Newspaper Page Text
PEOPLE want to know.
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
The Atlanta Constitution of Sunday
contains a letter from W B. Lowe,
j r „ and Capt. W. A. Starnes, les
see of convicts, denying that they
have contributed to the campaign
fund. But the pubho gets from
neither card the information wanted.
It is a fact that a man by the nan e
of Starnes, penitentiary transfer
guard, is traveling over Georgia with
tncney in the interest of Gen. Evans,
jhu ii not denied by W. B. Lowe
• «• hv Capt. W. A. Starneb’i
jrv* . """•nes was in Hall,
This traveling bu**- . -
'Telfair, Dodge, Baldwin and other
counties- Atlanta banks order bis
drafts honored. He has a power be
hind him. j
It has been in the pap ers that Tow
Felder and Frank Bice both adop
ted sending him to Telfair. *ow *hat
tfe public wants to know is whois
ending out the* Starne i”who is doing
the “boodle act?” Is he an employ®
of the lessees or of the state > H e
is an employe of the state w y oe ®
not GovemorNorthen discharge him.
If he is not in the service of the
state, but an employe of W.B. Lowe,
Capt. WAG Starnes and othprs » or
rfssees, they should not complain
if the puUic considers them taking
a hand in the fight.
The Atkinson papers have for
weeks called attention to Starnes,
the transfer guard, and to F rank
O’Bryan. These men still keep at
their work, O’Bryan sent a dis
patch to the Journal how he “fixed ’
Echols. Not a word of protest from
W. B. Lowe, W, A, Starnes, Gen,
Evans or anyone else except At
kinson men.
Thepubiic is glad to know that
W. B. Lowe, Jr., and Capt. Starnes
1 f 1 • __ I 11- « .-K d
deny furnishing auy boodle, and
would be glad to know the whole
story about the man ‘‘Starnes” the
transfer guard who travels and
works the “boodle act” in the
counties for somebody. If not em
ployed by the lessees, is he doing,
this campaign service as an em
ploye of the state? Let it all come
'out—who pays Frank O’Bryan and
who pays Starnes? Let it all out.
The public wants the truth. Let it
come. Enquirer.
Macon, June 4, 1894.
Miss Maud Knox returned to
her home in this city on’yesterday
after a well spent year at Young
Harris College.
Jhe Sunday School of the 4th,
'lard and West Rome will Pic-nic
at Silver Creek Thursday, those
not conected with the schools who
want to go can do so by paying
50y for the round trip.
Newton, June 3rd..—lt is currently
reported that whitecaps went to the
home of Mr. B. J. Russell one night
a>st week and lired a dozen time into
t e house, Some of the balls going
ihiuught the weather boarding and
ailing down near the beds where the
amily were sleeping. No clue to the
guilty parties,
Lordele, June 4.—Politics grows
lUule exciting. Several Evans men
' p ay they will not support At
-lURou if lg nominated. Os
course their self respect will keep
eiu out of a nomination, the re
, 01 v 'hichthey refuse to abide,
nison wilt carry this county
Bacon is DiJoly’s choice for the
, t 'rdele i 8 ou another building
’ H1 > a number of new houses
erected in the next few
sale . very cheap:
Hftv Y? JUbt received
sa / /o thousand well
and heart shangles
trad^ f ? r them to the
tire. at aver Y lowfig-
J 4 ts Bass Bros. & Co,
T— r - 11
A 1 I
He made up big mi nd he ht
to marry, and then started out on
a still hunt for a good, sensible
girl for a wife.
He saw a young lady in a crow
ed street car who was not occu.’
ing two seats, and he thon_
“This is promising. I’ll fc eP
eye on her.”
