Newspaper Page Text
|H.SO, WO,
On the new basis, conformed to the “Glittering Gold Standard of Contraction” that is working now
so beautifuly to make all prosperous and happy in these “piping times of Clevelandism.”
si# W. M. Gammon & Company,
Have determined to close out their entire stock of Clothing regardless of costorva.ue. FOR CASH,
CASH AND ONLY CASH We Will from Monday, the 9th of July, offer Choice of all $22.50 or
$25.00 Or $30.00 Suits “this means all our finest Suits” for $ 14.50,
All sl6, $lB, and S2O, Suits at sl2, All M 2, and sls, Suits 8,50.
360 splendid all Wool Suits, Fine Cassimers, Cheviots, Worsted and
Serges, sold before at 10. and 12.50 for $5,
Will gain this sale at one-half their values; many at half their cost. While this will be a great sacrifice and will entail a heavy loss on us, yet
it goes to show what '“a blessing In disguise’’ our noble President is to most of the people, whc.can get
goods new at half price.
We mean to sell the e goods, and neither cost nor value will be regarded in pricing them. Ifyou have the cash to pay do vn for a Suitwe
will sell it to you now so low tha* your compassion will be exc’.tad for
W. M. Gammon & Company
23? Jk-ISTjD 239 STREGT.
Georgia, Floyd County •
To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenue of said county .The petition
of,II: Keiebrew, J. A. Kennebrew. H. T. I
Kennebrew, J. H. 8. Kennebrew, E. I’. Brice, J. 1
M. Watters,.i. H. Hawkins, Lewis Raper, w tu -
Keys, j. Morrow, Peyton Morrow, j B. Autrey,
D. I’. Ingram, S.T. wright, Doyle O’Henlan,
J. B. Lacey, j, F. Leak, 1). F. Field, E. E. Field,
J. 8. Gunn Tom Price, F. P Nixon, w A Kush,
C.,11. Rush, R. m. Braden, Matt Braden,
Tilden Braden, j. T. Watters. John Beeves
•wines Harris, T, I, Stephens, John Stephens,
anil j. B. Stephens show to your Hon. Body
that they desire and do petition yonr body that
you do a new militia district in said,
county out of the following territory uowem
braced in 85s district c. m. known as Watters
District, to wit: All that land and territory ly
ing and lietng on the east site of the Calhoun
road that leads from Koine to Calhoun, begin
ning at the Rome District line on the inacade
mized road to the Gordon county line So as to
include all land now in Watters district that
lies east of said road in the new district. Ami
your petitioners show that there is in said ter
ritory east of said road, a captains company of
aide bodied white men subject to military
" an « 'hat after said territory is cut off and
edaiihshediinto a new district t. ere would s'ill
remain a captains company o. able bodied
white men m Watters district, suhy set to mili
' are residents. And your petit
' is further show that it is necessary and
pedient to establish such new militia dis
1, . l ' ,n " ra<ll i- said territory east of said
Citi-,.'. ■ " 1 ,lt: a public convenience to all
e * ll ‘ sil ' l '' l ' rr > l ory, for itwil. mike the
u,? 11 ’’r'dibcls nearer to the voters and the
con X? le , I>ea H auil Bailiffs. Will be more
t , ntto'he citizens o' said new district
ami > ' “* convenient to give in
est'ilib'h “, lrtaxes '* 'be new district be so
rrrt nf a ’ l ' l tl><‘ precinct fixed in a central
vou > O, d dls I nct - And they further petition
ffvou’“m? 1 11' 1 ,!is 'rict Kidge Valley
militia •'’’thhl'sh said territory iutoa new
new du time t Ct ’i V’ ur ' etitioners pray said
terms . t im. j” ' e aid out an * l esrsblislied in
Pmi te in’;" V ’ al "' t],9t Commissioners be
Di’iri . ~ n,er” 'Sof the law to lay our. said
is provided by law^ t Jy ° Ur Honorabl ° bod y as
Geo. A. H. Barris,
Office of. Petitioners Atty,
Lcdtm Ga.. Al iv 17t; ( , 1894,
, ’ S '’ T - Whatley,}
: > jnriiey ( Commissioners,
»>• i. i rice, ) * . i
fof/ioned’ f‘ ,broW ' and . ot,lerß - havo I
the ioEowHwu • ora uew district out of
Dis:. i,. M o?'. ?’l7' "' IW ■•inbraced in 859th.
