Newspaper Page Text
This afternoon, on Second Ave,
Oscar Ray, the negro carriage dri
ver of Mayor O. H. MeWi.'lino* ,
of East Rome wsa thrown W 1 ,
out of Mr. Me .Vjll.anis’
and severely hurt.
'I he horse become an ‘l
in lunging fell under the wa -•
on of the Hill Citv Bakery. Hie ba
kery wheel passing over the horse s
jjeck but doing him no et'-ous dam.
“g‘‘ b ;
Ray was not so fortune, for when
picked up it wh 1 «und that his Ool
lar-bme **’•••■ broken and a tooih
was missing H was put in a buggy
and m< torn
. —* ——
Nb fICE.
GEORGIA, Floyd bounty,
Notice is het el£ that a Petition Signed
by fifteen or n , r p Freeholders of the 1594th.
(Howell’s) liiscict <l. M. of said county, has
been !• ilvd ii u>y office askijjg that the benefits
for the 1 ro *sioiis ot SecUoks 144'J, 1450, 1451.
1452, 1453 ■•><11464 of the CoffH of <;»—»*•< of
1882 and“ he ainendiuei’.r” shall apply to
ej-fs tnjjjrtcUU. M. of said County. 1
fiither give notice that said matter will lie
leard on the 25th, day of June Instant (1894)
tnd if no valid objections are shown, an Elec
tion will be ordered to occur on the 14th. day
of July next (18!>4) to decide the question as
"Fence” or "Stock Law according to the Stat-i
‘ utes in such case made and provided
Given under iny hand and Official Signature,
this4th. day of June 1894
John P. 1 avis.
6 5 20.
. =====
Citation-Leave to SeH.J
Georgia, Floyd County:
'loall whom i may c< nt>6rn : F. G. Morgan,
Administrator of F. N. Morgan deceased has in
due forth applied to the undersigned for leave
to sell the lands belonging to the est .te of said
deceased, and said applieatio will be heard on
the first Monday it: July next. This 4th. day of
June 1894
John P. Davis, Ordinary.
Letters of Administration.
To all whom it may concern:—W H Coker hav
ing in proper form applied to me for permaent
letters of administration on the estate of Mary
.S Towns, tate of said county. This is to cite all
and singular the creditors and next of kin of
Mary Towns ro be and appear at my office with
in th. time allowed by law and show cause, if
any the-, can, why permmeut administration
should nor lie granted to the County Admr. or
some other fit and puoper person on Mary yy.
Town's estate, Witness my hand and official
signature this 7th day of May >894
John P, Davis
Ordinary Floyd County
* £• . 1
Application lor Letters of
Di sinission.
Georgia—Floyd Qounry :
Whereas E L Bosworth, administrator of
Jas T Vandiver dec’d, representsto the court in
his petition duly tiled, that he has administered
James T Vandiver's estate This is to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
sh w cause, if any they cm, why said adminis
trator should not be discharged from his admin
istration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday 1.1 Aug. 18iM This May 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia
C i tation - Leave To Se 11.
Georgia, Floyd County ■
To all whom it may concern :—W. H- Ennis
Administrator of Win v Timms deceased has in
due form applied to the undersigned lor
leave to sell the lands ami personal Property
belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said
application will be heard on the first Monday in
June next. This 7ch day of May~B:»4.
John P. Davi 8 Ordinary
Letters of Administration.
GEORGIA,FIoyd County:
To all whom it may concern :Ennis & gtarling
having in proper form applied to me for per
manent letters ot administration on the estate of
Jack Prior, col, late of said county. This is to
cite all singular the creditors and next of
kin of .ack Prior tube and appear at mv
oftice within the time allowed by law and show
cause, if any they can why permanent adinmis
tration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis on
Jack Prior's estate. witness my hand
and official signature this "th. day of May
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County.
Application for Letters of Dis
miss: on,
GEO>t lA—Floyd County
Whereas J.lines W. Reeves, Trustee of
Mrs, Martha E McGee, represents to the court
in his petition duly tiled, that he has adminis
tered Martha E McGee’s e«t«te. This is to cite
all persons concarua 1. kindred and creditors to
show cause, if any they can, why said trustee
should not be <liS 'h.T.rge<i . rotn his trusteeship
aud receive letters of dismission on rhe first
Monday in July 18 '4. This April 2nd, 18:14
J (zhn F Davis
Ordina' y Floyd Co, Ga
1 Letters of Administration.
Georgia,floyd county
To all whom it may concern :—Wm. J. Gordon
having in proper form applied to me for perma
nent letters of adminislrationde bonis non with
Mill annexed on the estate of William T. Gor
don. late of said county. This is to cite
all and singe artlie creditors ana next of kin of
Win. T. Gordon to be and a pear at my office
within the timeallowed b» law and show cause if
they can. why permanent administration de bo
nis non with wilt annexed, should not be grant
ed to Wm T Gordon on Win T Gordon’s estata
Witness my hand and official signature this 17h
dry of May 1894.
