Newspaper Page Text
Blood poor f
'"jfsa tonic you ward—
tf f I'CS ? Rootbeer.
«,L-liiiP, exhilarating, and re-
Thi’-’P- 1 ; ,,i c s c i n g far more
biuquet r.d flavor than
<vine or champagne, is at
the finest / mem, being free
liie^; lfc j 1
from sj 1 ■ jrink for temperance
A uul wholesome as well.
Hoxl, tickles the palate.
P ur: -; , rl IK cs five gallons,
your storekeeper for it.
Talce ko substitutes.
~ f . r tst»mp to Chos. E. Hires
for beautiful pic-
fi2r« cards.
are sol© agents for
Celebrated Candies,
Have you
Tried our
Cherry Phosphate,
Pine Apple Cream,
Orange Phospnate,
Concord Grape,
Blood Orange,
orStrawberry Gem,
These are onlv a few
ofthe many delicious
drinks and refresh
ments that we serve.
We use only pure fruit
juices in our syrups—
The prettiest fount in
Georgia. > o
J, T Crouch & Go.
Drugget?, M ediCai
Buildir Ga,_
Those using h ,, s« f’-'-’d sprink’ers
are hereby notified that the water,
ordinance requires that spri uk lore
shouldonlybe used while being
heid in the persons hand, and not
fastened up and allowed io run in
■deh’iateiv. V.olaters of thi-* ordi
nance will have their waler turned
Jas. McGuire,
Br'(is SOM
Is as safe and harmless as a fia>
seed poultice. I:. aotstikeapo’U
fiee, drawing out sever a~ d pair,
and curing al’ diseases peculiar
to Edies. r
“Orange Blost >n” is a pas
toe, easily used at any time; 1
*' applied right to the parts
Every lady can treat berseb
With it.
Mailed to any address upon re*
ceiptofsi. Dr. J .A. McGill&Co.
Panorama Placi, Chicago, IK.
Sold by
,0. W. Curry, drijgrfifiq*
W.L. Douglas
1 S 3 SHOP j sthc BifcT
gss. Cordovan,
* 3.50 POLICE,3 SOLES.
$ 2?1.7s Boys'SchoolShoes.
. 75
money by purchasing VV. L.
Because lrln " "h—.
are the largest manufacturers of
the vain. s. 8 . e * the world, and guarantee
the bottom stampinf? the name anti price on
Prices an<? t 't, WlU? K, protects Y ou against high
equal cnri' c “‘ridleman’s profits. Our shoes
wear n „ ±’?/ vork in «>tyle, easy fitting and
Where ?t?" al * Ues -. We h ave them sold every
s:'v othfr m'V I )n £ e3 for the value given than
dealer can"’, ke - T ? ke substitute. If your
unot supply you, we can. Sold by
I deluding Books
Vdl ‘ «t office for particulars
to Slock
ol Summer
boss Soods
and ho
lies is kii-
800 l fail id
litem Hie
Big Sales
This Week
lew, Fresh
and Beaoti
nl al ft
some Prices
GEORGIA, Floyd County/
i'oall whom it may concern : No’ice is hereby
given that the appraiser appointed to et
apart and'assign a year's support to Josephine
Stansb'ry, the widow ol Jas. A. Stansbury,
deceased, have tiled their award, anti unless
good and sutllcent cause is shown. iheiMAie w.ll
be made the Judgement of the court at the July
term, 1894 of the court of Ordinary. This June
4th. 1894.
John P. liavis,
Ordinary Foyil County, Georgia.
Citation—Leave to Sell
Georgia. Floyd County;
To all whom i may concern : William J. Gor
don, Administrator de botiis pon with will an
uexed, of William T, Gordon, deceased, has in
due form applied to the undersigned lor lerve
to seil the lands belonging to the estate of said
deceased, and s id application will be heard on
the first Monday in July next. This sth. day ot
June 1894
John F. Davis Ordinary.
