Newspaper Page Text
Sotarei 1 at the Rome P<>»t O" ce »• ••aret.-cl*»"
secoua-clauss Mail Matter.
nwun lEditor, and
PHIL Or. BA KD, | Managei.
Q cent j week or •$•) CO per annum
OFFICE - Corner Broad Street and
“ rriv> °“ uifth Avenue.
Official Organ
Cif the city of Rome, and Foyd, the
"Banner county ’ of Georgia.
make your application
u The mar. whose business is to
interpret the Bibls is likely to
make a sad mms of interpreting a
platform “—[Atlanta Journal, Ev
*n« organ.J
Transplant the “razor bark wh re eer
>ou will,
id [he sands or the clay he will root;
And he hrives ’ike the bay tree, whin
Watered on swill,
And the country cured ham is "the” fruit.
The watermelon crop is said to be
abort. *
Brunswick takes Lamb in her
bill of fair.
On the briny deep, every big bark
.has its log with it.
Bill Daltons life is I’ke the fa
tuous kat th«t kame back.
A horse with no traces or harness
has no pull on the band wagon.
When a felllow is down he has to
look up if he sees the bright side.
Men don’t t ear heir hair long;
women do; women are never bald
General Evans will withdraw be
fore next Monday morning—“mark
that p e ’lotion. ’
No, Maude dear, lovers never
contract chiggois while setting on
the log of a stiii?.
You can’t tell y >ur fortune by
cards, but you can loose it that
-way.— Augusta News.
About the only chance a poor
gas consumer has is to burn wi h
h.ndigna f ion.—Plain Dealer.
27 is true that doctors disagree,
-but then they don’t disagree half
.as much as their medicines do. —
The Valdosta Times says. “One
<day you think the Atlanta Cons'i
Tution has reformed, and the next
iay yen; don’t.”
The most modest girl we know
jf lives in Eeast Rome. She x/ears
2her sb’Afkinp. on the out side of her
'Undressed kid shoes.
D. Parkhurst says New York
Joes not want a boss to succeed Cro
ke>r. He seems to think the city will
be off without a boss.
The.populist may be all right in
bis way. but he doesn’t “weigh”
.much when it comes to guberna
torial rctathere, —Albany Herald.
Our devil admits that talking about
Joisjularky and her beautiful pearly
teeth, is conversing on a pair of sub
jects—to say nothing of her false
An Italian laborer died the other
day at Wooster. Ohio while trving to
'explain'’ somethirg Some alleged
Htateman ought to take warning.—
Savannah Dispatch.
The Buffalo Times says.- “The
mau whe broke the bank at Mon
te Carlo is dead. Now let some of
those who sing the song fall in
line and follow suit. ’
. Eaufe aresmiJlfer this year than
heretofore, in .graceful acknowl
edgement of ih'j fact, doubtless,
that it is harder to raise the wind
than it used to be. —Chicago Tri
The Aftarta Daily and Sunday
‘Tihies is hustling for subecrip
.tions will be independ
<mll m/politics and in all probabil
ity a veny fine —Augusta
£ierald. .
Let the who e press o e the State I
advoente the rule for holding the i
primaries like Alabama, all on the 1 1
same day. It is fair, less trouble- <
some and gives less cause fur com- I
plaint. M aynesboro Tiue Citi- 1
There are reigning tbrouought -
the world four Queens and Seven- J
teen Kings. This list includes on- i
ly settled governments, as there 1
are a number of African and Poly 1
in. bi an IviugD nti I included in tills
r< cord .
Augusta has taken to hypnotism.
They have sent for Everett to come
back and hyp’ein again.—Waynes
boro True Citizen
Where does Mr. Everett live
when he is at home? Rome wants
him and wants him quick.
The State of Mississippi is propos
ing to discontinue the penitentiary
lease system and to establish a farm
on which its convicts will be employ
ed. It is proposed to puichase a
farm of not less than 5 000 acres.
Texas has such a farm,which has prov
ed profitable.
Kansas Populists are going to
have a woman’s suffrage plank in
their platform. They must be
hard ruu for planks. They ought
co try a uhingle occasionally.—
Albany Herald.
The women are use to using the
shingle already—as they are to the
Sham-pooh ! of the men who prom
ise but don’t reform.
Judge John F.Little who is oppos
ing Hon. C.R Breckinridge for con
gress in Aikansas, has received
enough votes in the brimary election
already held to assure bis nomina
tion n.s the choice of the Democrats
of the distiict which he resides in.
