Newspaper Page Text
Sheriff sales For July
i.i before the court house door in
■ jrill be »ol'l bell r e „ u ntv, Ga., between
Of ell the Ut Tuesday Ju
the u ''jhe following descnbeu property,to
Lr- f i in.i *n rha F.’*wa.i division of
one city 1 ’,, i,,y<i county Ga., trouting
the I’i'l”* % teet.aiiil fronting on ha,t. -hd.
on 6th. Are. I™ No. 42 and part, of lot No. 43
8., 130 tt. defendant now reside*. Lev
being 1 1la ‘ ir ... t . of a lila issued from the Fiojd
led on by ' ,rtl f the yiy district G. M. inlu- ;
Justice ‘ *s Mrs. W. C. “ s t £ e I
yorofHan.' j e feudant, Levy made by W.
property ot
*’ M , ,h’« same time ami place, a certain
A bo at the san )r ])rellli>lS ( ,n winch
; , rl ,.k . buri l . " (iu lUe town ol Cave Spring
the same is erect* - tUer wUh a n the im
*W* , Hereon, including ihe old churcti
proveinentsiiiei | . )relll j s ,.s of the colored church South. 1 'cated on
Mell odist k| ‘» 1 v street, said street
what is sueet Eastward up by the
in b Institute: said lot bounded as
peat ami Dim .5 gt m Garrison Beckham
ns tute; tbiurh by sa.d Ipstiiute; l "' , ‘ r iv owned by Lum Prior, by mm'- . ..(.Jupjel by his widow, and
dm e >-- 1 ‘ n Si reel 150 feet, and run
miforin width 300 leet more or less,
ning l,at ’’ “ “ leet by 300 feet more or mss
said ben sl. o 1 > ehased non. J. M.
said b>tha'i n l ? .d" 0 : il) v virtueofati-la issued I
LocKwed. i. Sut)l! iior Court in favor ot .
,'rom the 1 . ! )e IHC „f .vlcllenry, Nun- <
O' 1 ’! 1 ) Af.’vs vs Trustees of the Colored I
”a"y<'"';, A smith Id Cave Spring G..„ as I
M. L. 1,1 ’,| V. Illis Green, Frank Brannon, |
the r ’ !i ' v ~iuiH. Allen iillc . F. M
Sici'm-n- 1 ; ,u Wiucacsler, Trustees ;
Gordon ana Y“
the same time and place, on- farm
A'soatti eon asting of whole lot ot
ymg 1,1 ■‘ hundred and forty six [l46] in the |
«" .lii rict ami 3rd Section of Floyd county i
0n,.,. rja a d said farm ■ Obtaining one i
stat ? i -.nd mx-w [IBOj acres more orless.
Inindied .11 > ()1 a u-ia ,ssued from th)
Su erior Court in favor of Emily D,
. vs Jennie Watkins, as the property ol
~ the sima time and place one farm con
of whole lot of land No. 291 in the 22nd
S . l9t .r o and 3rd Section <3- Floyd county, Ga.
1 eviedon by virtue of ati fa issued from the
it id siimerior Court in favor of the Georgia-
Fl'i Cfru« company, vs Wm, N. white, as
I f an .,,,.rrv of the Defendant.
f ' h *| 1, 0 it the same tinmand place, the follow
ing Scribed property: all that tract or parcel
if ul situated lying and being m 6 loyil coun
“ nda dis’.nbe<7 as follows to-wi.; Com-
■ ;iin? at a iioint on the north and south line
"i e Sl„t number one hundred ami ninety sev
-2n W ) >"he twenty-third (23) district and
| , -ection of said county, near the corner
f'u Berry’s lot, and on line of land
hereto ore sold and conveyed to William Moore,
thence running due south seventy seven (77)
hons and six links; thence east 5 deg. south to
tiostanaula liver. thirtv-eight(-.8 chains; thence
un said river five (5) chains and twenty five (25)
links- thence dim west, to the beginning point,
tinrfv s°ven chains. Containing twenty-two
and ten sixteenths (22-10-16) acres, more or less,
a “so an alley twenty five (25) feet wide, more or
uas extending from the north-west corner of
the land herein described, to the Summerville
■•oad This being the property whereon the de
fendant jke J. Beriy, now resides.
Also all that tract or parcel of land, situated,
viiwar 1 being ii- lhe twenty-third district ami
thiffi section ot Flovd c.mnty, Georgia, and
more partii idar’y described as follows: Begin
nineata , mnt on the right or wi st bank . 1 Jie
Oostanaula river, feet north oi where
trie sou h boundrv line of lot number one hun
dred and sixty-imu [l64j touch-s said river;
thence numing west parallel with said south
boundry line, crossing the west bon- dry line of
gaidlot lortv(4.) chains to a point thirty 3u
feet east of the center ot the Summervil e road ;
thence north along said road the said ,->ad to
tx end mi; thirty din) feet from the center a l
along the due, sevm ch. ins ami f■ rty-the and
sne third Inmdredv chains; thence east am
parallel with said lirst line, forty one and fort;,
eight one hundredths [4l-46-11X1] chains, to sail
Oostanaula river; thence along the right haul,
ofsaid river, tobegmnmg point. Contain in,
thirty -.nd one hundreds [3O 1 100] acres, more oi
less. Said tract being narts of Ims numbers one
hundred and sixth-three [l63] ami one hundred
and sixty-four [164.)
