Newspaper Page Text
. Muys. Woot Williams returned
inger Jacksonville Sun
Wonder what's the malter
#ith our Grabam correspondent
this week? Nodots arvived.
» Services at the Baptist Chureh
this place, on Sunday next, both
morning ond evening.
At the Peoples Drug Store can
60l seen on exhibition a 2% 1b
lemon, tuken from a tree .n My,
H. G. Moore’s yard.
" The lagrippe bas had o firm
grip on the entire News force
this weelk., The editor~is jast
alive, and that's all.
# My. Tom. Swain, who is em
ployed on the Southern Railvoad,
spent two or three days here
lately with homelolis.
Drop in at Best & Willlams
and inspect their new book of
samples for taylor made clothing.
After which give them an order
for a suit.
The News . welcoaies Mr.
Sherard ,Byrd and his. excellent
family as citizens of our town.
They moved in a few days ago
from his farm.
The News editor extends
thank to Mrs J. N.Emith. for a
hice, large grape-fruit. She
brought quite @& number back
with ber from Florida when she
yroturned home,n few days ago,
which she distributed among
her friends and neighbors.
N Mr W R.. Lord has gone‘:i?i'tn
business again, which, no doubt,
many of his friends will be glad
to learn. He keeps & general line
of merchandise «ud he wants his
old customersas wéll as new ones
to come and see him. He is lo
cated now on Middliton street.
' We will bet a year’s subsciption
to a peck of potatoes that every
housewife in this towi was good
mad on Sunday morning last,
when} they started tgy” prepare
their morning mecl. Every
pump in Hazlehust was frozem.
and no water could be had until
they were thawed out.
The ‘entertainment .afi the
hospitable home of Mt. and Mrs.
H. U. Williams, on Monday night
last, was a very enjoyable affair,
The host and hostest did evers:-
thing within' their power to
make their guests enjoy the
odcasion, and® they succeeded,,
admiably, in thig: whdertaking.
Every rone present enjoyed the
avening to theirhearts content.
Lasp?’ Saturday afternoon Mr.
J, J. Frazier, our live real estate‘
man, informed The News editor
that they had been eating beats,
luttice and headed cabbage at hi ;
house since Chriftman. This g 3
about as goad\ record as Flori" g
can make. Bus then, that v a 3
before the freéze he told us ¢ is,
Guess he hasn’t been eating : yny
luttice or<beets frem his gar den
this week, .
My. Pickeren, who shet. and
killed himself at his hommer ere in
Hazlehurst on the night, of the
2%th of December last, was a
member of the Woodsme¢ n of the
World. On Tuesday las ¢t Mr. H.
E. Defoor showed usa ¢ heck for
SSOO, that he ‘had just., received
from headquarters for the
widow of the deceased,, He had
only been a member ‘ofsthis or
ganization a short wai'te when he
killed himself. Every poor man
—who can—ought ‘o “pe ajmember
of the Woodsmob of / the World.
Best & William s store isa
favorite place lor the ladies to
trade at. Drop ily there when
you' will—during the day--and
you will see Jadier;in their store
maw. purchas: 3s. ~ This firm
makes a specialty in dressgoods
and peckwear. " [hey keep up
with the newest styles in dress
goods, and their + neckwear are
simply lovely, nd they say it
can’t: bé duplicated, this side of
Atlanta. They . also carry the
R | RBy T T
of The Paper Bei
Late Last Week. -
Verily, the average country ed- ‘
itor has many trials and tribu
lations ir. this life, and no mafttcy
how hard he may strive to keep
from saving ‘‘cuss words,”‘
things happen at times that vex
him so, that he says them in
wardly if not putwardly.
On Wednesday afternoon last
while we were busily engaged
making up out forms, and while
the boys wefe rushing up the
last of the local matter, twodirty
areasy looking dagos passed our
ofilce, leading a big old white
bear. Leo was the first to make
a break. He flewout of the of
fice when the trio passed; yelling
as h» jampad from the. piazza—
“papa, I’ll be back to reckly.’
Atter Leo left we noticed that
Otto’s speed began- to: slacken,
a'd that every time the dago
tooted his horn up the street, out
the window his head would go.
Though he said he didn’t care
anything about seeicg the bear:
perform at all, . ;1
Within a half hour after Leo’s
disapperance, Bob and Willie
¢ame from school. We told them
to go after Leo,and tell him he
had better waltz back here and
finish up his copy.
