Newspaper Page Text
\JEntar nt the Rome post O' ce aft “ttrat-cliM , *
&ecoi*u-ciii>»» Mau 'latter. <
daily and Sunday. *
terms of shbscrjptig
0 ceut u. week or $5 00 per annum
«FFiC£L Corner Broad Street and
frirLh Avenue.
Official Organ
Os the city of Rome, and Foyd, the
"Banner county ' of Georgia.
“The man whose business is to
interpret the Bibia is likely to
make a sad miss of interpreting a
platform “—[Atlanta Journal, Ev
ans organ.J
The Atlanta “Jonah” is trying
■■to swallow the whale.
The Evans boo -era (are find
ing that the boomerang is like the
■ cat, it always comes back.
■Everyday a man submits to
tflome injustice that he vowed yes
terday -he would never stand.
David .must have been a defeated
politician —about the time he exclaim
ed i» iiia haste about all men being
'They 'tell us that when dog fen
■nel applied it makes em smart.
We have the fennel but need a
zrecelpt ifor the aplication.
Sir Charles Russell, the famous
"English lawjer, was a newspaper re
porter in early life,— "Wonder if he
was any kiu to E. B • Russell of ih
edartown Sraudard?
According to Jewish statutes, it
was uu’awful to muzzle vhe ox en
gaged in treading out the corn,
rhe animal being allowed to eat
his fill.—E’tt whose Phill?
‘Seriously now—wouldn’t you
call the buyer of a whole sde
house a garter? You know is
generally “out of sight - ’ —and he
jkeeps a stocking up the t rue.
<our Snake Editor his gone to
S 's St. Simons. He carried a pencil
pad. and '‘Jimmy John,” of moun
tain dew, and will furnish us a
graphic descrej ton o the Sea ser
,;)bu t.
There are several factories in
Jndia and one at least in Europe—
:hat at Mannheim. Germany
where butter is made from cocoa
mucs. But this fails to account for
he milk in the cocoanut.
The Bobmer-raiig but Governor
Atkinson treated him kindly—lis a
characteristic of our next Governor.
Talk about your crack of doom.lts
the crack ot a '’biacksnake ’ whip
that a Geoigia t mule can’t see
It is said that Col. Atkinson has
carried nearly all the counties he
-caa control The uucontrolable will
.now proceel to act. —Macon Nows.
Your leader, General Evans said
'lie had 100 counties too, but where
aid they “at”?
D" J Jaldwell says that there are but
three Known “tobacco takers’’—tire
-African goat, the hideous tobacco
worm and mar.— and only one
breed of ange's are known known to
use it—and they are woman wh©
are up to snuff.
In running a news paper a fel
<low may please some of the people
all the time, but he will never
please all the people some of the
time, much less all of the people
all of thetime. All the same, now
is the time to subscirl e.
The gubernatorial -campaign is
an unusual oue,m that both of the
candidates are satisfied. The Con
stitutional yesterday coutainedthe t
statement that General Evans had i
carried as many counties as he i
•expected to carry. This should 1
certainly be satisfactory to 1
the General. In the mean time Mr,
Atkinson is perfectly satisfied be- :
cause he is rapidly gaining the I
majority of votes necessary to <
dtominatehim. —Columbus Ledger.
A picturesque entertainment man- <j
aged by a Boston woman shows, by |
a series of tableaux, the manner of <
conducting the marriage ceremony 1
from the bai baric age to the present- ■ ♦
—Battles of a civil war are employed <
to portray the - -•‘ever afterward” ,
feature. ,
The recent senatorial investiga
ton disclosed what some of the 1 1
country newspapers have been sus
pecting a long time, and that is ’
that the Washington correspon
dent does but know much of any
thing when required to tell where
he got his information.
Attorney Genera! Olney rendered
an opinion that the clearing certifi
cates used by the Albany, Ga., bunks
were not subject to the 10%tux. Toe
question of constitutional right of
tne federal government to levy the
ld*/f> 18 questioned by many lawyers.
