Newspaper Page Text
Britt cm cm cm
Look Over the Passengers—
Many of Them Will
Interest You
Don’t forget the Second Baptist
Sunday School’s Lawn party tonight.
Take Fourth Ward car •
Take Fourth Wtrd car for the Sec
end Baptist Sun lay Sci o >1 lawn pai
ty tonight.
Finest melons at T.
F. Fosters only 10 r
choice. Come early
and get the best-
Clerk Beysiegle report?. business in
his office as rather dull. He says thm
his elevi r assistants have about
eaught up with their work.
Miss Minnie Hudgins a pretty
young Cartersville belle, will arrive
this afternoon and visit Miss B.auch
Wyatt aud Miss Laura Moore, on
Avenue A.
There was but one case 1 efore the
Recorder this morning. John Canton
the hackmiu , was up for non pay
ruent of license and was find $2.50
and ordered to take out his license or
quit. Canton claimed that be had
paid and that he had the re< ei pt but
failed to produce it. The Cleik’s re
ceipt books show no stubs for such a
The clever and v -rsatile r ews fakir
is abros I in the land and Chulio i>
ketchin thunder
Mr Ay liner V» al ai d sister MiiP
Leolyr, of St me Mou tan, are vj -
it ing at Mrs. s. M Klox on east Bid
Judge Fillmore Jonnson, of Et
owah, was in the city to< ay.
Mr. Geo. AV. Howell came down
from Chat’anooga today.
Wanted :-Two good men at once
one who can furnish horse. Cali
on or address J. T. Jones. District
agent The Singer Mfg. Co. 307
Broad street,
Editor M ilson, of the breezy lit
tle Cave Spring Herald, spent the
day in the Hill City.
Messrs, Chas. N. Ku ight, E, W.
Rhodes and John W. Webster,
prominent Railroaders, of Atlanta
are autographed at the Armstrong.
The best 5 cent
smoke on the market
is Warter’s hand
made.” For sale by all
dealers. Try one.
Capt. John S. Cleghorn, the big
merchant and leading citizens if
Summerville spent the day in th s
A . W. Wyche, of Macon is at
the Armstrong.
All persons indebted to Dr . C.
F. Griffin are requested to call
at their earliest cuino lienee and
make a settlement, as he expect
to be absent for the greater part of
the summer reci pera ing his
health. 7-3 d. w. ts.
Col. J. B. Smith and Mr. C. A.
Hall ot Winston N. C. are auto
graphed at the New Central today.
Col. Seaborn M right will not
run tor Congress, this season.
L B. Greer of Ellijay is a gueal
of the New Central this afternoon,
About 150 of Rome's good citi
zens are ac the sea shore and local
news is scarce as nickles.
A letter from the Everett— Ri.l
lej-R.yap Co., of Atlanta to the
Armstrong Hotel says that W. T
McCullough, their traveling man
was not murdered in Alabama, but
is at his post in Atlanta.
Col. J, H. Rhodes is in Atlanta
today attending the annual meet
ing of the Southern Mutual Build
ing at id Loan.
Mr M C. Rhodes of the Gate
City is in the city today, a guest of
the Central.
The first quarter ends Saturday
June 30th, I am Compelled by the
city OrdiaUce to shut off all in ar
rears see Sextion 25 Water
Jas I£eGuirs.
For Sale —Piano worth $250 for
7-8-St P. j. Fortin.
Al<itfrmaii \\ titer Harris seems to
a little under he wea'l f r th<Bv
dnjs, and nns that he don’t care if
I'usiiiess is a little. dull in the Justice
Court . Walt* i has developed variQiia
•omptoms of the gout and in the
course ot the mxt few years may be
forced to make a tour of Europe
where, not knowing the foi i g lan
guage,he c.tu tr.i n down.
* «
There was one case in Judge Har
ris' court this morning.Viney Steve i
eon came in and with salty tears
coursing down over her swollen
cheek, sue sung her tale of woe and
swore out a warrent for her scrap
ping ha! , Bailiff Beard repaired Io
Roes street with said warrant’,and in
one hour Lewis Stevenson, the wife
beater, stood in the awful irresence of
Judge Harris and the we p ng Viney
wae clinging and r ing over him.
She refused to prosecute and the war
rant had to be < i missed. It |does
look like these married negro women
are compelled to do jnstlike husband
whipped white women.
