Newspaper Page Text
Look Over the Passengers —
Many of Them Will
Interest You
Mrs. Nube Watters, of Nor h
Rome is dangerously ill,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, of Lav
end°r, spent the day in the city.
Dr. F. M. Shaw, of Coosa G.*.
was in the city for a few home
Dr. C. A. Travitt has returned
from a flying business trip to the
G de city,
Mrs Elliott after a severe illness,
at her home in South Romo is now
Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic
Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia
sprains, bruises, lame back, it
juickly cures.
Sheriff Penn, of Chattooga, wus
in the city today tor a few hours —
and a couple of prisoners.
Dr. George West and wife and
their little son, Lyle, left yester
day for their home in vhattanoo
There will be a moonlight pic
nic and dance at Lytles Park to
night. The Electric cars will be
run until 11:30.
Monday, the 18th will be return
day to th'e Justice courts, so says
Balitfs Beard Byars and McLeod,
and they know.
Misses Tony Watters, and Mary
Trevitt left yesterday afternoon
for a pleasant visit to the homo oi
Rev. Dr. Russell of Gaylesville
Israel Jonas, cue of Atlanta’s
cleverest young business men, was
in the city today mingling wilh a
host of friends and old acquaint
Mr, and Mrs J. F Burnett, Os
Cedar Biufl’ Ala. are in the City on a
shopping tour. Mr. and Mrs Bur
nett have a wide circle of friends in
the Hili City.
Another of thoss charming hops
will be tendeied the visiting young
ladies by Romes gallont society
young men, on Thursday night, at
the Armstrong
The horse of the Rome Bakery
w igen took fright this morning
and dashed away from the curbing
of the bakery, He encountered a
post in the center oi the street,
overturned the wagon and broke
loose fron it. Damages slight.
Contractor Charley Jinkins has
returned from Floyd Springs where
he has just finished an elegant resi
dence for Superintendant Craws
Moore of the County Chain Gang.
Mr. Moors old residence, it will be
remembered was burned to the
ground some weeks ag .
Dr Barnett’s lecture, “the City of
Jerusalem,” was largely attended at
ths First Presbyterian Church last
night.—and to say that it came up
to expectation of his audience,
would be putting it mildly. Dr, Bar
nett holds a very warm place it the
hearts of the people of Rome -be
cause they know him.
Black and fancy wors
ted suits imported
goods, only SIO.OO at
Is jiict what it claims, an ex
cellent remedy for all diseases of
the skin, the only one I ever tried
and I shall see that you have a
good Texas sale for it.
J. I. Wright,
13—3 t Fort Worth, Ttx.
Persons who sympathize with the
aflicted will rejoice with D. . E Carr
of 1235 Harrison street Kansas City •
He is an oid sufferer from inflamma
tory rheumatism, but has not hereto
fore been troubled in this climate.
Last winter he went up into Wiscon
sin, and in consequence has hud an
other attack.'‘lt came upon again
very acute and severe,” he s i I.“My
joints swelled and became inflamed;
sore to touch, or almost to look at.
Upon the urgent request, of moth
er—inlaw 1 tried Chamberlai Pain
Balm to reduce the swelling dense
the pain, and to my agree e sur
prise, it did both . I have us ® three
fifty-eent bottles and believe it to be
the finest thing for rneumatis 3 .pains
and swelJii lß r« exfatit For = sd<-
-J -ov l!r..\ "
—— -1
Cards are on i uinuociug the!
marriage of Mis*- Joyce.
Elexander, of Rom , to Mr. \\ iil
- King, of the same city.
Miss Alexander is one of the |
most intellectual and lovely young
ladies of the Hili City and her
wedding is oued forward to with
pleasure by her many warm fr en< s
there. She is the ut
Colonel T. W. Alexander, one of
the most proment and distinuished
lawyers in North Georgia, and her
mother was a Miss Hooper, daugh
ter of Judge Hooper, who was
so much honored and beloved in
Miss Alexander is the sister of
Mr. Hooper Alexander, of Atlanta,
Cards are out announcing the
wedding of Miss Virina Berry to
Mr. Charles Scranton Pruden, both
jf the city. The ceremony .will
be pronounced on the evening ol
June the 25ih, at the residence of
the brides mother Mrs. John Ber
ry, on Fourth Avenue Miss Rena
Berry, as she is familiarly known
by a wide circle oi friends in this
city, is one of Romes fairest and
noblest daughters.
Mr. Pruden the proud young
groom, elect, is one of the best
young railroad men in the state,
being connected with the C. R. &
C. with headquarter’s in Rome
Mr. Pruden is receiving many con
gratulations, Jover the coming
happy event.