; Tile people do not. seem to be in love
with the name of Breckenridge,wheth
< r it be in Arkansas or Kentucky.
The Clayton Press, a Third party
paper, declares that thousands of
Populist; | i Georgia have been work
ing for A Pinson's be
cause they say he is the easiest man
for Hiues to beat.—Macon News.
And sweet Hal, dost believe that
• the populists would publish tu ;h a
story if it were true? Come off! Ha),
dear, take a mint julip and biace up'
If Captain Howell goes to the
legislature he will make a vigor
ous effort to send Pat Walsh back
to the Senate. And whin it comes
to carrying his plans through the
Captain is no slow cuacb, either.—
Rome Tribune.
Prone to wonder! We have
just been ruminating over how
“the Captain carried Georgia for
Hill also for Gen. Evays
A writer in the Constitution Las
compiled a list of outrages against
females committed in 1893 in Geor
gia, Alabama, South Carolina and
Florida, showing that of the 51 crim
inal assaults, 22 were in Geoagia, 15
in Alabama 11 in South Carolina and
3 in Florida, in which 58 negres
were concerned, of winch, latter 48
were lyncned. Os the 54 woman as
saulted all were whites except 2.
When the character of the assaults
are considered,lynching was too good
<ir the brutes.
After General Evans’ distinct dec
laration that he is in the race to the
finish the Telegraph’s persistent imi
tations that he will retire are below
the belt.—Macon Mews.
Now, Hal, do you really believe
th it General Evans is going to hang
out until the last county has gone for
Atkinson? Wo think General Evan q
is too good a democrat for that, and
the Hustler of Rome predicts that
General Evans will retire before
Monday morning, June 25th.
1 he Athens Banner' saysfTt is real
ly pitiful to see how the Atlanta pa
persand The Augusta Chronicle on
bended knees beseeching Mr. Atkin
sun to come out of the race aa 1 save
the party from rniy division.’’Wrong,
all wrong brother. Wd only implore
him to come in out of the wet.
Chronicle Feb 16th.
But the wagon boy did not mini
the reign of the Atlanta—Augusta
kombine, kept on the track and will
lead under tue wire--despite the
*w,rp pullers’g
Judge Montgomery says le does (
no favor new gubernatorial delegates I
nor new legislative candidates, and
considers Democratic harmony at i
this critical junctur ole vital impor- !
tunce.—Augusta Chronicie.
Did the Chronicle think of “Dem
ocratic harmony” when it and thi
Augusta ring put that historic snap
judgement mass-meeting on the vo
ters of Richmond? Now it seems
that the people must submit, for
sooth. for sake of-Democratic harmo
ny. How much good will Richmond’s!
six votes du the Atlanta Candida e
What is the matter in Atlanta,
that the other gentleman who
would like to be considered in ttie
senatorial race cannot secure an
invitation to address the p -ople of
that city? Give the entries a fair
start and let the people seL cl the
best num—Augusta lieraid.
Let Turner remember the fate of
General Evans with the “100 coun
ties” promised him, and steer
clear of the blandishments of At
lanta. Mr. Turner may be re-elect
ed to congress but the people don't
propose to permit him in Gus Ba
con’s seat in the United States
The Chattanooga News, in
speaking of Parson Nunnally's
sermon on “Memphis is going to
Hell,” says: “It has long been
known that Memphis was hellward
bound,” and the,Chattanooga News
intimates that it has private ad
vices to the effect that Editor Car
mack of the Commercial “will
lead the procession.” We hi ve ju
|v to say to the News that a gen
, tie nan more cap tble and worthy
of the honor ccul I not be found, —
Memphis Evening Star.
The News will ad 1 that it has
still further advices. It is now
fully known that Revs. Stuart and
Jones are exerting a'most sup r
bumau efforts to head qff the boys I
before they take the final plunge.
1 —Chattanooga News.
If Dr. Nunnally, Rev. Sam P.
Jones and Bro’her Stuart fail to
head 'em off. then the case is cer
tainly hopeless Memphis will
join the majority, which includes
’ t -'ii qiients.”
