Newspaper Page Text
We have a very large and
most exceptionally well as
sorte 1 stock of musical in
struments now on hand and
arriving daily.
We have been in the busi
ness ma'-y years and know
how to buy and where to buy
and best of all, know what to
buy.— see and buy and
you will never regret it.
We handle only the best,
and will take great pleasure
in showing you thlough our
Our Pianos are beauties
and our organs have no su
periors on the market. —
And Then
It you want a first-class
bicycle or a good type writ
ing machine, why you ought
to come direct to head quar
ters and get what you want
and get it guaranteed.
Jack Davis, Manager
J. K. Williamson’s Jewelry House
Rome Ga.
“Orange Blossom” is a painles
iejireof all diseases peculiar women
Sold by D W. Curry.
1 I -Il II » •• .
$6.00 excursion:
To St. Simons and
Cumberland by the
Southern Railway Co.,
August 18. Tickets
good to return August
27. Last chance to go
this season so cheap.
For full Poticulars Call
on or write to
T. C. Smith,
J. J. Fansworth.
liver medicine.
Fan I M XCostiveness
oxspepsi a I -7 ' Sick 00
Mhhwess or
Stomach *'■ W /Izvzrr/rr
None Genuine Without The Likeness
SiGNATimr. crM A.Thedford on FrontDf
Each Wrapper. M. A.The3ford Med.(§
W.l. Douglas
C*S JU? 1 * is THE OCS V .
<J?43 W£ £ '<s£ JVJI NO SQUEAKINCi.
1? $ 3.5_° POLICE,3 Sous.
N S2 S?.*2.WORKIN BMen
fc. <■ *2JI?- 5 Boys’SchoolSkoes,
3-’ 2 d S qng 0 1 4 .
You cun save mcney by purchasing W. I*.
Douuluh F'hocs.
Because, we ere the largest manufacturers ot
advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If you:
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Cantrell & Owens,
I® <srr"'i srsu . ■
IK r ■ ;
I ,r : ' •
8 If XT I’-
lAndifVP, '<■
I Drin’ it. !. n •■> «: j .c; wlnn ....
g nre tired: v.l •• .■■■ . • <t. Wtiei. ■
E ever.vo . fee! tl.ut . . .;v;. ~ , uiperaau. i:
fc drink a ide-.-. . ...
c V '* t-f ?;•»« -- ■ ■■
E ‘ ‘‘i ' ’ V J
Root beer j’.' ’ gal its. Sold everywhere. |
Bend 2c stamp for beautlfi.; , icture cards and book. S
The t has. li Hires Co., Philadelphia, j
■auiuiiiiii.itr '»mHiii:mmm:imiiiinnniiiiiiunaufl
’-cok Over the Passengers—
Many of Them Will
Interest T«i
Col W. V Brumb , o, Mont
gomery Ala. is Hutorgiaphed at the
Mr, T. H. Russel of Gadsden Ala
is in the city tadaj a guest at the
Judge John Mattox ordinary of
Chattooga county is in the city today.
Miss. Katie Wilke, of Cinoiuatti
is visiting Mrs. Beu. Heithaus at
her pretty home on Sixth Ave and
East 2nd St,
Misses Hattie and Au me Cleve
land of Wartrace, Tenn, after a
pleasant visit in this city return
ed home today.
When traveling, always take a cake
of Johnson's Oriental Soap with you ;
diseases are often caught from using
betel soap. For sale by J, T. Crouch
A Co.
Messrs J.H, and H. J. Lanham
of the big Fourth Ward stere and
crockery emporium of Broad stree
will leave on the 23, for Washing
I in, Baltimore, New
York, Boston, and Trenton, where
they will purchase large stocks
of goods for the Fall trade.
Fancy Eastern Apples at Lloyd’s
Rev. John W. Bale and hi
charming wife and little ones Lav '
returned from a pleasant visit to
Judue Westley Shropshire ai d at
tending Dirt Town camp iw eting.
’mu ooit t o *: Ans
In rJile°s as a flax seed If. Sold by
Indv can use it herse
D. W. Curry.
Burney’s Baggage
Transfer, office, Arm
strong office. Phone
126 Day and Night-
H. C, keinli'ick bne of Romth
handsomest citszen and biggest
Oad Fellows returned home today
after attending the session of the
[, 0. O. F. at Augusta this week,
FOR RENT; I have 4 nice rooms
to rem c map. W>4l situated. Good
suiroi ndtni's. Apply to.
C., A. T rivett
1 Broad Street
A capable woman wishes a situa
tion as assistant housekeeper in ho
tel or boarding honse. Address Mrs
8-8-Gt. Care this Office
For the convenience of par
ties desiring to godown to
Atlanta on the Excursion via
the Rome R. R. August 22nd.
and return the same day,
General Passenger Agent
Ayer nas arranged the follow
ing convenient schedule in ad
dition to the regular trains,
which allows passengers
about eight hours in Atlanta
Leave Rome at 9.15. A, M.
returning, Leave Atlanta at
8,20. P M. arrive Rome 11.20.