Also all that tract or parcel of land, situated
lying and being iu the twenty-third district and
third section of Floyd county, Georgia,-the
same being part of land lot number eiglity-two
Si*], and in rhe southwest corner thereof, and
bounded and described as follows: On the north
by Ike la i I’of Air, Mahans; on the east by
the lands ol Mrs. .’derris; on the south by the
southern land line < f said lot number eighty
two [62]; on the west by- the western land lino
ofsaid lot nu».ber eighty two. Containing teu
acres, more or less.
Also all that tract oi parcel of land, situated,
lying and being in the Fifth Ward of the city
■of Rome, Floyd county Georgia, described as
follows, to-wit-. Beginning at the corner of .1.
G. Pollock's lot. tunning thence along Main
street sixty-six [66] feet north; thence back on i
straight Hue one hundred and elghty-one [lßl]
feet; theact. south sixty feet; thence west along
J.G. Pollock’s line one hundred and sixty-eight
[l6B] feet, to beginning point.
Also lot in said Fifth Ward beginning at the ]
nor,li corner ot lour Berry’s lot on Main street; I
running thence north sixty [6o] feet, to th' cor- j
ner of N. H. Bass lot; thence back in a straight I
i ine easterly, two hunured [2oo] feet, more or
less: thence south sixty [6o] seer; thence west
one hundred and ninetv-three (193) feet, to start
ing point. By virtue of a Floyd Superior court
Fit'a in favor of the Koine Fire Insurance Co.
vs. I. J. Berry Principal ami N, H. Bass endors
er as the property oil. J. Ber.y.
Also at the same time and place, one undivi
ded half imeresi in part of lot No. 295, 24th,
Uistrictand 3rd, Section, Floyd County ua.,
adjoining lands of Mark Taylor near Shannon’s
Statioii on the E, T. V. & G. R. R.,'about seven
miles North >f Rome,containing4o acies more
or less, ami on West side of said lot and across
and of il width across. Also one undivided
half interest in citv lot in the city of Rome, <m
what is known as Sevier heir lot, being lot No.
9, fronting on Sevier Street of survey made by
Hines M. Smith, fronting 77 1-2 teet by 251 feet
back towards right o-way of Rome R. R. The .
above 4u acres, tract above referred to is now
occupied by Mark Taylor as tenant. Levied on,
hy virtue of a mortgage ti-la issued from the,
* l°.vd Bup'-r'or Court in favor of t e Soiithoni
Baukin. STrust Company Transferees vs. I no.
v - *'■iut-un, as the peoperty of the defendant.
- Slt *! ,e fame time and p.ace, the East
nail of lot No, 26, in the 22 District and 3rd Sec-1
i loyd County Ga.. and lots No. 839 and I
<99 m the 3rd District and 4th. Section ofsaid
county,and lots numbers .539, 541 and M 2 1 ■ the
~;’ s t r K’t and 4th, Section of said coun y.
ihe East.half of lot No. 26, 839 and 890 sold as
■io -'r'l IPr ’y <>f m. J. Bobo, and lots numbers
I-J--'4 1 and .42 sold as the property of William
Klcnardson to satisfy a fi-fa Issued from the
AAtj i.ourt of Fio-d County in favor of Toomas
ilnlpotvs. m. ,1 Bobo and William Richardson.
c h e same time and dace one I>t of
a-- No. (33) thirty three, in East Rome Floyd
ouuty e. mrgia, S. P. Smith sub division,
,?u "r r ’»•'-•* on said lot, 63 by 217 feet
til l -'rei't. Bounded on one side by Harnil 1
w,. I .' Austin Harvey, on the other by
Levied upon by virtue of
'l'gagen-fa issued from Floyd Superior
liartV 1,1 *'■ Foster, Surviving
KI,” J “ xn c ’ F °t»’r *Co . vs. R H. Dirn
au a,, ti,,. property of the D -fondant/
tan X M '-'? aa, netiine ami place, pa-t of lot o7
landN., ;-Mnth,. 4U , ois'.ric and Uli, Seci m
s-il.i '• '' a 'it being ihe Etst part ■=;'
aid lor ,le.„ ril , e ,| t ,, n H| (l f R()bt .rt 11.
acres,/" Vne " contao.ii 4t>
«i ‘ ■ 111, ss ion upo<i bv virtue <>r a
rt "n tne .mstlee court of -he 9 Utlr.
, z . of Floyd county ca, in favor of
Wb •D , tghnrrv .A-< 0, vs W m. Allen Sr. ami
wm. A11..,,. Jr , ]1( . p,.„ ll()r(v , )f Wl | liaill A1
nf'Y'/'.m. tl "’" 4ti,nea nd place, th t tract
P.ri/'.. . , '""; vn „ as ’he I'o'k county farm of l>. T.
flovd", 1 ',?," 'J d '' :,V( i’ lllstrict and 4’h. Section of
llTfian.i ’ l " witrlots numbers 909.11133,
half y ’'’ l ' hall " f l"-« and one ami a
in,, x", p',-'.’ 1 ,;" 1 I s ?’- y? 5 on I .ake creek adjoin
iev tn r ’ L e ? c 1 ' e< ' l,l a f rom Win. l)oo-
Hii-rh< n riscoe - Iso whit*, is known as die
n<“ 4t • r ,i . r r ani ~,;a
3rd ] ; n . ai i' --'nd. Di- rrnc and
Estiit.- of 11 ''d . d < .led from
Uri 5,.,,,. 1,1 '• Whitehead to Br\a--t a.,id
479 a ni la i.‘' ,a ?’, Kb ’ la7 -’- Al*’ lots Nos. 17.