■Milliilii Im B ill I iimiiir" i
-mum- ■ i m - >
iu j'U i' UN
needed flesh, no matter how
you’ve lost it, take Doctor
\ Pierce’s Golden Medical
* ders. By restoring the
normal action of the de
ranged organs and func
tions, it builds the flesh up
to a safe and healthy stand
ard—promptly, pleasantly,
and naturally!. The weak,
emaciated, thin, pale and
puny are made' strong,
plump, round, rosy, and
robust. Nothino- so eiYec-
I OuUSv. SO ©l>4Jv*
tive as a strength-restorer and flesh-niali'er
is known to medical science. Filthy Cod
Liver Oil and all its disguised compounds 1
can’t compare with it.
They build up /at, not healthy firth.
Practically, yon can get the “ Uiseovary "
on trial. In everything that’s claimed for it ;
—in purifying the blood, and building up the j
flesh and strength—if it ever fails to benefit ,
or cure, you have your money back.
On these terms, is any substitute that may I
Cay a dealer better to urge aud sell, likely til
t> “ just, as good ” for you to buy t 1
Nothing else, at any price, is really as
cheap. You pay only for the good you f?et.
1 ,000 Bushels of
Oats just received and
for sale by the Rome
Grocery Co.
fob bint.- There are four rooms and
garden and other accommodations
that can be rented very che ip. ap
ply to Mrs. W.. L’j>ai>n Avenue
A. Fourth Ward.
6- Utf
The friends and patrons of
the late firm oi Crouch &
Watson are respectfully in
formed that any prescription
or special formula filled by
the oid fi m can be refilled by
the undersigned, Wfc invite
onr friends and the public
generally to bear this in mind
as onr high standard of merit
both as to drugs used and
the pre-criptionists cojiond
ing them will alwavsbc main
tained. Thanking the public
for the liberal pa. "on.igc
ogenerously bestowed upon
us we hold ourselves at all
times in readiness to continue
tos erve ourTriends,
J T. Crouch & Co.
Sheriff sales For July
will be sold before the court house door iu
th-my ui Rom- , iloyd county, ua., between
the legal hours of sale on the Ist iuesdai JLi
.inly 1894. The following described property,to
One city lotof land n cba KtjWax division of
the city of Rome, Hoyu County t.a., Irontiii„
!>»-. til it, A-e, 150 lent, .oil frontingon E.i l Jtiii.
i 1.10 fr. being lot N"- and part, of lot No. 43 1
oeiuii place where defendant now resin.--. Let - .
t-ji on by virtue of a lila issued from the Floyd
• notice Court oi the H<» district G. M. mla
or of Han't .V Co., vs Mrs. W. C. H a be, as the
roperty <»t the defendant. Levy wade by W.
P ,4cLeo t, 1. O,
Also at the same time and place, a certain
brick c'.iuiehaml the lot or premisis on which
the same is er.c.ed, iu the town oi Cave Spring
I loxtl eminti Ga.. together with all the im
i-r dements thereon, including the old church
and dwelling on said premises of the colored
Men odist Episcopal church South. I catud on
..hat. is known as I’a.dloc . street, sain street
lea- inj from Mam street Eastward up by t!'«
11..11 an.l i n Institute; said lot bouudi . ,
follows: On the West by Hanisoii Heckham
ami sa>d Institute; South by sa.d Institute.
East by lands formerly owned by Lum Prior,
deceased ami now occupiel by his widow, ami
fronting North on said street 150 leet, and run
ning back uniform width 300 leet more or less,
said lot iteing 150 feet by 300 feet more or less
sahi lot h iving men purebased from J. Al.
Lockwell. Levied on by virtue of a ii-fa issued
from the Flool Superior Court in favor ol
Cohron & Co., for the use of McHenry, Nun
mui'. <v Neel, Att'ys vs Trustees of the Colored
VI E cluitvh, S'.util ol Cave Sprinu Ga., as
the ; roi/rtv of W illis Green, ITai;k Brannon,
S.elthonsGlenn, K. Burns, Allen Tilley, F. M
Gordon ami Washiugt ,u Winchester, Trustees
oi saitl Al. E. chuich.
A’so at the same time and place, one farm
lying in a body, couusting ol whole lot of
'ami No. one hundred ami forty six [IP] in the
22nd, district and 3rd Section of Floyd county
State of Georgia, a d said farm i ontaluing one
hundred and sixvy [ltil'j acres more orlcss.
Levie i <>n by virtue or a ti-ia issued from the
Floyd Superior Court in favor of Emily f>,
Knapp vs Jennie Watkins, as the property of
the defendant.