John P. Davis,
Qrdln ,ry Floyd County
rooms with garden. Located on
car line. For further particulars
apply at, No. 613 A vp. A. Fourth
Ward. 3t
£ ' //' ■'
Gall at the Rome Business University for Sum
L Mta Rates in any of the above
U I ranches.
• -
In my opinien, the county coinmiß
sioners did a wise thing .vLen they
entertained the petition a«d divided
Watters district into Watters a d
Ridge Valley districts. There's
room enough in fiat territory, and
it the side next the Bartow county
line wants te join fortunes with
their “no fence” neighbors why—
all the better. Again I say, the
Commissioners did right.
* *
I am glad to see that the
merchants will close, beginning next
Monday, at six o’clock, in the after
noon, Now I have observed the
workings of this custom in the past,
and am heartily in accord with u-
A hen a clerk has been confine< “
store loom or oftic- irom G or 7 0,-
cifjcJr ‘us morning until 6in the
afternoon he or she deserves a rest—
and reason why all < f
them can’t have it.
If all the stores close promptly at
a stated hour, why no merchant has
an advantage over another merchant.
But if a merchant agrees to close at
six and some belated customer rush
es in at one minute to six and wants
to’ and does trade for half an hour,
or even five minutes, why the mer
chant cant close his door with out
risking an joffewe to a customer —
and while he wants to close up ever
so badly— he don’t.
. *
* *
Then it is that his competittor,
ever ready to criticise, turns his ton
gue loose; trouble follows, ana—
the clerks suffer. Now what I want
to say is addressed to that class oi
shoppers— mostly thoughtless ladies,
who do not pause to thirk oi the
needless inconvenience they work
on the helpless, the polite but pa
tiently obliging clerk : when you go
shopping in the afternoons, reme >.-
ber that you and your dollars control
and remembering that, why be hu-
I mine enough to make your purchases
so that you can, at six o’clock, be on
( the ttreet where you can see clerks
i from every store on Broadway come
pouring out of the hot stores into
the free air. This bit of advice is
gratis, only to those that need it.
Next Monday that class is requested
to use it.
♦ ♦
I was at the Opera House last
■ night and was highly entertained
with the closing exercises of the
Rome colored schools. Prof. Dent
handled the numbers on his pro
graine 'u a most creditable manner
There was quite a number of white
people present and I am certain
that they were well pleased. One
* number on the programe: ‘T’m
a Lily of the Valley” deserves
especial mention and was roundly
encoerd by the white people. The
behavior of the audience was most
excellent and lam frank to say
that I congratulate the colored
people of Rom j on that concert.
They deserved it.
Col Seab Wright was booked for
an address but wrote that he was
too sick to be present, so stated the
principal. Superintendent J.C.Har
ris was programed to deliver the cer
tiheates but the illness of hise hild
caused him to have to leave the haij
before the performances closed.Mr
J L. Camp, President of the Board
of Trustees was present and in a most
’ eloquent and well turned little ad
‘ dress presented the graduates with
their diplomas. Professor T. Al. !
j Dent, the principal of the colored
schools,is an educator of whom bis
race may well feel pnoud.
. *
« ♦ *
I met Mr. Herbert Valois, the
distinguished Parisian lawyer, and
1 enjoyed a pleasant hour with him ;
this morning. Clyde Shropshire,
Harper Hamilton, James Spul
lock, Alf Harper and “I ’ formed a
“quar tette and a quarter” to en
tertain Colonel Valois, and if Don
aid Harper could have cast his
French eye bn “the way we done
it,” he would have kussed m
Dutch. Mr. Valois is a most, affa
ble gentleman and when I go over
to Paris I propose to see more of
him. I think Harper Hamilton
tried to sell him Etna—but the
klever Frenchman escaped.—So
j did Harper, and we are all happy
Clyde Shropshire, \ ice Consul
to Pane, and’.he brilliant young
Roman of whom we are all proud,
will deliver the Commencement
address before the Graduating
Clh«s of Shorter College tomorrow
util o’clock . That is going to be a
treat —but wbat I want to hear is,
Clyde Shropshire “Talk about an
hour.’ Lets have him at the Court
house, say about Friday night and
let him give us a pointer or two
on Parisian life well dashed with
“experiences.” Then you get
“Clyde”—the other way you havt
‘•Mr. Shroyshire’’—with “Clyde”
in the background.
