Newspaper Page Text
Effervescent, too.
Exhilarating, appetizing.
Just the thing to build up the
Hires’ Rootbeer
Wholesome and strengthening,
pure blood, free from boils or
Carbuncles. General good health
SJuTts from drinking HIRES’
Rootbeer the year round.
Package makes five gallons, 25c.
As k your druggist or grocer for it.
Take no other. stamp to the Charles E. Hires
„ 7 Areh "• ’ Philadelphia, ,or beauti "
lul picture cards.
Person? who sympathize with the
afficted will rejoice with D. .E Carr
of 1235 Harrison street Kansas City.
He is an old 9ufferer from inflamma
forv rheumatism, but has not hereto
fore been troubled in this chmate.
Last winter he went up into Wiscon
sin and in consequeuce has had an
other attack.“lt came upon me again
very acute and severe,” he said.“My
joints swelled and became inflamed;
gore to touch, or almost to look at.
Upon the urgent request of my moth
er-in law I tried Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm to reduce the swelling and ease
the pain, and to my agreeable sur
prise, it did both. I have used three
fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be
the finest thing for rneumatism.pains
and swellings extant. For sale by
Lowery Bro’s Druggist.
Commencing Sunday May 13th
the Chattanooga Rome and Colum
ns R' R- will run a Sunday sched
ule ; Train leaving Cedartown early in
the'morning and returning that eve
in<» Also commencing at noon
Saturday May 12th round trip tick
ets good to return until noon Mon
day following will be sold between all
local stations onC, R. & C. R. R. at
one fare. This will enable everyone
who desires to do so to visit the
mountains near Chattanooga and to
attend church exercises at various
Yours Truly,
C. B. Wilbur .
May 7th ts Traffic Mgr.
Notice is hereby given that
Saturday May 26th. 1894 there will
be held at the City Hall iu Rome
Georgia an election for councilman
from the Second Ward of said city
to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of councilman M. G.
McDonald, By order of couusi
this May 15th. 1895.
Halstead Smith John D. Moore
Clerk of Council, Mayor
16 to. 29.
Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic
Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia
sprains, bruises, lame back, it
juickly relieves pain
“Orange Blossom.” the Common
Sense Female Remedy, draws out
pain and soreness . Sold by Ham
sold by D. W. Curry,
I have opened up a first-class
meat, vegetable and fruit market,
next to the Arlington hotel, where
I will keep at all times, a full and
complete line of the beat of meats,
including beef, pork, mutton, sau
sage etc.
Knowing that East Rome in
cludes the best class of citizens,
has prompted me to open up iu
their midst, and I ask for a share
of their patronage. Prompt deliv
ery at all hours.
J. W. Thompson.
Try Turnley’s In
tel able Liniment ■ [for
Hheumatism ixeural-
Sprairs, Cuts,
cruises, and Pains in
any part of the body or
drnbs, for sale by P. L.
urnley, druggist,
One $ 1 O -00 worsted
fcH'o equal to any
Jlo.OO suit in Rome,
eethem at Gammon’s
„.F ,n e Virginia Natur
al leaf tobacco 15cts.
Per pound, at P. L.
Turnleys & Co'.Central
Hotel Block.
blish ueckwe ar, ;i 1 lir we
r spring,vear, at (ummcns. t
Between Rome and Pinsons
’ ore > 32 caliber Smith &
eeson pistol. Reasonable re
"ar<i to finder upon leaving same
Wl ‘ h J- B.Y. at this office,
518 4t.
W. & A. R. R.
Safest and most desirable line between
Rome and
Chattanooga and
N ashville
N'» waiting on connexions or delayed trains
All trains leave on schedule time from Rome
Railroad depot, foot of Broad street,
one block from Armstrong Hotel
"S’ Only four blocks from'the hi w Ce
No change of cars, through
coaches on all trains be
tween Rome and Atlanta.
lose connection in Union depots at Atlanta
and Chattanoga with all trains diverging.
