Newspaper Page Text
A Paragraph of Praise for Each of
Those who
c or the Pasi Year- Conference
Convenes Here Next Month
and Bishop Haygood,
the Self Made man
Will Preside
In view of the forthcoming annu
al conference which conveins in
Rome next month, a few words
■about Methodist ministers will not
be out of season. It is never known
v hero a Methodist preacher will be
sent, or when the change will oc
cur.’No doubt there will be a
dumber of changes among the
preachers of the Rome District,
at least some.
t I t
Much good work has been done
during the past year by the faith
ful men of God assigned to this
field of service. Revival fires have
blazed throughout the entire dis
trict and many souls have been
b f ,m into the Kingdom of God.
No where this side of eternity can
t he good done be rightly esti
mated. Such work grows not dim
by rhe elapse' of time but becomes
more and more beautifully bright
as time passes in to eternity. More
enduring than bra ss and loftier
than the regal majesty of the pyr
The Conference in question will
be presided over by Bishop A. G.
Haygood, one of the braniest inec
connected with Southern Method
ism. His magnificent mind has
given to the church of God many
great plans and grand concep
tions. He is no stranger in Geor
gia. noris he unknown or unloved
in Rome. He is, strickly speaking,
a grand man. Commencing life an
humble struggling boy, he worked
his way to the front, rendering
God and humanity his best ser
vice, and now he stands upon em
inance where he reflects the Gos
pel light upon the church at large,
t I t
Rev. Thomas F. Pierce, the
able Presiding Elder of the Rome
district, needs no introducing or
words of praise from my feeble
pen. The mere name is immortal.
He is the son of the grand old Dr.
Lovic Pierce of saintly memory
who preached the Gospel in Geor
gia over seventy years . His broth
er Bishop George Foster Pierce has
gone to his reward, was a man of
prominent ability and eloquence.
Presiding Elder Pferce has done
great service to the church, and
this year his district has presper
I I f
Rev. Joel T Gibson, D D , of
First church, stands breast to
Breast with any man in the North
' Georgia Conference. He is honor
ed and !®ved by all and as a speak
er he is almost matchless. His
lovely Christian virtues at once
enshrines living in the hearts of
his congregations, and to love and
admire him is but to know him.
1 nder his able ministrations the
First church has prospered. All
hope sincerely for his return.
t I t
Rev. Geo. W. Duvall has served
Second church three years and he
has made them a fine pastor. Ever
about his Masters business he has
added many to the church and re
claimed many who had wandered
from the tender Shepherds fold.
His members love him and are ev-
f ‘ r with him in every good word
and wonk. It is feared the Bishop
will not return him for another
-t I i
Third church which has been so
ably and faithfully served by that
sweet spirited man, Rev W. S.
Stevens, has made great advance
ment during the year, and if they
loose him at the next conference
bey will loose a gem in the ser-
Vlce °f the Lord. His marked con-
H, < ration, his scholarly sermons
and Ilia Christly spirit
acterised him in all his ministra
+ + +
+ + *
East Rome circuit under the pas
torate of Rev. M. L. Troutman has
made much improvement. Mr.
1 routman has evidenced to the
world and the church that he is
commissioned of God to proclaim
his eternal \\ ord, by the manner
in which he reaches the consciences
of men. No man ever espoused the
ministry with brighter prospects
than glie. Consecrated, able and
eloqui nt, he holds his hearers en
raptured from first to last. He will
enter Conference.
Bev. Joseph A. I.ewell is known
throughout the conference as a
great worker ana an earnest, logi
cal speaker and agood pastor. His
pastorate of the North Rome cir
cuit, this year has been a most
prosperous one. Many souls have
been brought to the Savior, ready
and able and willing to save.
Rev. S. A. Hairlo, better known
as “Gus,” has made the Rome
circuit one of the most efficient'
pastors it has ever had. He is ever
on fire with love for God and his
work and the church has
prospered in his hands.
Among his “own people” he has
faithfully broken to them the
bread of eternal life, and all hope
for his return.
+ I I
Among those who will seek en
terence into Conference at its next
session are Revs. J. W. Bale, 0. L.
Millican am) E. N. Jones. Each
of these are young men who seem
ingly have sparkling!
futures in the service of the jLord.
As local ministers they have
made faithful “watchmen on
Zion's walls” and we bespeak for
them a life fraught; with sweet in
fluence and good works. Yes, God
has blessed the churches in Rome
this year, and the Jthings which
dimness of time obscures shall be
revealed bv the light of eternity, |
the names of those faithful men
of God shall be written, not on
tablets of bronze or stone, but on
‘‘the fedily tablets of the heart
ane unfading pages of the soul.”
P. C. F.
Weekly Excursions to California *
Every- Friday morning a one way
excursion leaves Chattanooga via
the Queen & Crescent route for
Los Angeles, San Francisco and
other points in California, carry
ing tourist sleeping ears from
Chattanooga to San Francisco
with charge via New Orleans and
the Southern Pacific railway. Pas
sengers holding first and second
class tickets are permitted to oc
cupy space in tourist sleeping cars
on payment of a nominal rate
charged for accommodations there
These cars are modern and com
fortable sleepers in charge of con
ductor and porter and are furnish
ed with bedding, curtains and all
other necessary- articles.
Passengers en route to Mexico via
San Antonio or El Paso, Tex.
have only- one change of cars by
this route.
For further information call on
or address : A. J. Lytle, I). P. A.,
1 ()7 W. Ninth St.,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
J. R. McGregor, T. P. A., 2005
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Cincinnati, O.
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A , compared with any previously known
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Ripans Tabules: Pria ,5» ‘• nt » • * OX ’
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RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 S>r»<* It.. M-
Furnishes Another Delightful
Still in France—A dayJSoent
at the Old Home of the
Empress Josephine.