111 AK
/ Hemet a young l a H ™ *
street who wore a gow d d
not trail in the ft ’ Rnd .
thought; ‘fShe’sw w 11 ' 1 watc^‘nß
- has som* nar'*
w ,ntroduced to a young
lady •” ft W#B uo * over ‘
messed, and yet who wore a waist
that was visible to the naked eye,
and he thought: “Taste, modesty
and sense. That’s a good combina
He sat behind a young lady in a
theater who took off her hat and
let him get a glimpse of the stage,
and he thought: “Consideration
for others is a great point. I must
find out who she is,’’
He stood behind a young lady
in a dry goods store who did not
paw over everything in sight and
keep one clerk busy for an hour,
that he might buy a spool of
thread, and he thought: “She
must really be a treasure.”
He was accidentally pushed
against a young lady in a crowded
corridor, who did not stare at him
and mutter, “‘awkward brute,’’
when he apologized. and be
thougt: “There’s a gem.”
He noticed a young lady at a
J '■“ C «/
a street corner in the business
part of the city waiting for a car,
and he could hardly believe his
eyes. He boarded the same car and
followed her home.
Three days later, after he had se
cured an introduction, he said :
“A few days ago I saw you at a
crowded street aorner waiting for
a car.”
•‘Yes,” she said, in some sur
•‘You stood at one side of the
crossing where you would not be
in the way of the people who
wished to cross the street.’
“I always do that,” she said.
“Queen of your sex!” He ex
claimed, impetuously. “Beacon
light in the darkness of womans
ways! Shining star of progress to
of tha I
ward a better conception or ine >
courtesies of city life! W ill you be 1
The answer is of no particular
consequence in this tale. She could .
have him if she wished, and that
ia the main point it is intended to
bring out, —New Y irk Advertiser.
The friends and patrons or
the late firm of Crouch &
Watson are respectfully in
formed that any prescription
or special formula filled by
the old firm can be refilled by
the undersigned, We invite
Our friends and the public
- . 1 • • • ?
o-enerally to bear this in mind
as oar high standard of merit
both as to drugs used and
the prescriptionists compond,-
ing them will always be main
tained. Thanking the pub
lic for the liberal patronage
so generously bestowed upon
us we hold ourselves at all
times in readiness to continue
to serve our friends.
J T. Crouch & Co
Sometime ago I was troubled with
an attack of rheumatism. I used
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and was
completely cured. I have since ad
vised many of my friends and custo
mers to try the remedy and all speak
highiiy of it. Simon Goldbaum, San
Luis Key j Cal. For sale by Lowery
'[Bros. Druggist
THEh ustl
1 uai Lb 1 j
"■-f-j — FOLKS,
a till noon I watch for thee
_ ~ the hours seem so drear,
c you do not come to me
once you came my life te cheer.
j L. a w. ttnnn frill 4»Vft 1 XS ftit
.d then from noon till eve i w
The hours long as cen’tries seem,
At night alone beside the gate
I watch for thee when bright stars g ea
A hundred footsteps far and near
Fall on the pavement o'er and o er,
But all in vain I list to hear
The one dear step that sought my door.
When cold the night and bleak the rain.
With heart ami lips and voice all dumb,
1 press my face against the pane
And wonder why you do not come.
Ah, do not from me longer stay,
Come back if you be near or far;
Then will my Winter turn to May
And roses bloom where ashes are.
—Boston Globe.
All Europe has smiled
goiitly extravagant wel
come with which Prince Ferdin
and of Bulgaria and his subjects
received the wee bit of humanity
which arrived at Sofia last week,
The royal younster must think
this world an awful bumbug. Be
fore he had a chance to enjoy his
first meal he was frightened half
to death by the firing of 101 can
non under his window.
He had hard 7 donned his swad
dling clothes before he was con
dermned to be “Bearer of the collar
of the order of St. Alexander.”
The poor child would have howl
ed in protest, but the royal decree
informed him that as the c nef
of three regiments of infantry,
cavalry and artillery to such weak
ness would be tolerated. Some
ordinary infant indulgences might
be permitted him as prince and
duke but as a full fledged “knight
of the first and fourth class mili
tary order of valor” he must pre
serve the stern degnity of his rank.
