Newspaper Page Text
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!Mr- George (™rry made a
business trip to Abbeville last
Wanted-More country szmsage,
wigh plenty of sage in them. OQur
Supply bas been exhausted,
We have just received 'a nice
line of job stock. Drop in and
gwe us an order for your-job
Dr.J. M. Christain has been
ap;igint,ed surgeon of the G.& I\
R. R. His territory extends for
many miles. |
*Miss. Kate Granger and Mr,
R. C. White were married by
Tugge R. T, Williams on Manday
morning last. {
The attorneys who defendedi
John Supple, the negro convicted
of murder last week in the first
degree, have applied for a new
trial. 5
Miss Dorothy Boone, who is
Attending the Douglas Agricul
tutal College, is spending a few
days with, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Boone. ‘
Revival services will begin at
the Baptist church this place,
sn next Sunday, conducted by
Revs. Andrew andeamith. Every
body invited to ati§ghd.
¥ Read Vonderau Manufacturinz
Co.’s ad. in this issue, and when
ever you need anything in their
line, go and see them. Don’t
send money away for things that
zou can buy right here at home.
Mr. L. I. Vonderaue and family
arrived here from-Athens, Ga.,
on Monday morning lasy, and are
qdomiciled at the home of Mr, A.
T. Vonderad at present.
Have your measure talen for
your spring suit by one who has
been taking measurs for over
24 year’ and you are sure to
hget therignt fit. Try it,at. ~
A : Wolfson’s.
1f its a good farm you want at
a mighty little cost, see T, T.R.
Rowland. £e has 2150 acres of
splendid farming land out on the
Altessaaha river that he is offer
ingd I l wn. The G. &F. R.
rRE! | {nt throught this body
u» £ 4
i (. King & Sgellers will
= ir office from -the court
r= \8 by the Citizens Bank, or
.= hstairs of the Chapman
S 9 building within a day
¥Easter goods in great
varietes, consistirg of pretty
skirts, shirt-waists, fine hats for
ladies, and everything just right
Jor men and boys, at.
Mr. John A Armitage has
his card 'in this issue of The
News. Read it, and whenever
vou need first-class painting or
paper hanging done, let him esti
«mate on your work before giv
ing it to any one else. His char
ges are reasonable, and his work
are always up-to-date.
Miss Fannig Lee Liadbetter re
turned to Hazlehuvsy Monday
afternoon from Buford, Ga.,
.where she was summoned last
week by wire, to the bedside of
her dying mother. Aill of her ljt
tle scholars were at the train to
"meet her'when she arrived, and
to welcome her back, and to ex
tend wo%s of sympathy, as best
they could, on the deatn of her
dear moth‘en
Mr. Jirn Curry returied home
on Sunday last from a week’'s
fishing andl hunting trip ia Flori
da. He fgaid that he had the
time #s life. And, we sup-
D id, for Florida is call
[\ unter’s paradise. But,
/ ouldn’t bring the editor
o ; nrday next, the sth,
T arriers examination
| sld at the academy,
by the court House.
%: ‘ : ficient desk foom
R nse, is why this
it le. %;plicanu,
s et M ae, Saturd: ¥y,
. Nt e Qreen; Al gy -s 1 " ¥
The spring term of Jeff Davis
County Superior Court adjour
ned last Friday evening. This
was a big court, and there were
many cases disposed of during
the term, yot, as Judge Parker
remarked, it would ta'te at least
three wecks to clear the dock
Judze Thomas, the recently ap
pointed Solistor General for this
cireuit, did splended work. He
convicted every case that he tried
except one.
We give a list below of the cas
es tried, and the disposition made
of them. ,
M. H. Cleveland vs J. F. Hinson
and Mrs, Nancy Hinson, tenant
in possession, settled; W. L.
Stone vs, -J. E. Varn, vir
diet for Plaintiff, setting aside
judgement; J M, Seliers vs 1
[". Morris, dismissed; Ccmulgee
River Lumber Co.vs I. H. Pow
ell, verdict for puainitif; H
A. King et. al.vs J. A Stewart
deft, and Mrs. Ella Stewart claim
int, claim dismissed by defend
ant; Minnie L [ussell vs. H: J.
Fussell, divorce granted; W. P.
Go dsmith for use of Pearson
Hart Co vs. J. C. Hoges and W.H
King, verdict for plaintiff; Huey
& Co., W. M. McDew et. al. and
E. J. Burchman claimant settled:
varl Deal vs. W. G. Lindsay and
Joe Chapman, appeal from J. P.
Court, settled; Emma -Surrency
vs. Lee Surrency, judgement for
alimony; John Flannery Co., vs.
the Citizens Bank, settled; H. A.
King, vs. J. A. Stewart, at:
tachment, settled: Mary Jane
Morris vs, James Morris, divorce
granted; Avery & Co. vs. W
MeDew and J. D. Buchanon and
Carry McDew, settled; Chatta
nooga Pottery Co. vs. Hinson
Brothers, settled; Josephine Dix
vs. William Dix, verdict for plain
tiff;Nancy Harrell vs. Levy Spell,
death suggested of record; Ad
ger Hollingsworth vs. Kate Hol
lingsworth, divorce, first verdict;
John Doe oh demise of Sarah C.
Martin vs.and Edna Barns vs.
Z. W. Kirkland, dismissed for
want of prosecution; State vs,
Kyle Griffis and Walter Carier
nol prossed as to Griffis; State
vs. Rorcoe Enzur, crualty to an
imals, verdict of guilty; State vs.
