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second-class Mail Matter.
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10 cent - «veok or $5 00 per annum
OFFICE' Conner Brood Stret one!
F'fLh Avenue.
so the city of Rome, and Floyd, the
"Banner county" of Georgia.
• I
The Congressional idection takes
place Tuesday, November 6th.
Democratic indifference can on
ly work a temporary advantage) to
the pops.
John Temple Graves, should get
Tom watsoiijto tell him where he
is “at,’’Albany Horald.
Judge Maddox, is fighting a win
uingcampaigu and is just as sure
of re-election as can be.-—Chatto
oga Ne w s.
Now boys, a long pull, a strong
pull and a pull altogether for Our
John” Maddox in November. —
Dalton Citizen.
Dr. Battle will preach at the
Second Baptist church today at
11 o'clock. Rev*. E. M. Dyar at
We will salt Dr. Felton away
on Nov., 6th yet we are not sure
that the doctor has not »one too
for to be saved. —Ringold New
Sou :h.
With 1200 legal voters Jin Fay
ette county, tiie populist purified
tho ballot box in their districts so
that they held just half as many
There is no complaint of a light
vote in Meriwether county, where
the Populist voted everything on
two legs and and ran up the total
poll to 4,400.
A man has been arrested at Lin
coin, 111., charged with having
four wives. The otatement in the
dispatch that the man is a cripple
seems superfluous.
The Fairchi d element of X- w
York Democracy is makirga fool
of itself David B. has a habit of
getting elected when nominated
for office. —North Georgia Citiz-n
The Chinese have two generals,
named respectively: Yeh and Neh,
ana they differ about the plan of
campaign. Yet there is said to be
nothing in a name. —Mobile Regis
Felton, the aged Hopper, is just
pow enjoying the race for con
gress—Felton the lloppist, hopes
to defeat “Our John’’ —poor delud
ed mortal, he will never get in
sight of Congress again.
Lincoln rteurned last year 910
polls to the Comptroller General
and voted 1,120 votes yesterday.
How about this? Richmond, un
der the same ratio of increase, has
at least 16,000 votes.—Augusta
The daughter of Rev. Mr. Plow
man, of Pawnee, 111., found a
package in a closet which she took
to her father. On opening it he
discovered within $3,000 in bank
notes and a paper directing that
the money be divided among the
heirs of the writer, Craig M hite,
The man had been dead 18 years.
John Graves stumped Georgia
for Evans in the primary, His
little voice didn’t frighten anybo
dy.. Last Wednesday he refused
to vote the democratic ticket. Is
John an honest or honorable man?
■—Lawrenceville News.
The will of a Chicago man which
recently probated is one cf the
most curious on record The testa
tor states tuat he was married
three times; that he had five chil
dren by his first wife any two by
his B.coiid w.fe. Ot ibei-e seven
children he remembers the names
of but three, and yet he leaves the
bulk of his property to the myste.
. nous children of whom nothing is
A known.
HIDDEN treasures
How many bauds ne’er dare to pluck
From life the wayside flowers.
How many feet must bleed ami ache.
In this bright world of ours.
while others sing the gayest songs,
And pluck the brightest roses;
For them the openings of each hour,
Some new found joy discloses.
How n-any sweet songs well to lips
That may not pause to sing thein;l
And sweet bells chime in many a heart,
But there’s no one to ring them.
cod pity such whose rounded years
Are made up ofc »res and trials,
Whose daily life is constantly
Made up of self denials.
For those who toil in faith and hope
I here must be rest at last;
For those who weep there must be joy,
When all these tears are past.
And there’ll be gem for those who bear
Aloft the cross of duty—
Where the unfettered tongue shall sing
’Mid love and joy, and beauty,
Minnie Lee Arnold.