■ _ 1 4’i in 3rd, District a-d 4th, s<-c< ion ol
I, - r ' ’’'i- f-evied on as the property ol'
on/' i' t '”' a li s| V a fl-fa issued from the
of Jr- 'i' 11 lry ° f I ' IOy ' 1 ''”' lnr ” ’ ia l-tvor
~„/'■ , 1 next friend of i-. m.
ceased. “ l ,r C lild ‘- a of W. H. .ernes d-
hrus.. ’*'7“ an '* ~laCO OnC >rr ‘’- V
■’—mimi“ ”?r‘
issued fr-,ni Fluvi o U| ’ Ol,>yVirt ''” Os “” 11
I)TU - '' ’’ipprior c »urt in favor o
L< ‘ ntor,)f U U Brhcoe vs. Step .
” a ’ a '”> W 1> McCollum S-
U. McColinta" Uoni,aßthe Property of M.
keC. Moore SiiEKu i
Whereas, on the 15th. day of| May 1893. Wil
liam Bradford, of Floyd county, Ga , borrowed
from the Southern Building and Loan A-socia
■ tlon of Knoxville, Tennessee, the suin of 81,21*1
on tWHiity-four shares of he 52d. series of stock
in said Association, and on the same da e exe
cuted and delivered to said Association Ins cer
tain promissory note or obligation in writing,
whereby he undertook ana promised to jay on
or before nine years after date 1 he stun of $2,400
with interest on the sum of 81,200 at ;he rate of
six per cent per annum, payable monthly on or
i before the last Saturday iu each ami every month,
I co mencing on the last Saturday in May 1893;
which said note was secured by a deed of even
date therewith to certain Real Esate in the
ci.y of Rome. Floyd county, Georgia, hereimif
ter more particularly described : Said deed re
corded iu the Clerk’s Office of Floyd County in
book*’V V’ of deeds page 321, on May 30, 1893,
to which reference is here made for greater eer
tamiy as to its terms and conditions.
Ami whereas by the terms ofsaid note ami
deeu the said William Bradford stipulated ami
agreed that upon his failure to pay prompth
wlicn due the taxes and insurance premiums on
said proserty, or upon his failure to pav the
monthly interest on said loan, or the tines ami
monthly payments on said Slock, orany part
thereof, for a period of six months afrm the
same or any i staituient the'eof may become
due, then at the op.ion of said Association the
whole indebtedness evidenced by sai l obii '-a
tions a <1 secured by said deed, inelading any
I taxes or insurance due or pal-I by-aid ocia
. tion on s lid proper y, shall at once become ami
1 be dne and collectable, and said Association is
I by the terms ot s .id deed speeilica.iy vested
| with full power ami authority to advertise
| said pro],er.y once a week tor four weeks, amt
sell the same to the highest bidder at public
; auction before he Court house door of Floyd
County, forcash in h nd, in, bar of the equit
. of r demption, and to make to the purchaser oi
purchasees ofsaid property good and
j ee Simple t ties thereto.
i Ami whereas said William Bradford has
j made default for more than six months in the
payment ot said interest, fines, and monthly
payments. Said Association, under tlie options
aforesaid, now declares said pri cipal sum of
¥1,200, together wicn the accumulated interests,
dues and premiumus, aggregating on the 3Jth.
day of June 1894, the sum ot 81496.20, due and
payable immediately.
And now in execution of the authority vested
n said Association by said William Bradford,
by virtue of the deed her-inafor j referred to,
there will be sold on the first Tuesday in Au
gust 1894, between the hours of 11 a m. and 12
o’clock m. in front <»f the Court house door of
Floyd < ounty, at public auction to the highest
bidders, fm cash in hand, and in bar or the
equity of redemption which is expressly waiveu
and released, in said deed, tiie following Real
Estate, described in .-aid deed, town: That cer
tain lot or parcel of land situatsd in the city
of Rome. County of Floyd, State oi eergia,
and particularly described as lots numbers one
(1) and two (2) in the Rome Real Estate Compa
ny's subdivision ot the Filth Warn of the city ot
Rome, said lots fronting fifty-one (51; feet each
on Fort Avenue unu running back same widtb
one hundred and fifty-eight feet tom alley,
being the same propert-. conveyed to William
Bradford by J. H. Allen and others on the 11th.
day of October 1890, by deed of record in th*
Clerk’s office of Floyd county, in the book P. 1-
page 656. And the proc-eds of said sale will bi
applied as follows: First, to the expenses o
sale; second, to disci.arge and pay off tin
amount due the said Southern Building &• Loan
Associati m, including principal interests, At
torneysfees, fines, and unpaid i stallments;
audoue-third.the lesidueif any, will be paid to tin
sai l William Bradford, or his order. And tin.
is to give notice ot' said sale as by said deei
provided. T'.ii.s June 22, 1894.
southern Building VC Loan Association
by Jlciienry Ntu.mally Ac G-e ,
PUBLIC Sale of real
Whereas on the 15th. day of June 1893 William
A. Jackson, of 1- loyd county, Ga., borrowed from
ne southern Building anil i.oan Association, ol
.oioxville Tennessee, the sum of 54X1,00,0n nme .
share of the 52nd. series of stock in sa.d Associa
tion ana on the same date executed and uelivei
ed to said association his certain promisso,
note or obligation in writing whereby he under
cook ami promised to pay on or before nine years
aitci uate s.mi of .. 0JJ,30, v.n.n inteyest of
the sum of 8450,00 at the rate of six per cent per
aiinuni payable iiionthiy on or beiore the las.
