Newspaper Page Text
VALUABLE presents free.
We wish to introduce our Sys
tem PiH s into every home.
knO w that we manufacture th
veryibest remedy on earth for th*
cure of Constipation. Billiousnees.
Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles,
Torpid Liver, etc; and that when
vo u have tried these pills you will
aladiv recommend thrm to others,
or take an agency, and in this way
we shall have a large, well-paying
demand created.
a 9 a special inducement for ev
err reader of this paper to try
these pill o and take an agency at
once, we will giv» to eah person
' ho tends twenty .five cents in
rash or thirty cents in stamps for
a box of System Pil’s, one of the
following presents : A handsome
gold watch, a good silver watch, a
valuable town lot, a genuine dia
mond ring, a casket of silver ware
“ a genuine $5 00 gold piece. Ev
erv purchaser gets one of the above
There are no exceptions
£ ha w Remedy Co, Rutherford
N. J. -
If you need anything in sho«s, it
will be to your interest to give me a
call before buying.
I have bought the entire stock oi
Boots and Shoes from R. T. Con
nally and will sell tnem out at about
half of their former prices, Mens §7OO
patent leather shoes for S4OO, big
line of ladies, misses and children
elipppers at a great reduction. Call
and sae them.
J. T. Dugger
216 Broad St. Successor to
R. T. Connally.
Frank Taylor’s Broad street
Barber Shop is the place of places
when you want your cheek made
clean, your chin curried or your
hair slicked up according to Hoyle.
Frank has only skilled artists,
among them that old reliable
knight of the razor. Lewis Barrett.
New style clothin just received at-
W, M Gammon & Co, ts
Genuine large red
onion buttons can be
found oniy at P. L-
Turn leys & Co Central
Hotel Block.
W. M. Gammon & Co. are ready
for buiness again, and cau furnish
you with anything in line
in latest styles and lowest prices.
1 hisis a pol icy combining a 20
year endowment policy with a2G
payment life policy, for half the
amount ot the endowment, and is
case of death withen the first year
irom any pulmonary disease but
one half the insurance (i. e., one
quarter of the endowment) will be
For insurance: a combination
policy may be taken cut for $250
endowment, maturing in 20 years
and its terms will nrovide that if
eathoccur while the policy is in
orce within the 20 years $125 will
,e paid: if the insured survive 20
| year6 ’ 116 will ™ceive $250 in -cash
‘‘‘ ll st hl hold his policy as an or
ujar y paid up life policy for
• - . payable at death without
nj other payment of premium
j 1 I'f'-'Dium is the same for all
but applications will not be
i n,A. ? Up ° n Oves less than 13 or
' uni ~0 next birthday, ts.
For seeds of any de
*xon, and of the
ip V varieties, call o n
7 L. , urnley & Co
e ntral Hotel Block.
I Inflamed ,
|ty and o"‘ i , cblu^’ burning, crus
I skin and scalps of in .
son\A’ au d cured by John
"■ c, Sold by D
tui *y Druggist.
who never read the adver
ifeen.e its in •
more than H newßpapers
Kenison “f n y t pre « l * us e. Johnathan
|wi ßm i n J Loubiea with rheu
■dfcrs read »n ‘ ar . Ins and shoul
■ho'v a promin em n his paper about
■ Ft - citizen of
froeured the been cur ed. He
S Be his o Wn '‘ 7 luei licine, and to
fchl u p ’h "H cured »»
bis wife Wp ß °i ßajS: *' A neighbor
fr th rheumah 6 b °™ 81ek in bed
fc erta my houoT' , Tbeir bj N was
bad he had t w ‘ ,re
■° him ofChp i d °i tbe co °king. 1
b °w it had “ bel ’ n ’ B PaiQ Balm
■ bottl e and it cJS 6 ' J , Uie ’ be S ot 8
5? centT»V hem up «
i| '° r “*• *’•’
Our better halves say they could
not keep house without Chamber
lain’s Cough remedy. It is used in
more than half the homes in Leeds.
Sims Bros., Leeds, lowa. This shows
the esteem it which that, remedv is
held where has been sold lor years
and is weli known. Mothers have
learned that there is nothing so good
for colds, croup and whooping congh,
that it cures these ailments quickly
and permanently, and that it is pleas
ant an I safe for children to take. 25
and 50 cent bottles for sale by Low
ry Bros. Druggist.