Leave Rome, daily at 8:15 a m 3:01 p m
Arrive Atlanta “ 12:55 a m 6:25 pin
Leave Atlanta, daily at 8 05am 3.01 pm
Arrive Rome “ 1.30 a m 6.00 p m
For maps folders and any desired
infoimdion, call on or write
C. K. AYER, G. P. A. J A Hume,
Ticket Agt. W F Ayer Sup rtedant.
For the purpose of receiv
ing the Tax returns of Floyd
County for the year 1891, I
will attend at the Militia Dis
trict Court Giounds at the
following dates:
Last Rodnd
Everett Spring Fri “25
Wattrs Mon “ 28
Etowah Tu “29
ChulioWed “30
Howels Thu “ 31
Barkers Fri “ 1
vans Valley Mon “ 4
CaveSdringTu “ 5
Foster’s Mill Wed“ 6
Livingston Thu “ 7
Rome Fri “ 8
Will be at Roms dates men
tioned, and on every Satur
day, and during the month oi
une except dates as above,
t the Court House
All urgently requested to
make their returns at the
earliest date, saving a rush at
the close. Defaulters will be
returned for Double Tax in
every District where they neg
lect to give in their Taxes.
Very respectfully,
Western &
—TO —
St. Lou s
Kasas City
The AVest.
Quick time auGVes.ibuled trains carrying
Pullman Sleeping cars. For any information
call on or write to
General Agent, Rome Ga.
Traveling Pass. Agt. Chattanooga Tenn.
Traffic Manager Atlanta Ga.
Genera pass Agt Atlanta Ga.
Continued Story
about Bon Am'
Do you wish to clean paint,
mirrors, windows, marble
or slate mantels, brass
chandeliers, brie a brae ?
Bon Ami
Mr. Childs owner of the
restaurant 285 B’way and
13 Park Row, N. Y., says:
‘I find Bon Ami gives ave-/
briiliant polish to my mirrors
and that the brilliant effect
remains it long t’.iie.”
cures Dyspepsia, In«
t’ion & Debili
Floyd Superior Court,
March Term 1894.
In gl , ) Application to ad-
C. a Allen, >• dopt an unknown
8. V. - Allen, ) chil
To any and all persons concerned. You or
either of you are hereby <o nmanded to be and
aupear at the next term oi Superr Court to be
Held on the 4th Monday i.i September 1894 to
show cause If any you can. why the application
in the above stated case should not be granted
and In default there of the same will be allow
ed witness the Honorale W. m. Henry judge of
said court this 13th day of April 1894.
Wm, E, Beysicgle,
Clerk of Superior Court
Flovd county oa.
Ketchum & Elliott) Floyd Stipe ct Mch.term
vs. ' 1894 Rule to foreclose
Marcus B. Earle 1 mortgage
It appearing to the Court by the petition of
Ketchum & Elliott that Marcus B. Earle on the
30 day of May 1893, executed and delivered to
said Ketchum & Elliott towit All my interest
in my fathers (A Earle deceased) estate, said
estate consisting of 132 acres of lot no 160. 160
acres of land lot no. (161), five acres of land lot
No. 24f.s0acres of laud lot no. 245 all of said lots
lying on and being in the 20th. District
and 3rd section of Floyd County, Ga., my inter
est be indescribed in the will es my father (A
Earle deceased) as being five hundred dollars
and one fourth (14) of the remaining property
for the purpose of securing ‘the payment of 2
promissory notes for the sum of one hundred
and eight and 52 100 dollars, made by the said
Marcusß. Earle on the 30th day of May 1893, and
payable to the said Ketchum & Elliott due Nov
20th 1893 after date, with interest at the rate of
8 per cent per annumfroni maturity and attor
ney’s fees, which said note the said Marcus B.
Earle refuses to pay.
