Newspaper Page Text
Necona-ciaiw Mail 'latter.
, (Editor, and
miilg. bird, ; )la „» gel .
10 cent - *eek or $5 00 per annum
wr'CE’ Corner Broad Street and
rrivu. bifm Avenue.
or the city of Rome. Foyd, the
*• Bunner county of Georgia.
■ j" ■ ~
Ji'or representatives of Floyd:
Jdajor Bob Fouche,
Capt. John Reese,
. and plain
“Mister” Moze Wright,
And they will be elected, — To
mark that predict ion?’
The situation is a'‘grave’ope wit 1
lAeveial of the Chicago Anarchists.
•Under Cleveland’s proclimation
sre the Western mobs melt awaj.
The South American republics
are like revolving mirrors: they
reflect while they revolute.
Major Bacon seems to have the in.
aide track at present, and bets are
two to one aginst the field. —Law-
renceville News.
Our Own“little Mack”-McOsker
of course, is leading a des date lite
down at Tybee. The sob of tl e oeean
Hes b’oken Macks heart
The effects of rampant nationalisni
against which the South fought a
losing battl- , are beginning to r m
ifest themselves at the North.
’The south had no commonvvea er b
■ month ami no strikers this month
The south is the garden spot and no
doubt about it—Augusta’.
EN 01 TTll To k1 L L TIIE M.
' . 0)11 the Living Issue.
Many of our ten cent subscribers
are expiring ever? w> ok now.
The Evtfbs papers, with ot.e or two
exceptions, hav«ac eptcd Gen Ev.,us'
defeat with good grace and fallen in
line with the Atkinson tide.--Law
renceville News.
Five years from ot day Gecrgi.
will be as proud of Bill Atkinson*ai
ehe ever was of Ben Hill or Alex
Stephens. He is the coming man o'
Georgia —Lawrenceville News.
The Chicago Strike is costing
xboui $2,U00,U00 per day, Ano
Tom Watson and the part\-ites
are happy. Os course no one cares
tor the loss to the melon growers
of Georgia.
' it tue Average Cu'amity howler had
uis choice in the next world they
-would chose Tom Watson’s bosom
instead of Abraham’shut unless Tom
jny reforms the' , like him, will not
be on Father Abriuatn’s territory.
We warn the railroad strike;s that
they are on dangerous groun s. The
Georgia melon must bt 4 m<>v<d and
protected. It is ahead ol the United
States mail in claiming the light oj
way— Savannah Press
Pre I ’. J. C. Harris has been compli
mented by a unanimous re-election
as superintendent of the Home public
schools. Route could certainly find no
bettei m in for the place than the gr
'aial and talented Professor. —Cedar
town Standard.
Jan’t our law makers pass tonn
nw that will effectually put an end
to strikes It is a perfect outrage up.
on civilization that any set of me
should be allowed to bring injur)
and misfortune upon inoceiit people
as these strikers do. Thomasviile
H John W. Maddox is home
from Wind ngtf n k cl.n g alter lie
euces m the SeventL. —Cedartown
You bet vutir life he was home,and
his Blends t.h ivei ILe Seventh wer.
glad t > t-ee him and proud ot Lis re
cord. Jehu Maddox was elected as a and he come home as a den
ocrat ami mis gone back to XV ash
rngton as a democrat —and will be re
jected as a demucrui. *-'l na th; t pre
Em or Pucker remaiks thuslv; In
1890 Livingston went to congress on I
the »i.b-B vasuiy sche*.e. In 1892 he .
went on his so called ability to hold
the democratic party together In
1b94 he hopes to be returned on the
Atlanta exposion racket. Lonough]
io be sent to his farm in Newtan
Major A. O Bacon’s speech at Can
ton last Tuesday is in our opinion the
ablest speech delivered before aGeor
Ma audience in some time. Bacon ’ B
going to be elected senator when the
next Georgia Legislature meets. Just
mark this prediction,- Lee County
Judge Bartlett says thu the
Democratic majority m Bibb this
year will be 3,500. Judge Bart
left is a good prophet.—Macon
Judged Bartlett should be sent to
Congress. He would be an honor
t > t le state and a tower of strength
to the Georgia delegation.
If North Georgia is to be honor
oi by the chairman-ship of the
Gubernatorial convention then
give to S' uth Georgia the tempo
rary chairmanship. Let Capt.
