Newspaper Page Text
secona-clasa Mail Matter.
10 cent u. week or $5 00 per annum
PF’CE: Corner Broad Street and
C'Hih Avenue.
Os thocty of Rome, and Foyd, the
"Banner county" ot Georgia.
democratic ticke i
For Governor,
W. Y. ATKINSON, ol Coweta,
For Secret ary of State,
F r Tieasurer,
r. d Hardeman, ot Newton.
Fur Comptroller Gem ral,
WN. A WHIG if, of Richmond
F • Attorney General,
J, M, TERRELL, of Meriwether
For Co:o nisßioner of Agriculture,
R T. NESBITT, of Cobb.
Fur Congress,
John'A MADDOX, ot Floyd.
For State Senator,
For Representative, Fioyd Co,
What is Hines a populist tor?
Why, for office of course.
Dr. Fiopper Felton is now hold
ing the “dark lantern," for the
*Noiway rats.’'
It appears that Populism in
Georgia is to break up in a family
row.— Augusta Chronicle.
It is lietter to spend a little money
in advertising now than to sell a lot
of shop-worm goods below cost later
A majority of the councils gen
eral of the various departments of
France have approve the anti-an
archist law.
Cui Walter M. Clements,ot East
man, has annonnceu that he will
be a candidate for secretary of the
next state senate.
How does the senate stand on
the “sugar sack cotton bagging’
question? Or is there no “sugar 1
in it for the honorable senators.
The 7th district democratic con
gressional convention will meet
at Dalton next Wednesday, the
29th. to nominate Judge Maddox
for Congress.
TLe ('id maid recognizes the
truth in rhe statement that there’s as
good fish in the sea as were ever
saught, but the old sister gets tired
of ‘ jis er fiishin. ”
The Rochester Lamp Co. recent
ly received an order for a lamp
from a person io India who had
read of its merits in a coppy of a
paper four years old, —Printers
It is asserted by one of the part
ners, that the firm of John Waua
maker, spends not less thau a
thousand dollars a day for adver
tising in. the Philadelphia papers
It has been asserted that more
money spent in newspaper adver
tising in Australia in proportionate
it? population—whicl J ? fouijmillions
—than in any other country in the
The populists of Birtow county
are charging fraud in the nomina
tion of one of their candidates for
the legislature. We didn’t think
it possible for Populisms to com
mit fraud . —Marietta Journal.
A gain of over 600 votes in the
county of Gwinett, over 300 in
Henry, over 300 in DeKalb. Nev
er tn the history of the Democrat
ic party in the state have the pri
maries been so large. Third par
tyuni will be buried so deep in
that it will never show
head again .—Conyer’s W ikly.
A col ecdon of 80,000 stuffed
bird’s will be one of the atirac
tions of a museum nt win coutse
of erection at Leyden, Holland.
That’s lot us out, for while we
are “heavy Laden” times are too
hard for us to afford the "stuffin.”
We know a few democrats who
will not eat buisquit if Cleveland’s
baking powder is used in them
Four years from now, those same
men won’t eat pound cake unless
it is raised with that w'ry brand
of powJf r,“Mark that j re 1 cl ion.”
A negro came near being lynch
e<l on Staten Island 'last Sunday
for atiempting the crime of crimes.
Wherever men dwell thev will b<
found protecting women, or aveng
ing their waengs We congratulate
Col, Cockurih’s readers on th. ir
Printers Ink paid fifty emits for
this jeke.
Proofreader —How about this
“The reporter’s pencil is a. com
posing stick ?'
Editor —Let it e and, that's all
Populist Watson is a free trader
Populist Hines favors a tariff for
revenue, Populist Kolb is a moder
ate protectionist. Populist Peffer
is a rabid protectionist. And yet
these populist leaders ridicule tht
Democratic party because it epi
braces difference of opinion on the
money question! —Sparta Ishmea
There are 119 first class cigar
manufactories in Havana, Many
of the large manufactories employ
upwards of 400 men. No women
are employed in cigar rolling, al
though a few wash and prepare
the ieavee, We publish the above
as an item of information—and at
the same time advise all Roman
smokers, to buy “Warters hand
made” and be happy.
It is reported that numbers of the
■ strongest and most influential mem
bers of the Populist party in thi ß
cjutv have stated most emphatically
that they would not, support Dr.
Felton for congress. If i should make
them feel as mean as it did s m » if
the • Jeff’s” who supported him four
j ears ago then they had better no:
touch the doctor with a forty foot
pole.— Chattooga News
Tom Watson isnt kicking up as
much dust in Georgia this year as
he did last year. Two Democrotic
deluges right together will prove
too much tor him. —Albany Her
No, Tommie may not be kicking
up as much “dust" this year—but
al $56 a week and working the
poor deluded Pops for subscrip
tion, he is raking in the “dust" at
a lively rate —more so than he did
last year,
The Rome Tribune jumps to the
fescue of Seab Wright whom it
claims has been accredited as be
ing a populist. Really, a great
many hadnt thought about Seab
at all,but if he isnt a populist, he
isnt much of a democrat unless it
be of a kind like Judge Sparks, of
Fish Ciaek said Seab’a brother
Miller was. when his friends want
ed to send hitf> to a democratic
convention in Atlanta “You
might tighten up every democrat
ic tap on him when he starts"said
Judge Smirks “and he would be
all to pieces before he got as far as
Acworth.”—Cartersville Con rant.
A-V ■— every poison
v.f.. , '*v OI ;1 Impurity ol
H, ’ •• vov” blood, by Dr.