It is therefore ordered that the said Marcus B
Earle pay into th's court, on or before the first
day of the next term thereof, the principal and
interest due on said note, and the cost of this
sui , or in default thereof the Court will pro
ceed as to justice shall appertain. And it is
further Ordered that this rule be published in
the Hustler of Rome a newspaper published in
the county of Floyd, once a month for four
months, or serve on the said Marcus B. Earle or
his special agent or attorney, three months pi e
vious to the next term of this court. March
29th 18 4.
W. M. Henry.
Ennis & Starling Judge S. C. R. C.
Petitioner's Attorney.
It appearing by return of Sheriff that defend
ant docs not reside in the county or state, it is
ordered that service be made upon said defend
ant by publication of foregoing rule and this
order in the Hustler of Rome once a month sos
four months prior to September term 1894 o
this court. This Apr. 27th 1894,
W M Henry
J Sc R o
Ga, Floyd County.
A true copy from minutes of Floyd Rn erior
court. No. 27 page 677 and No. 28 page 122. This
May 18th. 1894.
Wm E. Beysiegle
Supr, Court,
Fioyd Co. Ga,
Administrators Sale.
Rome, Ga., May 4th 1894.
Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary
of Floyd County, 1 will sell before the Court
House door in Floyd County on the first Tuesday
in June next the real est ate belonging to the
estates of Henry Berryhill and Agaie Berryhill
deceased, des ribed as follows: The estate halt
of lot >o. Bin the Cothran and Chisloms addi
tion to the city of Rome, Qa., as surveyed by
George Wadsworth, C F. frci ting on Ross Sr.,
about one hundred feet and running back a our
two Hundred feet same width, less fifteen feet
front on Northeast corner running back same
width forty-seven feet, said fifteen feet, strip
having been sold off to Harriett Hicks.
W. A. Rliudy.
Application for Letters of
Dis mission.
GEORGIA Floyd County :
Whereas M. A, Nevin, Guardian of John wy
ly Snider, represents to the court in his petition
duly tiled, that he lias administered John Wy
ly Snider’s estate. This is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and credizors, to show cause
if any they can, why said Guardian should not
be di-charged from’his Guardiannhip and re
cieve letters ofdismission on the firs- Monday
in June 1894, This May 7th 1894.
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County,Georgia.
Letters of Administration.
GEORGIA,FIoyd County:
To all whom it may concern :Ennis & starling
having in proper form applied to me for per
manent letters of ad ministration on the estate of
Jack Prior, col, late of said county. Thi. is to
cite all and singular the creditors and next of
kin of Jack Prior to be anil appear at mv
office within the time allowed by law and sh‘>w
cause, n any they can why permanent adminis
tration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis on
Jack Prior’s estate. witness my hand
and official signature this 7th. day of May
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County.
Application for Letters of Dis
misss on,
GEORGIA—FIoyd County
Whereas James W. Reeves, Trustee of
M rs . Martha E McGee, represents to the court
in his petition duly tiled, that he has adminis
tered Martha E McGee’s estate. This is to cite
all persons concerned. kindred and creditors to
show cause, if any they can, why said trustee
should not be discharged from his trusteeship
and receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in July 1894. This April 2nd, 1894
John P Davis
Ordina-y F’oyd Co, Ga
Application for Letters of
GEORGIA,— Floyd County:
Whereas Mrs. R. A. P. White Exectrix, o
Nancy Prentice dec’d, represent to the cour
in her petition duly filed, that she has adminis
tered Nancy Prentice's estate. This is to cite
all ersons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they can, why said Execu
trix should not be discharged from her admin
istration ai.d receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in June 1894, This March sth.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia
Letters of Administration.
