Newspaper Page Text
for mer cantile
Including Books
Cft H a t office for particulars
Pities blackhead, e. freckela
i n aud sunburn removed by John
n-9 Oriental Soap. Medical, For
TalebvJ. T. Crouch ACo.
Will open on September
10th, Boys prepared for Jun
ior class at college. For circu
lar giving full information,
J. D. Gwaltney
Rome Ga.
biLbs soy
Is as safe and hornless as a fla>
seed p**ultice. I*. acts like a pornl.
tice, drawing out fever pain,
and curing al! diseases peculiar
to Edies.
“Orange Blosj >n” is a pas
tile, easily used at any time; i
is applied right to the parts
Every lady can treat herseL
with it.
Mailed to any address upon re.
ceiptofsi. Dr. J.A. McGill & Co.
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111.
Sold by
D, W. Curry Druggist
My boy was taken with a disease
■resembling bloody flux. Tbe first
thing I thought of was Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
Two doses of it settled the mattet
and cure him sound and well. I
hearfily ecommend this r emedy to
all persons suffering from a com
plaint. I will answer any inquiries re
garding it when stamp is inclosed. I
refer to any county official as to my
reliability, Wm Roach. J. P., Pnm
roy, Campbell Co., Tenn. For sale
by Lowry Bros.
SWhat Nerve Berries
have Hone for others
x^O3k the y W »H do
for you ‘
■ *v J
18TDAY - /X' ’B?*
OF 16TH DAY. «, z jk y
MEN £a»/7/, Quick!/
and Permanently Ros ft. ed . 30TH DAY’
I><sbility' e a'nd e a f ii r u l i Lr V< ,‘ t • nwM l Nervousness
from early errors * ! raln of ev!h ’
o, «»erwork Ueu lL" er e,!< ' , ' ll «e s ’■ th‘‘ Mill
•nd givTZ a .**" '♦•’"•y > ■- Develop
Kan,. Slow -rwalJr
Tay,,, a ,J°"" •* ’»>' iUkliU.'
ctuive use of < a k y .▼<>«•<h<ul error* or e>
which lead to < ’ ro ' "•/’’“••• an<l liquor
'io e im"ta t ’on W h“,s t l ‘ ’"">nent**“w
Nerve Berries ~ -
Pocket. Price j, .v. l ‘ent to carrv ir res'
tr fatmpni,KsjH),< 1 ! lxa ’.^ r boxew. on., fuj
Hnot kept bv v’in-7V/ 1 torur <‘M»ijr < «»e
*>> mail, upon “J 5* ru lW<’'t we will send them
P’lL Pamphlet free 1 a ?! price, in plain wrap
Q° rsa * e by Crouch &
t lvenn etli Bazemore had the
fortune to receive a BniaU bottle of
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Biarrhcea Remedy when three mem-
X B rv ti family were Rick with (,ys
ttemßnThlli nT,oßlnall bottlfi cnitd
he nave ’ l<3 so ' ne l fi it which
a ' et ° G ° e - W -Baker, a promi-
WHmmchantof the place, Lewiston,
cemniki a n;\vu C ’ ired him oftb «
enS ?’ '\ hPn tr3ub,ed Wltb d vs.
morbus c °hc or cholera
you will n lVe 118 reme(, y a trial and
the result *TI ° Ve f liat l' ,eaeed with
,ol iow^it S i 1 l t ‘ e n1 pra p e ,hat natural b’
madeit v du ® tloQand u «e has
hotties for t"’ 50 cent
Drugpis* Sae y ‘ Bowry Bros,
$6.00 TO TYBEE.
And return Via R Ome R.R.
Ticket ‘ alu, .^ a y August 18
return until
Sups Bathing and
Passed I \ ( s , ’ niodntlo ! ls unsur-
Ck- a exc nrsion.
* K - Ayer -Q. I\ a.
-HOf Two Stores in Onet4~
1 have bought the etire stocK of CARVER &.
HARPER’S, China, GlassA/are. Tinware and
Stoves, And have moved into their store, and
will have the most complete line of China.
Glassware and House furnishing goods in
North Georgia.
Having bought the stock low, the house*
keepers of Rome will get the benefit of my
good trade. Everything for the dining room
and kitchon can be found in my stock. ome
and see for yourselves.
Celebrated and world wide known Char
ter Oak Stove, Tne only genuine wire Gauze
Door stove made. All other Ventilated ovens
are imitations of the Charter Oak, Buv the best
and not the imitation
HIE S» fflmiSE STOVE Hili $12.00.
Is absolutely the best stove on (he market today, Except
the,Charter Oak. Sold in this rrarkct for twenty years.
liven thing in my stock must be sold to mak • room for
my immense Fall stock soon to arrive. Rememb *r, I manu
facture Ti.. ware and can sell you better ( . goods than you
buy in the cheaper light tin ware
A full line of Agate Iron ware so popular with every
Housekeeper, the cleanest and most serviceable ever made
Everything tirst class—-my go ods are for inspection
Expierced Salesman to attend to your wants, ('all at Carver
& Harpers Gid stand. Everybody knows where it is.