—Bi unswick Times.
Editor Hartsell says; Judge Mad
dox s vote in the recent primary in
Floyd county was a high compliment
to his fitness for the office which h e
holds- He received every vote catq
at the election. Murray may not
give him a solid vote but he is suie
to carry the county
Eighteen carloads of clay have been
shipped from Georgia for the Tam
pa Bay Hotel grounds.—Augusta
But our own Steve Clay, of the
county of Cobb, is still with us and
like Atkmson’s majority is“doing
very well, thank you?
Old Hurd church was built near
Harrodsburg, Ky., 111 1797, and it
is said that weekly meetings have
been held there ever since without
a single exception. We have no
doubt but that all of them were
Hurd —but venture the assertion
that many of them were weakly.
Governor Tillman says that during
the short time that the State ol
South Carolina w as running the liqi o
business it made SIOO,OOO clear mon
ey, and has $98,000 worth oi whisk e
1 n hand, and that the whiskey sold
hud no headache in it.—little wan
der the Carolinians become so mad .
A Young physician of Kensington,
Kan., named Green Graves, says l.e
will either have to change his name
or go into some other business, —Au-
gusta News.
He should form a partnership
with some undertaker, named Smith
swap ml practids] on lhe
If John W. Maddox is not nomina
ted for .re-election by the democrats
of this district the best member we
have ever had will be beaten. His
record is one any man should well
be proud of and we do not think the
voters of the seventh will fail to re
ccgnize this fact oy an overwhelmin
vote. —J implpcnf e
If Annanias lived in this da
and time he would be chief cook
( and bottle washer on the staff of
the Atlanta Constitution, and
( there would be at least a small im.
provement in the political reports
and the Constitution readers would
come nearer reading the truth
about Bill Atkinson.
An exchange asks: “What h«s
become of the old fashioned wo
man who set the bread before go
ing to bed at night?”
Why the bread has hatched,
gone yeast, “The old fashioned”
girl does not knead it any more,
and is doing’ike her daughter who
is courting the dude—just loaf
An euterprisrngNew York daily
news pap r very much reminds us
of the butcherbird that kills oth
er and smaller birus and hangs *
their little carcasses upon the *
sharp prongs of the thorn tree for *
future reference. Not long since,
one of these metropolitan journals
outraged all decency by printing a
sensational story to the effect that
little Ruth, the bright and beauti- j
ful child of the president, was an f
imbecil. The report was promptly i
investigated and found to be ut- j
terly false of course, but the mis. £
chief had been done and the most f
tender and sacred feelings of a t
grand, good mother had been deep
ly wounded and trampled in the
If such iufatnouH desecration of
the home is journalism we say
God pi tty the profession. But such
work is not journalism, it is the
venomous Jepleeu of a heartless
wretch who would whet his dirk
upon his father’s tombstone to kill
his mother with. Such blackguards
may crawl through the fence into
a field where they have no busi
ness and for a time startle the
world by their effrontery, but
sooner or later they find their level
in the ditch where they wallow in
the muck and mire to their hearts
He that makes war on innocent
wt men and children is a coward
and a poltroon. —Macou News.
As we have stated heretofore,
there was but oue paper iu Rome
that give credence to the slander
ous story, and its Editor is a Min
ister of the Gospel who continues
to write long winded editorial, on
the unreliability of the avera, e
daily paper. He should read Pucks
motto, “What fools we mortals be”
and give us a rest, on his bog wash,
about the unreliability aud im
morrality of the secular press.
( ■ A number of the most promi
nent gentlemen of Augusta urnv-
( ed this morning via the Georgia
la-lroad and took quarters at the
, Lanier. Among them were Hon. E
J O’Conner, the big hearted ge
nial sou of Enn and one of the
r wholesale liquor merchants of the
t state, Hon. Boykin Wright, the
) man who elected J. C. C. Black to
congress against Tom Watson and
j who was afterward sacraficed by
s the Atkinson combine with the
! seventeen Populist and Republican
niggers, Judge Fred Eve, judge ot
the city court of Richmond coun
j ty, and Hon, C. Henry Cohen, so
'l 1 icitor, Hon. William C. Keener,
clerk of the superior court, ami
i- Mr. Lawton B. Evans, superinten
dent of education iu Richmond
1 county.—Macon Evening News.
