Newspaper Page Text
Supreme Court J!fi« Favors
Constitutional Amendment.
; ;.
At Present Police Powers of States
Cannot Attach Liquor Shipment at
Any Point of Its Journey.
Washington, D, C.—The only hope
of securing absolute prohibition iu
states which desire prohibition is for
congress to pass a constitutional
amendment making liquor & special
class in interstate commerce, accord
ing to Mr. Justice Harlan of the |
supreme court of the United States.
In discussing the Wilson law and
its interpretation by the supreme
court, he would not, of course, ex
press an opinion on any pending mat
ter of legislation. Mr, Justice Har
lan said that under‘this law a man
is protected in his, right to order
liquor for his own use from outside
of the state, to have it delivered to
his door, and to 'use it, 80 long as
does not interfere with the rights otl
He was quite positive that the. po
lice powers of the state could not at
tach to the liquor shipment at any
point of the journey, either inside or
outside the borders of the state. The
states, he said, might under their po
lice laws, forbid the importation of
diseased food supplies, infected cattle
or any article that would endangerl
the health and morals of the people.
But, he. pointed out, liquors were still
considered, under the federal consti
tution, legitimate articles of com
merce, and as long as they were SO
considered they could not be made
contrabrand by the states.
This declaration of the venerable
jurist, who has sat on the supreme
court bench for thirty-two years, wul
be a.blow to those who believe that
congress can give to the state power
conferred solely upon congress, under
\he constitution; or, in other words,
can authorize a state, in the exercisel
of its police powers, to seize a ship-,
ment of liquor which a citizen is im
porting from another state for ‘“con
sumption, storage and use.”
Asked if the legislature of a state
could, in his opinion, pass a law mak
ing it illegal for a person to have in
his possession, even for his own use,
a stated supply of ilquors, Mr. Jus
tice Harlan was inclined to the belief
that a state legislature could not limit |
the amount of liquor a man might
have on hand.
The power to regulate interstate
commerce is lodged by the constitu
tion in congress. Liquors have all
along been, and are yet, regarded as
legitimate articles of commerce. Until
the protection granted liquors under
the interstate commerce clause of the
constitution is specifically withdrawn, |
no state has the right to seize and
condemn such shipments, This is the
reasoning of Mr. Justice Harlan.
He said the Wilson law of 1890 did
not interfere with the right of a citi
zen in any state to have liguor ship
ped to him. Furthermorex the liquor
must be actually “delivered.” If a
citizen of Georgia, for instance, can
order liquor from outside the state
and receive it to his own use—and
here comes the extreme point in his
argument—he declared it as his be
lief that the officers of a state could
not afterwards step in and seize such
shipments, even under a state law.
For a state law, to authorize such an
interference, he thought would be un
constitutional. :
While a state may not at present
interfere with a citizen’s right to
have liquor in his possession for his
own use, it unguestionably has the
right 'to prevent the sale, keeping at
one’'s place of. business for the pur
pose of sale or giving such liquor
away to induce trade. . |
As to the question of C. O. D. ship
ments, or the introduction ‘of liquori
into a dry state in original packages,
Mr. Justice Harlan said the interstate
commerce character of such ship
ments and the protection thereby en
. joyed, ceased the moment the liquor
was received and became mixed witn
{he mass of goods in the state. When
the original package was broken up,
the liquor could not .then be sold
_without violating the law
Straus Will Go Back to Turkey,
Other Changes.
Washington, D. C.—~Oscar S. Straus,
formerly secretary of commerce and
Jabor, has been selected for ambas
sador to Turkey, and W. W, Rockhill
for ambassador to Russia,
Mr. Straus was twice before min
jster to Turkey. :
He succeeds Ambassador Leish
man, who goes to Rome in place of
Lloyd S. Griscom, who has expressed
a desire to come home, t
New Inland Body of Water Has Eye
. less Fish. j
Silver Lake, Ind.—At a point three
miles southeast of this city on the
. line between Kosciusko and Wabash
~ counties, a'subterranean lake has
" purst its confines and has submerged
" the highway to a depth of twenty
feet and for a distance of more than
one hundred yards. People who trav
eled the road the evening before its
appearance noticed no indications of
the break, but early travelers next:
morning were confronted with a fair
sized lake, where the solid road had
been just a few hours hefore. The
new-born lake is alive with eyeless
fish. R el RDR i B
"“fl" ‘J\\\
f -
‘ [ w«
acts almost immediately on the Gastrie
Juices and gl\'u the stomach tone and
strength to lrelt almost everything that
has been {mt nto it. It soothes sore and
irritated stomachs that have been impaired
by physic and lu{nrloua drogs. We cannot
too urgently advise all persons who suffer
from any of the followlug symptoms to
try this remedy: Distress after eating,
hlontlu&l of tue stomach Rlning of the
food, aterbrash. Sowr Stomnch, Heart
burn, Loss of Appetite, Constipation,
Dizziness, Faintness, Palpltation of the
heart, Shortness of breath, and all affec
tiong of the heart caused hy ludls‘estlon.
