Newspaper Page Text
w"‘ ;
- The News,
W '
5. A.FACZLER, Editor and Pab'r
JULIAN H, PARKER, Asso, Editor
L .
TAintered as second class matter
' March 1, 1004, at the post office at
~ Hazlehurst, Ga.
}' - ’
THURSDAY, FEB; 4, 19(9.
Office » - - i
- Notige.
- The lawsays thatalllegal prin
~ ting must be paid for in advance,
~ and in the future the Huzlehurst
- News. will strictly adhere to
~ this rule, PUBLISHER.
Mpst people are very anxious
o live, and if they were only as
anxions to live well as they are
just to live how much better this
world would be, (i lag
The blizzard struck us last
Saturday, and the cold wind
howled for about 48 hours before
it calmed down. Yes, we’ve had
a taste of winter down this way,
after such a lengty warm spell.
The mayor of St. Louis meant
well in offering free baths to the
tramps who attended the recent
Tramp Congress in that city, but
they failed to appaeciate it. There
but little affinity between tramps
and water. i i o
" One may not always be ina
position to render financial aid to
others, but it is within every
man’s power to speak the help
ful, sympathetic word and reach
forth a hand to lift[ and often
times such help is more valuable
than any amount of mouey.
It is clear that thé much talk
ed of ebbing of the temperance
movement in this country has
not yet' pmaterialized, for
Tennessee by very large majori
ties iniboth houses of its legisla
ture has joined the column of
prohibition states and has also
prohibited the- manufacture of
intoxicating liquors within its
borders. 2
.~ Palmetta News. .
Myr.G. W. Harrison was a pleas
ant visitor at our school Thurs
day p. m.. . ,
Master John Stowers entered
sohool here Monday.
Mr.and Mrs. M, McManus
vigited the formers pa ren‘!;s*.Sun-‘j
day. WAL |
Mrs. Etta Lord, Jno. Span,Mrs’
J. W. Carter, Mrs. J. F. McMa
nus and Mrs. T. J. Brown visited
Mrs, C. B. Hughes Thursday. -
_ Mr.and Mrs. H. Acre visited
at Mr. P. L. Woods Saturday
and Sunday. &
Mr. and Mrs. W. F,: Stowers
visited Mr, and Mrs. Ray Friday
night. e 1,
Mrs, G. W. Harrison and Mr.
A. B. Williams visited Palinétta
School Friday. '
Now after having such a cool
suzp for killing our hogs and
saving our pdrk, if we:could get
a shower to- ,wet the -so6il, we
would feel more like we were the
ghogen eleets.. ~ 0 .
On last Tuesday,.Jan, Gth, just
as the sun was purplioyg.the east
the death angle vigited Ihe home
of Mr. and Mrg, Bunion' Barnes,
and took from them little Lewis,
their six' year old boy. The re
mains were laid to rest in the
Graham cemetary Tuesday p. m.
The community at large éxterids
to the grief stricken parents and
friends their deepést sympathy.
May they bc able tostand and
say, The Lord giveth and the
Lord taketh, blessed be the name
= the Lord,
N, '.\
_gof. Allen Hiighes thé clever
of Satilla, passed through
- ay enroute for Hazle-
BT e Agiter )
. W Hushands to Buen.
The elderly spinstet iu the rear of
khe drawing rooui car had no more
than settled t"tm peat when her at
tention was attracted to a woman a
little farthei frout wl;o wils garbed
i the deepest, poviriting Ad Misa
Spinster adjusted’ her nose grabboer
glasscs for a better inspection of tae
one in widow's weueds she saw the
conductor lean over and converse vith
her carnestly for several minutes,
When the conductor got bk to her
seat taking the passenger's tlelkots
Miss Spinster was consumed with eu
elosity nbout the woman' in mouriiz.
~ “Condugtor,she n'gsk’iwi' i her swoeot
ost tones, “what's the trofibic with the
lady up there In willow's weeds ?"
“Oh, that's Mrs, Gettem!” replied
the obliging conductor, “She's just
taking her third husband out to a
‘“Oh, how dreadful!” exclaimed Miss
Spluster. 'And then In a faraway volce
she at« led;
“s 4 just think of It! Here I am
past fifty and never had a husband In
my life, while that woman up there
has them to burn!”—New York Times.
: Strong Monosyllables.
Instructors. ‘in the art of literary
composition usuafly condemn a string
of monosyllables, but In the well
known hymn “Lead, Kindly Light,”
written by a master of the English
language, you' wmay count thirty con
gecutlve words of one sy/lable only.