Yesterday morning, at ten o’clock,
in the parlors of the niece of the
bride, Mrs. Will J. West of Eat
Rome, the future lives of Mr- E. A .
Heard of Rome and Mrs Mary E
Jones of Rockmart were united.
The pretty and impressive ceremo
ny was pronounced by Rev. George
E. Benedict of Cartersville.
Mr aud Mrs Heard left at 11
over the East Tennessee, via; Atlan
ta for a bridal tour to Washington
New York and o her points .
They ; ri expected to return to this
city in about two weeks and will be
at home to their many friends, at the
I was a sufferer from tetter for
many years, could get no cure
from physicians < r patent reme
dies until advised to get and use
your Skin Cure. It is a complete
and permanent cure.
J. J. Thompson, Broker.
Chamber Comraecie
J3-3t St Louis.
Heard county acted yesterday
but being off the railroad, no news
of the result has been received at
this office.
3 hisis e j <>licy con 1 mil g a 20
year endowment policy with a2t
payment life policy, fir half the
amount of the endowment, and is
case of death wi'hen the first year
from anv pulmonary disease hut
one half the insurance (i. e., one
quarter of the endowment) will be
For insurance: a combination
policy may be taken cut for $250
endowment, maturing in 20 years
and its terms will provide that if
death occur while the policy is in
force within the 20 years $125 will
be paid; if the insured survive 20
years, he will receive $250 in cash
and still hold tns policy as an or
dinary paid up life policy for
$125. payable at death without
any futher payment of premium
The premium is the same for all
ages; but applications will not be
rceived upon lives less thar>l3 or
more than 50 next birthday, ts.
1 8 guaranteed to cure
Nervous Prostra-
L. 4 CtfA J tion, Fits, Dizzi
ness, Headache,
Neuralgia and ln-
JJT fiomnia. Great ex-
jr Z«. J ceases in the use of to-
<w m? *WL bacco, opium, alcohol,
z I-- / J and in other direc-
W' 5/ '* A ’’A \S* tione, bringing on De
•BE-FORE - AFTER- bi.lty,
pression, Softening of the Brain, Insanity
and at last a miserable death. MAGNETIC NER
VINE arrests all losses in either sex, renews vitality
and strength to both the muscular and nervous system,
(ones up the brain, builds up the flesh, brings refresh
lug sleep, and restores health and happiness to tho
I -’iffernr. A month’s treatment in plain i ackaer
•hl to any address, SI.OO per box; 6 for sni). V i '
■■’ • «rder »v(- » ’ve i ’A 7 *' >• -- <*.-«• .. «*■* , ,
mu niff.
Is tho Gubernatorial Cam-1
, pa’gn in Bibb
Tonight. General Evans made throe
Speeches Tlieie Yesfonlay and is
Still Fitting Deaperately. The Pri
inary tomorrow
The following special, from Ma
con appears m this mornings At
lanta Constitution .
Marc,j, Ga.. June 12.—There is
much political excitement in Macon
tonight The Evans people held meet
ings in East Macon and in South
Macon .General Evans addressed both
meetings He spoke at -‘Butler thia
morning and returned to Macon S' h -
could be present at the rallies ll d js
nursing Bibb’s six voles very close
and his followers are making a des
perate effort to carry the county.
The East Macon meeting was ad
dressed by General Evans, Washing
lon Dessau. J. A. Thomas, H M
Smith and others. The .South Mac<>n
meeting was addressed by General
Evans, Dupont Guerry, W. A. Huff
and others.
The Evans people will have an
other speaking tomorrow night at
the court house. The Atkinsonians
will '>ave a grand tally tom row
ni;, t it the intersection of Mulberry
aud Third streets, where a speakers
platform will be erected’
E .enimin ;• dub’g ton '•nd other di *
ting bi shed orators are. expected to be
present. The primary on Thursday
will be one of the holiest ever known
in Bibb county One of the speakers
tomorrow night will be Mr. Atkin
See our $7.50 all
wool worth $15.0.
W. M. Gammon & Co.
GEORGIA, Floyd County,
To ail whom it may concern: No' icc is hereby
given that the appraiser appointed to ret
apart anilassign a year’s support to Josephine
Stansbury, the widow of Jas. A. Stansbury,
deceased, have tiled their award, ami unless
good and sulliceut cause is shown, tile .same w.ll
be made the judgement of the court at the July
tern 1894 of the court of Ordinary. This June
4th, 1894.
John P. Davis,
Ordinary F.oyn County, Georgia.
Citation— Leave to Sell
Georgia, Floyd County;
To all whom i- mav concern: William J. Gor
don. Administrator de bonis non with will an
nexeii, of M illiam T, Gordon, deceased, has in
due form applied to the undersigned for leave
to seil the lands belonging to the estate of said
deceased, and s 4<l application will be heard on
ihe first Monday in July next. This sth. day of
June 1894.