Ye Judges and Solicitors! Ye
• court house rings! Ye disappoint
ed! office seekeis! But amt the
above gang a fine delegation to be
sent to Macon from the city of Au
gusta, to teach the citizens of Bibb
how to vote?
The present editor of The Rome
Tribune calls upon the people to
sustain him in Ins efforts to give
* them a good newspaper. It has been
8 unfortunate for the people of Rome
e that they have never given The Tri
-8 bune the patronage it deserved. Ab
1 blight and flourishing a city as it
i is, but liitle can be accomplished in
the matter ot its growth and enter-
1 prise until it loyally supports a first
ciass daily newspaper.—Constitution.
The Constitution has no right to
lecture the people of this “bright
and flourishing city” about not sup
porting“a first class daily newspaper
Ah big a paper as the Constitution
ought to know that the Hustler of
Rome has been doing business in
Rome for thr e years, and has never
-changed hands.” When this paper
entered the field|it did so playing a
lone hand, and asking no favors.
•After three years,each of which has
been a success. We are not only still
here but are on top—The people of
this “bright and flourishing {city’’
have been supporting“A firstclass dai
ly newspaper’’since the Hustler’s ad
vent—and they will continue to do
so— Let the Constitution do all its
worrying about the Evans boom and
how Atlanta lost— Rome and the
Hustler of Rome are all right.
Ex-Congressman Everett hse an
nounced his candidcy for that office
in the coming election. Everret got
in before through the doors of the
Alliance and n arly every lover of hon
est methods denounce such trickery
and will put the stamp of disapprov
al on it at the polls, as was done two
years ago.—Spring Place Jimple
The Augusta Herald said on May
4th: If the voting so far had is in
dicative of the feeling in the state, 1
it is apparent that we are going to ’
have a very close and a very excit- "I
ing contest. We apprehend, though, *
in two weeks Gen. Evans will have
far increased his lead and will indis
putably show that he is the choice of
the state,
The swuet girl graduate
Comas iu on lime and up to data,
Clothed iu white of purest r y.
—Uncle wrote her—her easay.
In the first joint debate between
the gubernatorial candidates, Gen.
Evans began his speech as fol
lows :
“I desire to speak to you in all
truth and soberness.
I hope von will pardon 'he pro
sumption of one hundred news pa
pers and one hundred counties, in
asking ire tv fill the gubernatorial
chair.” —Columbus Ledger.
There will be weeping and wailing
and gnashing of teeth iu the Popu
list ranks when Evans is nominated.
They know that the bone and sinew
of their party will tally to Evans like
bis old soldiers did during the war.
—Macon News.
Demoerats rally to men in a pri
mary, but when the battle begins to
rage they rally tothe party leader and
t) principals. And. to date, the old
soldiers have been rallying to the
young chief. For the prooft, consu.t
the returns.
i The Indians propose to get out
an injunction against the govern
ment because the government pro
poses to forbid the annual sun
dance Lo is getting civilized at
last. —Savannah Dispatch.
Well, can’t an Indian daughter
dance with the son without Uncle
Sam having a duck fit, and Hoke
Smith raising the rool ? Give “poor
Lo” three injunctions, a pair of
conveyances and a mandamus, if
he needs it in his business.
Hon W. Y. Atkinson was a mem
ber of the legislature from Coweta
county from 1886 to 1894. Hon
C. A. Evans was State senator
horn Srvwart eounty in 1859—60.
He re are the records the twomen
made, by which we impartially
, judge their character as statesmen.
1 Introduced a 1 Voted tc allow
bn! w hich wab ;banks suspend
passed, to make 3pecil .