They offend neither the.eye nor the
ear. i
Milton often uses a series of mono
syllables. In the second bpok of “Tar
adise Lost” we have:
The fiend
O'’er bog or steep,” through strait, rough,
dense or rare,
With head, hands, wings or feet pursues
his way
And swims or sinks or wades or creeps
or flies.
Such lines are not uncommon in the
book: ‘
1 Rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens and
shades of death.
- And again: 5
Of neither sea nor shore nor air nor fire.
—London Notes and Querics.
i Courtship In Ireland.
. <An Irish boy marries when he has a
rid house and an Irish .girl-just when
ghe pleases. Sometimes sheé so pleases
while yet her years are few; at other
times she is content to wait upon wis
dom. In the latter case, of course, she
makes a wise choice, but in the for
mer almost always a lucky one, for
luck is thé guardian angel of the Irish.
“You're too young to marry yet,
Mary,” thé mother said when Mary
pleaded that she should grant Lau
rence O’Mahony a particular been,
~ “If you phly have patience, mother,
Il cure meself of that fault,” was
Mary’s reply.
“And she’s never been used to work,
Laurence,” the mother said to the
suitor discouragingly. 3
“If you:only have patience, ma’am,”
was Laurence’s reply to this; “I'll cure
her of. that fault.” And he did too.—
Seumas MacManus in Lippincott’s.
In the District Court of the Uni
ted States for tho Fastern Di
vision of the South2:n Districi
of Georgia.
In the matter of :
Edwin Churchill !
r’-} 'Carpefiter, Ia Bankruptc
“X Bankrupt : | °~
To the creditors of Edwin Chur
chill Carpenter of said Hazlehurst
in the county of Jeff Davis said
Districs, a bankrugt:
Notice is herby given that on
the 11th day of January 1909 the
said Edwin Churchill Carpenter
was duly adjudged bankrupt, and
that the first meeting ofhis cred
itors will ‘'be held at Brunswick,
Georgia, on the,l2th day of Feb
ruary 1909 at tén o’clock in the
forenoon, at which time the said
creditors ma¥ attend, prove their
claims, appoint g:trustee, exam
ine the bankrupt #nd transacs
such, other businessasmay prop
erly come before said meeting.
At Brunswick, Georgia, this
28th day of January 1909,
MAx Isaac,
i U.S. Referee.
GEOR@IA—--JefE Davis County.
Mary Morris, Libel for Divorce
e e - Jeff Davis Supe
fas B. Morris rior Court
L Feb, Term 1909.
The defendant, james B. Mor
ris; is hereby required to be and
appear at the next Term of the
Suverior Court of said county,
on the 4th, Monday in February
1909, by 10 o’clock in-the fore
noon, then and there. to answer
the complaint of Mary Morris
the plaintiff, in an action for di
vorce. Witness the Hon, T. A.
Parker, judge of said Court; thi
Janwary 28th, 1909, 7 .
Pt i 'Hg}fihgtong Clerk.
!:‘ F‘f'w"" A > ‘3
.. Sherif's Sales.
GEORGIA--Jeff Davis County,
" Will besold before the court
housé door of said county, with
in the legal hours of salé, on the
{irst Tuesdey in March, 1009, to
the highest bidder, one
dinamo, one belt, and all the
posts, wires, globes, sockets,
insulators, switches, tools, and
all other property and things
used in the operation of Hazle
hurst Klecteic Light Company’s
plant at Hazlehurst, Ga., belong
ing to and appurtenant thereto,
Levied upon and will be sold as
the property of Hazlehurst Elec
tric Light Co, by virtueof a fi.
fa. issued from the Superior
Court of said county in favor of
L. W. Johnson, Admr., ' &42uinst
said Hazlehurst klectric Light
Co., principal, and G. W.
Best, et . al.,endorsers.
Also at the same time and
place, there will -ba'sold 14
lots in the City of Hazlehurst,
Jeff Davis County, Georgia,
described as follows: One lot
ying north of Jefferson Street.
and frovrting ch Williams street
110 feet, bounted north-east by
the lands of ihe Stanly ' Land
Company, soush by Jefferson st.,
West by Williams street. :
Also one lot lying south of
Jefferson Street, bounded north
by Jefferson Street, Eastand
South by the Stanley Tand
Company and West by Williams
Street, said land comtaining 2
acres, more or less, and being
part of lotof land No. 459 in the
9nd land District of Jeff Davis
County Georgia. Levied upon
and will be sold as the property
of W. F. Brigman, by virtue
of a fi. fa. issued from the City
Court of Baxley, Appling County
Georgia, in favor of Wilson
Moody, E. W. Belle, for the use
of J. A. Bell against Brigman
Deen Company, composed of W.