Price Gilbert of Columbus open
the ball and Hon. Steve Clay de
the finale presiding. Theins our
sentiments and theme our choice.
If Hon. R. W. Everett had left his
eatlovel’ lookid after bis fences”, he j
would be iu Congress today. But he
was not built that waj.—Cedartown
No, he was built so get into Con
gress like Toni Watson did. He was
mtasuied with the subtreasury tar -
stick and the leaders of his followers. I
wi h few exceptions, are in the third I
party today. Judge Maddox was ei
ecied us a true blue democrat, aiaj
has enough ability about him to jc
all that the Barren of Fish Creek did
in C ngiass and ‘‘fix fences ’ t'X), i‘
he wants to. Has the Hon R. W. Fw
erett been able to “fence in ivy thing
ui the past two years?
Ai A Y S.
From gay Tybte, where all is
mirib and pleasure, comes the snu
lu'.eliigi-'Dce of lhe death of All.
LI mid Mays, nq ti iMtmt
of iLis division of the bculheru
Express company . While leaning
back, in a. chair he felt out of the
wii dew, it juriug himself to such
an ix f Lt that be died the follow
ing day
Glassccock Mays was a talented
and witty fellow. No one enjoyed
ajgood joke better than he, and
none sympathized with a fellow
sufferer more than be.
He can truly Le said to have
grown up with the business of the
Southern Express company. He
entered th°ir service when but a
youth and has s uck to his post
ev j r since. He was the eoul of
honor and stood very high in the
esteem of his employers, having
attained one ot ihe highest posi
tions m th * gift of the company.
Mr. V . vh leavi-s a wife and three
children to mourn his loss. He
was married to Miss Mattie Rus
sell, of Augusta, in 1880. His
three sons are S WarreD. J. G and
W Russeil Mays, ag<-d respective
ly, six, nine and fourteen years
Macon News.
Un account of the death of Su
perintendent Mavs (he Rome Ex
press office was t/iosed today.
President Debs smve to the
v\ und yesterday a very inoffen
sive statement of th ■ object and
met! o is of the great beycott sink'
which tl e Railway Umou has pre
ci pita'ed.
Air. Debs says himself of h:>
order: ‘ e have been and are pmc
fully and lawfully deporting our
selves.” He claims that he has pro
hibited and shall prohibit the mm
from “interfering with the muv -
inent of trains or assaulting nn-i.
who desire to work.”
He claims for them simply th<
dTUiiTu aT o r in a ~niF
road or any other corporation?’
And he adds: “We shall ab o
lutely insist upon order—that is
our cardinal policy.” These aie
good Words.
But Mr. Debs must have L rl>
tkat “actions speak louder than
words.” If there had been n<> crip
plwg of locomotives, spiking of
switches, sidetracking and uucoup
j liug of trama, and other forcibb
interference with the operate n <>■
; th ) rail road a ami with 1 he right
.other men to work, there womd b
no such trouble as now exists.
Il President Debs can ami wih
conform his practice to his ib-m-j
the strike will he unnoticed m for
,'ty-eight hums.—New Y< rk World'
In the summer of 1864 severs
wounded officers and two or three
privates were going up the \ulley
of Virginia. A rain came ou ami
j all bands took shelter for the night
in a schoolhouse It happened
. that in the course of the night a
skunk found its way under th.
( floor, "nd by and by announced its
prtj-eoce after its well-known if
fective mantier, iho officers al
waked up, but being gentlemen
and each suppesiug that the oth
ers were still asleep, they kept
quiet. At last nne of the privates,
a German, could restrain himself
no longer. “My !My!” he exclaim
ed. “Dish is too bad ! Dey sleeps
uml I wakes und I ish got. to shniell
it al!.’’—Southam Bivouac.
We offer One Humbel Dollar-
Reward for any ease ot Cata rh that
cannot be cured by Half’s Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY it CO. iProps.,
Toledo , O.
We the undersign© 1, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years
and believe h>m perfectly honerable
iu all busme s transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any obli
gations made bv itieu hrm.
W kst A Truax, Wholesale Druggist,
l’ol< do, ().
W ilding,. Kimnan A Marvin, AV ■ le
sale Di nggisis, Toieds, O.
Half’s Catarrh Cure is taken n <i
naliy, acting directly upon blood
nid •■iucous surfaces of the sy-urm
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by al!