Saturday in each and every month, commencing
on the last Saturday in June 1893; which]said uole
was secured by a deed of even dace therewith to
certain real estate in the city of Rome, Floyd
county Georgia, hereinafter more particularly
described, said deed recorded in Hie cleiks office
ot Floyd county in book"VV” of, page
401, on June 29th 1893 to which reference is Here
made tor greater certainty as to its terms ami I
condition; i
And whereas by the terms of said note and
deed the said William A. Jackson stipulated and
agreed that upon his failure to pay promptly
when due the taxes and insurance premiums oh
said property, or upon his failure to pav the
monthly interest ou sail! loan, or the tines and
I monthly payments on said stock, or any part
i thereof, tor a period of six mouths after the I
same or any installment thereof may become due, t
then at the option of said association the whole
| indebtedness evidenced by said obligation ami I
secured by said deed, including any taxes or it - !
j surance due or paid by said Association on saiu
property, shall at once become and be due and
| collectable, and said association is by the terms
ol said deed s;>ecilically vested with full power
and authority to advertise said properfy once a
week for four weeks ami sell the same to the
highest bidder at public auction before the court
house door of Floyd county, for cash in hand, in
bar of the equity of redemption, and to make to
the purchaser|or ] urchascrs ofsaid property good
ami sufficient lee simple titles thereto.
And; whereas said William A. Jackson has
made default for more than six months in ihe 1
payment of saiil interest, tines and monthly pay |
ments, said association under the option afo r -‘- j
said now declares said principal sum of 8450 ( 'io .
together with the accrued interest, tines ami jire
mumis aggregating on the 30th. Bay of June 1894 I
the sum ot 8505,75, due and payable immediately, i
And now in execution oi tin- authority vested |
in said Association, by said William A. Jackson, !
by virtue of the deed hereinabove referred to I
. there -.nil be sold mi the iir-1 Tuesday in August '
' 1894, between the hours of 11 a. m. anil 12 •> c,0.-k i
m., in front of the door of the court of |
' Floyd county, at public auction to the highest,
i bidder for cash in hand ami in bar of the equity ;
of redemption, which is expressly waived and I
released in said deed, the following real estate I
described in said deed towit: That certain lot or I
parcel of land, situate 1 iu the citv of Rome ami '
county of Floyd, in the State of Georgia, ami !
particularly described as lots numbers sixty-nine
(69) and seventy (70) in J. W. Hicks survey of But
ler’s addition to South Rome (now the Fifth
Ward of Rome), said lots fronting ou Harper
Street 30 feet each, and running back 150 feet to
Grove alley, being the same property conveyed
to Wiliiani A. Jackson by Shorin'J. < . Moore ou
the day of May 1X93 by deed of record in the
f'lerk's office of Floyd county. And the proceeds
of said saie will be applied as follows: first to the
expenses of sale; Second, to discharge and pay
on the amount due the said .southern building
and Loan Association including principal, inter
cst, attorneys fee. fines ami unpaid installments
1 and third, the residue, if any, will be paid io
said William A- Jackson or his order. Ami hi.s
is to give notice of said sale as by said deed
provided. This June 22ml 1894.
Southern Building & Loan Association
By McHenry Nunnally Neel,
GEORG! V, Fl yd Coun'y,
load whom it mav concern : No ice is hereby
given that the appraiser appointed io "et
•ip it t and assign a year's support to Josephine
Stansb ry, the wi-mw ol A. >tan-imry,
decease.l, iiave tiled their award, ai d unless
•good ai d suilicent cause is shawm tile same w.H
be made the judgement of the court at the .lull
term. 1*94 of the court of Ordinary. This June
l.h 1824.
John I’. Davis,
Ordinary F <>yd i ounty, G -orgia.
Citation— Leave to Sell :
Georgia. *■ loyd (’< uuty,
To all wh mi i m.i om-eru : itilliam J. Ger- 1
don, Adm nistrator de boais mm with will an
uexed, of A ii.i im I', G»rd m, deceased, has in
dm- form applied tn t‘-e und.-r-igm d for leave
to seil .l.e lauds belonging to the estate of said
, deceamd, ami s id application will 1 e heard on
hetirs: Mommy in July next. Ibis sth. uay of
June 1X.4
John I*. Davis Ordinary.