F. Brigman, H. C. Deen and J.
S!'Crummey principal, and W.
F. Brigman endorser. Also by
virtue ofa fi. fa. issued from the
City Court of Baxley, Appling
County Georgia, in . favor of
Wiison Moody and E. W. Belle
for the use of J. A Belle,
agaist Brigman Deen Com-—
nany, composed of W. I Brig
mar, . C. Deén and J. 8. Crum
mey,:and W, F. Brigman, en
Also at the same time and
place, will be sold 150 acres more
or less, of lot of land No. 3856
in the second District of origi
nally Appling, now Jeff Davis
County Georgia, lying north of
SQatilla Creek, and bounded as
follows; North by the lands of
Joseph Strickland, J. L. Herring
ton, East by lands of the Steely
Herrington and Bennett - Her
rington, South by the % lands of
A. Ray, Jr, West by lands of
Henry Dykes and A. D. Strick
land, being the lands upon
which A. Ray, sr.,now resides,
and levied upon and so sold
as the property of A. Ray, Sr.
by virtue of a fi. fa."issued from
the City Court of Baxley, Appl
ing County Georgia, in favor of
Jarman & Wynn against Robert
Ray principal, and A. Ray Sr.,
W. H. Evruis, Sheriff
Jeff Davig County, Georgia.
To Whom 't May Cgncern:
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County.
J. H. Harrell having' made
application to me in due form, to
have W. H. Harrell appointed
permanent aodministrator upon
the estate of Nancy Harrell, late
of said county, notice is herely
given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinany for said coun
ty, to be held on the first Monday
in March 1909.
Witness my hand and official
slgature this the 2nd day of Feb.
1909. Henry Cook,
l . Ordinary.
e et LS e e e P £ T et et
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the
Ordinary of said county for
leave to sell land - belonging to
the estate of Wiley Byrd, sr., for
the purpose of Distribution. Said
applications - will be'heard at the
regular terin of the Court of
Ordinary for said copnty, te be
held on the first ondayy. il
March 1909, Thify
e, 1000, SR, ¢
A S ) o ta %
2 s, o o 1
Constifution and'By Laws of
“Altamaha Med, Association
» We, the commridgtee appointed
by the Alta;maha Medical Associ
ation at its organization me‘&aing
at Baxley, G'a., beg to submit the
following, Rules and Regu
i First. We recommend that
the Constitution and By Laws
for 'County iSocieties, apxx‘ovod
by the American Medical Associ
ation of Georgia, be adoped.
Second. In regerdto sched
ule of fees we recomend the fol
(a) That the mimimum, fee for
all companies except fraternal
orders for Life Insurance exam
inations shall be $5.00;
(b) That the minimum chaxge
for a simple case of Ohstetrics
shall be SIO.OO, not includihg mil
(¢) Delivery of Placenty af
ter confinement shall be $5.00.
. (d) Instrumental cases $25.-
0. 3% . ¢
' (e) Allcases of Version $25.00
* (fy. Anesthetic fee §5.00.
[¢] All abortion end perma
ture labors in like proportion,
(h). Prescription charge not
less than SI.OO. |
(i) Consultation fees in the
discretion of attending Physi
cians. .
Third. The Sectatary shall
keep a:book in his office, subject
to the inspection of the public,
which shall be known as the de
linquent Registation Bdok, upon
which shall be recorded the
name of all membersof this As
sociation submitting tneir delin 1
quept list shall pay to the Secre
tary a registration fee of Ten
Cent for each name. The Secre
tary shall also be allowed .a fee
of Fifteen Cents for Cance'ing
the ngme of any delinquent from
the Register. - ‘
Fcurth: A delinquent. shall
be knewn as any one who isin
debtet to a member of this associ
ation ard who has made no satis
factory arrangements for -the
payment of sime, also any per
son who shall aid or assist any
other person "or persons in de
frauding any member of this
society out of his fees o bills
due on account, by shaming
property cr any other mcthod
not herein mentioned, shall be
consideredl equally- as delinquent
as the party whom he has ussis
ted or aided in such defrauding.
Fifth. .It is hereby forbidden
for any tnember of this associ
ation, to prescribe, give medical
aid or medical advice toany party
or parties which come under the
head of delinquents, except that
a member may' give medical aid
to a deliquent When so disposed,
providing said /‘delinquent pays
cash or furnishes satisfactory
security for same to the attend
ing Physician, and Physician
shall not continue such services
for a period longer than thirty
[soTdays unless ‘said delinquent
makes satisfactory arrangements
for the payment of all passed due
accounts, and has his name eras
ed from the Delinquent Register.