, the office of com-' when th X re WHp
. missionerot agri uo pauic ‘
( culture elective
2 Introduced the
bill establishing ,
the Georgia Nor lta( * a Dol
, ma! and Indus- 181 . laws
trial school sor a £ aiUBl usur Y •
3 Helped draw 9 ,
a thebill by which
the state road and ~ , ,
betterment ques ed murderer
lion was cetiled- rnnn lvhr
i .Mtb a saving to, ecuriur h . x
, the State of 50 n aw
4 Introduced a
bill which was a t . ■> ,
; passed, by which h , 4 l lut , rOdu l Ce ? a
1 the state is annu '■ . °.’ ,o^
ally saved sls, by W'
000 for the in
spection of oils.
u Aided to in- 5 Vote d to re
crease he com ( all lawsap
mon school fun d propriatiugnjo Pu
i°2sO om 000 Hyor aid by the
1 250,000 per State to ed uca
annum. tional 4 purposes
6 Aided to in
crease the Con
fed rate soldiers
aud sol diers wid 6 v oted against
owe pensions allowing Confed
rom $19,000 an- erate privates to
ualay to $460, choose,their own
00 nnuallv. officers
>v-. 1 ISH IMI UPON,
when you ask for Doctor
Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis
covery. Go to a reliable
dealer. He’ll sell you what
k you want. The ones who
have something else to urge
J upon you in its place are
7 thinking of the extra profit
they’ll make. These tilings
pay them better, but they
don't care about you.
Nene of these cheap sub
stitutes is “ just as good” as
the “Discovery.” That is
the only blood-cleanser, flesh
builder, and strength - re-
rtorer so far-reaching and so unfailing in its
effects that it can be guaranteed. In the
most stubborn Skin, Scalp, or Scrofulous
Affections, or in every disease that’s caused
by a torpid liver or by impure blood—if it
ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your
money back.
Nothing else, at any price, is really as
cheap. You pay only for the good you get (
"'here wouldn’t be any cases of chronic Ca
tarrh if all Med Dr. Sage's Remedy. That’s
potttive. Its proprietors will pay *SOO re
ward for an incurable case,
O 1,000 Bushels of *
Oats just received and| e
for sale by the Rome J
Grocery. Co. f
. I ,'< i< .■ i..fc .d.
A.HfU. . ~ Cu.ce —JU. Whitehall HA
A lady at Toolys.Lu., was very sick
with billions colic when M.C. Tisler
a po uinent merchant of the town
gave her a bottle of Chamberlain’s
Oohc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy. He says sio was w el fort,
iniutes after taking the first dose.
For sale by Lowry Bro’s Druggist.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh
F. J CHENEY & CO., Props.,
Toledo , O.
We •ii vb reigne 1, have known
F. J. Cneuey lor the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honerable
in all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any obli -
gations made by their firm.
Webt& Truax, Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo, 0.
Warding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toleds, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists Testimonie s free.
I will be at the Court House from
now until June the 30th, for the
purpose of receiving your taxes. All
are urgently requested to make their
returns at the earliest date, saving a
rush at the close. Defaulters will be
returned from every district for
double tax, where they neglect to
give in their taxes, Respectfully
M. D- McOsker,
Tax Receiver.
Good Needles five
papers for five cts. and
velvet palm fans five
for a Nickel, Bee Hive
J. J. Holoway, mana
6 3t
Commencing Sunday May 13th
the Chattanooga Rome and Colum
ns R- R. will run a Sunday sched
ule : Train leaving Cedartown early in
the morning and returning that eve
ing. Also commencing at noon
Saturday May 12th round trip tick
ets good to return until noon Mon
day following will be sold between all
ocal stations on C. R. & C. R. R. at
one fare. This will enable everyone
who desires to do so to visit the
mountains near Chattanooga and to
attend church exercises at various
Yours Truly,
C. B. Wilbur.
May 7th ts Traffic Mgr.