Application for Letters of
GEORGI A,-Flovd County:
Whereas John I’. Siansell, Guardian, of
D. J. S'auseil, represent to ibe court iu
tier petition duly filed, that she lias adminis
ere.l O. J. Stansell's esiate. This is to cite
ill persons com—.neb, kindred ami creditors,
•o show cause, it any they can, win said admin
istrator should not bo fiisc’i ■ rgeil from hei
•dinlidscratton ami receive letters of ili-miss-. -a
.mi tiie first Monday in July 1894. This June 4:'i.
1 1894,
John r. Davis,
k Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia
is as safe and hnmless as a flas
seed poultice. 1: like a ponl.
tice, drawing out i-s Ter and pair.,
and curing ai’ diseases peculiar
to la iies.
‘•Orange Bios: >n” is a pas
tile* easily used at any time;
is applied right to the parts
Every lady cc*n treat herseL
®7ith it.
Mailed to any address upon rs« '
4)eiptofsi. Dr. J.A. McGill&Co
<j Panorama Place, Chicago/IK,
So id by
D, W. Curry Druggist*
As we are going to
move soon.
We offer our entire
stock at cost, you can
buy anything. We have
at wholesale prices we
mean to seil you if you
want to buy. We think
that we bought our
goods as cheap as the
same kind of goods
can be bought by any
one, So come to see
and save yourself
Very Respt.
Morris oz. Bro. j
Opposite Central Hotel.
, a..
x’CY't 7
* cxsS:si2ai,tfi ic::JLt ximikxbkcai '
‘S.'-ILiri /
Jn E*osiia~n, we will semi
A Sample Kstveloioe, of either ’
Vxn have seen it advertised for many
" years, but have you aver tried it?—lf z’
fl, not,—you do not know what an Ideal jr
Complexion Ponder is. /
' besides being an acknowledged beautifler, 2,
4 lias many refreshing u>es. It prevents chaf- y.
itig, sun-burn, wiud-ian,lessens perspiration, \
J <‘tc.; infactitisninostdelicateanddtisirable
' protection to the face during Lot weather. <
It Im Sold Everywhere. g?
. For sample, address /
Ll. A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, MoJj
5 v ■■
Year's Support.
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To ail whom it may concern : Notice is hereby
1 given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart
i and assign a year’s support to Elizabeth Turner
i the widow of G.W Turner decease .have filed
I their award, and unles< good ami sulf cient
' c iusc is shown, the sam** will be made the jndg
| ment of the Court at the July te, in, 1894, of the
Court of Ordinary. This June 4th 1894.
John I’. Da is.
Ordinary Floyd county G eol 2l ia
Application for Letters of Dis
miss 5 on.
GEOr ; IA—Floyil County
; Whereas James W. Reeves, Trustee ol
I M’S, Martha E McGee, represents to the court
in his petition duly tiled, that he has admieis
| tered vlartha E McGee’s estate. Phis is 'o ctt<
i ail persons coneeren I. kindred aud creditors t<
show cause, if any they can, whv s .id ttiisu.
I should not be discharged from his trusteeshi]
and receive letters of dismission on 'he first
Monday in July 1894. This April 2nd, 1894
John I* Davis
Ordinary F’oytl Co, G»
Ketchum & Eiliott) Floyd Sup’r. Ct. March
vs. [ term 1894 Rule to fore-
Marcus B. Earle J close mortgage
It app°aring to the Court bv the petition of
Ketchum Elliott that Marcus B. Earlton th<
30 day of May 1893, executed and delivered to
said Ketchum & EHio r t towit \ll my interes
in my fathers (A Earle deceased) estate, saio
estate consisting of 132 acres of lot >’o 160. 16<
acres of land lot no. (161), five acres us land lu.
no. 244.80 acres of land lot no. 245 all of said lot
lying on ami being in the 2<Fh. Disb<ici
and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga., my into’*
cst being described in the will »»f my fa;her (A
Earle deceased) as being five hundred dollar
and one fourth (1-4) of the remaining propert>
ior the purpose of secu'ing the payment of
proirissory notes for the sum of one hundre<
and eight and 02 100 dollars, A~ade by tiie sai<
Marcusß. Earle on the 30th dav of May 1893, ana
1 pavablo to the saidKntc'ium & Elliott due Nov
■ 2 ith 1893 after flat.?, with inheres al the rate •
s per ceirt per annum from m i urity aud attor
ney’s fe* s, which said note the said Marcus B
Earle refuses to pay.
It i« therefore ordered that r he said Marcus i
I Earle pay into th’s courr. on or before the tlrs
day of the next term thereof, the principal an*
in T <‘reu’ due on said n< te. and ihe co-t oj th-s
suit, or in default thereof t e otrt will pro
ceed<i.sto justice shall appertain A*'. (1 n . l '
| further ordered that this rue be published ti
i the Hustler of Rome a newspaper publ -bed i
< the county of Fioy*L one -a m »ncn tor ’on;
1 months, or serve on the said Mai •as B. E ir.u o
! his special agent or attorney, th re months pu
vious to the next term of ”b’ • nrr. M.ucr
*’ ‘ * W. M. Henry.
Ennis & Starling .. . ,_e . . O-
Fetitmn-i’x A N.uney
It appearing bv return of Slier:lT that deieuil
aniiloi s nor resfde in the county or state, it i
ordered ih.u service e made upon said detemi
ant bv publication of foregoing rule and tin
order in the dustier of Rome mice a mourn rm
four months prior to September ter .< 1894 o
t his court. This Apr. 27;h 1X94,
W M Henry
I -r-f
' Ga, Flovd County.