Application for Letters ol
GEORGIA,—FIoyd County :
W hereas John P. Stansell, Guardian, of
O. J. Stansell, represent to the court in
her pe.ition duly tiled, that she has adminis
tered O. J, Stansell’s estate. This is to cite
all persons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they can, why said admin
istrator should not be discharged from her
administration a:.d receive letters of dismission
on the first Monday in July lsi.4 This June 4tb.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia
Years blipport,
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby
given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart,
and-assign a year's support to El'zaoeth Turner
the widow of G . W Turner decease , have filed
their award, and miles good and sufficient
c use is shown, the sain i will be made the jude -
went ol tlie Quirt at the July teun, 1894, of the
Court of Ordinary. This June 4th 1894.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd county Qeoigia
Application for Letters of Dis
GEORGIA—FIoyd County
Whereas Janies W. Reeves, Trustee of
M[rs, Martha E McGee, represents to the'court
in his petition duly filed, that he has adminis
tered Martha E McGee’s estate. This is io cite
all persons concereml. kindred and creditors to
show cause, if any they can, why said trustee
should not be discharged from his trusteeship
and receive letters of dismission on rhe first
Monday in July 1894. This April 2nd, 1894
John P Davis
Ordinary F’oyd Co, Ga
Citation-Leave to Se 1 !.
Georgia, Floyd County:
i o all whom it may concern: F. G. Morgan,
Administrator of r. N. Morgan deceased has in
die form applied to the undersigned for leave
to sell the lands belonging to the st -te of said
deceased, and said application will be heard on
the first Monday in July next. This 4th. day of
June 1894
John P. Davis, Ordinary.
Application for Letters ol
Georgia—Floyd County:
Whereas E L Bosworth, administrator of
■Jas T Vandiver dec’d, representsto the court in
his petition duly filed, that he has administered
James T Vandiver’s estate. This is to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they c >n, why said adminis
trator should not be di. charged from his admin
istration, and receive letter- of dismission on
the first Monday in Aug. 1894. This May 18‘.:-1.
John P. Dwis
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia
Application for Letters ol
Dis iiu-sion.
GEORGIA Floyd Countv :
Whereas John C. Priutup Executive, Henry rt I
Frintup, represents to the court in his petition
duly filed, that he has ado iaistered rieury S,
Printup’s estate. Th.s is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred a >d creditors, to show causa
if any they can, why said Executor should not
be discharged f-oin his Executorship and re
cieve letters ofdismission on the first Monday
in Beptemb.-r 1894. This June 4th 1894
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County,Gem gia.
Ketchum & Elliott 1 Floyd Snp’r. Ct. March
vs. term 1894 Rule to fore-
Marcus B. Earle ) close mortgage
It appearing to the Court by the p r.ition of
Ketchum & Elliott that Marcus B. Earle on the
30 dav of May 1893, executed and delivered to
said Ketchum & Elliott towit All my- interest
in my fathers (A Earle deceased) estate, said
estate consisting ot 132 acres of lot. xo lf>o. IGO
acres of land lot xo. (161), five acres of land lot
no. 244.80 acres of land lot No. 245 all of said lot
lying on and being in the 2<hh. Dis'net
and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga., my inter- i
est being described in the will of my father (A
Earle deceased) as being five hundred dollars
and one fourth (1-4) of the remaining property
for the purpose of seeming the payment of 2
promissory notes lor the sum of one hundred
and eight and 52 100 dollars, made by the said
Marcusß. Earle on the 30th day ot m iy 1893, and
pavable to the said Ketchum & Elliott due Nov
20th '.893 after date, with interes* at the rate • f
8 ]>er cent per annumfrom maturity and at.toi
nev’s tees, which said note the said .Marcusß.
Earle refuses to pay.
It is theiefore ordered that the said Marcus B
Earle pay into th's court, on or before the firwt.
day of the next term thereof, the principal and
intereui due on sain note, and the cost of this
suit, or in default thereof tie ( otrt will pro
ceed as to justice shall appertain. And it is
further ordered that this rule be published b
the Hustler of Rome a newspaper pubb.-Jjed in
the county of Floyd, one a month for .our
months, or serve on the said Marcus B. Earle or
his special agent or attorney, three mounts pic
vions to the next term of this court. March
29 h 1894.
