Newspaper Page Text
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.. ——lltS UP 10 c
~.See This Machine.’ Read Our Offer.
| ‘~ e . 3 k *': 'fi"{”’ b - 2 \";j 4: :
) RN Y ey i AND i
;;?é,,;. - Singing Machine
A §2.98 Cash to Every. Customer
e W " "Whose €ash Purchases amount to -y .
Call at our Store and hear the spccialiy #r_eb‘;red Reécords of Bands andfi ét_bei" instrumental Muéic’. Songs, Stories, Recitati'on;
; . Etc.. qna assite yoursélf that thisis the best offered. - ~~ Ly
One Standard . Talkiag Maching with Handsoie: Hower fistn for $2.98 to Every Customer Whase Cash Purchases Amounts fg s2s.nd§
e afidr}fiéé} this vir'cnderful'i:fistrumcn‘ggarn' how easily you cat obtiin one. Lo |
..+ Jod. Franyer & Son,
. sf~~—The Olld Reliable Grocerymen,— .. .
AN ¢ " ¢ & B ! § . ' GEORGIA.
3 . " % AN .- . . \ . TN, N ERNNARN \ /
- RST e B RS TAN O Sod 3Rk 3 el i 7
- SEZS AP e W b et 2 PR T S SRRE R b NG S % -
{;,f,-‘)f%:i-, Ly g R N T 8« s %
7. #5515, < Itk N 13' P (47 RN LN ’),7 N R ',
v ’3‘7,_ P _"fi B . 5, 3 ¥ ¢ Keria 3
AP Rt ke ) e e 5 O -t .
RBNo2T S S i o .
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V%A o N . R Al e ' 7
4 P A . X / 2y et « 3, ;
S&Y&n®;B B ¥ 2 $ - .
K ¥ > P Y 2
g '7l E i W VAR ¢ p P R -
X o b Y 3 ! J - N N
70N 2 4 NN b LR L& *Ny 0t %) N N N Y V AN . X R,
ARTRNNNY \ ahhhxhhh\an Q) NN SRR RN \\ \}\ \\ .\ NS
. .Sy g A' -
. Tha Kind You Have, Always Bought, and wh'jchf'h&{.been
. im- use for over 3}! years, has borne the sigriatnze of
zi,} P s 80d has beeni mado under kig.per-
LA LD &;fi/ 2 ;sonal supervision since its infagcy.
| | TR A 4, SRR - Allow no one todegeive you in fhis.
t | All Counterfits, Imitations and ¢ Just-assgood”’ are byt
| | Experiments that trifle with and éndangsr.the health of
* ‘lnf:‘ntl an‘d’ Children -Experience against’ Experiments”
*__l’ QY’ /m« . "-,;; x g ; Y
el .. Y wdlc ® o .
4 What'is CASTORIA =
' " Castoris is o harmfess subatitute for’ Castor Ofl, Paiss:y
f” goric, "'X_)nops and Soething Syrups. It is Pleasant, i’b',‘"
. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other N“M,Y
. substwxncr. Its age is its guarantis,” It destroys Wornis
and allays Feverisiness, It curgs.Dinrrhoes and Wind
Colic, It relicves T?_ething Troulles, cures Oonsfilmti"fl' Y .
and Flatulency. .It assimilates the Food, reguliites thic }- :
Stomach and Bofircfi#{ giving healthy and natural sleep. ;
%he Ghildren’s Panacca~The Mother’s Frionds: ‘
R ' Igen ; ;
ety g 9 Boars the Signgture By
"a, ‘/ ;,‘, : : - 2 \ ¥ 6,‘;:% .
B (7. W P s
: ".;_ o 8 “\\: ‘ ’ ,x‘~ . e, » . .;“ :
The Kind Youc3ave Always ot
~The kindYou:Have Alwdys
T o T Tol : . .