Wonderfull Taoest
-y. Costly Foun
Malmaisou: The home of Em
press Jesephem.’|from 1809 to 1814
the year she died. Ic must hava
been at one time a very beautiful
place and the house was very
roomy and convenient - , here Jose
pheue signed the divorce papers
and here she remained, the house
is now destitute of furniture and
is fast going to decay, the little
cbappel in which shq spent so
mneu of her Ums is filled with rub
bish, Accumulation of many years.
Here she died and was buried in
a little church at Rueil about a
mile distant, Queen Hortense,
mother of Nepuieon 111 is also in
tered here.
Their m jnuments are very pret
ty but nothing as handsome as one
expects to see over such persons.
After the battle of WuterlooNe
poleou took up his abode at Mal
maison but soon after was com
pelled to leave on the approach of
the Prussians.
The Gob ines; Named after Jean
Goblin the foumle',has been the
jr perty of the French govern
ment for many years and .its pro
ducts are used m stly in the deco
rations of public buildings present
to persons of high rank ol other
countries, foreign court, ect
The manufacture is very slow,
requires a good eye a deal of pati
ence, the warp is run from a round
beam near lire floor another
above it, the size of the picture to
be made.
Ihe workman sits behind the
picture he is making. At his side is
oia.paiutiug from some of the mas
i »rs he s copying, at his other
side ar.‘ baskets or wool and silk
ut auy shade and color, taking a
small piece of the desired shade
he weaves it iu and out tnd tuen
lightens it down with a Done or
hard wood needle.
The average days Work for a
man is 6 to 7 square inches, so of
course Lu reproduce a large paint
ing requires years of work,a pecu
liarity we noticed of the workman
was the smallness ind the length
of their fingers, as they would
twist and wind the small threads.
The wails ofthe building are hung
with many beautitul places of tap
estry some of them many years
old but they still perserve their
delica<e tints and look as if only
recently made.
Versailles is about an hov. s
ride from Paris and is one of, if
not the most attractive place near
the city. Ihe palace has been for
many years used only as a picture
gallery and other works of art,
principally war scones, and also
scenes representing the history of
The bedchamber of Louis XIV
has been preserved with its gor
geous mural decorations, and con
taining the richly adorned bed of
the King. The furniture is decora
ted with tortoise-shell and gilded
Here was the headquarters of
the king of Prussia during the
Francio Prussian war, and here he
was saluted as Emperor of Ger
The front of the building to
wards the gardens is 456 yards b in
length, and passing down a Jong
fiight of steps we are among the
flowers, fountains, statuary and
s irubbery that lines the sides or
endless pleasant walks.
There are nearly 1500 orange
trees scattered through the gar
dens, some of immense size and
one is said to be no less than 450
years old.
But the fountains; They play
only one hour on the first Sunday
of eaeh month in the summer time
Are they beautiful? uiy, my.
At the foot, of the steps is a large
pool in which are gilded frogs, tur
tles and lizards spouting water
against a group in white marble
of Latona with Appoilo and Diana,
Only a liitle distant another
fountain representing Appolla at
tended by nymphs, and groups of
bis steeds.
And there are immense basins
with twenty or twenty-five groups
of three children in each, holding
goblet? overflowing with water
Neptune {Rid the Dragon sending
streams of water nearly 100 feet
high, it is impossible to
the heauiy and grundure of' the
fountains hnd would require sever
al columns of this paper to even
give a few words to each of thtm
there are eo many.
It is said that it costs SI,OOO to
run them fur the space of one hour
as it requires so much water, that
must be elevated to a number of
tanks and stored for this purpose.
A Roman,
“The Spider and Fly.”
M, B. Leavitt’s spectacular pan
tomine will be presented at Nevi
Opera house mouday Oct. 8 This
organization comes heraldad as
the most complete and costly pr< -
auction seen on the American
stage for years; the company num
hers fifty people, ana eml races the
choice of American operatic, pan
tomimic and vaudeville stars, and
several of the latest European
novelties. The story of the ‘ Spi
der and Fly” is interesting, and
serves as the foundation for a de
lightful evening’s enjoyment;
ca eby music, funny topical songs
magnificent fljenery, half a dozen
imposingly gorgeous ballets, pro
cessions, marches, endless gro
tesque comedy, scores of amusing
witticisms, and an even large and
better stock of what are called
“local hits.” The costuming has
been lavishly supplied, Not a
shabby or cheap looking item is
seen in it. The materials are all of
the fiuest, the colors are rich and
so artistically distributed that in
the successive groupings there is
scai cely ever a jarring shade, but
«ach lends efl>O' to the others,
while that in every particular is
fresh, new and brilliant looking,
goes without saying There are no
stars in this company, but there
are s-veral who have been stars
in other companies.
Box sheet open at Yiesers Price
SI.OO, 75c aud L r c.
J something was done, if your blood
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Now, the best blood-purifier in
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‘w* For every disease caused by a
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“ Liver Complaint ” the most stubborn
Skin, Scalp, or Scrofulous affections—even
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doesn’t benefit or cure, you have your
money back.
Can anything else be “ just as food” for
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Is as safe and harmless as a
seed poultice. It a poul
tice, drawing out fever ar>dpain.
and curing al* diseases peculiai
to la flies.
‘‘Orange Bios? is a pas
tile, easily used at any time; «
is applied right to the parts
Every lady can treat herseU
with it.
Mailed to any address upon re*
leiptof sj. Dr. J. A, McGill# Co,
<j Panorama Place. Chicago, MI.
Sold by
D, W. Curry Druggist.
I <
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AH Accommodations Consistent with Safe Banking El
fled our Cu» mers,
All styles of Rubber goods kept in a Fjr
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