P. M. this will be the last ex
cursion 01 the season, don’t
fail to go.
IgncuM College,
At Dahlonega, Georgia.
Spring term begins first Monday in February.
Fall terir begins first Monday In September.
With ample corps of teachers.
under a U. S. Army Officer detailed by
Secretary of war.
Departments of Business, Short
hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy,
Music and Art.
Under competent and thorough instructors.
YOUNG LADIES have equal advantages.
ii ■! ii. I,
For catalogues and full Information ad
dress Secretary or Treasurer of Boar,
It begins to look as if I will hsve
to turn th* “Bullseye Kolumu,’
into a “Kicker's Kolumu,’’ in order
tones* module the people who have
kicks komiug. Here’s a shot I
received for the “Bull’s eye’’ on
yesterday but which was crowded
* *
Mr'Bull’s Eye’’ man:
I see an article in your issue of
the 15th met Signed“S 8 Kicker”
asking information as to whose
place it is to fill up iu front and
around the hign places in the side
walks: while you are giving the de
sired information will you not in
form us why the city fathers took
the dirt and brick bats from the
ditch cut at the head of Branham
Ave next to the Cemmetery,to till
the sidewalk in front of the new
King building when only last year
the city fathersjpaid teams s3jper
day to h»ul this same dirt and
Brick bats from the basement of
the new Curry building. These very
same fathers have been crying
economy the place of economy
to use the city funds to economize
private indiviuals. From your best
“Against such Economy.’
* *
To the above J wish to answer, that
the ’vil) fathers who paid $3 per
day to have the brick-batsand debris
hauled from Curry’s Magnsfieeal
New building foundation, to Bran,
ham Avenue, aie not the very same
City fathers, who have permitted
Mr. Sam King to fill in his sidewalks
and bring them to the gfade at ids
own expense,
* ♦
I Say ‘ at hie own expense’’ advised
ly for I have made enquiry and Mr.
King tells me that he put in, at his
own expense,the rock walls and gran
ite curbings and the fills of the side
walks at each end and along the sides
of his new buisness house. So much
for that. Now heres a second shot
‘’■orn ‘Colouiel S S, Kicker.”
* *
We are very glad—“ One” City’
Father, that you have informed us
whose place it is to fill up the
streets after the sidewalks are rais
ed. We understood that it was the
city’s place to fill up the streets
after our good landlords had raised
us out of those high water pests.
Now “One” City Father, will you
please give us an estimation of
what Mr. S.King,paid as we sup
pose he is the only one who ever
paid for doing this work. “One”
City Father, tread light, or your
foot might slip upon those side
walks and your sole might be lost.
We know you do not come down
this way often but you might want
to fish in our railroad mill pond
this fall and we will see that Mr.
Ayer you out. “One” City
Father thanks for your in
farmatiou, but are you sure that
Mr. Sam King paid for that dirt
and hauling that filled up the
street in front of his new store?
Come out, No. C. & B.
S. S. Kicker.
* *
When, on yesterday, I published
that “one ©f the city fathers” had
said that Mr. King had paid for
the elevation of the streets and
sidewalks around his new building
I felt pretty certain that the city
dad was mistaken. Today I have
made some inquiries and know
that he was I talked
with Mr. W. A. Wright, one of
the street committee, and learn
from him that, while the bill for
the work has not been audited,that
the city will pay for the elevation
of streets at Rhudy’s corner of the
Battey building and Hiles’ corners
aud at the King corner.
o o o
This filling iu of the streets has
been done largely with the dirt
removed in the grading of the
streets around the Public bund
ing site, corner of Fourth Avenue
and East First St.„As to the King
and Curry building I think that
each of thsm have been built since
the city established a grade, and
being forced to come to the
grade,, I am of the opinion that
me city should at least fill in
the streets iu front. It seems to
me that the curb walls and the
filling of a sidewalk is hardship
enough to a property owner who is
forced to a c«rtA.’- 1 ivtd irheu he
o c o
As to the elevated stores down town
I •
,or anyw|j, re else ou Broad Street I
I mink, whi’e the city did not fc»ct
I t.’iem to a grade but merely gave
them permission to elevate, ihat the
cii v should at its earliest possible
convenience put the smet on the
grade to correspond with the pave
ments, These pioneers who blazed the
way out of the floods of water and
mud should not be the last to receive
lecognition from the city. And from
exprssions I have heard among city
fathers I think that they feel about
like I do.
| The greatest trouble is one over
which they are not responsible—viz-
A depleted city treasury, a taeasury
drained to the dregs, and a people
overtaxed in a year of financial string
encytobuilda water system that
might have been built later, I want
to see B-oad Street put on a grade
and I think the city should fill in
every front where the property has
been nut up to the grade and fill it
in at once —and I helijve that it will
at the earliest possible moment, Iu
the meantime this column is open *0
tue public. If you have a suggestion
for the public good why .“suggest it,”
To prevent musquitoes from
annoying you at night, take a soft
rag and put a small bit of Ker
osene oil on it then rub the face
and hands. The party who gave
me this receipt says that only a
small bit of oil will do the work
and that the next morning there
will be no trace of the oder of the
oil left. If you have no mosquito
net you can try it—without risk
or kost
Western 4
—TO —
St. Lous
Rasas City
The West.
