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THE HUSTLE (if iiusit.
Kutcred at Ute Rome post o ce as ••nrst cuss
Becunu-class Mail Matter.
daily am silnday.
TERMS of subscriptig
0 cent week or $5 00 per annum
TFFICE: Corner Broad Street and
irrivn. bifLh Avenue.
Official organ
Os the city <>f Rome, and Foyd, the
•‘Banner county'' of Georgia.
make your application.
“The man whose busiuftps is to
interpret the Bibi-> h likely 111
make a sad mi p s of interpreting a
platform" —| Alla' ’a Journal, Ev
ns organ.]
The Southern poeple are nut ol
the Coxey stripe.
If jou in list murder any thing,why
in order the Querns Engjis’ l '-
Polk county will goto Atkinson
by a big vote—“ Mark that prediction
And now they toil u» J:bal“Gen
eral Evaus never sod it ’ -but the
Judges know. ______
We waut more Business and le £
bur comb in tiie Senate, and Lacon
is th" man.
Maxie fixing to slip his “muz
zle” again - he question is: will
he lay aryihing?
Coxey will doubtless “keep oil
of the grass’’ the next time he goet
to the Capitol.
The Evansites of Rome are beg
ins for a primal v io Polk and laugh
ing over the Bnrtow affair.
If the Constitution will Tell fair
why the people oi Teltair will ap
preciate the new departure.
Lambright’s work on the Tinies
Advertiser is as frolicsome as a lamb
and as bright as they make it.
r i hey tel us that 1 Bartow is solid
for Evant/’ and yet will not give the
wool hat boys or the farmers a chance
to vote.
Our devil says his mother—-in —
law believes in having a family cir
cle—and makes him stand round ac
The County’ Commissioners
could get pointers by consulting
with the financial editor oi the
The Tribune 1 .as grown soured
since by its own senseless actions
it has lost its former share of city
and'county official ” or’.
.Sometimes a fellow who marrits
a widow feels like wearing crape on
his hat—because of the death of the
first husband 1 u he dt nt
The Meriwether Vindicator thinks
that perhaps Gen. Evans pont pub
lishhis app > ntm uits for feavAtkin
sor‘will lui i g r at s< me of them
The executive committee of the
Max Meyerhardit Evans club pro
pos. to control the wool hat boys of
Floyd but thev will never do it.
The Czar of I’ti-sia has a passion
or hunting mushrocms, and in th?
proper season goes out with an c\.
straw hat on to eu.age in the work
Why didn’t Richmond ccun'y
nominate her represents iv ;■
tethe legislature? Seems like Rich
moud, m her hast", forgot some
Two legislatures have been over
whelmingly against the Atlanta
Soldiers Home scheme. The next
one will be ditto. “Mark that pre
Sheriff Moore should neglect his
“convict farm” long enough to ap
point the.Tnbuiie man auditor and
.financial adviser of the regiment
us Bailiff’s.
The morning “Jonah’’ says that
General Evans will carry 100
counties. Just reverse the “Jonahs”
figures and, as usual, you will get
it right,]
"Her bright ey"B haunts me
still, declared the poet. It may
h ve heeu the still that made the
youi.g man think he was hauuted,
—Augusta News.
Butow County is conceded to
General Evans because the Atkimon
people have been refused a prima
ry—otherwise there is no doubt of
its going to Mr-Atkinson.
Richmond county, in its great
haste to boost Evans forward,
held its snap meeting and —tailed
to nominate candidates for the
legislature. Richmond is a “lulu.”
We haven,t heard any of the
Evanescent boomers of Rome
claim Floyd county by “Seven to
oue*’—since last Saturday, when
the Evans land slide didn't slide
The Savnanah Tress confesses to
saipiise at the result in Baldwin
ciuuty Saturday A great man
more people were surprised, if' they
would, only own up to it. — Griffin
Why not have primaries in all
the counties? Mr. Atkinson’s
fri mds are not afraid of them.
Give the “men who controle” a
fair chance to vote and we are not
airaid of the result, —Macon Tele,
graph .
Floyd has but one candidate in the
field from out of the city, but let eveay
Homan cast a vote for him for the
farmers are entitled to representative,
You have a chance to do the other
thing, but tote fair wit lithe farmers.