County bchooi Commissioner
Bridges left this afternoon over
the East Tennessee for Forney,
Ala, where he will, on tomorrow
deliver an addrees before H*” J "'”‘
ney Institute
Mr. R. E. L. Neel of Selma,
Ala., arrived this morning and is
at the Armstrong—when he de*
parts those coasts, Mrs. Neel, nee.
Miss Cade Sparks will accompany
Mrs E. W. and Miss March, of
Atlanta, are guests of the Arm
Capt. A, W. Ballew has return
ed from a business trip io Gordon
county and reports wheat crops in
fine condition.
Miss Lou Woodward returned
to her home in Cave Spiing this
afternoon, after a short visit to
her brother’s family in the Fourth
Judge Henry is busy holding a
motion term of the Superior Court.
Judge Harris and Lumpkin are
holding Justice court in the City
Court room this week.
On next monday Judge Turnbull
will convene city Court and will take
up the Civil Dockets first.
Ou last Sunday Judge John Rice
of North Carolina district united in
the bonds of u.atrimony Mr Jud die
Addison and Miss Organ Suits, both
of North Carolina
i L- a * ~b3T ■ jbH
WjmlK 21
3 Root beer ?
nl Deliciously Exhilarating, Spark- A
ft ling, Effervescent. Wholesome p
‘J as well. Purifies the blood, tick- 1Y
I les the palate. Ask your store-
11 keeper for it. Get the Genuine.
Send 3 cent atamp for beautiful picture cards Vj
| j and book. \V
/ Philadelphia. y
Application for Letters of
GEORGIA Floyd Conntv :
Whereas Johu C. Printup Executive, Henry S.
Printup, represents to the court, in his petition
duly tiled, that he has administered Henry S.
Printtip’s estate. This is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause
if any they can, why said Executor should not
be di charged from his Executorship and re
cieve letters ofdistmssion on the firs - Monday
in September 1894. This June 4thJ 1894.
Johu P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County,Georgia.
Application for Letters of
GEORGIA,—FIoyd County:
Whereas John P. Stansell, Guardian, of
O. J. Stansell, represent to the court in
her petition duly filed, that she has adminis
i tered O. J, Stansell’s estate. This is to cite
all ersons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they can, why said admin
istrator should not be discharged from her
administration ai.d receive letters of dismission
!on the first Monday in July 1894 This June 4th.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia
Year's Support.
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby
given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart
j and assign a year’s sunport to Elizabeth Turner
I the widow of G . W Turner decease'', have filed
I theii award, and unless good and sufficient
I c-Hiseis shown, the sain ■ will be made the jndg.
inentof the C ourc at the July term, 1894, ot the
Court of Ordinary. This June 4th 1894.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd County Geoigia
| GEORGIA, Floyd County,
i o ail whom it may concern : Notice is hereby
i given that the appraiser appointed to set
j apart, and assign a year’s support to Josephin e
I Stansb ry, the widow of Jas. A. Stansbury,
deceased, have filed their award, and unlesl
good and sufficent cause is shown, the same wij
be made the judgement of the court at the Jul/
term 1894 of the court of Ordinary. This June
4th, 1894.
John P. Davis, (
•Ordinary Floyn county, Georgia.
Citation-Leave to Sell
t: ■ ■
Georgia, Floyd County;
To all whom it may concern: William J. Gor
don. Administrator de bonis non with will an
nexeii, of W illiani T, Gordon, deceased, has in
due form applied to the undersigned for l*ave
to seil the lands belonging to the estate of laid
deceased, and application will be hearJ on
the first Monday in July next. This Sth. dw of
June 1894.
John P. Davis OrdinarJ.
W. ft. rhoby
\ ’ 1 f.-‘ I ? ‘ mil
Having 'purchased the entirJ
stock of Furpitiire from
Hanks and consolil
dated it with my already largel
stock I am now I
j\_nd :nii ready to supply you I
with anything and everything
Business is business, and if you
can. secure furniture now, that]
you will buy 1 ater on at reg; 1 ar bri]
ces and. save from twenty to fifty]
per cent, why ]
1 respectfully direct your attention to the great!
bargains that you know I must have secured!
in the I
Tney are crowding my floors and must be moved
and I am going to move them and move them at
once. The first who come to lend me a helping
hand will pull in the cash.
w rhttdY
Kankaid. Corner Broad St-