Newspaper Page Text
¥ News.
8. A, FAQKLER, Editor and Publy
~}mnf. PARKER, Asso, Editor
Entered as second class matter
March 1, 1004, at the post office o
Hazlehurst, Ga.
THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1000.
Officce - « - 211
Fine Wheat,
F Mr W, L. Reagin, who lives,
about one and:# hail miles from
this place, brought to our office
last Saturday two iinp stalks of
wheat, which he had taken from
his oat field. (me stalk was the
beared variety, and coutajned 85
well matured heads, and the
other was the common red; wheat
with 25 heads.
This demonstrates the fact
that wheat can be grown suc
cessfully in this section of the
country. This wheat had no
fertilizer under it at all, and we
dare say, it is as sing as you will
see in middle or north Gecrgla.
Sow wheat, farmers, so wheat.
And less we forget it, sow some
velvet beans also. This ig the
best forage in the world.
| The farmers of this county
could be the most independent
people in, the world, if they only
would be. But, you will never
be ingepéndent solong as you
plant moxe co‘gtox;, than you do
corn, wheat, sweet-potatoes and
sugarcane. Let these last arti
cles be your main crop, and your
cotton your surplus crop, then
you will have money to deposit
each fall in the bank, instead of
many of you,being forged to re
pew notes.
Closing Exercises. !
" The latter part of last week
was, indeed « busy time with
both teachers and pupils of eur
public school. Theclosing exer
cises began on Thursday night,
with the first, second and thied
grades. The little fellows de
monstrated that they had been
well trained sos this occusion, and
did exceedingly well in perform
ing theii respective parts.
Friday night the fourth, fifth
and sixth grades entertained the
large audience presence. The
music—both vocal and instrimen
tal—was very fine, and we think
that every one present enjoyed it
very much from the way they
cheered thé performers. j
On Saturday night the pupils
of Prof. Bennett’s yoom occupied
the stage. These were of the
eight, nineth #nd tenth grades.
They had on for the night a gen
vine play, entitled A Suit for
While we were inable toattend
this last performance, we have
heard notfilhg but words' of
praise for thos¢ who took part
in this play. | w
The building was packed every
night. ‘lhe closing exercises of
our public school was a grand
auccess in every particular, and
teachers and pupils are to be
highly complimented upon giving
the pattons, and the public at
large, such excellent perform
A Good Man Gone,
Alargeconcourse of friends
attended the funeral of the late
John McLeun last Sanday in
Douglas. He was born and
reared some fifteen or twenty
miles west of Hazlehurst, on the
Ocmulges river, in Coffee county.
He was a son of the late Archic
McLean, and his mother wis a
sister of D. M. Meßae, the foun
der of,the town of Meßue.
By industry and enterprise
he accumtlated a fortine esti
mated at & half a milllon dollars.
He was connected with every
big business enterprise in Doug
The bereaved wife isa daugh
ter of Murs. A. B. Latimer, of
tiis plaoé. The News sends a
wovd of decT cumpathy to all tie
féitrickel.;z,,;’,:}l}’. .
ORI Bk, Cuap:
0 the Saperio Court of said
Co’g:ty:: & iy |
e petmm of W. P Vonderau
of the county of Clarke, State of
Georgia, and A. T, Vonderau and
L.J. Vonderau, of the County of
Jeff- Davis, State of Georgia, res:
pectiully show?;‘)‘
That they desire for them:
selves, their associates, succes:
sors and assigns, tobecome in
corporated under the name and
style of Vonderau Mapufactur
ing Company. :
The term for which potitioners
ask to be incorporaied is twenty
years, with the privilege of re
newal at the en(%)oz that time.
The capital stock of the corpo*
ration is to be Four Thousand
($1000.00) Dollars, divided into
shares of Ong Huudred ($100.00)
Dollars each, However, petition~
ers ask the privilege of increas
ing the said capital stock from
‘time to time not exceeding in the
aggregate of Ten Thousgand
($10,000.00) Dol(m)rs. y
The whole of said capital stock
of Four Thousand (%4,000:00)
Dollars has actually been paid in..