Commencing Sunday May 13th.
the Chattanooga Rome and Colum
ns R- R. will run a s unday sched
ule : Train leaving Cedartown early in
the morning and returning that eve
ing . Also commencing at noon
Saturday May 12th round trip tick
ets good to return until noon Mon
day following will be sold between all
local stations on C, R. & C. R. R. at
one fare. This will enable everyone
who desires to do so to visit' the
mountains near Chattanooga aud to
attend church exercises at various
Yours Truly,
C. B. Wilburn.
May 7th if Traffic Mgr.
We are sole agents for
Celebrated Candies,
Have you
Tried our
Cherry Phosohate,
Pine Apple Cream,
Orange Phosphate,
Concord Grape,
Blood Or nge,
or Strawberry Gem,
These are onlv a few
of the many delicious
drinks and refresh
ments that we serve.
We use only pure fruit
juices in our syrups—
The prettiest fount in
J. T Crouch & Go.
Druggists, Medical
Building, Rome Ga,
The faiends and patrons of
the late firm of Crouch &
Watson are respectfully in
formed that any prescription
or special formula filled by
the old firm can be refilled by
the undersigned, We invite
our friends and the public
generally to bear this in mind
as our high standard of merit
both as to drugs used aud
the preseriptionists copond
ing them will always be main
tained, Thanking the pub
lic for the liberate patronage
so generously bestowed upon
us we hold ourselves at all
tmes in readiness to continue
to serve our friends.
J T. Crouch & Co
■ >. ■ .. ■■■
I zTte aS<l , y'J iJoks, 4 '
I . - rrr.’:.
7 'T TITS) K?
A X >w and Complete Trouimwi’t, cor-ibtiu;;
SUPPOSITORIES,"CaumiIei* . ■ (tintiucut mid t'V!
Bosmof Ointment. A never-failing Cure lorl-i. ■
lit every nature Hiht de-l ie. -i :.r. '>!>' rsn ‘;>
with the knife cr injevDous'-'f carbolic .-.cid. wh -
are painful and eeid.iri a peer, .ineui , ami <"•'
resulting in death, unnece.-.-ury. Why endure
this terrible . sease? We
boxes to i.'uio any case. » J' “ > p. j -< 1
hniieiits received. i u
Guarantees issued by our ;.gents.
CQKSTiPATiON byjapanese Liver Pellets
the Croat I'' Fi: nt..! STOMACH iii.Gi'l.ATOli :.nd
J'lt'Olii: ’ ' Strull. mi'd mid plensmit to
take, espn : >ted lor children’s use. to Doses
25 cents. .
GUARAN nly b y
J. T. Croucn & Co*
wj have recently prepaied Books on the
above, especially adapted to “Home Stirdy.
Sent on GO days trial. Hundreds have been ben
efited hundreds of dollars by ordering our pub
licati ns. Why not you?
Shold you Inter decide 'o enter our College,
you woulil recieve credit for the amount 1 od.
Pour weeks by our method of teaciung book
keeping is equal to 12 eeks by tne old plan.
Positionsguarnteed under certain conditions
Send lor our free illustrated fiG page catalogue
and “statayour wants.” Address—J. r • Praugn
on, Pres.—Draughon’s practical Business Col
lege and School of Shorthand and Telegraphy
Nashville, Tenn. 11 ieachers, 60 / students the
past vear. No vacation. Enter any time, cheap
board, n b. Wp pay $5.00 cash lor all va
canc es as book-keeper, stenographers, fcachers
clerks, etc.'reported to us, provided we nil sain
Dr. L. P- Hammond
has removed his ofiioe
to The Medical Budd
ing, corner Broad
Street and 3rd Avenue
over J. T. Crouch ot
Cos., drug store.
Fnr the purpose of receiv
ing the Tax returns of Floyd
County for the year 1894, I
will attend at the Militia Dis
trict Court GiOunds at the
following dates:
Howels Thu “ 1 0
Barkers Fri ” 11
Vans Valley Mon “ 14
Cave Spring Tu “ 15
Foster’s Mill Wed*' 16
Livingston Thu “ 17
Rome Fri ” 1 8
Last Round
Flatwoods Mon 21
North Carolina Tu”22
Texas Valley Wed” 23
Hoyd Springs Thu“ 24
Everett Spring Fri ”25
Wattrs Mon ” 28
Etowah Tu “29
Chulio Wed “ 30
Howels Thu “ 31
Barkers Fri “ 1
yans Valley Mon “ 4
CaveSdringTu “ 5
Foster’s Mill Wed” 6i
Livingston Thu ” 7
Rome Fri ” 8.
