Newspaper Page Text
■ ••«“' hl .not the *" ,,e -
■ " lorde iatthebr»»<l-new .uit
■ i tu> ietailor ca,ne '
I tl jtshef' )ndly SMed ’
j-non the co idei> head;
■ *'>J llung i oke<l,vi»”'‘ lld » ur P n9e-
■ red.
| HerV 10 , in ,” she softly cried,
■ not to wear
■ ™ tlllTe !dngo» m y wbeel -”
■ IF hile ‘' —Tom |Mawon.
■ \ P minute he laid eyes
I w“»X ftMh ’ d “ ri “ g you,,g
tbat therewaß OUH
B aCe be V who could take care
f and need ask odds o'uo
K. ’ be “ ob -
■” hl. ra>«' y»““« mau °“
■““ABulii »tl» th » ghl the
.nterfero. For
mueß'“ c watched the K> rl
fcru the jou»8 id ‘“ t ' B f a “ Cd ‘
t.llereueeaud contempt but the
■voting mau did not look at in
L. dfi “‘" yhoar r
Book a seat by rhe girl s side.
■ 4 beg your pardon, he began,
■«b u t your face is strangely famil-
■ ar to me. Haven’t I seen it some
■ifhere before?
■ -Very likely,” returned Mibb
■ gweet and Twenty, as she turned
■her face the other way; “I am Ly-
■ dia Pinkham,”— Boston Budget.
■ Little Dorothy Drew, the mucs-
■ talked-of small grand daughter of
■ Mr. Gladstone, is,it seems, auoth-
■er subject or victim of the bare-
■ foot theory • The child wears shoes
■ and stockings only when the roads
■ about Hawarden are miry or fro-
■ xan, on whi ch she goes abroad in
■ town with her grand father.
I A Brooklyn young moman has
■ beeu in the habit for several years
I of reading the market report daily
B to her father. To make the occu
lt pation interesting to herself she
II sensibly asked questions, discuss
If ed situations, and ended by be-
I coming a shrewd critic or affairs.
H Her father admits with pride that
I some of his best investments were
i| made upon her judgement and at
■ her suggestion, and that more than
II once her sagacity averted a loss
I foi him.
Mustard-colored paper is men
tioned as a great vagary of sta
Searpology is a sort of science
of boots The advanced scarpolo
gist needs only a shoe which you
[have worn tor three months or
i more, in order to be able to tell
you just what sort of a person you
I are.
It is a great deal more interest
ing than phrenology, and easier,
because you can’t very well seqd
yourhead traveling about the couu
hi, while an old boot is readily
packed and dispatched to the ex
pert at a distance.
lhe indications are very simple
p - m main. If you wear heel and
E' and sole and upper all evenly,
you are posessed of a splendid
A man who bo swears
oaf his boots is enegetic, full of
actl «n and resource.
i 8 ’ th o 6ame token,
p i , u , ’ and possess
" 811 the domestic virtue. Peo
-oPut " ho * ear their soles on the
Diani c Sl « e most common
and r.n^iY 68 *— are o uthusiastic
turers \v; IKely to become adven-
S tK 6U the Wear 18 on the
and vie 1 mftU * 8 eeble > irresolute
so tro» ? alin ®’ bu t a woman who
modest d 8;V eDtle ’ attractlv « and
M 8t ’ this is perplexing.
den Ym, ? gyißo “ tbe Bame or '
glovns * J e P &t °hi a pair of old
the ma
d‘BPositinr> d a Chart ° f y° Ur
thoron-bi 5u the stoves must
of the hUj y to the shape
seutial Thlß i 8 »'• «»•
° j r S! OATS! OATS!
Oat°i?£. Bushels of
for sa!A S h re Fi? ,ved and
‘ Cr oct‘ry&)** Rome
I know-- that is to say I used to
know a few ladies who would never
be happy in heaven unless their man
sions were fitted with mirrors - —Why
the prim old sinters would just be
wretc ed unless they could see that
their haloes were on straight And
the croaker! try to imagine, if you
can how one of these men croakers
would feel up there with a harp of a
thousand strings and a pair of golden
Slippers that fit and felt easy—why
he would be the picture of misery.