Also at the s line time and place one farm con
sisting of whole lot of land No. 291 in the 2i:ni
dist i ict and 3rd SeCiiou of Floyil county, a.
iasvied on by virtue of ati f i i S led from tle
Floyd Superior Court iu favw oi ilie GeorJa-
Loa'n & Trust Company, vs Win, N. wddie, as
the property of cue Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, the follow
ing described property: all that tract or parcel
of laml situated lying and being in looyd couu
iv Georgia discribed a» follows to-wii: Com
meiieing at a point or. the north and south line
of laml lot number one hundred and ninety sev
en (197) in the twenty-third (23) district and
third (3) section of said county, near the corner
of Miss Mattie Berry’s lot, and on line of land
heretofore sobland conveyed to William Moore,
.hence running due south seventy seven (77)
chains an I six links; thence east 5 deg. south to
Oostanaula river, thirty-efght(3B)cliains; thence
up said river live (5) chains and twenty' five (25)
links; thence dun west, to the begin; ing point,
thirty-seven chains. Containing twenty-two
an I ,’eu sixteenths (22-10-U>) acres, more or less.
A -o an alley twenty live (25) feet wide, more or
fuss, extending from the north-west c irner of
the ’land herein described, to the eummerville
road. This being the property whereon the de -
fendaut, Ike J. Beny, now resides.
Also all that tract or parcel of land, situated,
lying and being ii. the twenty thud district and
third section ol Floyd county, Georgia, and
more partieular’y described as follows : Begin
ning a: a mint on 'hr right or west bank ■ f die
Oostanaula river, twenty (20) feet north of where
the south l.oundiy line ol lui number one hun
dred and sixty--out [l64] touches said river;
thence runuing Wes* parallel with said south
boundry line, crossing the west bou- dry line of
said lot forty (41) chains to a point thirty 3e
feel east of the center of the Bummervil e road:
tm-uce north along s i-l road the said road "■
ex'eud out thirty l.'iie i from the center a
along rhe line, sc-, ui ch ins an t f rty-five a d
.me "third hu'idreil:' chains; thence east :nl
parallel with said tits' line, forty one and forty
eight one humlredtbs [-1 -4'-h>o] chains, to sain
Oostanaula; tbeiiee along -he right bunk
of said river, robegnni g point. Containing
thirty ml one hamlre ':«•> 1 1001 acr s, nmre oi
less. Said tract being parts i: lo s nu nhersone
hundred and six.h ; dree [l63] and one hundred
a id sixty-four [tC4 ]
Also all that tract ..r pare-1 >f land, 'dtUltiC
lying ami being iu > »•> twenty-Ciird district and
third section oi Flojd c mnrv, Georgia,-the
same being part of land lot number eiglity-two
I [Mzl, an tin th?#oi’:liw<s e r ,er thereof, rad
bounded 'lid descrim T as follows; On the rorth
by the la I'l.-. >f 'tr, lii'.it is; on t’u> east by
the lands of Mrs Mo its- on the sourh by the
souilierii land lire f said lot numb<■; eighty
two (821;on ihewestbv .lie vv steiii imil lino
of said lot uil> ber eighty .wo. iomaiiil' g U
acre t, more or less.
Also all that tract oi parcel of land, situate ’.
lyinz and being in ttie Filth Ward of the city
of Rome, Floyd county Georgia, described ao
follows, to-wit: BiStmniug at th'* corner of J
fl. Pollock’s lot. i mining rlience along .Main
street sixty-six [66] feet north; thence back on
straight line one hundred and eighty-uue [lßl]
feet; thenct south sixty feet ; thence west along
J. 1. Pollock’s line one hundred and sixty eight
[l6B] feet, to beginning poiir.
Also lot in said Fifth Ward beginning at the
non-h corner of lorn Berry's 'ot on Main street;
running thence north sixty [6o] feet, to th cor
ner of N. H. Bass’ lot; thence back in a straight
1 ineeasterly, two hundred [2<ju] feet, more or
less; thence south sixty [6o] fee-; thence w> st
one hundred and niuvly- Jn ee (19:.) f ei, to start
ing point. By virtue of a Floyd Superior court
Firn in favor of the Rome Fire Insurance Co.
vs. I. J. Berry Principal and N. H. Bass endors
er as the property oi I. J. Berry.