* *
Billy Wright is carpeting the lawn
of the New Court house grounds with
as pretty a coat of Bermuda as
climbed thiough a Savannah River
, bottom. But what Mr. Wrk’ht needs
an 1 what (lie 'should be [ ur lished 1 y
th-? county and city is a real pretty
fountain, in which will stand the god
dess of Justice with her scales and
books in one hand and an umbrella
in the other and from the upper end
of the staff the gushing waters of the
Oostanula. Whv not.
* *
Lloyd’s Fair window attracts
quite a lot of attention these days.
Mr. Lloyd has built an aviary in
the window and colonized it with
a score of young mocking birds, a
young female bird and a pair
of loving and affectionate ring
doves. The doves attract the most
attention —because they are “in
the ring’ ail the time.
* *
Col. Beu Watts.who knows Bir
mingham like a book, remarked to
me this morning: “You can go to
Birmingham during thisstrike and
among the strikers you will not
find a corporal's gu*rd cf native
Aiabamians; and what is true of
Birmingham I dare say is more
true of Chicago and other striker
stricken cities of the West. Gatling
guns and lead is about the most
effection remedy that can be ad
ministered.” Ben Watts is a states
man •
■ -♦ —•
Application for Letters of
1 Jismission.
GE(>RG lA. FbOYii Cointy:
Whereas W. It. Reese, Administrator rtf Reese
. Bra len, represents to the court in his pet 8
ti n duly tiled, that he has administered Reese
>l. Braden’s estate. This is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause,
it any they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from his administration and
receive letters of dismission on the first Monday
in October ism. This July ifli. 1894. 7-4-3 mo.
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia.
Application for Letters of Dis
GEORGIA, Floyd Cm x rv :
" hereas Mrs. Dora Cohen,Guardian, of Mamie
< ohen, represent® to the court in her petition
duly tiled, that she had anministered Mamin Co
hen s estate. I his is to cite all persons concern
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any
they can, why said Guardian should not be dis
charged from her administation and receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in August
1894. This July 4th. 1894. 7-4-.!<l<l.
Ordinary Floyd County, Geortlia
Administrators Sale.
GFCRGIA, Fi.<i\ i> County:—
Pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinary
will be sold before the Court house door in the
City of Rome, said County between the lega,
hmjrs of Sale, on the fl. st Tuesday in August
1894. the following property to wit: Onu lot in
DeSoto, (now Fourth WardiCitj of Rome, Floyd
County, Ga., known as the former residence of
J. P. M. Byrd, fronting on the Alabama Road
or Bridge Street in tl.e said City 90 feet and ex
tending back, same width 140 feet, and being the
property, Conveyed by deed of Mrs. Alary T.
Freeman, to Mrs. M, E. Knox. Dated Febuary
Ist., 1889. Recorded in Clerks Office, Superioa
Court said County in Book “Y.” of deeds, Page
498, ho. 448 on June 28th. 1879, and also ii 'scnb
ed in deed ol Martha E Knox, to raidß. B. Me
Arver, Dated April 20th. 1881 and becorded m
Book •‘C. E.” of deed', Page 282 No. 187.
Said lot sold as the property of William T.
Gordon deceased. 1 his July 3rd. K 94.
W. J. Gordon,
Administrate! De Bonis Non
—■ xvitß will amtcxed of XS m. T. Gordon
deceased, Estates
u, ■
• y f ■ an C r>p. •.• •• ~. , i.. ,
~, ‘I . ' 'MS . - ; ■
■ ■-a ..
frRHT MWT 1 Alli lll[j i
Narr w Escape of a Young Ro !
man ai Cunlb< Hand
antagnuLl falls through an upper
Cumberland Island July 10
We have ariv and Jack Davis
and .Sam Hardin have taken a
1 never enjoyed a trip as much
in my life as I did the one coming
down here. I had to go to bed
early so as to get the worth of my
money out of old Pullman, I had
the blacked, faced “striker,’’ he
struck me for a quarter to make
down my $2,50 pallet just this side
of Atlanta and then I took ten
cents worth ofparegaric and settled
for an all night snooze, I slept
beautifully until I was aroused at
m’dight by Mr, eArthur Sullivan
breaking one of Jack O’Rears
crutches over a wild enora which
had just escaped from John Reefces
state Room.