I want to call attention to the
Yeiser Skin cure notices in anoth
er colum. I know many
who have used Dr. Yeisers medi
cine and I know that his ‘-skin
cure” is all that it is cracked up
to be. I don’t write this so much
to help the doctor with his sale, as
Ido to relieve the afflicted. Dr.
J. G, Yeiser’s skin cure is the stuff.
* *
If there is a man in Rome who
enjoys a good story better than all
others, that man is Col. Ewing of
the Rome bar—and when it comes
to telling one, I know of few men
who can surpass him . Yesterday
afternoon, over a glass of soda,
among others he gave me this one.
“Little Jimmie, aged five, had
been playing with them bad little
Smith children and among other
acquired accomplishments, had
learned to swear. Jimmie’s Papa
was a good man and had very cor
rect ideas about how a small boy
should conduct himself; Sowhen
he heard that Jimmie had been
using naughty words, he very
promptly and very propperly call
ed him to taw. Said he: “Jim
mie, I understand you have been
kussiu.” To this charge the little
fellow p ead a most indignant
“not guilty.”
The father persisted and Jim
mie insisted that he was being
martyred. Finally the little fellow
looked the parent in the eyes and
exclaimed “who told you I did.
Papa?” “Nevermind,” responded
papa who was hoping that the
manhood in his first born would
assert itself and yield a confes
sion, “Nevermind, a little bird
told me.” Yes, exclaimed the in
dignant young hopeful, I’ll this
bet it ’us one er them damlittle
English Sparrows what dun it.”
* *
Mr. J. W. White, who lives on
Mr. J. F. Harbours plantation in
North Carolina district, brought
to my sanctum this morning a
rtalk of young cotton which is ful
ly fifteen inches high and contain
ing three squares. The stalk looks
vigorous and promising. Mr.
White says he has about 10 acres
of which this stalk is an average
* *
W- W. Hudson of Livingston
showed me acuriosity in the shape
of money, yesterday afternoou
notthat anything in the shape of
money is not a curiosity but that
thispiece of scrip is over lOOyears
old. It is a SSO bill, issued by the
state of South Carolina and dated
Feb,, B*h 1779, It is signed by J,
Hops jd, G. Cook and Thos. Gillard
and thejuk looks as fresh as ifthe
signatures had only been affixed
for a few weeks. On the back of
the bill appears a pictue of a
Hercules trying to rise with a
massive stone on his back. Mr.
Hudson says the bill has been in
the family for generations.
Effervescent, too.
Exhilarating, appetizing.
Just the thing to build up the
Hires’ Rootbeer
Wholesome and strengthening,
pure blood, free from boils or
carbuncles. General good health
—results from drinking HIRES’
Rootbeer the year round.
Package makes five gallons, 25c.
Ask your druggist or grocer for it.
Take no other.
Send 2-cent stamp to the Charles E. Hires
Co., 117 Arch St., Philadelphia, for beauti
ful picture cards.
500 mens fine suits
fresh bought at one
half the cost to make
will be closed out re
gardless of value. W.
M. Gammon & Co.
is as safe and harmless as a fla>
seed poultice. I. acts like a poul
tice, drawing out fever ac-dpam.
and curing al! diseases peculiar
to Edies.
“Orange Blos> >n” is a pas
tile, easily used at any time; '
is applied right to the parts
Every lady can treat herseli
with it.
Mailed to any address upon re
ceipt of si. Dr. J .A. McGill & Co.
4 Panorama Place* Chicago* IK.
Sold by
D. W. Curry, druggisl
Endorsed by Rev. John W. Bale.
Dr Yeiser:
I have been a sufferer from ac
me for some years, have had sev
eral wellknown • physicians : went
to Hot Springs. Ark., but found no
relief until I used your celebrated
“Skin Cure’’ which proved true to
name, a “Cure. ”
13-3 t John AV. Bale.