We want every dlscouraged and despon
dent sufferer from Dyspepsia or Indiges
tion to cast aside all other medicine and
give thig remedy a trial. 1f it falls to
give satisfaction 1 will refund your mo
uey. MUNYON.
For sale by all druggists. Price, 25c.
Offers n complete course in TELEGRAPHY at half
price during the months of May and June Do a
little work for us in your locality, helping us adver.
tise end we will give you a free reholarship, good to
enter any time after Rept. Ist. Write quick, we need
you. E. R. RUDD, Manager, Abbeville, Ga.
| e e et e . A S P ee e
The man who thinks he is witty
gets a lot of self-approval.
There is a very simple and inter
esting chemical test by which to de
tect impurity in paint materials.
Thousands and thousands of people
all over the country are making this
test. It is a sure way to safeguard
against the many adulterated white
leads which are on the market. Any
one can make the test—all that is
needed is a simple little instrument
which can be had free by writing Na
tional Lead Company, 1902 Trinity
Building, New York, and asking for
Houseowners’ Painting Outfit No. 49.
The Outfit also includes a book .of
color schemes for exterior or interior
painting, or both if you wish, and a
set of specifications. No houseowner
should make any arrangements for
painting till he gets this outfit.
One can't expect a satisfactory
painting job without pure white lead.
There is a way to make sure you're .
getting a pure white lead—without
testing it. See that the keg bears
National Lead Company’s famous
Dutch Boy Painter trademark, which
is a positive guaranteeof purity. Your
dealer probably has this white lead.
If not let National Lead Company
know. L
“Teddy” has the lions on the run.
Temperance is a shining light which
scatters moral darkness,
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. )
F.J. CrENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him pertectly hcnorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by his firm.
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure istaken internally, act
ingdirectly upon the blood and mucuoussur
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Price, 75¢. rer bottle. Sold by all Druggists..
Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
There is usually more comfort in
getting ready to take comfort than
there is in taking it.
Try Murine Eye Remedy
For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes,
Granulation, Pink Eye and Eye Strain.
Mugme Doesn’t Smart; Soothes Eye Pain.
Is Compounded by Experienced Physicians;
Contains no Injurious or Prohibited Drugs.
Iry Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You
Will Like Murine. Try ¥t in Baby’s Eyes
for Scaly Eyelids. Druggists Sell’ Murine
at 50c. Murine Eyve Remedy Co., Chicago,
will send You Interesting Fye Books Free.
'l‘houéfi?fll?es the man; thought
lessne=s unmakes him, -
Certainty, Convenience, Economy.
Never has there been known a case
where Mitchell’'s Eye Salve has unot
given notable relief. A pure, harm
less salve for application to the sur
face of the eyelids; the simplest of
methods with‘WOndertul results. The
price, 25 cents, places it within reach
of all. Druggists sell it,
A whisper of gooed impulse should
thrust us toward the deed.
Hick’s CAPUDINE is the Dbest remedy—
relieves the aching and feverishness—cures
the Cold and restores normal conditions. It’s
liquid—effects immediately. 10¢., 25¢. and
50¢., at drug stores.
Regret is the stepping stone to a
man’s final galvation.
Ask Your Denler For Allen’s Foot-Ease,
A powder, It rests the feet. Cures Corns,
Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching,
Sweating Keet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen’s
Foot-lase niukes new or tightshoeseasy. At
all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Ac
cept no substitute. Sample mailed FREE.
Agdress Allen 8. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y.
- e t—e—hd—eucy to a broader culture
:is manifested in our metropolis.