Frank Hall and [da Hall, bargz
lary, with sentence of court from from the house, verdict
of guilty as to Frank Hrll’ and
not guilty as to Ida Hall; State
vs. Albert Gilmore, nol prossed;
State vs. Jim M. Wornock, carry
ing pistol' concealed, verdict of
guilty; the state vs, E. C. Car-’
penter, misdemeanor, verdict of
guilty; State vs. H. M. Stokes,l
disturbing divine services, non
prossed; State vs, Will Dixon,
‘misdemeanor, r.ol prossed; State
vs. B. D. Foskey, selling whis
key, mistrial: State vs. John Su
ple, murder, verdict of guilty
and'sentenced to be hanged April
10th, 1909.
In our next issue will appear
the Grand Jury presentments
and the list of grand and petit
jurors, drawn to serve during
next term of Superior Court.
Mr. W. R. Eord has just reediv
ed atbig shipment of] oats. Go
and see him, if you need oats.
Don’t Run
The risk of losing your rights bv not having
your Deeds and Mortgagés on Record. |
“Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be Recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Courtof the County
where the land lies. Record may be
made at any time, but such deed loses its
priority over a subsequent recorded deed
from the same vendor.”==Section 36; 18..
““Mortgages on realty must be recorded
in the county where the land lies; on per
sonalty, in the county where the mortgagor
residesat time.of execution.”’-Section 27, 26
I will re-record at half price any deed
recorded in the old' counties.
A Yours for protection,
e o miiwflnwm i
Mvr. D. J. Williams on the corner
of Rallvoed, Slosmors Anfl Cem:
etery streets, was destroyed by
fire on Sunday morning last
between 2 and 3 o'clock.
It was a two-story building,
and the fire started from the up
per story. It was said by some
of those who first arrival on the
scene, that the door on the north
side of the building was found
open. There was a blacksmith
shop, adjoining this store-house
which was also-burnt,. ' |
Mr, Williams had abouta $2500
stoclt of general merchandise in
the house which went up in
smoke, too. The fire had made
too great headway when the
people began to arrvive to save.
anything: .
Luckily for Myr. Williams he
had traded this building to the
colored Masons of this p lace for
the old colored Masonic Lodge
which is situated nearver to the
business portion of the town.
Besides, he had some insurance
on his stock of goods, but how
much, we have failed to learn. So
it seems like the colored Masons
are the worge loosers by this
fire. It was their intention to
use the second story for a lodge
A Sad Death.
Since Thursday morning last
there has been nothing but gloom
and sadness at the once happy
and hospitable home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Herrington's, which is
gituated about seven miles south
of Hazlenurst. The cause of
this sorrowing was the sudden
and agonizing death of their be
loved daughter, Miss Maud.
Thursday morning she was in
the yard, near & -wash-pot that
had a big fire under it, and some
how her dress caught on fire,
which burned rapidly, and before
assistance'could get to her she
was wrapped in one large blaze.
All of her clothing were burnt off
of her.
She lived until that night, and
bore her awfulsuffering heroic.y.
She told her mother before she
died, that she bated to goand
loave them, but if it was God's
wiil, she would bow submissive
ly to it.
" The remains were buried at
Zorah church Friday.
The News joins in with scores
of friends in offering condolence
to this bereaved family.
The prettist and best line of
jewelry ever seen in this town
before, is at the Peoples Drug
Store. Boys, thereis na need to
send away now for your solid
gold engagement ring, you can
get it right there. And, oh my !
what lovely bracelets, scarfpins
collor and cuff-buttons., Drop
in and inspect - this beautiful
line of jewelry. e
House Painting, Interior
Decorating, Paper Hang
ing, A Specialty.
. Have just received the New Styles of
wall paper for 1909 from New York.
All .work guaranteed. Picture
Frames. A Postal to Box 121 will re
ceive prompt attention,
[*" Wadpk ORGSR YBT e
You always want the best
and newest styles in Dress
Goods, don’t you? Well,
we have them. \YVealways
keep thjs class es goods,
and our store is ' where
you can be suited both in
price aud in quality of goods,
We keep nothing in stock hut
Hig-Class (Goods.
There is no shoddy stuff in our store.
Qur line of Ladies and Gents :
Are simply lovely, ; Nothing like them
this side of Atlanta,
AShOES, Sh()eS.za_
We can fit gny foot, from
an infants up.
Send your little ones around to our Store
and let us fit them up in a nice pair of
We also- take orders for Taylor Made
Clothing, Drop in and inspect
our beautiful line of samples and
let us take your measure for a suit,
» Yours to please, |
A Few words with
I have gone into business again on
Middleton Street. My stockis not as
large:as itwas,but I expect to increase
it fromtime to time. I Can sell you
goods just as cheap as you can, buy
them elsewhere in town, and maybe
somethings alittle cheaper. Come
and seeme, I would greatlyappre
ciate your trade. W
W. R. Lord
will tell you something you
may not know about Farming,
Fires, Pearl Fishing, " Pills,
Woman’s Invasion, Flying.
Machines, and Actors,
Itwill give you lotsof good short
stories and beautiful = pictures,
You'll like it. Get one to-day,
Cotton Seed: For Sale. ,
I havea few bushels of fine
Jointed Cotton Seed 1 would
sell, This see will make twa
bales of cotton to the acre. .
~ Apply to. : '
; k. C. E. MCKOWN)
- Hazlehurst.
. For Sale.
Threé room house and 24acras.
land, fr'oEting Railroad Bt., op.
posite Otl Mill, ' Cheat if sold .
once, Kagy terms. Apply M‘f“‘fl