Newspaper Page Text
-fX zCALS.
MF . Augusta Bogeu’ of Colum- ;
<8 visiting her sister, Mrs . Dora
Johen on Fifth Ave’
First Class single
Burner Oil Stove, only
50 cts., Lanham &
Sons 236 Broad St.
a. B. McArver& Co.
are rushing out their
straw hats at a bar
Gb., May Bth, 1894.
On May Bth, th? Chattanooga
Rome & Columbus Railroad will
Bell round trip tickets from all
local stations to Rome Ga., at one
Tickets will be good to return
on May 9tb.
C. B. Wilburn,
ts Trade Manager.
Salesman Wanted: Free prepaid
outfit., one of our agents has earned
over 120.000 in ‘ive years.
P. O. Box 1371,New York.
Fine Virginia Natur
al leaf tobacco 1 5 cts.
per pound, at P. L
Turnleys & Co Centre 1
Hotel Block.
Go to A. B. MeArver
& Co., to get your Ox
tord ties and shoes at
a bargain.
Letters of Administration.
Georgia, floyu County :
To all whom it may concern :—W H Coker hav
ing in proper form applied to me for penna, nt
letters of administration on lite esta e of Mary
E Towns, late of said county. T his is to cite al)
and singular the creditors ai d next of kin of
Mary towns to be and appear at my office with
in the time allowed by law and sle w cause, if
anv the' can, why perm meat administration
should not I* granted to tlie County Admr. or
some other fit ami pnoper person on Mary w-
Town’s estate. Witness my haml and official
signature tins 7th dav of M a > ’*94
John P, Davis
Ordinary v 'oy d county
Application for Leiters o!
Georgia—Floyd County:
Whereas El. Bosworth, administrator of
Jas T Vandiver dec’d. representsto the court in
his petition duly tiled, that he has administered
James T Vandiver’s estate This is to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
sb. w cause, if any they c.n, why said adminis
trator should not lie discharged from his admin
istration and receive letters of dismission on
the firs'Monday in Aug. 1894 This May 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia
Application for Letters of
Dis u'ssion.
GEORGIA Floyd Countv
Whereas M. A. Nevin, Guardian of John wy
ly Snider, represents to the court in his petition
duly filed, that he has administered John Wy
ly Snider's estate. This is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred ami erediTors, to show cause
if any they can, why said Guardian should not
be di-charged from his Guardiannhip and • .
cieve letters of dinuiiHslon on the first Mondey
in June 1894. This Muy 7th 1894.
John F. Datis,
Ordinary Floyd County .Georgia.
Year's Support.
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : Notice is herehv
given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart
■and assign a year's sunport toPatience r Timms
the widow of W" V T.mms decease 1 , have filed
their award, and unles- good and sufficient
cause i« shown, the sam ■ w 11 be made the jndi>.
mentof the Quirt at the June term, 1894, of the
Court of Ordinary. This Mav 7th 1894.
John I’. Dads.
Ordinary Floyd county Georgia
Citation-Leave To Sell.
Georgia, Floyd County
To all whom it may concern :—W. H- Ennis
Administrator of Win v Timms decease'! has in
due form applied to the undersigned for
leave to sell the lands and fiersmial Property
belonging to the estate of said deceased, andlsaid
application will tie heard on the first Monday in
■tune next. This 7th day of Maylß>4.
John P. Davis Ordt nary
Citation—Leave to Sell.
To all whom it tnav concern : Anderson Thoinp
son Guardian of Samuel Thoiurson and
Lucretia Thompson, minors lias in due
form applied to the undersigned for
leave to sell the lauds tielonging to the estate of
said minors, and said application will tie
heard os the first Monday in June next. This
7th. day of May 1894.
John P Davis Ordinary.
Bpulffir.’p ~ apss a a » u
w • Jsaoq ja..o jo p[o uu of ajq
ttutAtS tauoa Aojfsap putt wapjontp Aa u pis
Vmjj'oj ‘uoiiudpnuoJ 9Adt|M ‘Wfadat: jo wo,
ejtg> ‘uopsatfip ptv ‘Buais.i« aqi an auoj Xaqj
•saapwoj s./pirj ’JQ Xjj uojijp
‘Uo.i aqqßoq aiitj u ui asjoq n zutffnd joq
•S|siß3njp Xq ejue joj xoq jad sjuan e?
•psapj ppsaS P UB uinaqc] ‘jajpx ‘tnuaw,
Sanj ‘saidcijj ‘s-ptq aXy
to.vq aiog awojq.3 Joj Aina tiinpaa v«y
>Beta*tx|C ai <8 7“” • MT®iJ»qnreni»
* '.fiif’k:
I -?L
! •Vfs.’-A., • Lqip'V.
