Newspaper Page Text
•wed «.t <cke Romer *« O '«« *’ “nr«-. oU ' * 1
secoua-ciastt Mail Matter. <
- ,*xrT»r» (Editor, and
j Manual.
• - U cant j. week or $> OJ per auaim
< OWI.CE: corner Broad Street and
Official Organ
For rapreeeutativea of Floyd:
Major Bob Fouche,
Capt. John Reese,
and plain
“Mister” Mo** Wright,
X#d they will be .lecle.i,-lo
•jjj trk thi't prediction-’’ _
"Lit-last Pullman finds himself a
. deeper ATith a nightmare.
lik® th« wa,p: ‘
.melon vine, is on the run.
•■The | party ’ is the way many < f
.. fop. Georgia pencil pushers write it.
4Phe annual session of Georgia
Ifeeklv Press Association will e
. in Milledgeville on July 1
• Ue deaths from overwork or over
; ieathave been, -reported from Cox-
- jfy’c- Army.
'Whet has become of Gov. A aitet-
TAr-beby and where is Col. Moll
/.Lease “at” these days?
he bn'7ls ot Rest a?t threaten
.zunuy hours of day light.
A fit. Simons letter says “the
ur f ie full—so, also, are some ot
■ 14i»aurfere.” —Albany Herald.
rhe People s Parts will make its
Abt fight next October. After that
fee buiied. Dust to dust —At
lanta Commercial.
Henry G/Tumer may be the brain
aat Genian in Congress- but 11 bis
Saturday night speech in Atlanta is a
*pecimme—then we have our doubts.
The boy-cott has gotten mixed wit l
jtiPullman sleeper. But, in the an
guage of the Possum Trott Gazeit,
■it makes snore different!.* to us.
Queen Victoria,- draws from the
UieJinglieh t easury $1,300,000 a
- year. England has her Guelphs,
. i.Awftrir.a her pension rolls.
Presidoi't Carnot’s coffin war
jbtokaii in the fall which it had
nn Wing removed from the hearre
i’.jd a new one had to he made.
ana now the “original” Atkin
. ..son men aiv clipping up as thick
- sis me hairs ihat fringe a bald
' headed man’s baretoofed tculp.
The Republican party isaugling
for tb»vetes of the silver states of
tW-V.’ect —but can, or rather, wil
the .Republican partv swallow the
53.1ver;-lank 7
’ -ifany oUht papers are endorsing
A -Bac&ru refusal to meet Gai raid oi.
• Hi® 3k.;?y v .an ihe idear that this is nc
time lor division among Democrats
—Agutta Herald
feudgo axem says:
f A man-cat tighten the h.dn -heded j
juou. te.'uv monnovperly verry long
after ii begun to git hidry-he led
President Casimer-Perier insists
ja<t he will attend the funeral of
f.'arn.> in v pit a of precedents t o
the contrary, and mid dangers in
tnird party man asks: “Will
Vex as go Democratic?/ —A ill
Pennsylvania go Republican--Will
Kansas go to the devil? Mho can :
Lave doubts?
j -
Her is a shoulder stroke from
heOgtethorp Echo.-. A chroni
cally dissatisfied Democrat isn\ 1
much better than an outspoken •
oppenent to the party. In fact we '
k prefer to deal with the latter. ~ j 1
Let Fulton country go to Hines and
then let an Atlanta man rise up and ,
ask for office afterwards and see how
quick be would perform the “pai cake
act” under the democratic party.
A few of Atlanta’s Evansites have
organised a club and propose to
carry Atlanta and Fulton country for
Hines. Should they succeed. Fulton's I
political doom would be sealed.
The mayor of a Pennsylvania town
has been tarred and feathered by
his indignant fallow-citizens Ex
citement seems to have been at a
high pitch. —Columbus Ledger,
Postmaster Bissell is a great tt m
perance worker. He has discontin
ued the postoffice at Gin, Logan
county, W. Va.—Griffin News,
Since when did be be —Gin?
