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-<<r Corner Broad Street and
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Official Organ
<3l? '.<>9 city °f Rome, and Foyd, the
* 3ann®rcou'ity‘* of Coorgia.
jm*k iovb application.
“‘The man w hose business is to
<ix4®jpret the Bible is likely to
a sad nib's of interpreting a
u —[Atlanta Journal, Ev
. jw <rgan ]
Atkinson gets Clinch on Cof
rfw,. ________
W c ktkiusoa made no sp?ech in
■Gilbert county.
'The opening fight proved Meri
i.wwiiiner for Atkinson.
CLt3 the bore who is ever ready to
• soji oy a joke-at your expense,
‘Tfev Coffee that General Evans
Cxrkaki'to get has proven an alabi.
oal" Las opened and At-
Ac. u»on is a Bald-win-ner.
' jLd infant industry that needs
<.3'i . jFwrotectiou—making mud pies-
<G’-eece, like a ,'fth avenue dude,
i® a®;<n the vjry latest m the way of
Si'ill Hall Moore explain how
'“JSack-hair” becomes a Baid
?1* r the frigid edi
’\3®rAi "Vue"'•Jonah ’’ makes about
mmvbb wrongs.
jA if team boat is not in it with
.’ll&acAshLr, when it comes to hug
. bank.
‘Jtsthe little fellows who are
<rr<3.»s —the old folks are —nervous.
.Xhat’s the difference,
Many 6i the old kiskers of this
£ay were asuong the most “reserv
•ijd’ tbe late war,
Some of these lawn dresses, with
■list jws accompaniments, need a lawn
aasuwer instead of more lawn attach-
Tire Las'.cook knows his range
lumt as well as a peach orchard
sitttol knows his way to the slop
T V.;gh.
Siiice that Omaha judge sent an
jtiiUtr to jail tor telling the truth,
■jou? of us are safe. —Fort Wurth
CSaiperal Evans thought it would
•_i# ?*>pular to jump on the Georgia
Cadges, because they were having
*« trying time of it.
ItAe easier for a fisherman to
the line while describing the
nxatdh than it is when the catch is
visuig the grand act.
' tEjß.ce the earth quake seuson has
ixxumd up in Greece, the Athens
heirymen have had to take out li
•enae for peddling milk shake.
ia'ineral Evans may have invest
«>3 sl,oooin campaign ‘ sweetenin’’
’jet Atkinson has got the Coffee
vjod tbe cream of the first contest.
The legislature of lA'uisiaua is
“g elect three United .States sena
something which has never
occurred before in the history of
. -jut country.
''*l'llo Western States will compel
cSare ownere of plantations on the
Yj'.3.ias to set out trees. This will
««Q&ouc&ge the infant industry of
Aynchiug bees.
And now they tell us that the
of the .State Asylum at
gMtadiniigeville were for Mr. Atkin
j / M: ledgevilie, they
Wwu to-be.for Atlanta’s candidate
Professor Riley, the bug man of
the Agricultural partment, s tvs
that some bugs have al) the five
senses that man has' and one o
two more.
They gave the democrats a three
hour consolidated primary in Bald
win and he won ny seven votes;had
they given a general primary all
over tbe country his majority would
have been nearer 700.
There is no sugar for the Soreheads
in thote Cofße resolutions —At
lanta Journal-
No, and but precious little “stim.
ulous’’ for the Evanscent Boon*, Eh?
The returns show that, when it
comt s to straight Democracy Coffee,
is strong. — Atlanta Journal.
And the Atlanta" Egg buster ’ fail
ed to work the "selling’' racket in
those grounds See?
Says the Danielsville Monitor:
We made several inquiries as to
the gubernatorial race, during
court here last week, and found a
considerable majority, of those
expressing themselves, in fuvor of
Tbe Mikado of Japan has just
abolished the law compelling women
who arrive at a certain age to marry
and now the Japanese women will
jearn from tueir Western sisters how
to tell “how old” they aie.
In its report of Gen. Evans’ famous
Jonesboro speech, it will be remem
bered that the constitution headed
its special report: “General Evans in
/he saddle.” The Constitution was
right, but Saturday’s race shows
that the saddle was on a night-mare
The steam engine was made per
fectly automatic by a lazy boy who
was employed to open and close the
valves. Desiring to play instead of to
work, he tied a string from one part
of the engine to the other, thus mak
i n the engine itself attend to its
own business
By a decision in tha courts of a
number of states bicycles are class
ed as vehicles or carriages aud eu
tit'ed to all the rights and privi
lege of the public highway, If this
is good law, and no question of
that has been raised so far, are
not bicycles just as much taxable
property as a buggy or phaeton.
A lady reproved a boy for tak
ing the eggs from a bird’s nest.