A rue copy from mimites of Elnvd >u enm
co irt. No. 27 page t)i« and N<>. 28 page 1-2. D >
M v 18111. 1694. ,
W - E Bcysiegle
i Supr, < oiiri,
Fioyil Co Ga,
Georgia, Floyd County •
To rhe Honorable Board of Onnmlxsionerx of
Roads ami Revenue of said county. The petition
ot J • E. Kei ebrew, J. A. Kenuebrew, H. T.
Keimebrew, J. B. 8. KeHnebrew, E. P. Price, J.
m. Waiters,.l 11. Hawkins, Lewis uaper, wm.
Ke-, s, j Morrow, Peyton sorrow, j b. Autrey,
D P. Ingram, 8. I’, wriglit, Dovle o’Henlaii,
J. B. Lacey, j, F. Leak, I>. F. Field, E. E. Field,
J. 8. Gunn' Tom Price, F. P Nixon, w A Rush,
c. H. hush, R. m. Braden, Matt Braden,
Tilden Braden, j. T. Watters. John Beeves
.lames Harris. T L Stephens, John Stephens,
and.i. B. Stephens show tovour Ho. . ‘ Body
that they desire and do petition your body that
you do establ sh a new militia district, in said,
county out of the following territory now em
braced in 859 district o m. known as Watters
Distric ,to wlr: All that land and territory ly
ing and being on 'he east side of the Calhoun
road that leads from Rome to Calhoun, begin-)
ning at ill-- Rotui'District line on the inacade
n;lzi-d road to the Gordon county line so as-to
include all lane now iu Watters district that
lies east of said road in the new ili-trict. Ami
your petitioners show that there is in said ter
ritory east of said road, a captains cmnpciy ot
able b-’died white men subject, to military
duty and that after sa’d territi. -y is c,ui oil' and
established into a new district t ere would still
remain a captains company o able bodied
white men in Waters distric., sub,set to imii
tary duty that are residents. And your petit
ioners funh-r show 'hat it is necessary and
i-x| edient to establish such new mililia dis
trict embracing Slid territory east ofsaid
road, that it will be a public convenience to all
citizens in such territory, for itwil' make ihe
election precincts nearer to ihe voters and the
I justice iif the Pea e ami Bailiffs. Will be more
I convenient to the citizens o' said new district
that it would be more convenient to give in
and pay their taxes if tne new district be so
established and the preeine' fixed in a central
pert of -aid district. And they further pet i tion
you name tch new district Ridge Valley
if you should establish said territory rntoa new
miiiti * district. Your i etitioners pray said
new district to lie laid out ami established in
terms of the law, and that Commissioners be
appointed in term-of he law to lay out said
District and report to your Honorable body as
is provided by law,
Geo. A. H. Harris,
Petitioners Atty,
Office of.
Romp Gh... M tv 17th, 1894,
To 8. J. vvhatley,)
T. 8. Burney J Commissioners.
J. Y. Price, , )
Wli reas, j. F. Kennebrew, and others, have
Petitioned the Board for a new district out of
the following territory now embraced iu 859th.
Dist. G:.M. io wit: Nil that land and teritory
lying and being on the east side ct the Calhoun
road that, leads from Koine to Calhoun begin
ning at the Rome Dist. ine on the macadeinized
road at Adolfus Harbor’s land and fo'.lowng said
road to the Gordon county iine so as to include
all land now in Watters Ihst., that lies east of
said road in the new district.
It is ordered that you, or a majorly of vou,
go upon tnepremises and view ihe proposed
change as indicated above: and if you find it
necessary and expedient you must proceed to
lay -,ut and define the sama; nd m ike your
report under oath to this Board on or
before the first Monday in June next that
you have laid out and defined the line, of said
new district, conformably to law.
Max Meycrhurilt, Clerk.
In obed ence to the adove o r der we went up
on the premises and viewed i he proposed change
indicated and as er ceusideriug ihe matter as
1 best we con'd we believti it expedient and best
I and therefore respectfully recommend ihat the
above petition be granted a .d district line be
sc changed as to conform to above petitio n
8. J. Watley, 1 Commissioi.ers.
John Y. Price. 5 859 D strict G. m
T. L. Burney ) F oyd county Ga
Sworn to amt subscribed before me this 25th,
day of M*y. 1694.
Thos. N. Pinson, N. P. & j p.
Georgia, Floyd county,
The commissioners appointed to mark and
lay out territory and define Hoes thereof for a
new militia district as petitioned for and (, e
scribed iu the above petition, having made
return reporting that they had laid out
s-iid territory aud recomme-idi- g a new militia
district be established, ami i being made to ap
jiear that a sufficient number of while men sub
ject to military duty remain in Watters District
ro form a caprains company and a sufficient num
b> rof white men a>e in the i reposed new Dis
trict io form a captains company and said com
mis.doni rs having rejioned it is'expedient a> d
besi to establish such tuw district, the report
of said commissioners is Approved, a new mill
tia district is established i:> rloyil county, Ga
which new district is named Ridge valley. The
lines ol said district and territory embraced in
such new district are declare I to be and estab
lislieo as follows: Beginning it the Rome dis
trict line on ihe macademized r0..*l at the Adol
fus Harbour place and following this Calhoun
road ro ihe Gordon county line, this road be
ing western boundary line »f said disvict
thence from said road cast along the Gordon
and Floyd comity lines to Bartow coirntv line,
this line being the m>-tbern boundary of said
dist, ilienc-along Barrow < ourty 'ine to Eto
wan District and also alrxig Erowab dis
trict line to Rome district line, this being
the eastern boundary line nt said district
tl.ence along Rome district line to Calhoun
road at Adolfus Harbour’s place, the above ter
ritory being the entire territory hereiofore eiu
braced in Wait' rs District that lies on east
sice of rhe Calhoun road hi <>|ien court the date
aforesaid. This June 4 h, 1394.