The Hustler of Rome would
iike to see that sterling Democrat
Milton Gaudier, elected over that
mammoth demagogue, Leonidas
Forhimself Livingston, of the
Fifth congressional district.
Here is a well graduated mercu
rial scale from the Augusta Her
ald :
‘ When it comes to taking high
degrees this June, the themometer
can give the gradutates a few
Prolonged death should be met
ed out to the red handed Anarchist.
No time should be lost in dil-dall
ing. Let the populace handle him
like a Georgia mob does a rapist—
only let the agony be long drawn
out terible to the “reds.”
Crime is steadily on the increase
in proportion to population in this
country. In 1850 there was but
one criminal in the United State
tu 3442 population. Now there is
one to about every 700 Yet thou
. sands of dollars are sent out to
L the little heathen every year.
Louisiana is the home of th 1
gambler and the legislator. The
last session of the states law mak
ers killed the anti-poolroom bill
and proceeded to vote themselves
a perdiem of eight dollars per
New Mexico will be the forty
fifth State admitted into the Un
ion. There remains outside of the
fence Utah, Arizona, Oaxlahoma.
Alaska and the Indian Territory.
When these are at last included,
the Union will consist of just fifty
It is recorded that th'* English
York baby “received its fi’-st honor
i j the order of the bath.” The “or
der of the garter” and the slipper
will come latpr.—Augusta News.
And Mrs. York —she carries
suckor to the young recruit who
raiiico in the ranks of the “howi
The papers round about here.
«ays the Hays City (Kan.) Senti
nel, keep poking fun at our Dutch
coroner, but we wish to at lea-t
say for him that he understands
the flexibility required in a west
ern Kansas oath. At the Carl
Merry inquest he swore witnesses
with this rangy formula. “You do
scholemnly schware dot you. vill
d~»l Ide root, de doly troot uno
uodting like if”
Hon. H. H. Carlton has declin
ed 'o enter the race for Congress
from the Eighth district. Mr.
Carlton says his business would
suffer very a a enai y it’he
should run. Carlton's business in
terests seems to have changed
since he was about to enter the
gubernatorial contest—after that
famous Sunday night Kimball
House kawkus.
Chattooga and Floyd have acted
by primary and between them cast
3.000 votes. Os this number, Bill
Everett has received 26. Think of
t hixt 26 out of 3,000 who take stock
m Mr Everetts “vindication”
campaiagn. Now watch the other ■
counties set down on Billy and *
endorse Congressman Maddox— j
to about the same tune of Chattoo- |
ga and Floyd.
“Our John” carried Chattooga
county 1.200 to 25 on Saturday.
W ouder what Bill Everett thinks
of Chattooga stock in his “vindica
tion” campaign.
'1 he titfas of captain, major,
colonel and genera! seems to be
I back numbers politically. Hamp- ,
ton, of South Carolina, Evans, of
Georgia and Reagan, of Texas are
dead politically. They are good
men all; but the people aie mak
ing a change.—Mobile News.
A minister at Ontonagon, Mich.,
was preaching against dancing and
cahed attention to the fact that the
maidens danced alone in all the terp
sichorean exercise mentioned and
apparently approved in holy writ
•‘go they did in the Midway,” called
out a local wag who had gone to th<
v ‘orld's fa’r. Services had to be sus
pended till he was put out of the
meeting house.
The Georgia Cracker puts it this
Beside the manliness of Gen. Ev
ans, how puny and insignificant is the
personalism of the boisterous and
blatant few who declare they will b l l
the party nomination because their
favorite was not chosen Placing
their petty personalism above patty
principles, they are unworthy of a
leader who finds in defeat the oppor
tunity to prove himself great.
“Gentlemen,” said the Indiana
mayor, “the object of the meeting
has been fully set forth to you in
the published call. Au industrial
army is marching in this direc
turn. Our people have enough un
employed. In this emergency’
something must be done. The
coming of this army is a menace,
\\hatevur we do to meet it must
be done promptly, resolutely, and
fearlessly. I await your pleasure,
fellow-citizens. The meeting is
After a short pause the editor of
the town paper rose up.
