou*
W. M. Gammon & Co. are ready
for buiness again, and can furnish
you with anything in ‘heir line
in latest styles and lowest prices,
For the finest Teas and Coffees at
areasonable price none can excel,
those at Lloyd's Fair. Only give tLem
ne trial to be convinced.
B. McArver & Co.
are rushing out their
straw hats at a bar
Stvlish neckw’ear, underwea
for spring wear, at Gammons, ts
A lovely lot of French
Roses justrecievd in
all the popular shades
A. O. Garrard.
Frank Taylor’s Broad street
Barber Shop is the place of places
when ycu want, your cheek made
clean, your chin curried or your
hair slicked up according to Hoyle.
Frank has only skilled artists,
among them th .t old reliable
knight of the razor. Lewis Barrett.
This is a policy combining a 20
year endowment policy with a2G
payment life policy, for half the
amount, ot the endowment, and is
case of death withen the first year
from any pulmonary disease but
one half the insurance (i. e., one
quarter of the endowment) will be
For insurance: a combination
policy may be taken cut for $250
endowment, maturing in 20 years
and its terms will provide that if
death occur while the policy is in
force within the 20 years $125 will
be paid; if the insured survive 20
years, he will receive $250 in cash
and still bold his policy as an or
dinary paid up life policy for
$125, payable at death without
any futher payment of premium.
The premium is the same for all
ages; but applications will not be
receiv d upon lives less than 13 oi
more than 50 next birthday, ts.
Those who never read the adver
tisements in their newspapers mis
more than they presume. Johnathan
Kenison, of Bolan, Worth Co., lowp,
who has been troubled with rheu
matism in his back, arms and shoul
ders read an item in his paper about
how a prominent German citizen of
Ft. Madison had been cured. He
procured the same medicine, and to
use his own words: “It cured me
right up” He also says: “A neighbor
and his wife were both sick in bed
with rheumatism. Their boy was
over to my house and said they were
so bad he had to do the cooking. I
told him of Chamberlain’s Paia Balm
and how it had cured me, he got a
a bottle an 1 it cured them up in a
week.” 50 cent bottles for sale by
Lowry Bros. Druggist.
Genuine large red
onion buttons can be
found oniy at P. L-
Turn'evs & Cj Central
Hotel Block.
My D ar Brother:
Having decided to attend the
next meeting of the Southern
Baptist Convention at Dalia
Texas, in May next, I have select
ed the following route, viz: Rom
Railroad, W.& A., N. C. & St. L
I. M & S., and T & P. Railways
via. Chattauoogoo, Nashville,
Memphis, Little Rock and Texar
kana, and would be pleased to
have my friends join me and get
together a nice party sufficient to
justify a special car for our own
As many of the party would
like to visit the famous Hot
Springs of Arkansas, on the return
trip, am pleased to advise that a
rate of sl,lO has been made from
Malvern to Hot Springs and re
turn hlho a special rate at oue of
rhe leading hotels at the Springs
°f $2 50 per day.
Now in order to perfect my ar
in gAments, would request th a
all who wish to join me m the trip
would send iu their names as ear
ly as convenient.
Yours truly,
R, B. Healdeu.
G. P. A.
Dallas Texas May 11-15,
The Rome Railroad will sell rod
trip tickets from Rome to Mj*
Texas for $23,50 only one fare Tick
ets on sale May 7- 9th inclusive. Gw*
returning 20 days from date of sal«
For any other ingormatiouCalloiior
write to
C, K. Ayer
Try Turn ley’s In*
salable Liniment y
Rheumatism neural
gia, Sprains,
Bruises, and Pams
any part of the body
limbs, for sale byr.
Turnley, druggist.
What Nerve
have done for
for • *
IST DAY. V djk
and Permanently Restoroa.
A positive cure for all p’llSß
Debility, and all excesses: •KfJS
from early errors and etc.
of overwor -. ,?tbe
and gives tone and ilrrnrl , or
gann. Stop. ,Xl
rmi.slon, caused by .«» " tD d IJJB
cessive use of tobacco. **P an ,i
which lead to ronsnm!•«
Their use shows immediate unpr , )1( . c
no Imitation. Insist .upon
Nerve Bernes, ien« to o
pocket. Price, fl.oo ..J,, u ,rur<J®
treatment,«A.<M>. Wnarant wl u
If not kept by your drug*.* l in
by mail, unon receipt of P r g „ J
per. Pamphlet i CO , ■
J. T. Crouch f ■
Medical Bldg , R°® J
“Orange ‘Vjfl
.cure for all diseases to ■
esh byD. ,W. Curry Druce ■
»« M MeaeitHU
Wutonaaesi. L>’ er ia 1 ' , u