Georgia, floyd County :
To all whom it may concern :—W II Coker hav
ing in proper form applied to me for penna i t
letters of administration on the esta'e of Man
E Towns, late of said county. This is to cite a 1
and singular the creditors and next of kin < f
Mary Towns to be and appear at my office with
in the time allowed by law and show cause, it
any they can, why perm inent administration
should hot be granted to the County liimr. or
some other fit aud puoper person ou Mary w-
Town’s estate. Witness my hand and official
signature this 7th day of M-'Y 18,14
John P, Davis
Oruinarv Floyd County
Application for Letters ol
Georgia—Floyd County:
Whereas E L Bosworth, administrator of
Jas T Vandiver dec’d, representsto the c nirt in
his petition duly tiled, that he lias administered
James T Vandiver’s estate. Ibis is to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
sh w cause, if any they cm, why said adminis
trator should not lie discharged from his admin
istration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in Aug. 1894 This May 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia
Indigestion, and Stomach disorders, take
All dealers keep it, SI per bottle. Genuine nal
(ndo -mark aud crowed red lines on wrapper
Sheriff Sales For June
Will be sold before the court house door in
city of Rome Floyd comity oa. between
legal hours of saloon the Ist Tuesday in June
1894 thefollowing discribed property to wit-
One undivided halt int rstest in part of loi
N0.(295). 24t.h district and 3rd Section Floyd Qo,
Ga, Adjoining lands of Mark Taylor, near Shan
non Station on the E. T. V.<S> G, R. R. about
seven miles north of Rome, containing 40 acres
more or less, andon west side of said Lot
and of equal width across Also one undivided
half interest in City lot, iu the city of Rome, on
what is known Sevier heir lot, being lot No 9
fronting on Se-ier St, of survey made t>y Hines
M Smith, fronting 77 I 2 feet by 251 feet back
towards righ. of way of Rome Railroad. The
abo.e 46 acres, train above reierred to is now
occupied by Mark lay lor as tenant. Lived on
by virtue of a mortgage tlta issued from the
Floyu Superior court io favor es The Southern
Hansing and Trust Co., Transferees, vs Joli
C Printup as the property of the defendant.
Also at the same time and place, East half ol
lot No. 26 ill the 22nd, District and 3rd, Section
of pioyd county »,a. levied on by virure of a ti
fa issued fiom the Floyd City < i.urt in favor ol
IhomaS Philpot vs, M. J. Bobo and William
Richardson, As the porperty of the Defendant.
Also at the same and place all that tract oi
parcel of land situated, lying and being In the
23rd District and 3rd Section of Floyd Co.
containing one fourth of an acre off of lot efi
land No. 283 in said district and sect.on bound 1
ed on North by properly ■ f Celia Young. East
by Line Street, South liy the properly of fliom
as Rawls, west by nlulf street, Levied iby vir
tue .fart fa issue from the Just ce Court til t ■>< I
919th Dist. i’r. M. in favoi of S; F. Cr tie vs
Jim Rawie and Ellin Rawls as the property
<d Jim Rawls one oi the Delts. Levy made u\
W. P. McLeod L. C..
Also at the same time ano place, all tliattia; 1
or parcel of land lying and being in the qoh ,i
--naulr division of the city of Rome Ga. know oa
the plan of said city as lots Numbers 56 and u.’>
id said division being the place on which the
said w W. Seay re ide i on 31st day of D tcem
ber ibß9 and formerly known as ihe Vliet prop
erty, Levied on by virtue of a ti fa issued from
the Floyd Superior Court in favor of Koine Fire
Insurance Co. vs. W W Seay as the property
of the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, a parcel of
land situated in that part of Floyd Coanty Ga.,
known as‘-New Rome ’ eing part of land lot
No 357 in the .3rd, District and 3rd section ot
said County, aud described as follows : Begin
ning at the’ intersection and Southwest coiner ,
ot Tennessee Avenue and Seventh street, aud '
ruuning along said Tennessee Avenue Souih, j
deg, 45 min, west a distance of 226 feel,
thence due w est 152 feet, thence South 5 deg, ,
West 202 feet, thence South 84 deg, 30 min West
86 feet, thence South 3 deg west 237 feet,,
thence North 82 deg, 30 mm, West 70 Get I
thence South 5 dag, 3 mm, West 786 feet, thence 1
West 1 deg, South 660 feet thence North 26 deg,
3 i min, East, 1782 feet, with the line of the Fur
uace Companies property, to a white oak tree
thence South 6 deg,4o min East, 340 feet along
Seventh Street to the beginning corner con
taining 17 acres more or less. Also that part oi
la id in lot No. 357 described as follows: Be
ginning at a point 950 feet due Soutli from the
Northeast corner of lot No. 357, thence running
due South along the land line between lot No.