ijiug and beinn '*7 'hat laud and teritory
r <>mi that le.Lis f ea * 1 sil,e cf th « Calhoun
biiighr the I'ninJi, ,o Calhoun begin
rcad at Aiioifns ”i’ e the 'uaeadi mized
road to th,. r , ar ,or eland and foliow ngsaiil
"II hind .v ’ ' r 'w n c '"’"' v a « f include
said road j. the e , >' rs Dlst - tbat ‘ asl "f
b ordered th ® dlStriCC -
K, tn,. ~r , ' r , > ou .'<r a inajori yof you,
"hiuige a. indieate''d a, 1 *" 11 ' lew ' lle J’ropos->l
la y out ami <|, Hi.l 1111181 proved to
report under 1 6 salue 11,1,1 m ike your I
More the v, tu , tl,is Board on or
50,1 have laid , nt? j llll ay ia June next tbit
ne ''oistrict e?• rni,‘ " the Hue of taid
', conformably to law
Max, Clerk,
iuobeum, 9F1,1X WIB RKPi.RT.
? I| tli„ i>reiidl. < ..'. l .'r, l ! i< '. illl ” Ye V’dcr we went, up
, lP ,| ,r”\ u mo proposed i.nange
"■'> we (1 .A e . , ' | b iiierii.o the matter as
a !"i 'ller l,,r L . reo.e' ,‘r, v 'j 11 ex l'Cdient and best
almy- net i-i,, n 11(> , 1 iiy recommend that the
®c changed as t,, em r l * a '* district line be
h-Z Cv” 111 ab "ve pernio...
■lonn V iwi I '''b.missio. ers.
a®. T. 1.. I'l'irJ .I®’ l B ' ,|il B strict G. m.
‘Worn to ami Go ’ l | 9-*' . ' **' oyd < •i.untv Ga
Os Miy.hsm osciibed before me this '25111.
Cc «gU. Fioy d - l ’- &J p -
The commissioners appointed to mark and I
lay out t-rntorv and define lines thereof lot - a
new militia district as petitioned for and de
scribed in the above petition, having made 1
t.e r return reporting that they bad liaal out
said territory and recommendi"g a new' militia
I district be established, and i' being made to ap
-1 pear that a sufficient number of white men sub
ject to military duty remain in Watters District
to form a captains company and a sufficient num
her of white men are in the proposed new Dis
trict to form a captains company ami said com
missioners having reported it is expedient ano 1
best to establish such new district, the report
of said commissioners is approved, a new mili
tia district is established i:> Floyd county, Ga.
which new district is named Ridge v alle y. Tl, .e I
lines of said district and territory embraced in
such new district are declare! to be and estab
lished as follows: Beginning at the Rome dis
trict line on the macademized road at the Adol
fus Harbour place and following this Calhoun
road to the Gordon countv line, this road be
ing western boundary line of said district,
thence from said road east along the Gordon
ami Floyd county lines to Bartow county line,
this line being the no-thern boundary of said
Hist, thence along Bartow county line to Eto
win District find also along Etowah dis
trict line to Rome district line, this being
the eastern boundary line of said district (
tl.ence along Rome district line to Calhoun
road at. Adolfus Harbour’s place, the above ter
ritory being the entire terrir.' rv heretofore em
braced in Waiters District that lies on east
si. e of rhe Calhoun road in open court the date
aforesaid. This June 4h, I*l4.
When-as, it appear from the proceedi-ga of
Commissioners appointed therefore, of file in
this office, that a new Militia district with suit
able meets and bounds has been laid out in 1 he
Conntv of Floyd ; .nd if further appearing that
said proceedings aie in due form and accord
ing to law; i is Ordered
That said New Militia district be known and
jsipinguishe I as number and that p. op
er record thereof be made in the office of this
By the Gov. rnor W- J Nortben,
J. W. warren. Governor.
Sec. Ex. Dept.
I. Max Meycrhardt, Clerk of the Board of
Commissioners in and for Floyd county, (.a 1
do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true
ex'ract from tha minutes Os said Board.
Given under my hand and seal, this Jure 12th
Max Meyerhardt Clerk
d 30 d.