Let the Tribune see to it, that leg
itlatcis aid elected who will advocate
a bll to do away with all county offi
cers mlio handle the countys monit s
and substitute in their stead, the
financial manager of the Tribune, ye
gods—what gall:
Jean Ingelow spends her winters
in.the South of France, where she
has a cottage overlooking the Medi
terranean. Her London house is in
Keiisington and stands with its crown
of ivy in the midst of a spacious gar
den, half hidden among trees.
The morning “Jonah” combin
ing all of the peculiarities of the
Atlanta "Sorehead” and Atlanta
“Illbird” organs, soured by loss of
city and county business, swearing
there is a "legislative ring,” now
comes forward and cries “Floyd
county ring.”
We dont believe that anyone
has ever charged General Evans
with neglecting his sister in her
poverty. The charge that such a
thing has been done was hatched
up by the boomers who are sorely
in need of campaign matter.
Is it democratic for democrats t
organize together to defeat a demo
crat who has always fought for the
i arty and who is being opposed by a
man who has no democratic record
since the war. aaid worse than none
before the war? the big majority’ in
Floyd say no.
The c: mpa i{.n i; i get in hiswork
in good j-liapeon Terrel | ounty’s re
turns Saturday night. He telegraph
ed that Evns’ vote was 605 and At
kinson’s 285, while tie official returns
-how that only 457 votes were cast
of which Evans got a majority of
O .-.amnia water is than,
>i' equally as good as the Etowah
water. Ihe new water works plant
is a monument to the buildder
and will be, long after the gray
airs of "old man” Lou Wagner
has gone down to rise no more.—
May it he a hundred years hence.
Old "Potty” the morning
•Jonah’’ has raised a howl about
the "Floyd county ring.” This is
doue to draw attention from the
gchemings of that Jittle ring of
politicians who under the name
of "Executive committee” of a club
that has never siuce it organized
with 24 men present, held a meet
ing now proposesto drive the wool
hat boys to thepolls and vote them i
for aniau who has no democratic
record siuce the war. Lwt the i
"Jonah” say it again. i
'I he Possum Trott Gazette has
employed a preacher on its circu
latiou So handy about taking up
a collection doncherno? Let the
Atlanta Journal now swear that
this is a reflection on Rev, C. A
While at No. 4’s Engine house
in the Fifth Ward on Fireman’s
day, some one proposed “three
cheers for Bill Atkiusou, the next
Governor of Georgia,” and they
were given with a will. The At
laut* Candidate was not “in it.”
The Harmony Grove Echo make<
this business note. - “lhe Evans.How
ell,Rich ardsou Co.. of Atlanta, deal
ers in public offices and]; Georgia spo: s
have several drummers on the road,
most of them lawyers without a job
who expect to get one if that compa
ny! an elect a man they can con
Gen . Evans carried the majority
of the counties (if Coffee is not
counted) aud the majority of the
votes Saturday. He has made the
good start predicted for him.—
Augusta Herald.
Mr Atkinson carried the majori
ty of the counties (if Richmond is
not counted) and the majority of
the votes Saturday . Hehasmaae
a much better start than hisfriends
hoped.—Macon Telegraph.
It will be funny to hear the
Republican explanations of the
election in Tie Third Ohio Con
gressional District, which gave P.
•I. Soma big majority, Dayton,
which gave McKinley for Govern
or 565 majority last fall, went
Democratic. Oth' r Redublican
strongholds gave similar returns
Thus it will be seen that even in
Ohio all the people do not believe
the Democratic party is responsi
ble for all the evils under the sun.
This will be a severe check to a
great many Republican papers and
orators, who had demonstrated
very couclusivelo to themselves at
least that the Democrats were to
blame for everything—even Coxey
aud his army.—Baltimore News.
Old “Potty'’ the “Jonah”, says
that “of the Atkinson delegates,
so far, not one was elected by pri
mary.” Well now let’s see, Elbert
and Teirell elected two delegates
each for General Evans and Bald
win elected two and Meriwether
four for Atkinson,all by primaries
while Richmond rushed into an
illegally called and unusually con
ducted mass meeting of less than
“500 persons.” and elected Evans
delegates. As to the manner of
election of delegates in Mr. Atkin
son’s other counties. Clinch and
Coffee let the “Jonah” man read
the Editorial colums of the Atlan
ta Journal. The Tribune would tell
the truth, perhaps if it knew it,
but the Tribune lacks enterprise —
its too dead to hustle around and
got the facts.
The best friends of Gen. Evaug
have uo harsh words or unkind
insinuations for Col. Atkinson. It
is not that we love Atkinson lees
ljut that we love Georgia more.—
Butler Herald.