Drucgi-ls Tcstimoiria s free.
Trustees Stic.
W ill be sold on the first Tuenik y in August
18U4 during legal hours of sale, ihe i ropei y
hei'vinatLit denerilml. Wliereio ou iliebnti
d yof D i■ nicer 18.12, Lizzie A. Am rjws ol
Floyd county, Ga. did execute and <'eii\ er .oil:
Atlas Saving and Loan As-oei.itior of Hamilton
conn y, Tennessee, par y of second p >rt her deed
of conveyance to th s following desciibod lands
and icneineisis situated in Floyd county Georgia
(in which deed the Citizms Ba ik A 'i rust Co. of
< liattanoega Tmnessee jwas i.auied as trustee
and title to .-aid property vested by said need in
said tiustee) to wit:
“Lot No, thirly-tive (35) in Block “B” f ronting
on Avenue “A” forty-three (43) feet and running
back, of uniform wid'll, two (hundred (206) dee
hi the City of,Rome Georgia, beluga part of'oi i
ginal land Jot No, two hundred and tnir.y-se’.en
(23T) in 23rd. District and 3r.i. Section of sad
county and state.” Said Trust deed leing exe
cuted to secure the payment of a note for l -ioo
dated December 15th. 1892, and given by Lizzie
A. Andrews to the Atlas Saving and Loan assi -
And said Lizzie A. Andrews having subscribed
f >r three anil one-half shares of the Capital Stock
of saiu Association of the value of seven .hun
dred uollars and the said Association having ad
vanced to Lizzie A. Andrews the sum of §7OO
on said Shares and the said Lizzie A. Andrews
in said note and deed of trust having agreed to
pay said Atlas Saving and Loan Association,
eighty-seven and a halt cents weekly installment
of dues on said shares, and twenty-two and a
ha>. ceits weekly iflsiallments of premiums on snares as provided by and By-laws
of said Association: and eighty and 48-52 cents
“er week as interest a>. six per cent on said sum
o t.Ou
Am. 111 wh th note and Trust, deni it was ex
ir,.-slv stipulated on faihue of Lizzie a
tn< rew <0 pay said inteiest. u. s aud pruiiiuni'
as «> .pulateu in said note ai.d trust deed at iqi
lion ot saitl vssocla ioa said litre lie,uines <i e
and pay .oiv: and .-aiu titistee migh.sell s: 1
proper y after having auv> rti. eii same ~ u
weeks iu a newspaper published in Ronm-Geor
gi>. 9
Now, iherefore, said Lizzie A. Andrews having
failed to pay either in’. erests.dues or premiums
as contracted to be paid by i er, for mme then
four Weiks a. d m lact I.ecu in .(< mull in mak
’ingsa d pay meins lorumre 111..11 twelve months
and said Association having tiet hired said note
due. the Ci iztiis bans and rust Company' as
tne trustee afore said, by virtue of the powe.'
nd y te-ied 11. 1 ~s .<l. se, w,ll .eu o
t e limn. di buhiei, ;iv ihe ( oiu l m>. s - <h>or 11
R in- Ga., lore sli, on tl.e ins luesmiy , u .
gustl'i -l. the beiore ue.ser;.,o 1 laud a id tent
i.'c.oalter duly an',<r ismg same in th.
Hl-ili.i: 01 Rom;-., ihe | ol said ale
wnl be applied to the p..y,n 1.1 .1.-1,■ ~i, er
vsnu rust deen e. tp.ire whit li ti us;
is recorded in li-ok-■■(.:, t s page ;
. . ..e otliee ol Co rk .1 toe Superior t":ir' u.
lio d < m.ty C. ■orgla. 'I his Jon lOt b 18 4
The I inze. sßa k A This < 1 nis e( .' .
Geo. A.H. Hains, A.t n.vy lor The t'.m'zet.s
Bank A Trust f .nnpa y.