I stuck my head euten the cur
tain and yelled: “police!” which
brought Joe Sharp from the next
buss. He and Mr, Sullivan woke
up Colonel Edward Dean, son of
the Dfliftu Water Mellons, and bor
rowed Ed’s bottle of arnica aud
bunion juice and then they struck
Morty Griffin and begged all bis
fishinlines and sat down and doct
ored Jack’s crutch,
They then re-retired.
John Reess? Why he kept on a
suoanng just the same as if he was
ridmg in a box car on a load of
Some people can’t stand proper
ty no how —but perhaps Mr, Edi
tor, we sometimes expect too much
from newspaper men aud old
I had a glorious trip
Mr. Peter Antaguo i roosted just
over Sam Hardin and John McClure
and down about Way cross or Jessop
or somewhere, the train run over a
rock, causing the upper berth to
give way. Mi. Antagnoli was not
seriously injured.
Yes I had a glorious time, but my
symyathies are with the Chicago
strikers—l have a grudge in com
mon with them against Pullman. A
dimes worth of paregoric won’t do
• the work when Elbert McGhee, J. A-
Glover,Joe Ellison and Paik Harpe 1 '
are skylarking.
But we are here,even if Tap Spark’ B
“beaver” did blow overboard ou the
ferry boat—Oh it was fun, she Li t
the water up side down and went
skimming along, floating as high as
if she was being “passed’’ by a good
old deacon, through the bojs on the
back seats at a Sunday morning
We are here, however, and a num
her of us have been down oh the
beach and several have beeh in the
saline waves. Aud we liked Jit two at
least all of us did’ceptin Roy West
aud Charley Warner who hiq pened
to a fatal accident. It seem* that
Mesers West und arner were lured
far out into the treacherous depths
by the syren voice of a mermaid or
some kind of a female friend.
The sane members of our party
did not notice the straying sheep ui -
til they were “estrays.’’When we dis
covered their danger we got Joe
Owens to call them but Joe's voice
wan lost in the breakers and Gordon
Hiles had to dive for it several times
before ne recovered it.
In the mean time, heedless of im
pending peril the handsome and in
ocent youths paddled on lured by the
s et melody.
Suddenly, aud wit out waruipgi
they discovered themselv-s snrroumi
ed by a large fierce looking blond
shark and then it’was th t t.nev r«ai
a —, .t* L leal,
ized how sweet it would be to Jive,
return to Rome and lead better livea.
But the monster made a dive at 51r
Warner and though the young men
made a desperate effort at escape
the shark was JlikC the villian still
pjiauud her. ’
i uriously the’guilelessyouth swam
towaids th- biacbai d the terror of
the.r cries ‘os- and min ; led with the
term* of the vot thiong on the beach
aud the b< etie becomes tenable.
At last ’he monster of the deep
i closedll again on Mr. Marner. His
i massive jaws an 1 ivovr tusks were
eutanglt din ihe young man’s right
limb. He felt that his i o ir had come
and casting a longing look towards
Cumberland Hotel sank.
But Mi. West’.N terror had deserted
him.—The lion in him was aroused
and he dived for his coinrad.
I Grasping Mr. Warner around thp
waist, he planted one No7 between
the sharks boMik no next to hie finn
’ j v
de siecle aud the other on the niaD
eaters chin, and by a powerful effort
he dragged Mr. Warm r from the very
jaws of death.
The shark bit off one leg of Mr.
Warners bathing suit and —was
satisfied, at least he quit the com
While the leg of the suit had
been amputated, the fellow who
was in it needed no crutches when
he hit the grit on the beach.
We were much relived; • x ept
Charley, who looked at the nude
memb-r aud remarked: “there was
not much at steak,’’ “no” said his
heroic rescuer, “but its a powerful
pretty niekle soup bone.”
I am having a glourious time,
P. 0 Sumtrot,
P.S.Jack Davis met Car
olina widow this afternoon and
thinks he has engaged her a $425
N. B. Sam Hardin and John
McClure will recover.
rrx dangerous ground
»7, that you stand ua with a
. congh or a cold, and your
blood impure. Out of just
these conditions comes Con
m ou n,ust something.
ettr ber stages of Con
smnphon, and in ail the con-
Ks ditions that, lead to it, Doctor
Vi Fierce’s Golden Medical Di»-
•i. Df ® covery is a certain remedy.