If this statement is true the
general must have mighty
good friends, for if there was ever
a campaign fought with more un
fair insinuations, not to say bald,
faced falsehoods, than there has
been on the part of some of Gen.
Evans’supporters history does not
record it. — Macon Telegraph.
The LaGrange Graphic asks:
“Whodid Mr. Atkinson mean
by the "men who control” in his
recent circular letter? Was it the
wool bat boys who do the voting or
the little cliques who are to be
found in almost every county try
ing to control politics?”
Any man who knows anything
of Georgia politics knows that the
very men who control in this state
are the men who vote. They are
the men to whom Mr. Atkinson
referred and they are with him
from South Carolina to Alabama
aud from Tennessee to the ciast.
Watch the counties as they vote
aud you will see who are the men
who control.
The Maeon News resents the
statement that the Moon is pub
lished in Macon. The Moon is the
paper that ridicules General Evans
war record by saying its negro
pressman was thinkingof running
on h s record because he has whip
ped all the eoons around the de
pot, and also ail the old soldiers
by offering war records at reduced
The Moon is published in Mil
ledgeville, and is the champion of
Mr. Atkinson for governor .—At
lanta Journal.
Now thals a lovely kick —Just
rake up the old files oi the Con
stitution aud see how many hun
dreds of jukes Frank Stanton
has sprung on the "war record’,
aud "six dollars for voting six
times before breakfast.’ No one
in laughing over those flashes ot
Stanton’s wit ever imputed disre
spect for General Evans or any
other eld veteran, to Stanton
True, the Constitution has muz
zled him since the General enter
ed the race, running cu his war
record alone.
The Editress of the Moon is one
of Georgia’s sweetest and noblest
women aud only a partisan or a
demagogue wouid charge her with
disrespect for the old soldier —and
the paper that undertakes to cap
tuie an old veterans vote by such
a silly charge will be “set down
on” at the polls. The old soldier
i as got sense like folks—aud they
are tierd of being ridden to death
by Generals—just because they
are generals.
Mj. A. O. Bacon of Macon was
in Jasper last week. As our readers
doubtless know he is a candidate for
United States senator,to be elected
by the next general assembly. Maj.
Bacon is a very affable gentleman and
made many friends while here. —Jas-
per Herald.
For United States senator you
may past Hon. A. O. Bacons name
in your hat for future refrence— -
pharetta Free Press.
Col. A. 0. Bacon of Macon win; in
Jasper Monday of tl i * week. He is
a candidate tor United States senator
we as soon he would represent us
as any other Democrat.—Jasqer Re
If the “men who control” in
Rome will give the people a chance
Floyd county will stand in the
Evans column six votes. —Cour-
ant American,
Had the Evans partisans ot
Bartow emulated the example set
by the Executive committee o
Floyd then “the men who” control’
the wool hat boys would control
Bartow couaty and put Bartows
four votes in the Atkiusou column
along with Floyds six. The Floyu
Executive Committee was “con
troled” by Atkinson men—hence
Floyd’s democratic action. Tl e
Courant man is excusable—he
evidently dont know right from
To the voters of Floyd county,
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of representa
tive of Floyd county in the next
Legislature. My candidacy sub
ject to the action of the democratic
primary to be held on May 26th.
Moses R. Wright.
To the voters of Floyd county, 1
hereby announce myself as a can
didate tor the office of Representa
tive-!!! the next Legislature, my
candidacy subject to the action of
the Floyd county Democratic pri
mary to'be held May 26th,
C, W, Underwood.
Hustler of Rome:—Please an
nounce my name as a candidate for
the next Legislature, subject to
the action of the Democratic party
at the primary election to be held
on May 26th. Respectfully,
R. T. Fouche
Hustler of Rome :—Please an
nounce my name as a candidate
for the next Legislature, subject to
action of the Democratic party at
the primary election to be held ou
May 26th. Respectfully,
John H. Reese.
To the voters of Floyd county. I
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for re-election to the office
of representative of the county of
Floyd, subject to the action of the
coming democratic primary.
W. C. Bryau.
R< m’ si a i Lave a Spelling
Beu Wu p.t shorter College against
the Rome Lawyers. Let’s have the
Bee at the Opera House aud let
the proceeds be divided equally
between the Library fund of Shor
ter College aud the building fund
of St. Peters Church. What say
ycu Dr. Battle.
Hou W Y. Atkinson was a mem
ber of the legislature from Coweta
county from 1886 to 1894. Hon.