COWS FO R SAE: I have now
12 milch cow's which I offer for
saie cheap. For further particulars
call on or address G. B. Holder,
Agt. New Rome. 6-4-
One $ 1 O -OO worsted
suit is equal to any
SIB,OO suit in Rome.
See them at Gammon’s
Western &
—TO —
Kasas City
. The West.
Quick time anaVestibuled trains carrying I
Pullman Sleeping cars. For any information
call on or write to i
General Agent, Rome Ga.
Traveling Pass. Agt. Chattanooga Tenn
. I b BBCWIn
, Traffic Manager Atlan a
Genera pass Agt Atlantu
Cut Flowers :Orders left at J. K
Williamsons Jewelry house, foi
cut flowers will be promptly and
most satisfactorily filled.’ 6 2 6t
Floyd Superior Court,
.(larch Term 18D4.
to s “ ) Application to ad-
■ A- n ’ r dopt an unknovn
5. V . Allen, 1 C hii
To any and all persons concerned. You or
lither of you are hereby commanded to be and
ibpear at the next term of Superr Court to be
jeld ou the 4th Monday in September 1894 to
ihow cause if any you can. Why the application
n the above stated case should uot be granted
iud in default there of the same will be allow
<l witness the Honorale W m. Henry judge of
aid court this 13th day of April 1894,
Wm, E, Beysiegle,
Clerk of Superior Court
Fl»yd county oa.
8. ’■ 18 '8 SCHEDULE
Leave East Rome , ...
Arrive Qlevoiand -? 14 " 1 4 4o nn ,
” Knoxville ioSP“ ’WdE
“ Kristol «OT S
“ Washington ,u ‘ 4 3o££
Baltimore ® 9to b “
Philadelphia 7 6 n OTpS
“ New York 3 so;£
Trains leaving East Rome, m v 5-’ a 1
man Sleeping car. Mobile to f lete > ha . H a Pl ‘H
it connects with the popular v? i. a '" l ’ where
ear train for and fe ule , <«nw
train also connects at Clevel ,n?i" orlc - This
Chattanooga. arrive, at^Ma'.' 1 ,,?'' 1 !,! 1 l »in f.,J
train connects at Col ewah Jiin. t 1
ing Car for Radford, Va, mak Sleip
nection tor all poim »East. Ua lUK tliree t con-
lo The North and West
Leave East Ron e 440 pm 2nn<>.
arrive Chattanooga, 740 pm: 450 am 1 . (,4 " ai »-
‘ cincinnatti 730 am. I: 2optn
“ Nashville 620 aiu“ in >’ “
“ Kansas city 725 am'm 4- , ain
Littie Rock 230 pm.
T Wortjj 800 am. 759
Train leaving East Rome 4:40 mi i
ular ••Cincinnati & Florida Limited ’ P°P
ve-tibmed and runs solid Jaekimvill?? fu »
cinnati, carrying Pullman’s finest slem i to cin ‘
and a magnificent observation car r^~ n^cars
to Chattanooga (seats free) where iF ’ , Ma OTn
root connection with solid trai L with^ e ’
sleeping car attached Chattanooga m„l hrou ?li
connecting there for all points Mem P h «.
T° S- ta n Ce F orgia daCaioliM
Leave East Rome 200 am nls am x _
Arrive Atlanta 610 am 2 Pm
1 Augusta 120 pm 925 pm
Macom 10 50 am 725 ,5 15ai »
“ Savannah 630 pm 25 P*u 10 45 pm
“ Brunswick 715 pm 700 am
‘ ‘ Jacksonvilla 900 p m 6 15 am
Train leaving East Rome 2:50a m r„„ B3 ° 4 “
to Brunswick. Sleeping cars chat,i„ n 8 801 M
lanta. The 11:15 a m train solid thro? to Al
buled train to Jacksonville, s/ops m gh it Ve ’t‘
1:55 until 7:3vpm takes on sleeniVL Atlanta
ininswick and the connection from 4 g o . 2 c , a X to
lhe 11:15 am train connects with Ri- n o train ’
A & W P and Ga. railroad train, i„F?’ ? A
Depot, Atlanta. It also has an elega n L ' UI0 “
tion chair car (seats free) to Macon? 01 ' bserva '
To Alabama, Texa? & thp
West. ne
Leave East Rome 940 pm
Arrive Anniston 12 05 Sight
Selma 5 30 am
Montgomery 7 00 am
“ Mobile 12 30 noon
“ New Orleans 445 pm
“ Houston 700 am
ti Leave East Rome 4 10 pm. Alpine Accoiamoda-
Leave East Rome 2 0 ■ pm . rtadsiien .