GF. tßGlA.F'oyd G.tmtv:
I The B >aid ot Commissioners of Ram’s ami
Revenue of sa d c. m ity will recievo bids tor
1 stra.'p hteiiiug the public road at the Gap j- 1 ' -
end r ounta'n, known as the Robinson .ap,
and putting the satin in a good and safe con
dition. For particulars apply to J, A. ReArvir
or G. a. Burk liter. Said bi Is to be in thu
I Clerk’s office liyuine o’c ock a on .Monday,
July 2nd. 18 »4.
1 lie board reserves the right to reject any
aid all bids. Witiisssthe Hmiord.’e bd 11
C. Foster. <'hairman of the Board, Hus nth day
ofjur.e, 1894.
Max Meyerhardt
:eoboia,vloYo County: . ,
ihe Bmir ot Commission WS of Koos and,
Roveu’ . ot said eoiinty a-k for -e ilea 'a is to |
scran paint ami adlust the thru • iron bridges ;
brio ging to the county, 10 wit, the bridge at
the foo. of Be< oml Avenue, the bridge ar th-
Tout-OtlitWH Btrom_amLLhy. bridge over the
(lost,anaulariver on Filth Avenue, le.miiv>
the Fourth ward. Said bids to be in the bio
iitlb e not later than nine o'clock a. ni., on A'i
•gnstti’li 1*94. A bond will be required from
the successful bukkr f r the faithful perform
ance of the work, iiie Board reserves the right
to reject any ard all bids.
Witness the lionoral Io John C. F oster. Chair
man of the Board, this 5Hi. day of June, k 94.
m. x mo; erl.ardt, clerk.
June 7-30-d.
Trustees Sale.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday’ in August 189 4
during the legal hours of sale, the property here
inafter described.
Whereas on January sth. 1893. W. M. Messen.
ger, of the county > of Dallas, State of Alabama’
did execute and deliver to the Atlas Savings &
Loan Association of Hamilton county, Tennessee,
party of the second part, his deed of conveyance
to the following described lands and tenements,
situated in Floyd county, Georgia, (in which deed
the Citizens Bank & Trust-Co. of (Chattanooga Ten
nessee was named as trustee and titles to said
property vested by said deed in said Trustee) to
wit; “Lot in South Rome, now Fifth Mardof
city of Rome, being a part of lot number fifty
eight (58) Commencing at a stake in center of
alley and running front one hundred and eigh.
teen (118) feet to the corner facing Main Street
from the bridge, from thence up the side street
one hundred and seventy-nine (179) feat, from
thence down the alley one hundred and twenty
three (1?3) feet to .the beginning at the stake.’
Said T rust deed being executed to secure the
payment of a note for §3OO dated January sth
-1893, and given by W. M. Messenger to the Atlas
Savings W Loan Asssciation.
And said W. M. Messenger hav ibscrilied
for one ami one half shares oft'; p. tai Stock
of said Association of the value of three hundred
dollars and the said Association having advanced
to W. M. Messenger the sum of $390 on said
shares, and the said Messenger, in said note and
deed of trust having agreed to pay said Atlas
Saving & Loan Association, thirty-seven and
half cents weekly installments of dues and fifty
two and a halfcents weekly as premiums on said
' shares as provided by Charter and Bylaws of
1 said Association; and thirty-four ami 32-52 cents
weekly as interest at six p»r cent 0:1 said sum ol
. 3».
Andjin which note and trust deed it was ex
pressly stipulated on the failure oflV. M. Mes
senger to pay said interest, dues and j reiniutns
: s stipulated in said note and trust deed at the
option of said Assoi iatloa said tmte becomes
d e and paya'dc ami said Trustee might sell
said property afte ■ having advertised same lor
four weeks in a newspaper publishe I in Rome Ga.
Now therefore said Messenger having failed to
pay either interest, dues or premiums as contract
ed to lie paid by him, for more than four weeks
anil in fact been in default in making said pay.
in nits for more than six niontbsand s.iio .tsioei:-
tion having declared said no s e due; the < itizens
Bank A’Trust < o. as the trustee afores.Ji., by
virtue of the power and authority vested in it
as trustee, will sell to the highest bidder, at the
Court house door in Rome Ga. for cash, on the
First Tuesday in Aagust Is-.G after duly adver
tising same in the ID si 1.1:1: or Rojif, the before
describee lands and tenements. The proceeds of
said sale will be applied to 'lie payments,in their
order, as by said trust deed required, which
j trust deed is recorded in book “1.1. di I e'ds,
I Page 474 in the otiice of Clerk o;il’crmr < onrt
|of Floy I ( imnty, Georg’:'. This July In. I' '-1.