% o 5 BRI R o Tt L A i g X
I s VT o T i ~“".‘,"}“"!‘(/":;'§" m\i,, -;h "(g’i‘,"" e | I 'r):;lv”{‘;}' iy "f"d;. "?"’(";;#‘
o P G sl
’ o ‘ . i T b Rt R Sy AR LT () TRG Al - RUSE R Re R T
X ¥ iW R ,f‘r g S ! RATAT RO oAy R U e, O 7 i "_(,‘-,";J.'.i( Daeh AR LR YB B le”‘i’"fa'r’,; k
i HERRY s I !“\ )AR PSR DP Ay I_:".‘,l‘)'s' n')l‘;,.«-‘}‘ 1 W) Ag B RR G gk s 1A Tk A it ;: ' l"“;“‘hmfi’
IB Qi LT R A IPhg ek ARN b UAL ' : 4 [l3 i 5 ARy O O
GO B 0 IR AR ] [ s ) e ;| VASE BUE BBt
|L i ' Rl eA RO Wi 1 ALhE Lt eBl !){' 43 P . .'.'4‘}'%'l.('l3: X 8
TN Y R ) ;AN e @ ‘B NaBNaM PPE BEY AEet BOF 05 aot
¢ ] " )hy NS 440 ‘ A *}'\ el NS . ¥ ! ;»',' :LRON )QL A %B & j‘vvl"‘f"<',fl"»x7§
o 4 s o i ] Nk iey ¢ vd . x «LG - 5 T 7 AR PR
‘ ‘ : v ¥ s fi A N e :’" BAi\ 2 ¥ 2 [Be-ic Jo 3) ¥3 o) ey ; o "CAR -"{, AT
SR : ‘ik L . bikß N ; : By W ey e Rt D TR e ;;.rt.')__'
Bl S""T “; |i ; : ‘ : A ;\i? v:‘/“““. GT o, . ) L ) ¥iy ‘._\ 2l et Rt |[Ral 3R Sy Nl YN i B
i . | i . 5 4ey ) 1 ; F. v & . R
Wl b e ] i s A 9 ; o : v »
(] ) },, » ] / . ) = : ) -
Bocauge of those ugly, grizzly, gray haire. " VUse *' LA CREOLE' HAIR RESTORER. Pricn, $1.,00, retail.
Itching Torture Was Beyond Words—
Slept Only from Sheer Exhaustion
—=Relleved in 24 Hours and
Cured in a Month by Cuticura, |
“1 am seventy-seven years old, and some
years ago | was taken with eczema from
bhead to foot. I was sick for six months
and what I suffered tongue could not tell,
1 could not sleep day or night because of
that dreadful itching; when 1 did sleep it
was from sheer exhaustion, 1 was one
mass of irritation; it was even in my scalp,
The doctor’s medicine seemed to make me
worse and 1 was almost out of my mind, I |
got a set of the Cuticura Soap, Ointment
and Resolvent. | used them persistently
for twenty-four hours. That night I slept
like an infant, the first solid night’s sleep |
I had had for six months. In & month L I
was cured. ~ Harrison Smith, Mt, Kisco,
N. Y., Feb, 3, 1908.” .
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp,, Sole Props. |
of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass. '
Kicking against fate doesn’'t help
any in the great moral uplift,
To Louisville, Ky., and Return, for South
ern Baptist Convention, May 13-20, 1909,
Via Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Ry,
Tickets will be sold May 10th to 18th in
clusive with return limit May 22nd, 1909,
Ciose connections at Atlanta and Birming
ham with all lines for Loulsville, BSee
ticket ng_e_!_xi_____________ '
Blessed is the man who remains |
gtrong in his faith, honest in his prin !
ciples and modest in his speech. For |
his life, Heaven must ever keep the!
gates unbarred. l
“Gentlemen:—For five weeks 1 suffered |
intensely from a bad case of LEczema, which |
covered my chest, stomach, back and both |
arms. After trying three physicians and |
one skin specialist, and by actual count |
twenty-nine different ointments and lo- ;
tions, I accidentally learned of Hancock's i
Sulphur Compound and Ointment. As | |
was willing to try anything once, 1 pur- |
chased a bottle of the Liguid and Oint- E
ment. The first application gave me in
stant relief from that awful itching in- '
flamed surface of my skin. 1 persistently |
used this remedy for one week and at the }
end of that time I had hardly a trace of
the eruption on my person. If any reader
questions this testimonial as not being
bona-fide and absolutely unsolicited, an in
quiry addressed to the address below en- ’
closing postage, will convince any one be- |
yond question. WARREN CU. GARES, i
“108 So. Ohio Ave., Columbus, 0.” |
Write HaANcock Liquip Surpnur Co., |
Proprietors, Baltimore, 2Ad., for Booklet. |
Sold by druggists. ;
Lacsk of a thing gives value to it. |
Phantom foes are most to be dreaded. |
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Svrup for Children |
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- |
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25¢ a t ottle |
Self-denial is a virtue which, carried l
too far, turns to spiritual egotism. i
Rough on Rats, unbeatable exterminator,
Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25c. |
Rough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq'd, 25¢.
Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25¢. |
Rough on Roaches, Pow'd, 15¢.,Liq’d, 25¢c. |
. Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c. i
Rough on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 25c. i
E. S. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N, J. {
~Many a man who has no show |
thinks he is the whole menagerie. I
Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or |
Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you. !
It’s liquid—pleasant to take—acts imwmedi- |
ately. Try it, 10c., 25c, and 50c. at drug |
stores. e e 1
Strength of character is far better
than muscular sirength, t
‘who keep Hamlins Wizard Oil in |
th'ghl?(s)fis:vl:io l‘noix: have to buy any other |
remedy for sore throat. No other. remedy l
will cure this trouble so quicklv or so |
surely. Remember this. ’
A long hair on a man’s coat never |
rests heavily on his conscience. 65
Tteh cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s !
Sunitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. t
Throwing stones from glass win- |
dows is just as dangerous. '
Rev. G. M. Gray Feels It a Duty to
: Speak.
Any person suffering with back
ache, urinary di§orders or other evi-
, B i’: v
g i i B
Fs .
sering from distressing lumbago I
took Doan’'s Kidney Pills and they
removed the trouble, including em
barrassing urinary ills. Doan’s Kid
ney Pills are an honest remedy, and
I feel it a duty to tell my experience,
though not seeking publicity.”
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The man with a sharp tongue should
mo wthe law 10 times before speaking.
dence of kidney trou
ble may feel the ut
most confidence in
the following state
ment made by Rev.
G. M. Gray, Baptist
clergyman, of Whites
boro, Texas: e
“l] am the happy
recipient of great re
lief from pain,
through using Doan’s
Kidney Pills. Five
years ago when suf-
!1 A Fq : ‘ l T|' l(3 :le Tl
| e e e . "
hes oKO l AT /aN
R L. ~ 5 AR
A (5“1 NI tfwe should be installed in ' {:‘Q g“:
‘: Q’J “fi..‘ | B the home of every L .«&
*S\‘ (4 |7 farmer in the South, because : - ! |
\.’4J i It keeps you in touch with the Lll:?d‘ W
' doctor. It enables you to watch T~
the market. It brings you closer to your friends. It runs
your errands, It protects your home.
Western “B “” T l h are the
Electric ,e €ep ONEeS Best
Our Free Bulletin N 0.102 on
How to Build Rural Telephone Lines
tells how you and your neighbors can, by cutting your own poles, secure
all the rest of the material necessary to build #e very best sysiem As a cost
- of about one-half bale of cotton each. ST,
i’r“-’éfi{_, & Cut out this advertisement, write your ,‘?‘ X
““ifl.".,flfi.‘.’;?f‘.' name and address on the margin, and mail (3 H
: ‘;‘*{g}{ at once to our nearest house, so that we can &
AN \ send you a copy of the bulletin, g &
Southern (Mfices
Atlanta Kansae City
Cincinnati Portemouth
Dallas Saint Louis
Indiarcapolis BSavannah
much needless pain when they delay using Cardui
for their female troubles. Cardui has been found to
relieve headache, backache, pain in the side and diz
ziness, arising from deranged organs. It does more
than relieve,—if used persistently,—many have writ
ten to say that it cured them.
' . )37
It Will Help You
Mrs. Maxwell Johnson, Tampa, Fla., writes: “Cardui cured
me after doctors and everything else had failed. I had been suffer
ing with numb spells ever since I was 16 years old. One day I
decided to take Cardui. I have now taken 5 bottles and I can say
that it has cured me. I advise all suffering women to give Cardui
a long and fair trial.” ' i
Mre. Johnson suffered vears. Have you? Do you wish to?
But why suffer at all? Take Cardui. Give it a fair trial. :
L HARK.».* o AR
In everr locality to sell to friends. Write at once for special terms to first person (n neighborhood
who will act as our renresentative. We have a special ?ropofiltlon to make you and it will pay
you to find out what it is. We shall not expect you to tell your neighbors about it.