) :
The object of the proposed'
corporation is pecuniary profit
and gain to the stock holders. |
Petitioners propose to carry on
a saw mill business, planing-mill
‘business and variety works, and
:to deal in ropgh lumber, dressed
lumber and building material,
with the privilege of operating
in connection therewith a com-|
missary, and dealing in builder’s
material of all kinds, hardware
and paints, buying and selling
for cash or on credit, all such
articles and things as are, usually
embraced in the saw-mill and
‘planing mill business, and all
'such articles and things as may
‘be profitable handled and sold
in connection therewith, acting
us General and Special agents
for other persons and companies
in selling and handling any ar
ticle or class of articles appro’
‘priate to a general lumber busi
ness or. usually or conveniently
connected therewith, and to
‘make coptracts and act as such
agent, and to exercise = the usual
powers, and to do.all other nec
lessury and proper acts, which
pertain to or may be connected
|lwith the business of retdil deal
ers and wholesale d=2alers in the
articles named, including the
business of buying and selling
leases on timber, and buyiageand
selling real estate. |
| (6) -
The principal ottice and place
of business of the proposed cor:
poration wiil be in the city of Ha
zlehurst, of said county and state
with a branch office of said busi
ness in the City of Athens, Clarke
County Georgia, with the privi
lege of other branch offices.
Wherefore petitioners pray to
be made a body corporate under
the name and style aforesaid, en
titled to the rights, privileges
and immunities, and subject to
the liabilities tixed by law. This
April 22nd, 1909, L
H. A. KiING,
Attorney for petitioners.
GEORGIA—Jest - Davis County,
Clerk’s Ormice Superior Court.
I, A. J. Herrington, clerk of
said court, do certify that the
foregoing is a true copy of the
application for charter of Vonde
rauMatufacturing Co.,as appears
of file in this office. :Witness my
hand and seal of office, this 27th
day of April 19C9.
Clerk Supépior Court, Jets Davis
County, Georgia.
GFORGIA—Jeft Davis County.
fhomas *H. Turner, a resident of
said state having duly applied to be
appointed guardian of the person and
propecty of Gladis Grier, and Ada A.
Grier, minors uvder the age of four
teen years, resident in said county,
Notice is hereby given that said ap
plication will be passea on at the
uext term of Court of Ordinavy for
said County. to be held on tue first
Monday inJune 1909, Witness my
hand snd official signature this 4th
day of Mdy 1909, i ’
S T T T S T S —
Money to Loan at 8, per cent
per annum, on farms.
Correspraden & lirank & So
Jis 2% Avgusia, Ca.
'tormpd-g last, between, F, F',
Bray’s and Hazlehupst, a watch.
Nickel case with Elgin move
wents. Finder will ¥sturn same
to Guy Hall, or the llews offiee
and be rewarded. Tlhiis May 11th
1000. * ¥ " 72t
'r, or ¢ doges 366 will cure any
case of Chill and Fever. Price 25¢.
| : ;
: 3 f
| The City Pharmacy,
§ W. T. PATRICK, Prop'r,
) Qg
: I carry a fresh and complete lize of
' Drugs and [ledicines.
Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc,
—Beautiful line of—
Elegant Ic¢ Cream and Soda Parlor,
: I live within a few steps of my drug store, and can
easily be called at any hour of the lliight by. those whq
tm:ay need medicine after Ihave closed.
Don’t Run
The risk of losing your rights bv net having
your Deeds and Mortgagés on Record. -
~ "“Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be Recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Courtof the County
where the land lies. Reecord may be
made at any time, but such deed loses its
priority over a subsequent recorded deed
from the same vendor.”==Section 35; 18.