Whereas, it appear from the proceerli gs of
Commissioners appointed therefore, of file in
this office, that a new Mslitia district with suit
able meets ami bounds has been laid out in 1 be
County of Floyd : md i[ Surther appearing that
said proceedings are in due form aud accord
ing to law: i- i.s Ordered
That said New '<i itia district be known and
isrpinguishe I as number 1516, and that }ho.P
er r cord ‘hereof be made in the office oi this
By the Governor w- J-Northen,
J. W. warren. Governor.
Sec. Ex. Dept.
I, Max Meyerhardt, 'Clerk of the Board of
Commissioners in siml for Floyd county, Ga
do Hereby certify that, ihe for* going is a true
extract from thj minutes <>f sard Board.
Given under my hand and seal, this Ju. e 12tb
Max Meyerhardt Clerk
d 30 d.
GE'»RCIa,F ovd County:
The Board of Commissioners of Raods an-l
Revenue of sa <1 county will recieve bids for
stra ghtening- the public mad at the Gap of Lav
ender Mountain, known as the Robinson Gap,
nid putting rhe same in a good and safe con
dition . For particulars apply to J. a. McArver
or G. <l. Burknalcer. Slid bids to be in the
Clerk’s office bvnine o’c ofk a on Monday,
July 2nd. 1814.
Ihe board reserves the right to reject any
aid all blds. Witnsss rhe Honor ide John
<l. Foster, chairman of the Board, this sth day
of JiU'.e, 1894.
Max Meyerhardt
W. L. Douglas
$ 3.59 POLICE, 3 soles.
*2.V- s ßoys‘SchcolShoes.
.z’Mj&bi- send tcr catalogue
W- W*L*OO’JG!..AS,
Vou can save winnry by piircliaslug U • E.
Doiistlha Shoe**
Pecfiuse, re are tne largest manufacturers o f
ulvcriised shoes in the world, and guarantee ;
he value by stamping the name and price gq ,
he bottom, which protects you against high '
:>:iccs and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes
:.|ual custom work in style, easy fitting ano
wearing qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value given than
my other make. Take no substitute. If your
lealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Cantrell & Owens,
ifialgi-tini!. .ml 'tnru u-h'li.i>rrters, take
31.0 >'x; 8 IKON BITTERS.
All dealer* 'exm it. I per lottie. Geauiaehu
uoda-mai's; crunsed rud Unexoa wreppat
I*. M. GOMEZ Proprietor.
The Oostanaula Steamboat and
Trading Company
That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regula trips to
Carters, every week.
Ship what you can by us, Give
us your orders for ail Kinds of
Country produce
Chickens. E'jfgs, Corn. Hay. Pe is Butter. Bacon. Fruits.
Dried, Wheat, ami all Products ofthe Country.
Geo W.
F. B. Holbrook,
141'4 -J n . i^f t -medy
B i J fift ’ gc.i. .niue.l toc.inii:..! r:< r> mi» m sense i.xucb u'.. ak . ,i,„ r, : i, r \'l
Rr ttl '- , ' / " ; ’- 11 1 ’ l L ’i-'‘‘‘ < ’li'-.F i-keluliier.3.LostMunlioo<l,Ni-.Jit,v >., rvim-i
We ’ ) '»’’-’ , .«'l‘lrid..:iai -1 l.>-s.-i’ j.-wcrl.-i Generative 9i. u , .<,,.,4*
'i jLIU L • y I'v.-rexer-ion y*'i<t)Gul errorx, excessive
ularils, «-hi h li-.nt t.i (nliri'.ltv, Cmisimiptiir.-. or l.i-'r . —li 1 li.
< J- . • sf ' o . S’-t . x. -lfo-iss, by .xail pre,.. -r-va
1 V v.-rltL •*> lo cure o-- -ei'un.l >i li; ..n
riBnMMBMRa*.-L. . hi-.-.- >ts. Askfcr It, take nootuer. Write ; • . ,i . y.i . J
MdOUk A.VB in ;im-n wrapper.'r«i2JutV£BJEEl* CD., 4 its : . Cuicagik
v -iB-s.-de in Rc*no bv p <A ,>i-*>:4l> JIRL’G <JO.. Drill-:.i
We Mean. Business Call and Clet Our ZPricos
Ref ore Buying, \V e are Sealing
A XD 111 H N I S
Flooring, Ceiling, ZMonlding,
Ballusters and Brackets
A-t Bottom Brices
Sometime ago I was troubled with
au attack of rheumatism. I used
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm aixt was
completely cured. I have since ad
vised many of my friends and eusto
mers to try the remedy aud all ““peak
highily of it. Simon Goldbaum, San
Luis Rey, Cal. For sale by Lowery
Bros. Droggist.