Quick time aud Vestibuled trains carrying
Pullman Sleeping cars. For any information
call ou or write to
General Agent, Rome Ga.
Traveling Pass. Agt. Chattanooga Tenn.
Traffic Manager Atlanta, Ga.
General pass Agt Atlanta Ga.
A meeting of the Democratic Exe
citive Committee of Floyd county
is hereby called and the members of
the committee are must respectfully’
requested to assemble in the City
Court room of the New Court house
on next Saturday the 18th.
John J, Black chairman
Harper Hamilton, Sec ty
GEORGIA, Floyd C< unty:—
Notice is hereby given that a petition signed
by fifteen or more Freeholders of the 1510th
DistrictG. M. of said County has been filed in
my office asking that the beaeths for the provi
sions of Sections 1249, 1450, 1451, 1452, 1453,
and 1454, of the Code of Georgia of 1882 and
the menduients thereto shall apply to said Dis
trict, 1 further give notice that said matter will
be heard on the 2) of August inst.and if no
valid objection are shown an Election will be
ordered to occur on the 13th. day of Septeme
next to decide the question of “Fence or Stoc
mw” according to the, iStatutes in such esse
inadeaud provided.
Given under my hand and Official Signature
this August9th.lß94. John P. Davis,
The Southern Rail
way Co will sellround
trip tickets to Lookout
mountain every Satur
day afternoon and Sun
day morning for $2.00,
good to return Mon
day morning. See
schedule of trains in
this paper, only line
running, four trains
daily from Home to
J. J. Fansworth, D. P,
A- Atlanta, Ga.. T.C.
Smith P. and T. A.
Rome G?.
JACK KING, President. ™. .
1 . J , Si M IIV a
W- P. SIMPSON, Vice president ‘ ' Act ‘ n
All Accommodations Consistent with Saf? Bankino- p
tended our Customers, °
We Mean Business Call and (Get < i
Heiore Buying, W e are Seiling ICes
Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding,
Ballusters and Brackets
At Bottom Prices
I have moved Blacksmith and re
pair shops from Fifth Ave. opposite
New Court house to my Old stand
on Fifth Avenue in The Fourth
A_t old stand-
8-12 ts
To my patrons and the public I wish testate
that I have removed ms
Carriage Waggons and
Blacksmith Shops,.
From the old stand in the Fourth Ward to the
buildin opposite the New Court house where
I am always ready to do guaranteed Carriage,
buggy, wagon and Blacksmith work
Repairing and Horse Shooing a specialty
Jk- W.
Leather and Shoe Findings,
Hand made Shoes built to order, Repairing
a speciality, at
Masonic Temple Store.
$ 1.50! Rome to Atlan
ta and Return Via the
“Old Reliable” Rome
R. R. of Ga. Wednes
day, Aug 22nd, Tick
ets good to return un
til Aug24th Train leav
es Rome R.R. Depot
9:15. A .M. 8--24
Johnson’s Magnetic Oil cures
cramps and colic and internal neu
ralgia aud beadache and backache
nsHntly 25 and 50 cts, For sale by
J T. Crouch & Co,
“Warter’s Hand
made,” thats the brand
of the latest and best
production from the
Warters Cigar Facto
ry. Ask yurdealerfor
Road Citation,
G EORGIA, Floyd County: net itlonei
Whereas W. E. Smith, etal., hate pe Rev ,.
the Board of Commissioners of Road, an
enueof said County,.asking that .tbese
road now leading and running .® C L w hat i»
ney, Georgia, and running ihw m g tn ry
known as Rodgets old Barn 1 late nter sect:®S
Drummond’s dwelling house “"“A' yi ea sant
with the public road kn, ™“ fVnnunnionils
Hope church road, at or near P wjc
school house, be made a second -
road, and the Road Commissioners on |je
trict G. M• of said C «nnty having repon
proposed road to be of public utili ■ M
is to cite all persons having o j ?’ re j ro ni, to
or claims for damages n ”;’ n A, qr( i o f Conin’[«•
make the same known *? the ." oa J e he ]d on tW
s>oners at the next meeting to be
tt d-^d. rd ’ ThißjU,y MaxMeyer b ardt,Clerk.
From my premises in Noit ‘O
o Saturday night, hairs
ot e Bav Horse Mule with o f
e< at ered all over body; h’is 1
“ k s on left shoulder;
all four legs, and is about ,
old. Any person finding said m- the
returning it or notifying i‘ -
same, will be liberally ie p 9 !pnjs,
J. A.
e.- O 61 North