W.M. Henry.
Ennis & Starling Judge S. C. R. C-
Petitione-’s Attorney
It appearing by return of Sher!lT that defend
ant does not reside in the county or state, it is
ordered that service -e made upon said defend,
ant by publication of foregoing rule and this
order in the Rustler of Rome once a month for
four months prior to September ter u 1894 of
this court. This Apr. 27th 1894,
W M Henry
JSc R c
Ga, Floyd County.
A true copy from minutes of Floyd Superior
court. Ao. 27 page 677 and No. 28 page 122. This
Mai’ 18th. 1894.
W ' E. Bey Siegle
Supr, Court,
F.oyii Co. Ga,
As we are going to
move soon.
We offer our entire
stock at cost, you can
buy anything We have
at wholesale prices we
maan to selivou ii you
want to buy We think
tnat we bought our
goods as cheap as the
same kind of goods
can be bought by any
one. So come to see
and save yourself
Morris & Bro.
Opposite Central Hotel,
GmiaiiA, Floyd Comity-
To ihc Honorable Hoard of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenue ot said eouuty.The petition
of J• E Kenebrew, J. a. Kenne.brew, H. T.
Kennebrew, J. B. S. Keanebrew, E. P. Price, J.
Si. Waiters,.i 11. Lewis itsjier, v.'l'l
- j Morrow, Peyton Morrow,.) B. Autrey,
1) I' Ingram, b. | . wriglit, Doyle O'Heidai’i,
J. 11. Lacey, j, F. Leak. D F. Field, E. E, Field,
.). b. Gunn Tom Price, F. I’ Nixon, vv Rush,
<'. H. i.ush, R. m. Brad'-n, Mitt Braden,
Tilden Praden, i. T Watters. John ceeves
James Harris f L Stephens, John Stephens,
and J. B Stephens show tovour Him,. Hedy
that they desire and do pe-ition your body that
yon doestabl sh a new mi ilia district In said,
county out of the following territory now em
braced in >59 district u M. known as Watters
Distrie , to wit : All that land and territory ly
ing and be ng on the east side of the Calhoun I
road that leads from Rome to Calhoun, begin-1
t ing at th- Home District line on the macada
mized road to the cordon comity hue so us to
Include all lami now in Watters' dis:rict that
lies east of said road in the new di-trict. And
your pe'itioners show that there is in said ter
ritoryeast of said road, a captains comp .ny of
able b died white men subject to military
duty and that after sail territory is cut oil' and
establishe ■ into a new district there would si ill
remain a captains company of able bodied
white men in Waters distric , subject to mbi
tary duty that are residents. And your petit
iomrs furth r show that, it is necessary and
expedient to establish such new militia dis
trict embracing said territory east of said
road, that it will beapublic c mvenience to all
citizens in such territory, lor it wil make the
election ureeincts nearer to the voters and the
justice or the Pea e and BailitT.s. Will be more
convenient to the ci'iz.ens o said new district
that it would be more convenient to give in
and pay’heir taxes if the new district lie so
established and the precinct fixed in a central
pi-rt. of said district. And they further petition
yon nam ■ -ueh new district Ridge Valley
it vim should establish said territory intoa new
mi'iti i district. Your : etitioners pray said
new district to be laid out and established in
terms ■ f the law. ami that. Commissioners be
appointed in terms of the law to lay out said
District and report to your Honorably body as
is provided by law,
Geo. A. H. Harris,
Petitioners Atty,
Office of.
Rgihic Ga.. Al iv 17th, 1894,
To S. J. whatley, i
T. S. Burney J Commissioners.
J. Y. Price, 1
wh reas, .1. F. Kennebrew. and others, have
petitioned the Board for a new district out of
the following territory now embraced in 859th.
Dist. G:M. towit: All that land and teritory
lying and being on the ea-t side cf the Calhoun
road that le ids from Rome to Calhoun begin
i ing at the Rome Hist, 'ine on the macatlemized
road at Adolfus Harbor’s land and fo'.lowngsaid
road to the Gordon countv line so as to include
all and now in Watters Dist., that lies east of
said road in the new district.