Also at the same time and ulaee, one undivi
ded half interest in part of lot No. 295, 24th,
lH‘.».rict and 3rd, Section, Floyd Comity <;a.,
adjoining lands ot Mark Taylor near Shannon’s
Station on the E, T. V. & c. K. R.,,about seven
miles North >f Rome, containing 4) acres more
or less, and on West side of said lot and across
and of equal width across. Also one undivided
half interest i<> ci'y lot in the city of Rome, on
what is known as l Sevier hen lot, being lot No.
9, fronting on Sevier Street of survey made by
tiiues M. Smith, fronting 77 1 -2 leet by 251 feet
■ .ack towards rig nt o'-way of Rome R.R. 'the
above 40 acres, tract above referred to is now
occupied by Mark Taylor as tenant. Levied on
bv virtue of a mortgage ii-fa issued from the
> ii i.ut ui 11 .ui Lgd ii-i.i i?nu 'i j i i*iii inv
Floyd Superior Court in favor of t’ e Southern
Ba iking &Trust Company Transferees vs. Jno.
C Frintuj, as the peoperty of the defendant.
Also at the sanie time and p.ace, the East
half of lot No, 26, in the 22 District and 3rd See
t.ion of Fioyd County Ga., and lets No. 839 and
890 tn the 3rd District and 4th. Sectio <>f said
County, and lots numbers 539, 541 and .>42 b tile
3r l District and 4th. Section of said coun y
The East, half of lot N0.'26,839 and sso sold as
the property of M. J. Bobo, and lots numbers
539, 540 and 542 sold as the property of William
Richardson to satisfy a ti-tu issued from the
City Court of Flo-d'Couiity in favor of Tnonias
Philpot vs. M. J. Bobo and W illiaiu Kichaiduun.
Also at .he same time and rlace o»e lot <>i
land No. (33) thirty three, in East Koine i-loyu
county Georgia, S. F. Smith sub division,
together wit... ill on said lot, 63 by 217 feet
on Hill street. Bounded o tie side by Hamil
too Yancy, and Austin Harvey, on the other by
Rosa Lumpkin. Levied upon by virtue of
a mortgage fl-fa issued from Floyd Superior
c >urt in favor of John c. Foster, Surviving
partner of John c. Fo-ter A co . vs. n. fl. Dun
can as the property of the D fer.dant.’
Also at the same t ime a id place, part of lot of
land No. 58 in the 4th Oisiric aim 4th, Sec i m
ioi Fioyd county Ga . it being the East part of
sa'd lot described fully in deed from Robert H.
M sire to Wm. Allen Sr., couuiini.i 40
a res more or less Leiie.. upon by virtue of a
li-iu issued from tnc just ; ce court of ‘m 9 'Jtli.
Disiric-. <l. m nt Floyd county oa ,in favor of
i vm. Daugherty A co., is wm. Allen Sr. and
W'u. Aden, Jr. as the nroporcy of William 11
lau Sr. one of the defendants Lew made
by w P.McLeod L. c.
Alsu at the sa ue time and place, th t tract
of laud known as the i-olk county farm of 1). T
Briscoe in -he3rd, District and 4 h Section of
Floyd county Via , to wit; lots numbers 1)09,1033,
105? and the 5 <>rtlT half of 1032 aid one and a
half acres of lot N<>. 1105 on lake creek rnijoii,
ing No. 1056 described in a deed inmi d in. Doo
ley to D. T. Briscoe, also vim-is know, as the
Hughs and I’urns place lot ani parts oi lots
Nos. 44. 65, 66, 4> and 67 in 22m1, Di.unct and
3rd, section of rloyd c inntv c,a., d n'.ed from
Estate of John e. whitehead to Brva t and
llr scoe .ianuaiy -h.1872. Also lots Nos. 47i
47** and 480 in 3rd, D:-trice ard 4th, section oi
Floyd c mnty Ga. .Levi d on as the property of
D. T. Uris u»c tn satisfy a fl-fa issued from the
<■ >lrtof Ordinary of Floyd county Ga , in favor
of Mrs. Flora m. Jones, next friend o' i . vt.
I jjnase; il min >r children of W. H. Jones d -
Also at the sama time and place one gray
horse n*meil Dick and one blaek mire mule
n me mink. Levied upon by virtue of a ti fa
issued from Floyd Superior court in favor or
D T Briscoe Executor of M M Briscoe vs. Step -
en Samuels as prim ipal and W D McCollum Se
curity on Replevy as the property of W.