Mr. W. A. Rhudy, one of th?
It vent and beat merchants in
Rome and one of the most success
ful, finds that his stock of furni
ture in his store aud warerooms
is entirely too large for the trat e
litre and haviug decided to reduce
it and turn it into cash has rented
a most excellently located store in
Atlanta on Peachtree street and
will on about June Ist. ehip a
portion of his mammoth stock to
* *
The many friends of Will Rhudy
will be delighted to know that
while he is going to Atlanta and
will move hie family there, having
rented a residence on Mill street,
that he is not leaving Rome for
good but only temporarily and that
his business here will be continu
ed as heretofore and that be would
be here several times every month
to see his friends and look after
his large interests here.
♦ *
That his brief visit to Atlanta
will be a success every one wishes
and no one doubts and all join the
Hustler in the pleasure of know
ing that so valuable a citizen and
so clever a man is not leaving us
lor good.
Talking about bachelors, and these
twenty one j ear locusts Sheriff Mom e
sayo that Joe Owens has been in
this county during three iu.vasions
and that makes Joe — smile.
* *
BailiffT.G.Garrett, of North Car
olina district tel sme that there are
millioi s of locusts in his section and
that every one of them has a big
on eech wing. He says that those of
14 years rg\ had a “P’‘ on the wing
while those of the invation, before
the war, had a “W.” He thinks that
the W means ‘war, woe and want. ’’
ind th inks democrats ought to be
digging dugouts.
* ♦"
Col. R. A. Denny will leave
Rome in a sow days for New York,
and about the first of June will
sail for Europe. Col. Denny will
spend hie loose change and three
months on the Continent, and if it
costs mors why he doesn't eare a
continent-al. I have perfected a
syndicate arrangement with the
Colonel and he will act as our
European correspondent aud at
torney on foreign relations.
* «
1 held a private konversation
with him this morning, in regard
so the trip, add he assures nee that
he will be able to leave the city in
broad daylight. He will walk to
New York, thereby saving steerage
funds. In France he proposes to
deliver a series of lectures on the
German dialect, while in Italy
he will give special readings in
Southern plantation dialect and
tell em’ all about the New Orleans
affair. Then if he can loose as
much at Monte Carlo es the maa
won who broke the bank—he w'll
b- in the swim rtcrossing the At
lautic. Through these columns
Dick Denny will tell us people
all about it. See?
Mr. Jack Davis, manager for E.
E. Forbs music House, requests
us to »ta»e that he has moved his
stock of musical iustuments, Bi
cycles aud Type writers into the
Jewelrv house of J. K. Williamson
at Allen & McOsker’s old stand.
He calls special attention to his
beautiful line of wheels and wil[ pleasure in waiting on you.
5 8 t «u
Ip >
.'1 cclOateF .
df fit
.p, ■ • ■ <
.injz: rn\cjc>v:s <
O’,'ZTr C- dit
Letters of Administration.
GEORGIA,FIoyd County:
To all whom it may concern :Ennis & starling
having in proper form applied to me for per
manent letter* ot adminiatmtion on the estate «f
Jack Prior, col, late of said county. Thia is to
cite all and singular the creditors and next of
kin of Jack Prior to he and appear at my
office within the time allowed by law and show
cause, if any they can why permanent adminia
tration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis on
Jack Prior’s estate. wi tlless uiy hand
ami official signature this 7th. day of May
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County.
Letters of Ad ministration.
Georgia,floyd county
To all whom it may concern Win. J. Gordon
having in proper form applied to me for perma
nent letters of adminlstratioHde bonis non with
will annexed on the estate of William T. Gor
don. late of said county. This is to cte
alia d singn'ar the creditors and next of kin of
Wm. T. Gordon to lie and appear at my office
within the timeallowed b" law and show cause if
they can, why permanent administration de bo
nis non with will annexed, should not lie grant
ed to Wm T Gordon on Wm T Gordon’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signatvre this 7th
day of May, 1894.
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County
Sheriffs Sales For June.
Gergia—Floyd county.