3 hieie a policy condiinii g a2O
year endowment policy with a2t
payment life policy, for half the
amount ot the endowment, and is
ease of death wit hen the first year
from any pulmonary disease but
one half the insurance (i. e., one
quarter of the endovyineui) will be
For insurance, a combination
policy may be taken cut for $250
endowment, maturing in 20- years
and its terms will provide that if
death occur while the policy is in
force within the 20 years $125 will
be paid; if the insured survive 20
years, he will receive $250 in cash
and still hold his policy as au or
dinary paid up life policy for
$125. payable at death without
any fnther payment of premium
The premium is the same for all
ages; but applications will not be
rceived upon lives less thaul3 or
more than 50 next birthday, ts.
Georgia, flovd County :
The Boarit of Commission-rx of Koails and
Revenue ot said county ask for sealed bills to
scrape, paint and adjust the three iron bridges
belonging to the county, io wit, the bridge at
rhe foo of Second Avenue, the bridge at the
foot ot Broad ntreet, and the bridge over the
Oostanaula river on Filth Avenue, leading to
the Fourth w-o d Said bids to be in the Lie ’
offii e not later than nine o clock a. in., on Au
gust 6th, 1694. a boml will he required from
tiie successful bidder fir the faithful perform
ance ot the work, she Board reserves the right
to reject any anil all bids.
Witness the Honorable J hn C. Foster, Chair
man of the Board, this 5i day of June, 1x94.
41 x Me.' erhaidt, i_l*-rk.
June 7-30-d.
Flovd Superior Court,
March ierinlß94.
Ins ) Application to ad-
*;. A Allen, J- drq tan unknown
;S. V. Allen, ' chil
To any and all pers •“* c incerned. You or
i either of vou are her-bv commanded to be and
i a pear a the next rerin of Supi-rr Court to be
ijetd on the 4tli Monday in nep'einher IX.:-* ro
' show ca se it any you can. Why the application
in the above-ta eit rase “V'riuld not be granted
and in defat'' there of the sarae will he allow
ed -wiine.-i' the ILincrale W m. Henry judge <>l
san! i: 'lo t tin* 13 h day of April B'.H."
Win, E, Beysiegle,
C'erk or Superior 'Tnnrt
Flovd county sa.
I iik iji Wnwses?
1 % !'■ ii.WtjobLEYJB
v ® ,‘D‘b "»5< •.'.'hfeebiL _
,f L COM
J A. WlLLS—Dentist— 20t) 1-2 Brosd street
, over Cantrell aud Owens store.
J AMES B NEVIN —Attorney at Law Offic"
Poverty Hui poscoffics oor lor 3rd Avenue
CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD— Attorney at
Masonic Temple.
Rome, (la.
REECE A- DENNY—Attorneys at law. Ollie®
in Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga.
WW. VANDIVER-Ar.tonmy ami Coun
sellor at Law—Rome.
WH, ENNlS—ran. W. STARLING—Ennis.
B -X stauiug, A ttorueys at Law, Masonic
Temple. Rome, Ga. feb23,
WH. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Office a ■
Masonic Toiunte Rome Georgia.
B J. NEAL—M’Henij, Nunnallv & Neal-
Attorneys-al-atLa w, office o>er Hale
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, Ga
DH. RAMSLA—Physician ami Surgeon-- )
Office at raeldence CH avemie A, Fourtß
LP. HAMMOND—Fnysiciaii and Surgeon—
a Offers bis j rvtes.s.onal services to the peo
ple of Rome aud surrounding country.
Office at Crouch and Watson's urug store, 20H
Broad street.
DR. W. D. HOYT- i H:oatC. A. Trevitt •
drug store. r o. 331 Broad street. Telephon
110. resider. ,a. No. 21
DR.C. F. G1 yyfN-PI vsician and Surges
—Office n< r Masonic building. Resident e
mW 4th at _iue.
He WARD E. FELToN—Physician and siu
geon—Office No. ti Thire Avenue,
Ai office dav and nigLv. Telephone 62.
Frank A. Wynn, Physt.'an and Surgon
office at Ti e itt A Johns in drug store
telephone '3 Residence 406 Second Ave,
1 rompt attention given all professional call
agents make five dollars a day. '
Greatest Kitchen ntencil ever invettsd.
Retails 35 ets. 2to 6 sold in every house: san ide
Postage paid rive eenrs. McMAKIN <!fc Co.
T have two little grand children
who are teething all this hot tin -
mer weather and are troubled with
bowel con-plaint I give them Ch in -1
berlain’s - C<>Hc, Cholera and I'i v
rhoea Remedy and it acts J’ »> a
charm. 1 earnestly recomend if for
children with bowel troubles. I a. is
mveelf token with a severe attic k of
Moody flux, with cramp and pains in
ni" stomach, one-third of a bot;le of
his romedy cured me. Within twee—
t'-tour hours I was out of be. aid. J
doing th y house work.—Mrs. W. L.j
Dunagan, Bon-aqua, Hickrnm. ' u
Tenr. For sale by Lowery and JJroj.
D uggist