One hour went by and no Leo,
no Willie, no Bob returned.
There it was, time was flitting
axd we waiting for the copy to be
finizhed before we could go to
We told Otto to run up to the
bear show and tell those kids of
ours—and especially Leo—thatif
they didn't hasten back to the
office that we would come up
there our gels, and escort them
back, PE e ..
- Otto we"t all' right enough—
“but he fever ‘¢ene back’’—til
about night.
And that isiwhy the paper was
late las’ week, the dog-gone old
bear was responsible for it
~ We are going before our city
dads at their next reguer ses
sion and prevail upon them to
levy a tax of SIO,OOO on all bear
exhibitions ¢n our streetsin the
future. :
This is"The Kind of Hogs
tO Rfiise. .
Mr J, U. Boone, has demon
strate'd, coneclusively, that he is
a suecessful farmer and stock
rais er, as wéll as one of the most
co-npetentrand obliging postmas
¥ ars in the State.
So far this season hehas killed
twenty head of hogs, averaglng
200 Ibs. each. His hogs are
bloeded stoclk, and doubled the
razor-backs in weighr, which
shows, that it would pay the far
'merto have nothing but good
stock. It does not pay to have
t'e woods fullof hogs and ]et
the greater part ¢f them starve
‘to death. ) ;
He now has 20 pigs, cross be
twees Buckshire and Polan Chi
[na-, which he expects to slaughter
next winter at anaverageweight
of 300 lbs. "Those receiving
special attention, will no doubt
pull: the beam f» 500 lbs. |
Hjs special :hog this 's,.éason,‘
which was killed last Saturday,
we}g‘hed;net" 5B s, .’ 1
7% Boone says that he now
has meat enough on hand to last
hircselfand family four years,
But'then, he will sell a quantitly
of it. |
"Phe'Fire Last Satuaday,
Firs broke out in the woods
south off here Saturday, and
played” havoc with fencing’
around'many farms. The wind
blew a gale all day, Jconseattently
the fire traveled very fast., ..
My. Picreren, who liveg' seven
miles south of here, hadall his
fencing burnt up, we learn, be=
sides ,several houses.
Pire got.into Cromartie,Byrd
&Co.’s turpenting: timber ard
r¥ned many:a¢res of that: -~
We have not:had a rain’in tI\ZS
saption for many weeks ‘.erte
¢Yerything is very dry and whan
the fire got good started,it made
Fopid headway.
e eAt i 4 e Got
For Rent. ‘1
Ay M A S, MY
+ Farid, 72 aciés in’ cfil‘tmrg).
¢milés north of Hazleßursty .Ga.,
fair buildings. &e. Apply to;
S b L g ‘,;"'Wa,{:_, A yhrnret.
el AI S S
’ glehurst, |
Gov. Jos. M. Brown !s making
a quiet tour of the State, like he
promised he would do, several
months ago.
He arrived in . Hazlehurst last
Thursdzy on the 1:01 p. m. north
bound pussenger train, and was
met at the depot upon its arrival
here by Hon, HJ A. Cromartie,
and others, Me spent the re
mainder of the afternoon in
mecting and lingling with our
people and making new acquain
wnees, ‘
At night he attended prayer
meeting at the Methodist church
and led the services; after which
he was escorted to the Academy
where he found a packed house
awaiting him, - ¢
He was introduced 'to the aud
ienze oy Judge Julianfi Parker
in a most eloguent little speech,
after which the Govenor arose
and addressed the audience for
one, hour. KEvery one present
seemed tohave been delighted
with his speech, for we have
heard nothing but compliménts
paid it since his departure.
There is nodenying the fact,
Gov. Brown made many new
friends in thissection during his
short stay amoung as, and we
will guarantee him this fact, that
whenever he sees fit to pay us
another visit, he will find a b?g‘]
voyal hearty welcome awaiting
him down this way. |
He was the guest c¢f Hon. J. A. ]
Cromartie during his: visit to our
{ Sale Day.
Last Tuesday was legal sale
day, and our Sherilf was a busy
man all during the day. ¢ -
The Frazier & DeFoor planing
'mill was sold for $1,975. by B. A,
iKing, - receiver-in bankruptcy.