John P. Davis Ordinary.
Application for Letters of
GEORGIA,—FIoyd County:
Whereas John P. Stansell, Guardian, of
O. J. Stansell, represent to the court in
her petition duly tiled, that she has adminis
tered O. J, Stansell’s estate. This is to cite
all arsons concerned, kindred aud creditors,
to show ciuse, if any they can, whj’ said admin
istrator should not be discharged from her
administration and receive letter.- of dismission
on the first Monday in July 1894 This June 4th.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd County. Georgia
Year's Support.
GEORGIA. Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby
given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart
aud assign a year’s support to El zaoeth Turner
the widow of G. W Turner decease' , have tiled
their award, and uules good aud sufucient
c use is shown, the sam < will be made the j'idii.
ment of the Qourt at the July teim, 1894, of the
Court of Ordinary. This June 4th 1894.
John P. Ua- is.
Ordinary Floyd county Geoigia
Application for Letters of l)is
miss:on t
GEORGIA—FIoyd County
Whereas James W. Reeves, Trusteed
Mrs, Martha E McGee, represents to the court
in his petition duly filed, that he has adm'nis-1
tered Martha E J’cilee’s estate. This is io cite
all persons concarna I. kindred and creditors to
show cause, it any they can, why said trustee
should not be discharged ironi his trusteeship
and receivo letters of dismission on the first
Monday in July 1894. This April 2nd, 1894
John P Davis
Ordiua y Floyd Co, Ga
Application for Letters of
Dis u'ssion.
GEORGIA Floyd Countv :
Whereas Joint <'. Printup Executive, Henry 8.
Printup, represents to the court in his petition
duly filed, that he has ail dnistered cienry 8.
f’rintup’s estate. This is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause
if any they can, why said Executor should not
be di charted f-i.m his Executorship and re
cieve letters ofdismission on the firs Monday
in Septemb r 1894. This June 4th; 1894
John I’. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County,Geo. gia.
r.- < i*• 1.-
y taatarar-aa r. A . ,V1 aueiKninß u
£SKS!7!i-Z J U!3a b
I«3 POMf.'igC. 'if- Will R©l»<l (■'
A Sain-!e ’■.■•.yvs -,T»c.«rfl <«4the»r
y white, if. . 5 z xmrz.Ei-xjH ’■
s nozws
J it ,
■ifi Von have seen it advertised for many it
7 years, but have you r:G: ;l it?—lf .’
"2 not you do not "know ' taa Ideal ff
Z Complexion Powder it. •
M m
<> besides being nn acknowledged beantlfler, Z
4 has many refreshing uses. It. prevents eliuf. ft
’ ing,suu-burn, wind-tan Jeseenspersplration, \
ij eto.; Infacttttsnmostdclicntenndansimble <?
»• protection to the sac« dv.rhifr hot woather. *
It I* Hold Evm-where,
For hr nip! q, mM??« .
I .-TJ. A. POZZO Xi er,
Having t p rirC! Liased. the entire
stock of Furniture from Messrs.
Hanks & lioberts, and consoli
dated it with my already large
stock I am no w
And am ready to supply you
with anything and everything
Business is business, and if you
can secure furniture now, that
you will buy 1 a ter on at reg lar mi
ces and save from twenty to fifty
per cent, why
I respectfully direct your attention to the great
bargains that you know I must have secured
in the
Tney are crowding my floors and must be moved
and 1 am going to move them and move them at
once. The first who come to lend me a helping
hand will pull in the cash.
wtf. L. DiOUCLaS
On you wea.' them? Whan next In need try « piiit
Be»t !n -ha world.
54.00« V 2.50
43.50 WOO
SS.aO iy. '**r'jS2.oo
*2-25 A Jekl *I-?S
*2.00 bflSfe"
you want a fine DRESS SHOE, mad? In ihr 4’*
styles, dor.'* pay $3 to SB, try my $3, .50, (1 ■
t 5 Shoe, They i eya! to custom made and look <
•ver.r ?? a'i.;’, ’f you wish to economkeycurfiPVA %
'o s■’hy p'Tch?! str L shces» i
'.iii.Tped o.i t: • botfi'T’. 'y.■ I* .-hen v-v
For sale by Cantrell & Ow
Citation-Leave to SeH.
Georg’a, Floyd County: (
mall whom it may concern: F. G. Morgan, >
Administrator of I’. N. Morgan deceased has in i
<1 m form applied to Ihe undersigned for leave
to sei' the lands belonging to the est>te of said 1
deceased, and said application will be heard on (
the first Monday in July next. This 4th. day of
June 1894
John F.Davis; Ordinary.