She said lo him: “O cruel heart
less little wretch, to rob a poor
bird of her eggs.” But the boy
turned the tables on her with the
remark : “That’s the mother bird
you ve got on your bonnet. Guess
she wont care.” —Dawsonville Ad
On Monday, according to the Con
stitution report, Hon. Clark Howell,
the chief adviser and supporter of
General Evans, extended the right
hand of fellowship and the open hand
of hospitality and greeted warmly
Colonel John A. Cocke rill, the editor
of the'New York Morning Advertiser
and the most malignat abuser of
Gen. Evans and the whole South
All this was in the wonderful city of
Atlanta and it must have been an
interesting occasion.—Columbus
An election for Justice of the
Peace came oil in Youngs district,
Polk county, the olaer day in
which E. Fite, third party, and
Reube Wright, democrat, were the
contestants. Wright was elected
by a majority of 34 votes. Mr. Fite
takes eight third party papers aud
of course thought the world from
bailiff up belonged to the third
party. We tell you, boys, you are
not in it. —Buchanan Banner-Mes
Tiie Democrats of Coffee, like the
Democrats of Clinch and Ware, have
heartly and enthusiastically indorsed
President Cleveland and his adminis
tration. Let the goodwork go on?-
—Atlanta Journal.
Suppose you state the balance of
it— How the Coffee democrats also
instructed for W.Y, Atkinson. If yo u
“Ware”fair you would not “Clinch”
onto half of the sweetning in that
Coffee.” Suppose you go the three
One of the modern improvements
in the new Congregational church, of
Middleboro, Mas , is a room in the
t »wer where babies are cared for b>
volunteer nurses while the mothers
listen to the sermon.
There are six counties which
have three members of the Legis
ture, and consequently six votes
in the convention. These are Bibb,
Burke, Chatham, Fioyd, Fulton
aud Richmond —thirty-six votes
There are twenty-six counties
with two members of the Legisla
ture, and four votes in the conven
tion, The’e are Bartow. Carroll,
Cobb, Coweta, Decatur, DtKalb,
Dooly, Greene, Gwinnett, Hall.
Hancock, Harris, Houston. Jack
sou, Jefferson, Meriwether, Mon
roe, Muscogee, Oglethorpe, Pulas
ki, Sumter, Thomas. Troup, Wal
ton, Washington and Wilkes—lo 4
There are 105 counties with one
reprsentative in the Legislature,
and two votes each in the conven
tion, making 210 votes or 350 votes
in the convention
The Atlanta Constitution has
the following sensible piece of ad
When a confederate veteran
runs against a young man who was
not in the war there is no good
reason for bringing up the old is
sues. The two should stand on
their merits, and the best man
should win.
The veteran should not make
the point that his opporent was
born too lute for a military caree r
and on the other hand the young
ster should by no means attempt
to use the war record of his rival
against him.
Now let the Constitution remem
ber these words. Let it examine
tie records of the Evans organs
and see who brought up tbe old is
sues Let it find out how many
times the war record of Gen Ev
ans is shoved to the front by his
supporters, and let them point out
a single instance where Mr. Atkin
son has laid aught but kind and
patriotic words for the gallant ser
vice of his knigtly opponent in be
half of a cause as dear to his heart
as to any man’s.—Athens Banner.
The Moon, a daily paper publish
ed in Macon by a Southwesterner,
who is an ardent supporter of Mr.
Atkinson, undertakes to belittle
the war record of General Evans
by the following comparison with
its negro pressman. Comment is
unnecessary :
“Our pressman, Moses Pharaoh
Floodoil, is contemplating run
ning for office on his war record.
He has licked every coon about
his size in the vicinity of the Cen
tral depot.”—Atlanta Journal.
The Journal man must be full,
the Moon is published in Milledge
ville and is edited by a pretty blue
eyed, noble hearted, gifted Geor
gia girl.
And as far as belittleing Gener
al Evans is concerned, we rather
think that Miss Dortch clipped
the “odious” paragraph from
Frank Stanton’s “Just from Geor
gia’’ column in an old pile of the
Journals neighbor, the K institu
tional “Sore head.”
Stanton use to write some de
licious stuff on this “war record”
line-—but that was when the Con
stitution was supporting Pat Cal
houn against General Gordon on
up until General Evans was put
on'he track mounted on a war
record—since then Stanton has
been “muzzled. ”
Suppose the Journal resurrects
some of these old files of the “Sore
head” aud give the Constitution
“ginger” for its “premature be
littlement of General Evans’ war
record. This is a good exkews.
Did the Griffin News and the
Macon (Ga.) Morning Telegraph
hear anything drop?—Augusta
They did, and marked well that
hollow Bound as the Evanescent
boom snagged its self on the At
kinson stump.
The severest blow Mr. Atkin
son's candidacy has yet received,
was in failing to carry Baldwin
county by a decided majority. Mr.
Atkinson has been camping there
and all his efforts seemed bent on
making Baldwin the banner Atkin
son county, vet he received only a
majority of seven votes.
Our information is that if a pri
mary had been held, the farmers
of that county would have voted
for Gen. Evans. —Atlanta Jour
Indeed! Does the Journal re
member how the Evans papers
have claimed Baldwin for weeks
past, some of them on a majority
of two to one?
Tbe “Journal's information,’’ ye
gods! The Journal knows that the
Evans people had a majority on
the county executive committee,
and that Atkinson's friends tried
repeatedly and in vain to get the
action ot Baldwin delayed.