Patronze Burney’s
Transfer new prompt
and reliable. Present
office ArmstrongblocK
Jeff Burney
I have two little grand children
who are teething all this hot sum
mer weather and are troubled with
bowel complaint. I give them Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy and it acts like a
charm. I earnestly recomend it for
children with bowel troubles. I was
myeelf taken with a severe attack of
bloody flux, with cramp and pains in
my stomach, one-third of a bottle of
this remedy cured me. Within twen
ty-four hours I was out of bed and
doing my house work.—Mrs. W. L.
Dunagan, Bon-aqua, Hickman Co.,
Tear. For sale by Lowery and Bros.
Those using hose and sprinklers
are hereby notified that the water,
ordinance requires that sprinklers
should only be used while being
held in the persons hand, and not
fastened up and allowed to run in
definitely. Violators of this ordi
nance will have their water turned
Jas. McGuire,
I can mail my guaranteed Skin
Cure to any Point in America or
Europe for soc or SI.OO.
J. G Yeiser,
13-3 t 304 Broad St. Rome Ga.
Jeweler and Optican
I carry a full line of jewel
ry, watches, clocks, specta
cles and silverware of the best
makes and will guarantee to
sell you as cheap as any house
in Ga. lam a practical watch
maker and guai ntee all work
to give satisfaction or money
refunded. Prices as low as
can be found. lam a piacti
cal optician and guarantee to
fit any eyes with spectacles or
eye glasses or money refund
ed. My motto is, “Reliable
good, honest dealings an 1
bottom prices to all. Come
and see me at 317 Broad St
Davis Old Stand
Selfish men w ho seek to monop
olize more than their share of seat
should be rebuked.
Georgia, Floyd County •
To the Honorable Board of C<«ninis<iioners of
Roads and Revenue of said county. The petition
ofJ'E. Kenebrew, J. A. Kennebrew, H. T.
Kennebrew, J. H. S. Kennebrew, E. P. Price, j,
m. Watters, j. H. Haw kins, Lewis naper, win.
Keys, J. Morrow, Peyton Morrow, ,t U. Autrey,
D. P. Incrani, S. T. wriglit, Doyle O’Henlan,
j. B. Lacey, j, F. Leak, D. F. Field, E. E. Field,
,i. B.Gunn’ Toni Price, F. P Nixon, w a. Rush,
C. H. Hush, R. m. Braden, Matt Braden,
Tilden Praden, j. T. Watters, John Reeves
jauies Harris, T, L Stephens, John Stephens,
and j. B. Stephens show to your Ho». Body
that they desire and do petition yonr body tha t
you do establ sh a new militia district in said,
county out of the following territory now em
braced in Fs9|district G M. known as Watters
District, to wit: All that land and territory ly
ing and being on the east side of the Calhoun
ro®d that leads from Rome to Calhoun, begin
ning at the Rome District line on the macada
mized road to the Gordon county line so as to
include all land now in Watters district that
lies east of said road in the new district. And
your petitioners show that there is in said ter
ritory east of said road, a captains company of
able bodied white men subject to military
duty and that after said territory is cut off and
established;into anew district there would still
remain a captains company of able bodied
white men in Watters district, subject to mili
tary duty that are residents. And your petit
ioners further show that it is necessary and
expedient to establish such new militia dis
tricts embracing said territory east of said
road, that it will be a public convenience to all
citizens in such territory, for it will make the
election precincts nearer to the voters and the
justice of the Peace and Bailiffs, will be more
convenient to the citizens of said new district
that it would be more convenient to give in
and pay their taxss if the new district be so
established and the precinct fixed in a central
part of said district. And they further petition
that you name such new district Ridge Valley
if you should establish said territory into a new
militia district. Your petitioners pray said
new district to be laid out and established in
terms of the law, and that Commissioners be
appointed in terms of the law to lay out said
District and report to your Honorable body as
provided by law,
Geo. A. H. Harris,
Petitioners Atty,
Office of.