357 and fto. 356. a distance ot 1,100 feet, thenco
due W st a dist nice of 1,000 feet to Tennessee
Avenue, thence along said Avenue North 6 deg, 1
45mm, East a distance of 810 feet to Holders’
corner, thence South 83 deg 15 min East 159 1-2
feet to als teec ally, thence along said ally
oi 16deg, 45 min, East, a distance of 250 feet.
• ar Street, thence along said street N’orjh
.4 .15, a distance of 270 feet, thence
r h 75 deg, East, a destance of 570 leet to tue
beginning corner containing 22 l-2acres more or
less reserved in this parcel of land is the right
of way of the C. R. &C. h. R. siding to Fur
mice ami the right of way to the Rome St. R. It
running across one corner, Levied ou by virtue
of a mortgage fi-fa issued fr mi the Floyd Su
perior Court in favor of J. King vs. New Rome
Land Co., as the property of the defendant,
Also at the same time aud place, the depot
building aud ground upon which it is located,
the same being known as the Rome R. R. de
pot, property in the city ot Rome, Ga., aud ly
ing and being between Ist Avenue in said city
and the Etowah River and near the foot of
Broad street, the building on s„i i land being a
two story unck building and ware house ad
joining. Levied on by virtue of a ti-fa issued
irom the Floyu Superior Court m f-vor oi Mrs
Hattie Barnett vs Th Rome Rail Road Co.,
as principal, and John H. Reynolds and W. w
Brooks as Securities on Supersedeas Bond, as
the property of the Rome R. R, Co., property
pointed out by IV. W. Brooks.
Also at the s mie time and place. No. 39 Doc
tor’s phaeton, having one iich st. el axels, pat
ent wheels, No. 7 filings, shafts, full leather top
leather dash beard with silver plated rem rail,
lamps on dash, fender trimtved in green leather
and gear painted dark green, same as described
in tlie within ti-fa. Levied on by virtue of a
mortgage ti-fa issued from the Floyd City
Court in favor of tin-. Milburn Mgf. Company
vs c, Hamilton, As the property of the defend'
.also at the same time and place, one house
and lot ad joining the town of East Rome said
lot fronting 55 feet on Spring ( reek road and
running back 155 feet to property of Qrocketi
Campbell, bounded on the East by property of
Eliza Turner,and on the West by Sarah Horton,
deed undeivided one half interert. Levied on by
vir ueof ati fa issued by John J. Black, Tax
Collector in laror of State and Co. vs. Mahala
and Lucy McCain as the property of the defend
ant. I
Also at the same time and place, Robert D.
Dowell’s dis ribu ive share in the following de
scribed lands, devised to tenant for lite, viz.lot
ot land N.i, 2 >7 in :2nd District and 3rd Section
in Floyd County Ga., containing 160 acres more
or less au<. ,i.a . i art of lo.of laud No. 248 on
the East side of Spring Creek, exce iting that
part below the grist, and saw mill on the East
side ot Spring Creek, containing 129 acre
more or less, said lands more fully described in
deed from J. J. Cohen to George W, Dowell
and recorded in Book W. Bage69 record of
deed in Clerks office Superior Court of Floyd
County, Ga , Levied on by virture of an at
tachment issued from the Floyd Justice Court
of the 919th District G, M m favor of J. A.