D. McCollum
• • itaC. Moore, Biizbk
We have j st RectV -a ueautiiul
lot ot' the \eiy latest styles of suiting
ant! pants goods which we will make
up to order—nt unheard of low
piicen Wh are turning out an absolute
prLilfitA the finest work ever
seen in Rome—if you want a genu
ine tailor made suit come to us aud
you will get it—We do not adveaise
sui's made to order” A thi n order
you a re».oy, rm de suit from Cincin
nati or New York, but every suit we
sell is made rigt t here iu Rome and
to Nour order— 1 u nev parts i o.
if 220. 8. T
A* ..,.. j2.wgAAijafa.Wlc.iMi its 1* I «>■ Nt 7y- J
'■ .S' VS!
, A:; 73 TOILET H
j -■ 'ot.? rtnplete ®
j |
i? t. d. w |
ConbA -Y element of &
'■ beauty ami pmiC" It is beauti
i j lying, soothing, healing, health
iul, and harm’ess, and when
U rightly used s < A most
Jr delicate and desirable protection »
jw to the face in this climate.
|| Insist upon having the genuine. [
IT »S FOR sale everywhere.
4 EQUAL 12
I. p. Four Weeks by our method
of teaching book-keeping is equal
to Twelve Weeks by the old plan.
Positions under cer
tain conditions, Best patronizpd
Bu-imss College in the South. 500
Students in atlendunce the past
vi'iir. Eleven Teachers. Nashville
i® ’he educational center of the
S iuth. Cheap Board. Nu vacation
E iier at any time. Home study.
We have rec°ntly prepared books
n" Book-keeping, Shorthand and
Penmanship especially adapted
to homestudv. Send for our Free
1 1’urated 80-page catalogue and
•tale your wauls. Address J, E.
D'i'.ugbon, President Draoghon’?
Piactical Business collTge and
fi'.'hoo of Sliorfh , ”'(l aud T‘legra
.•b.v. Nashville Tenn.
5.8 - We pay $5 cash for all
vacancies of Stenographers Book
keepeis, etc.reported to us provid
ed we fill same 2 (mention thi
paper when you wnie.)
Western &
—TO —
St. Lons
Kasas City
Al empliis
The West.
Quick time and Vestibuled trains carrying
Pullman Sleeping cars. Fur any information
call on or wri.e to
General Agent, Rome Ga.
Traveling Pass. Agt. Chattanooga Te'nn ■
< J- I d ( M is
Traffic Manage Atlan a
Genera pass Agt Atlantu
. (£TS bCRATCN. ;
111* .i c i
Bl" I ® 4 h
ldoe£ not—
It Cleans.
\Aeoff ; r One Hundred Dili
Reward for any case ol Catarrh n'*
cannot he cured by Hal? s r tLat
Cure. ‘ a Catarrh
Toledo ,O. P °ps.
W»t,, e undwaignel, have kn
F- J. Cheney for the last ]r
and beheve lum perfectly ho Der
in allbusuie s transactions and '
nancially able to carry out any L "
gatioDs made by their firm ' b
T.V.X, Wholesale
Walbing, Kinnan & Marvin \VboL
sale Druggists, Toieds, O.
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken
naby, acting directly upon
and mucous surfaces of tne svsu
Priou, 75c. p.-r bottle. Sold t
Druggies Testiinom ajL fr t . e ‘
I wili be at fie Court House from
now until June the 30, h f or
purpose of receiving your taxes S
are urgently requested to make thX
returns at the earliest date, savin„
rush at the close. Defaulters wfij E
returned from every district f 0
double tax, where they neglect tn
givem their taxes,
M. D- McOsker, '
. Tax Receiver
G EORGIA, Floyd County, is hereby given that a
Petition Signed by fifteen or mote
Freeholders of the 1504th. (How.
ell's) District G.M. of said county
has been Filed in my office asking
that the benefits for the Provisions
of Sections 1440,1450, 1451,1452,
1452, 1453,and 1454 of the Code of
Georgia of 1882 aud the amend
ments thereto shall apply to said
1504th. District G M, of said
County. I further give that
said matter will be b< ard < n the
25tb, day of June. Instant (1894)
and if no valid mesons are shown,
an Election will be ordered to oc
cur on ihe 14th, day of July next
(1894) to decide the question as
io “Fence 1 * or ‘ Stock Law, 1 * ac
cording to the Statutes in such
case made aud provided.