Adm’nistrators, Sale.
GEORGIA, Floyd Count C.
Pursuant to an order of the court of Ordinary
Will be sold before the Court House door, in the
city of Rome said county between the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1894,
the following property towit.
The, South, west,, quarter of lot known as
lot No. (228) Two hundred and twenty eight in
the 23rd. District and 3rd. Section of Floyd
county Ga, containing 44 acres more or less,
said lot sold as the property of Samuel. & Ln
eretia, Thompson, Minors. This June -th. 1894
Anderson, Thompson. Guardian for Samuel &
Lucre-ia Thompson.
Application for Leiters ol
Georgia—Floyd County:
Whereas EL Bosworth, administrator of
Jas T Vandiver dcc’d, representsto the court in
his petition duly tiled, that he has administered
James T Vandiver’s estate. ibis is to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
sb w cause, if any they can, why said adminis
trator should not l>e discharged from Ids admin
istration and receive letters of dismission on
the firs’ Monday in Aug. 1894. This May 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia
“Orange Blorrohj.” the Common
Sense Female Rem» dy, draws out
pain mid scn-tidsc. Sold by Hatn
‘(i.'d In H ’’’ v, l
The friends and patrons of
the late firm oi Crouch &
Watson are respectfully in
formed that any prescription
or special form ala fdlcd by
the oid firm can be refilled by
the undersigned, We invite
our friends and the public
generally to bear this in rnindi
as our high standard of merit
both as to drugs used and
the pre>criptionistß copond
ing them will always be main
tained. Thanking the public
for the liberal pa ronage
o generously bestowed upon
us we hold ourselves at all
times in readiness to continue
tos erve our friends,
J T. Crouch &, Co
Sometime ago I was troubled with
an attack of rheumatism. I used
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and was
completely cured. I have since ad
vised many of my friends and custo
mers to try the remedy and all speak
highily of it. Simon Goldbaum, San
Luis Bey, Cal. For sale' by Lowery
Bros. Druggist.
We have just Recd—a beautiiul
lot of the very latest styles of suiting
and pants goods which we will make
up to order—at unheard of low
prices We are turning out an absolute
perfect fit. the liuest work ever
seen in Rome—if you want a genu
ine tailor made suit come to us and
you will get it—We do not adveaise
suite made to order” & then ordei
you a re>i< y, made suit from Cincin
nati or New York, but every i u t we
sell is mui e right here in Rome a id
to your om> r - Bui n y pants Ce.
it :■ S.T
• «*?, »OTBK>O|I
i.u.jjipii' ‘wvprß -?a.nj !iuw.-eaxi a(
O. . I »■ > ‘ -TV* *
We are sole agents for
Celebrated Candies,
Have you
Tried our
Cherry Phosphate,
Pine Apple Cream,
Orange Phosphate,
Concord Grape,
Blood Orange,
or Strawberry Gem,
These are onlv a few
of the many delicious
drinks and refresh
ments that we serve.
We use only pure fruit
juices in our syrups;-
The prettiest fount in
J. T Crouch & Go-
Druggists, Medical
Buildir f • Rome Ga,
4eoroia, floyd County: n(1
The Board of Commission'rs of ■' oa !..*v n
Revenue of said county ask for sealed bid’
scrape, paint and adjust the three iron Priug -
belonging to the county, to wit, the brink
the foot of Second Avenue, the bridge a
foot of Broad Street, and the bridge over iu
Oostanaula river on Fifth Avenue, learn
the Fourth ward. Said bids to be In the L
office not later than nine o’clock a. in., »
gust fith, 1894. A bond will be . re 'l' lire jJ / orn) .
the successful bidder for the faithful pe.
ance of the work. The Board reserves the n
to reject any and all bids. rhiir-
Witness the Honorable John C. Foster,
man of the Board, this sth, day o £^ u ?®’ r i„ r 'k.
Max Meyertardt, Ciera.
June 7-30-d.
GEORGIA,FIoyd County: ]g aD <i
The Board of Commissioners of Kaon so( .
Revenue of said county will reme
stra.ghtening the public R® bll ,L)n G»P
ender Mountain, known as the Ro con .
and putting the same in a good a ' ..„ Ar¥ er
dition. For particulars apply to J, A
or G. G. Burkhalter Said bids to beffi^_
Clerk’s office bynine t> clock a. 1.., o
July 2nd, 18.44. reiect
'lhe board reserves . ri K h £.worable J”bu
aid all bids. Witness the Hon, U y
C. Foster, Chairman of tire Board, t
of June, 1894. , .• ’t