Newspaper Page Text
Hard times and the scarcity of
■money has forced the price of cot
ton down to 6 cents.
Wagesand everything else is
jow and we propose to put the
price of Groceries and Dry Goods,
otc, down in proportion.
We are the only large dealers in
our line in Rome that don’t belong
to an association or combine of
some sort to keep the prices of
goods up.
In business, in Rome
about 15 years, and
have never joined an
association of any kind
th at had tocut prices
for us to sell by.
We began with a sing
le little grocery store,
but by se lirg cheapfor
cash and never trying
to get more for goods
than they are worth.
We have built up a
trade that any body
might feel proud of.
We now have six
stores in the Fourth
Ward. 2 with Grocer
ies, two with dry goods
and shoes, and one
with Clothing and gent 1
Furnishing goods and
one with Crockery,
Glass v/are and stoves
Our Crockery Store.
And in addition to these we
,iavp one at 236 Broad street with
a Mammoth Stock of Stoves,
CtodoTy, Glass, Tinwear and
House Furnishing Goods.
luy in large lots as cheap
au y wholesale merchant and can
ll .'■ I- 1 !1 them as cheap as
w please.
Wholesale and Retail and if
' O,l have a little money to spend,
'-in ami will sell you cheaper
‘ lan au y body in this city.
L<ok Ata Few Prices.
Good Green Coffee 6 lbs for $1
< uud Tobacco 11 inch plug
G ' ,Ce ote. Good Rod Flannel
allWool at 10 cents yd
ta7,.t“" 8 10 —» ya.
heck3 * ceu-8 and up
ard " * de CeUtß M ard
Ble/.i 911Ue11 5 cents a yard
Dress C C . Ott ' )n s<l wide 5 cent yd
F lour C6ntßa /ard
tho . * feu g ur - Ktc. Luder
of t bo Association
to Bee u?. 7 a DiercLaut cume
W ° WIU save you
prices. }gVlD ?y° u our lowest
316 ‘ 31 8,320,322,[3-
- 326 Fifth Ave
nn AND|
Broad St.
0:i the Southern Railway two Mile s
From Bristol.
And one may die. Conductor
Bell has a Narrow Escape
and Says he Will quit
the Bell-cord For
Bristol, Ten.. October 7.—The
most disasterous wreck that has
been heard of in this country for
years occurred on the Southern
Railway three miles from here at
2 o’clock p. m, today.
The Washington and Chattanoo
ga vestibule Southbound train was
rounding a sharp curve, when the
engine flew the track, followed by
the mail, express, dining ear, three
passenger coaches and the sleeper,
all of which save the sleeper, took
fire and were consumed in a short
Thirteen people were seriously
injured, and one or two of them
may die. The names of those in
jured so far as can be learned, are
as follows:
Sam Smith, engineer, leg bro
ken in two places and considerably
bruised ; may die.
Billy Rodgers, express messen
ger, arm broken and otherwise in
jured; recovery doubtful.
Frank Mark wood, mail agent, cut
head and back -
A. J, Tucker, mail agent, bruised
and cut in several p aces
Will Holmes, firemen.scalded and
injured about the bead
Walter Harman, Porter, cut in
the head.
Captain E. J Bell, conductor on
the train, had a very narrow escape.
He was in the second class ca- when
the wreck occurred The first he
knew be was lying down in the aisle
with half dozen men piled on top of
of bi m.
The car caught fire in an instant
and all the passengers escaped - Cap
tain Bell was almost suffocated with
stnoke when he reached out his
band and found a window through
which be crawled, badly bruised and
He has bean in many wrecks there
twenty-five years he has been in
the employ of the East Tennessee
Virginia and Georgia and other
roads. He says that this was his
narrowest escape. He will not run
anv more.
One of the most com
plete assortments of
Ever brought to the
city. See our line of
They have no superior
on this or any other
Medical Building.
Oliver Wendell Holmes the Poet
and Scholar
end Came Peacefully and
Quietly At his Boston,
Home Yesterday After
noon Sorrow Through
out The eai th
Boston, October 8. —Oliver
Wendell Holmes is dead. Without
a semblance of a struggle or a pain
he passed away as he had lived,
peacefully and beautifully.