C. A. Evans was State senator
from Stewart eounty in 1859—60,
Here are the records tbe twomen
made, by which we impartially
judge their character as statesmen,
1 Introduced a 1 Voted to allow
bnl which was banks to suspend
passed, to makei S p ec ijj payment
the office of com-| wbßU there was
missiouer of ngri 110 panic,
culture elective
2 Introduced the
lull establishing 2 Voted to abol
ihe Georgia Nor jsh aU }awg
: mal aud Indus- a iusb u
trial Fcriool for a J
3 piped- draw 3 Voted to par
h-i pl by which dou a worthless
the state road a „ d cold b ] ood _
betterment ques dmv derer of a
tion was settled- __ an wjd wng ex
with a saving ) 0 > e cutig the law
the State of $750
4 Introduced a
bill which was 4 introduced a
passed, by which biH tQ abolish
lhe state is annu trift . b ju
ally saved sls,
000 for the in
spection of oils.
o Aided to in- 5 Voted to re
crease thecom- ppea ] al ] Jaws ap
mon school lund preprinting mon
rom $400,000 to Ay or aid by the
1 250.000 per g\ a te to educa-
annum. tioual purposes.
6 Aided to in
crease the Con
federate soldiers
and soldiers wid 6 Voted against
ows pensions allowing Confed
from $19,000 an-erate privates to
nually to $460, choose their own
000 annually. officers.
The Earth Quake in
Cardifr was caused by
the sudden decline in
prices at L-G. Todd.
Best Gr. Flour 24 tbs 5
Fat Mackerel at 8 l-3c.
ine Pickles oi every description
very cheap.
Fresh Prumes at 10 & 12 l-2c.
Fine Jellies & Preserves 10 & 15c,
Good Rice 5c
Fine 3ibs Peaches per can 14c.
Fresh Crackers 8 10 15 & 17c.
Fine Cheese 17c.
Fresh Butter 15 20 & 25c.
Call and see us and save your
money there by.
Yours for cash,
Lanham 81 Sons are
still at the old stand
236 Broad St-, selling
first class 1-2 gallon
ice Cream Freezers at
only $ 1.
A new line of men’s
Tan snoes at Kuttner’s
Shoe Store.
A"'- -- . -
■ ■■■■ . ■
= ' ■
shoe dressing
pre”iZe , . r il?» , L* a,n *, o,1 « Soft*"’ and
UdS< J/L. I P "** , * r - I* wonointcal. Mak«g
‘ louk “ ew and »>*tur*U
W. & a. R. R.
Safest and most desirable line be t we-,
Rome and
C/liuttanooga and
N aslivilie
No waiting on connections or delavori .
All trains leave on schedule time f ro „, J"’
Railroad depot, foot of Broad street n ' e
Uir-Only one block from Armstrong u
KY.- 1 ’ - "■
No change of ears, t h tou „ h
coaches on all trains be.
tween Rome and Atlanta"
Close connection in Union depots at tn -
and Cnattauog* with all trains diverging
Leave Rome, daily at 8:15 am i m
Arrive Atlanta “ i
RETURNING* - a 111
Leave At’anta, daily at ... .'s 05 a m m
Arrive Rome “ . i ‘ 111
a m 6.00 pm
For maps folders and any desired
information, call on or write
C. K. AYER, G. P. A. J A p,,,
licketAgt. A F Ayer Supertedanf’
Western &
... G. & ST. L. BAM
—TO —
St Lous
JKasas City
Al omphis
. ,„ The West.
Quick t|mc aimA estil ulpd trains csrrving
I’ullmaii Sleeping cars. For any informatioi
call ou or wriie to
General Agent, Rome Ga.
Traveling Pass. Agt. Chattanooga Tenn.
Traffic Manager Atlanta Ga.
General pass Agt Atlanta co. -
E. T- V. &. G-
“ Washington 11.16 pm I
“Knoxville 3.51 pm
Cleveland 6.50 pro
Arrive Rome 9.20 pm
Leave Rome 9.25 p m
“ Sebna 5.30 pm
“ Mobile 12.30 pm
Arrive Now Orleans 5.00 pm 1
Leave New Orleans 1 1 . 60 a 111
“ Mobile 5.00 pm
“ Selma 12.00 ”
Arrive Rome ?^ aII
“ ' leveland lO.OOaa i
• “ Knoxville MP®
“ Washington 4 '’?
Arrive Ne w York
<1 Continued true
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