Newspaper Page Text
Wanted— A well broke goat
. Editor.
" Last Monday was County
Court day. .
" The . nice dwelling near the
court house nas been comple
Mp, 8. B. Freedman left for
Ne? York on Shnday last, and
will be away for & couple of
weelks. i :
. Did, you ever stop to think that
if we had waterworks in our
town that our fire insunncel
wou)d be much less?
"\ir. Julian H. Jordan, wife and.l
::by of Eastinan, retruned home
unday from a visit to the par
enpépt the former, at the Meth
odist parsonage.
A very interesting meeting has |
been in progress at the Baptist
chirch since Sunday. Revs. An
drews and’ Smith, two traveling
evangelists are conducting this
meeting.' |
Miss Eula May Gaskin, of near)
Douglas, spent thyee days in
in Hazlehurst recently, the guests
of Masiers Leo, Boband Willie
Fackier, her half trothers.
| When this town is bonded
and a first-class schpol building
is exected, and a waterworks
plant put in operaton your prop
ity is going to jump up a few
notches. See if it don’t.
¥We have been informed that
within the mext three or four
weeks Dr. J. M. Hall will move
ta Douglas. The people of this
town and surrounding country
will regret very much to lose
Dr. Hall and his most exceilent
wife from our midst.
Just received at the Peoples
Drug Store, a pretty lineof pure,
Faney Candy. It isput up in
beautiful boxes, ‘averaging in
size from a half pound box up
to. two pounds. Beys, if you
wantyour sweethearts to think
iots of you, just send them a box
of this candly There never was
a girl but what was foad of
The steamer, Annie G.,. is
about ready for business. Itis
all compléted except being pain
ted. This boat was built at Town
Bluff by Mr. J. F. Hall. This
craft is 154 ft., 6: inches lcng,
and is 28 ft. 6 inches wide in the
middle. Has five staterooms, din
ning room and kitchen. This boa!
was started about ene year and
a half ago. It will go up to
Lumber- City Saturday for in
spection. It will probably run
between Brunswick and Abbe
Easteris not far off. Every
body wants tocome out unrthatday
well dressed, especially the ladies.
Best & Williams’ store is the
place where you can get the kind
of dress goods® that wil please
you, besides youn can be suited in
any other kind of wearing
apparel. They have just receiv
od the finest and prettiest line
ot spring and summer dress
goods ever exhibted in this town
before. They have a large line ot
ladies skirts in Voi, Panama
and Mohare. And for beautiful,
stylish slilppers, their line can’t
be excelled anywhere. |
It was our pleasure to meet
Hon. J. P. Knight, of Nashville.
6g., at the court house on Mon
day last. He isone of the leauing
lavlyers of South ' Georgia, anc
wak over herc on legal business
Hellwas Clerk of the Superio
i@ rt of that county for two o 1
#ee terms, besides served
S ounty for nine years in the
S W¥istature., ile is a brilliant
[ "ng man, and his county is
Wond of him, and we fee
Jonored in e¢laiming him as
one of our Berrien county
friends. He is an uncle of Mr.
. R. Knight, cashier of the
Bopkof Hazlehurst. |
L—' . :
i yto Loan at 8, p)lr ceut
g 11 ‘m, on farms. !\ . [ A
ie VS ' FURP .. A e
" , .;f, gf&;‘ WMQ e T *:*
_lnthe death of little Maudie
bonc& ight of Feby, 26tk
from the ho buarns received
in the morning of that day, the
family, the school, the com
munity, has lestone of. its most
lovaole thli. '
Mapdie was the leading spirit
in school, bright and diligent in
all her work, and our hearts are
saddened to have her snatched
from us in the bloom of life.
But, Tdo not think that God
gives us loved ones to cherish
and learn to love sodearly here
and then take them to himself,
‘aever to let us reeconize each tne
other again. = One of heavens
sweetest charms is the blessed
hope we have of again knowing
and being reunited with ourloved
ones in the “Home of the sou".
She said to deaths upliftod dart
. “Aim sure’’-=why do delay?
Thou wilt not find a fearful heart,
E A weak reluctant prey. iy
‘Then oh, with such a freezing, aye,
And with that scorched sweet
13 cheeli;
3he trusted onl!y in God on high,
.~ And calmly did she spealk.
She, then unfurled her snowy
~ To join the heavenly throng;
And, raised tp the skieg those
f weakened eyes,
~ Tosing her lpftiest sang.
In that dark hour was no repose,
~ For the troubled bosoms near;
For there she lay—-that beautiful
| rose,
without those stransof golden
‘ hair. '
i‘ Tho’ she has returned to mogher
To the father.above who gave;
We will plant—yes, each of us~-
Our sweetest flower ;on Mau
? die’s grave,
Aund she’ll be fairer when we see
Standing at the judgement
bar; )
For no guilt, nor sin, nor sorrow,
Will there her beauty mar,
By a Schoolmate.
Kindly Refused."
To The Foremar. and Grand Ju
roxs «f Jeff Davis County:
Kind Friends: I see from
your General Presentments that
you have donated mea monthly
allowance of five dollars per
month out of the county funds.
I;am very thankful foryour kind
ly counsideration, but must say,
in justice to myself and family,
that % do’ not need the money,
and therefore cannot take it, as
Ido not need it. Respectfully,
Mrs. Amanda Williams,
‘This. March'B,.l9o9.