SH'M. ES This scrofulous affection of
v’y'\tj>e lungs, like every other
_ . v -7" form of Scrofula, can be cured
“* f. by it In severe, lingering
«-'• Coughs, all Bronchial, Throat
and Lung Affections, ana
every disease that can be
I >» reached through the blood,
* it is the only medicine so ef
fective that it oan l»e guaranteed. If it
doesn’t benefit or cure, you have your money
back. Nervous prostration and debility are
conquered by it
Even with the worst cases of Catarrh, after
you’ve tried everything else, the proprietors
of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy will
to pay you |SOO if they can’t cure
SomeHme ago I was troubled with
an attack of rhmmatißm. I used
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and was
completely cured. I have since ad
vised many of my friends ami custo
mers to try the remedy and all ftpeak
highily of it. Simon Goldbaum, San
Luis Rey, Cal. For sale by Lowery
Bros. Druggist.
I have two little grand children
who are teething all this hot sum
mer weather and are troubled with
bowel complaint. I give them Cham
[ berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar-
I rhoea. Remedy and it acts liken
■ charm. I earnestly recomend it for
I children with bowel troubles. I was
! inyeelf taken with a severe attack of
I bloody fiux, w th cramp and pains in
my stomach., one-third of a bottle ol
this remedy cured me. Within twew
ty-four hours I was out of bed and
j floin g Rjy house work,—Mrs. W. L.
1 Dunagan, Bon-aqua, Hickman Co.
\ Tenr. F< r sale by Lower*- and Bros
1 hisis a policy c< mhiuing a 20
I year endowment policy with a2l
I payment life policy, f-> r half the
I amount ot the endowment, and is
| case of death withen the first, year j
. from any pulmonary disease but
one half tbe insurance (i. e., one
• quarter of the endowment) will be
I paid.
I For insurance; a combination i
policy may be taken cut for .$250 1
endowment, maturing in 20 years !
and its terms will provide that if "
death ocour while the po|icy is ini
force within the 20 years $125 will :
bo paid ;if insured survive 20 !
years, he will receive $250 iir cash
and still hold Ins policy as an or
dinary paid up lifa policy for
$125. payable at death without
any futher payment of premium
I'h" premium is the same for all
anew; hut applications will not be
revived tip ui lives Gss than 13 or
more than .50 next birthday, ts.
• Patronze Burney’s
I ransfer new prompt «
and reliable. Present i
Jeff Burney
an [fflifiij.
Meet in Regular Seini-n onth
ly Session.
Were Submitted and passed upon
While the Regular Routine Bulsness.
Held its Usual Right o f way.
( t
The Council met on July 9th.,
1894. Present John I). Moore,
Mayor, Councilmeu Messrs. Neel.
Harris, Stoffragan, Hamilton, Mc-
Caffrey, McClure, McArver, ano
After routine business, the
Clerks repoil of which will h.
published in tomorrow's Hustler
of Rome, the follow ing quarterly
reports were submitted by the re
spective officers:
Finaucial Statement of the Clerl,
July 9th. 1894.
Department Appropiration Drawn Balance
-Coupons 31000 21000
Sinking funds. 5010 5000
Salaries, 22100 5626,35 16473,65
Bulylic Schools 12000 12000
Streets. 6000 709,74 5290,26
Water works. 8000 1349,95 6650,04
Cemetery. 1000 177.20 .822,80
Gas Lights 6500 997,48 5502,52
Fire, 2509 94,52
Police. 1000 279,55 730,45
Pnb. Buildings. 1200 236,38 963.63
Relief. 200 40,10 159.90
Healili, , 200 • 200,
Contingent. 2000 550,85 1449,15
report of clerk for the first quar
ter 1894.
Received of Mr. M.A. Nevin, former clerk 400,00
*• “ j. B. Shropshire, Marshall, ’
“ “ tax of 1893. L 63,8 5
“ ’* License tax, 5.