It is ordered that you, or a majorly of you,
go upon tne,premises and view ihe proposed
change as indicated above: and if you find it
neces?ar-- ano expedient, you must proceed to
lay out and define the same and wke your
report under oath to this Board on or
before the first Monday in June next that
you have laid out and define i the line- of said
new uistrict, conformable to law.
Max Meyerhardt, Clerk.
In obedience to the adove order we went up
on the premises and viewed the proposed change
indicated and as er considering the matter as
beet we cou'd we believe io expedient and lest
and ther. fore respe tfullv recommend that ihe
above net Pion be. grant ’d a d district line be
Si changed as to conform to above petition.
S. J. Watley, ) Commissioners.
Jonn Y. Price. ! 8591) strict G. m.
T. L. Burney ) F oyd county Ga
Sworn to ami subscribed b_fore me this 25tli,
day of il >y. 1894.
Thos. N. Pinsvn, N. P, & J P.
Georgia. f’oyd county,
'I he commissioners appointed to mark and
lay out territo’-yaiid r efine Vim-s thereof for a
new militia district as petitioned for and «'e
si r I • ' ui ttm above petition, bavin, made
i e r return reporting that, they had laid cut
siid territory anii-recouime-idi g a new miUtii
ilistnct be < stablished, and i being made to aji
■ ear tlia: a sufficient nit" her of white men s.ib
jecr to i.iili ary il : v remain in Waiters District
0 form a cap.ains company and a sufficient num
b 1 rol white' men are in H e ■ rojmseH n w 1)1--
trici o form a captains company and saiii coin
mis -1. mm s having reported it is ex ped lent, ami
lies jo est biish s-.chn w district, the report
of said commissioners is ajiprovmt anew mili
tin dis’riot is establish-d in l-'b yd county, Ga
which n -w district is named Ridge v il!,<sv . The
line- of i 1 dis rict and territory embiace.d in
such new district are de Hare I to b ■ and estab
lishe • as follows: Beginning at thmUome dis
trict 'ineon 'he macatleinized ro d at the Anol
fin Harbour place and following this Calhoun
road iw ihe Gordon countv line, this road be
ing western boundary line of said dist'ict
thence from said road east along the Gordon
and Floyd county lines to Bartow countv line,
this line being tlie no-thern boundary of paid
dist, thence along Bartow ■ ounty tine to E o
wan Disliict mid also along Etowah dis
tiict. line to Rome <listric r line, this being
the eastern boundary Ine of said dis’ ict
tLence a'ong Rome district line to Calhoun
road at Adolfus > arbour’s place, the above ter
ritory’being the entire terrir -rv heretofore em
bracerl in Waiters District that lies on east
si'iS ofthe ( alhoun road in ojien court the date
aforesaid. This June 4 h, 1894.
Wlier-as, it appear from the proceed! gs of
Ci-mmissioners appointed therefore, of file in
this office, that a new Militia district v th suit
able meets and bound » has been laid out in t be ;
County bf Elojd ; old 1[ further appearing that
said proceedings ate in due form and accord
ing to law: i is Ordered
That said New vi.itia district he known and
qstpinguishe 1 as nun her 1516. and that piop
er record thereof be made in the office of this
By the Governor w- J.Nortben,
J. W. warren. Governor.
Sec. Ex. Dept.
I, Max Meyerhardt, Clerk of the Board oT
Commissioners in and for Floyd county, Ga
do hereby certify that ihe foregoing is a tr»e
ex raet from ihj minutes of said Boaru.
Given under iny ham! ami seal, this Ju-’e l >th
Max Meyerhardt, Clerk
d 30 d.
GfcORGlA.FIoyd Comity:
The Board of Commissioners of Raods and
Revenue of sa <1 count? will recieve bids for
sera ghcening the public road at the Gap of Lav
ender mountain, known as the Robinson Gap,
ami putting the sama in ,v good and safe con
dition. For jiartieni.irs apply to J, A. McArver
or G. <). Burktialter. S-id blds to be in the
Clerk’s office byniue o’c ook a on Monday,
July 2nd. 18 )4
Ihe board reserves the right to reject any
aid all bid-,. Witnsss the Honorable John
C. Foster, chairman of the Board, this sth day
of June, 1894.