“Mr. Chairman,’ he said, pale
but determined, “I move you, sir.
that as a means ot averting the
visitation that threatens us a
double-column add be inserted
at once in the Weekly Tornado
ofl'enng steady work on the roads
at $2.50 a day to ev ry member ot
the coming army. And I take
pleasure in adding, Mr. Chairman”
he went on, in a voice that rose
high above the din of applause,
‘that I will publish that add for
three-four.hs of the regular rates
on the local page in big display
type, next to pure reaiing matter,
and send 50 copies to the advanc
ing army, postage prepaid without
extra charge!”—Chicago Tribune.
every child is ready lor.
They act in the mildest, easiest, most nat
ural way. No violence, no reaction after
ward, and their help lasts. They perma
nently eioy Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious
Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and *ll
derangements of the liver, stomach and
They're put up in sealed vials. This keens
them always fresh and reliable, unlike tb»;
ordinary pills in wooden and pasteboaix
They’re the e/wapest, for they’re pnaran
teed to give satisfaction, or your" money is re
turned. You pay only for the good you get.
No matter what you've tried and found
wanting, you <au be cured with Dr. Sage’s
Catarrh Remedy.
13 not complete rg
> • Hout ?n ideal
■ *L> .' .-v/svr. !
& |i
1 Combine* eve:’, element of»i
, g beauty an ’ purtv It is beauti- jj I
c fying. soothing, healing, health- I •
ful, and har . ess. and when J g
4 rightly used s • isible. A most aj
h delicate and desirable protection ggi
$ to the face in this climate. ra
j j Insist- upon having ths genuine. |
nriß Tt* I JU--. X
v; -yys-*<t J
from the great, griping,
di . a l*ui pills to Dec' ;■
Pierce s Plersant Pel
lets. See what an ad
vance there is;
1 hese little Pellets,
scarcely larger than
, mustard seeds, are the
smallest and the easiest
to take tiny, sugar
coated granules that
Rome lined a a series of Chetaw
ker lectures, and I see no good
reason why Rome cant have them,
I Who can suggest the best modus
♦ 4
Sam "Whitmire has a bull named
“Buck” which he proposes to enter
ihe4rh of July Races out at the
Exposition Grounds. Col. Whit
mire says that “Buck” will weigh
about 1,200 lbs and can out run
anything that wears horns and di
, vided hoofs. Yesterday a near
I neighbor had a case of “monkeys”
and “snakes,” equal parts, and Mr.
Whitmire was asked to go for the
the doctor and “go in haist.”
4 *
He hitched Buck to his pony Phae.
ton and made the two miles in seven
minutes, kite shaped track time. Col.
Whitmore came into the city to day
to get a pneumatic tired cart aid says
if he can get a handicap, be will chai
-1 enge Roy West, Hugh Reynolds and
1 other expert bicyclists for a mile race
Sam says that Buck is not much of a
combination animal as he won his
I name from bucking under a saddle;
but when the harness smites his
1 he raises his head and scents the race
track from afar. Mr. Whitmire wil]
Jocky Buck,and challenges all comers.
* *
Messrs. H. P, Jack, Hurley- and
Elmo Ballew, George Allen and a
number of other young men. are
enjoying a camp-fish and protract
ed-hunt up the Ooetanaula. They
have spread their tents by the
laughing waters of the merry
Outhcalogee and are busily en
gaged in chasing the mournful
Whangdoodle and untwining the
tender tendrils of the woodbine
They have named their camp
Kamp Keely Kure —but there’s uo.