While Dr. R. H. Green was
out hunting on Mr. John A. Ter
rell's place on Morday last, he
had.a close call from being bit
ten by a large rattle-snake. Ad
vanging coutiously, while the
dogs stood at a point, the omi
rous rattle and a simultaneous
leap.of the snake—warded off hy
the drooping gun barrel—gave
the Doctor such a fright as does
not come often toa hunter. It
was a narrow escape, for the
snake’s leap of three feet to reach
its victim might liave succeeded
but for the stroke of the
gun-barrel. [t is gratifying to
know the Doctor killed the
Don’t Run
The tisk of losing your rights b¥ net:having
your Deeds and Mortgagés on Record.
“Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be Recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Supetior Courtof the County
where the sand lies. Record may be
made at any time, but such deed loses its
priority over a subsequent recorded deed
from the same vendor.”-=Section 36; 18.
“Mortgages on realty must be recorded
in the county where the land lies; on per
sonalty, in the county where the mortgagor
fesidesat time of éxeciition.”’-Section 27, 26
f will re-record at half pricé iy deed
recorded in the old counties. el
~ Yours for protection, I |
‘5 ;'Wi‘:»’ !‘Qn‘“-; ‘f.& a;; b‘- v" ,
Pr ) e have been
foroed %!% it "Whefi‘
Dots** and, "G n News'
after they had been put in type.
They will appear in next issue.
Qrorin Sale,
GEORG FA —Jest Davis County.
Wil be sold@ before the court
house door of said*¢ounty. with
in the legal hours of sale, on the
first Tuesday in April, 1909, to
the highest bidder for cash, one
dinamo, one belt, and all the
posts, wires, globes, sockets, in
sulators, switches, tools, and
all wther property and things usd’
in the operation”of ‘Hazlehurgt
Edecteic %t Q’)mpgr‘y’s plant
at Hazlehurst, Ga., hélongingto
and ap.nurbeaunt theréto. Leviod’
Shee_ wid Wi lageat v 43
| rty of Hazleh ects
Light, Co, by virtueof afi. fa.
issued from, the Superior Court
of said county in favorof L. W,
Johnson, Admr:, against s(ai,id
Hazlehurst Ejectric Light Co,
principaland G. W, Best, et, al.,
.‘ W. H. ELuis,
- Sheriff Jeff Dsyis County Ga.
GEORCIA—Jeff Davis County,
J. 1. Lewijs, a creditor having
made application “to me in due
form to have the coynty Admin
isgrator, J. A. Cromartie to ad
mininister upon the estate of
A. J. Baker, ecolored, late of said
County. Notice is hereby given
that-said application will be
heard atthe regular term of the
court of Ordinary for said coun
ty, to be hel%'gn the first’ Mon
day in April 1909. sWitness ‘my
hand and official signature this
the Bth day of March 1909. ~ °
Hgxnry COOK,
| Ordinary.
Natice to D‘"a“'gtors ahd Credi
. ors. '’
GEZORGIA—Jeff Davis County
~ Noticeis hereby given toal
creditors of-the estate of Wiley
'Byrd, sr., late of said county,
deceased, to,render in an account
of their demands to me within
the time prescribed hy law, prop
erty made out. All persens in
debted ti» said deceased are here
by reqnes ted to make immediate
payment to the undersigned.
[This the fst day of arch 1905.
Administrator of Wiley Byra, sr.
/" March 1,6 t
Meet me at:
(Rear Citizens Bank,)
And join- me in a lunch.
Everything good to eat
served there.
House Painting, Interior
Decorating, Paper Hang.
ing, A Specidlty.-
Have just received the New Styles of
wall paper for 1909 from New York.
All work guaranteed. Picture
Frames. A Postal to Box 121 will re
¢ eive prompt attention,
. A \-arec Line of
Ladies Ready-Ilade Shirt
Ladies Skirts in Voil, Panama
> and Mohare.
Come u&d inspect our bzautiful line of
spring and Summer
‘ Dress' Goods.
You will be sure to select your Easter
Dress before leaving our Store.
- ; o, s , I, B ™ b . . R ™ R :
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- Slippers, Slippers! | @
. ‘ !
Y¢i We know that you will buy a pair of ¢
Y -i these pretty gnd durable Slippers .1 ‘
» "as soon as you lay your eyes on
T " them. N
3 e O S ——ert A PSS ,‘ % “‘1
3 \\\ 4(,&,( k. . ‘{) ) / / :) ’
AG’A\O&A R S *’9'?/%%’\, P
ST & ¢ Y ) !
A Few words with
| have gone into business again of
Middleton Street. My stock is not as.
largeas itwas,butl expectto increase
it from time to time. I Can sell you
goods just as cheap asyou can buy
them elsewhege in town, and maybe
somethings alittle cheaper. Come
and seeme;. I would greatly appre--
ciate your trade..
b W. R. Lord
- The public will ind my highgrade upland Cotton.
Seed on sale at jthe Store of E. M. Taylor, Hazle
hurst, Ga., It will haflds’o_njd;' ‘pay you torry a few
yushels of shem. ) S. W JOHNSON.
FHER Sr el 7o 1 SYORER ,’ ;
A o ol
g «'.—t~+~7fl~~mfl—~r&~.m@». :
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\ Friediiian #\*\’{?:3,
Yours to please,