Geo F. Armstrong was the puw
chaser. The cotton gin and grist
mill of I. F. Gtaber, bankrupt,
was sold for SISOO, G. D. Wilson
being the purchzser of this prop
erty. B .
The Sheriff scld another saw
mill located a few miles from
Hazlehurst, also land, wagon,
buggy, horse, etc.
Farm For Sale. }
[ Hereby offer my farm for
sale, which islocated 2 miles from
Hazlehurst :6n the Baxley and
Mecßae road. One hundred acres
more or less,with good house and
outbuildings. About 30 acres
cleared. .
~Algo oné mule, wagon, buggy,
ahd several head of stock cattle;
and a good outtfit of farming im
plemrents. The above will be sold
reasonable for cash.”™
A, P. Clark.
I Tife ladies of the Presbyterian
church, of this place, will give
an gyster supper at the academy
on Mriday night next.”beginning
at 7,o’clock. - Tha interior of the
Prgsbyterian churédh needs
‘painting badly; and the proceeds
derived from this supper will be
appyopriated for this purpose.
Gp 'out and buy a plate, dnd
thereby help a. worthy
cause. i i f
Bt | e
Pcoreon, Hart & Col hive dis
solved co-partnership, and here
after the name of the, firm will
‘be the Pearson & Stubbs Lumber |
Co. The new firm becomes re
sponsible for all liabilites. |
Pearson & Stubbs Lumber Co.
| 4't;
1 ———— ‘
: - |
- Money to Loan at & par cent
peér annum,on farms: f
| Coryhpondent ¥rank & Son,
Jan, 2L.,. ;. !¢ Augusa, Ga.
All thosé'who have turpentine
cups in ¢harge belonging to J. L.
Herrington, are earnestly re
quested to meef at the still be
tween this date and the middle
of Janurary; fo¥ the purpose of
making new conttacts for 1909
Lol L. C. URSEBY,"
This Jé&ir. Gthleod. Manager.
g L geemgsae fgtoopet N
Fer Sag sadinm » fi;“;
,Boir oLscalty 1 GBII st The News
JEIORe" ¢ eßt A e
W RNI WY €. gl
{ Just a Few Words
You always want the best
and newest styles in Dress
Goods, don’t you? Well,
we have them. Ve always
keep this class of goods,
and our store is where
you can be suited both in
price and in quality of goods,
We keep nothing in stock but
Hig-Class Goods.
There is no shoddy stuff in our store.
QOur line of Ladies and Gents
Are simply lovely, Nothing"ilke them |
o this side of Atlanta. ¢
——Shoes, Shoes. =
We can fit any foot, from.
: -an infants up. i
Send your little ones around to our Store “
| gnd let us fit them ur in a nice paif’ of ]
3‘ e )
We aléo take ordets for Taylor Made |
Ciothing, Drop in_and inspect
our beautiful line of samples and .
let us take your measuse for a suit. 1
Yours to piease,
o ' ‘ : ‘1
A Few words with
I have gone intothusiness agéli os
Middletéffi**-gStreet,és.lMy stack is not as
largeas it'fi;fas,but I :éxpec’géio increase
it from time to time. I Can sell you
goods just as cheap as you can, buy
them elsewhere in town, and maybe
somethings a little cheaper.. Come
and. séeme, 1 would greatly appre
ciate your trade. - ,
A Userul Keyl, :
. 4what is this: pecullar ‘Key @i your
gpewriter?. 1 never saw‘il'i on dny, be-
Ye."~ L o% A ‘ 2
“Frigt! -My owin inventiofl. When
éver you can't spell a word fotl pness
this key and it males a blur.”-=Bos{on
Transcript: L o *i |
“ ¥ R YR
;> A )
P o Changsl, &5 3%
Nest = Mauvd coulin't bave though't
much of that felibw she married .
Belle=Why? Néll-Bhe boasts shat sbe>
bu‘hE'J anothér mai of him.=Philas
S aras]
Leg A A
T&ol ;s g J.,-..‘ .y
Coigia TTI R S R RILY Rt xRI (i
- ~ e P
- Berybodys
- Gtagazine
wilb. tell, you ' something you
may ‘fiot kfow’ ibout Farming,
Fires; Pearl Fishing, Pills,
~ Woriian’s Invasion, Flying-
L Macliiies, and Actors.
g% If will Ag_.tfvjé)"ou lots of good sho
- Vitdries” Rifd beautiful 'p'mqg'