It has been a hard week for him
in the first place tho palace yard
was thronged night and day by
his singing, dancing, affectionate
subjects. His royal father, in
spite of the nurse’s protest, per
sists in dangling him at a window
several times a day,
One of the cleanest and nicest
playthings in the world for a littie
child is sand. In summer a load of it
dumped in a clean spot in the back
yard will amuse the little ones for
hours each day. They love to shovel
it build miniature forts, make gard
dens, with grass or plants and dig
wells washed sand is as clean as
sawdust and a child can play' in it in
its white frocks and not soil its cloth
es. for winter playing a bushel oi
sand can be kept just out side the
door. A shallow box of a few inched
in detph and two or t ree feet square
can easily be made. Spread a lot of
(jau CCAOAAJ ■ L
newspapers on the floor, set the box
in the middle, fill it with sand, and
turn the children loose. Teach them
not to get off the newspapers with it
and they will play all day in it and
not liter the house half as much as
though they had cut paper or scat
tered toys.
widows .
There is no gainsaying the fact thai
the widow is the most popular wo
men who flits across the maelstrom
of social life. But the law of compen
sation sets the price on all the favors
of fate and the widow.howeyer gloomy
or shining her environments, is nc
exception to the rule.
Are you a loved and loving wife
with the strong right »rm of the best
of men to shield and protect you
from the world and its calumnyVThen
know that the removal of -hat arm
means your own transformation in
the eyes cf the world to a person
answering to an entirely different de
The world steps up higher in order
t<j obtain a better point of view, and
itLrrets out motives for action where
no motive exists, and it regards you
with suspicion where theae is no
cause The world has an evil eye,and
the lense through which it observes
distorts objects passing before it.
The world has a rival imi.gina
tion for its memory. It i s txie ol
the traits which popularity cotnnen
sates, or vice vsrsa, that the vorld
keeps an eye on widows and heir
action is fraught with int ’iesb In
the environment of widowhood,wo
men must need pay the price.
Dickens immortalized Mr, tel
ler by putting in his mouth the
' words, “Samivel, beware of the
vidder.” The expression has bien
handed down, and will continue to
be, like any other wise old way
that creates capital as it goes, even
where there is nothing to build ou.
George Washington and Napvleou
Bonaparte both married widows,
each of whom had two children, a
boy and a girl, and is is also a co
incidence iu history that neither
of them bore childred to their il
lustrious lords.
A lady at Toolys.La., was very sick
with billious colic when M C. Tisler
a pomiuent merchant of the town
gave her a bottle of Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy. He says sue was w el fort,
miutes after taking the first dose.
For sale by Lowry Bro’s Druggist.
"Orange Blossom.” the Common
Sense Female Remedy, draws out |
pain and soreness. Sold by Ham- |
sold by D, W. Curry,
Try ruT"! ev ’ s ll:
salable Liniment iv.
Rheumatism Neural- .
gia, Sprairs, Cuts,
Bruises, and Pains in I
any part of the body or
limbs, for sale by P. L.
1 Turnley, druggist.
New Arrival of, Nab
by Pattern hats just
received at popular
prices. A. O, Garrard.
Big bagrains in Ox
ford ties and shoes at
’ A,B. McArver & Co-
, Black and fancy wors
. ted suits, imported
» goods, only $ 1 0.00 at
t Gammon’s.
One $ 1 O -00 worsted
L suit is equal to any
SIB,OO suit in Rome.
’ See them at Gammon’s
i Fine Virginia Natur
m T I j-i. -£ 4- 1 R rfe
al lear tooacco iocis.
per pound, at P. L.
Turnleys & Co',Central
Hotel Block.
Genuine large red
onion buttons can be
found oniy at P. L-
Turnleys & Cu Central
Hotel Block.
If you need anything in sho«s, it
will be to your interest to give me a
call before buying.
