Newspaper Page Text
- =—lts Up To You,————
,»:.3 ; § . ‘ ‘
. ‘ 3 .: o & : | " ; ..' \,'
__See This Tlachine. Read Our Offer.
B A $25.00
A S Lomie AN D
Rgy > - 2lNging Machine
RR T *W}m X W ‘Foa. i :
B e b L. PR o abh
e $2.98 Cash to Every Customer
. .= <= Whose Cash Purchases amount to $25.9 _
Call at our Store and hear the specially prepared Records of Bandi""’ gnd other instrumental Music, Songs, Stories, Recitations
2 Etc., 2ad asiiire yourself that, this is the .best&fig;cd.{%- @ - :
One Standdrd Talking Machine with Handsoime Flower Horn for $2.98 to. Every Customer .whose “Cash Puithases Awiounts 1o $25.00
e\ See and hear this wonderful ipstrument and learsi how easily you can obtain one. e s
I.AB . ; : :
. R~—The Old Reliable Grocerymen,—s .
AR & f & 5 ke EOD:
. .1‘;’11/' BB A L 1}?)4 Ss s o e ’ GEOQG[A'
Harrison Bottling - Works,
* Hazlehurstt, Ga.
of many different flavors,
Ginger Ale a Speeialty
We deliver Soda-Water or Ginger Ale at your
honze or place of business, in the city of Hazlehurst
at 30cts, per dozen, By the people of thistown buy~-
ing.from us they save freight zfiid drayage. And
again, it is a home enterpfise, and ywe earnestly solitit
your patronage. ‘ , |
You will find our Soda-Water and
Ginger Ale delicious. Let us bring
you a crate: =
~ Robert Harrison,
!; b Y T IV N ¥
iT'e Ouf Lady Friends #nd Cfifibmers: .
¢ i . e K
. We tike plpasure in afinoulcis'g, te you, that wo
;fl.av’. received sur Bprikg and Suskmpr Hats. Come
l}l sec’thei), they are levely. Ou.ssiprinfifi:fielilt
gtgg&s pléte to-merrew; FRIDAY, t'h'_;;{t?th, #ad 'i%
odfitinue for a few dfys. Olf lise of Miliksrj ar
xe. Wc'!fiagdlc notiing but the kegt> = = 2 |
We cordially injfin you to comtd. s
. Ceiling, Siding,
Moulding Columns Bi-ackets
et RAME S e
Plain;’ and Cabinet Manteis, "Sash
Door and Blinds, ahd all Kinds
of Syildirig ri‘gterjal. ;,gi
- All Work Quaranteeqd.
s ":‘ b ‘4 e\ * L
Prices Aade Gn‘Apphcatign.
e Y LT
Vonderau M’fy Co:,
. oodqrau‘m 1, VOV,
Hurrah For Rowlanc
J. T. R.Rowland is doing more
the peer, laboring class of pee
accerding to his ability, than:
one else in this country. He
just ¢tosad a deal for over o
acres of the best farming 'and
Jeff Davis Cesunty, and he offe
te cut it up in such size farms
a purchaser might want, a
sell it at a reasonable price
any ere, and on “2asy term
Should any ene wish to pay tt
cash dewn, Rowland is is pos
tien te make them a good and su
ficient title.", Hurrah for Roy
land. ad.-4¢%.
: W -\
s, Dealerin s
4 ‘
I have nowme bargains in dwe
ing 00use 5, also in vacant lots.
- .. .ash, balance;} terms t
Su. : 3
Haz lehurst;.» » + + » Gcorfi
Copys<ght, 1894, '5, "6, 1902,'¢ and 1909,
by W. G. Brownson.
Thoefollowing diseasos are caused by acid
in the blood aad are cured by this ring,
whieh takes from one day to two weeks, ofter the
ring commences to work; sccording te dieeure and
oiroumstances. The ring.and the ucid create ar
lecsre-chemical action. "emoving thé excess of
,Zcfit, which curoa the disease and wi.)l keep it cured.
Bright't Disease, Diansles--it is net a habit with
fg;ildmn. Chorea-.-4t. Yiius's Dance, Chlorosig---
Ireon S}ckww&--}’mm‘m nod Excessive Menth!y
Periods, 'romia, Baycopg, i’.‘iilo;\s:. Nervous Pros
tratisn., Nosobleod, ]ucqrgnf Tomorrhages, Ruin
lith-<»a stony concrotion “ormed in the nose---Ad
ne!dd, Po_l‘_v‘;al. Cataract, Coitre, Whooping-Oough
RBueumatisg---Inflaciziutay, Gont, Lumbago, Ar
ticylar, bcsa!,u_:. Muscular, A¢thma, heugche, Nen
ralgih, Nedritis, Valvular Rheumatism of INeart
Rhagaeatio Fever, Rbadimstic Paralygis---Brai
Al % : ew, Ears.Limbe, lin, Cperators, -R' write
Drofi,r. Obesity, FFawty Deprceration of "!Y\:an. A
peadicitis, Inflammation ci Powels, Chranic Dysen
sry, Apidity, of Btomach, which causes the wor
kind of oomstipation--thy éther kind is caused b
lives g;nu. Oancer..Carciznema--Cancercus I'u
mors. Uoagestion of Kidneys, Mtene in Biadde
Prunh"s_l. Gravel, (3al’ stenep. Calcwli. Depesit
‘Taopht, MWhite Bpote wuYh|'s, ;mriuil. Sult-rhewn;
Tariec®® :Veins awd Ulcers, V.rieoocels.-varieor
ve'ns (a tho ecevium--Varicore Veims and Uleers i
h\-u-'fl. & imisteken for silos and tiswere. ‘I b
fitor ol 1 L 1 DipLsheria, Nearlet, 1 phioid au
alag’al Verarw., This ring is not & mgo-nIL wil
Aot wupe liver “'fin and upne of the livar diresse
Price; Plain Ri2y ,3.’5 (hald-cov:.r;d autsid
NB. By Mail of fl& dvard oy Kxprees, Unliect @
‘otivsre. if you vi,}u’q.h lehzrges. s.'oUrnges’
es Mirse mooks Gx Q.? Rhing can i@ relvxz
@ meger re’nnaall, i 'l&uthh"xc‘," :
| R M l.rrfo" piook of ¥a !’_l‘l"fi&.hm. son
*ap o -Litiog sl jufedrlion. Not for'sale by jewe
weaor . W e, Agante wanipd at places not e
Bests ! 12235 Nearse 8., Toleds,
° N -—— ; oon - e - wq‘}
‘For sa and gusrsatesd by J.