Sixth. All delinquent aczounts
not settled within ninety [9o]
days from date of entry on th®
delinquent book, may be placed
in the hands of an Attorney by
the Physician to. whom the ac
count is due,
Seventh. The Secretary shall
have printed in circular form, as
many copies of theseamendments
of the constitution and By Laws
as the society deems proper. A
supply be kept on hand for the
use of any member of the asscoi
ation, paying for same. |
Eight. A copy of theseamend
ments accompanying. a bill‘
for settlement to a debtor shall
be sufficient notice that unless
his account is paid within thirty
[3o] days his name will be placed
upon the Delinquent Register.
Nineth. Apy member violating
the provisions of these rules
shall be publicly. expelled for a
period of Awelve months, will
not- he continuanced "by the
members of this association
either in consultation or” recom
mended for ‘medical examiner
or Life Insurance Companies, or
shown any professional ethics
whatsoever, and also subjeet to a
fine of Fifty Dollars, by a two
thirds vote of the members pres
ent at any regular meeting,"pro
vided a majority of the assecia
ton s prasent 4t said. meeti .
int smé 1909 shall be the
date o}-,our irst annual meeting.
to be held h;c?axley Ga. The
time and placé for subsequent
meetings to be determined at
said meeting. '
Eleventh; A copy of these
amendments shall be published
in each Official Organ in the sep
arate Counties embraced in the
teritory of thisassociation, week
ly for one month, and then
monthly for balance of year. )
We the undersigned members
of this association agree to be
governed by support and enforce
the above rules and regulations
of this Medical Association.
J. M. CHristian,
W. C. Pirkle,
J. L. Weaver,
' J. E. Overstreet,
A. J. Johnson,
W. S. Hart,
P. H. Comas, 8
P. H. Hall,
Jno, M, Hall, '
R. M, Montgomery, |
~J. W Thomas,
: W. M. Girtman,
J. T. Colvin, R
Respectively submitted,
W. S. Hart, M:D,
W. M. Girtman, M. D,
g J.E. Overstreet. M. D.
s Commitee.
~ Application fer Charter.
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County]
To the Superior Court of*said
The petition of R. E. Jarman,
of the State of Tennesseee, and
[Ld Jarman,, Martin Jarman,
R. H. and J. H, Jarman, of Ap
pling County," and J. L. and' Eu
gene Williams of said Jeff Davis
County, said State respectfully
1. 'That they desire for them
selves, their associates, succes
sors and assigns to become in
corporatec’ under the name and
style of Jarman & Williams.
2. Petitioners ask to be -incorp
orated for a tem of T'wenty (20)
years with the privilege of re
newal at the end of that time.
3. The capital stock of the pro
posed corporationis to be SIO,OOO.
00 divided into shares of One
Hundred (100.00) Dollars each,
petitioners desire, however, the
privilege of increasing said capi
tal stock from time to time, not
exceeding in aggregate $25000.00
4. The whole of said capital
stock has already been paid in.
5. The object of the proposed
corporation is pecuniary profit’
and gain to its stock-holders.
Petitioniers propose for said cor.
poraticn to engage in the busi
ness of buying, selling and trad
ing live--stoel, buying and sell
ing real estate, carrying on &
general imerchandise business,
and buying and selling furniture,
buggies, wagons, harness, hard- "
ware of' every description, and
merchandise of every kind and
decription, buying and selling
guano and cotton-and acting as
agent for other' persons in buy
ing an selling guano, and cotton,
doing an undertaking business
and buying and selling coffins,
casliets, etc., and such other ar
ticles and things as may be neces
sary and usual in conducting
such business, - and desire " the
right and privilege of doing all
suchacts and things as may be
necessary in conducting said
6. The principaloffice and place
of the proposed corporation will
be in the city of Hazlehurst, said
State and County. :
Wherefore, petitionera pray to
be made a body corporate under
the name and style aforesaid, en
titled to all- the rights, and privil
eges and ithmunities, and sub
ject to the liabilities fixed by law.
This 18th day of January, 19C9.
© Parxer & HicHsMITH,
. Attorneys for Petitioners.
GEQRGIA—]JefI Pavis County. &
-1, &/ ]. Hetrington Clerk Su
perior Court of said County, do
herby certfy that the foregoing
1S a true arf’Gorrect copy of :a.
petition forécorporation this day
filed in my office.
~ This 2¢thvday of Tanuaay, 1509.
Clerk Superior Court
Two feather beds. For fur’,
ther particnlars. apply to
i - J.W. MomuLEy.