I have bought the entire stock of
Boots and Shoes from R. T. Con
nally and will sell tuem out at about
half of their former prices. Mens S7OO
patent leather shoes for S4OO, big
line of ladies, misses and children
slipppers at a great reduction. Call
and sue them.
J. T. Dugger
216 Broad St. Successor to
R. T Connally.
We offer One Hundred D illars
Reward for any case ot Catarrh] that
cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh
F. J CHENEY & ;CO., P ops.,
Toledo , O.
We the uudersignel, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honerable
in allbusine s transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any obli -
gations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinnan <fc Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toleds, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists Testimonia s free.
4 EQUAL 12
i. e. Four Weeks by our method of teaching
book-keeping is equal to Twelve Weiks by ol
plan. Positions guaranteed under certain con
ditions. Best patronized Business college in rh-
South. 500 Students in attendance the past
year. Eleven Teachers. Nashville is the edu
cational center of the SoutL Cheap Board.
No vacation. Enter any time. Home Study.
We have recently prepared books on Book
keeping, Shorthand and Penmanship especially
adapted to home study. Send lor our “Free” fl
lustrated 80-page catalogue and state “your’
wants. Address J E. Draughon, Presi.ien
Draughon’s Practical Business college an
School of Shorthand and Telegraphy, Nashvill
N.B. -W® pay $5 cash for all vacancies as
book-keepers. stenographers, etc., reported to
us, provided we till same. (Mention this papea
when you write.)
cgA TO 1
A New and Complete Treatment, consisu;
■U’M’OSITiyuES. Capsules oi Ointment an<l :
Boxes ofrtijAinent. A neversrallinft Cure for I
>f every‘nature and deg. ee. It makes auoperaia"
vith the knife or injections of carbolic acid, wb
ire painful and seldom a permanent cure, and of - ,
resulting in death, unnecessary/ Why endue
th a terrible disease? We guarantee <
exes to* cure any case. You only pay < >
X. t.ciirs received, fl a box, 6 for <5. Sent by mull
Guarantees issued by our agents.
rnNQTIPATinN Cured. Plies Prevented
LUniO I II A I IUI« by Japanese Liver Pellet
BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mil* and pleasant t.
take, especially adapted tor children’s use. OODosoi
■l6 cents.
GUABAK n " nly by
B WiGEI ' > _. BPi
N. M. C proprietor- ■
all MODEKA^\ t g
I —..—
The Oostanaula
Trading] Company - *
That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regula trips to
Carters, every week.
Ship what you can by us, Give
us your orders for all Kinds of
Country produce
Chickens. Eggs. Corn. Hay. Peas Batter. Bacon. Fruits.
huom Dried, Wheat, and all Products of the Country.
Geo W. Trammell,
F. B Holbrook,
- - * aa a a ■ v
MILL 4 **
We Mean Business Call and Get Our Brices
Ref ore Buying, W e are Seiling
Flooring, Ceiling, A£oulding,
Ballusters and Brackets
A_t Bottom Brices
I K'ESTpREES!, (tertiu r*ini<B<iy
fir 1 J tocure u.i nervouadiseufte-Sfiuch La W'•••... ?. or Brnla
ELi. , • • Headache, Wakuuiness. Lost Manhood, tugntly*.. • - .»• :s. Nervcv--
( ; lots of power in Generative Or :• moi uh t cause J
i vv ■* /Jf r‘idn. vnKihitthTrortl, excessive use i ‘.ooae«'d,x;Mum
v* S -cN' f-' which lead tu Infirmity. Consumption or insnruy iNin berxsaiTlediu
I s ’.-etpAfket. #1 perb'-x, Ofor by mailprepiid /
•rnanuiteetoeiireorrefin'.d :«■ »> j .*•■?!! by ?> .
%IV * ’racists. Ask fur It. take no other. Write for tree Meuß/ur -*ivntieab-i
ta" in plain wrapper. Address N KICV£ S£El) CO., A.eiL;.e tCAuo-
b jr sale »n Home. by BRADFORD DRUG CO- Druggist*.
