Newspaper Page Text
Yesterday was a big day out a
Turner’s Chapple. It was the oc
casion of the closing exercises 01
Professor Charles IL EL.fief *
High School, a id a I. hurnbei
of patrons of the school and friend*
of the popular youig iuetructoi
were present to enjoy the following
well rendered propame:
Song of Welcome by School
Prayer by W. H. Mathis.
’ Welcome Address by R. P. Mo
Ist. Johnny Morrison, Subject
3rd. George Ma his,
To ich not the wine-glass
4‘h. Jimmy Byars,
The temperance boy.
sth. Alice Turner.
What the choir sang about the new bonnet.
Music by Misses. Cora and Sally Fovell.
Ist. M;att 1 incher,
Subject. A quarrel.
2nd. Mamie Byars.
City or country.
31 d. Paul Morrison,
The little dog under the wagon.
: 4th. olay FincherJ
The grumbler*
C sth Bessie Byars.
Litt e Bessie.
Music by Misses cora and Sally Powers.
[ Ist. Fred Fowler,
g Subject. Young Soldiers.
2nd. Lois Lloyd, |
miss Simmon’s new bennet.
3rd. Hardin Byars,
John’s Pumpkin,
4tb. Nora Miller,
A Pansy Dream. I
sth. Clyde Turner,
Regnlns to the Carthaginian.
Music by Misses, cora and Bally Powell,
Ist. Marion Byars •
I (Babject. Things that Ido not like to see.
2nd. cora Fincher, |
|I must not tease my mother.
I 3rd. Thomas Fincher,
Boys Rights.
4th. Wil! Fincher.
sth. Smiley Fincher,
De sperience ob de reb 'rend Onacko Strong
Music by Misses cora and Sally Powell.
Ist. Lincoln Merrison
Subject. Jap Miller.
2«d. Florence Byars,'
3rd. Thomas Fincher,
let. Reading of average’s of
students studies.
2nd. Awarding of prizes, by
Chas H. Shiflett
Ist. prize awarded to Lincoln
2nd. “ Clyde Turner.
4 other prizes awarded as follows:
Ist. for best spelling, awarded
to Miss Alice Turner.
2nd. for next best spelling
awarded to Miss Nora E. Miller.
3rd . for best average, in prima
ry studies prize awarded to Mas
ter Geo. Mathis.
4th. for next best average in
primary studies, prize to Master
Paul Morrison.
For best scholarship, priz>
awarded to Mr, Lincoln Morrison
Address by Rev, J. \V. Tittle.
Capt L. M. Turner and 11. B. Mor
rison. Closed by the song
conducted by E. L. Pollock and
# where flesh is xeemd,
h A
bring back health and vigor. For pale, puny,
■crofulous children, it does wonders. It
builds up both their flwh and their strength,
thoroughly purifies the blood, and makes
effective every natural nu-ans of cleansing
repairing, and nourishing the system.
It starts the torpid liver into healthy ac
tion and promotes all the bodily functions.
For the most stubltom Scrofulous, Skin,
and Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia, Biliousness,
and kindred ailments, the “Discovery” is
the only remedy that’s guaranteed. If it
doesn’t benefit or cure, you have your mouej
back. _
There will be a mass noeetii p o
the peoples party at the court houie
in Rome on Saturday June 2nd,nt
11 o’deck tor the purpose of noina
ting candidates to re [ r sent Floyd
county in tie mxt 1 <gifl?lui» .A
persons white and colored h o are
desirious f reform in national, State
and county plitics are invited to be
present and participate in the selec
tection of candidates.
By order of Executive . committee
peoples party.
Clothing of ail kinds, made to
order. Splendid line of sample?
ready for inspection.
W. M, Gammon & Co. ts.
Dr. L. P. Hammond
has removed his office
to The Medical Build
ing, corner Broad
■Street and 3rd Avenue
J. T. Crouch &
Cos., drug store.
5 8 2w.
; as safe and >?miless as a na>
2ed poultice. 1.. acts like a ponL
ce, drawing out it ver ar* d pair,
id curing al’ diseases peculiar
i ladies.
“Orange Bios* >n” is a pas
le, easily used at any time; .’
applied right to the parts
’’very lady can treat hcrseL
ith it.
Mailed to any address upon re
;iptofsi. Dr. J, A. McGill & Co.
Panorama Place, Chicago, IE.
Sold by
D. W. Curry, druggis.
Thisis b policy combining a 20
year endowment policy with a 2b
payment life policy, for half the
amount ot the endowment, and is
case of death withen the first year
from any pulmonary disease but
one half the insurance (i. e., one
quarter of the endowment) will be
For insurance: a combination
policy may be taken cut for $250
endowment, maturing in 20 years
and its terms will nrovide that il
death occur while the policv is in
‘oree within the 20 years $125 will
bn paid; if the insured survive 20
years, he will receive $250 in cash
and still hold his policy as au or
dinary paid up life policy for
$125, payable at death without
any futber payment of premium
The premium is the same fur ali
ages; but applications will not be
rceived upon lives legs than 13 or
more than 50 next birthday, ts.
We are sole agents for
Celebrated Candies,
Have you
Tried our
Cherry Phosphate,
Pine Apple Cream,
Orange Phosphate,
Concord Grape, .
Blood Orange,
or Strawberry Gem,
These are only a few
of the mbny delicious
drinks and refresh
ments that we serve.
We use only pure fruit
juices in our syrups—
The prettiest fount in
J. T< Crouch Go.
Druggists, M e d ic a I
Buildir Rome Ga,
MMTTimrfl —I ru ,j—I tur i
Our better halves say they could
no. keep house without Chamber
lain's Cough remedy. It is used in
more tlim half the homes in Leeds.