Road Citation,
GEORGIA. Fj oyd County :
Lereas *V. E. Mniiih, have netidoiiei
the l-.iaiu Ol < < 1, idissioiieis. f R. a is ai.d Rev
•miem -aitl < t imia , askh g that tiese In num
roan lOW ham. g ai.u i hl „i> j. dittet from Se
mi), ' torgia.and naming tiiticJt bv wh-tis
fm.wuasß dgns old Burn I'Jarc ai.'d
Dina mm o s Uwifing I,< u -e ai.d int
with ihe nan known as the I'lVasau
Hope cliutch read, at or near. Druu mond
school bouse, be made a second c.ass public
ar.:! t:.„ , on musmne.s of IX4 Dis
Hi - t, M• < f saitl C ounty liaving repor'ed tin
pro)., set! road to Le. <1 j üblie utility. >, w. tl.m
is u> cue ah persons having < b e nines thereto
or claims tor tfam tges ansmg tlieretiom.
make the same knowu iu the Board of Commis
burners at th. next meetims to l.eheidou iht
nrsi Monday in August 18'4.
Witness the 11m.. John < . Foster Chairman of
the Board t TbhJuly sh. 1804, ,
d u>l, Max Meyerhardt, Clerk.
Sheriff sales For August
GEORGIA. Floyd County:
Will lie sold before the Cour* house door in the
City of Home, Floyd County Georgia, between
I lie legal In urn of Mlle, on the Ist, Tuesday in
August 1794 lie following described proper.y:
Sixty acres in the Sou.h-east ci.rueranu twen y
acres in the South-west corner of lot of land No.
251 in the 22nd. Dis rictami 3rd. Section of said
county of Floyd. Levied on by virtue of a mort
gage fl fa. issued fn in the Fioyd Superior Com 1,
in favor of J. L. Johnson vs. H. M. Clayton, as
the proyeriy of the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, an undivdi
e<l oiic-illth interest in 13 acies in the Somll
. east coiner of i«c ol laud No. 160 in the 4.h. llis
t let and 4ih. Section of Fioyd county, Georg a
the said thirteen acres being the same conveyed
by Heed from .V. N, Wood to i'hilip Tripp. Re
corded in the Cleiks oillee in Book “U.” of
deeds p M: Levied ou by Virtue of a Jus
tice Court ti. la, issued from the 1120th. llistnct
G. 51. in fai or p»f Conn X- lU-inshunidtb vs.
, J. N. Lewis and Suckey Lewis, as the property
of Suekey Lewis, obejof the Defendants, Levy
1 mane by A.;S. White, L. C.
Also at the same tiling ar.d place, a tract (or
kt; ol )aud>lying in the County of Floyd, and
Sia c of Georgia und being aU iliac trace c par
i cel of land in ill.- 4tb. Ward ol ilieCiiyoi Rome
Georgia, ihe same being 20 feet fronton sth.
Avenue and rum.iug back 0.. p.iralle. lines lo>
feet: Bounded on the uest side by J, F. Waul,
l„\v’s piopei'iy, and on the east sn.e by the prop
er.yotj. W. Reese. Also one-half oi 'alley be
cueeii J. F. W ardjaw’s property and lot herein
de-cnli.:d, all buildings mid houses oy said lot.
Levied on by virtue of ain .rigage fi. fa. issued
from the Superior Court in favor of West W
< Iritli ni s. V». T. Dreimoii. As the property of
the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place; liobt. !"•
I’owoll’s dis.ribiitiveehare in t):e following ue"
scribed lands, derived to tenant far life, viz. lot
of laud No. 257 In 22m1. District and 3rd Section
of Floyd County Ga- containing 160 acres more
or less, and that pare of land lot No. 248 on eas 1 *
sine of Sp- ing creek excepting thar part below
the Grist ami Saw mill on the east side of Spring
creek, containing 120 acres more or less, said
laud morefully described in Deed from J. J. Co,
hen to Geo. W. Powell and recorded in Book
*• VV. ’ page 69, recon; o' l ee Is 1. | lerk’s o beeoF
Floyd county Ga. Levied ou l>y .-irtue of a Jus
ice court ti. fa. issued from the 919th. District
G. M. iu favorof J. A. Balers. R. I*. Powell. As
the property of the Defendant. Levy made by
W. I’. .McLeod 1 L. C.
Also at the -ame. time and place. 'Jhat tract
or parcel of laud lying and being m the 23rd-
Iristfiet and 3rd. Section of Floyd cotuity da.
being that part of land lot No. 2)6 located on
the east side of Main St: in the town of Bios'
som Hill, north of the City of Rome. Ga., said
parcel of land fronting jon Main Street TOfeet
mo:e or less, and runningback east at rigln an
g es 'octii'l of J. 11. Reese, 150 feet more or
i Jess, bounded on the north by Ja id of Wes . i
| ITnderw )Od,ou theso till by land o S IvraFi yd
L ivied on by virtue of a J ustic • Court 6f„ s'
sue.l from the 919t1.. District G. M. Just;,
Court in favor of Jno. 11. Reece vs. ShaJnck
Fioyd. As tl.t property of the Defendant. Dee.i
tiled in Clerks office.