And the Journal aiso knows that
that executive committeee would
net delay but would give neither
a mass meeting or a regular pri
mary. but decided" to hold, a three
hours primary in the city of Mil
ledgeville and at no other box.
And this was done to accomo
date the big voting element of the
lunatic asylum who were Evans
people, and who could not attend
a mass meeting in a body.
At the same time the town pri
mary worked a hardship on the
wool hat boys of the district fields
of Baldwin, who that partizan
committee knew favored Atkin
Ihe only difference we can see,
is that Gen. Evans spoke in Bald
win and had his “fixers” t<*> “fix
it.” Mr Atkinson spoke there and
—he will be found “campii g'
It is reported that an English
officer named Harrington has dis
covered in India a working tele
phone between the two temples of
Pauj, about a mile apart. The sys
tem is said to have been in opera
tion for over 2,000 years. Egypto
logists have found unmistakable
evidences of a wire connection be
tween some of the earlier Egyptian
dynasties; but whether these
served as telegraphic, telephonic
or other purpote, is not stated.
And nallyfi, we do pronounce the
action of the committee undemocrat
ic. Democracy abhors disfranchise
ment. And to call a Democratic mass
meeting for a day and hour when the
Democratic masses cannot attend, is
in our judgment, disfranchisement
pure and simph.
We now. therefore, protest against
such action, and declare the same not
binding, and si a'l appeal to the’Rich
mond Democracy to confirm and rat
ify our protest.
To tbe voters of Floyd county,
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of representa
tive of Floyd county in the next
Leg ; slature. My candidacy sub
ject to tbe action of the democratic
primary to be held on May 26th.
Moses R. Wright.
I’o the voters of Floyd county, 1
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Representa
tive in the next Legislature, my
candidacy subject to the action of
the Floyd county Demociatic pri
mary to be held May 26tb.-
C, W, Underwood.
Hustle r of Rome :—Please an
nounce my name as a candidate for
the next Legislature, subject to
the action of the Democratic party
at the primary electicffi to be held
on May 26th. Respectfully,
R. T. Fouche
Hustler of Rome ;—Please an
nounce my name as a candidate
for the next Legislature, subject to
action of the Democratic party at
the primary election to be held on
May 26th. Respectfully,
John H. Reese.
To the voters of Floyd county. I
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for re-election to the office
of representative of the county of
Floyd, subject to the action of the
coming democratic primary.
W. C. Bryan.
“Orange Blossom’, is a painless
,cure for all diseases to women, old
eeh by D. W. Curry Druggist.
TLE '1 a u records.
Hon W Y. Atkirson was a mem
ber of the legislature from Coweta
county from 1886 to 1894. Hon
C. A. Evans was State senator
from Stewart eounty in 1859 —60.
Here are the records the twomen
made, by which we impartially
judge their character as statesmen.
1 Introduced a 1 Voted to all ow
bill which was banks to suspend
passed, to make specik payment
the office of com-when there was
missioner of agri uc> p au ic.
culture elective
2 Introduced the
bill establishing
the Georgia Nor ish j
mal aud Indus
trial school for against usury,
u ejped draw 3 Voted to par
he ill by which (j ou a worthless
the state road an j co jj blood
betterment ques ed murderer of a
tiou was settled- _ au wbo Wftß ex
*’ ll h a savlll ß ecutig the law
the State of $750
4 Introduced a
J WI L iCh 4 Introduced a
passed by bl|l 10 abo | ish
tie state is annu . • . . w . w
ally saved t ls, trlu b -V jury.
000 for the in
spection of oils.
D Aided to in- 5 Voted to re
crease the com-p ea j a jj ] ttW ß ap
mon school fund propnating mon
rom S4OO-000 io p y or a , d b y the
1 250,000 per g( a ( e to educa
annum. ttonal purposes.
6 Aided to in
crease the Con
federate eoldierc
and soldiers wid 6 Voted against
ows pension;, allowing Confed
from $13,000 an-erate privates to
nually to $460, choose their own
000 annually. officers.
The Earth Quake in
Cardift was caused by
the sudden decline in
prices at L- G. Tjdd.
Best Gr. Flour 24 lbs 5
Fat Mackerel at 8 l-3c.
ine Pickles o f every description
very cheap.
Fresh Prumes at 10 &■ 12 l-2c.
Fine Jellies & Preserves 10 & 15c,
Good Rice 5c
Fine 31bs Peaches per can 14c.
Fresh Crackers 8 10 15 & 17c.
Fine Cheese 17c.
Fresh Butter 15 20 & 25c.
Call and see us and save your
money there by.
Yours for cash.
Lanham & Sons are
stiil at the old stand
236 Broad St-, selling
first class 1-2 gallon
ice Cream Freezers at
only $ 1.
A new line of men’s
Tan shoes at Kuttner’s
Shoe Store. 1
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Book uu I'looJ LHaeaaea ;d free.
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No waiting on connections o r tle)a ,,.,
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b Ayei
E. T V. & G-
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Leave Rome „F m
“ Selma 9.25 pm
Arrive Now Orleans... 7™?®
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“ Mobile.... ii.OOam
Selma i"”"!
Arrive Rome im
Leave Rome - . a 01
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