"'’ ■vsb. I’, Dowell. Levy made by H. Beard
L. C.
Also at the same time and place, part of land
lot number two huudre i and eight(29B), the
same being a portioi. of the thirty ihree acres
sold by J. A. Stansberry to Ledbetter, Ragan
aud others and k ow > by them as Fairview
property, a map of which is of record in the of
fice of the Clerk of the Superior court, Floyd
county Georgia, Book “K. K” of deeds, page
186, the property here advertised being accord
ing to said map. Lots no. seven eight and nine
(7,8 & 9,) each fronting fifty feet on Rliudy St.
and running back same width in Northeasterly
direct on. one hundred and fif
ty feetj to an ally and lots numbers fifty
.our tifty five (55) fifty six (56)fifty seven
(57) and fifty eight (58) ea?h fronting tifty feet
ou Stanberry Street and running back san.e
width in a South wesrernly direction one hun
dred and fifty feet to an alley, and lots number
one hundred and twenty two (122) and one hun
died and twenty three (123) each fronting tifty
feet on Stansberry Street, and running back m
a Northwesterly direction, same widih one
hundred ami tifty feet 'o an alley all of said par
cels of land being in the 23rd. District and 3rd
Sect, of FV yd county Georgia, andLevid on by
virtue of a justice court ti fa in favor of cash
er merchants National Bank. vs. J F Dupree as
the property of the Defendant.
J-keC. Moore, Sbiiiuf
Mrs. Ida V.i diver having applied for Gnr
dianship of the persons and property of Linto.i
Mi chell Vandiver and Janies Thomas Vandiver,
minor children of James T. Vandiver late of
said County, decease l, notice is given that sain
application will be heard at my office at 10
o’clock a tn., on first Monday iu M a Y next.
This April sth. 1894.
John P Davis
Ordinary and ex officio Clerk C O
Ctrition-Leave To Sell.
Georgia, Floyd County •
To all whom it injy concern : M. H- Ennis
administrator of Wm v Timins deceased has in
me form applied to the undersigned for
leave to sell the lands and personal Property
belonging to t he estate of said deceased, and said
application will be heard on thftllrsr Monday in
June next. Tills 7th day of Mayß94.
JohnP. Davis Ordinary
Citation—Leave to Sell,
To all whom it may concern : Anderson Thom
son Guardian of Samuel Thompson and
Lucretia Thompson, minors has in due
form applied to the undesigned for
leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of
said minors, and said application will be
heard on the first Monday in June next. This
7th. day of May 1894.
(..■ John P Davis«BOrdinary.
I*. M. GOMEZ Proprietor.
O'Neill Manufacturing Company,
The Oostanaula Steamboat and
Trading Company
That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regula trips to
Carters, every week,
Ship what you can by us, Give
us your orders for all Kinds of
Country produce
Chickens. Eggs. Corn. Hay. Peas Batter. Bacon, Fruits.
Dried, Wheat, and all Products ofthe Country
Geo W. Trammell,
F. B. Holbrook,
We .Mean -Business Call and Get Our Rrices
Before Buying, \V e are Selling
Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding,
.Ballusters and Rrackets
At Bddtcm Rriccs
‘-- y ■ J • « ./•. v ,'crtul
5 h Kir iUtb ud tocureud nerv-iujri; <<i ; s.mic i «e, <-f f rt.i’j
(■*» ‘'c.'idacbe, VVakct ulnc.—, i.otit sianh(>od, t ..;p-D JSenoufc-
- \j A** J’.< - onll drains and los.if power in i.iinerativ< Otg-iis <>£ 4 tuer sex can ert
Nj by over exertion, youthiui errors, exccsbivo u of ■>, Ltui or ttitu-
3 ulants, which lead t<; Inlirmity, Consumption or Insanby Cf.’.i t ‘ carried in
A ;ATO R. pockej. ISI per box,« for BRS, by mail preuahi. With a order we
Si ve a written Kuaranteeto cure or refund the m«»nev. Sold by all
-ts. n-L d. r eIP I Write forlreoMedi .
Ai’AtK lsiau. ia p.uin wrapper. Aadress KEJttVBBJEEI> CO., MusoalcTemple CHICAGO
sale in Homo, by BRADFORD DRUG C<>- Druciasts.