J. C. MOORE, Sheriff.
A B Me Ar ver & o.
ha v e decide a t o ma k v I
a c* Lnge in their busi
ness and have Thrown
everything m their
no use on the' market
a: New York Cost. No,
40 1 Norton Corner.
Head A. B. McArver
&. Co.s new advertise
ment. Everything will
be sold- at Ne>v York
Cost for Cash.
- ri. i.w... . . I ~ T nil— - ■ lll_i_-ULJ» ■
•‘Wartar’s Hand
made” is the latest
production from the
Rome Cigar Factory.
For sale by a|] dealers.
Try one.
TO RENT:—A five room cottage
with clothes presses, wash room and
all'convenieuces.Most central and de
sireable location. Will take board in
part for rent if satisfactory. Address
7-8 6t F. E . A., Rome Ga.
Have you tried
” Warters Hand made?
<f rot. ask your dealer
for it.
Application for Letters ol
Dis ti’ssion.
GEO <:I A F ), )V(1 c, )Ulltv
Whereas John C, Printup Executive, Henry S
■, ,1 1 : ‘ t ,''* l L rt!l,reßent3 to tiie court, in Ins petition
mily till d, that he lias administered nenrv 8
irmt.i) s p.s:ate. Th sis to cite all peikons
coiiccrved, kindred ai.d creditors, to show cans.:
■ ■ any i hey can, why s.da Bxeeutor should not
■'e di-< harired f <>ii) his Executorship and re
cieie ectei-s-ofdismission on the first Mond. v
m Sci temb-r 1894, This June 4th ism.
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County,Georgia.
GEORG! y , —Fi.ovii Covnty :
Notice is hereby given that an Flection will
be held at the Court Ground in the 1504111. Dis
tric , - ili.wells) G. M., of b;i id county in the
14t !. da. of July next (ißy4; iu the ones
tlo . will be sitbin tted to the Qualified Voier»
of said Districi “For Fence'’ or “Stock Law,’
as “v provided. Petition navmg b. en 1-iled
and Noii-e given as required In 1. iv
Given i ndermy hand and 6(i cial’Signature
tins 2 >tb. day of June 18'34.
John I’. Devi-,
Application for f otters oi
Georgia—Floyd County:
» erfeas h L 80.-worth, admiiijstratcr of
>.i - i v aiidiver dec d. rcpresentsto the court in
In- p< titnni Only tiled, that he has administered
Jain, s I Vandiver’s estate, ibis is to cite all
pers. :.s concerned, kindred and creditors, to
s '.'.v i ,use, il any they em, why said adminis
tra.or st ould not be discharged fmm 1 is admin
iointioi. and receive letter- ol uHmksion on
tile Mondat 1.1 Aug. )Bu4 This 5. a J 1834.
A_ John P. Davis
tord nary Floyd County Georgia
Our prices are now down where
none need s and back. Huge bar
gains within the reach of all. Stamp
ed upon the face of every article is its
merit, its beauty and its cheapness
What is the use of paying great big
prices for gc oJs when we can fur
nish you the same thing so low tlie
they go at first sight.
Lovely Fabrics
“Oh! How charming, ’ is what alj
the fair s ex say sbeut our and
summerj fabric. The designs are
Bewitching, the pattern', are stylish
and unique, the prices winning in
Tremendous drives this week in
Dimities, Organdies, Foulards, Gren
adines,Swisses, Mulls, Challies,French
and German Ginghams, Be sure and
see these goods, for in them there it
great profit to the purchaser.
Now is time for Outings and we
have them in profusion. Dainty
comfortable and durable. They add
to the beauty of the fair maiden who
wears them Os course.
To the housekeeper we would pni
the question, have you seen our stock
of Table Linens, Napkins, Towels
Doylies, Tray Cloths &c? If not you
should see them, forithey are charm
ing. Just here we can give you some
big drives.