The North Georgia Citizen of
Daltou has been revived and with
elever Fraukßeyuolds on the tri
pod the Citizen will become the
good news paper which the plucky
and prosperous city of Dalluu de
John L,Sullivan says that Jas J
Corbett, ia in danger of losing the
esteem of the Amrican people. The
esteem in which the American
people hold a prize ’fighter is akin
to that tender feeliuga man has
for a bull dog,—Savannah Dis
Mr George Rom saville, enter
tained a number of his friends
Friday night at bis home on Se
cond Avenue. It was the occasion
of his sixteenth birthday. The
yards were beautifully decorated
with Chinese lanterns, and de
lightful refreshments were served
to his friends,
Mr. Amos Beck, who was on
trial for killing Morgan, was ac
quitted. He will return to Texas
Richmond county voted 4,150
out of a registration of 4,510 Rich
mond knows how to save ]the
Tenth District from Watsonian
ism and will by the help of a few
other couties do it in
Thirty-five billion dollars is the
sum that the populists in the last
congress tried to appropriate for
various causes. Just think of it
Thirty-five billion dollars! Isn’t
hat reform and economy with a
vengence? Thirty-five times more
than the “billion dollars” repub
lican congress, so famous for ex
travagance ! —Marrietta Journal.
Here is a school boy’s definition
of eternity: “When our ships all
come in; when the sea gives up her
dead; when Father Time hangs
up hissy the; when the heavens
are rolled up like a scroll; when
Gabriel blows the ram’s horn;
when the solar system collapses;
when we find the lost Charlie Ross
and the man who struck Billy Pat
terson ; when Johnny gets his gun :
when society becomes pure, and
“after the ball is over”.—Then
will be eternity.”
A tramp sneaked into a winery in
Fresno. Cal-, the other day. secur
ed a demijohn and undertook to
take the bung out of a three thou
sand four hundred-gallon cas k of
port wine while the men were at
lunch. The force of the wine as it
issued out knocked him down and
soaked him from head to foot
fully owe thousand gallons of
wine were wasted before the bung
was replaced by the men. The wine
wasted was valued at $2,000.
Bring forth the wine of joy and
the oil of gladness, kill the fai
led calves ;bang our banners ou
the outer walls ; 1 ift up your betas
O ye and b« ye lifted up ye
everlasting doors ; tear the azure
robe of night and set the stars of
gloiy their ;sound the glad anthem
blowj bugle blow, and Pet the wild
echoes flying; now gkryto the
Lord of hosts, from whom all
glories are—tho base-ball season is
over and for full six mouths at
least no conglomeration of .Weary
William can travel over the culin
ary tailending the name of LouuT
ville through the dust.—Louisville
Courier Journal.
Signs of Winter.
There was a light frost Friday
night. It whs a blessing in disguise
because it killed out so many <jf
the pesky “sk*etirs“'
The change in the atmosphere
can be seen by going in the Arm
strong. The doors swing shut and
in the largo grate in theUfiie
a cheerful fire blazes. Last night
the “honk” of wild crane fe' ing
south were I ei rd.
A Ninteenth Century Crusade.
That the mediaeval spirit ot tne
Crusadesis not extinct is manifest by
the recent cropping out among the
Anglo-Saxon descendants of the cru
sading Warriors of a scheme to bring
again under Christian controle the
Floly Sepulchre.
The contemplated method of secur.
ing the so-called “Garden Tombs”
at Jerusalem is a striking commen
tary upon contrasted civilizations
several centuries removed.
Instead of crossing Christian sword 8
with Esoselem scrimitar over the Ari.
mathean tomb,the modem London
movement is to sue at tne Sublime
Port with shining sheckels- j£2,000
sterling is the question at issue. Des
pite the fact that the Holy City has
been twice rebuilt.
That Titus partially destroyed it
A D 70, that two generations lute
Hadrian well-nigh wiped it from the
earth,in the face of slight traditisons
Gen Gordon, with others, was firmly
convinced of rhe identity of the
“Garden Tombs”of to day with the
actual Christ sepulchre of the first
passion week.
A Litt!e Nonsense.
On wbat does skinflint base hie
suit for iibel?
On the casual reference to him
as the ideal jurior in a capital
case.—Washington Star.