Will be sold before the C urt house door
in the City of Rome, Floyd c between
the legal hours of sale on ihs Ist Tuesday in
June, 1894, the following described property to
One undivided half interest in part of lot
N0.(295), 24th district and 3rd Secti in Floyd Co,
Ga, Adjoining lands of Mark Taylor, naar Sha n
non Station cm the E. T. V. & G t R. R. about
seven miles north of Rome, containing 40 acres
more or less, and on west side of said Lot
and of equal width across. Also one undivided
half interest in City lot, in the city of Roma, on
what is known Sevier heir lot, being lot No 9
fronting on Serier St, of surrey made by Hines
M Smith, fronting 77 1-2 feet by 251 feet back
towards right of way of Rome Railroad. The
above 40 acres, tract above referred to is now
occupied by Mark lay lor as tenant. Lived on
by virtue of a mortgage iita issued from the
FToyd Superior court In favor of The Southern
Banking and Trust Co., Transferees, vs John
C. Printup as the property of the defendant.
i Also at the same time and place, East half of
lot No. 2t> in the 22nd, District and 3rd, Section
of Floyd county Ga. Levied on by virureSof a fl
fa issued from the Floyd C’ f y Court in favor of
Thomas Philpot vs, M. J. Bobo and William
Richardson, As the i orperty of the D. fendant
Also at the same and place all that tract or
parcel of land situated, lying ynd being in ti e
23rd District and 3rd Section of Floyd Co. Ga.
containing one fourth of an acre off of let sf
land No. 283 in said district and sect.on bound
ed on North by property es Celia Young. East
by Line Street, South by the property of Thom
as Ra wls, west by Bluff street, Lev edon by vit
tue of a ti fa issue from the 919th Dist. <7. M. in
favoi of S;F. Cr ne vs Jim paws and Ellin
Rawls as the property of Jim Rawls one of the
Detts. Levy made by W. P. McLeod L. C.
Also at the same tin e and place, all that trac
er parcel of land lying and;being in the o osta
naulr division of the city of Rome Ga. know < n
the plan of said city as lots Numbers 56 and <5
of said division being the place on which the
said w W. Seay re ided on 31st day of Decem
ber iBB9 anh formerly known as the Vliet prop
erty, Levied on by virtue of a fl fa issued from
the Floyd Superior Court in favor of Rome Fire
Insurance Co. vs. W W Seay as the property
of the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place
a parcel of land situated iu that
part of Floyd Co., G., known as
“New Rome,’’ being oT land
lot No. 357 in the 23rd District
and 3d. Section, of said county
aud described as follows: Begin
ning at the intersection, aud south
west corner of Tenuesse Avenue
aud Seventh Street, aud running
along said Tennessee Avenue S.
6 deg. 46 min. W. a distance of
226 f' e - , thence due west 152 fee',
thence S. 5 deg. W 202 feet, then e
8.84 deg. 30 min. VV. 86 fee.,
thence S. 3 deg. W. 237 feet,
thence N. 83 deg. 30 min, VV. 70
feet, thence S, 5 deg, 3 min. W, 786
feet, thence VV . 1 deg, S. 660 feet
N, 26 deg. 30 mm, E, 1782 feet,
with the line of the furnace Com
panies property to a white oak
• tree, S. 58 deg. 40. E. 340
feet along 7th. Street to the begin
uihg corner contaiuiig 17
acres more or less, also that
part of land iu lot No. 357
describee described as follows:
Beginning at a point 950 feet
due South from the N. E. corner
of lot No. 357. Thei ce running
due South along the lai d line be
tween lo No. 357 and No. 356. a
distance of 1,100 feet, thence due
West a distance of 1.000 feet
Tennessee Avenue thenc' a >ng said
Avenue N. 6 deg. 45 min.E, a dist
ance of 810 feet to Holders corner,
thence S, 83 deg. 15 min E. 15 91-
2 feet to als foot Alley, thence
along said alley N’ 6 deg. 45 mio. E.
a distance of 250 fe , to Cedar St.
thence along said street No. 15 E.
A distance of 270 feet, thence
575 deg Ea distance of 570 feet
to the beginning corner containing
22 1-2 acres more or less }R< seve I
in this parcel of land is the rig it of
way of the CR & C R IL siding to
Furnice & the right of way of ihe
Rome .St R R running across one
c truer. Leved on by vim-* of a Jmor.
gage fifa i.isued from the Floyd Snpr
ior Court is favor of J.King vs New
Rome Land Co as th? property of the
J'kbC. Moore, Shrrikf.
yIOM i 1
. .1 I.lx.l).
vx. Ahiu-baU Hk.
Having pur chased tlie entire
stock of Furniture from Messrs.
Hanks & Roberts, and consoli
dated it with my already large
stock I am now
And am ready to supply your
with anything and everything
Business is business, and if you
can secure furniture now, that
you will b u y 1 ater on at regular uri
ces and save from wenty to fifty
per cent, why
I respectfully direct your attention to the great
bargains that you know 1 must have secured
n the
Tney are crowding my floors and must be moved
and lam going to move them and move them at
once. The first who come to lend me a helping
hand will pull in the cash,
Kink aid Corner ."Broad S