Rome Ga., May 17th, 1894,
To s, j. vyi' atle yi)
T. S. Burner ’ [ Commissioners.
J. Y. Price, )
VVh reas, j. F. Kennebrew, and others, have
petitioned the Board for a new district out of
the following territory now embraced in 8.59th.
Dist. G: M. to wit: All that land and teritory
lying and being on the east side cf the Calhoun
road that leads from Rome to Calhoun begin
ning at the Rome Dist. line on the macademized
road at Adolf us Harbor’s land and following said
road to the G ordon county line so as to include
all laud now in Watters Dist., that lies east ol
said road in the new district.
It is ordered that you, or a tnajori y of you
go upon the premises and view tbe proposer
change as indicated above: and if you Audi
necessary and expedient you must procaed t<
lay out and define tie same ;n I make you
report under oath to this Board on o
before the first Monday in June next tha
you have paid out and defined the lines of sail
new district, conformably to law.
Max Meyerhardt, Clerk.
In obedience to the adove order we went up
on the premises and viewed the proposed change
indicated and as er considering the matter as
best we could we believe itexpedient and best
and therefore respectfully recommend that the
above petition be granted a id district line be
so changed as to conform to above petition.
8. J. Watley, 1 Commissioners.
John Y. Price, [ 859 I).strict G. m.
T. L. Burney ) F oyd county Ga.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th,
day of May. 1894.
Thos. N. Pinson, N. I’. & J P.
Georgia, Floyd county,
The commissioners appointed to mark and
lay out territory and define lines thereof for a
new militia district as petitioned for and de
scribed in the above petition, having made
their return reporting that they had laid cut
said territory and recomiuendi g a new militia
district be established, and i being made to ap
pear that a sufficient number of white men sub
ject to military duty remain in Watters District
to form a captains company and a sufficient num
her of white men are in the proposed new Dis
trict to form a captains company and said com
missioners having reported it is expedient and
best to establish such new- district, the report
of said commissioner's approved, a new mill
tia district is established in Floyd county, Ga.
which new district is named Ridge v alle y. The
lines of said district and territory embraced in
scuh new district are declare i to be and estab
lished as follows: Beginning at the same dis
trict line on the macaile mixed road at the Adol
fus Harbour place and following this Calhoun
road to the Gordon county line, this road be
ing western boundary line of said district,
thence from said road east along the Gordon
and Floyd county lines to Bartow county line,
this line being the northern boundary of said
dist. thence along Bartow county line to Eto
wah District line to Rome district line, this
being the eastern boundary line of said dist
thence along Rome district line to Calhoun
road at Adolfus Harbour’s place, the above ter
ritory being the entire territory heretofore em.
braced in Watters District that lies on east
side of the Calhoun road in open court the date
aforesaid. This June 4th, 1894.
Whereas, it appears from the proceedings of
Commissioners'appointed therefore, of file in
this office, that a new Militia district with suit
able meets and bound s has been laid out in the
County of Floyd; and it further appearing that
said proceedings are in due form and accord
ing to law; it is Ordered.
That said New Militia district be known and
distinguished as number 1516, and that piop
er record thereof be made in the office of this
By the Governor W- J.Northen,
J. W. warren, Governor.
Sec. Ex. Dept. f
I, Max Meyerhardt, Clerk of the Board o
Commissioners in and for Floyd county, Ga
do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true
extract from ths minutes of said Board.
Given under my hand and seal, this June 12th
Max Meyerhardt, Clerk
d 30 d.
•• ' A •■<■•... u.-r. ..u. o
i '• ‘
I f.’J ' ■"
. -o . . •
“A < 1 fri.l-.1...
i - XAMII.V. si-KHUn ■
.Hri Tjm »i.i
—a tM..
N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor.
O’Neill Manufacturing Company,
The Oostanaula Steamboat and
~ Trading Company
That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regula trips to
Carters, every week.
Ship what you can by us, Give
us your orders for all Kinds of
Country produce .
Chickens. Eggs. Corn. Hay, Peas Batter, Bacon. Fruits.
Dried, Wheat, and all Products of the Country.