She ; H w fearful it must be for
a great pinger to kia n she has lost
her voice.
He, It’s much more torturing
when she doesn’t know it.—Tid
Doctor Eunice: Years ago the
doctors used to bleed their patients
for about every thing they had.
Van Pelt: The practice doeen ,
change much, does it? —Truth.
Funny idea the ancients had,
wasn’t it, of giving a dead man
money to take to the next world
with him?
wonder if that is how the ex
pression ‘money to burn’ origina
ted?—lndianapolis Journel,
My son, said the wise father
there is no advancement to be
made in this world without labor.
If you don’t do something you’ll
have to do somebody, and it ail
amounts to the same thing,—ln
dianapolis Jourdal.
Dealer: Here is something new,
India rubber fishwerm. The fish
bite at it just the same as at the
real article.
Waits; Don’t want it, it doesn't
seem right to impose on the fish in
any such style.—Detroit Free
That Democratic wonder. The
New York Weekly World, has just
changed its weekly into a twice a
week paper and you can now get
the two papers and the weekly
courier for the same old price
SI.OO a year.
Think ot it! The news from New
York right atyour door fresh every
three days—ls 6 papers a year.
We have made arrangements by
which we can furnish the weekly
courier and the twice-a-w’eek New
York World all for SI.OO a year.
Here is the opportunity to get
▼our own local paper and The New
York World twice every week at
extraordinary low rates.
ViGi ■ 1
Easily, GulcMy, r?xtcr?tf.
restore Lost Maehsou. Cures w.-.tktio. .. 1,.,-ovs
Debility and all the evils from early or I .(< r ex
cesses, the results or overwork, worry, B.cfcticsw,
etc. Full strength, tone and -'.vCo;-inent , iveu j
to evory organ nr portion of the body, improve- ;
ment immediately seen from th. fliet. Tliv..--
auds of letters ot praise on file in our cdk'j. Can '
be carried in vest pockpt. Bent by mail to any
address on r. of ipt of Ono month's treat
ment in each b>x. PnßWfcl.OO, 6 boxes. $5.00, with
Written Guarantee to refund money if not cured,
-end to us for the Genuine. Circulars Free.
Lunar halos are sometimes large and
sometimes small, because they are
formed at different heights in the air.
The glow-worm has a brush attached
to its tail, because it is necessary to
show its light that the back be kept
Decaying wood nnd putrefying fish
look luminous in the dark, because they
are redly undergoing a slow coinbus
ti a.
I-’on bedsteads are safe during a thun
derstorm, because, being good conduc
tors, they keep the electricity from the
Silver tarnishes when exposed to the
light, because of the actinic or chem
ical property possessed by the rays oi
the sun.
A burning gas jet is unhealthy in a
bed chamber, because one gas light
gives out as much carbonic acid gas as
two sleepers.
White clothing is cool, because it re
flects the heat of the sun; black cloth
ing is warm, because it absorbs both
heat and light. eyeball is white because the
blood vessels that feed Rs substance are
so small that they do not admit the
red corpuscles.
The under the nails looks red,
because the nails are almost transpar
ent, and thus the color of the tissue be
neath is visible.
Lightning is destructive because of
its enormous power. A flash of light
ning has been calculated to equal
twelve thousand horse-power.
In the National theater of San Salva
dor entertainments “veladus” were
lately given in memory of Gen. J. M.
Kivas and President Francisco Menen
dez, who were the victims of the revo
lution which brought the Ezeta broth
ers to power, from which they have
recently been deposed by another revo
In Bolivia, the municipality of La
Paz, one of the three capitals of the
country, with Sucre and Oraro, has for
bidden a theatrical company to pro
duce the drama entitled “The Tempta
tions of St. Anthony,” unless it was
given under another name, as it was
said to ridicule religion.
In Chili, Senorita Eva Onesada Acha
ran received in June the diploma of
licentiate in medicine and pharmacy
after a brilliant examination by the
faculty of Santiago. Two other young
women, Senoritas Diaz and Perez, re
ceived a similar diploma in 1887, and
were the first women in South America
to obtain such a diploma.