Max Meyerhardt
Com’.tiencing Sunday May 13th
the Cliattnnooga Rome and Colum
jh R - R. Will rin a Sunday scbe l
'ile : Train leaving Cedartown enrl.y in
the morning anil returning that eve
il g. Als > commencing at noon
Saturday May 12th round trip tick
ets good to return until ikmu Mon
day following will dh sold between all
local stations on C. R. & C- R- R. at
one fare. This will enable everyone
who desires to do so to visit toe
mountains near Chattanooga and to
attend church exercises at various
Yours Truly,
C. •*.. Wdb'ir
May 7th ts Traffic Mgr.
Patronza Burney’s
Trnnster new orompt
and reliable. Present
office ArmsirongbiocK
L. M. GOMEZ Proprietor.
The Oostanaula Steamboat and
Trading Company
That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regu’a trips to
Carters, every week,
Shio what you dan by us, Give
us your orders;for ail Kinds of
Country produce
Chickens. Corn. Hay. Pe is Butter, Bacon, Fruits,
Dr'ed, Wheat, and all Products ofthe Country.
Geo W. Trammellj
F. B. Holbrook,
j£ 6 4'^4'lu- 1 y* il) IImIL-G 9, .. .<>i,uerful remedy
Hi ft?) 9 ’’..u'-»tifved toiuren.l Iler. uu. disease, such r.» We M.umry. Loss of Braia
vfjj J ""‘-■l'.UvauucJie. ulnos. Lobt.Vlui,ho,,d, Nivh’.y...ions, Nervous-
K* 1/ -- b* , 1!e;,8 ->'- I » f i ra Hisaud loss.'f poweriu GenerativoQrgaus ■ f .mlier sex caused
' *. ' t'vermrertlcn.youthani <-»•«-..i-«, exci-t-sive nseof tot..uvi.u;lum ors’lni-
- ftSrn I loams, which.cadti. Infirmity, Consumption or Insatiitv. ■"n b> carried tn
lli'Af A , E-neket. *1 ( ><-rb >. fl for«.l, by mail V’l: . n t.> order w»
UUftfrjyTb- . .b ..luvr.iwrllli-iirni.rii*<ri-i»ri.renrn,riiiiil the money. Sold brail
r._ • ruui"«ts. Askiorlt, i-.-.ko nootli,T. Write for fre. '■ i ..ok sent sealed
WUUti.wmoi'.OA,.. Ju; tluwrapper. Au.!roesaEUVESEEl>C'o.,Mavumi'l'eiupio CKICAtHb
F>r -.-Hufn Hume, hr I-it A <>Rl> DRUG CO.. Drut-i.''-'
We Mean -Business Call and Get Our IPrices
Before Buying, We are Seiling
Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding,
LSallusters and Brackets
A_t Bottom I?rices
Sometime ago I was troubled with
an attack of rheumatism. I used
Chamberlain’s Pam Balm and wad
completely cur< d. I have since ad
vised many of my Lends and custo
mers to trj the remedy and all “peak
highily of it. S mon Goldbanm, Sau
Luis Rey, Cal. For sale by lyjwery
Bros. Druggist
Thieis a policy combining a 20
year endowment policy with a 2t
payment life policy, for haif the
amount ot the endowment, and is
case of death wuheu the first year
from any pulmonary disease but
one half the insurance (i. e., one
quarter ot the endowment) will be
For insurance: a combination
policy may be taken tut for $250
endowment, maturing m 20 years
and its terms will provide that if
death occur while the policy is in
torse within the 20 years $125 will
be paid; if the insured
years, he will receive $250 in cash
and still hold his policy as an or
dinary |>aid up life policy for
$125, payable at death without
any father payment of premium
The premium is the same for all
ages; but applications will not. be
rceived upon lives less thai.l3 or
more than 50 next birthday, ts.
bids wanted.