The Citizen Ban A Trustee Co.
Atty, for The Citizen I’.ai k A Trust ( o
j ■■■■ y-/.
• j . > j)L K
■ .m ' •
. - - J - -
J A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oß 1-2 Broed stre..v I
over Cantrell and Owens stere.
JAMES B NEVlN—Attorney at Law Oitic
Poverty Hail poscotfica'coruor 3rd
CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD- Attorney at
Masonic Temple,
Rome, Ga.
ivECF. X DliWNY—Attorneys at law. ot't-us ;
in Masonic Tenspie, Rome. Ga.
WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Cor.a
sellor at Law—Rome, • m.
& Starling. Attorneys at Law, Mas .etc
’ ’ " Temple. Rome, Ga. feb23.
WII SMITH, Attorncy-at-Law. Olf.ce .1
Masonic Temuie Koine Georuia.
" fe'>32U
J. NEAL-51'Hem... Nur.nallv 6 X.i.d
--" Attorneys-at-at Law, office over Hal.
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, li'iin
DW. PA MSI. R—Physician and Burgee
Ot'.c eat re.-ideniK ’’l4 avenue A, (•'•■:>--
| " ward. '
LP. Ii ■M Mi xI: P
Offers his j rotossioual sarvUres : o tn. v
1 “ pie of and sntronn ling couucn 1
I Office at Crouch and Wa'son’s drug s'.nro, »
Broad street.
DR. W. D. I.OYT-Oifice at C. V. Trevir.
drug store. > r o. 331 Bron 1 street I'et ■.l • •
110. resides 0. No. 21
' " '. ■*" — ■ 1
DR. C. F, G1 .FFIN— Physician and Surge r
—Office n< t Masonic building. Resi.le ce
3(W4t!iav ,ue.
H< WARD E. FELTON—Physician and siu
geon—Office No. i> I’hire Avenue,
, A- office dav and night. Telephone 62.
r:ink A • Wynn, Phvsi< ian and Surgon
f* office at Tre itt A Johns >ll drug store
Tel-phone '3 Resideuci -PXS Second Ave,
Prompt a ten turn given all pro'e si~n 1 cai 1
F lord Superior Court,
March Termlß.il.
ms j » pi'j Titii nto ad-
•'. a Allen, r an 1 lAuown
S. V. All.-.;, ) .-Ii il
T<> any and all persons oo iceri ed. You or
either of vou are her bv commanded to be and
ai pear a' the next term of Super'' Court to be
qeld on the 4th Monday in Sep'ember 1894 to
.-ah->stxa_gejf_ aa >' ion ca". why Ihe application
, I . al.ii' i:sui'e.i' -I:--'-lue.
■mil in cefseir 1'11,.a,; (j. e same will b< allow
ed vvitnes- thelfoiicriili.iv m. Henry judge of
said court this 13th day of April '894.
Wm, E, Beysiegle,
C'erk of Superior Court
Flovd county aa.
1 \ A. . !<■ . f /]
\ s h L Xi mv A h*—/
'' x V:';icG.t,e Yu Aiiic. C.I / j
S>. rLr?.AS'J~:''.'r: . / 1-1
I r-s v . -. ' o i
i !V4 u 11 ? c:
i I ■ .'.u D. i 2 Xi 1
y *’l- ( » - r. VJ 1
“• 1 XxU’W .'-l?.-. ■ //n ■ o
f . ’ > > t X ' 1 J
- ’ I j vj ’ -• ~ : •1— !
•-’ l l- ’ / 52 I
i J-.: 7’ "* ’ " ■* -' • n sc» j
7/ *• ■ ’ \Fj|
; / Factory aiil Sales.;
We Atean lousiness Call and Get Our devices
Before Buying, \V e are Selling
flooring, Ceiling, Ado aiding,
Ballusters and brackets
At. Bottom Brices
Send Postal Card for illustrated Catalogue of
W i
Repeating Rifles
.44 Repeating Shot Guns
~Kr -TOggfrtsya- 2 Ammunition