Geo W. Trammell,
F. B. Holbrook,
We Mean Business Call and Gret Our T*ricea<
He fore Buying, W e are Seiling
Flooring, Ceiling, Afoulding,
JSallusters and
''J t - ’ ‘ > e3 * a d Gr i*iußaiidlossv>f puwerin GeneraUveOr,-u,!)5 of aitjpr f.’excau'
'v i U *» 1 ‘ < e*<9c.-sive -t ITJ orst ;
U’i ■ AWhicfih-'id to Infirmity, Consumption or Insanity. Can t»o carried
/ TTv’L'rT A iwkek *lpertn>i.«iorSa, by mail pr WlthuSo order -a
'AOr■» M'veawri‘t*»mr..t«ei<»Mweorrei«a<! the n oiiev Sold bre'
A. ilruculst*. Ask for it, take no other. Write fotfrir-'HedTi a I l<’ok sent
in p.ulu wrapper. Aadress»EKV£S£i:X> CO.. Masc ui*. Temple cIuCAG
J ire 'le in Romo- by BRADFORD DRUG CO-. Druski»tx.
Call at the Rome Business University for SUM
meh Rates in any of the above
The tax upon real and personal
property levied on by the Mayor and
Council of the city of Rome for the
fiscal year of 1894 and 1895 is at the
rate of one and and-fifth of one per
cent on the taxable value. Attention
is called to the following sections of
the taxable ordinance.
Section 4: That the taxes levied in
the preceding sections of this ordi
nance shall be required to be paid,
one-half on or before the 15th, y
of June, 1891, and the other hal u
or before the 15 th, day of Sep 3
ber, 1891, and the entire amount 01
taxes being hereby declared due at
the time of levy, may be paid on or by
the first named date—the making of
this tax payable in two installments
being only for the accommodation
and convenience of the taxpayers
who desire to avail themselves of
this privilege.
section 7. That on failure to pay
the first portion of the tax required
by this ordiance by the time specifi
ed, in section 4, of the ordiance, the
clerk shall issue fi fa for the whole
amount of tax for the year, and pro
ceed’to enforce the collect! n of the
same. Halsted Smith
-C O -C .sc-
Nice new lot of sail
ors in Milan straws for
ladies and children A.
O. Garrard.
I A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oßl-2 Broad sia
ij; B over Cantrell and Owens store.
J AVIES 3 NEVlN—Attorney at Law O’>
Poverty H ill posto.Ua > cor nor 3rd Aven
CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD—Attorney at l« •
Masonic Temple,
Rome, Ga.
REECF. & DENNY—Attorneys at law. On <
in Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga.
WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and
, sei lor at Law—Rome, fata.
& Starling, Attorneys at Law, Mas..
Temple, Rome, Ga. feb2..
WH. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Office
, Masonic 'femule Rome Georgia.
a J. NEAL—M’Henr.,, Nunnallv & N>
Attorneys-at-at Law, office over H.
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome ,
DH.RA.MSLR— Physician and Surgi
Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fo 1
LP. HAMMGND—Physician and Surge
a Offers his i rofessioual services io<he p
pie of Rome and surrounding com...
Office at Cronch and Watson’s drug store
Broad street.
DR. W. D. WOYT-Otfice at C. A. Trevi
drug store. fn. 331 Broad street Telepho
110. reslden >9. No. 21
DR. C.F. GK.lFFlN—Physician and Surge
—Office no v Masonic building. Residei. ►
300 4th atie.
HOWARD E. FKLTON-Phvstcian and si
geon—Office No. 6 Thirc Avenue,
At office dav and night. Telephone 62.
Frank A Wynn, Physician and Surgon
office at Tre-.itt & Johns in drug stoic
telephone 13 Residence 406 Second A\..
Prompt attention given all professional call
Greatest Kitchen utencll ever in vetted.
Retails 35 cts. 2to 6 sold in every bouse: san j>i*
Postage paid five cents. McMAKIN Jfc Co.
“Orange Blossom’. is a painlsss
or all diseases to wome do
D. W. Carry Druggist