;kougia,h,oyi> County :
the Board ot’Commission rs of Roads and
Revenue of said comity ask f<.r sealed bids to
scrape, jiaint and adjust the three iron bridges
beio ging to the county, to wit, the bridge at
the foo of Second Avenue, the bridge at the
foot ot Brot'l stree,, and th i bridge over the
Oostanaula river on Fifth Avenue, leading to
the Fourth Ward. Said bids to be in the Un,
office not later than nine o clock a. ni., on Au
gust 6th, 1894. a bond wiL be required from
the successful bidder f t the faithful perform
ance of tlie work, 'ihe Boardresarves the right
to .eject any and all bids.
Witness the Honorable John C. Foster, Chair
man of the Board, this sth, day of June, 1894.
Max Mejerhardt, Clerk.
June 7-30-d.
Floyd Superior Court,
March term 18.14.
In s ) Application toad-
C. A. Allen, >- dopt an unknown
S. V. Alien, ) t hil
To any and all persons c "icerued. You or
either of you are hereby commanded to be ami
aojiear at the next term of Super. Court to be
ijeltl on the 4th MomUy in Sejnemlier 1894 to
show ca se it any you can. Why the application
in the above sia.ed case should not lie granted
and in tlefa"'" there of the same will be allow
ed witness the H.morale W m. Henry judge of
'.aid cmri ihi.< 13th day of April 1894.
Wm, E, Beysiegle,
Clerk of Superior Court
Flovd county aa.
y a> *w.i ■m— !■ « n m.woolleyM
t • A*'»rt*.ii» Uffie. -‘HS4 Whitehall _
J A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oßl-2 Broad street
□ o over Cantrell and Owens store.
JAMES U NEVlN—Attorney at Law Offic
Poverty Hul posto.tin corner 3rd Avenue
CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD- Attorney at
Masonic Tempi*.
Rome, Ga.
pj -EOF. <& DEXXT -Attorneys at law. Office
in Masonic Teasple, Rome, Ga.
WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Coun
sellor at Law—Rome. ua.
<S 8 tailing. Attorneys at Law, .Masonic
Tfetuple, Rome, Ga. 1 fel>23.
WH. SMITH, Att.omey-at-Law. office u
Masonic Temide Rome Georgia.
B J. NBAL—M’Henij, Nunnallv Jt Neal-
Attorneys-at-at Law, office o»er Hale
Davidson Hardware Co.. Broad street, Rome, Ga
DM. FAMSCR— Physician and Surgeon -
Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fourth
LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon—
B Offers his j .-ofassiwual services to the peo
ple e£ Rmae and. stwronnding country.
Office at CHiDCb and Watson’s drug store, 208
Broad street.
DR. W. D. HIMT-Olttcs at C. A. Trevitt
drugstore. A). 331 Broad street Teleplion
110. insider. >a. No. M
DR. C.F. GI FUN— Physician aud Surgeon
—Office at i Masonic building. Residence
300 4th at iue.
H‘ WARD E. FELTON -Physician and siu
geon—Office No. 6 Tliirc Avenue,
Ai office davand nigl,.. Telephone 62.
Frank a. W\ n. Physician Snrgou
office at Tre irt Johns >n drug store
I'elepbone t,3 Residence 496 Second Ave,
Prompt attention given all profession d call
Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invented.
Retails Vi ets. 2 to 6 sold in every house : sample
Postage paid live own's M..RAKIV
I have two little grand children
who are teething all this hot sum
mer weather and aie troubled with
bowel complaint 1 give them 3 arn
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy and it acts like a
charm. 1 earnestly recomend it for
children with bowel troubles. I was
mveelf taken with a severe attack of
bloo ly flux, w th cramp and pains in
my stomach, one-third of a bottle of
this remedy cured me. Within tweu
t -lour hours I was > tit of bed and
doing my house work.—Mrs. W. L.
Dunagan. Bon-aqua, H ckm- n Uo.,
Tenr. For sale bt Lowery and Bros*
Druggist.. j