“Mortgages on realty must be recorded
in the county where the land lies; on per
sonalty, in the county where the mortgagor
residesat time of execution.”=Section 27,26
I will re-record at half price any deed
recorded in the pld counties,
Yours for protection,
Peoples Drug Store,
__g&> TELEPHONE No. 7. L.
We handle nothing but the very hest and purest
All Prescriptions Receive Prompt and Careful Attention,
A complete stock of all Drug
Store Sundries,
Just receivad the prettiest line of Solid Gold Jewelry
ever seén in Hazlehurst before; and, you wiil
find our prices right, too. ;
We carry o fine line of STATIONERY of every des’
cription. When in need of writing material '
come to the
Pcoples Drug Sfore,
J. W, JARVIS, Pre.
~ ™ ’;«‘fl " *.x fi%z o~
30 \._W": _were th firat pair :
concern to offér ,Vsr-:l-h- dfl'flp
to housekeepdrs. Cambells Var
nigh Srain is origina)l first made
in ‘IBBB, and tod4y recognized as
the most satisfactory article of
the kind upon the market. Pes
ples Drugs. Store carries a com
plete stock,
PILES B oo o e
. shoop's Maglc Ointment
R a 8 el e
GRORGIA-Teff Divis Couniy,
1 -"“ o “ " m 'ruéh
day in June next, at public out
cry, at the court house in suid
county, withid the legal hours of
sale to the Highest bidder fer
cash, the fallowing described
property, to wit:
One hundyed'and Twenty {l2o]
acres of lot bf land number Five
Hundred and fifty six [6s6]in the
second District of Jefl Davis
County Georgia, levied upom and
will be sold as the property of
Ben Foster, to satisfy a tax fi, fa,
issued by W. J. Googe tax col
lector of' said county for taxes,
for the year 1908, Written no
tice given defendant in terns of
the law.'
Also at the same time. and
place will be sold one [l] acre of
lot of land number ['ive Hundred
and Eight [6CB] in the second
district of Jefl Davis courdty
bounded on north and east, by
lands of J. H. Boone, on south
iand west by lands of Mollie Mor?\
ris, known as the Dave Fryer
place, levied upon and will be
sold as the property of Dave
Fryer, to satisfy a tax fi. fa. is
sued by W. J. Googe tax collec
tor of said county, tor*state and
county taxes for the year 1905.
Written notice given defendant
in terms of the law.
Also at the same time and
place will bg'sold the following
property to wib:
(gne (1] towa lot in the town
of ehurst, containing four
[4] acres being part of lot of land
No, 502 in secupd distrgzt of said
cour.ty, kn‘owg as the D. L. Girt
man place, levied upon and will
be sold as the property of John
F. Gruber, adinr. to satisfy &
fi. fa. issned by W. J. Googe,
tax collector of said county. " °
Written potice given deferd
ant as required by law. :
Also at the same time place
will be sold t}}g following propei
ty to-wit;
Forty five [4s] acres of lot of.
land number Five Hupdred and
Forty One [s4l] lying in the
north east corner of said lot, in
the second districtof said county.
and bounded on east by lands of
Mr. Bryant Yawn, south and
west by lands of L. D. Stone, on
north by lands of J- Morgan Sel
lers, levied upon and will sold as
the property of Geo. W, Griftin
to satjsfy a fi. fa issnediby W. J.
Googe; tax collector of said coun-
LY. Written notice given defen
dant as required by law.
This the 4th day of May 1909,
: W. H. ELLs,
Sheyiif: Jeff Dsyis County Ga.
To W fiom it May Concern.
GEORGIA—-Jeff Davis County,
1 L. Cook, having made application
to meindue form to be appuinted per
manent Administrator upon the estate
of James L., Williams, late of said
counity, Noticé is hereby given that
said wpplication will be heard at the
regular term of the Court of Ordinary
for said county, to be held on the first
Monday in June 1909. Witness my
hand and official signature this Ird
day of May 1909.
Farming Impiiments for Salq.
1 hdve in my possession, and
am agent for same, one and twq
two horse Cultivators. = These
are great labor-saving machines
on the farm, and are the latest
improved and ‘are made .from
the best material. They also do
the very best work that can be
done, with farming impliments.
These machines can be bought
Within the next 60 days at actual
cost, for cash.
I have also, corn and cotton
planters, which will be seld at
gost, within the next 60 ddys.
~ Come and sec them, if you
need anything in this line.
& H. J. Fussell,
Hazlehurst, Ga.R. F. D, No. 2
5 i '&c:?
is printed for folks who want to
keep up to date on big things,
and who don’t want to be bored
to death while they’re atit. 1
So its chinks are filled with
good stories, good sentiment,
and good humor.
Read the publshers’ tolf this
month, 2! gow'il ee jush
whers we stand, &