Will be at Korns dates men- j
tioned, and on every Satur
day, and during the month ol
J une except dates as above,
at the Court House
AH urgently requested to
make their returns at the
earliest date, saving a rush at
the close. Defaulters will be
returned for Double Tax in
every District where they neg
lect to give in their Taxes.;
Very respectf-dly,
Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic
Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia
sprains, bruises, lame back, it ;
piickly relieves pain
“Orange Blossom.” the Common
Sense Female Remedy, draws out
pain and soreness. Sold by Ham-
J. T. Crouch & Co.
Clothing of all kinds, made to '
order. Splendid line of samples
ready for inspection.
W. M, Gammon,& Co. ts.
Big bagrains in Ox
ford ties and shoes at
A, McArver & Co.
Citation-Leave To Sell.
Georgia, Floyd County
To all whom it may concern :—W. pj. Ennis
Administrator of Win y Timms deceased has in
due form applied to the under signed for
leave to sell the lands and personal Property
belonging to theestateof said deceased, and said
application will be heard on the first Monday in
June next. This 7th day of MaylS.H.
JohnP. Davis Ordinary
Jeweler and Optican
v aw r-: ; v'< I
• W' : I '•
lo firry a I'u J iine of j ■< cl
ry, watches, clocks, specta
cles and silverware of the best
makes and will guarantee to
sell you as cheap as any house
in Ga. lam a practical watch
maker and guainteeall work
to give satisfaction or money
refunded. Prices as low as
can be found. lam a piacti
cal optician and guarantee to
fit any eyes with spectacles or
eye glasses or money refund
ed. My motto is, ‘'R-diable
good, honest dealings and
bottom prices to all. Come
and see me at 317 Broad St
Davis Old Stand
Floyd Superior Court,
March lerm HUM.
In tm ) ea lion a<t
a Allen, <lo| tan unknown
S. V. Allen, ) child.
To any and all pen ms concerned. You 01
either of you are hereby commanded to be anp
npearat the next term of Superior Court to be
field on the 4t.h Monday hi September IKIM to
show ea se if any you can. Why the application
in the above stated case should not be granted
and in default there of the same will be allow
ed witness the Honornle W. M. Henry judge of
said court this 13th day of April HIM.
Win, E, Beysiegle,
Clerk of Superior Court
Floyd county Ga.
Application for Letters of Dis
miss: on.
GEOn^lA—Floyd County
Whereas James W. Reeves, Trustee ol
Mrs, Martha EMi’Gre, represents to the court
in his petition Uuly filed, that he has adminis
tered Martha E McGee’s estate. This is to cite
all persons concjrno I. kindred and creditors to
show cause, if any they can, why said trustee
should not be discharged I rom his trusteeship
and receivo letters of dismission on the first
Monday in July 1894. This April 2nd, 1894
John F Davis
Ordina'y F'oyd Co, Ga
Application for ,Letters of
Dismission. '
GEORGIA,--Flovd County:
Whereas Mrs. U. A I’. W hire Exectrix, o*
Nancy Prentiec Uec’d, represent, to the cour r
in her petition duly filed, she has adminis
tered saucy Prentiee’s estate. This js to cite
all ersons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show ciuse, if any they can, whv said Execu
trix should not be disehurged from her admin
istration ai.d receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in June 1894 This March sth.
John I’. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia
Letters of Admmistration.
■>eor<:ia, it.oyd County :
To all wh > u i; may cone-,.-rn:—W 11 Coker hav
| ing in proper form applied to me. for perma- nt
> letters of mlministration on the esta e of Mary
! E Towns, tale of said bounty. This is to cite all
| audrsingnkir the eredito.s and next of kin of
j Mary i owns to be and appear at my oilice with-
I in the time allowed by law aud sli -w cause, il
any they can, why perm-nent administration
t should not, be granted to the County Admr. or
j some other fit aid pnoper person on Mary w-
J Town’s estate, Witness my hand and otlicial
signature this 7th dav of May Is -'4
John i’, I.’avis
Oruinarv Floyd County
Application for Letters ot
Georgia—Floyd C” unt y :
Whereas E L Bosworth, administrator of
Jas T Vandiver de i d. representsto the court in
his petition duly filed, that he lias administered
James T Vandiver’s estate This is to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
sli w cause, if any they cm, why said adminis
trator should not be discharged from his admin
istration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday tn Aug. 1894 This May 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia
I Application for Letters of
Dis n’ssion.