;J. - rt '- Ti-ro’s Golden
„<L; Medi. .'I Discov-
-‘V v F cry. T, >n there’s
”J - Sit*. -T- a n and a
V 7 <'ie..ii-vstem. Tet-
Z ter, Salt -1 i 'um,
i>zei'vi, Ei ys'oe
las, Boils, Cwbmudes, Er.lavcul Glaiuis,
Tumors ar.'. vi'ljn.,. and all i. ;-kia.
and S<-a’r> From a e< inme.n blotch 01
eruption to t) e worst scrofula —th. c are per
fectly and pern cently cure Iby it.
In building no tipeded ft” h and strength of
pale, puny, scrofulous children, nothing can
equal it. “
Unlike the ordinary spring medicines or
sat saparillas, the “ Discovery ’’ works equally
well at all seasoitf. All the year round, and
in all cases, it is miaranteed, as uo other
blood medicine is. if it ever fails to l>enefit or
cure, you have your money bank.
only the best blood-purifier, but it’s the cheap
est. You yYny only for the (jood you get.
Buy of reliable dealers. With any others,
something eh-s thrt pays them better will
probably Lx, urged as “just as good.” Per
haps it is, for Vi«n but >t can’t N>, tor vou
Dr. W. 11. Felton has joined the
populists and presided at a third
party meeting in Cartersville lasi
Saturday. Felt’s a honey; he's
anything for office. But he forgets
that many alleged democrats who
formerly voted for him are n<>w too
strongly in democratic ranks to •
caught monkeying with a llepub
Pop.—Dalton Argus.
When Bob Ingersoll dies In 1 w
find it hotter in the region v.'
he will land, 1 han it has bi <■,. ,
this country during this Au ust
He will discover that he w::.- i
taken ami that there rcalh’ i
hell.—Rom. (Ga.) Evening Nows
We tumble, brother, and give
way to your superior intelligence
about nell, for we realize that any
man who is frying to run a paper'
in Ro' e should and does Know a
about hell.—Chattanooga? ■> .
If tin■ News does not rise IT.m
present “trance” in time to d. -
I ‘nd its self and the city from sue!: :
unholy attacks, we would recom
mend the matter to the Tribune
They have been there since we has
and bettor understand the lay f
the land as it was—or rather ‘ a t
is. ”
—■ ■ www —1».« ■
The Atlanta, Journal has'thi t
say of Judge Joel Branham ot :n
Rome bar and pays him a well de
served campliment :“Tbe list of as
pireuts for a seat .on the supreme
court bench continues to increase.
Judge Joel Branham, of Rome, is
just now enjoying himself touring
Europe, but he has signified tha
upon his return to Georgia, h.
would not object to donning the ei
mine again—thia tune to on - o
the supreme court judges Jink
Branham made an excellent jmig
while presiding in the super: •.
court, and has a strong baekiiv
for any position he might desire’
That Judge Branham, will 1>
honored with a seat on the Supr-i _
court bench is almost a c-rutint;
His strength is drawn from
section of the state while he w:
bn backed up by North Wwst G w o
gin’s solid vote
Should the coiisti’utional ammoi-
Dvut be adopted,then the n ; ,ni
Joe Branham, the great Any
and scholerly gentleman wi.l
writlteu as one ot the five emir. •
Jurists of the Empire S ale’s ou
preme tribunal.
Here’s to you Judge Branhi.n
of the Supreme Court Bench, a id
may you live to become Uhie>
Georgia, IFoyd) To ti e Si.p. tic
County, >- Court ot said co > .
) ty
The petition of li. S. Diaper show
the following facts: —
Ist. That petitioner is laboring
under disabilities imposed by the
granting of a divorce by the Supe
rior Court of F.oy 1 county to Nora
2nd. That Nora Draper ot sail
county, on the 14th. day ol May 189-
fUod in the Clerk’s office of the Su
perior court of Floyd county, hei
application for a divorce, selling
north the following grounds to wit:
abusive and unkind to your petition
er, and his treatment recently be
came so unkind and cruel to your
petitioner, that it became unbearable,
for her eaid husband was continual'}’
abusingand ill treating your petitivi -
er by cursing her. charging her with
unchastity and that in her presence,
and in such and divers other wft) r,
making the life of your petition r
miserable, his gefieral conduct to
wards her being of such cruel c n
acter that no human heart m ..
feeling could possibly bear ano in- f
dergo by longer cuntimffiig >o i- 1
rexence and living with him sa
wile, and they ate now not Hvj; io
gether as husband and wife. ’
Upon the trial of sa d cas * a" f;> p
March term IS9I of Fh>y<l 8-m« qeri
Court the f. Rowing vm'det v.-.s j- !
dered, it being th second and ii. al j
verdict: "We the Jury find s iffic ‘. 7
proof have been submitted to <hr
consideration to author ze a totalcul-»
voice, and that a divorce. A Viiet o
Matrimonii be granted Plantifi, h< r
muiden name, Nora Moore be resioi- I
edtoher. arid that the defend tt ,
Robert Draper be not allowe.i lo i
marry again. March 31st. 1894
Wm ref re petitioner prays the re
a al of his said disabilities at th
tie Kt September term of said Con t
in compliance with the statues in
such c<ses made and provided. And
our peliti'.ner will ever pray <t
J. B. F. Lumpkin,
Petitioners Attorney
Filed in cffico July 6th. 1814.
Wm. Be;, sieglc,
Clerk Buperioi j.'ourt
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