.» HUn-Use For-Bver BY Yeafs. &=«
il a 0 fllp cinrava ;fiunu.":';\fi BuYknavy mifl‘m?.'...m '/. 4‘: 8 .
et etd, BO O 'L
A 2% "'-71-;'l.'. {
Y‘dtz}”‘.aining;agm tiénE” GdR be
touctiad up ap ;-_tefini%d with
Camp Hell’s Fla?‘t Finisk arid ' the
Fesultgvill b 2 vety sf)iffactery.
Pooples, 1) rug Btotd catiiés a full
line ot NI #lZe tans and, tlié man:
’'\s > @ = ) '
Flooring, . =
‘”Q,.. }’ Yo 0 g |
. ~.Geiling, Siding,
ffopldmg? COL}%lmflg Braé%kets
t ' o ‘
Plain;, ad Ciibinet Miitels,” Sush
- ‘Door #id Bl inds, arid alf Kinds
: ¢f Bui' Iding [laterial.
bl 7 e B LRSS |
© At Wortkk Guaranteed. |
b AT TR %)
T/ o ‘ Lt gl Y *_ b 10
Prics Mad on Appllcatmfl
- Hurrah Fer Rowland
J. T. R.Rowland .s'deing more
‘the peer, laboring ciass ®f peo
‘accerding to his ability, than:
one else in this country. He |
iJust ciosed a deal for ever 2l
‘acres of the best farming land
Jes Davis County, and he ¢ffe
te.cut 1t upin such size farms
a purchaser might want, a
sell it at a reasonable price
any ene, and on eazy feru
Sheuld any one wish to pay tl
cash dewn, Rowland is ia po
tion te make them agood and s
ficient title. ;3 Hurrakh for Ro
land, Y
;¥ ) o
k ‘;‘ : 4
oA !
# Dealerin s
I hove sorue bargains iA dwe
ing__, aoupss, alse in vacapi, lots. |
v.,] ash; balance;! térms i
o :
s2L 4 :
Hax feharst,"s » 7 » 7 Georgi
os.; C i '
. TRADE-MARK, E-€. . :
Eopyright, 189355, '6, 1902,'¢ and fyod, B
. &y W. G, Brownsen. i 1
Wbl bt sl
whieh takes frcm one day %0 twe w " after th
ripg commenoes t *of.k: according “&&t #n
oifcumatagess. The ring dnd the u‘& to w
gitgerabiaion goion, Siselon, g 8 Mo
pf'ight'i gliluané' Diabetes--it is not .f.‘it rtd
children, wha -3t.. Vitus's Danoe, ‘ b
Green Bickmest-:Painfnl and Escessivo 'Menth!
Porivds. Utemia, SBnyoepe, liiloul. Nervows
tiation. )lo_ub‘le}‘. {nqml emorrhages; *“Rhi i
lith.--a_stony po&rnloq formod 1“ the nowe.:-A idy
avids, Polypus: Cutaraet,. Geitre, Whooping- 14
Rieumatism-.-Infammafory, @eut, Lum o 4
tieular, fiolnic.’ }?n:hr; Asthma, Roada 'T‘m
ralgih, Mewritis, ¥alvular Rheumatism of:
llfu’ asie Fovef, Rheuinitio Paral*ai.--- raing
Aal o, !h_n.hbmbn. Pon, Operators, rwfl
B TLI b Bt
B iy, ot Bicwinah, which seuses \ao weey
kind of comstipation-ahe other kh&h ennsed i
livonw. Cancer Carcinema-- mz'- Tw
merf. “Caggestion of ?N"Y'- 53-0 i add
Prestatitis. Gravel, Gall-stenes, eull, Lnfl
‘Teswk: W h;p. Bpstk on Nails, Peorigsis, Balt-rhew
gl v, S
R wm.-of l&fi kea Ig“;ildtz‘ Goure. ‘Th4
m%@"o?o' )i hh'o:f‘{ #hr}l‘
l.‘&'é"r‘.m:e G 220 &R noke of (NG 1174 divenaes
i A o SAR
,09. By
Deliverv, if you wish 40 pay oks 3 bt g ¥
}:'A e h-.r1‘0?.“ r.g'.’:f o
dorsdditioval faformation. Kot for ssle by jpuet