much in a name,
. *
* *
“A great cry goes up over the
uonnfiy every now and then about
the decline in public taste as to
drama and literature,’’.said an ob
servant gentleman this morning
‘But why should anybody com
plain? What difference does it
make to us as individuals what
the admires. If they want to read
the light books of the day or listen
to “After the Ball,” Why let them
have them by all means. What
business is it of ours. It we don't
like them we can leave them alone
and select what we do like, and
let the public do the same for it
“It ain't the fear of women tak
in’ up taste} that is too hard for
their delicate frames that makes
the men bo opposed to lettin’ ’em
vote,” eaid old Mrs. Jason. “They
are jist afraid that the women once
git started they will make the men
do the washin’ and ironin’ an
ecrubbin’ and all them little easy
jobs of that kind that the women
has to do now. ”
* *
Messrs. Hughes and Will Rey
nolds are at home for vacation. I
notice from the commencement
reports of Lawrenceville School.
Lawrenceville, N. J , that out of a
class of 67,Hughes Reynolds grad
uaied, Fifth. This, I consider, a
most remarkably brilliant record
Hughes entered the class as “a new
man’’ and it must have taken hard
work and a lot of it, to place him
so near tte top. I understand that
he will go to Harvard in the fall,
and after a thorough course in
that great college, he will take a
law course—and come home and'
m the language of Col, Seab
Wright, •‘enter the actual practice
of law." Wnl Reynolds returns to
Lawrencovi I le.
A I -‘w and Complete T.«- an-”t, ccasistn. ■ <•
I OSITOKIES, Cup.-u < i Ointment and -o
’<• -o* (tiiiiif. T.t. a never 2 lilit s (Jure for •
• H every nature and degree. It inokv uaopsraaui
with t»•<* knife or injection*.of <.k bolic acid, whi .
'! ;•< >.'i ilif:;’. hl; ; • . !«,;>; -i r • : ;i... • xuijii |fre!
resuming in death, uun“C‘j.'<ury. v/hy endu.v
th s etriblo dieeaso? We guarantee <
boxes to euro any cats. Y<-u only pay so
ovnelits received. > J a box, 6 for $5. Sent by mail
Guarantees issued by our agents.
Cured - F!,e » Pre»en'«l
by Japanese Liver Pellet:
t:.e Rr.T.t r 1 VFR enJ STOMACH REGULATOR :in<
BLOOt’EI i;tsiru. Small, mild and pieamnt t.
r-rk". <i *-vd for children's use. On Loaei
2d cent-.
GU ALLAN nly by
[continued FROM fib*>t page]
Salary for Janitress of white
school $22.50 per month. Rhodie
Daniels, col, unanimously re- elect
A delegation of colored citizens
came before the Board asking that
Prof. Dent be not appointed ts
Principal of the colored Schools
but they failed to make charitee.
injwritiug and retired. They will
refer chanres lates on.
The Supernumaries tor the
white schools were named as Miss
es Sallie Spul.ock. Ella Allen.
Ada Jenkins, snd Sarah Rosen
Salary- for Principal $55 per
Each of the Grades were made
S3O per month.
Principal of colored school :.
Prof, T, M. Dent.
Fourth Grade: Alic® C. Davis
Here a motion was made and
passed requiring all the teachers to
have stood an examination, before
Superintendent Harris,before tin y
were eligible.
A messenger was sent out to look
for Superintendent Harris to ascer
fain who had stood the examination
and it being 6.-15 me Hustler ad
journed to press.
4 EQUAL 12
I. e. Four Weeks by our method
of teaching book-keeping is equal
to Twelve Weeks by the old plan.
Positions under cer
tain conditions, Best patronized
Business College in the South. 500
Students in attendance the past
year. Eleven Teachers. Nashville
is the educational center of the
South. Cheap Board . No vacation
Enter at any time. Home study.
We have recently prepared books
on Book-keeping, Shorthand and
Penmanship especially adapted
to homestudy. Send for our Free
illustrated 80-page catalogue and
stale your wants. Address J, E.
Draughon, President Draughou’s
Piactical Business college and
Schoo, of Shorthand and Telegra
phy. Nashville Tenn.
N. B-—We pay $5 cash for all
vacancies of Stenographers Book
keepers, etc.reported to us provid
ed we fill same .J (mention thi
paper when you write.)