National surgical fpstitut
ONI cutyival §RSHIULE
. ) e -
0 ! )
3 s «F 3
?& % (g g
"e W wdd 74
Th_is.lnstit,ntn Treats C]u‘b'F‘eet, Diseases of
the Spiue, Hip Joint, Paralysis, Piles. Fistula,
Ifemnu-_und private diseases, Hernia, Rheuma
tism, Urinary. Organs, etc.. dend for illus
trafed circunlar.
For 'Dyseuter‘y, Diarrhea, Summer Complaint and
other stomach troubles of infants, children and
adults, Put up in 50c¢. and 75¢. bottles.
P. 0. 80x2163, - - - NEW YORK.
o . 1 g
R >, This Trade-mark
2% @\i\ - Eliminates All
\ m;( > Uncertainty
s @ in the purchase of
¢ W B, paint materials.
;’}ffi,.ye{'&'fiu ‘lt is an absolute
FRaeeas a2y guarantee of pur
e oy ity and quality
iy %;‘ll @(} For youqr own
NS CAe—— protection, see
SRRt that it is on the side of
¥ cvery keg of white lead
), Yyou buy.
3 : 1802 Trinity Building, New York
manveskThompson’s Eye Water
The world’s oldest and largest tele.
shnna mannfacturer. There are over
,000,000 Western Electric Telephones
in use in the Tnited States to-day.
Rural Telephones & Speclalty
FOR G"ILLS Chronic Malaria, I'vpholld
and Uric Acid Polsons, ex
“celient Tonle Appetizer, i.iver Stimulant, Lax!
ative and Bowel Antiseptic. It needs only to
be introduced to sell. 1
‘fl‘ \\\t\""mfig
= ¢ =8 |
Has Your Dog Distemper?
: Fts . A sure and positive cure for thes die-
OB B CURE. Removes all symptoms. Cure is
SR KLY B\ certain and permanent. Get a bottle to
o [ g doy. At druggist’s; or, send to us for it.
B RO 4 Soc and SI.OO. Send for our free books
‘(‘. 3 \\\\ :1\:"-‘ ;3 let, “Dr. Cralt's Advice. 4 g
X 'fix"\ i\ Lafayette, Indiana
No AV NN : S ]
kif’;“ e\‘ 1 / -\\g—?‘. ml o
all T “_, gl o W -h-———‘”
WiEgag \“' e e l&( ol A
Biang ol . (WY TN ST [~
! H“i. 4 A ’ Y -
=l By - ¥/ Wglellewl
! noms i s - | !
e- R o B )
g gl b N - e
3!'3‘!%3& » & R
HERIETEL wvG i A & e
3?@ PN~ Adingasstt A anilt ol
H2N A B 32l g ¥
1B 805 N IT/ N e ip
AN o )}s’ RS IR
W 7 3 N Al y ATV ’\'_- W[ g
a,'/ "gD i 4“4 Y 4 ii" N\ WS
. Y B
fl £ i b 5 " "
;r T
4300 SHOES $350
$4.00 | The Reason I Make and Sell More Men’s $§3.00
and land $3.50 Shoes Than Any Other Manufacturer
$5.00 is because I give the wearer the benefit of the
Shoes. most complete organization of trained ex
s2.oo perts and ekilled shoemakers in the country.
and The selection of the leathers for eachpart of theshoe,
$2.50 Jand every detail of the ma,king in every department,
Shoes. |lB looked after by the best shoemakers in the shoe
Boys' industry. If I could show you how carefully W. L.
Shoes, Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand
SI.OO :lh’zx t::; g:ll‘grt:eii :hnpe, it better, and wear longer
3"‘%0. .14:v ,'{h(ut' of 7]nm'l'ng the Soles makes them Mere
. I«.rr.\'t‘u‘r and Fonger Wearing than any others.
.:in.oes ll{'ur Eyery Member of the Family,
Men, }‘py's, Women, Misseg and Children.
o 1 .\flh;{lly shoe de;:tlers.e]very where.
None genuine without W. L. Dougla#
fi&l!:];c!pz'gd!et:h\;r: e:;"ld ;n:x«-e sé:lmpecl on !hnn%m.
clusively. &
W.L.DOUGLAS, 167 SPARK sm%:r.r,“Bfigg?te'régifi?ngfm
Northern and Western Offices
Roston Philadelphia
Chicago Pittsburg
})«nvrr Saint Paul
Los Aynnlea Salt Lake City
New York Sau Francisco
Omaha Seattle