’• f
'•n. ■■■' r
bi . h
f hr Hr r-
, .. .... >
Madison - Avenuo
Madison Avenue and 58th, Street,
$3 per day and up. American Plan.
Two Blocks from the Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated
The Madison and Fourth Avenue and Belt Line Cars pa-s
the Door.
■...■■ ■■—-<♦>
N.M CLARK, proprietor
Passenger Elevator runs all nigh*
Prof. Zeno, the celebrated aeron
aut who has been in tie city for *ome
time, yebterday made another unsuc
sesiful attem pt to a <cemi in bis bal
loon aid make a parachute leap af
ter being shot out of a cannon Again
it was claimed that the balloon was
too email to cany up the pr< fessor
and the heavy cannon construdted of
sheet iron, and which is nei r y at.
thick a» boiler iron —Chattanooga
The coursa of the Pullman Palace
Car Co., is not by any means strewn
with flowers and they must feel eie
tnis|that trouble never comes single.
On August 11th there was filed with
the ciicuit clerk of Cook county, 111,
a lengthy potiton asking for a bill in
equity against tbe Pnllman Co calling
upon it to show cause why it should
not be prohibited from further bus
iuess under the laws of the State.
It is hinted that this company is
doing dozens of things in its corpo
rate capacty that it is not empower
ed to do under its charter,
It is charged with operating thea
tres, hotels, gas works, electric
light plants and various other kin"
dred industries incident to the suc
cess of its “model” township which
its charter never provided for.
The company has practically
usurped all the powers and func
tions of a municipality, so the At
torney General -stuys, hence tbe war
which is I ing waged against it.
And so the Attorney General wish
es the court to issue a quo warran
to, and compel the corporation to
make due explanation for its ex
The “Marquisie” de Pullman
who* has planned a trip abroad to
recover from the shock received at
Castle Bast during the great strike,
will have to turn about, as the At
torney General, it is said, means a
fight to a finish. —Chronicle.
Au GuinsviUe the other day Mr.
Glenn, a Democrat, asked Mr. Sibley,
a Poplulist, if it was the intention of
the Populist party to devide the State
offices with the colored Republicans,
whos votes tbe Populists are seeking.
In View of Mr. Watson’s repeated
assertions that the populist party
meant to give the black man an equal
•iliowintf w'ith the white, the question
wai pertinent. But Mr. Sibley declin
ed to answer. “That isn’t in
the platform,” he pleaded as an ex
cuse Os course, it is in the platform
i hat Annoying questions must not be
answered.—Savannah News.
The negroes of Georgia, especally
m the Tenth congressional district
counties where the Third pirtv is in
power, know too well how empty are
the premises to their, on this line, of
the Populists
'the Populist have no real love for
the negro-have not that high regard
far him they proclaim on the stump.
They will b-j found carteriug to tbe
brother in black during the canvass
this year as usual, after the elections,
will dre p him and let him take care
of himself.
The Populists appeal to the ne
groes and try to dupe them because,
as the noys siy, they consider them
’ easy murk.” The negroes won’t be
made a fool of this time by the Third
party. Their pride and manhood as
serf themselves very forcibly,
ally when they h ive been once im
posed upon. The Third party “did”
them two years ago. They wuu’t per
mit a repetition of the “doing” this
year.—Augusta Herald.
We offer One Hundred Dollar
Reward for any case of catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., To
ledo, 0. We the undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney for the last
15 years, and believe him perfect
ly honorable in all business trans
actions and financially able to
carry out obligation made by
their firm.
\\ est it Truax, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O. Waldixg, Kin
nan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug
gists; Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists. Testimonial free.
WE 11. I. Ilf 61
W.&AR. R.
Safest and most desireable line between
Wf ffl M
Cha.tanooga, Nashville.
No waiting on connections or delayed trains.
All trains leave on schedule time from Rome
Railroad depot, foot of Broad street.
t'SF"Only one block from Armstrong Hotel.
four blocks from New Central Hotel,.
No change of Cars. Through
Coaches on all trains Be
tween Rome and Atlanta,
Close connections in Union depots at Atlanta
and Chatttanooga with all trains diverging.
Leave Rome, daily at 9:15a ni 3:00 p m
Arrive Atlanta •• “ 12:55 am 6:25 pm
Leave Atlanta, daily at 8:0S a m 3:01 pin
Arrive Rome “ “ 11:30 am C. :00 pm
For maps, folders and any desired informa
tion, call on oi write. U. K. Ayei 4 ,
J. A. Hume, Ticket Agt. q. p. a.
W.*F. AYER T. M.
C R & C R R Schedule.
In elf-ct May 18th, 1 94.
From Chattanooga io 7 m
From Carroil on ; 3 ~>l pm
l>e; arts.