The end came at 12:10 o’clock
yesterday afternoon at the venera
ble poet’s town house, 296 Beacon
street. He was surrounded by his
children, and visibly conscious of
their presence up to within a few
minutes of the last, though unable
to speak. Then he closed his eyes
wearily and seemed io fall asleep,
as indeed he did—the sleep of
death, at which the whole world
will mourn.
His death was due to exhaustion
following a severe attack of asth
As early as 1886 his contribu
tions in verse appeared in various
periodicals, and his reputation as a
poet was established by the deliv
ery of a metrical essay, entitled
‘‘Poetry,” which was followed br
others in rapid succession.
As a writer of songs, lyrics and
poems for festive occasions, he oc
cupied first place. He was for many
years a popular lecturer. In 1857,
he commenced in The Atlantic
Monthly a series of articles under
the title The Autocrat of the
Breakfast Table, which were fol
lowed in 1860 by The Professor at
the Breakfast Table; m 1872 by
The Poet at the Breakfast TableJ
and in 1886 by The New portfolio.
In addition he has .published
Astraea, in 1850; Cur its and
Counter-Currents in Medical
Science, in 1861; Elsie V’snner, a
Romance of Destiny, in 1861 Bor
derlands in Some Provinces of
Medical Science, in 1862; Songs
in Many Keys, in 1864; Soundings
from the Atlantic, in 1864; Hu
morous Poems, in 1865; The Guar
dian Angel, in 1868; Mechani
cism in Thought and Morals, in
1870; Songs of Many Seasons, in
1874; John L. Motley, a Memoir,
in 1878; Iron Gate, and Other
Poems, in 1880; Medical Essays,
in 1883; Pages from an Old Vol
ume of Life, in 1883; Ra'ph Waldo
Emerson, in 1884; A Mortal An
tipathy. in 1885; One Hundred
Days in Europe, in 1887; Before
the Curfew, in 1888; and nunu r.
ous poems recited at various re
unions and dinners.
In 1886 he visited England,
where he was received with great
cordiality. Editions of his poems
have appeared from time to time —
the first in 1836, the last in 1889
He has contributed largely to cur
rent medical literature, as well as
to thd literary journals and re
views. A series of genial papers
from his pen, entitled Over in Tea
cups appeared in the Atlantic
Monthly during 1890.
B F Roark the Jeweler is now re
ceiveing goods tor tall anil when you
want any thingin the Jewelry line
yon wi 1 find he has the pretiest stoek
in Rome to select from.
Callat W. H. Coker
& Co’s monday for spe
cial prices in fine shoes
Mr M R Rack.of Puget Ky.isstop
ping at the Central
Hon, Samuel Erastus Whitmire
came in from Atlanta this morning.
Mr and Mrs Walter Sturdevan
returned Aom Atlanta this morning
The Hustler of Rome’s Special
Giving Some Entertaming Par
agraphs About the College
as he Finds it and
"First Impressions"
Newton isl Solid.
Emory College, Oxford ,Ga., —
Dear Hustler:—Will you grant
me the privilege of communica
ting a few “happenings” at this
grand old college, being as you
know a Floyd county boy?
I imagine I can see the editor
nod his head in silent approval,
provided I will not bore the read
ers of his sparkling news-paper by
recounting things that will not in
terest him or his subscribers ; so I
give my pencil a trim and
proceed. You who have never left
the old parental domicile for the
purpose of attending school, can
never appreciate my condition,
but I hope to explain to you as
briefly as possible the reception
and etc given me by the boys.
The young men were very polite
and attentive, but occasionally
would have to give way to the
crowd and cry out with them : “A
new boy, Sub-Fresh Latin and
Greek!” New boy, Sub Fresh!