Pavement assessment 36.70
Police court fines, 309,65
Received of P. D. Roser, Sexton, 69,80
“ James McGuire Sept. WW. 1962,49
“ L. J. Wagner former Supt. w w 160,79
“ Max Meyerhardt Schoo) fund, 1747,21
“ H. Given, Street overseer, 5.00
*• from License. 7622.00
“ Street Tax 1894. 18 00
“ Taxes 1894, 9743,62
Total §23044,11
Which amount I have turned
over to the City Treasurer ana
hold his receipt therefor.
Since making nay return to the
Treasurer, the Supt. of the Water
« ork s has turned over to me on ac
count of his collections for the
first quarter the sum of, sl3 44
I have drawn by order of Coun
cil drafts on the following stated
funds to the amount shown.
Public Buildings deparinent. 236,38
Street “ 709/4
Police “ 279/5
Contingent “ 54?. 85
Relief. “ 40.10
Water Works. •* 1824,46
Cemetery. •• 166,70
Salary. “ 5625,35
The school fund and payment
on Bonded indebtuess are made
directly by the Treasurer and do
uot pass through my office.
Report ot J no. M. Quinn Treas
ure In account with merchanu
National Bank of Rome.
Amount deposited. $19,533 37
“ checked out 15,669.95
Ballance. $ 3,923 42
In account with Halsted Smitl
Clerk of council received Iron
Hoisted Smith Clerk $26,333 88.
In account with city council ol
Rome Ga.
Quarter end ing 30th. of Jum
1894. Expended as to the vouch
er $20,928 72.
three thousand two hundred
and eighty nine 77-100 dollars
does not appear.on the clerks re
port for last quarter as saip
amount was handed me in Julx
J no. M. Quinn.
Other officers maae no report.
Halsted Smith C. C.
■ w. ii.s.
Is not complete w
without an ideal
■ ? powder, | |1
‘'"'"•’-Br Y'tEKMK TWWM
1 t INFS P
■■ Combines every emment offei
i> beauty and puncv it j s beauti-1,
? tying, soothing, healing, health- j |
ful, and ha r.. -ess, and when fl,
,1 rightly used ,v.7slsible. A most}'
delicate and desirable protection A
j to the face in this climate. &
| Insist upon having the genuine. j
: S applied right to the parts
lady can treat hersS
at; th it.
Waited to any address upon re.
;eiptof si. Dr. J .A. McGill &Ce
C Panorama Place, Chicago, Ill’
Sold by
D, W. Curry Druggist.
j FOR^t CT S.j
a In Poatege, we will nC n<t |
4 A Bani|)i(. Envelope, of either \
7 white, flesh or bruhette I
H You have seen it advertised for manv k
/ years, but have you .ever tried it?—lf 9
besides being an acknowledged bonutifler 7
y has many refreshing uses. 11 prevents chaf* ■
*5 desirable ■
•« P rotect,on 1,0 Lhe face during hot weather, z
At Im Sold Everywhere. ’ fa
\ For sample, address y
$ J.A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis,Mo.q
mention this paper.
W. L. Douglas
You can save money by purchasing W. L»
Douglas Shoes,
Because, we are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom, whicn protects you against high
prices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting ana
wearing qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If yout
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Cantrel 1 & Owens,
_* , j ,i T* l —u _ ' -
Commencing Sunday May 13th.
the Chattanooga Rome and Colum
ns R R. will run a Sunday sclied
de: Train leaving Cedartown early in
the morning and returning that eve-
)i,g Also commencing at noon
Saturday Slay 12th round trip tick
ets good to return until noon Mon
lay following will be sold between al!
ocal stations on C. R. & C. R- R
me fare. This will enable everyone
who desires to do so to visit the
uountains near Chattanooga and to
utend church exercises at various
Yours Truly,
C. \Vilbur.
May 7th ts Traffic Mgr.
“Warter’s Hand I
made,” thats the brand I
of the latest and best I
production from the I
Warters Cigar Facto- I
~y. Ask your dealer tor I
one. I
Estray Cow:-—A bob-tailed I
cow, with white spot on forehead, B
jdeo white spot on each Hank, about ■
seven years old, thin but giving H* ll ■
wore a cotton rope around her horns ■
and was bare footed. Came to mj ■
house 11 miles from Rome, near ■
Sand Spring church in Texas 4 alley ■
two weeks ago. Owner please con> & ■
fur her at once or address ■
J. W. Burns. ■
Rome Gft’ ■
$25 I
Including Books
Call at office for particulars ■