.. A mere varied or standaid stock
of these goods cannot be found anv
where. We carry the most reliable
dyes made, anti therefore can guar
ai.ti e our goods to the trade.
Don't Waite
For a ucre convenimt season, bu
come now and < ast ycur lot for t a?.
gains. You will be sure to draw tin
lucky number, for a 1 are luckv.
mi keslhe home circle
gr-ut Temperance Drink' , " Thia
tiro and health to every mT i' ' ple “*-
family, a 25c. package ''n."' r l no
long. Be sure and g e> ti '. ' 1
Sold everywhere 6
The Chas. E. Hires Cc
( 8»od F> wtrinp fbr p lc ‘ I * II L
VV J at Nerve B errie«
ha 2Xl° nC for oth er s
they will d 0
O F 15TH DAY. //, A y
M E Quick!/
and Pei'manentlynestc i d.
A positive cure forsill Wpj ‘ 1
Debility, and all tu .., r J a ;‘
from early errors n,d iaier ex i.' s ‘
ot owrurwk. rirt.-n-K, perron,
and irivvs lone and itren -Hi ■’’ T , Dc '"dOFi
.trtus. StO|ps sujnaf ura” -’■xiial nr,
enii-Mionn caused bv vu u <e, ,< ~?r B| shil,
•essive use of Urbavro ‘’f M
which lead to con»imij»is?.*n “Jnu"?
Their use shows inini.- ( ii al > , '“ n| ly.
no . nntation ! nsiat <upon
ftJcrve Berries, "enuoU r ? a e °-
pocket. Prive, #1.0(1 per box ’i, ?? rrylr ’*«
t.'eatmcni.|i>.i»i. Guaranle»sH<>< “ nn ,nli
if not kept bv vour .bn,' 7 t ”
by mail. Jpon Receipt 7f S price in .S !he “
p.'j. Pamphlet fr. e. A,|d r U ,11 . , n , r,p ’
For sale by Crouch &
/f.C?,? BP '■■• ■ *1" la 3 B
*i 35-vK MnP> taut :, .... M
WSBriAw 4*5 ' ■'"' ' 'i.' l::-l ■
5 Stiitml;stw..i ! ! l >)j| s ,» .try ■
vw E ' y ’.Vorld-Betuiwnrill''Cß
wl-ja r-i r.'iH: bat trnv? beta ■
"Znai '- , - : ''!'i ftiim ni'iri-:o on ae-
9ak a* 5 <“<.iirt<-t I ftnlii-hisf’.lJ) M
A p 'if r* I ''biuttßc? iriouiestak'-Q
/. Cy I'.’X > t'. f'h ‘. '.. < ' r
fez '"' I'n.u ; n! .t ;l ..J ni'tv lli'TO
Wd <«. ' c,:< ‘ r ’ ’'J''■‘lirre
WJ, J ■■• B
■, * f.w. - tret' ■ :.< ''.and
Cc : ■
k ' ' Jl.j MM
V ' .!.I-.v:Lz r MR
: d.urecs ;.r.-, n.l.i .."MR
I,i every r:i -o pl i’r c. ?. ’• >.. . .. ■'■
I . ' I' -,S ( ' ..)• MR
-•, <>r a.;y n.-. ■ ' -..'i. BE
.-• nd winkle--' <>..' <.■ r. • : i . .) KR
. ,-.r» Bi.; ■ 'i ._! . • ■■■t BH
. c<- n,' .-reess BB!
21E.’. •- : ■•■'"%<)) SB
L’c.6 ta. z'k, ul-7 •.'J.'KCITW
Western I
!?, o. a si i.
C hicpjro
(Jin cin nat r i
asJusjs C’ity
Memphis M
I’liHrnan S.c piiijj. cai>. i- :, i' ;ll! > 1 “ l " '
call on ©r write to
General Agent. i:'lire '
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JUS. Cl-tn'.s. M
Traffic Maniue -' " .
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As wo are o:ihJ
m eve seen.
We g l’/ enO
stock S’
buy ary wii Vi
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mean to eo- ' J;’ 1 ! JB
want to b u:' - • 7 ' ®* B
that we
goods as cne-'- y
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can be bough l oyw|
one. So come
and save :/ cd ß
z \/ery Re3p«
Opposite CentiMi tl Tg||