#■ r-r w f"? A? M ri fl /r’K 9
_ A WlLLS—Dentist— 208 1-2 Broad stree
J w over Cantrell and Owens store.
w b NEVIN— Attorney at Law Offic
J Poverty Hail postoffic# cornor 3rd Avmrne
AIUS W. UNDERWOOD- Attorney at law
U Masonic Temple, Rolne , G a.
T-. EECE & DENNY -Attorneys at law. Offic
iu Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga.
WW. VANDIVER— Attorney and Conn
sellor at Law—Rome, Ga.
& Starling, Attorneys at Law, Masonic
■ Temple. Rome, Ga. teb23 ~
hTsMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Office n
Masonic Temnle- Borne Georgia.
■ feb32tf
J. NEAL— M’Henry, Nunnallv & Neal
■ a oilice over riai€
¥ w ■ Attorneyß-at-atLaw, oince
Davidson Hardware*' - >.. Broad street, Rome. >->
DPTCraMSOR— Physician and Surgeo -
Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fount
■ ward. -
LP HAMMOND—Physician and Burgeon-
Offers his professional services to the peo
■ pie of Rome and surrounding country
Office at Crouch and Watsons drug store, 20
Broad street.
DR WD. HOYT—Office at C. A. Trevitt
drug store. Po. 331 Broad street. Telephon
110. residence. N 0.21 _
DR. C. F. GE.IFFIN- Physician and Surge.»
—Office no » Masonic building. Residence
300 4th av tue.
HOWARD E. FKLTON—Ph vsicten and srn
geon—Office No. 6 Thirc Avenue,
At office dav and night. Telephone 62.
Frank A ■ Wvnn, I'hvsivfan and Surgon
office at Tre’itt Ct Johns m drug store
Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave,
Prompt attention given all professional call
Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invrt ted.
Retails 35 cts. 2to 6 sold in every house: sample
Postage paid Ove cents. McMAKIN & Co.
"Orange Blossom’, is a painless
.cure for all diseases to women, old
esh by D. W. Curry Druggist.
Dr you wear them 7 ‘When next In need try S JMih
Beat In the world.
for ladies
IU 11.75
a. n ma t- BOY!
If you wart a Sne DRESS SHOE, mada In me W'v
*yl,don’t r?y |'.'j to SB, try tny $3, $3.50, $4,0
' Ehv ■. 'rial to custom made and loch'
-.■r ; .’y "V’ s 1 ■>.•*'''t -i’-c’-. ycurfo.vw *
it.j; ’I, L.. La <’l.7 . 4. '
For sate bz Cantroll t O v'n
fßjjTh Whqt Nerve Berries
have done for other*
for you.
M E N Fas///, Quickly
and Permanently Restored, soth da\
A positive cure for all Wei ,np.ssps, Nervousnos
Debility, and all their train of evils result in
from early errors and later excesses; the r< si:
o( overwork, Mick am. w vorry jt-c Devel■»;
and gives tone and wtren<a to b 1 or
ganu. Nlofw unnataraf lo***, ni;* h *
eiui»wi<)iiM caused by youthful error* <>r
cessive use of tobacco, opium and .<hii '•
which lead to <»onsu nipt lon and
Their use shows immediate improvement. Aec
no imitation. Insist upon having the ge-iv >
Nerve Berries,
pocket. Price. *I.OO per box. six boxrs. on u
treatment.<»uar»Wßle<Ms ttieuri*an.Vt /
( uot kept bv your druggist we will send ;h .
• hv mail, upon receipt of pr in plain wn
p..’ i k*ldr-‘My. all mail order : *.
For sale by Crouch &
• Offers unequaled advantages to young men desiring a h -
1 less education or Shorthand. Course thorough ant* nu 'u *»
•--/Dense* low. Free rar fare tn Rome Circulars free.
i. G- HARMIiON. President, a -’W '