J A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oßl-2 Broad atree>
over Cantrell and Owens stere.
Attorney at Law.
Office up stairs in new Court House
i i rear of Superior Court Room,
JAMES B NEVlN—Attorney at Law Offic
Poverty Hill postottijj coruor 3rd. Avenue
CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD—Attorney at law
Masonic Temple,
Rome, Ga.
REECF. & DENNY—Attorneys at law. Office
in Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga.
WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Coun
sei lor at Law—Rome, Ga.
& Starling. Attorneys at Law, Masonic
" Temple, Rome, Ga. feb23.
WH. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Office in
Masonic Tomnle Rome Georgia.
* feb32tf
J. NEAL—M’Heniy, Nunnallv & Neai-
* Attorneys-at-at Law, office over Half
Davidson Hardware Cm, I’.r .o' street, Rome, Ga
DM. RAMSLR —Physician and Sur geo" -
Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fourte
" ward.
LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon-
Offers his professional services to the peo
’ pie of Rome and surrounding country
Office at Cronch and Watson’s drug store, 20
Broad street.
DR. W. D. HOYT—Office at C. A. Trevitt
drug store, 33lBroad street. Telephon
110. residen >9. No. 21
DR. C. F. Gs .FFIN— Physician and Surgeon
—Office ne » Masonic building. Residence
300 4th av aue.
HOWARD E. FELTON—Physician and sru
geon—Office No. 6 Thirc Avenue,
At office dav and night. Telephone 62.
Frank. A- Wynn, Physician and Surgon
office at Trei itt Johns in drug store
Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave,
Prompt attention given all professional call
Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invet tad.
Retails 35 cts. 2to 6 sold m every house: sans pls
Postage paid five cents. Me MA KIN & Co.
. La tJOUdaA t.> |
15? SHOE ao'VWfe.
0< you wea. - them? When next In need try » nit> .fl
Beat in She world.
M.OOM V 2.50
§3.50 W t«2.00
* -a M <t*i FOR LADIE * i I
$2.00 OHw?? »
If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, mada In the
styles, don't pay $6 to SB, try my $3, $3.50, $4.0 *. • . |
15 Shoe, They ot equal to custom made and look \
wear as well. If you wish to economize In yourfoo’W'A .
■Io so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes, HcT. *' ''l
rice stamped on tS bottom, look for I*, whan yon my 4B
V.>■., POI'GI.AS. Itratkton. Mass. ScUnp jpß
F>r sale by'Cantrell^£'"oW“Q
tWhat Nerve Berries i 1
have done for others |||
they will do |!
for you. {’ll
t W I
IST DAY. 'fcr
OF 15TH DAY. < z Ax, ||K
MEN Easily, Quickly
and Permanently Restored, both day
A positive cure for all Wea Nervousnos , |
Debility, and all their train of evils resultin
from early errors and later excesses; the resu t
of overwork. Mick worry, etc. Develop
and gives tone and Mtrengih to th J sexual or ♦ •*>
Kan*. Stops iinnahiral lohs.-k or niuhll' 'fl
einiwMionN caused by .voutl'.iul errors or e? £
cessive use of tobacco, opium and rfiquor 'f
which lead to consumption and insanity j|%K
1 heir use shows immediate improvement. Accep
no imitation. Insist upon having the genuine I |3si
Nerve Berries, 1
pocket. Price, SI.OO per box. six boxes, one ful .• r
treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure any ca »e 11
cf not kept by your druggist we will send them '4L
by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrap
per. Pamphlet free. Address all mail orders to
'AN HLDK tL CO., Cincinnati O. ■ '
For sale by Crouch & S
Offers unequaled advantages to young men desiring aS v | > .
Bess education or ShcMhand. Course thorough ano 'l*. “i..
Voenses low. Free car fibre co Rome Circulars f> »e.
J. G. HARMISON. President. ae* ..