Sims Bros., Leeds, lowa. Tnis shows
the esteem itwlnch that remedy is
held where has been sold for years
and is well known. Mothers have
learned that there is nothing so good
or colds, croup and whooping coueh,
hat. it cures these ailments quickly
ami permanently. and is pleas
ant an I safe for children to take. 25
and 50 cent bottles for ►'»' ' -»>v-
rv Bros. Druggist.
The faiends and patrons of
the late firm of Crouch &
Watson are respectfully in
formed that any prescription
or special formula filled by
the old firm can be refilled by
the undersigned. We invite
our frien ’s and the public
generally to boar this in mind
as our high standard of merit
both as to drugs used and
’the prescripti'mists copond
ing them will always be main
tained, Thanking the pub
lic for the liberate patronage
so generously bestow d upon
us we hold ourselves at all
tmis in readiness to continue
to serve our friends.
J T. Crouch & Co,
and the system’s
weakened, you
should take Dr
Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discov
k ery. After “the
I Grip,” for in- I
I stance, or in con-
1 valescence from
pneumonia, fe
vers, and other
wasting diseases,
nothing can
a e<»ial it as an ap
\ petizing, restora-
tonic tc
v .........
Genuine large red
onion buttons can be
found only at P. L-
Turnleys & Cj Central
Hotel Block.
Nice new lot of sail
ors in Milan straws for
ladies and children A.
O. Garrard.
Frank Taylor’s Broad street
Barber Shop is the place of places
when ycu want your cheek made
clean, your chin curried or your
hair slicked up according to Hoyle
Frank has only skilled artists,
among them th t old reliable
knight of the razor. Lewis Barrett.
A la<'y at Toolys.La., was very sick
with billious colic when M C. Tisler
a pominent merchant of the town
gave her a bottle of Chamberlain’s
Colic, Ch Hera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy. He says sie was w > fort,
miutes after taking the first dose.
For sale by Lowry Bro’s Druggist.
New Arrival of Nab
by Pattern hats just
received at popular
prices. A. O, Ganard.
“Orange Blossom’, is a painless
.cure for all diseases to women, old
esh by D. W. Curry Druggist
Big bagrains in Ox
ford ties and shoes at
A,B. McArver & Co-
Lanham & Sons are
still at the old stand
236 Broad St-, selling
first class 1-2 gallon
’ce C” r am Freezers at
only $ 1.
See our $7.50 all
wool worth $ 1 5-O.
W- M. Gammon &. Co.
500 mens fine suits
fresh bought at one
naif the cost to make
will be closed out re
gardless of value. W.
M. Gammon & Co.
At the request of a number of
citizens Mr. D. B. Hamilton Jr.
ha* consented to allow his name
to be submitted to the voters fpr
election as councilman from the
Second Ward. Those who know’
Blunt, know him to be an earnest
intelligent gentlemen, active in
his work, but conservative in his
vßws upon public matters.
Black and fancy wors
ted suits, imported
goods, only SIO.OO at
Go to A- B. McArver
& Co., to get your Ox
ford ties and shoes at
a bargain.
Letters of Administration.
To all whom it may concern :—Wm. J. Gordon
hiving in proper form applied to me for perma
neat letters of administratioMde bonis non with
V ill annexed on the esi ate of William T. Gor
don. late of said county. This is to cite
all and singu ar the creditors ana next of kin of
Win. T. Gordon to be and appear at my office
within thetimeallowed bv law and show cause if
they can, why permanent administration de bo
ms non with wil annexed, should not be grant
ed t ' Win T Gordon on Wm T Gordon's estate
Witness my hand and official signature this 17h
cay of May 1894.
John P. Davis,
Qrdin .ry Floyd ( ounty
If you need anything in shoos it
will be to your interest to give me a
call before buying.
I have I ought the entire stock of
Boots auc Shoes from R. T. Con
! iialiy and will sell tnem out at about
half of their former prices. Mens S7OO
patent leather shoes for S4OO, big
line of ladies, misses and children
slippners at a great reduction. Call
and see (hem.
J. T. Dugger
216 Broad St. Successor to
i R. T Connally.
’.FORf ~CTsI
i p
In Post.'. .. ftcncl ®
, A Siunpte S-.r.j j-Sokc. es either A
’ WHITE, K K.s;k 1
-<r— i
i it I. i
? Ton have seen it adv?’- 1 ,? t for manv (■
■, nur, na. j you . \ . lefiit?—lf /
not —you do not know '. ... an Ideal ft
t »i;>p!exltm Powder i /
t; x r’.MUßan.r v-jw&wsHKi•' ’--jwana KT
■ besides being an neknowlodgod beautiflor, A
has many reire: bing uses. I > prevents chaf- kJ
| / inif.sun*burn, wiud-tnn Jessens perspiration, \
j etc., m ittctit Is.•» mostdehcateanddesiniblo ■
I'otectiou to the face during hot weather. 7
1 It In S«ii«l Everywhere! p
x For sample, address Z
\J. A. POZZCNI CO. St. Louis, Nlo.fc
Having purchased the entire
stock of Furniture from Messrs.
Hanks & Roberts, and. consoli
dated it with my already large
stock I am now
And am ready to supply your
with anything and everything
Business is business, and if you
can secure furniture now, that
you will buy ] ater on at regular nri
ces and save from twenty to fifty
per cent, why
I respectfully direct your attention to the great
bargains that you know 1 must have secured
in the
Tney are crowding my floors and must be moved
and 1 am going to move them and move them at
once. The first who ccme to lend me a helping
hand will pull in the cash,
TCinkaid Corner .‘Broad St