I GEORGIA Floyd Countv
1 Whereas M. A, Nevin, Guardian of John wy
ly Snider, represents to the court in his petition
duly filed, that he has administered John Wy
ly Snider’s estate. This is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause
: if any they can, why said Guardian should not
I be di charged from his Guardiannhip and re
! sieve letters ofdismission on the firs’ Monday
I in June 1834. This May 7th 1894
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County,Georgia.
Year's Support.
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby
given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart
and assign a year’s support toPatience v Timms
the widow of'wn V Timms deceased, havefiled
their award, and miles- good an<l sufficient
I c -use i-< shown, the sam ■ wdl be made the judti.
I mentof the Court at the June term, 1894, of the
Court of Ordinary. This May 7th 1894.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd county Georgia
Letters of Administration.
Georgia,floyd county
To all whom it miv co ic. irnWm. J. Gord”
having in proper form applied to me for perm <
nent letters of administratioade bonis non
will annexed on the esiate of William T Go< <
don. late of said county. This is to cit'e
alia d si ngu ar the creditors ana next of kin oK
Will. T. Gordon to he and appear at my ofti ce
within the u meal lowed b« law ami show' cans e if
they can, why permanent administration de bo
nis non with will annexed, should not be grant
ed t-> Wm T Gordon on Wm T Gordon’s estate.
Witness inv hand and otfi. iat signatvre this 7tli
day of May, 18iJ4.
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County
Mrs. Ida Va Oliver having applied for Guar
dianship of the persons and property of Linton
•Mi chell Vandiver aud James Thomas Vandiver,
ininoi children of James T. Vandiver late of
said County, deceased, notice is given that said
application will be heard at my office at 10
o’clock am., on first Monday in May next.
This April sth. 1894.
John P Davis
Ordinary and ex officio Clerk C O
Letters of Administration.
GEORG IA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern :Ennis & starling
having in proper form : pp'ied to meiorper
" aneu lettersot admfnis. ati in on the estateof
Jack Prior, col, late of sent county. Tfiis is to
cite ail .nut singular the creditors and next of
km of Jack Prior to be and appear at mv
office within the time allowed by law and show
cause, it any they can why permanent admmis
trillion should not be granted to W. 11. Ennis on
Jail; I’ri-v’s est i . witness my hand
and official signature this ,tii. day of May
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County.
‘ Citation—Leave to Sell.
i.i all whom it may concern : Anderson Thonlp
! son Guardian of Samuel Tin,m| son am.
, Lucretia. Jhompson, minors lias in due
jiin i applied to the undersigned for
' le i ■ a to sell the lands belonging to the CetlCte ot
1 j said minors, and said application will -he
I heard on the first lr i iv m June next. This
. I 7ih. dayof l-rt.
! John P Davis Ordinary.
■ - . riO t fcc?.
' t need try • ?an»
t ,; .c world.
M 3.00
V 2.50
t? 2.00
■... . .FOR LADIES
’ C ' 00
mJ *1.75
if yeti w. a Sne DRESS SHOE, made In the It’d
* don't pay £5 to SB, try tny $3, $3.50, S4.OCr
a ■. They t> equal to custom made and look >n
' v.ei!. Ifyou wish to economize In your footwear
ij bv -a,-chasing VJ. L. Doigtis Shoes.
< > med on tH bottom, look for it when yon buy.
Ab. Brookton. Mnoe. SoldS*
Fjrjsile byjCautrell &
The Oostanaula Steamboat an
Trading Company
That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regula trips to
Carters, every week.
Ship what you can by us, Give
us your orders for all Kinds o
Country produce
Chickens. Corn- Hay. Peas Butter. Bacon. Fruit-
Dr'ed, Wheat, and all Products of the Country.
F. B. Holbrook,
N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor.