In Buenos Ayresa new a venue named
Le Mayo was opened to the public July
5. The municipal inte/idencia, in or
der to commemorate the opening, de
creed that a copper medal should be
struck and engraved with suitable in
scriptions. The modal, accompanied
by a diploma, was distributed to all
persons who had taken part in the
Only one of George Meredith’s books
has thus far been translated into a
foreign language. This is “The Ordeal
of Kiehard Feverel,” which has ap
peared in Italian.
A novel sr rics which is to be brought
out in London will be called the “Pio
neer,” and will be concerned, it is said,
“with the development of the New
Woman.” The title of the first story
will be “Joanna Traill, Spinster.”
Mr. Stanley J. Weyman has com
pleted a series of twelve stories, all
dealing -with the period of Henry of
Navarre. They are to be called “From
the Diary of a Minister,” and will be
published in the English Illustrated
A new monthly publication, Science
Progress, has made its appearance in
London. From the names of the ed
itor’s counselor's, announced on the
title page, and from the first table of
contents, it is evident that the maga
zine will seek to cover the most ad
vanced phases of investigation in chem
istry, geology, zoology, botany and
other physical sciences.
Tooth powder is an excellent cleaner
of fine filigree jewelry.
The fumes of a brimstone match will
remove berry stains from the fingers;
or still better, use a little lemon juice
or ripe tomato.
A little alcohol will do wonders in
brightening glass. Turpentine is ex
cellent for washing sinks which have
become dull and dirty.
In a long experience I have found
nothing that will clean brass so easily,
quickly and satisfactorily as a paste
called puty-pomade. It comes in small
tin boxes and can be had of leading
Rubber rings such as are used on
fruit cans, often become hard and
brittle. They can be restored by let
ting them lie in water in which you
have put a little ammonia. Mix in this
proportion: One part ammonia and
two parts water. Sometimes they do
not need to lie in this more than five
minutes, but frequently a half hour ia
needed to restore their elasticity.
Working without a plan is a waste
of strength.
are often gainer*
tfieir money.
It costs less to be contended flwni ft
does to be unhappy.
Too many people would ra titer
It is much easier to be tji'i
wealth than-it is tvitii B;
Tinsßi: are too many pe<'»ta ▼SAm
don’t .know what giving
A countk«pkit is always
nt-the fop of fts voice that tWne it a
It is a bad moral atmospheon where
vulgarity passes for wit at>4
and«nen are entertained by it.—nirm’*
to Assortments
Cantrell & Owens*#*
Mrs. J F. Wardlaw,
New stock, and a complete lino of all the very
latest Novelties. New goods arriving weekly.
No. 208 Broadway, Rome Ga.
J. T. Wilkie, Proprietor. No. 228 Broad Street
Restaurant supplied with the best the market affords,
Special attention to wedding orders and ornamental cakes'
Polite waiters, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a call
Wllffl SIW anil JlWlli
MH mi Granite, lommte, CoDinr, B an
Ml Iron Fencing, Lao Vacos, Fonniains
U@“Ordar What You Want and Get SWhat You Order.
S- HEMSTREE" r Mgr, Chattanooga Tenn.
1116 Market Street.
A. J. BANKSTON General Agent
Ringgold Georgia
I have moved Blacksmith and Repair shops
from Fifth Ave., opposite New Court House to
my Old Stand on Fifth Ave., in the Fourth
W. T. I)lU<\NO\
At old stand
8-12 ts
To my patrons public I wish to state
that I have removed ms
Carriage Waggons and
Blacksmith Shops
From the old stand in the Fourth Ward toth<
buildin opposite the New Court house wn
I am always readv to do guaranteed Carr
buggy, wagon and Blacksmith work .
Repairing and Horse Shoeing a speci /
MI. A.
If you want work In mv line call at my
Frank. Taylor, the old rebao