talla Accommodation “’Gadsden and At
Train leaving East home 9 40 p ni. has Pnli
man Sleeping car to Mobile connect!™ -Ht
Pullman car to New Orleans. with
For f rther particulars, tickets or sleanin,.
car. Be ■••■ ions, call on or write to
T. c. Smith, P & T A , Rome Ga.
L a Bell DPa Selma Ala
J J Farnswoith, D p A. Atlanta Ga
B W Wrenn Pa ’
SaF/K that there nre man y thou
iv States tha twou Id like to try
» M ■'X.’ World-Pefiowned Facb
'-Jr Bleach: but have L...
nc.pportunity.l willgive
every caller, absolutely
free, a sampio bottle, and
Ce, zZ r e^X*-^ lnor<ip r to supply those out
, “ ' of city. <> r ill any partof the
world,lwulaend itsafely packed in plain wrapper
all charges prepaid, lor 25 cents, silver or stamp.*
In every caseef freckle., pimples,moth, sal.
lowness, blackl ;r.._jne,eczema,oiliness.rough,
ness, or any discoloration or disease of the skin,
and wrinkles (not caused by facial expression)
FACB Bi.eaCH removes absolutely. It does not
cover up, as cosmetics do, but is a cure. Address
MADAME A. ItUPPERT, (Dept. 0.)
Ho. 6 East 14th 3t. f NE«V VORII CIT*
What Nerve Berries
have done for others
w *h do
tor you.
MEN Easily, Quickly
and Permanently Restored. both day.
"Av cure far all We« .nesses, Nervousness
Mobility. and all th ;r train of cv • r-'-,. 1 :
■ ■ .
< Work, sicU ae.s*. worry
and gives tone and to t 1 - »xi«ai or,
uranM. stop.** lov* i- nightly
emiM.moiiK cautjud by yout£*.««<l error# ur ei
cessive use of tobacco. opium and iiqnor
lead to ronwiiinpt ion and insaaitj
1 neir use shows immediate improvement, Accep
’nutation. Insist upon having the tenv-ne
Nerve Berries,
pocket. Price, SI.OO per box. six boxes, on fuH
treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed tocureanyJtor.
.»i not kept by your druggist we will send them
n> mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrap*
Pamphlet free. Address all mail orders to
For sale by Crouch &
A New anil Complete Treatment, consteti#/*'
SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and tw
Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing Cure forr> l _
of every nature and degree. It makes an oP era ';,,,
with tile knife or injections of carbolic
are painful and seldom a permanent cure, and on
resulting in death, unnecessary. Why endure
th. a terrible disease? We « ua !'® , ’ I^ e tor
boxes to cure nny case. Y° u
nendilts received, fl a box, 6 for $5, Sent by m®.
Guarantees Issued by our agents.
BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant
take, especially adapted for children’s use. W
25 cents.
GUABA t- nly by
If you need anything in sho««,
will be to your interest to give me a
call before buying. .
I have bought the entire stock o
Boots and Shoes from R- T. Con
nally and will sell tnem out at
half of their former prices. Mens JiW
patent leather shoes for S4OO, Og
line of ladies, misses and
slipppers at a great reduction. Ca
and soe them
J. T. Dugger
216 Broad St. Successor to
R. T. Connallv-_
~s3oo PER WEEK
For fiist class Board with
-202 Fith Ave
tfox* Maxur :a, Liver irov
OJ e, or Indigestion, us£