A.£jL modern improvement
O’Neill Manufacturing Company,
-(•PLAINING mill*
W& Mean Business Call and Get Our Brie- s
Ref ore Buying, We are Selling
Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding,
Ballusters and Brackets
A-t Bottom Brices
x 4 x. *.O 4-a• Li iA. 4 -’.orfui r
Kl i- \ '> to (tire;i«-'.’v^ibc:' \v a\ ..insso
■fr» " I i' l -ver, Heßciucbo. V< a'.ieiii A:< l.<j3t Mah)io d, N?;n :: • ;••_• ions, Nt ■ .•«
KV r ‘’.Hl drains ami n ~f power in Generative Orga” s’<». i<aer sex< 1
V* V* • • ! v v (-verexertion,yruli. Ax! errors, excessive u>o oi D ua.jcn,. Hum c
J i ulanta, which lead to Ini ruilty,Consumption or luaun’tv. • nbe car
v i ,'-e< ooekef. per b"x, ft for 8&« by mail prepaid. With uSS on
T\ f \ ' .«iveawrittenf:H.'wani.eeioe«reorrefti!id the numey. Sold
iwTOwSw’-v-' J. . anil-'lsts. Ask for it. take no other. Write fojAhas Med ha i i >ok sent
liEioatAMi AFihk'tsiAv. iii plain wrapper. A Jr» 'ss A CK.V23 SJ-1 Ell CO.»Masonic ! empie, Ch c
r >r *.ile tn Koine, by HUA DEORD DRUG CO.. Drugcists-
f A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oßl-2 Broad siren
J b over Cantrell and Owens store.
“maxmeyerhar ut.
Attorney at Law.
i Office up stairs in new Court House
I in rear of Superior Court Room.
JAMES B NEVlN—Attorney at Law Ollie
Poverty Hill postoffici coraor 3rd Avenue
CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD— Attorney at law
Masonic Temple.
Rome, Ga.
REECE * DENNY— Attorney sat law. Ollie,
in Masonic Temple, Rome. Ga.
WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Cour
sellor at Law—Rome, <iu.
Ac Starling. Attorneys at Law, Masonic
" Temple, Rome, Ga. t'el>23.
W 11. SMITH, v ..uJ.
, Masonic Tern ide Rome Georg ia.
■ feb32tf
J. NEAL—M’Hem.. Nunnally & Seal-
" Attorneys-at-alLaw, office over Halt
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome G-
DH. RAMSLK— Physician and burgee
Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fourtr
“ ward.
LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon-
Otfers his ] /otessional services to thepeo
’ pie of Rome and surrounding country
Office at Cronci. and Watson’s drug store, M
Broad street.
DR. W. D. LOST—Office ate. A. Trevitt
drugstore, do. ill Broad street Telephon
Illi, residen >»■ No. 21
DR. C. F. Gl.iFFlN—Physician and Surged
—Office no r Masonic building. Residence
300 4th at .tue.
HOWARD E. FELTON—Physician and sin
geon—Office No. 6 Thirc Avenue,
At office dav and night. Telephone 62.
Frank. A. Wynn, Physician and Surgon
office at Tre-. itt & Johns in drug store
Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave,
Prompt attention given all professional call
Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invcitad.
Retells 35 cts- 2to 6 sold in every house: sample
Postage paid live cents. McMAKIN & Co.
Zs as safe and unless as a
seed poultice. 1:. aits like ap
tice, drawinef out it; ver ar d
and curing al* uiyeases pec
to ladies.
“Orange Flos: >t n” is a
file, easjly l • at any tim
applied to the j.
Every lady can treat he
Hailed to r.ny address upo
!'* • - ■ A
I'- "■ ■*•** *• * I ■> „t, ‘•44Q a. ...L» f
.’ l?Lace, Chicago.
, Sold by
; D, W. Curry, dr
@What Nerve Be
have done for 01.
they wi
f for
IST DAY. .>///. IK*
VICOR >3m y <-
MEN Easily, Quickly
and Permanently Restored, aOTI
A positive cure for all Wes „nesses. Nerve
Debility, and all their train of evils n
from early errors and later excesses: th
of overwork, nickne***. worry, etc. 1
and gives tone and strengtli to th. >ei . >r«
ganv. .Moya unnatural lom.< or n * •
•miMßlonn caused by youthful error*, i
cessive use of toban'o. opium and Ji u
which lead to romuuiption and in<> a
Their use shows immediate improvement.
no imitation. Insist upon having the g ■ «.: « •
Nerve Berries, '?•'
pocket. Price, per box. six boxes, cn o'.
{.•eatment.JS.ilO. <iu*ra,lredtorkre,'i. ■
11 uol kept by y our drnxxist we will send run
b, mail, upon receipt of price. In plain rap
per. Pamphlet free. Address all mail or rs to