SWhat Nerve Berries
have done for others
they will do
f° r you.
E N Easily, Quick! f
and Permanently Restcred, soth da h '
A ppsUve cure for all Wei .nesses, NervoOHnes.-,
a 1 tu ST train of evils resultln ,
from early errors and later excesses; the resit.
01 o*4’e*w<»i'k. Mirk worry., etc I)eveloi -
and t<> th-' -exnal «rj
iiunatural loan s «»a uiirbvSv
eu»«sions caused t y youthful errors or < .
, as ‘,‘ ° f *<>t»;ivro. opium and «i<<u-r
tO . co “‘'«“«ptiou and insanify
tue ru. e shows immediate improvement Acci*;*
rn> imitation Insist upon having the gene no
Swerve Berries,
twitmen'r'*! il'"” pPr b<l,c ' six box, -s.'on tuL
Oiiaruwleed torureu.? / v .
JT not kept by your druggist we will send them
G- , rece ‘Pt ot price, in plain wrao
all mail orders
AN Ala < o„ Cincinnati, O.
For sale by Crouch &
Are you, can’t sleep, can’t cat, tired,
thirsty ? Blood poor ?
It’s a tonic you want—
Hires Rootbscr.
This sparkling, exhilarating, and' re
freshing drink, wftile v 'ciiig far n:<x r
agreeable in bouquet flavor tha.i
the finest wine or ch, r. pagne, i.' rt
the same time tmlikc them, being free
from alcohol.
?i temper anc-* drink for tempera "de
people,dehcioui aml wholesome as 'veil.
Pur’fies the biuod, tickles the palate.
Package makes iive gallons.
Ask yertr storekeeper for it.
Take no substitutes.
Sene! a-ceni stnrnp to Chas. E.
C > , Phila.lely.Liia, tor beautiful pl -
luxe enru3.
S. ' TIC RES;!
is sold wl; - .. rr
V ,VA /" ■ *1 tparanteo to ■
.’d.-' ’l’ -•'•’-X/-1 No.vousProt'
x'k ''' 5 r b tlon, Fits, birxi
•&&FOSE - AFTER - &,Soit ■
h Grain, on using f?*;sery s Insanity *md
H-rreuvcis Impotency, Power in « a'L ” >•*
31 ’©mature Old
>y over-indwgenee, over-exertaon of the Broiu m
x- rors of Youth. It gives to Weak OrguT?* 'Fr
• t'.iral Vigor and doubles the joys of iib>. r v r <
oorrhoea and Fema’o Weaknt'ss. A month’;’ ti d
t nt, in plain package, by mail, to any a blrt-H J.
>t i' box, 6 boxes $6. With every $5 order re »•» • <•
r itten Guarantee to cure or refund the t . <
ii culars free. Guarantee issued only by our l*-
-i agent.
We off,. r z )tl t,
lfewu.l lor » n |l M
™"" 't «u r «l by h;,? ”; 1 ! tt"
Cuie. Catjjjy
Toledo .u. t - Plopi.
We the uudersione 1 i
F. J Cheney for the iL,/ k ' ,0( 'ii
and believe h ln ,
in allbusme s tiHn SMCtio h ° B et&h||
Uuncudly able to cam aDd
gutioms i llH de h v then-H a “-
lol< do o. u "gii
Waldinh, Kinnav A- v
Sal. Drn- v is| Si Toledo o
linlW C.itairh Cure’ ls
naliy, acting din cth u W
-Hl •”uc. UM B ur^ ,l )f Moot
Fr <*. 75c. p . r
Dr t h llee “I
I ib be *. f b q (1 ,j. j
now untu J !ne t1 ,.. 3,,,/' : ‘ Se
pm pose of lecenfe’ 1 )or 4
niei-rgoml, r- hl
li >1.1..s at •],(. e,.rli( s ; ( |.. , ‘ M
ru-.h at the D< }‘
n lutue.l n-0,,, , v< . n , (1)
double t hX , W l lfr e
give in their j,,.., 't>.'