Given under my baud and Offi
cial Signature, this 4th. day of
J une 1894.
John P. Davis,
w ‘ u iII<II y
k g! !£. & FACEiB LAACH
«■ d ‘ A ‘ RVRPERT
&-/,/ santlsofl: ■■ ■. Phited I
M?t. i’ .'. aid!:-. i >iry
«• -i-f. S*-?. F.t.t.-v: bill bate been
\’ V • - to. ao.
OH L. L ;■ 4*
i JA- / ? ■■■ .".ilt-o ■shaken
x / Aether, in order!
W*d&&& tlmt al lof liaeH© in..; hare
Pr .uL;Ly, ‘
'<e '* free, a m 1 ;• ‘L t,tie,arid
Jy /y st jj /In Older to supply thoseert I
of city.?ri i. ai o i>art <if the
world. I will send it safely packed in plain wrapper
uli charges pre paid, for 25 cents, ;•’ tv ?r or stamp.
in every ca*e of freckle*, pimple*.moth, sal
lowness, blackhertds, nene,3 ■•‘inesb.retwo'
ness.or any discoiura<ion or thesKtn,
and wrinkles (not caused by facial exnrcssiow
Each Bleach removes absolutely. It (ices not
cover up, as cosmetics do, but is a curs. Address
MAUAME A. KVrJ'r.r;T.(r»M.O)
Jin. 6 East 14th St.. MEW VOr’* Lin>
SWhat Nerve Berries
| have done tor others
p lhe y willdo
lor JT-
IST BAY. z V. , J
vinos? ; <4-
M E !\P
and Permanently
A positive cure for all Wes N n rvousneto
Debility, and all their train -rs ' ' ’
from early errors and later excesses; tn** res »
of overwork. wicik-Aex 'WOf'ty -
and gives t«»ne and alrenii’th' to v*i " ' 5, J n Li,’
‘ran%. ftUoym iinnaf.urai l«>*r *• 1,1 *" ■
caused by ,voutb.<ul < *’’ / * p ’ r, .L ftr
cessive use of toboreo. opinio and '*'l.
which lead to 0011*01111 pl ion am. /-
Their uro shows immediate improvement, a ‘ r
no imitation. Insist upon
Werve Berries,
pocket. Price. SI.OO per box. six boxes, on
treat in ~c 1. As.< M». *<na ra n I eed to <’ « 5 a ' , * \ henl
‘f not Hept by your druggist we will ; " n wr .n.
by mail, upon receipt of price, m pa■ tn '
ini. Pamphlet free. Address nil mail’ .
MEDICAL < 0.. < >u< i»«»»<» "•
r sale by Crouch#
o. ___
c urE
A New nnd Complete Trentnu’"*. urn
I FrOSITGKIES, Capsules of
■iri sos Ointment. A nover-failinff . n . wr »t) »
' very nature and degree. Ii make-. I,
it h the knife or injections o( oarl" i ' '..joften
; painful and seldom a permanent < J ■ ‘ , I( |ur»
'•■■uitin/, in death, uuueeessarj • "‘‘..'.'.-ntee 8
ii ■« .oTi’ole disease? We K !1 ( .ay
uxc.», to euro any emse. bv mail-
..ats received. >1 a box, b for .>5. Sei
mizanteen Issued by dur iignuls n .« u »ntK!i
■s'??*■■■'■’"S D A TIHN C’J'efl.
.'Mflt-.J !atn iIV I ’ liy lap J 11 bmi anil
•i great T TVER rnd STOMXcriK^LA™“ t „
(Kill 1 I'bllTEK. Small, tml' l ' 1 j,ipos*
.a, cSp ,i j.i.- t> mu lorflßUdren --sa.
'LA?< A * ni-vbv
If you need anything in S ipa
a ill bo to your interest to gi' e ul
c 11 before buyif g. o f
I have bouoht Uie ei'tire st
Boots au<l Shoes in in R- I- a
nuby and will eell tit'-iu out at
half of their former prices. Mens ..)
patent leather shoes for a
line of ladies, misses and . 1
slipppers at a gteat reduction,
anti sae them
J. T. Dugger
216 Broad St. Successor f
R. T. CounaUj- ,
For flint class Board with • p
202 FithAv»