To Carrollton 10:32 a m
To Chatianooga 3:31 p m
From Chattanooga 11:45 p !>•
From Chattanooga i a;o ■> m
From Carrollton 4 ; 09 am
From Carrolltim 11:34a 111
To Carrollton 11:4"> pin
To Carrollton 1 ; 03 p m
To Chattanooga 4 jr.l a in
To Chattanooga 3:50 am
Passenger trains run into and depart from the
Union depot at ( hattanooga. Tbe freight, trains
depart from C. R. & shops, ar.d parties using
them must buy tickets at the depots, and ac
cept such accommodations as they find in a ca
The passenger train leaving here at 10 :27 a m
arrives atCedartown 11:12, and at Carrollton
12:45 pm, The one leaving at 3:31 p tn, reaches
Summerville at 4:45 vm, and Chattanooga at
0:30 p in,
MU C. B. WILBURN, Gen'lSupt.
EUGENE E. JoN ES, Reciever.
mmE golumb
J A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oß 1-2 Broad sire-
over Cantrell and Owens store.
J. H. Spu lock. Attorney at Law, Masonic
Temple Buildidg
Itoinc Georgia.
J AVIES B NEVlN—Attorney at Law Oftk
Poverty Hui poscodici cor nor 3rd Avenue
CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD-Attorney at
Masonic Temple.
Rome, Ga.
R*r. ECE A DF.NXY—Attorneys at law. OtiiC'
in Masonic Temnle. Rome, Ga.
WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Coun
seller at Law—Rome, Ga.
& Starling. Attorneys at Law. Masonic
Temple, Rome, Ga. fel>23.
WH. SMITH, Attonvsy-at-Law. Office c>
Masonic Ternule. Borne Georgia.
“ feb32tf
J. NEAL—M'Henry. Nunnallv & Neal
Attorneys-al-atL-iw, office over Halt
Davfdson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, G:
DH. RAMSUR—Physician and Surgeor
_ Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fount
■ ward.
LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon-
Offers his professional services to the peo
pie of Rowie and surrounding country
office at Crunch and Watson's drug store, 29
Broad street.
DR. W. D. HOYT—Office at C. A. Trevitt
drug store. Vo. 331 Broad street. Telephou
110, resldsn »n. No. 21
DR. C. F. GRIFFIN-Physician and Surge
—Office n<, v Masonic building. Residenev
300 4th av nue.
Frank A. Wynn, Physician and Surgon
office at Tre-. itt & Johns >n drug store
Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave,
Prompt attention given all professional call
All persona indebted to Dr . C
F. Griffiu are requested to cal
at their earliest convenience and
make a settlement, as he expects
to be absent for the greater part of
tbe summ«r recuperating his
health. 7-3 d . w. ts.
“I know an old soldier who had
chronic diarrhcEa of long standing to
have been permanently cured by tak
ing Chainbeilain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy,” says Edward
Shumpik, a prominent druggist of
Minneapolis, Minn, ‘‘l have sold the
remedy in tnis city for over seven
years and consider it superior to any
other medicine now nu the market
for bowel complaints, ’ 25 and 50 cent
bottles of thio remedy for salw by
Lowry Bros, Druggist.
Famy Eastern Ap at Lloyd’
The Burney
Tailoring Co.
220 Broadway.
Do you know
that nine tenths
of the best peo
ple of Rome wear
Burney’s make
of clothing?
Its a fact, and
that is the rea
son that nine
tenths of the Ro
mans you meet
have such beau
tiful fits.
If you want the
best, made up in
the latest styles,
why come and
see us at once.
The Burney
Tailoring Co.
1 220 Broadway.
Only $6,00 by the E T. V. & G.
to Cumberland or St. Simons and
return. Tickets will be so*d Aug
21st good to return .July the 30th. .
Bor sleeping car reservation,a
tickets apd etc., call on or write
J J Farnsworth, T. C. Smith,
D - P A - P ifc T. A.,
Atalanta, Ga., Rome, Ga.
7-12-9 t,
** ... —.— - _ ■
The best 5 cent
smoke on the market
is Warter’s hand
made.” For sale by all
dealers. Trv ne.
Election Notice “For Fence”
or “Stock Law.”
Georgia Floyd County:
Notice is hereby given that an Election will
be held at the Court house ground in the 962nd
District (Chitlio) G. M of said county on the
29ih. day of August inst. in which the question
will lie submitted to tbe qualified voters of said
District ‘ ‘For Fence” or “Stock Law.”
Given under my hand and Official signature
this 13th. of August 1894.
John P. Davis,
Yalnable Farms lor Rent ar
We have On hand a
number or good farm
for rent or sale. These
farms have come int
our handsat very rea
sonable figures, an
we are in position td
offer them at low
prices and on most
favorable terms. Ten
antsand buyerswould
do ! well 4 to consult us
before trading. We can
rent or sell. To good
parties, wishing time
on Farms we are pre
pared to offer bargains
Come and see us.
Hoskinson & Harris.
“Warter’s “Hand
made” is the latest
production from the
Rome Cigar Factory.
For sale by all dealers.
Try one.