M. D - . T
.T. ax _ Heceiren
GEORGE. Floyd ffe mv
N’o.u-e is b ( . rpi , v , •
Perit.on s.en.,l
Fn-elKnderH,,!' thr , 16C4r[)
.ell>)Dumc t G M. ■ I
De,.,, ;i| n , Vl!}ii . p;!
that the ben.ti ,|.,- t fe ?rrviH
of 1440. J 450, 1451,
Georgia Os 1882 and amen J
?haii UH'vto B ail
luO-L >. ili-lr.ct G M,nf J
C't: 'J .1 lurG-r « ; .- P wid u. i.u:rd on fhfl
25iii. day 01 June J., •
and ■! no v;.|i ( | t s ~s cre , h . m l
an L.ict.on Mid orr! ’•,] f 0 oc-B
Cur nt. t!-.. ]4 I, j q , y |je ß
10 utciii- the ijtifs iouaiß
l<. "F- »c< “ or --Stock
c<>r<ii. - , n
case made tiu'l p-ovule.l. ■
G V II co Liu ■' r;hl
oii.l .', this 4th. day ofl
Jul: e 189 4. ■
Juin Davis. ■
Ooliiinrr I
■ rU 11 1' ' • •
'W-hs snys:
Xts’-JEu' ♦'/k *bat there are niuiy tbon
4*-ar* funi'sof l:i<iieiintlnTnit«4
VtjKisi l dspy j States thin wouldlikeDtry
u" r “‘ vJSp my World-Renowned Uci
Bleach: !>m have t»t
’-t/X kept Ina c.Gng«u«n»
nßnt L, yi ’ coimtefi’- fc
JSB X—- perbotUoit
~ , F torotber. SVOO. lu order
\jwff)£( s M tnat allef
w~>iar. opportunity,! wul gin
to every culler,
” ’w?’ free, a anti::' 10 boule, and
Jfer z»
of city.<t In any
World.lwti.aend it safely pnikedi .
all charges prepaid, for 25 cents.-:lo rorsM>
In every case »f freckle*. | :.';«Hh, n!
lowness, black heads, acne,ecti”
ness. or any discoloration or U;.--•••iseox
and wrinkles (not caused by facial
FaCII BleaHTremoves ah*•lutp.y.
cover up, as cosmetics do, but .«cure.
No. 6 East i4.J bt., VSSK Cl ? J|
JflSfe Fast lifl
■wJtwglfV TO THE 111
Wf east!
E. Tennessee and Virginia Spring
■ ■ - —.- “Win
Lv Mobile
Lv Mt. Vernon ■
Lv Jackson ■ ‘ ‘ .
Lv Thomasville • • ' ' Ql
Lv Gaston ’ ’ ’ m
Ar Selma _ M
Lv Meridian •
Lv York
Lv Demopolis • . IO
Lv Selma 12 JtHK
Ar Calera ' ' .
Ar Talledega ‘
Ar Anniston - " " * .
Ar Rome
Ar Cleveland ■ • ' . !0
Ar Knoxville
Ar Morristown • ’
Ar Bristol - -
Ar Roanoke hasiei
Ar Washington .
Ar Baltimore
Ar Philadelphia .
Ar_New Yurk
Ar Lynchburg - . I
Ar Norfolk ■ ■ * '
Pullman Sloepers Mobil ’ - r ‘ rl S ’ .. . e -
conniu ting with "WuslilrKtcQ J •
Pullman Bloopers to Was bl w
For further'information, rate
the East Teuneese and
L. A. BELL, W ;t
P'.v. Pass. Agt,
B. W. WRENN, G.P.A., K" 0 *' 1
$25 I
Per- mechantileß
COU'SEI - ’' ■
B'JCK-K c E?I ' ;3 B
1,,el. Kling ! ’>”-’ IiS E
Ca’.i 1 H