Well, to tell you the truth, it was
nothing more than what I expect
ed, but listened every moment to
hear the title of “Moss Back” “Sa
ger” and “Hill Billy” given me
but on finding out that I came
from the Banner county of the
State and that Democracy reigned
supreme in those regions, I was
not given informal titles. Suffice
it to say, I am now comfortably
located near the college buildings
and have been initiated into the
workings of the boys by belonging
to some of the “grand old organi
zations”which have honored me by
allowing my name to be enrolled
among their membership and now
am prepared to say that I am a
full fleged student of this Institu
tion whether I belong tojthe “Sub
Fresh” department or to the supe
rior class.
The enrollment of students this
year runs up to nearly 300; the
best opening that has been experi
enced since its establishment, so I
have been informed, ami these
voutig men have come here with
the determination to learn and to
embrace every opportunity afford
ed them, thereby acting as an in
spiration to those who do not care
so much to study, but have pride
enough to take a good stand,
when they see others so bent on
improving their time.
The Freshman class held a meet
ing last evening for the purpose of
electing officers for the coming
year which I give below :C.G.Smith
Oxford Ga. Dux.
R, L. Whilehead, Macon, His
M L. Towers —chorister.
A. Bullard, Class Poet.
The sophomiore Class election has
not taken place yet and the Juni
ors expect to hold their election
on Monday next.
The Few and Phi Gammar Lit
erary Society are in flunshing con
dition and the Fews ate expecting
a grand old time on the lOih inst,
which is their auuiversiry and of
course that means holliday and an
enjoyable entertainment given by
this society,
Dr Candler, lectures or talks to
the young men about the great
question of the day and the views
taken by him are listened .to with
much interest by the students.. So
taking it ail in all the information
received here overbalances the ex
pense ton thousand times, and I
Was Fractured by a Policeman’s
Meets With a Warm R?o3p
tfon From a San Francis
co Officer. The Mob
Demanded the Of
ficers Arrest
San Francisco, C u., Oct 8 lan
er al Kelley, leader of the indusiria
army which left here last summer and
went to Washington, while address
ng a crowd last evening in Oakland
was ordered by officer Ser nlau to de
Kelley refused when Scanlan took
him into custody aad the two march,
ed off. They Had far when
Scanlan [suddenly began clubbing
Kelley aud fractured his skull.
A crowd of several hundred men
marched to the city hall and d.-
manded that Scanlan be placed un
der arrest. The authorities quickly
granted the demand, thereby pre
venting probable violence Kellys
condition is serious.
think there are very few yonng
men who go out from here ev«r re
grete the timn and money spent
while attending college.
The election has just taken place
the Street Car Company furnish
free transportation to Covinginton
to those young men who could
vote aud thus old Newton county
and Emery College went for De
mocracy by an overwhelming ma
Don’t take internal remedies
for Female Diseases Common
sense requires a direct application
like “Orange Blossom” Sold by
D. W. Curry.
I desire to inform my
Friends and Patrons
and the Public gener
ly, that my elegant line
of Fall and Winter
\IT r\ 1 r—' w i
Has been received,and
are now open for in
spection, And I will fur
ther state that I am
now better prepared
than ever to turn out
At prices never .before
heard of in Rome, *
Do not effect us any at all.
We go on in the even tenor of
our way offering to the tisde
bargains to be found ur where
This week will be a genuine
ly bargain week. We uwrite
all, to the banquet of good
Dont fail to see our hand
some stock. All that taste and
culture could demand is here.
The weather proclaims the
fact that very soon you will
greatly need these goods. See.
our immence stock. Big bar
And you know that the reas
on for however goods- in this
line has come, Uur stock
most complete indeed,
We cannot lie beat on these?
goods. A most exce’ent stock
is now offered the public, calf
early any pi ice desired.
In these goods we are offer
ing unprecedented bargains.
All the weaves. Ingrains, Vel
vets, Brussells&c.
This department abounds-,
in bargains unequalled. Sheet
ings, Shirtings, Flannels*.
Chevioties, Cassimers, Jeans*,
Ginghams, &o t Lowest fig
Here is where you can get
the biggest bargains on e artb,
a fine line to select from ~] See
them by all means.
Remember this week and
call for what you want,
Thos Fahy.